THRIVE - Spring/Summer 2015



River Roots Skills School catalog of classes

Citation preview

Skills for joyful living and a sustainable world


Spring/Summer Class Line-upPAGE 6

Rhubarb RefreshersPAGE 21

Home Energy BasicsPAGE 22

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& G

















Toll Free 888.800.9558 (MN, WI or IA) or 507.467.2437 | riverrootsschool.org2

SkiLLS foR

Connect with your joy and your values. Build community. Meet practical needs.

Every Day


News 4 Classes 6 Events 17 Recipes 21 Neighbors 22 Support 24Our Home 26

RIVER ROOTS SKILLS SCHOOLAffiliated with Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center

Empowering individuals to live and lead a balanced life in a sustainable world

ExECutivE DirECtor: Jerome “Joe” DedenCoursE CoorDinator: Cheryl Krage

28097 Goodview DriveLanesboro, Minnesota 55949888.800.9558 (MN, WI or IA) or

To connect or receive more copies of this magazine...CaLL: 507.467.2437

EMaiL: info@riverrootsschool.orgWhen finished, please recycle by passing this to a friend.

Funding for printing and distribution provided by Carl & Verna Schmidt and Arlin Falck Foundations.

CovEr PHoto: April is prime time for burning native prairie in the upper Midwest, to stimulate growth and keep woody plants from taking over. Here Emily Hughes works with a team to safely burn restored prairie at Eagle Bluff.

at LEft: Virginia North’s skilled hands shape a winning pie at Lanesboro’s Rhubarb Festival.


Toll Free 888.800.9558 (MN, WI or IA) or 507.467.2437 | riverrootsschool.org4

Friends of the Root River is now collaborating with Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center and the River Roots Skills School to offer a river adventure and chance to learn first-hand about the area’s animals and fish, karst landscapes, water quality monitoring, river history, and more. There will even be an chance to get your feet wet!

A date has not yet been set, but the event will take place on the river at

Eagle Bluff this coming summer. To participate or learn more

contact Eagle Bluff at 507-467-2437 or email To connect

with Friends of the Root River

contact Donna Rasmussen at Fillmore County Soil & Water Conservation District: 507-765-3878 ext. 3, or email

ECotourisM in fiLLMorE CountyRiver Roots Skills School is working with partners and funders to evaluate ecotourism opportunities in Fillmore County, to benefit local communities and as a potential model for others to follow. Our next large informational meeting will be held on Wenesday June 10, 2015 starting at 7pm in Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center’s Discovery Center Auditorium (Room 20). Please join us if you have an interest in ecotourism!

f.E.a.s.t. Puts foCus on LoCaL fooDs On November 2-3, 2014 a collaboration of organizations, agencies, and businesses hosted FEAST, a regional local foods festival and tradeshow in Rochester, MN. River Roots Skills

> Building resilient lives and communities one class at a time


root river

friEnDs of tHE root rivEr — a vision for tHE futurE!Looking to create beneficial connections between land, water, and the people of the Root River Watershed, a group of interested and enthused residents recently formed Friends of the Root River. They’re now working to become a non-profit organization with the mission of engaging citizens to protect, restore, and appreciate water resources in the Root River Watershed. The group’s focus is education, advocacy, connecting with other groups and organizations, and engaging citizens in activities and programs to benefit the Root River Watershed and its people.


School participated in this event, which showcased the best local food producers and makers in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin, and was the first of its kind in the region.

FEAST Local Food Network is a partnership of organizations, businesses and individuals committed to growing a sustainable, local, and regional food system in MN, WI, and IA. The goal is to innovate so current businesses flourish and new ones become established. FEAST’s goals are to: 1) link entrepreneurs to information and business expertise; 2) increase entrepreneur access to financial support; and 3) increase and strengthen regional connections.

Stay tuned for updates on a FEAST festival in 2015!

rHuBarB fEstivaL... witH a twist of grEEnby Stephanie Davidson One of my favorite times of the year is early June because it means warm

weather, summer and Rhubarb Fest! I had never heard of rhubarb before moving to Lanesboro, MN and I, like many others, have fallen under its delicious spell.

Rhubarb is a perennial plant that grows back year after year in temperate climates. It is known for its large green leaves and colorful red and pink stalks.

The stalks are a big deal!!! They allow for amazing cooking and baking—which you can taste at Rhubarb Fest. The tasting contest is at the top of my list of favorite Rhubarb Festival activities. After I’ve had my fill, I like to check out vendors with rhubarb themed booths, play rhubarb games, and listen to the sweet sounds of rhubarb music.

For those of us who like to work up an appetite, there is also the rhubarb run.

It’s held at 8am, before the rest of the festivities begin at 10am. Now that I have you hooked on Rhubarb Fest, I’ll share even more exciting news: Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center/River Roots Skills School is coming to the Rhubarb Festival! I love being involved in the Lanesboro community, and when I saw an opportunity to be part of Rhubarb Fest, of course I jumped on board! For the 2015 Rhubarb Festival Eagle Bluff will have a booth with information on recycling and composting. We are adding another ‘twist of green’ to the festival, so to speak, by ensuring all attendees have the opportunity to recycle and compost at the event. Plus, if you want to learn more about growing and caring for your own rhubarb plant, be sure to stop by our booth! Hope to see you there on Saturday June 6th in Lanesboro’s Sylvan Park.

storM watEr sPEakEr sEriEs fEaturEs skiLLs sCHooL instruCtorSara Sturgis, Skills School instructor and education director at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, recently took her composting show on the road to Cascade Meadow Wetlands and Environmental Science Center in Rochester, MN. The presentation was part of the City of Rochester’s storm water education program. Sara encouraged participants to incorporate composting into household routines in practical ways, with emphasis on the benefits of composting, composter types, site selection practices, and simple ways to make composting “fast” and easy. Storm water managers encourage composting because it improves the health of our soils and increases the rate at which water soaks into the ground. Who knew making dirt could help clean up dirty storm water!

> Building resilient lives and communities one class at a time

Eagle Bluff garden & composters

root river


Toll Free 888.800.9558 (MN, WI or IA) or 507.467.2437 | riverrootsschool.org6

ExpERiEnCE AMiSH BREAd BAkingCo-sponsored with Lanesboro Local

MARCH 14, MAY 16, JUnE 13, JULY 25, AUgUST 15 > 9am-1pm Amish Instructor

Ever wonder what it would be like to live without electricity and modern conveniences? Learn how to bake bread in a wood stove and make but-ter in an Amish home. After the bread is baked and the butter is made, you will enjoy freshly made bread and but-ter with a pot of tea. Take home a loaf of fresh baked bread and witness how life without electricity is possible.

CLASS fEE: $50


noTE: The Amish do not allow photos to be taken or names to be published.

Gather at the Eagle Bluff campus by 9am and you will be transported via 14-passenger van to the Amish home.

