This is the best class in the world! This is the best class in the world!!!


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This is the best class in the world!

This is the best class in the world!!!

Hyperbole ( 과장 )When you say something in an exaggerated ( 과장된 ) way, for dramatic ( 극적인 ) effect. It is not literal, don’t

take it seriously!

Reality ( 현실 )

The truth, the way things really are,

the actual ( 실제 ) situa-

tion ( 사태 ).

Hyperbole: Oh my god, I nearly died when… my cat ran away/my

mom found my diary/my boyfriend left me!

Reality: You were shocked / sad / embarrassed. BUT you did not come close to


Hyperbole: I’m going to kill you / him / her!

Reality: You’re very angry, but not a killer!

Hyperbole: I’m starving (배고파 죽겠어 )!

Reality: You’re very hungry, but lunch is in 10 minutes. Starving is

when you’re nearly dead.

Hyperbole: I’ve told you a million times to… clean your room /

wash the dishes / do your homework!

ORI’ve told you a million times that…

I can’t come / I don’t know!

Reality: You’ve said the same thing over and over and over!

Hyperbole: You’re crazy / insane!

Reality: You do or say things that are unusual or scary.

You’re not really insane ( 미친 ).

Hyperbole: It took me two seconds to… do my home-work / learn to drive / walk


Reality: You did it very quickly, but it took more than two sec-


You are NOT The

Flash !

Hyperbole: It is the best cake / car / show / lesson in the world!

Reality: You liked it a lot, but is it really the best in the WORLD?!

Best soccer player in the world! Uh… really? Messi says no!

The Best. Review. Ever!!!

1: I nearly died = It was very sad / scary / embarrassing2: I’m going to kill you = I’m very angry with you3: I’m starving = I’m very hungry4: A million times = Say the same thing many times5: You’re crazy = You do or say strange things6: It took two seconds = It was very quick7: The best in the world = You think it’s amazing, brilliant, wonderful

Can you guess ( 추측 ) what these

phrases mean?

I’m freezing!

It weighs a ton!

He eats like a pig!

Don’t be a baby!
