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Copyright 2014

INTRODUCTIONFirst, I would like to thank ABBA YHWH for his mercies and patience with me to get this done, since I began it in 2008. I thank Him (in no particular order) for Brad Scott, Rico Cortes, Bill Cloud, Eddie Chumney, Monte Judah, Tony Robinson, Jim Staley, Michael Rood, Avi Ben Mordechai and many others, for their teachings pertaining to the Aleph-Tav. If it wasn’t for them, this would not have happened. I pray that ABBA YHWH will bless the world with their teachings and their revelations.

I always had a desire to search out the truth and search the scriptures since I became a believer in Yeshua. When I heard teachings by our Hebraic roots teachers saying that Yeshua is the Aleph- the beginning- and the Tav -the end-, their statements coincided with what Yeshua said in Revelation 22:13 “I am the Aleph and the Tav, the beginning and the end, the fist and the last” (in Greek the “Alpha and Omega”). As we now have learned from our teachers, the end (Tav) is declared from the beginning (Aleph). As the years of learning went on, it developed within me share my knowledge and revelations, and what I have realized from their teachings. My first idea was to create a Strong’s based reference for all the Aleph-Tavs throughout the Tanakh. It was very challenging, since I did not have all the time in the world to do this. Off and on, with other projects and obligations, “The Aleph-Tav Reference” took me almost five years to complete. “The Aleph-Tav Reference” is the very first major work that I have ever completed by myself for The Aleph-Tav Project website. I just want to say that I am not perfect, but we all learn as we go on in life. I have to humbly remind myself, as our Hebraic roots teachers say, that we are continually growing and learning from our experiences.


I used the J. P. Green Bible as my main reference. It was not perfect (there are errors), but it was a great tool. The first thing I did was to find all the Aleph-Tavs throughout the Tanakh. I learned that there were no Aleph-Tavs that had any other Hebew letters after them. The next thing I disovered was that there were three kinds of true Aleph-Tavs: Stand-Alone Aleph-Tavs, Stand-Alone Aleph-Tavs with dashes after them, Aleph-Tavs with prefixes, and Aleph-Tavs containing prefixes with dashes after them. Then I searched to see if each Aleph and Tav was a true Aleph-Tav or a pronoun, or true Aleph-Tavs with prefixes or a Hebrew word. All these will be explained.



Stand-alone Aleph-Tavs are those that have only the two Hebrew letters “Aleph” and “Tav”. They do not have any Hebrew letters before or after them. I underline these stand-alone Aleph-Tavs.

While researching the Stand-Alone Aleph-Tavs, I found out that the J. P. Green Hebrew Tanakh version did not display all the stand-alone Aleph-Tavs as stand-alone Aleph-Tavs. Instead, they show some of them as Aleph-Tavs with dashes after them. I thank Brad Scott for his “Stand-Alone Alef-Tav List”. I used his list as a tool in finding all the stand-alone Aleph-Tavs. I searched through five or six different Hebrew Tanakh versions in order to find all the stand-alone Aleph-Tavs that Brad Scott found.

TRUE ALEPH-TAVS WITH DASHES Aleph-Tavs with dashes consist of the two Hebrew letters and can have either a dash before them, a dash after them, or a dash on both sides of them.

In the Hebrew, some of the stand-alone Aleph-Tavs have a dash before the Aleph-Tav (“-”) instead of

the dash after the Aleph-Tav (“-”). I count these as stand alone Aleph-Tavs, because the dash before them does not refer to the word after them. Therefore I don’t underline true Aleph-Tavs that have dashes after them to differentiate between the two.

Some of the Aleph-Tavs have a dash on both sides (“--”). I do not count them as stand alone Aleph-Tavs, and I do not underline them.


The Aleph-Tavs with prefixes consist of the Aleph and the Tav with Hebrew letters before them that are considered prefixes. There can be more than one prefix letter before the Aleph and the Tav.

I searched for all the possible Hebrew prefix letters that are included with Aleph and Tav: Bet “” [] (in, on, among, by), Vav “”(and) [], Heh “”(the) [], Lamed “”(of, to, for) [] and Mem “”(from) [], but the only Hebrew letters that I found to be true prefixes with the Aleph-Tavs are “Vav” (and), and “Mem” (from). I also searched for Hebrew prefix letters that have two or more letters before the Aleph and Tav [, , etc]. The result was that only one set had two or more Hebrew prefix letters with the true Aleph-Tav, and that was “Vav-Mem”- (and with) [].


