This is That, Part 1 - Ernest Angley (1992)


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  • 8/8/2019 This is That, Part 1 - Ernest Angley (1992)


    Augu st 1992

    Topics:Your Mind

    Volume 8 The Ke eping Powe r for the Mind

    by Ernest An gley

    And the p eace of God, wh ich passeth all und erstanding,

    shall keep your hearts and m inds through Christ Jesus

    (Philippians 4:7). God's peace beyond all human understandingis furnished to the Children of God. Through Jesus, God's peace

    will keep your hearts and minds. It all depends on how much you

    accept Jesus. If you accept all of Him, all of heaven's greatness is

    available to you.

    Bu t this is that which was spoken b y the prophet Joel;

    And it shall com e to p ass in the last days, saith God, I will

    pou r out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and

    your dau ghters shall prophesy, and your you ng me n shall

    see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And

    on my servants and on m y handmaidens I will pou r out

    in those days of my Spirit; and th ey shall prop hesy(Acts 2:16-18). Peter, on the day of

    Pentecost, received his baptism in the Holy Ghost, setting him aflame for the Lord. He took on the

    fiery tongue of the Holy Spirit. Remember, Peter, overtaken by fear, had failed the Lord when

    Jesus was arrested and crucified. Now after the resurrection, after receiving the Holy Ghost, Peter,

    with an obedient heart is standing up, facing the multitude that had hated Jesus so much they

    clamored for His death. No longer is Peter afraid.

    Reaching back to the writings of Joel the prophet, Peter cries that the outpouring of the Spirit theyare witnessing was prophesied by Joel. Bu t this is that which was spoken b y the prophet

    Joel. This is not what you think it is, Peter proclaims. We're not drunken. Why, it's still morning!

    This is that which the Lord told Joel about.

    Today, over 2,500 years after Joel's prophecy, we are seeing the downpour of the Holy Spirit. The

    same power, the same Spirit that Joel spoke of is being poured out. Peter identified it, and now

    about 2,000 years later, I identify it and I am crying: This is that which Joel prophesied; this is that

    which fell on the day of Pentecost. The Lord has sent me with a tongue of fire to declare this is that

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    which was spoken by the prophet. This that we have today is the power of the Holy Spirit bubbling

    on the inside; this is that which they received at Pentecost. This is that which made a strong

    warrior of Simon Peter. This is that which enabled a handful of followers to evangelize the known

    world in a short period of time, thirty-some years. This is that! In finding out all that we have from

    heaven, we recognize this is that.

    Go back to Noah's day, to a divine plan that let him know destruction was coming. The Lord gave

    Noah eyes to see it and a heart to believe it. Moved with great godly fear, he made preparations to

    save his whole family.

    We're moved with the same godly fear through the same godly faith. The faith Noah had, we have

    today, faith to be caught up in our Ark of Safety, Jesus Christ. Thank God, we have found our Ark

    of Safety! We don't have to build an ark that will float; the plan of God for us is different than it

    was for Noah; but it takes the same faithGod's faithto fulfill His plan.

    We're evangelizing the world, bringing the lost into the Ark of Safety throughout the whole Earth.

    We're declaring there is none other name u nder heaven given among men, w hereby we

    must be saved (Acts 4:12). Thank God for Jesus, for the power of Him, for the right we have as

    Children of God to use His divine name! It's the greatest privilege on planet Earth. We have the

    name of Jesus to use, the authority from heaven to use it; all heaven backs up that name.

    Every bit of God's power is provided through the name of Jesus. Even children can speak that

    name in faith, and God moves. The name is Jesus. We say, "Father, in the name of Jesus I come,"

    and the door to His Throne Room swings wide open.

    That same faith of long ago that Noah had, the faith that made him a success in the Lord, is this

    faith we have today. It's not another faith; it's the same faith. As the family of Noah moved to

    fulfill God's plan, the dedicated of the family of God are moving today. The eight souls of Noah's

    family were the only ones God had on planet Earth in that day. The same determination, the same

    devotion that Noah gave to his Godthat which he hadwe have. That is this. Nothing

    discouraged Noah from performing his work.

    If you are discouraged today, study brother Noah. His determination and dedication are inspiring.