SpinnER fiSHing MARCH 14 > 8:30am-12:30pmWayne Carrigan

Some of the best fishing in Minnesota is in Southeastern Minnesota? The land that glaciers ignored? You bet! We will discuss the opportunities available to anglers in southeast Minnesota, license requirements, techniques and equipment. We will then put that knowledge to practice by casting a spinning rod/reel. The class will finish with learning how to build your own inline spinners. A kit will be provided that contains enough components to build 10 of your own handmade spinners. The Plano box that contains the components will then be used as your starting spinner tackle box!

Wayne Carrigan and his wife Carol live south of Chatfield on the banks of the Root River. Wayne is a software engineer at IBM.

His true passion is fishing. Besides living on the Root River, Wayne and Carol have a cabin on a lake north of Bemidji, MN where they love to fish for walleye and are close to great musky fishing. They have turned their passion for fishing into Root River Lures, LLC. Wayne enjoys talking fishing along with sharing his experiences and knowledge.

CLASS fEE: $40


WinTER SURvivALMARCH 21 > 1pm-5pmBrent Anderson

Stranded on a remote country road. Falling through thin ice while ice fishing. Lost and disoriented during a weekend hunting trip. Winter in Minnesota can be fun and exciting, but it can turn into an emergency very quickly! Every year over 1,200 people die from cold-related injuries. Don’t

be a statistic! Through hands-on teaching by an experienced outdoor instructor, participants will learn basic survival

strategies including:

emergency shelter-building, fire skills, selecting the best clothing and equipment, how to build an emergency survival kit, and first aid treatment for cold-weather injuries. Have fun, gain important knowledge and skills, and be prepared for the next “Polar Vortex.”

Brent Anderson has led backpacking trips in Australia, Central America and Africa, and mountaineering/back-country tours in the Santa Monica and Northern Sierra mountains. In addition to being a certified Wilderness First Responder, EMT, and First Aid Instructor he is also an avid travel and outdoor enthusiast and is always looking for the next great adventure!

CLASS fEE: $40

noTE: 2-3 hours of this 4-hour class will be held outdoors.

River Roots Skills School Classeshands on!

BACkYARd CoMpoSTingMARCH 28 > 1pm-5pmSara Sturgis

This class will (literally) dig in to practical ways of incorporating composting into your household routines. We will go beyond the benefits of

composting to focus on navigating the numerous composter types, site

selection practices, and simple ways to make composting ‘fast’ and easy.

Included in the class: making your own small-scale worm or bin style composter.

Sara Sturgis has been involved in a number of composting projects since 2006, primarily designing and coordi-nating Eagle Bluff’s mid-size food scrap composting program. Her goal is to make composting simple and practical for all types of homes.

CLASS fEE: $40


RAin gARdEn inSTALLATionMARCH 28 > 9am-12:30pmMegan Duffy Moeller

Are you looking for a way to draw more birds and butterflies to your landscape? Do you want to spend less time mowing your lawn? Join us to learn how retaining the rain can make all the difference! This class will cover the basics of rain garden functions, the benefits of long rooted and native plants and the importance of managing storm water on site. Participants will practice aspects of planning and designing a rain garden including: conducting a percolation test, assessing the landscape, and determining rain garden size.

Megan Duffy Moeller is storm water educator for the City of Rochester. She has spent more than 10 years in environmental education and has worked at facilities around the country. Megan has taught adults, youth and families both in a classroom and outdoors. Her educational background includes a Bachelor of Arts in Biology from St. Olaf College and a Masters of Environmental Education from Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia).

CLASS fEE: $40

March14 | Spinner Fishing with Wayne Carrigan

14 | Experience Amish Bread Baking

21 | Winter Survival with Brent Anderson

28 | Square Foot Gardening with Audrey Alfson

28 | Rain Garden Installation with Megan Duffy Moeller

28| Backyard Composting with Sara Sturgis

28| Make Your Own Herbal Tea with Jane Peck

april11 | Creating Copper Wire Trees with Ivan Gilbert

11 | Paint and Libation with Joan Finnegan

11 | Seed Starting for the Mindful Garden with David Cavagnaro

18 | Deep Nutrition with Gary and Christine Engstrom

18 | Sewing on a Treadle Machine

25 | Growing Shiitake Mushrooms with Joe Deden

25 | Hot Processed Soap with Karen Schmidt

25 | Sustainable Home Tour

25| Food Drying with an Attitude with Mary Bell

May2 | Amish Pie Making Class

2 | Zen Meditation with Shoken Winecoff Roshi

2 | Intro to Trout Stream Fishing with Jeff Broberg and Rich Enochs

Class list continues on page 9...

Skills School classes are practical and conversational. Friendly instructors provide hands-on experience for success with home, school and work projects.

Look at those carrots!“It made such a difference to enrich our soil! At River Roots I learned to set up a better composting system so nutrients get into the soil quicker.”


n to

f sh

for trout! PagE 12


photo: Justin


classes continued

MAking HERBAL TEAMARCH 28 > 1:30pm-3:30pmJane Peck

This class will be about creating and tasting a va-riety of com-binations of herbs, fruits and spices for teas and recording our reactions. We will fill our own tea bags with a favorite to take home. Experience some native plant teas: mint, hyssop, nettles, sumac and learn to recognize them! We will also make some Chai (not herbal) and Moroccan Mint.

Jane Peck has been exploring the native plants on her land in rural Lanesboro for 28 years. Since moving to the land, she has focused on preserv-ing both native and garden produce. She and her family healed the eroded land and now have thriving wood-lands and prairies. They have remodeled the old farmhouse with unique low energy-use features.

CLASS fEE: $20


SqUARE fooT gARdEningMARCH 28 > 9am-11amAudrey Alfson

Have you always wanted to garden but didn’t know where to start? Are you afraid of all the work involved in digging and tilling and weeding? Do you just not have enough room for a garden? Never fear! Square Foot Gardening is here! In this fun and informative class with Audrey Alfson from the Houston Community Garden

you’ll learn just how fun and easy gardening can be. Audrey will share her success in the community garden with you and amaze you with how much

food you can grow in a small space.

Audrey Alfson is a former high school teacher turned health coach, freelance writer, professional volunteer and home schooling mom. She is passionate about discovering and sharing ways for people to experience the joy, self-sufficiency and amazing health from eating the best food ever. For the past six years she has been the creative force and director of the Houston Community Garden, which grows food for the local food shelf, area seniors, garden volunteers, and anyone else who might be hungry.

CLASS fEE: $25


CREATing CoppER WiRE TREESCo-sponsored with Lanesboro Local

ApRiL 11 > 12noon-3pmIvan Gilbert

With a twist and a bend here and there, a bundle of copper wire soon becomes art. Your hands and a simple tool pay tribute to one of nature’s most recognized and appreciated life forms...the tree. Tools will be available during class as well as the copper wire for your hands-on experience with this unique art form. Methods of making several variations of foliage will be taught and demonstrated.

Ivan Gilbert, co-founder of the Old Bank Art Gallery in Whalan, MN has 15 years experience creating tree

sculptures using copper wire. In that time, Ivan has developed

several ways to represent various delightful tree types and foliage. He enjoys the fun of sharing this hobby with

others and has taught small classes at the gallery. He has

also written a 25 page booklet called “Making Copper Trees”.

