Thomas Medien The Still Image



Portfolio Digital Media Arts

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My Still Image Portfolio

Self portrait on timer

Self portrait

Low light image long expposure F5.6

Shallow depth of field

Fast shutter speed 1/100

Light image

Colour Image


Line Image

Balance Image

Movement Image

Recreating an image by Lewis Wickes Hine

Recreating a magaizine cover

Human Identity

The Still Image Evaluation

For my portfolio I had to go about doing six photography task these included recreating images as well as going out with a camera and getting inspired to take my own images.For my third brief I had to pick a famous photographer and recreate one of his images. I chose Lewis Wickes Hine. The image itself was black and white and had him standing in a woodland area in a suite holding an old box camera. I add-ed filters and played around with contrast and exposure to give my recreation and a grainy effect like that of old 35mm film.Overall I was happy with my work on this brief but if i had a chance to do it again I would want to recreate a pic-ture with more objects in it.

When given the task of taking ten photos what I enitiely thought would be the easy art of the task turned out to be the most time consuming. Before starting this project I was under the impression that it was all about what was in the photo and how it told a story. But while doing the task I found that once I had found something of interest to photograph the angles and lighting in the shot played key rolls in helping me deliver the image to my audience in the way I intended. Whiles’t doing this project it felt like it was never ending as I kept changing my mind about what pictures to use but over-all I can say I was very happy with project overall.

I was very happy with my low light image as it came out much better than expected.Overall if i could redo any of my pictures it would be my self portrait using the self timer. I spent quite a while trying new shots and angles but at the end I can’t honestly say I was

happy with any of them they all seamed dull and unoriginal.

For my fourth brief I got given the task of taking an existing image and changing it. I chose a magazine cover from the fif-tee’s with a rather elegant looking women on it and added gold teeth, facial and arm tatoos to give her more of a rogue look. I felt that it was relevant as these days people can freely ex-press themselves with the ways they want to look and dress. It’s widely acceptable for women to have tatoos these days where as in the fiftee’s it would have been frowned upon. When ap-proaching my colour image I decided from the beggining that I wanted to get a picture of the sky. I went out on three different days but wasn’t happy with any of my images. I felt that to cap-ture the colours of light properly I would need to bracket my exposures, something that was very tricky to do when you’ve borrowed an slr off a mate with no instruction manuel. But in the end I got accidently got the picture that I wanted by playing around with different exposures.

The picture I found the hardest to get inspiration for was the line image as all I could think of were road lines or train tracks. In the end I decided to find a subject that was natural and stuck out in it’s enviroment. When I found my image I couldn’t take it at the angle I would have liked due to it being on a very steep hill, in an ideal world this image would have looked a lot different as i would have like to take the shot form the ground up.

When attempting my balance and fast shutter speed images I had a big stroke of luck. about twenty minutes before I was going to leave my house I got a call from a friend saying that him and two others were going out free running and if I’d like

to get any pictures of them. These images turned out to be my favourite as they turned out exactly as planned, I did feel sorry for my mate Max who had to about fifteen backflips before I was satisfied with the shot.

For my self portrait I didn’t want a picture with my face in it so I decided to try and shoot my image like a day in the life of Tom. I I chose to take this image while I was out doing what I do best in my free time. By looking at th picture you can tell what I was up to. The picture itself was hard to take as I was resting on a ledge about five inches wide which was three sto-ries above ground, it didn’t help when a bunch of drunkerds walked past and started shouting up at me.

Overall I really enjoyed my still image project as it took me out of my comfort zone and made me take pictures that I nor-mally wouldn’t take. If I had the chance to redo the whole pro-ject again it would be a very hard decision, as I feel that since finishing this project my approach to taking photos is totally different and I now have a broader understanding of general photography and will definetly putithe new things I have learnt into practice when i go out with my camera in my own time.