    Over one hundred twenty years he preached, and no one outside the family listened. In thosetimes we sink into pools of despair, we must know that the faith of Noah can be ours today to pull

    us out. That which he had is this we have. It worked for him and it will work for us. It's the same

    faith, the same love, the same determination, the same compassion, devotion, the same peace, the

    same everything.

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    The family of Noah was connected with heaven; that's where they received their strength. People

    didn't give them strength; God gave it to them, mighty strength that enabled a few people to build

    an incredible ark. I doubt that anyone but the family of Noah drove a peg into that ark or filled any

    of the cracks with pitch. God wouldn't have wanted it.

    The world won't be a part of the outpouring of His Spirit; it will be the family of God, His devoted

    family. The Bride of Christ will bring people throughout the whole world to the foot of Calvary to

    be saved in this final hour.

    God has a plan for each member of the body of Christ, and we must use His plan. That plan of

    Noah's was the plan of God, and this plan we have is the plan of God. That which he had is this we

    have today, the plan of God. It's all laid out. We have only to carry out God's plan, and everything

    will work out right.

    Don't look to see how others will obey God. Noah and his family obeyed God and the work was

    accomplished. W ith thee w ill I establish my cove nant, the Lord told Noah (Genesis 6:18).

    It took only one family of eight in obedience to God to carry out the plan of God.

    Abraham displayed such magnificent faith that he is called Father of the Faithful. Thousands of

    years ago, God made a covenant with him:And I will establish my covenan t betwe en m e

    and thee an d thy seed after thee in their gene rations for an eve rlasting covenan t, to

    be a God u nto thee, and to thy seed after thee (Genesis 17:7). God is keeping that covenant

    with Abraham's seed, the Israelites. Never will He forget it or let it slide.

    Such faith Abraham had! Nothing could stop him when the Lord told him to offer Isaac, his

    beloved son, for a sacrifice. Sarah wasn't included; she didn't have that kind of faith. Abraham

    started out with Isaac to fulfill the Lord's instructions. The two young men who accompanied them

    partway were told to wait while Abraham alone took Isaac to the mount to sacrifice him. By faith

    Abraham, w hen he w as tried, offered up Isaac; and he that had rece ived the promises

    offered up his only begotten son, Of w hom it w as said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be

    called: Accoun ting that God was able to raise him u p, even from the dead; from

    whe nce also he re ceived him in a figure (Hebrews 11:17-19). Abraham had so much faith he

    believed if he killed Isaac that God would raise him from the dead. Why? Because of God's

    covenant promise of a nation through that seed, and Abraham knew that seed could not be

    destroyed. From that seed would come One who would be slain and resurrected for the salvation

    of all.

    What will it take to make the miracle of the resurrection living reality? What will it take to bring

    people to life in God? It will take the faith from on High, the same faith that Abraham had. Will

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    God give the faith of Abraham? Yes, He will.

    The faith of Abraham is our faith today. Abraham believed in the resurrection. This faith we have

    is that faith of Abraham. It belongs to the Children of God. It's not a strange faith, not a different

    faith; it's the faith of Almighty God for His Children to use today. We can declare it with the blood-

    stained banners of love flying high. It's the same faith, the same faith, the same faith! That is this

    and this is that. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

    God put the story of Abraham in the Bible to be a living witness of what the faith and love of God

    will do in one man's obedient heart.

    When Abraham was seventy-five years old the Lord told him to move away from his family. No w

    the Lord had said unto Abram , Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred , and

    from thy father's house, u nto a land that I w ill shew thee: An d I w ill make of thee a

    great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a

    blessing (Genesis 12:1,2).

    With that devotion of Abraham, the Early Church left family and home behind. Take the whole

    world, but give me Jesus, was their cry. The faith of Abraham was the faith of God, the same faith

    the Bride has today. The Early Church put everything on the altar. Loved ones disowned them.

    Family members had some Christians put to death, arrested. But the faith that Abraham had was

    entrenched in their hearts. Abraham had it; the Early Church had it, and now we have it. It's

    wonderful to know we have it! Nothing could stop them; nothing can stop us because we have that

    faith; this is that. Tell your soul this is that. When you read of the faith of the saints of God, decide

    you have the same faith. Our faith is not something new,this is that.

    Joseph was determined to be obedient to the Lord. Sold into slavery and cast into prison, he

    suffered many injustices. The devil tried to destroy him. Joseph didn't pine about his sufferings;

    he was faithful to the Lord, and that faithfulness saved him and his whole family in time of need.