CLASS fEE: $30


Toll Free 888.800.9558 (MN, WI or IA) or 507.467.2437 |


SEEd STARTing foR THE MindfUL gARdEnCo-sponsored with Lanesboro Local

ApRiL 11 > 9am-12noonDavid Cavagnaro

A gardening session with garden expert, David Cavagnaro, about wisely starting seeds for your garden. David will share about gardening

for wellness of body, mind and spirit. There is much to learn about harmony and sustainability in our gardens. Participants will plant selected tomato seeds for your own use-seed planting schedule included. Your garden can feed you—body and soul! David Cavagnaro is a renowned gardening expert, widely published nature photographer, writer and teacher. Founder of the Pepperfield Project, a non-profit organization located in Decorah, IA, David promotes the health and development of body, mind, and spirit through food and gardening in harmony with nature. Pepperfield Farm is an education center focused on wellness and the choices that support sustainable food systems.

CLASS fEE: $40

pAinT And LiBATionCo-sponsored with Lanesboro Local

ApRiL 11 > 2pm-4:30pmJoni Finnegan

Paint your own treasure with local Award Winning Artist, Joni Finnegan. This painting class is designed to be a fun, relaxed experience...even for those who have never painted. Students will be guided through the process to replicate the featured painting. Plenty of time to socialize. Expect lots of laughter and go home with a finished painting to treasure. Libations will be available.

Joni Finnegan is a talented, award winning artist and an experienced professional instructor whose home & studio are located in the country near Lanesboro, MN. She has been painting her whole life and teaching art in a number of creative ways for years. Joni’s teaching has included classes in many settings for students of all ages. Painting with Joni Finnegan is fun and affirming!

CLASS fEE: $35

noTE: No artistic skills required

May2 | Everything Chickens with Kit

Van de Mark

9 | Prairie Eco Tour with Scott Leddy

9 | Cheese Making for Novices with Teresa Cerling

16 | Experience Amish Bread Baking

16 | Make a Saami Friendship Bracelet with Liz Bucheit

30 | Writing in the Outdoors with Emily Stein

30 | Foodies in the Forest with Brent Anderson

30 | Orienteering with Colleen Kannen

30 | Ecotour Sampler with Jeff Kamm

31| Birding Basics with Jeff Kamm

June13 | Experience Amish Bread Baking

13 | Taxidermy 101 with Colleen Kannen

13 | Trout Fare with George Spangler

20 | Permaculture with Beverly Sandlin

27 | Make a Saami Friendship Bracelet with Liz Bucheit

27 | Making Jams and Jellies with Naomi Fruechte

July 11 | Saving the Monarch Butterfly with Stephanie Rathsack

11 | Fuzzy Creatures - Felting for the Young at Heart with Courtney Bergey

25 | Experience Amish Bread Baking

25 | Herbal Enlightenment with Bonnie Kreckow

august8 | Bobwhite Quail Field Day with Thurman Tucker

8 | Fossil Hunting in Fillmore County with Beverly Sandlin

15| Experience Amish Bread Baking

15 | Minnesota Grown Color with Libby London

22 | Birding Basics with Jeff Kamm

23 | Ecotour Sampler with Jeff Kamm

29| Amish Pie Making Class

29 | Canning Your Tomato Harvest with Naomi Fruechte

29 | Seed Saving with David Cavagnaro



classes continued

SEWing on A TREAdLE SEWing MACHinECo-sponsored with Lanesboro Local

ApRiL 18 > 9am-1pmAmish Instructor

Does a human foot powered treadle sewing machine appeal to you? Come learn about the treadle sewing machine from an expert. You will have hands-on experience making a pot holder! This class will be taught in an Amish home.

CLASS fEE: $50


noTE: The Amish do not allow photos to be taken or names to be published.

Gather at the Eagle Bluff campus by 9am and you will be transported via 14-passenger van to the Amish home.

dEEp nUTRiTionApRiL 18 > 9am-5pmGary & Christine Engstrom

This class is an introduction to the nutritional wisdom and food preparation practices of the pre-industrial small family farm, and how we have lost much of this knowledge. This loss, replaced by modern industrial foods, has contributed to the modern epidemic of non-infectious chronic illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease and obesity—collectively known as metabolic syndrome. Cooking demonstrations, hands on activities, food sampling (including a lunch of foods featured and prepared during class) and information sharing will get you started on taking ownership of your own nutritional journey.

Christine Engstrom has a MDiv degree and is interested in the intersection between spirituality and health and how eating is a spiritual practice connecting us to the earth, one

another and the wisdom of the universe. Gary Engstrom has a MEd. degree in science education. He is interested in diet, nutrition, and other lifestyle choices in the management of health and the minimal use of both over the counter and prescription drugs.

CLASS fEE: $80 (Lunch is included)


gRoWing SHiiTAkE MUSHRooMSApRiL 25 > 8am-12noonJoe Deden

Are you interested in growing one of the most popular mushrooms consumed world-wide? This class will help you get started and send you home with knowledge, handouts and an inoculated Shiitake log to experiment with. During the class you will learn: how to select Shiitake logs—what tree species work and don’t work; choosing your spawn; equipment needed; moisture control and more! Class will begin with an introductory presentation and then relocate to inoculate logs and talk about growing and marketing considerations.

Joe Deden is the Executive Director of Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center in Lanesboro Minnesota. The love for nature and giving that opportunity to children and adults has been Joe’s life mission. He believes we have to share our passion for nature with others, make it infectious and something everyone wants and does. Joe has been growing Shiitake

mushrooms for 30+ years.

CLASS fEE: $40


Toll Free 888.800.9558 (MN, WI or IA) or 507.467.2437 |

“Make the most of what you have.”

SUSTAinABLE HoME ToURApRiL 25 > 2pm-6pm

Ever wondered what it would be like to live in a more energy efficient home? Are you considering either building a new, more energy efficient home or remodeling your current home to make it more energy efficient? If yes, this tour is designed for you.

The tour will consist of: 1) New construction (see page 25)

2) A straw bale house, complete with viewing ports and recycled windows and all the creativity that straw bale homes encourage

3) A deep energy retrofit home that documented a 78% reduction in energy use to become the 9th home in the 1,000 Home Challenge.

All three homeowners will join the group for a casual picnic afterwards, for continued in-depth discussions.

CLASS fEE: $45 (includes dinner)

HoT pRoCESSEd SoAp MAkingApRiL 25 > 9am-12:30pmKaren Schmidt

Hot processed soap making is an alternative method of making soap from scratch allowing for better utilization of essential oils in the final product. Although considered an “advanced” soap making class, basics will be covered so that even beginning soap makers can attend and all will be

empowered with the knowledge and skills to make their own hot processed soap. You will find this class interactive and open for discussion with

questions & answers. The hot process soap making will be demonstrated from start to finish with fun samples to take home.

