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  • THEME: Compares attached and detached worker and thus establishes that self-realized person performs duties to set proper example for common people Ignorant work with attachment Self-realized Work without attachment

    To set the example and lead people on the right path Basis of differentiation between attached and detached worker Desire PLEASE NOTE: Text 3.26 is covered after Texts 3.27 and 3.28. Texts 3.25, 3.27 & 3.28 deal with a common them: The differences between the attached and detached worker. Texts 3.26 and 3.29 deal with another common them: How a detached person deals with an attached person.

    Texts 3.27 3.28 COMMON THEME: Differences in consciousness of Ignorant (Material consciousness) and Knower of Absolute Truth (Krishna consciousness) Study purports 3.25; 3.27 3.28 to find out the differences in the following points:

    ATTACHED WORKER (Ignorance) vs DETACHED WORKER (Knower of Absolute Truth) S. NO DIFFERENTIATING THEME ATTACHED WORKER (3.27) DETACHED WORKER (3.28) 1 One differentiating factor Desire

    Desires own sense gratification

    Desires Krishnas satisfaction

    2 Convictions Convinced by false ego that he is the doer of everything

    Convinced of his awkward position in material association 3 Knowledge of Identity

    Does not know that body is produced by material nature which works under the supervision of the Lord

    Does not know that he is under the control of Krishna

    Symptoms of nescience (Ignorance or not knowing) One takes all the credit for doing things independently

    Knows his real identity as part and parcel of the Supreme, who is eternal bliss and knowledge

    Knows that somehow he is entrapped in the material conception of life

  • Meaning of tattva-vit Ref. SB One who knows the Absolute Truth