    We can take a great lesson from Joseph; we have the same spirit of humility available to us that

    Joseph used. Think of the lonely years Joseph endured, separated from home. His father had

    loved him greatly, given him a coat of many colors that later was shown to him torn and bloody.

    His father thought Joseph was gone, eaten by a wild animal. No, Joseph had gone into the will ofGod, gone into Egypt to prepare a place of safety for his family in time of great famine.

    The years passed. Joseph was second in command next to Pharaoh; God had made Joseph a god to

    Pharaoh. God had a great plan and He used just one man to carry out that plan. When God moves

    on you in this hour, don't say you're just one person, you can't be a part of what He wants; you can

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    help take this Gospel to the whole world. This that we have is that which Joseph had, that which

    God used to make a Joseph. This is that and that is this.

    Studythat, the way God could use a yielded Joseph, and yield to God in the manner of Joseph.

    Understand this which you have received from on High, so you will know how to use this as you

    recognize this to be that. No longer fighting discouragement, no longer thinking about what you

    have to go through, you will let your mind dwell on the success God will have through you and the

    blessings He will reap through you, the blessing you will become to those whom you love.

    There is a price to bring in lost loved ones. What price are you willing to pay? Think of the horror

    of being betrayed by one's family and sold into slavery! Would you pay the kind of price Joseph

    paidslavery, imprisonment, suffering? At tremendous cost he saved his family. When the day

    came that his brothers, in search of grain, stood before Joseph in Egypt, they did not recognize

    him. Not making it easy for them, Joseph tested them in a way that pricked their consciences.

    They said one to another, W e are ve rily guilty concerning ou r brother, in that we saw

    the anguish of his soul, whe n he be sought us, and w e wou ld not hear; therefore is this

    distress come u pon u s (Genesis 42:21).

    Finally the time came for Joseph to reveal to his brothers the real identity of this great man who

    was saving their families from starvation. And Joseph said unto his brethren , Come ne ar to

    me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother , whom ye

    sold into Egypt. Now therefore b e not grieved, nor angry with your selves, that ye sold

    me hither: for God did send m e before you to preserv e life. For these two years hath

    the famine be en in the land: and yet there are five years, in the w hich there shallneither be earing nor harvest. And God sent me before you to preserve you a

    posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance . So now it was not

    you that sent me hither, bu t God: and he hath made m e a father to Pharaoh, and lord

    of all his house, and a ru ler throughou t all the land of Egypt (Genesis 45:4-8).

    What a forgiving spirit Joseph had! Few would have been so kind; many would have inflicted

    vengeance. Joseph certainly had that opportunity and the power. But he forgave. He forgave

    them for wanting to kill him, for turning deaf ears to his pleas and tears, for their callousness and

    lies to his father. Although they had brought great grief and sorrow to him and his father, Joseph

    had the same kind of forgiving spirit the Man of Galilee many years later was to display. It was not

    another spirit, but the same spirit. That which Joseph had, Jesus had. That which Jesus had, the

    Early Church had. That which the Early Church had, we have today: this is that.

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    The Lord began to take me back into the Scripture, showing me what thatwas so we can all

    understand it and draw from it. The Scripture is our great, deep well, many hundreds of years in

    the digging. You will never drain it dry; you could more quickly drain all the oceans by dipping out

    water in a thimble. The more you take from the well of living water, the more it springs up into life

    everlasting. Life, life, life bubbles and gushes forth from the well of salvation. Come to this well!

    will be the cry of the Bride in this final hour. This that we have is that that Jesus brought and


    Let's go again to Egypt. Now the picture is dark, dark. The seed of Abraham is in bondage. They

    had started out well. The Bible tells us that the children of Israel were fru itful, and

    increased abu ndan tly, and mu ltiplied, and w axed exceed ing mighty; and the land was

    filled with them. Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.

    And they mad e their lives bitter with hard bon dage, in mortar, and in brick, and in all

    mann er of service in the field: all their service, where in they made them serve , waswith rigou r (Exodus 1:7,8,14).

    Years before the Children of Israel went into bondage, the Lord had promised their father Abraham

    that He would deliver them. And he said un to Abram, K now of a surety that thy seed

    shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them ; and they shall

    afflict them fou r hu ndred years; And also that nation, whom they shall serve, w ill I

    judge: and afterward shall they come o ut w ith great substance (Genesis 15:13,14). After

    four hundred years, the Israelites had difficulty believing they would be delivered. The story had

    been told until it seemed just a myth. Could anyone believe it? So few believed, that it would take

    many signs and wonders to convince the rest.