Karen Schmidt is a member of the Soap Makers Guild and has 11 years experience producing soy candles, soaps, air-fresheners and body products. She handcrafts her products on her southeast Minnesota family farm. Karen sells her wares at local farmer’s markets as well as through Schmidt House Candle and Bath.

CLASS fEE : $40


food dRYing WiTH An ATTiTUdEApRiL 25 > 1:30pm-3pm Mary Bell

This class will provide you with information so you can become

more self-sufficient by simply drying food. To best understand the drying process, you will have the opportunity to taste, touch, feel and see a wide variety of dried foods. As a result of engaging your senses, the food drying process is demysitified. By drying food you will save money, practically eliminate

food waste, and further embrace the concept of sustainability. It’s about having access to good food. Food drying minimizes the miles food travels

and reduces waste.

For over three decades Mary Bell has promoted food drying throughout North and Central America. Her books include; Dehydration Made Simple,

Mary Bell’s Complete Dehydrator Cookbook, Just

Jerky, Jerky People and the latest, Food Drying with an Attitude.

CLASS fEE: $25



“These are insightful classes for living well, held on the beautiful campus of Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center in rural Lanesboro, MN.” - Lori Slindee


classes continued

inTRo To STREAM TRoUT fiSHingCo-sponsored with The National Trout Center

MAY 2 > 9am-1pmJeff Broberg and Rich Enochs

Learn the three basic methods for catching trout in coldwater streams. Natural baits, spinners and plugs, and fly-fishing tackle will be used to pursue fish on the Nine-Hole Fishing Course on the South Branch of the Root River in Preston, MN. The course will include basic knots, accessory equipment, stream safety and expert advice on ‘reading the water’ to reveal the wherabouts of feeding trout in a free-flowing stream. Special Requirements: Valid Minnesota fishing licenses are required, along with Trout Stamp certification. These will have to be purchased before you can fish the river.

Jeff Broberg and Rich Enochs are life-long anglers and enthusiastic Minnesota stream trout fishermen.

CLASS fEE: $40

noTE: This class will meet at the National Trout Center in Preston, MN.

AMiSH piE MAking CLASSCo-sponsored with Lanesboro Local

MAY 2, AUgUST 29 > 9am-1pmAmish Instructor

We all love pie! Learn the ‘how to’s’ from an experienced Amish baker. Create two seasonal pies from scratch using a wood stove and sample the results with coffee. Not only will you gain insight into the Amish lifestyle, you will create a warm and tasty memory.

When you sign up for the class please let us know what type of pie is your favorite!

CLASS fEE: $50


noTE: The Amish do not allow photos to be taken or names to be published.

Gather at the Eagle Bluff campus by 9am and you will be transported via 14-passenger van to the Amish home.

zEn MEdiTATionCo-sponsored with Lanesboro Local

MAY 2 > 2pm-4:30pmShoken Winecoff Roshi

Looking for more serenity in your life? Experience the benefits of meditation. Shoken Winecoff, founder of the Ryumonji Zen Monastery will explain the fascination of Zen meditation and

a bit of its history, then lead participants through a 20 minute guided session in meditation. Come quiet the mind and find a

lasting feeling of calmness. Zen is not a religion, but a practice that encourages connection and compassion with all people and the earth.

Shoken Winecoff Roshi is the founding abbot of Ryumonji Zen Monastery. He’s a Dharma Heir of the late Dainin Katagiri Roshi, founder of the Minnesota Zen Meditation Center in Minneapolis. Shoken also received formal training at Zuioji Zen Monastery and Shogoji Zen Monastery in Japan from 1989 to 1992. Since that time he has devoted himself to establishing a Soto Zen monastery near Decorah, IA.

CLASS fEE: $25

Toll Free 888.800.9558 (MN, WI or IA) or 507.467.2437 |

inTERESTEd in SHARing YoUR ExpERTiSE? Contact us via phone - 507.467.2437, email -, or through our website -!

“Teaching classes at River Roots Skills School is a chance for me to share my passion with like-minded people. I find the participants genuinely enthusiastic in learning my skill, which makes my experience teaching very rewarding and the class time highly interactive. RRSS did a great job of organizing the class and marketing, making my job easy and fun. Eagle Bluff provides an atmosphere which naturally leads to a desire to live life more empowered.” - Karen Schmidt

CHEESE MAking foR noviCESMAY 9 > 1pm-4:30pmTeresa Cerling

You will learn how to make two cheeses, mozzarella and ricotta. Your instructor Teresa Cerling will talk about different kinds of cheese and the different methods used to make them. She will also discuss the importance of the right milk and will have handouts with sources for buying supplies.

Teresa Cerling lives in rural Fillmore County with her husband and daughter. She started making cheese about 20 years ago when one daughter had a cow milk allergy. They got a few goats and milked them. To use up the excess, she started making cheese.

CLASS fEE: $40


A ConvERSATion ABoUT CHiCkEnSCo-sponsored with Lanesboro Local

MAY 2 >10am-12noonKit Van de Mark

Want to know more about successfully raising your own chickens? Come join a roundtable discussion about all things chicken led by Kit Van de Mark of Hy View Organic Feeds. Kit has solid practical knowledge to share of how to best raise chickens in our region. She will share a variety

of her resources. Hy View Feeds is an independent certified organic feed mixer and processor of non-GMO products, with 26 years dedicated to creating quality livestock feeds. The session includes a tour of the facility to learn more about organic and non-GMO feeds.

Kit Van de Mark is the go-to person for practical answers regarding raising a variety of livestock. Kit, owner of Hy View Organic Feeds near Mabel, MN is one of the region’s few organic and non-GMO feed producers with decades of experience. She has provided significant advice to new and not so new poultry growers near and far.

CLASS fEE: $25

noTE: This class will meet at Hy View Organic Feeds in Mabel, MN.

WHERE THE BUffALo RoAMEd ToURMAY 9 > 10am-2:30pmScott Leddy

It has been said that a man riding his horse would have to stand

in stirrups to see over the grasses of the great prairie which stretched east to Pennsylvania, west to the

Rockies, north to Alberta, Canada and south to the

Mexican border. That’s a lot of grass my friends! On this four

hour prairie tour, we will visit two distinctive prairie types. First, we will visit a bluff prairie remnant and get to know the many aspects and species present on the site. The second stop will be in a black oak savannah where a whole different set of flowers, grasses, trees, lizards and birds inhabit their own unique habitat. Make sure to bring some binoculars along!

Scott Leddy works for Meadowlark Restorations, which is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to restore, document, educate, and preserve the last remaining natural areas in Southeast Minnesota’s Bluff Country.

CLASS fEE: $48 (a box lunch is included)




classes continued

WRiTing in THE oUTdooRSMAY 30 > 9am-12noonEmily Stein

Have you ever wished you had the right words to describe that spectacular sunrise or winding river? Now you can! Join us for a morning of exploration as we visit Eagle Bluff’s scenic landscapes, stopping along the way to gain and practice observational and writing skills. These skills will not only enable participants to become better creative writers, but better observers and communicators as well.

