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THJiI OAILI LHSPATOH.BY JAS. A. OOWARDIM.Th* Dally Dhpmrt Userved to w>nl>m

«t (IX awo * c twr* ran Will, payable totit* Carrier weekly. Price for mailing, *41 year laadvaae*.

ST Th« WMklr Dtipack totoaa«l mqrll*day, <?»<* """'ed to mbicntwn at ? ! paruna

TO THK PUBLIC.LAPtKft r.spr.cuu.v

TAKE NOTICE-NO HI'MBUO,I «b*li »ell from ihi* da;, April 2">th, until th« 22d

ol .Inly next,my entire atnck of Dry Oood* and fan-cy Articlea. con«Utlng of plaid find black Uiikr coPdReregr*: Ber*ge de Uinft; French Jaconet andLa trim; Ribbon* worked Band*: Sleeves; Collar*;Par*»ol«; Swi»n. check *>»d dotted MoaUaa; corded and<r*M Skirt*. Mantillar, blick tilk Mat.; hi*h andFrench Linen*: farmer'* Linen; Hnea aod cottonPant,rfoff; Stocking*; a targe awortmentof Dome#,tie* and ?errant*' war. and various other article* toomimernu* to mention, which nave Wen bought var*low in the Northern markota. at COST PRICK "Hiereamn ofwl'iog off my new ttoek of Good*ATCOSTi* the following:

Two week* »«o 1 meved in thehonse 1 now occupya* which time the rentof it waa <WW>: but the land-Icid ha* je»t r*i*ed me to \u2666**?, and therefore I madenp my mind to Mil oatat co*t to rednce my dock andto remore.

( I write the attention of the public, also countrymerchant*. to oall before purchasing elsewhere, andI **»u*e you all that come will be tally satisfied withwhat they buy

%Come one, coma all, and judge forvmirselves. at No. 23 Main street, three door* aboveih. [market bridge. I. ROSENHEIM,

up 25?Iro*IAJIK!* H. S.niTII.A«KMT KOK JOHN?( BOUCHER?I hereby give notice, that having

purchased the stock of FRUITS, CONFECTIONA-RY, TOYS, icc.. including the LAGER BEER SA-LOON *nd it* anparte nance*, io the store lately JAMES B. SMITH and wife, on the northaidr of Broad street, between Firat and Adam* st* ,I hive appointed laid J. B. SMITH my Agent, tocar-ry cn **id Store; but to buy and *ell, on my icoount,eolely for cash. Thectock will he kept up bv me,and the old customer* and the public genenlly areinvited toeail. JOHN BOUCHERRichmond. April 24th. 1856. ap 24?12t*\V»«AT A BKAI'TIFI'L STORK! What' * elegant goods, aod so cheap! i* the exclamation

of every one after pa*aing through the »tore of P.BTRAUSE & BRO., No. 27 Main atreet. \Ve havejt;«t received a most extensive »tock of the cboice*tdescription of Striped. Plaid. Plainand Black Silk* at»>.'jc. worth sf 1. Also, * large stock of the newest *tyieSilk MaotiKa*, from f'2 and upward*, worthtwice themoney; Berege de Laines and Challies; Muslin*; Ja-<?( net* | Lawns; Brilliant* ; Embroioeries; Collar*;Sleeve*; Cambric and Muslin Bands; Irish Linen*;Swiss, Mull and tif'd Muslin,ic Ladies will find itto tl.eir advantage to give us a call, at No. Main st.

ar23-2»* P. STRAUSE it BROTHER.W'llfcKl.KU «fc WILSON'S SKWiNti> » MACHINES.?S. W. HAWLEY k BRO., hav-ing rrocured the agency for tbe State of Virginia,have e*t»!'li*hed tht ir office in Richmond, southwettcorner of 14th and Main street*, where they msy befound at ail times, ready to *eil to those wiihingtobuy a lirst class machine, or to do.auy kind of work intheir lino for manufacturer* or families, on the mostreasonable terms.

An examination of our machine is respectfully*o-licited at our offic*.r? A female al ray* in attendance, to wait on La-die*.

LIGHTNING BODS furnished on the most reason-slils terms, wholesale and retail, style and quality tosuit purchaser*, with experienced workmen to put\u25a0 hem «p. Also, State, County or Town Right* ofOtis' patent tor sale, and Rods furnished to dealerswith Trimmings complete, at wholesale prices.

Ferrous wishing a good GATE SPRING, can pro-cure them at our office.

ap 13-dfc.wlm S. W. HAWLEY fc BRO.PMPLOYMKNT DKBIKED. -The underIJ signed, having received a commission as NOTA-RY POBLIC, tenders his services to the citizens ofRichmond nnd county of Henrico in that capacity?

He will attend to taking Depositions, receiving Ac-knowledgments of Deeds, Relinquishmentof Dower,and perform any other duty pertaining to tha highlyresponsible office of Notary. He proposes also todraw Deeds of Bargain and Sale, Release Deeds, andm-eryother form of Conveyance or Contract; to pur-chase and sell Real Estate, negotiate Land and Pen-won Claims, superintend repairs of and Rent ontHouses; collect Rent, Medical and other Accounts,and attend to other legitimate business that may beconfided to his management, npon reasonable terms.

Respectfully, ISAAC AVERY GODDIN.on Bankand 12th streets, southeast corner

Public Square, a few yards South of State Court-House.

P. S.~One of the best Scriveners in Virginia willgive me hisassistance. 1. A. G.

ap 12~-ts

WKCOXD SUPPLY OF NEW GOODS.-* ' GOLDSMIT is receiving his second supply ofNew Ooods, bought at reduced prices He will openthis morninga beautiful assorLment of Swiss and Cam-bric Collars; Lase, Swiss and Cambric Undersleeves;handsome Cambric and Swiss Bands; Cambric, Laceand Muslin Caps: Cambric, Swiss, Thread and Bob-bin Edging* and Insertmgs; black silk Mitts; BonnetRibbons; Cambrics; plain, embroidered and dottedSwiss Muslins; Hosiery:Gloves; Mitts: Irish Linens;black Silks; white and black silk Laces and Edges;French worksd Corsets; a large assortment of themost fashionable Trimming* at reduced prices; blacksiik elastic Belts at374 and 50 cts, usually sold at 75ets; s(i dnz super ladies' white Hose at 12$ cts: infants'Waists: Thread Laces; together with many other newOoods to be sold at such price* as to suit all who mayfavor Mm withaaa'i. E. GOLDSMIT,

ap 28 205 Broad street.