    So it has been in our daysuch a long time since Jesus was here on Earth. Just like the slaves in

    Egypt had such difficulty believing deliverance was at hand, that the deliverer in the form of Moses

    was going to lead them out, many today doubt that Jesus will soon come to deliver His obedient


    What a wonderful vessel Moses was! Through that one vessel God poured a great anointing to

    serve the people. Observe again what God did with one vessel, and knowthat is this which God is

    pouring out today.

    Moses mother hid him for three months after he was born, andwhe n she cou ld not longer

    hide him, she took for him an ark of bu lrushes, and dau bed it with slime and w ith

    pitch, and pu t the child therein; and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink(Exodus


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    I spent a night by the Nile River; my balcony overlooked the river's edge. Standing under the stars,

    looking at the dark waters, I thrilled to think I was at the river that had cradled Moses on his way to

    fulfill the call of God. MosesI could see him in that little ark on the Nile, and something leaped

    within my heart, a lump came into my throat. Oh God, how precious are your ways! How

    wonderful to think on His plan as the moonlight kissed the water that so long ago had witnessed

    such wonders in the life of Moses! It must seem to God like only yesterday since it all happened: a

    little ark containing a treasure made out of pure clay, a baby. Man looking on the scene would not

    have recognized the value of that vessel of clay.

    Moses didn't look like much hidden in a basket among the reeds of the Nile. Who ever would have

    thought such a tiny baby years later would do so much damage to the kingdom of Pharaoh! God

    used Moses to destroy a whole army. Who could have pictured such power coming through that

    little child when he was grown? God knew the potential; His plan floated on the Nile, and was put

    into action some eighty years later.

    We've all made excuses along the way; Moses did at first when the Lord said to him,I will send

    thee u nto Pharaoh that thou m ayest bring forth my people the children o f Israel out of

    Egypt (Exodus 3:10). God showed Moses miracles. His rod, remember, changed into a serpent,

    and when Moses caught it by the tail it turned into a rod again. He put his hand into his bosom,

    pulled it out and his hand was leprous, white as snow. The second time he put his hand into his

    bosom, it came out whole as his other flesh. Still Moses found an excuse to not do as the Lord

    directed: O my Lord, I am not eloque nt, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken

    un to thy servant: bu t I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongu e. And he said, O my

    Lord, send, I pray thee, by the hand of him w hom thou w ilt send. And the anger of the

    Lord was kindled against Moses (Exodus 4:10,13,14).

    Oh, if only Moses hadn't spoken to God that way! Be careful what you tell God. Don't make

    excuses; make a statement: "God, you'll have to help me!" God sent Aaron to Moses, and Aaron

    turned out to be a burden, especially when he teamed up with sister Miriam. And M iriam an d

    Aaron spake against Moses (Numbers 12:1). Moses had a pair that fought him part of the way.

    And they said, Hath the Lord indeed spoke n on ly by Moses? hath he not spoken also

    by us? And the Lord heard it (verse 2). And the an ger of the Lord w as kindled against

    them; and he departed. And the cloud dep arted from off the tabernacle; and, behold,Miriam became leprou s, white as snow(verses 9,10).

    For seven days and nights the Israelites had to remain in one place while they waited for Miriam's

    miracle. Aaron and Miriam thought God could pray through them as well as through Moses; but

    when they were in trouble they didn't pray for themselves. They called on Moses.And Aaron

    said u nto Moses, Alas, my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin up on u s, wherein w e

    have done foolishly, and wherein w e have sinned. Let her not be as one dead, of

    whom the flesh is half consumed w hen he come th out of his mother's womb. And

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    Moses cried un to the Lord, saying, Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee (verses 11-13).

    Moses was very humble; he had the humility that Jesus later brought to planet Earth for the whole

    body of Christ. Jesus brought all that we find great in the Old Testament days.

    The Lord healed Miriam, but it didn't take all the rebellion out of her. Think how many people she

    stirred up against Moses, God's servant. What a stumbling block one person can be in the work of

    God! Miriam and Aaron were certainly not the only problems. Again and again the Israelitesrebelled, backed away from the promise of deliverance. The least thing could make them doubt.