Emily Stein is a naturalist at Eagle Bluff who enjoys creative writing in her spare time. She minored in creative writing with an emphasis in poetry at Washington University in St. Louis and has had three poems featured in collegiate journals. She has also received an award for her poetry from the Academy of American Poets.

CLASS fEE: $40

SAAMi fRiEndSHip BRACELET CLASSMAY 16, June 27 > 9am-5pmLiz Bucheit

The serene and dramatic landscape of northern Scandinavia is the land of the midnight sun, northern lights and the Saami, a nomadic group that follows the migration of the reindeer. Traditional Saami jewelry incorporated elements of the landscape—softened reindeer leather and sculpted antler. In this course you’ll explore traditional jewelry techniques of triple braiding coiled pewter wire and sewing finished braid to a reindeer hide strip. A reindeer antler button finishes the bracelet.

Liz Bucheit creates jewelry and body adornment inspired by Scandinavian folklore and myth. A goldsmith for over 30 years, she holds a Master’s degree in metalworking and jewelry from the University of Iowa, and has trained in traditional jewelry and metalworking techniques in Ireland and Norway. She has exhibited widely and her bridal tiaras and wedding jewelry are collected. She owns and operates Crown Trout Jewelers in Lanesboro, MN.

CLASS fEE: $75

MATERiALS fEE: $95 payable to instructor at class.

foodiES in THE foRESTMAY 30 > 8am-12noonBrent Anderson

Discover nature’s free grocery store! From fresh and tender fiddleheads to spicy angelica and even stubborn dandelions (if you can’t beat ‘em, eat ‘em), the forests and valleys of southeastern Minnesota can provide a plethora of palatable plants. After learning how to identify local edible species and exploring their fascinating culinary, medicinal, and natural history, we will prepare a delicious meal using plants gathered entirely on-site. It’s fresh, local, organic and fun! Participants should be prepared to explore off-trail areas.

Brent Anderson spent his childhood exploring the rivers and forests of western Wisconsin. An alumni of UW-Stevens Point, he has been working in Environmental Education for almost 10 years and enjoys teaching others about beautiful southeastern Minnesota.

CLASS fEE: $40

Toll Free 888.800.9558 (MN, WI or IA) or 507.467.2437 |

BLUffLAndS SAMpLER ECoToUR MAY 30, AUg. 23 > 9am-12noonJeff Kamm

The Blufflands Sampler Ecotour is an easy walk through the woods. This tour allows participants to experience nature in a personal way. An experienced guide will point out wildflowers, edible plants and look for different bird species that inhabit the woods. Your guide will also be pointing out fascinating geologic formations of the Driftless landscape and you will tour Eagle Bluff’s restored tall grass prairie.

Jeff Kamm is trout fisherman, outdoorsman, conservationist, Eagle Scout and advocate of ‘keeping it local’. On the tour, Jeff will offer information on Driftless geology, wildflowers, Eagle Bluff’s restored prairie and the history and culture of Bluff Country.

CLASS fEE: $40

oRiEnTEERingMAY 30 >1pm-4pmColleen Kannen

Would you like to be able to find your way around the woods using only a map and a compass? Reading a topographic map, understanding contour lines and utilizing compass skills will be essential skills taught in this class. After plenty of inside practice, participants will be challenged

to navigate their way around the woods of Eagle Bluff to locate control points. No experience is necessary and all supplies will be provided. This is a great opportunity

to learn a new skill, get some exercise and have fun!

Colleen Kannen is the Eagle Bluff Adventure Education Coordinator. She is an Ohio native who’s been at Eagle Bluff since 2010. Her favorite MN activities include rock and ice climbing, running, floating the river, and saying “you betcha’.

CLASS fEE: $40

BiRding BASiCSMAY 31, AUg. 22 > 9am 12noonJeff Kamm

‘What kind of bird is that?’ is a familiar phrase you hear when you’re our walking around in nature. This tour is for the beginner birder and

anyone who just wants to enjoy nature. We will walk the trails and circle the

restored prairie and see if we can spot some of the beautiful birds that live in

Bluff Country. On the bird walk we will discuss keys to bird identification and answer

questions you have about birds.

Jeff Kamm is a fervent birder and has 30 years of birding experience. He is a trout fisherman, outdoorsman and conservationist. Jeff is also an Eagle Scout and an advocate of “keeping it local”.

CLASS fEE: $40



classes continued

TAxidERMY 101JUnE 13 > 1pm-4:30pmColleen Kannen

Preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals is an art form that has been around for thousands of years. This class serves as an introduction to the craft in which you will learn the basic techniques involved with taxidermy. After a brief introduction to the craft, you will get a chance to practice on a mouse to prepare a mouse rug or stuffed mouse. All the equipment and mice are provided and you get to keep your mouse! Don’t be squeamish; most participants find the process far less gruesome (and messy) than they thought!

Colleen Kannen is the Eagle Bluff adventure education coordinator. She is an Ohio native who’s been at Eagle Bluff since 2010. Her favorite Minnesota activities include rock and ice climbing, running, floating the river, and saying “you betcha’.

CLASS fEE: $40


TRoUT fARECo-sponsored with The National Trout Center

JUnE 13 > 9am-1pmGeorge Spangler

Explore the world of aquatic invertebrates that sustain trout in the coldwater streams of the Driftless Area. Learn about the bug that can walk on water and jet-propelled dragonflies, all a part of the eclectic cuisine that sustains trout in southeast Minnesota streams. Take a field trip to capture aquatic arthropods, and identify specimens from the major groups

of invertebrates. Features of the life histories of juvenile and adult insects will be explained and some of the special adaptations allowing insects to

live underwater will be described and/or demonstrated. George Spangler, Prof. Emeritus of the University of Minnesota since 2009, has done research and taught courses in fisheries, fishery science and aquatic ecology since 1964. His research has taken him from California and Oregon to the Great Lakes and northern Midwest, including projects in Alaska, Siberia and Minnesota. A life-long angler, he enjoys all kinds of fresh and saltwater fishing with a special interest in fly-fishing for stream trout. CLASS fEE: $40

noTE: This class will meet at the National Trout Center in Preston, MN

pERMACULTURE ToUR JUnE 20 > 1pm-5pmBeverly Sandlin

At Whispering Winds, Spring Valley, you will tour a permaculture landscape that includes edible, medicinal and pollinator gardens all incorporating the permaculture principles of no waste, water recycling, no pesticides, companion planting, compost creation, mulching, raised beds, keyhole gardens and vertical gardens. Fruit trees, fruiting bushes and edible flowers are incorporated into

English-style gardens, Koi ponds retain rain water and solar energy is used to light the evening landscape. Free range chickens roam the gardens as insect pest control and everything is in the city limits!

Your guide Beverly Sandlin is a Master Gardener with 40-plus years of homesteading—sustainable living—experience and was the coordinator for the Southeast Minnesota Sustainable Farming Association. She hosts the website Grandmabevseducationaltours.

com to promote sustainable living, environmentally sound gardening practices, and the sciences through fossil education.