C 1 HKAP KMBROIDEKIEti, Ac-Vou/ can purchase of JACOB A. LEVY Lace Collars

at t-'i cts. mat will wash ; liner styles at 12J; WorkedMtisiin Collars, choice stylss, at 12$ cts. worth 25.Lacs Sleetes, worked with thread, at 75 ct«.; MuslinSleeves at 25 and 50 cU., worth double the money ;Check Muslin at 12* ctt.; Swiss Muslin at 12*; allkinds of Domestics at Factory prices, and all otherstyles of goods. will be sold at. prices equally as low.Callsoon as the goods are going tast.

JACOB A. LEW;ap 29 No. !5, Main street. Market Bridge.

OK MALE, to remain nbout here, n verygenteel young Woman, free of incumbrance,

about 20 years of age, said to be honest, well disposed,and a good Washer and Ironer. Also, a fine lookingwoman, 26 years old, who is a good Cook, Washerand Ironer and a tolerable good Seamstress, with avery likely boy child, three years old. Apply at Carysfcreet jail. ap 25?Steo*


sire to call your attention to a party of persons whoare going arrant town calling for my Soda Water forthe purpose of condemning it. The same "trick"was practiced last year upon another bottlingestab-lishment.

When I have to wsort to such contemptible meansas thatinorder to sell my articles, 1 shall begin tothink that my cue is desperate. lam willing to letthe public judge of the merits of the articles now inuse WARREN CANKIELI),

Agent for S. H.Condict, 20th st, betweenap 25 Main and Franklin streets.

IMPORTANT NOTICE.?I take thia me-thod of informing the merchants and others of

Richmond having claims in any part of the State forcollection, that 1 ain engaged in that business, andwill attend promptly to the collection of any claimsin the State personally, and make prompt returns;for which 1 will refer you to the proprietors of Rich-mond Enquirer, where I may be found,

ap 28? WM. F. COOK.81XPENCK OINUHAMS.?I have on

hand a large lot of Cheek Ginghams, warrantedfast colors, very desirable for children, which, toclose out, I willsell for only6d. per yard, worth 12$cents. 8. L. JOHNSON,

ap 24 No. 31 Main it.

I uSI.Mji KLL'IO, o« auperior quality,at seventy-five cents per gallon, for sale by

J. F. JACKSON,ap SG No 17 Main street.

up J6 No. 17 Main street.LM AVOKINGEXTMAI Tli fer(fluvoriasA Ic>* Cieam and Cake, for sale bv

ap J.i (HVKN B. HfLL, Druggist,Market Place, Franklin street.

UK. FHOM. I/IMK.?Only wtaWlsli«K»tin the city made p;ire, by

JWVAL i. NORTON,Druggist*,I nth and Mainsts.

ttT frict <40 per ton. *P 35

Bl KMNI. I'rireredaced-freihBon m Fluid at 75 cts. par gallon,for (ale t-J»pa» OWEN B. HILL, Druggist,

Cor, opposite old Market, Franklin at.

\MITH'K ?Thin is im certify (feat Mr.i CHRISTIAN LEBER, Jr. is tolly authorisedto niimage, and buy or sell anythingin my name, aaagent for me, for cosh only.

FREDERICK BRAUER.Hensico County, April 23, 1856 |ap 24-«U*

pJANCM AND STOOLH.«Jut receivedX and in store, 3 splendid Rosewood Pianos andStools to match. The Ladies are invited to eall andsee theui.

LARTTS A SHINE.I INKNS AND MJBACttKD DOMKM--1 J TICfl ?Wa have a good assortment at very low!rices Also, Hosiery, (Moves of ail kinds. Ribbons,

'riiiiioiriKs snd Embroideries. We have a good as-sortmeut, w d invite the attention of the Ladies andbujersgenerally. Call soon at 'JSO Bread street.

a»2> E. CAMP A BRO|<K.IKI£U l-Kecelyed trM* auction, the irwtiHW* "> Pl«m, Bwi«.fr"i«artd, aod Dotted Miuliu, «uin( it Jttwau, wallworth 374 tNHhi yard.

I INVN GOul>tf.-W« call ii» mwitoii-J of ail in «(N flf 14m* Oooda, to fMra »a a callt<*l#ra purcliaatocalaewhata, aa wa kawa aawa«raatbarfaiaa U t£T alara «oada, ifrtoMljr bmfbt U »M---tion, and will acit twith a small advaaca Mcoat. J. MILLHISKR k BRO,

»p A i*» Broad atra*


Wed?day M«r«Hw, April 36, 1886.AHad Cum ofSlarmNlni,,Tb» Worcestershire (EngUah) Chronicle con-

tain* the particular* of a aad ea*e, to which amother and her children endeavored to eacapefrom bom* and follow the Mormon* to the UnitedState*, bat were pnrnued aadbrought back. It ap-pears that the ftigttive* bad joton board the tm-»*i when thia scene occured:

F-.r an hoar and a half did the officers and thecaptain and the Mormon loader* wrangle, the tm-sal all this time going farther and farther ont toa*a, and it waa only by thejineuttand firmness ofdeclared that rather than fail in hi*mission be woold accompany the vessel to Bostonand denounce the whole party to the British antboritie* there, that the Mormon slave-driver* con-sented to produce the woman, and let her have aninterview with her bnsband.

The upshot of themattter was that the wife andand youngest child were first ofall handed into thetug, and when the husband still knelt on the bul-warks, tbe very picture of parental distress, pray-ing that yet more ot bis offspring mightbe restor-ed to him, even the emigrants themselves began tomurmur,and say that it waa a shame to part afather and his children. TheMormon elder* there-upon peremptorily ordered their insubordinatevictims to go below ; but the captal n, findingnowthat he could do so safely, ordered the other twochildren, girls,about seven year* of age, to behanded to their delightedparent, and th* tug thencast herself loose to return to Liverpool

The two oldest daughters, aged sixteen andeighteen tbe latter a very fine yonng woman, ob-stinatelyrefused to go back, and we shudder tothink of the fate that is In store for them. The er-rand of tbe Great Conqutst had got wind In Liver-pooland numbers of people were anxiously wait-ing her return upon the quays to learn the upshotof the chase. Mr. Hodgetts once more is safelyboused at home with bis wife, but we understandthat she still positively declares tbat she will go iothe Salt Lake some time or other. She has broughtback with her a great part of tbe money xhe took,but not the whole. To show the state of agitationin which the poor man was thrown, we may statefrom the time when he discovered his loss to themoment when he first caught sight of the vesselbearing away bis treasures, he refused to taste amorsel of food, and he repeatedly told Mr. Chippthat if he did not recover his wife and bairns heshould throw himself Into the sea. Tbe tact, firm-ness and promptitude of Superintendent Chippthroughout the whole affair cannot be too highlyspoken of.It appears that Mrs. Hodgetts took her depar-ture while her husband was absent, and not onlyinduced all her children to accompany her, buthad provided herself with all tbe money belong-ing to her husband, that she could lay her handsupon. The infatuation of Mormonlsm is indeedextraordinary.