    Again and again they turned on Moses, hating him, blaming him for their problems.

    With great humility, Moses bore his burdens. This humility of Moses is that which Jesus brought,

    that forgiving spirit. Moses never displayed arrogance, never was puffed up in the position God

    placed him in. That is this we have today, the reason we walk humbly before the Lord, knowing we

    are made of the dust of the Earth.

    Oh Lord, how will you accomplish such miracles today? How will you manifest yourself? This that

    we have is that that Moses had. Let's see how God worked through Moses. He gave Moses a rod.

    The Bible is our rod, a rod of truth, a rod of faith that swallows up the other rods.

    Moses lifted his rod, remember, and miracles took place. As we lift our rod of promise, the Word of

    God, miracles take placethis is that! This is that power, the rod of power that Moses used.

    Miracles, miracles, miracles will destroy more and more doubt in the hearts and minds of people.

    Many will come to know that the day of redemption is almost theirs, the day of deliverance is fast


    We saw it happen in Africa; we saw the Word swallow up unbelief like a huge, hungry monster.

    I've never witnessed anything quite like it. The Word was so powerful one night it destroyed

    unbelief, destroyed faith in idol gods. So much doubt was swallowed up that a few services later in

    that same place 29,477 were baptized in the Holy Ghost in a few minutes. At Pentecost about 120

    received the Holy Ghostthis is that and that is this which the Bible said would be poured out in

    the last days.

    God gave everything so that He could do this for the human race; He gave his very Son. Howmarvelous to know the Lord will do so much for each of His yielded Children!

    In those days was Heze kiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz

    came u nto him, and said un to him, Thus saith the Lord, Set thine hou se in order: for

    thou shalt die, and not live (Isaiah 38:1). When Hezekiah received the news, did he send for

    physicians? He knew if God said he was going to die, there was no need to go to man for help.

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    Hezekiah went to the one who had delivered the message to the prophet; he went straight to God.

    Then Heze kiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed un to the Lord, And said,

    Remember now, O Lord, I beseech thee, how I have walked before thee in truth and

    with a perfect heart, and have don e that which is good in thy sight. And Hez ekiah

    we pt sore (verses 2,3). He had been perfect in God's love, loving God all the time. "Oh, God," he

    was saying, "I want to live!" Although Isaiah, that precious prophet of God, had just delivered a

    message of death, Hezekiah's prayers changed God's verdict. God honored Hezekiah's request.

    Then came the w ord of the Lord to Isaiah, saying, Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus saith

    the Lord, the God of David thy father, I have he ard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears:

    be hold, I w ill add u nto thy days fifteen years. And I will deliver the e and this city ou t

    of the hand o f the king of Assyria: and I will defend this city. And th is shall be a sign

    un to thee from the Lord, that the Lord will do this thing that he hath spoken ; Behold,

    I will bring again the shadow of the degrees, w hich is gone dow n in the su n dial of

    Ahaz, ten degree s backward. So the sun return ed ten degrees, by which degrees it

    was gone dow n (verses 4-8). Fortunately Isaiah knew the voice of the Lord. He wasn't confused

    when the Lord sent him back to Hezekiah with a contradicting message. Having told the king he

    was going to die, Isaiah then told him he would live another fifteen years. Isaiah knew neither

    message was a mistake. God had answered prayer. It pays to know the voice of God; in fact you

    must know the voice of God in this last hour. If not, you will be confused.

    Think how you would feel had God told you that you were going to die. You'd pray earnestly: "God,

    I want to stay here until the Rapture takes place! God, I want to do your work. I want to help bring

    in the harvest." Then God would measure you out fifteen more years. Is that fanaticism? No. This

    God we have is the God who healed Hezekiah. That faith, that obedience of Hezekiah, is what we

    have today. This is that faith and obedience that brings miracles, deliverance, healing. Nothing canstop you when you have this and recognize it as that. You will come out of all the valley, delivered,

    set free.

    Don't look at your failing body and think about death; if you are a real Child of God, you are

    preparing to live an eternity. Get ready for a miracle. Call up heaven. Tell the Lord you want to

    stay here to work for Himif you want to be a witness to help bring in the final harvest. It's a lot of

    work; it would be easier to go on to heaven. Think it over.

