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Abolitionists Key Figures Battles and Turning Points

Causes of the War

Mixed #1 Mixed #2

This abolitionist was a former slave that taught himself to read and write. He became

an excellent speaker on African American and

Women’s rights

A 100

Frederick Douglass

A 100

This abolitionist was the first woman to be recognized as an

anti-slavery speaker

A 200

Sojourner Truth

A 200

This abolitionist led a raid at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia that failed. He had no problem using violence to show his


A 300

John Brown

A 300

This abolitionist published an anti-slavery newspaper called

The Liberator

A 400

William Lloyd Garrison

A 400

This abolitionist wrote the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin that

revealed the conditions of slavery to people everywhere.

A 500

Harriet Beecher Stowe

A 500

This person was president of the Confederacy during the

Civil War.

B 100

Jefferson Davis

B 100

This person was the leading general for the Union army.

B 200

Ulysses S. Grant

B 200

This person was the president of the United States of

America during the Civil War

B 300

Abraham Lincoln

B 300

This person was one of the most successful “conductors” on the Underground Railroad

B 400

Harriet Tubman

B 400

This person was the leading general of the Conferderate

States of America

B 500

Robert E. Lee

B 500

This battle was the turning point of the Civil War because it shifted the

advantage from the South to the Union

C 100


C 100

The Civil War began here

C 200

Fort Sumter

C 200

This was an order issued by Abraham Lincoln that freed

all the slaves in the Confederacy

C 300

Emancipation Proclamation

C 300


C 400


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Which side of the Civil War had the strategy to split their

opponent in two at the Mississippi River?

C 400

The Union (North)

C 400

What happened at Appomattox Court House?

C 500

Lee surrendered to Grant which began the end of the

Civil War

C 500

What specific event caused southern states to begin

seceding from the Union?

D 100

The election of 1860 in which Lincoln was elected President

D 100

What was the main issue that the South was worried would

be eliminated?

D 200


D 200

What issue did the south like so much about the Articles of


D 300

It allowed for more states’ rights

D 300

The result of the growing cultural and economic

difference between the north and the south, particularly

slavery, was known as what?

D 400


D 400

Name 2 of the 5 main events from Westward Expansion

that led to the Civil War

D 500

Possible answers: Dred Scott decision, Missouri

Compromise, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Compromise of 1850, or Annexation of Texas

D 500

True or False. Over 600,000 men and women died during

the Civil War

E 100


E 100

True or False. The north’s environment was devastated as a result of the Civil War

E 200

False. The south was devastated.

E 200

During the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln says, “government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from this earth.” What is he talking about?

E 300

He doesn’t want democracy to be ruined or disappear

E 300

True or False. The south relied heavily on England for

trading purposes

E 400


E 400

True or False. Northerners were all abolitionists

E 500

False. Just because you lived in the North didn’t mean you

were willing to speak out about slavery

E 500

True or False. The south’s main strategy for winning the war was to fight a defensive war and rely on trade with Spain for military supplies

F 100

False. They relied on England for supplies

F 100

True or False. Fort Sumter was a Confederate fort that was attacked by the Union

F 200

False. It was a Union fort attacked by the Confederates

F 200

What plan of government did the Union follow and agree


F 300

The Constitution

F 300

Rich soil and slave labor made the south rely on an ____________ economy

F 400


F 400

What type of labor system did the North believe in?

F 500

A free labor system

F 500

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The boundary seperating the North from the South was located

between Maryland and Pennsylvania, what was it called?

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The Mason-Dixon line

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