Registration of Letters between theUnited States and Great Britain.?We areauthorized to state that in arrangement has justbeen concluded between Mr. Campbell, Post-master General, and the British Postmaster Gene-ral, the Duke of Argvle, providingfer the registra-tion of valuable letters toand from Great BritainThe registration fee on letters for Great Britainwill be five cents, the same on domestic letters,thus making the rate on a single letter, when re-gistered, twenty-ninecents. The English regis-tration fee u twelve cents. On all registered let-ters in each country, pre-payment is required.?The arrangement goes into opeiationon the firstof May.?Nat. Intel.

An Ancient Land Patent.?We have beenshown aland patent, drawn up in the year 1714, inthe reign of Queen Anne, and at the time of thegovernorship of Alexander Spottswood over Vir-ginia. The patent settles npon one Stephen Chas-teane, the sole right and proprietorship ot a cer-tain two hundred andfifty acres of land, situated inthe good county of Henrico, and for which thesaid Stephen Chasteane paid the enormous sumof thirty shillingorabout six dollars.

[Petersburg Express.

"Crushed Out" by Free Soil.?The dwellinghouse of Charles Ferry, in Brattleboro', Vt., wancrushed last week by the fall of a large cake offrozen earth, estimated to weigh six tons, whichrolled down a steep embankment back of thebuild*ing. No onewas seriously injured.

Mammoth CourLE.?There have arrived in St.Louis two extraordinary children in the personsof Preston Huddlestonr, aged 15, and his sister Ju-liana aged 10years?the one weighing four hun-dred pounds and the other over three hundred.?They are from Goodman county, 111., and are notabove the usual height.

Forced TO Leave ?TheLeesburg Wasbingto-nian, speaking of the departure of Francis 11. Rayfrom that county, says : "It was not a voluntaryact upon his part; ajjdit is due to the citizens ofthe (Goose Creek)neighborhoodto state, that theyrequired Mr. Ray to leave, as they were determin-ed not to retain in their midst an individual whoseAbolition discussions were obnoxious to the pub-lic, and of mischevious tendency.'

A[Medal Presented.?A silver medal has beenreceived from the Emporor Napoleon's Palace ofIndustry at Paris, as an award to General Steuart,late Engineer-in-ChiefU. S. Navy, for his contri-bution of a model of the Dry Dock at New York.

Acquittal.?The trial of Spencer Slwyer, forthe murder of Mr. William Charles, in Pasquotankcounty, N. C., about a year ago, came on at thelast term of the Superior Court of that eounty,Judge Manly presiding, and resulted in the ac-qittal ot the prisoner.

Emigrants for Kansas.?The St. Louis Demo-ocrat of the 23d instant says :

"Within tne presentmouth from one thousandto twelve hundred emigrantsfor Kansas have arriv-ed in our city. The great majority of these havebeen from the South. Day before yesterday thesteamer Oceana brought half ot the company ofAlabamians, under the conduct of Col. Buford;and yesterday the residue arrived in th e America.They will leave for their destination on the Key-atone this morning."

Case Decided.?At the recent session of theCourt of Appeals of Virginia, the long contestedcase ef Moses Hempburnagainst the heirs of Ag-nes Dnndas, for certain valuable property, inAlexandria, on King street, was decided in favorof Hempburn, the Court awarded him theproper-ty, and eighteen hundred and thirty dollars dam-ages and interest from the 10th of August 1838,until paid.

Railroad Telegraph.?The Michigan Cen-tral Railroad are now engaged fa. erecting sub-stantial telegraph connexion between Detroit andChicago. The coat of maintainingthis line will beabout \u26662,000 per month, which of coarse they in-tend to fare, in freedom from accidcnt, delays, &c.Every train will carry an instrument, which canbe connected with the line at a moment's notice,by which the situation and direction of every trackupon the whole road can be known at once. ThisImprovementwill be equal to a double track forconvenience, safety anil dispatch^?Dttroit Adrtr.

Thegrowingcrop all over Prance present themost cheering appearance. The doficienry in theprodnce of last year?officially oitimated at 7,000,-000 hectolitre!??has been In a great measure madeup by foreign Importation.

DEtF.OATKS ?The Hon. Senator Bayard and theHon. George Reed Riddle have been elected dele-gates to the Democrat National Convention fromShe New Castle district, Delaware. They wereiwtrncted to vote for Mr. Buchanan, so long a*

they may think it proper to do so.

A Bioodt Year ?There were seventy-threebattles fought daring the year 1893, wttiM aver-age losa of ft thousand meo in each;mono soldiers ire estimated to bsve perished bydisease and battles, the battles average more thanonea week. Iti* one of tho bloodiest yean Inmodern history.

iNTKRKATIJtO FROM SOUTH AMERICA.?A let-ter ill th* New York Herald (totes that oa th* Istof March, cholera waa very rif* at Pernamboco,and one hundred person* died dally from ita at-tack*, Of the African* wised lately on board th*Bo*ton brig Mary Smith, off Bahia, by order ofthe Brazilian government, sixty died of hnagerand thlrat before reachingBahia, aadoaa hnndrodand forty-one have ainee part*bed. At Callao, oathe 12th of March, It waa reported that tbe BritishAdmiral badreceived order* to aelsa tbe ChinebaIslands, and hold them aa security for the pay-ment of the debt due to Great Britaia by Peru ?

Many doubted the tenth of th* nuaors. Distin-guished Peruvian* advocated a union of the SoothAmerican Republic*with the United States. TheUnited Btote**bip Bt. Mary' 4 waa greatly admired,and had been viaited by the Preaidenta and head*of departments. Castilla- bad issued a decree,which will go Intoeffect on the fith of May, for tbesuppression of the Coolieand slave trad*. Therewas some yellowfever at Callao.