In summary, these are the kinds of true Aleph-Tavs I have found that will be listed in the reference:

“”: Aleph-Tav- (stand alone) “”: Aleph-Tav- (with a dash after it)“-”: Aleph-Tav- (stand alone with a dash before it only)

“-”: Aleph-Tav- (with a dash before it and a dash after it)“and ” ( ): and Aleph-Tav- (stand alone)“and ” (): and Aleph-Tav- (with a dash after it)“from ” ( ): from Aleph-Tav- (stand-alone)“from ” (): from Aleph-Tav- (with a dash after it)“and from ” ( ): and from Aleph-Tav- (stand-alone)“and from ” (): and from Aleph-Tav- (with a dash after it)

NOTE: All true Aleph-Tavs will be in red.



There are two kinds of Aleph-Tavs that are not true Aleph-Tavs: Aleph-Tavs that are pronouns and Aleph-Tavs that are part of Hebrew words.


I have found non Aleph-Tavs by themselves that are the pronouns “you” in the second person singular, whether in the masculine singular (“m.s.”) or in the feminine singular (“f.s”). They will be shown in black and they will contain brackets. For Example: “Gen 39:9 (-you f.s.)”. Some of these also have dashes before them or dashes after them or both before and after them. They will be marked like those that are true

Aleph-Tavs, as mentioned above.

Many of the non Aleph-Tavs that are second person pronouns are followed with prepositions, verbs and conjunctions.


There are Aleph-Tavs that include letters that qualify as prefixes, but they are actually Hebrew words. These also will be shown in black, and they will contain brackets. I also include a translation next to the Hebrew words. For Example: “Gen 47:9 (-and a hundred)”. The Vav [] is the prefix for “and”. But the Mem [], appearing as the prefix “from”, (which would make the phrase “and from ”), is not a prefix, but part of a Hebrew word for “hundred”- [].

As for the stand-alone non Aleph-Tavs that are pronouns, and non Aleph-Tavs containing only prefix letters, I underline these as well.


The dashes for the non Aleph-Tavs is the same method I used for the dashes that are applied in the true Aleph-Tavs.


NOTE: All the non Aleph-Tavs will be posted at the end of the reference.

The pronouns and the Hebrew words can be found by reading the English interpretation from the interlinear bibles and by comparing them to the Enlgish versions as well. It was easy finding the Aleph-Tavs in places, and it was not easy finding them in other places. It took me some time to decipher some of them. I first thought some of them were true Aleph-Tavs when I read through them the first time, but when I looked at them again I realized that they do not fit as true Aleph-Tavs but as non Aleph-Tavs.


There are those who supposedly found Aleph-Tavs with other letters before them like Shin “” [], Peh “” [], Zayin “” [], etc. They are not prefixes, but parts of Hebrew words.



I use a phonetic pronunciation of Hebrew proper names, places and certain other words. I don’t put emphasis on syllables, because we don’t have one correct way to pronounce them. Also, I separate the syllables with dashes. The phoenetic method in “The Aleph-Tav Reference” is just a tool to pronounce the words.


There are complex phonetic letters in the Hebrew which I have underlined at the end of some of the words in the reference. Here is how some of the consonants are shown and pronounced:

kh as in Tanakh ts as in oatsph as in Josephth as in bath


These are the pronounced vowels I am using in the reference:“ah” (open your mouth and say ah); “ey” (like the Canadians “ay?”); “ee”; “ai” (I); “oh” (like “oh, OK.”); and “oo”. The common pronunciation “ee” and “oo” are understood. Here are examples where the vowel pronunciations are applied:

Single letter ending Double letter endingah: ahd, ahk, ahl, ahv, ahm, etc. ahth, ahkh, ahts ahph, etc. ey: eyd, eyk, eyl, eys, etc. eyth, eysh, eyts, eyph, eed, eet, eel, eem, etc. eeth, eekh, eets, eeph, aid, ait, ail, ais, etc. aith, aikh, aits, aiph, etc.oh: ohd, ohk, ohl, ohm, etc. ohth, ohkh, ohts, ohph, etc. oo: ood, ook, ool, oom, etc. ooth, ookh, oots, ooph, etc.


There are names of the tribal peoples I interpret more to our modern interpretation. For example the Hebrew word “K’nah-ah-nee” as you can figure out is our interpretation of the tribal name “Caananites”. I don’t keep the pronunciation of the syllable “nee”, but instead I used the modernized interpretation “nite” as in the name “K’nah-ah-nite”. Here are other examples: “Geer-gah-shite”, “Y’voo-site”, “Eh-moh-rite”, “Khee-vite”, “Ahr-kite”, “See-nite”, etc.There are also Tribal names and places that have “im” instead of “ine” or “ite” in Hebrew like “P’leesh-teem” for Phlistines, or “N’zah-reem” for Nazarites. I kept the “eem” instead of their normal translation.

INTERPRETATIONI try to interpret the words after the Aleph-Tavs literally correct as best as I can, but there are times it is impossible to interpret it correctly and literally.