CLASS fEE: $40

noTE: Class will meet at Whispering Winds, Spring Valley, MN

Toll Free 888.800.9558 (MN, WI or IA) or 507.467.2437 |

Lanesboro Local PartnershipLanesboro Local, a regional non-profit organization, has helped secure and develop instructors for past and upcoming River Roots Skills School classes. This has been done to assist regional entrepreneurs with promoting their products in creative and interesting ways. Lanesboro Local develops and markets classes with the goal of increasing enjoyment and use of local resources.

This work by Lanesboro Local has been made possible by the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation. To Learn more: Email: Call: 507-467-2944.



Dinner on the BluffMarch 7 | 5pm | Eagle Bluff Campus

“Bluff Country Inspirations” - Artists from Lanesboro Arts Cost: $25 early bird/$30 week of event Pre-registration is required

Maple syrup festMarch 21 | 10am-2pm | Eagle Bluff Campus Cost: $5 per person, kids 5 and under free No reservations necessary

Dinner on the BluffApril 11 | 5pm | Eagle Bluff Campus

“Mysteries of the Driftless” - George Howe M.S., M.E.P.D, Executive Producer Cost: $25 early bird/$30 week of event Pre-registration is required

Dinner on the BluffMay 2 | 5pm | Eagle Bluff Campus “The Return on Character” Fred Kiel Ph.D., Exec. Director KRW Research Institute Cost: $25 early bird/$30 week of event Pre-registration is required

summer High ropes ChallengeJune, July, August | Tuesdays at 1pm; Saturdays at 10am and 2pm | Eagle Bluff Campus

Cost: $25 per person. Ages 10 & up Pre-registration is required

Eco adventure weekendJuly 10-12 | Eagle Bluff Campus

Ages 18 and up. Cost: $380 per pair Pre-registration required

Eagle Bluff summer CampsPre-Registration required

• June 21-26 | Wildlife Encounters Cost: $435; Entering grades 6, 7, 8 & 9

• June 28-30 | Firearms Safety Cost: $130; Entering grades 5, 6, 7 & 8

• June 28-July 1 | Wet & Wild Cost: $350; Entering grades 6, 7 & 8

• June 28-July 1 | Junior Adventurers Cost: $320; Entering grades 3, 4 & 5

• July 5-10 | Forkhorn I Cost: $350; Entering grades 6, 7 & 8

• July 12-17 | Survival 101 Cost: $425; Entering grades 5, 6, 7 & 8

• July 12-17| Survival EXTREME Cost: $425; Entering grades 7, 8, 9 & 10

• July 17-22| Pedal & Paddle: Root River Cost: $425; Entering grades 6, 7 & 8

• July 17-22| Forkhorn II Cost: $425; Entering grades 6, 7, 8 & 9

Everyone’s welcome at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center events. Come meet people who share your interests, have fun, and connect with our staff, neighbors, collaborating partners and sponsors. For more information on these events please visit


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Put us on your calendar!

Toll Free 888.800.9558 (MN, WI or IA) or 507.467.2437 | riverrootsschool.org18

SAving THE MonARCH BUTTERfLYJULY 11 > 9am-5pmStephanie Rathsack

Studies have shown that the monarch butterfly has declined nearly 90% in the last twenty years and may possibly go extinct within our lifetimes. Through hands-on activities and an outdoor data collection session, we’ll learn about monarch ecology and life history, how to raise your own monarchs, how to set up a waystation, collect data, and much more! By the end of the class, each participant will be a certified Monarch Lava Monitoring Project volunteer and will have the skills necessary to help save this amazing animal.

Stephanie Rathsack, an avid photographer and enthusiastic nature lover, got her start in Environmental Education at a very young age. Volunteering at

Springbrook Nature Center at just ten years old, she quickly discovered her true calling. Stephanie graduated from the University of Minnesota in 2014 where she was able to work at the Bell Museum of Natural History and at the Monarch Lab conducting research. She currently works as a Naturalist Fellow at Eagle Bluff. CLASS fEE: $83 (lunch is included)

noTE: Optional—You may purchase your own monitoring kit and bring it to class. - $35.00

MAking JAMS & JELLiESJUnE 27 > 9am-11:30amNaomi Fruechte

Learn the principles of making jams and jellies. You will go home with strawberry jams made by three methods: adding commercial pectin, long-boil and freezer. You will make jelly using commercial pectin. By making these jams and jellies, you will also learn the principles of boiling

water bath canning. The supply fee includes all ingredients, jars and the Ball Blue Book: Guide to Preserving.

Naomi Fruechte graduated from St. Olaf College with a degree in Home Economics Education. She earned a Master’s Degree in Adult Education from the University of Minnesota, worked for University of Minnesota Extension Service in Houston County for many years, and is now retired. Naomi has taught food preservation classes in Extension and Community Education. Her summers are spent in her garden and kitchen, growing and preserving produce.

CLASS fEE: $40


fUzzY CREATURES - fELTing foR THE YoUng AT HEART JULY 11 > 9am-12:30pmCourtney Bergey

The process of needle felting with wool is very simple and fun--come learn with us! In this class Courtney will lead you through the basics of needle felting, which uses barbed needles to condense and shape wool roving. You’ll learn how to make basic shapes, add detail and create fun sculptures based on Courtney’s designs. Your materials fee will cover a beginner’s kit (including a felting pad and several needles) and a generous heap of colorful wool.

Courtney Bergey grew up on a farm outside of Lanesboro and returned to the community after graduating from Luther College in 2012. She works as Director of Advancement at Lanesboro Arts during the day, teaches children’s art classes after school, and moonlights as ceramic and fiber artist.

CLASS fEE: $40


noTE: Age with Adult 12+

classes continued


AUgUST 8 > 12noon-4pmThurman Tucker

You are invited to participate in a half- day tour of successful bobwhite quail sites, to witness the effort to rebuild populations of what was once one of the most common game birds in southeastern Minnesota. At the Bobwhite Quail Field Day in Houston, MN we will have a chance to chat one-on-one with Thurman Tucker and learn what others have done to successfully keep bobwhite quail on their property or re-introduce them to new areas. Management techniques you will see include: covey headquarters, field edging, food plots and cover plants, nesting and loafing areas.

Thurman Tucker is the Minnesota Quails Forever State Coordinator

CLASS fEE: $40

noTE: Class will gather at the Eagle Bluff campus and be transported via 14-passenger van to the Field Day.

HERBAL EnLigHTEnMEnTJULY 25 > 9am-4:30pmBonnie Kreckow

What exactly are herbs and the practice of herbalism? What has changed this form of medicine throughout the centuries? Why was it banned in the 70s, and what brought it back to life? How is one trained to know of these plants? Are you a consumer of “herbal supplements”? What is the difference

between herbal supplements and medicine created by an herbalist? After our morning discussion about these magnificent plants we’ll spend the afternoon in the forest,

observing them, identifying them, and talk of their multitude of uses.

Bonnie Kreckow is a clinical herbalist working with clients from newborns to our esteemed elders. She is founder and formulator of an herbal product line “Simply ‘bee’ Natural” with over 45 products. She loves teaching and spreading the knowledge of plant medicine to others through various speaking engagements and her apprenticeship program. Her herbal practice and office is located in Winona, Minnesota.