Irish Affairs.?A letter from Ireland speaksencouraginglyof the prosperity of tbe farmer* andthe decrease of crime. Thecounty of TipperaryAssizes, which heretofore lasted tor three weeks,thisspring occupied but a few hoars, in the trialof petty offences It it rumored that in conse-quence of peace 40,000 of the Irish militia will bedisbanded. Tbe Irish who have been receivinghigh prices for their crops during tbe war, are saidto be by no means rejoicing at peace. Concilia-tion Hall, in Dublin, where O'Coonellao often heldforth, it now an extenaive floor store, and theformer head-quarters of YoungIreland, in LowerAbbey street, is now used as a place of exhibitionof a diorama of tbe war.

Not a Defaulter?David C. Labatt, Esq.,lateAssistant Attorney for New Orleans, againstwhoma suit has been entered to recover some$205,000 of tbe city's funds, alleged to be nnaccounted for by bim, denies that be is in default?The amount claimed, be say*, consists of bills insuit and uncollected, all of whichhe turned over tohis successor.

The Season at Newport.?Preparations arealreadymaking at Newport, R. 1., for the summerseason. The Daily News of that place containsa list of thirty-eight persons from different sectionsot the country who have leased houses for tbesummer. Dr. Mercer and Wm. F. Mason, of NewOrleans; Lieut Hunt United Stales Army; J.J.Pringle and Thomas Higtram of South Carolina,and Mr. De Osma, the Pernviaa Minister at Wash-ington.

The "Confiscation" in Connecticut.?Theconfiscation of Catholic Church property in Con-necticut amounts to no "confiscation" at all, as welearn from the Hartford Conraat. By the lawof Conneeticnt, which vests property in the StateIn case ofthe death of the Bishop, it is made in-cumbent upon the State Treasurer to convey theproperty to thesociety or congregation who haveoccupied it,immediatelyupon their becoming incor-porated. It appears therefore that the Statemerely fills the gap temporarily and that the con-gregations who built the churches and paid forthem will soon get the nse of them. *

The Departure of theMerrimac.?The US. steam frigate Merrimac, which has been lyingoff Annapolis for some days, will sail about theclose of the present week. It is said that tbe Secre-tary of the Navy, Hon. J. C. Dobbin, will take pas-sage in her for Havana, where he goes for the'ben-efit of his health, which has been impaired forsome time.

Equestrian Statue of Washington.?AFlorence correspondentof the Providence Journalsays:

"I have been conversing with a young Englisharchitect who has recently returned from Munich,where, at the Royal Foundry, he saw the eques-trian statue of Washington for the Richmondmonument,which has been successfully cast. Itis in severalpieces, and is to be put together at.the foundry, then inclosed in a boxof timber, 25feet high, 27 feet long, and of proportionate width,and this placed upon a raft and floated down theDanube to the Black Sea. There a vessel will beprepared, by the removal of the decks, to receiveit and conveyit to America. This box, or ratherstructure, will be in size about equal to one of ourtwo-story wooden houses.

Desperation.?A correspondent of the NewOrleans Delta, writing from Matamoras, uyi:

?'Governor Vidaurri's forces bare punishedmostseverely the Lipan Indians who tome days agocommitted some depredations on the Texas side ofthe river, and the whole tribe has been nearlydestroyed. In bringing them to Monterey, thesquaws killed their young ones, and the Indianshaving attemptod to escape, were nearly all killed.One Indian alone' stood his ground against 175men, nutii the daring fellow was shot all to pieces.

The Wheat Crop.?A friend from the conn-try, whose information upon the subjectis reliable,informs usthat the young wheat, in Greenbrierconnty, as a general thing, looks much better thanusual at this season of the year, and thinks theprospects, at this time, for a good crop, are flatter-ing. He is of the opinion that the heavy snow,which fell during the month of January has produced a good effect?an opinion, too, entertainedby many others with whom we have recently con-versed.

Collision and Loss.?A most unfortunate ac-cident took place on the Potomac, inthe neighbor-hood ofBudd's Ferry last Saturday. The vesselsof Capt John Grey, and Henry Southard, cameIn collision with such force, as to aink the vesselof the latter In deep water. It it feared that thevessel and its cargo (30,000 fish,) may prove a to-tal loss.

Mr. FILLMOKZ, it is said by Mr. Grand, in hitlast letter to the Herald, is on hit way to Russia

Mr. Grand alto states that the Pope will, at Mr.Fillmore's suggestion, establish an Insane Hospi-tal at Rome on the American plan.

An old lady of Pennsylvania had an unaccount-able aversion to Rye, and never eat it in anyform. "Till of late," she said, "they bad got tomaking it into whiskey,and I find that I can, nowand then, worry down a little."

Among the orders recently received in the Uni-ted States from Havana, is one for 500 framehouses ready built.

The U. S. transport Fashion was struck by light-ning, off Saluna, Tex., onthe 17th inst.

Dr.*E. D. Fenner of New Orleans denies the appearance of yellow fever there, as stated in theMemphis papers.

Bishop Pierce of Georgia has written n letteropposing rented pews, choirs and organs, In Meth-odist churches.

Jas. J. Cicotte, a Justice of thePeace, la oa trialat Detroit, on a charge of assaulting a Germangirlwith intent to violate her person.

Albert Pike, the Arkanaas poet, warrior, and ed-itor, is in New York city. Mr. P. has recentlybe-come a resident of New Orleans.

TheNew York Crystal Palace Is to be sold atauction on the lUd May next

The Whigs of Maryland hold a State Conven-tion in Baltimore this week.

Col. J. C. Fremont was born in January, 1813His fsther was an emigrant from France, and hismother a nativeof Virginia.

Gen. Urago, who played a prominent part Intherecent revolution In Mexico, Is dead.

Julius Lochey, a printer in the N. O. Crescentoffice, was killed on the 29th Inst., by falling fromabnggy.

New Jersey papers say the prospect Is therewill be a heavy crop of wboat in that State.

Miss Jones, daughter of Mrs. Mellnda Jones, hasmade her debut In Cincinnati, as Parthenltf Shewas entirely successful.

Hots. Lewis D. Campbell, M. C , was In Clacln-nati ou tbe 34th inst.

The&raad Division of tbe order of the Sons ofTemperance in Virginia, is holding n semi-annualsession at Strasbltfg, Shenandoah county.

The salt factories at Syracuse. N. Y., have com-menced operations for tbe season.

The Right Rev. Bishop Johns is at present inWheeling. He delivered two sermons there Ssnday. #


The town of Chelsea, Mass., tub bees annexedto Boston by a recent act of the MassachusettsLegislature.