    The Lord will be proud if you want to stay here to work for Him. He is always looking for two more

    hands. Every time He finds them He rejoices; He is delighted, for He sees more souls coming intothe Kingdom. God knows what two hands did in obedience one day as they hung between Earth

    and heaven. Two hands used by Divinity, by the divine power of God, brought salvation to a lost

    world. Two hands freed man from bondage, redeemed him from slavery, opened the prison houses

    of sin. All mankind who want to be set free can be delivered.

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    The Early Church received the first part of the rain of the Holy Spirit, and we are receiving the

    latter rain, the greater rain. God will be unlimited in His greatness toward the Bride because she

    will put no limitation upon Him. She will not shorten His arm to move. At all times the Bride will

    know nothing is impossible with God. He can reach every human being on planet Earth. His

    promises are given with power, with the Spirit and life of the living God. Treasure them as eternal

    promises, for they are given by the eternal God with all the strength of eternity. Every promise in

    the Word of God has the strength of eternity. How marvelous it is thatthis is that and that is this!

    Christ also loved the chu rch, an d gave himse lf for it; That he might sanctify and

    cleanse it with the washing of water b y the word, That he m ight present it to himself a

    glorious chu rch, not having spot, or wr inkle, or any such thing; but that it should be

    holy and without b lemish (Ephesians 5:25-27). In the past, God has had to wait on people, but

    now in this final hour, He is bringing the Bride together in a beautiful way. To be a member of the

    bridal company is special, a holy vessel of honor. The past is over; today is a new day. You have

    entered into the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. Step forward, yielding completely to His will, His

    plan, His blood, to His every wish.

    God's people are cleansed, made holy through His mighty power. Holy, yielded vessels, the Bride

    is serving Him in every way He wants.

    How wonderful that the Bride has been so yielded and cleansed by the blood of Jesus that the

    Master can use any vessel He wants to pour out any blessing! These vesselsthe Bridewill be

    ready at all times in this final hour. Many vessels will make up the Bride, every one of them pure

    and clean.

    Treasure the fact you are a vessel of His. Not a vessel of gold and silver, merely a vessel of

    claybut all Hissanctified for the Master.

    The Lord wants vessels of clay. Vessels of gold and silver are unimportant to the Lord; He has no

    trouble with precious stones. He only has to speak to bring them into existence. But God can't

    speak vessels of clay into action, for God has given them free will. With free will, the human race

    has tied the hands of God.

    Every vessel is an individual to be dedicated, consecrated, given for the Master's use, for His need.That vessel must willingly surrender itself to God in order for Him to take it over. He won't take it

    by force.

    When a vessel is first yielded to the Master, it comes with cracks, chips, holes. Nothing worthwhile

    can be served in it; but through His own blood, the nail-riven hands of Jesus take the yielded clay

    and make a beautiful vessel out of it. God's eye is perfect; it sees a flaw. Smash! The vessel is

    broken into pieces. God then takes it, rolls it into a ball of clay again and forms it anew on the

    potter's wheel. Carefully, patiently He works.

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    So it's been year after year, getting the Bride ready for this great hour. The wheel is spinning night

    and day, vessels crushed, vessels reshaped, vessels inspected with the eye of the Lord. No blemish

    can get past that eye. When it seems we have reached as far as we can go with God, that

    all-knowing eye sees a crack in the finish and the vessel is broken to be remade better, stronger.

    Years ago the Lord showed me this; He said, "I'll mold you; I'll make you; I'll break you and I'll

    mold you; and I'll make you and I'll break you. I'll mold you and I'll make you and I'll break you."

    It went on like that for what seemed an eternity. I'll never forget that night. I cried and cried.

    When I stopped crying, the words were still rolling on: "I'll mold you, make you and break you."

    That's the way the Lord must deal with all His Children in this last hour. Mold us, make us and

    break us until each yielded member of the bridal company will be without spot, wrinkle or

    blemishholy in the eyes of the Lord.

    Remember the Israelites in bondage? Suddenly they departed from Egypt. They left in haste.They were thru st out of Egypt, and cou ld not tarry, neither had they prepared for

    themselves any victual (Exodus 12:39). Taking unleavened bread, they had no time to let it rise,

    no time to wait for anything. The cry went forth to leave and they went.