CLASS fEE: $83 (lunch is included)

foSSiL HUnTing in fiLLMoRE CoUnTYAUgUST 8 > 1pm-5pmBeverly Sandlin

Collect fossils older than dinosaurs! At Whispering Winds, Spring Valley, you will tour collections of Gastropods, Cephalopods, Trilobites, Fisherites, Bryozoans and Brachiopods. We will then travel via your own transportation to a 2-3 site hunt within 7 miles of Spring Valley, to collect your own fossils— guaranteed! Bring a hammer and eye protection and reveal creatures that have never been seen before. There is always the chance that you could find ice-aged fossils, Native American artifacts, cold water agates, and geodes.

Beverly Sandlin is an amateur paleontologist and host of and a fossil adventure blog. She has lectured throughout southeast Minnesota on fossils and has hosted numerous tours and

fossil hunts.

CLASS fEE: $40

noTE: Class will meet at Whispering Winds, Spring Valley, MN

“I truly enjoyed the RRSS Class: ‘Felting with Wool for Beginners’ last weekend. I am an engineer by training, not an artist. But I really felt like one after taking the class taught by Courtney Bergey. Courtney provided three hours of fun. The class participants all went home with several projects they had made and numerous ideas for more. Great connections were made. Thanks for a fun and enjoyable morning!”

-Barb Mielke



Toll Free 888.800.9558 (MN, WI or IA) or 507.467.2437 | riverrootsschool.org20

CAnning YoUR ToMATo HARvESTAUgUST 29 > 8:30am-11:30amNaomi Fruechte

Learn to can tomatoes using both the boiling water bath method and the pressure canning method. Class will include the principles of canning, acidification of tomatoes, procedure for canning tomatoes and stewed tomatoes. The fee includes all ingredients, jars, and the Ball Blue Book: Guide to Preserving. You will go home with a few jars of tomatoes!

Naomi Fruechte graduated from St. Olaf College with a degree in Home Economics Education. She earned a Master’s Degree in Adult Education from the University of MInnesota. Naomi worked for the University of Minnesota Extension Service in Houston County for many years and is now retired. She has taught food preservation classes in Extension and Community

Education. Her summers are spent in her garden and kitchen growing and preserving produce.

CLASS fEE: $40


MinnESoTA gRoWn CoLoRAUgUST 15 >9am-5pmLibby London

Join us as we explore the fine art of growing, harvesting and dyeing with cold climate varieties of plants and flowers. Locally grown fiber and dye is gaining popularity as a skill-learn how to process the Indigo from the farm to create beautiful hues. By the end of class, you will have learned the basic techniques for cultivating your own dye plant crop and making dye from it. Fiber will be provided to experiment with so no need to bring your own!

Libby London has a degree in art and art history from the University of MN with a focus on environmental sustainability. She studied papermaking and printmaking, focusing on making handmade paper from flax and apprenticed under Cave Paper where they use Indigo and Black Walnut dyes for much of their work. Libby currently runs Sandbox Center for the Regenerative Entrepreneurship which incubates young farmers. She grows and manages a dye farm and works with beginning permaculture farmers as a Director of the Permaculture research Institute Cold Climate.

CLASS fEE: $75


SEEd SAvingCo-sponsored with Lanesboro Local

AUgUST 29 > 10am-12noonDavid Cavagnaro

Expert gardener David Cavagnaro of Pepperfield Project, Decorah IA, returns to share his best tips and techniques on successful seed saving. Learn how

to make the most sustainable choice for your garden by saving your own seeds. Class will cover techniques to optimally handle seed to retain high seed germination rates for a variety of seasonal vegetables. You will have a fun, hands-on experience!

David Cavagnaro is a renowned gardening expert, widely published nature photographer, writer and teacher. Founder of Pepperfield Project, a non-profit in Decorah IA, David promotes the health and development of body, mind and spirit through food and gardening in harmony with nature.

CLASS fEE: $35


Sweet time, with benefitsThe process of turning sap into syrup is one of the sweetest ways to celebrate the arrival of spring. Of course we all enjoy eating this versatile sweetener, but you can also sell it in local stores and share it with friends. It’s a great way to connect with people, earn extra money, and get outdoors.

classes continued

Rhubarb!Great recipes for a favorite local ingredient

Garrison Keillor’s “A Prairie Home Companion” celebrated rhubarb when it was broadcast live from Lanesboro a few years ago. Peggy Hanson, singing on stage as a one of Lanesboro’s Rhubarb Sisters, was asked about it by Garrison Keillor. “I think,” she said, “that rhubarb is a metaphor for finding happiness in your own back yard.” We agree! (And he was speechless.)

Frank Wright & Peggy Hanson


Mary Bell

photo: Joe Deden

rhubarb Juice/spritzerFrom Peggy Hanson & Frank Wright, who typically make 20 gallons of rhubarb juice every year and have close to 40 years of rhubarb cultivation, preparation & promotion between them

Most homemade rhubarb juice is made by simmering 2 pounds of cut up rhubarb stalks just covered with water, then adding 1⁄4 cup sugar. Sometimes ginger, vanilla, a handful of raspberries or strawberries are added. After 30 minutes the stew is poured through a sieve, cheesecloth or jelly bag and the resulting liquid is rhubarb juice. It can be enjoyed chilled or hot, mixed with sparkling water or various alcoholic concoctions. It will store in the refrigerator for a few weeks or can be frozen or canned.

We make 5-6 quarts of rhubarb juice by putting 12 pounds of fresh cut rhubarb or 16 pounds of frozen/thawed cut up rhubarb in a 10 liter Mehu Liisa juicer steamer, which sits on the stove and steam extracts beautiful clear rhubarb juice in about one hour. We frequently add 1⁄4 cup sugar to each quart of juice. Most people think this tastes pretty doggone good. We’ve come to enjoy rhubarb juice with no sugar. It’s an acquired taste and we particularly like it half and half with SodaStream homemade bubble water.

rhubarb Lace From Mary Bell’s book, “Food Drying With an Attitude”

This sweet treat is considered a leather, or as children know it, fruit roll-ups.

Cut rhubarb in 1-inch pieces to make 3 cups. Let sit 1 hour in a stainless steel pot covered with 3 cups of boiling water, until the rhubarb changes color. This eliminates some acidity so less sweetener is needed.

Drain water and puree rhubarb in blender in small batches. Add a little water or juice to get the rhubarb to blend. Then add 1/2 cup sugar, 3 strawberries, 1 tablespoon strawberry gelatin and 1/8 teaspoon ginger. Spread the puree on a lightly oiled food dryer leather sheet. Dry at 110 to 135 degrees, until the leather peels off easily.

Toll Free 888.800.9558 (MN, WI or IA) or 507.467.2437 | RiverRootsSchool.org22

5 Lessons From Passive House DesignRiver Roots Skills School neighbors John Gaddo and Nancy North recently built a home designed using Passive House principles. The approach fine-tunes passive solar design that sprang up in the U.S. in the 1970s, now using German-developed software to plan optimal window size, placement and shading to eliminate uncomfortable swings in temperature.