TheProvisional President of Mexico, (Comanfort,) has authorized the construction of a railwayfrom Vera Cms to Mexico.

The S«tn ft mail arrived at IndependenceApril 21 The snow bad disappeared, su.l the roads

were in good condition.The Pen Tut Chronicle ane »t»*»s D A.

Ogden, B*4 , Gonsatnt »*\u25a0*»?*. i- ?" ® t » nturn, having m*4a I handsome !limu«.

Grit. Plflow is to be the orator at Hie semi ceo-final celebration of the University ?' Nashville,J uue 14(4.

Value or Manor actukksik Massachwsktt!.?Aceorting to the statistics recently published,the annual manufactures ot I'oston and IU vteloiif, and the other principal torn* of Massachusetts,teaches the enormous amount of three hundredmillions of dollars, or one raiUloSl tor every work-ingday In the year.^

Emigration mujm Ikklahd ? A Galway pa-per aays Mat sine*pence ban put an end to thecantor soMinra the emigration from Ireland toAmerica is beginning to grow as great aa erer ?

Crowds of ttanan satf-bauiahtag. or "law-ejtilrd'wanderers proceed by train U» Liverpool; and theClarence U about tosail from this port with a fullcomplement tor the short* of America,


LOCAL MATTBHBBroad SockRarzt-Firtt Dug?The spring meet-

ingover this coarse commence! yesterday, with asweepstake for three year* old colt* and fillies,mil* heats, $100 entrance, half forfeit, for which

there were three subscribere. only two of whom,however, cam* to th* More, the third on* payingforfeit.

,The race itself, waa a jog handle affair, all on

oae aide, and of course was not very interesting,but th* attendance waa good, the weather delight-ful and th* track in snpnrb order. Nicholas I, thewinner, la a beantifal chesnnt, of fin* form andsymmetry, aad, from present appearance*, willprove a troublesome customer, in whatever crowdhe may start He J* a tilencoe, ont of NannieRhodes by Wagner, and bids fair to prove bothfleet and enduring. His competitor, Honors, isalso a pretty animal, and handles herself with ease,but has neither thespeed nor power to cope withher powerfulrival for lucre and fame.

Firtt Htat.?Sonora bad tbe inside, and receiv-ingtbe word, lead off at a spirited stride,bat hadscarcely gone two hundred yards, when Nicholaslapped, then passed her, and from there to thestand held the lead by four or five lengths,undera steady pull, until crossing the score and winningthe heat in 1:54.

Second Heat.?Both horses sweat out well, andat the sound of the trnmpet came np for the word.Nicholas waa on the Inside, and receiving theword, led off at a spirited lick, well in hand, neverallowingbis fair competitress to join him, through-out the mile, winningthe heat in 1:53.

We subjoin a recapitulation, for future refer-ence :

A Sweepstake for three year old colts and fillies,\u2666 100 entrance; $50 forfeit; mile heats.Mr. Wtn. H. Gibbons name* ch. g. Nicholas I_,

by imp. Glrncoe, oat of Nannie Rhode*, byWanner I 1

Messrs. Bowie k Hall name ch. f Sonora, byRegister, out of Betty Steel, by Steel 2 2

Calvin Green name* br. f. byYorkshire, out ofMer' Morris, by Medock pd. ft.Time: 1:54?1:53.

The race to-day is for the Proprietor's purse of$300, two mile beats, for which Sebastopol andFanny Kern are to be the contestants. If Fannyis as fine as she is represented to be, this race willbe a most interesting one to those who are fond ofsuch sport.

Virginia Mechanic*' Institute.?The Board ofManagers of the VirginiaMechanics' Institute, helda meeting last Monday night, and elected the fol-lowing committees for the present year:

COMMITTEE ON EXHIBITION.Jas. A.Cowardin,Ch'mn, George Bargamin,E. B. Spence, George 8. Lownes,8. Y. Landram, Jos. F. Powell,

A Snyder.[Theby-laws, latelyadopted, make the Record-

ing Secretaryof the Institute, the Secretary of theabove committee.]ON INVENTIONS,IMPROVEMENTSAND DISCOVERIES.Thos.H. Wynne, Ch'mn. Wm. Steptoe. Sec'y,John W. Cardwell, Jas. D. Browne,

Miles Ambler.on school of design.

Thos. Sampson, Chm'n, Thos. H. Wynne, Sec'y,S. Y. Landrum.on lectures.

A. M. Bailly, Ch'mn, Wm. Maifarlane, Sec'y,James A. Cowardin.

ONLIBRARY.Wm. Forbes, Cb'mn, Geo. A. Ainslie, Sec'y,

John T. Rogers.ON HALL.

Wm. Forbes, Ch'mn, 0.Y. Bowen, Sec'y,James Kersey.

OS NIGHT SCHOOL.S. S. Cottreli, Ch'mn, A. Bargamin, Jr., Sec'y,

Gorge A. Ainslie.ON AWARDS.

Wm. Forbes, Ch'mn, A. M. Bailly, Sec'y,Thomas H. Wynne, James Kersey, ?

A. Bargamin, Jr., R. H. Bosher,D. Y. Bowen.

(Members of the Board should preserve a copyof these committees as a matter of convenience.)

Acquitted.?Browning, Smoote, and Tharp, whowere arrested and imprisoned two years ago, onthe charge of robbing and murdering a stranger,in Henrico county,andwhose trial has been pendingever sincc in theCircuit Court of that county, hasat length been discharged by JudgeClopton.?Thestranger alluded to, it will be remembered,robbed a gentleman on the packet boat, and wasmaking his escape through ihe country, wherethese men arrested him. He was seen in theircustody, on the day of the robbery, and they ac-knowledgedhe gave them some money, but, fromthat time to the present, he has never been heardo'? Conjecture wasrife at the time that he bad beenkilled and thrown into a deep coal pit, but we havealways thought it more than probable that he paidbis eaptors to let himgo, and then cut sticks forparts unknown.

Firemen's Trent?No. 7 Fire Company wereserved with a fine dinner last Monday, by Mr.Wm. N. Tinsley, at his bake house, and, after along parade, attended the theatre at night bytheinvitationof Miss L. Pyne. During the day theywere presented with a handsome boquet, by ayoung lady, and had their engine prettily decoratedwith flowers and the United States flag. Thecompany made a grand " turn out," and all themembers conducted themselves with marked pro-priety.