    Today we, too, are listening for the midnight cry; it's almost time to leave this Earth. The miracles

    and healings are becoming greater and greater. This is that outpouring of the Spirit that will

    change the Bride in a twinkling of an eye! At the midnight cry we will be leaving here:W e shall

    not all sleep, b ut w e shall all be changed , In a mom ent, in the tw inkling of an eye, at

    the last trum p; for the trum pet shall soun d, and the dead shall be raisedincorrup tible, and w e shall be changed (I Corinthians 15:51,52). No time to work anymore

    when the trumpet sounds, we will go as we are. No time to pack, no time to prepare further; it's

    time to leave.

    Like brother Elijah crossed River Jordan for the last time, we have just one more river to cross.

    Elijah struck the waters and the power of God separated the waters to the left and right. Moses

    lifted up the rod of God's Word: Lift thou u p thy rod, and stretch out thine hand o ver the

    sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry grou nd throu gh the midst

    of the sea (Exodus 14:16). The Israelites went through the Red Sea dry shod. The separating day

    is coming again. The Lord will separate us from time into eternity. He will separate the waters of

    our Red Sea and we will cross into glory shouting the praises of God as we rise in the air.

    Hallelujah, hallelujah to King Jesus!

    For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, w ith the voice of the

    archangel, and w ith the trump of God: and the de ad in Christ shall rise first: Then w e

    which are alive and re main shall be cau ght up together with them in the clouds, to

    mee t the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever b e w ith the Lord (I Thessalonians 4:16,17).

    It's goodbye world, goodbye sorrows, heartaches! Heaven, here we come, a mighty army carrying

    Is That, Part 1 - Ernest Angley Ministries

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    blood stained banners! We have won becausethat is this and this is that! Blessed be the name of

    the Lord!

    The Lord manifested Himself in a great way to prepare the Israelites to leave Egypt, and once again

    He is manifesting Himself in a great way. The miracles will become greater and greater to plant

    faith in the people for Jesus' soon appearing in midair. He is working to prepare people for His

    great appearance. Jesus won't come all the way to Earth, but will be suspended in the air, and draw

    His Bride to Him. It will take the power of the Holy Ghost working inside you to change you in a

    moment and twinkling of an eye. You won't be changed from the outside, but from the inside. It

    will be according to the power that worketh in u s (Ephesians 3:20). That burst of power

    through the Holy Ghost that dwells within will change the Bride in an instant. This is that power

    that took Jesus into the clouds after the resurrection, the same power, the same Holy Ghost.

    If you don't know Jesus, say the sinners' prayer with me now: "Oh God, I am so sorry that I sinned

    against you, but I have come home. I'm going to serve you, Lord, the rest of my life. I believe that

    Jesus died for me and I will live for Him. I believe His shed blood will wash away my sins, all of my

    sins. Come on in, Jesus! Come into my heart!"

    If you meant that prayer, Jesus has come into your heart; He is yours. Start reading your Bible,

    praying, fasting and dining with the Lord daily and you will grow in Him. Then one day all heaven

    will be yours.

    You who are sick and afflicted, the power that healed those in Bible days is the same power that is

    healing today. This power is that power Jesus had when He walked the shores of Galilee. This is

    that that Jesus used to give a blind man sight. This is that which Peter and John had as they healed

    the man at the Gate Beautiful in the name of Jesus. This is the reason the crippled can walk and

    the blind can receive their sight. This is that and that is this. It can't be separated.

    If you need healing, believe in all faith. "Lord, I bring the people to you today for healing. We

    know this is that which you used when you were here on planet Earth as you healed all manner of

    sicknesses and diseases. In the name of Jesus I pray, as the servant of the Living God. From Hissupernatural gifts of miracles and healing it comes through the power of the Holy Ghost. Heal, in

    the holy name of Jesus! Heal, in the all-powerful, mighty name of Jesus, the Son of the Living


    The healing power is flowing; let it flow into you. Be thou made well. This is that that Jesus said

    would be usedHis powerthrough a believer, and He would heal. The pra yer of faith shall

    save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up (James 5:15). This is that and that is this;

    God's miracle power that worked yesterday is the same power bringing miracles in this last and

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    final hour just before the coming of the Lord.

    THIS IS THAT AND THAT IS THIS, PART 1, All rights reserved. Copyright 1992 Ernest Angley.

    All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

    only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed in

    its entirety.

    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

    Is That, Part 1 - Ernest Angley Ministries