Adherence to core Passive House design principles (listed on the next page) and meticulous attention to air sealing during construction minimize energy demand. Eighteen grid-tied solar thermal panels have produced more energy than John and Nancy used during four of the first six months they’ve lived in the house. From mid-November into January, when the area experienced below

zero temperatures and a record number of cloudy days, usage was higher. “When temps bottomed out at 17 below zero and the mini-splits basically shut down,” says John, “the house was in the lower 60s. With sun that day, it easily warmed to—and stayed in—the upper 60s without the mini-splits. It’s remarkable!”




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5 Lessons From Passive House Design

1. Air SealingFew of us realize how much air flows through a traditional building. Rigorous air sealing eliminates invisible leaks. And blower door (pressure) tests reveal leaks during the project, while they can still be sealed.

2. InsulationChoose the R-value of your walls before you choose the paint color! Insulation provides great bang for your buck, and minimizing thermal bridging (temperature transfer) with foam sheets or advanced framing techniques is worth the investment.

3. OrientationTake advantage of free energy from the sun. Orient the building so windows allow winter sunlight deep into the house, and shades keep high summer sun out. Minimize windows on north or windy sides.

4. System SizingA Passive House can be comfortable all year with no air conditioner and minimal space heating. Energy modeling is used to determine what is needed.

5. Fresh AirA Passive House is sealed so well that it includes devices to fill the home with fresh air while not losing heat. This energy recovery ventilator can also make it possible to downsize other systems.


These practices create comfort and eliminate the need for a traditional furnace, even in Minnesota

This cold-climate solar greenhouse will be a teaching center for Skills School food classes and a lab for energy design.

The building will be powered and heated by the sun, with supplemental energy from on-site solar electric

panels. Surplus daytime


will be stored using phase change materials for release during the evening hours.

The facilities will include a super-insulated greenhouse, a work center for potting, transplanting, initial food processing and a root cellar for long-term storage of appropriate crops. Spaces for composting and soil preparation, equipment and materials storage, operations control and educational overview are also part of the plan.

in keeping with our mission, the plan uses best practices for energy


• Optimum solar orientation and sheltering

• Double or triple walled steep sloped glazing at south side

• Thermal mass and phase change thermal storage systems

• Super Insulation and insolation construction and


• Watertight, vapor permeable air-sealed


• Ventilation (natural and assisted)

• Local, durable, recyclable and renewable materials

• Healthy, low/no VOC content materials, no toxins

• Carbon neutral

Opportunities to ContributeNaming rights exist for: the building, the greenhouse, the headhouse educational center, the operations education center, and the overlook. All donors will be recognized on site and in appropriate printed materials. Talk with Joe for more information: 507-467-2437.

Toll Free 888.800.9558 (MN, WI or IA) or 507.467.2437 | riverrootsschool.org24


2015 Capture the Sun CampaignRiver Roots Skills School Food Lab & Classroom

River Roots Skills School Food Lab & Classroom


1. TAKE A CLASSMake a commitment to learn a new sustainable living skill!

2. TEACH A CLASSShare your knowledge with others!

3. VOLUNTEERHelp behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly!

4. MAKE A DONATIONFunding for facilities and equipment is the key to a successful program!

5. INCLUDE RIVER ROOTS SKILLS SCHOOL IN YOUR ESTATE PLANLeave a legacy gift ensuring the long-term availability of these classes for others!

6. PRACTICE SUSTAINABLE LIVINGThink globally. Act locally. Learn a new skill!

7. TELL OTHERS ABOUT USWord of mouth is our best advertising. Share our catalog whenever and wherever you can!

At River Roots Skills School we’re passionate about sharing skills that help individuals lead balanced lives in a sustainable world. We believe citizens can learn to live differently so they’re less stressed, more fulfilled, and part of a healing shift in nature and our culture.

If you share this mission and want to have a great time learning and giving, we invite you to join us! There are many ways to participate in this good work, so take a look at the list at right to see what fits. Then call, e-mail or write to us. Your financial gift is critically important and valued. And we want to hear your ideas for class content, new teachers, potential donors, and growing programs through collaborations with other organizations.

thank you for your interest in river roots skills school and sustainable, local living.

River Roots Skills School is an affiliate of Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, a not-for-profit corporation under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and all contributions to the Skills School are tax deductible.

How Can You Help?Help us expand our learning environment

Toll Free 888.800.9558 (MN, WI or IA) or 507.467.2437 | riverrootsschool.org26

Enjoy our campus and home in southeast Minnesota’s bluff countryRiver Roots Skills School is based at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, located west of Lanesboro, Minnesota on the Root River. Lodging for Skills School students is readily available at area bed and breakfast establishments, resorts, campgrounds and hotels. Ample recreational opportunities in the area exist for family members or extended stays.


REgiSTRATionCourse registration may take place by going online to or over the telephone 507.467.2437. Upon receipt of registration and payment, space in the se-lected course is reserved.

LodgingLanesboro, Preston and Harmony, Minnesota offer a variety of lodging options and are just a few miles away.

CAMpingChoose one of Lanesboro’s two municipal campgrounds, nearby Forestville State Park, or one of many private campgrounds in the area.

foodRiver Roots Skills School students are welcome to bring a lunch. A refrigerator is provided and coffee, tea and water are complimentary during on-site classes. If you choose to leave campus for lunch, nearby Lanesboro is home to a variety of restaurants.

RECREATionIf you love the outdoors, this is your place! Eagle Bluff’s cam-pus features nine miles of hiking trails that loop from Root River to bluff tops to tall grass prairie. River canoeing, kayak-ing, hiking, bicycling, birding, golfing and fishing are favorite local activities. Eagle Bluff’s campus is also known for dramatic ropes courses.


Lanesboro, Minnesota Chatfeld,

Harmony, Minnesota spring

Preston, Minnesota rushford,

Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning



the national trout







rivEr roots skiLLs sCHooLFIND

28097 Goodview Drive Lanesboro, MN 55949


from the East or west:

• Take State Highway 16 to Lanesboro.• Go north on Highway 250 (Parkway Ave) for about 1/2 mile until you are approaching downtown.

• Turn left on County Road 8 (Between Root River Outfitters and Mrs. B’s Inn) and travel 2 miles.

• Follow brown directional signs to turn right on County Road 21 (blacktop) and travel 1 1/4 miles.

• Turn right on Goodview Drive (gravel) and travel 2 1/2 miles to the Eagle Bluff Campus.

from the north or south:

• Take Highway 52 to Fountain.• In Fountain follow brown directional signs to turn east on County Road 8 and travel 7 miles.

• Turn left on County Road 21 (blacktop) and travel 1 1/4 miles.• Turn right on Goodview Drive (gravel) and travel 2 1/2 miles to the Eagle Bluff Campus.

Brand development, magazine design and content direction: NewGround, Inc. |