Kidnapper Identified.?Mr. John A. McGHI,of Mis-sissippi, arrived in this cityyesterday, and on visit-ing the jail,identified his servant Warner and awhite man called George Hamilton, who werethere confined?the white man for kidnapping,and the negro for safe keeping. Hamilton, at tbetime heran the negro off from Mississippi, was inthe employ of Mr. McGill, and no doubt inducedthe slave to rob his master and ran off with him,under tbe promise of setting him free. Thecasewill come before the Mayor as soon as he returns,and Hamilton will probably be sent back to Mis-sissippi to answer for the crime with which he ischarged.

Mayor Wood, of New York, is expected to ar-rive In this city, by the Jamestown, on Mondaynext. He has accepted an iavitation to deliveralecture for the benefit of the Ladies Mount Ver-non Association.

Accident. ?The steamer Angnsta, yesterday, onher upwardtrip, broke her shaft, by which herrunning for a few days will be interrupted.

The Circuit Court of Henrico, Jndge Clopton pre-siding, was engaged the greater part of yesterdayIn the trial of Charles Snead, who stands indictedfor cutting his wife's throat, with the intention ofkilling her. The case will probably be concludedto-day. £ ,

PRICE ONE CENTProfessor Appointed.?At a meeting of theBoard of TihiiUm of Mercer Univertfty, (>*., heMi'lf,T?nn,h« Tbnrsday, the Her. H H. Twker.of Richmond, Virginia, waa chosen Professor efBelies Letters In the above iutitniion, rice Prof.Hillyer, resigned

Btfrr DtaßiD.-l« the circuit court of Hardycounty, Vl, Ummm ef Gnaaiagiiani n. Harness,involving#40,000 worth of land near MeortMd,wm decided last week la favorof the defendant.

M. P. Brooke, Esq., waa elected Mayor, and JasV. Brooke. Recorder, of Warren ton, Va., on Batur-day last, without opposition.

The CTN«NN.*Ti Slave Case.?Our readershave been informed of a recent instance of con-flict of authority, at Cincinnati, between the court*of the State of Ohio and of the United States, inthe case of H. H. Robinson, Esq, the UnitedStates Marshal, who was arraigned before theProbate Court of Hamilton county, and commit-ted for contempt of court in delivering the slavesin the Gaines case to the owner, instead of obey-ing the order of Judge Burgoyne, to brinf thembefore the Probate Court upon a writ of habeascorpus. The marshal applied to the UnitedStates Court to be liberated; tbat court has, aftera bearing, discharged him from custody on theground tbat he was acting under the authorityof the United States. JudgeLeavett. in review-ing the argument that the Fugitive Slave law-rras unconstitutional, said the act referred to wasboth valid and constitutional, and as such mast berespected and enforced. No Judge or other of-ficer in the State and national government, orany citizen of either, so Car as the rights of othersare concerned, has a right toact on bis private awlindividual viewsof the policy snd validityof lawspassed in conformity with the forms of the consti-tution. Until repealed or set aside by the adjudi-cation of theproper tribunal they must have theforce of laws, and be obeyed as such .Anyotherprincial must lead the anarchy in its worst form,and result invitbly in the speedy overthrow ofour institution.

The CongressionalKansas committee have ar-rived in that territory. ?

Prince Gortscbakoff, it is statad, will be ap-pointed Russian Minister to the Court of Rome.

It is rumored that Gen. Houston intends to ranas an independentcandidate for thePresidency.

Mrs. Fanny Kemble (Botler) announces a seriesof readings in London, "prior to her depasture forAmerica."

Miss Florence Nightingale has been gazetted offi-cially as Directress Generalof ail the hospital* inthe British dominions. No nurses can, for the fu-ture be appointed in any public hospital withouther sanction.

The United States ship Germantown, Comman-der Lynch, was at Montevideo on the 6th ofMarch, all well.

HKKKIMI'S PATKNT CHAMPIONSAFES.?NOTICE.?Tbe public are informedthat S. C. HERRING k CO. do not any longer make

Wilder'* Patent Safe, having voluntarilyabandonedit (and compelled Mr. Wilder to accept a re-assign-mentagreeable to a right incorporated intotheoriginalassignment of Wilder to Herring,tin consequence ofhavingobtained a superior composition?discovered byMr. Spear, a chemist of Philadelphia? to resist heat,perfectly free from darapnes*. (a complaint oftenmade uainst Wilder's Patent Safe*,) and knowna*"HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION FIREPROOF SAFE." which will resist more heat thanany other Safs in the world.

The subscriber* and theiragents are the onlyper-sons authorised to make and sell hi* Champion Safe,with Hall's Patent Powder-Proof Locks.

TaxBilL?Bj the new tax bill adopted bytheCity Council, servants over twelve years of ageare only taxedfifty cents more than free white ci-tltens. The Chairman of the Finance Committeeestimates the receipts from the <vt valorem systemat §275,000? every dollar of which will be retiredto meet the demands against the treasury. It willbe seen by tbe biH, that doctors, lawyers, dentists,ete , are not required to pay a specific tax as here-tofore, owing to the fnct that they now have topay a certain per cent on their libraries, instru-ments and stock on hand.

S. C. HERRING k COiyKNOWLES k WALFORD, asents in Rich-mond for S. C. Herring& Co., keep a fine assortmentof these " Champion Safes " on sals at "Stationer'sHall," No. 21 Pearl street. ap 25?tfDARUAINS?Is the cry allround;U Bargains is a pleasant sound.

Hardbargains though at some are found;Because their goods are no account.One place I know where sureyou areTo see them sellingbelow par?Thefinest goods which you can find.In Old Virginia, of thekind.

Everybody knows this is at tbe popular,SCHAAP k CO.'S

French Confectionery ani Variety Store,21 Corner Broad »nd 3d streets.


der is warranted to make, with less labor and time,lighter and better bread, biscuit, buckwheat, sweetand other cakes, than can be made by the old method.

For sale by J. F. Jackson, A. Duval, A. Bodeker.Dove k Co., J. B. Wood. E. J Picot, C. Millspaugh,O. B Hill, Wm. P. Ladd, Grubbs k Apperson, Ben-nett, Beers k Fisher, J.W. Pollard, Duval k Norton,and by Druggists and Grocers generally. ap 17MteHPttiN<iIMILI,INKRY.-JUrs. N. Wi-

196 Broad at, having returned fromtlie North with a large and varied assortment

»wof Spring Millinery, embracing every noveltyof theseason, will dispose or them for cash at N. Yorkprices, and solicits a call from the ladies of Richmondand it* vicinity. Opening of Paris fashions on Fri-day, Apnl 11th. ap 10?dim*


HOSIERY, GLOVES and MITTB,and all sorts ofDomestic Goods, call at the

CHEAP STORE,175, Broad street, 3d door

from tbe corner of 6th street,an 21?Ut*| VAL. and nkw stock orSUPERIOR READY-MADE CLOTHING for

SPRING AND SDMMER?Comprising all newstyles of Spring dress and frock Coats; Business Coatsof fnncy Cloths, Cassimeres, Merino, Drap de Ete,Alpaca, Linen and Marseilles; Vests, is endless varie-ety; black dress and fancy Cassimere Pants; doLin-en. Marseilles, Csmblet, lie.

FURNISHING GOODS?Cravats, Ties and Stocksof tbe greatest variety; Suspenders; Kid, Silk andThread Gloves; Handkerchiefs, Socks, Shirts, Col-lars, Silkand Gauze Merino Under Shirts; Silk, Me-rino, Linen and bleached Cotton Drawers, fee.

WHOLESALE AND KETAIL.J. D. GOODMAN has now open at bis large new

storeroom, 119 Main street, Richmond, Va., a largeand entirely new stock of Spring and Mummer ReaoyMade Clothing, embracing all new styles of everygrade of Coats, Pants and Vests and FurnishingGoods. From his very great facilities in maaufac-taring, his liberal patrons and the public generallywill still iindall articles in his line, from finest to low-est grades, of the very best make, and at anustallylow prices for CASH. Call and examine. at

Remember Place and No., 119 Main street,door to J. \V. Randolph'sBookstore.i,lB J.D.GOODMAN.


ing ? second supply of new Summer Goods, por-chated last weak in Mew York, at aaetion, at a treatdecline in prices. Amongst the stock will be foundnewstyle Lawns. Barage and Lawn Robes, Tissues,Grenadines, Silks, Hosiery and other foods. 1 will bepleaaed to exhibit them to all who will favorme witha tall,at I feel confident noone will be diaapptiatedin stylet and prices.

ALFRED MOSES* Cheap Store,»p29 * 63 Main street.

("At FANCY CABI.UKKK PANTS, Mil ofi)U 1 my own manufacture, from the latest style*of goods, well made, low priced, and going tut. Cs'land get a pairat 114 Main street,

ap 29 WM. IRA SMITH.

KIiMK TONQUA KKAN»?K«r »«?!« byap 29 BEERS k FISHER.

11, UK BITTKK ALttUNDtNKnr\u25a0 sale byap 28 BENNETT, BEERS It FISHER.


D HANDING FAlftT?Crlmaa, Bed twlI> Oreen, verv brilliantjfor sale byp 29 BENNETT. BEERS k FISHER.riOfrPKk BOUNDbRANiUNto BUlsH-v> ES, all sixes, for sale byap» BENNETT,BEERS It FISHERI AMD Oil, FOR MACHINKMY?iOJLi bole, for mlq by

ap 28 BfcNNtTT.BEEES k FISHER-I/OK sALIU«iM». WW «\u25a0*I Kanawha Canal (aaarantaad)bead

R H MAURY It CO.(>0(1 BAG* PMUta UtiUmOlf.

50 cSiiSVJ.Mountain Rye do., in store and for sale by


25ap 29 WW. WALLACE fc SOW-


_~J-? -*""Swfcos k bwiii,

Pick rocket*.?A gentleman named Burns, wasrelieved of his pockct book containing #11.50, lastMondsy afternoon, while standing on Broad streetat the engine washing. "Picks" and "Burglars"appear to be driving a flourishingbusiness in thiscity at this time.

Recorder Taylor presided at the Mayor's Courtyesterday, In the absence of the Mayor, who hasleft the city for a short time.

light Fingers ?George Penman was examinedbefore tbe Recorder yesterday, and remanded toanswer an indictment at the next Grand Juryterm of the HastingsCourt, for stealing one dol-lar In silver from Nelson Matthews last Saturdaynight

Poetic Reading.?Hi. Wallace advertises aaen-tertainment tocome off at Odd Fellows' Hall thisevening, which promisee to be Tjite amusing?Those who w4A to have a little tan, should be inattendance.

Eruptmuq/thsSkm,Blotch «e, Tetter, «ai ? meab*bu, ere ell ea<eadered by ? <?»»»»?* \u25a0»?»? * «*?Blood. Barter TIUT pare, art ell these dlaeueee-ble ifwlawill disappear C**Taa»«TUKB dowmm ths power of panfyin* the Blood,which dm Mvar km approeeaed by nr foraw; ef-fort of eeleaee. U 4» Pforopt, powerful »od tffic*.?tow. Try it. »oM byTB««w»T r. »im 4fumi,

John Tolaad'e jewelrystore to Beetoa, wm retbed of §19000 worth of goo* on Prltt/ hut.

8, CnrtU. a poetiwterto Be lUlb ooanly, IE,has been arreeted oa th* elurge of robbta* themails.

Bobt K'Uy, citythamheriaiß ft New York, died


irfc***lS QF.AOVmiBUMh

1 J*lju.ii,J..?fc.iAl' ?


2eHj|E|«3^«#sn « gfe 'S.V^yg:?

over fivs dollar*,onwhich will W Mid sixinterest on all sumsremaining on dapoac ni monthsor longer, and for & ihortcr time <We MrcentDeposits nmy be made with the Twnmir, T. BStarke, at the (tore of E. B. 8peace, cornor Mataand 13thstreets. or with either e< the officer*SAMUEL S. COTTRELL, PresidentT. B. STARKR, Tltinm,fa 21 C WALTHALL, Secretaiy.


pany?for Philadelphia, tUCity Point and Norfolk.?mSSSmSb Steamer CITY OF RICHMONDCapt. L. Mitchell; Steamer PENNSYLVANIA. CaptDavid Teal; SteamerVIRGINIA,Captain B. Room*.

One of these superior» will leave Rich-mond, until further notice, every ;Hoa.lny andFriday, touching at t-ty Point and Norfolk to re-ceive freight and passengers. Returning, leave Phil-adelphia every Wednesday and Saturday morn-ing at 10 o'clock.

Theae Steamon are now in fl«» order, increased ac-commodations fat the comfort of passenaera havingbeen added, aa also more room for freight; and wahope, by regularity, dispatch and care In protectinggoods committed to oar charge, toreceive an increaseof patronage.

{y~ No transhipment by this line.Fare Rfdartd.

Passage through to New York, and foundDo do Philadelphia,and found, lit

cabin 6.<>oPassage through to Philadelphia, not found, 2d

cabin -- 4.W*

Passage to City Point and Norfolk same as by U»%RiverBoats. .

Passengers by this line can stop in rSliSdelplutitwo or three days, and then proceed to Now York frythe same ticket. H. E. TUTTLE, Agent,

mh 5 Ro<?ketts.r-rmrrrmm 3H h i WOTM'K TO TKA.

ooinowrr w-m nw - -KURT H.-Tha Poivtnae.Route, between Richmond and Washington, via Fre-dericksburg and Aquia Creek, i* Row open to itut tra-velling public, and passengers going North a,ay rejyon speed, safety and comfort thereon. It is the onlyrouteover which through tickets between the 6o»tnand North sresold. Thesame can be obtained at thoregular offices in Wilmington, Weldon, Petersburg,or Richmond.

By this route, (in which no pattcugtr Aos nerbreuinjured by accident of any drscriptrm.) the distancebetween Richmond and Washington is reduced 4jmiles over the route by Gordonsville, with the far-theradvantage of 100 miles less of railroad travel;whilst being, in addition, a through line, and underone control, is attended with no hazard of disconnec-

any point of the route.RT Hours of departure from Richmond, t>J A. M.

and U P. M.Kor farther particulars, enquire at the Ticket Of- .(ices in Wilmington, Weldon, Petersburg and Rich-

mond. SAMUEL RUTH,Agent of Transportation.A*ent of Tran»p».

Office Richmond, Fred'g and Po R R. Co., >

Richii.ond, Feb. 28th,1056. ) fe 2!)


York, Bowton. Providence,Portland, Newark, New Hn-hHHb Ten, Charleston. Mobile, NewilffluiM, .41. Loulk, Galveaton, Han Fran-eicteo, &r., per Htea>\u25a0ship Jamestown, to

and viaNew York?Can be shipped every Mon-day and Tne9dayt by the U. 3. Mail StA&awfatp .Janus-town, Capt. Psrrish.

The Agents at New York, Messr . Lndlam It Pleas-ant*, will forward good* by this liue toall of the abovementioned place* free of commission,and at the low-est rate* of freight.

Large and coramodio«s sheds have been erected onche wharf in New York, where foods are entirely pro-tected from injuryor defacement, and every care andattention is bestowed in forwarding goodsfor trans-shipment.

Merchants shipping by this steamship can alwayscalculate within anhouron the arrival of their goods.The Jamestown leaves New York svery Saturdayaf-ternoonon her return to Richmond.

For freight apply toau 35 LtJDLAM It WATSON.


LY (SUNDAY NIGHT EXCEPTED,) BETWEENRICHMOND, BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIAAND NEW YORK, VIA ACQUIA CREEK ANDWASHINGTON.?Over the Richmond, Fredericks-burg and Potomac Railroad, to thePotomac River,seventy-tive mile*, and by splendidand comfortably?teamen thenoe to Washington, fifty-five miles?inall 130 mile*, in seven hours, being a comfortable andperfectlysafe rate of apeed.

Hour* of departure, 6jA. M. and 7J P.M., and ban- _,ffage under charge of special agents checked throughto Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and NewYork. FARE.To Washington," Baltimore, B.flO" Philadelphia, 8.0f»The track of the Railroad between Richmond and

the Potomac River, ii now undergoing relay Halfof it being already completed with an edgerail of «u;penor quality, ami a* more than one million of paa-aengera have been heretofore aafely and satisfactorilytransported over thia route, it is hoped and believedihat noone will be indaced, by themisrepresentationembraced inthe advertisement ever tba signature of"H. D. Whitcomh, Super't," to select the longerand more clreoitrras route, referred to therein. ToeR. It F. P. R. R. hasbeen in operation for twenty-twoyears, and in all that time nopassenger has eitherbeankilled or crippled by accidents from snake beads orotherwise, which is without parallel In the history ofrailroad*in this country. 8. RUTH,

Superintendent of Trsnsportatiasi. A

f!?7* nwasaan THHADAJth'KAt'RKHHCOMPANY, M Mam street, bav-ing resumed their Steamship

Express to and from Norfolk, Petersburg and Rich-mond, by steamers Jamestown and Roauoke, which.leave New York every Wednesday and Saturday,and thence by railroad to Weldon, Wilmington,Lynchburg, Salem, Wytheville, and the yrxitpaU « tPlaces in Virginia and North Carolina, are now pre-pared to forward, with great despatohr, and kt reducedrates, every kind of Merchandise, Valuable Parcels,Jewelry, kc., to the above named cities, sad allplaces en the seaboard.

Oar Express on the Steamship* will be accompa-nied by Special Messengers, who will give their per-sonal attention to the careful handling of goods en-trusted to the ADAMS'EXPRESS CU.'S SteamshipExpress.

Shippers will please take notice that packages feepoints In Virginia and North Carolina, will be Sqat b/steamers, unless etfcerwiaa marked.

freight received on day of sailing, until 8 o'clockP. M. J. L. MACDONUGH.Agent of Adams' Express Co.Or SPECIAL NOTlCE.?Express paekages for

Norfolk,Petersburg, Richaioad, and ail piaeeshi Vir-ginia and North Carolina, intended for ahiotnent bysteamships Roanoke end Jamestown, will beieafterbe received by *» ADAMS' EXPRKJW COMPANY, >" mwho are theauthorised Agents foe Express pimlegas »> Hon these ships.

Office of tile New Yeric and Virginia PtesiriltfipCompany. LUDLAM to PLEASANTS.

ap 4?ts Agents.

jffi,OKn'S.ajhi alter Tnesday, l»f April

the Accommodation Train of t!«is Company will rundaily (Snndayscxenpted)between Milford -todß:< tiBsorid. Leaving Mrifordat r, o'clock, A. M-. «*~p: hi?at the Cottage for breakfast, and arrive in Richmondat t 2" o'clock, A. M.i returninjr.jsul lsave R)'e1at 4 o'clock, P. M., and reach MiUqrd at P, M.,stoppia* for Bsaunters atairy each »»/,

the mnaeaaoaSept. Transportaiion

Orric* R K. it P MSMGo* jRichmond '

HSliilSkIfpllllEiltCareerof Mat* sad JJtk ats.


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