I also include words in italics that are not in the Hebrew, in places, to help the flow of the grammar. I do not do this to all the words, only some of them. For Example: “Gen 1:25 -the beasts of the earth”.

THE NAMES OF ELOHIMYHWHIn His name, the Hebrew characters “” are in the blue color.

YAHAll the letters of the name “Yah” are in captials

ELOHIMIn the name “Elohim”, all the letters of His name are in capitals, whereas all the pagan Elohim are in small letters.

EYLAll the letters of the name “Eyl” are in capitals

ADONAIIn “Adonai” all the letters of His name are in capitals, whereas all the other applications of the title, whether kings, leaders, etc. are titled as “lord” or “master”.

Refer to the scriptures to get the context.

INCIDENTALSI have placed all the Aleph-Tavs in biblical order. If there are more than one time the Aleph-Tavs occurred in the same verse with the same word or words after it, it is stated the same way as the first in the order it occurred.

There are many places in the reference the Hebrew word, “- Ha-zeh” is used. They have various literal interpretations of this word phrase. The most common ones are “the these” or “the this”. For example: Leviticus 11:11 “ ם א כל־ה עאת־מ הש זה ” Interpretation: “-burden of all the people -the this-” As you see, I put the hyphens with the two word phrase “-the this-“. You will see these throughout the reference.


I have created a number-counting system. The first set of numbers is the continuation of the amount of Aleph-Tavs throughout the Tanakh, and they are counted in increments of 50. The second set of numbers are in parentheses. These are the continuation of the amount of Aleph-Tavs throughout each book in the Tanakh and will be displayed in a blue color. For example, in the book of Numbers: “##2851-2900 (Nu ##473-522)” The first set of numbers say the next 50 Aleph-Tavs will be numbers “2851-2900”. The second set of numbers, in parentheses, such as the book of Numbers, will have the abbreviation of the current book, “Nu”, and the next 50 Aleph-Tavs will be numbers “473-522”. Not all of the books will contain the numbered sets, since some books have too few Aleph-Tavs, and the numbered sets will not total up to the fifty number sequence sum in those books.


There are different meanings of the same word in various bible versions. Any additional alternate interpretations that are added to that word in the reference are put in parentheses.


The Hebrew fonts that are used are the “Semitic Modern” (semmod) font and the “BSTHebrew” font. You need both of these fonts to see the Hebrew letters in “The Aleph-Tav Reference” text. You can get the fonts at The Aleph-Tav Project website.


If you happen to see this format viewed a little out of order, it is in the “Column Layout” format, It displays the text in side to side pages, but that format distorts the text in which I originally placed them. You will not recognize it until you get to the reference.

Go to the very top of the document. It should show three different options: “File” “Tools” and “View”. Click on “View” and a list appears. The bottom of the list should be “Layout”. Put the cursor over it and two layout options will display: “Column Layout” and “Paper Layout”. Click on “Paper Layout” and it will display the text in the up and down format, the format in which I wrote it.

CONCLUSIONThe most important thing about this project is that I am offering it free of charge. It is copyrighted to document that the work is mine.

You can provide feedback on my email at

May ABBA YHWH bless you.


THE ALEPH-TAV REFERENCEBased on the Strong’s Concordance format


##1-50 (Gen ##1-50)Gen 1:1 -the heavensGen 1:1 and -the earthGen 1:7 -the expanseGen 1:16 -the two great

luminariesGen 1:16 -the great luminaryGen 1:16 -the small luminaryGen 1:16 and -the starsGen 1:21 -the great sea monstersGen 1:21 and -all soul of the

livingGen 1:21 and -every winged birdGen 1:22 -the waters in the seasGen 1:25 -the beasts of the earthGen 1:25 and -the cattleGen 1:25 and -all creepers of the groundGen 1:27 -The Ah-dahmGen 1:28 -the earth

Gen 1:29 -every herb seeding seed

Gen 1:29 and -every tree which in it is the fruit of the tree seeding seedGen 1:30 -every green herb for

foodGen 1:31 -all which was madeGen 2:3 -the seventh dayGen 2:5 -the groundGen 2:6 -all face of the groundGen 2:7 -The Ah-dahm of dust from the groundGen 2:8 -The Ah-dahm whom was formedGen 2:10 -the garden

Gen 2:11 -all earth of the Khah-vee-lahGen 2:13 -all earth of KooshGen 2:15 -The Ah-dahmGen 2:19 and -every bird of the

heavensGen 2:22 -the ribGen 2:24 -his fatherGen 2:24 and -his motherGen 3:8 -voice of

ELOHIMGen 3:10 -your voiceGen 3:18 -herb of the fieldGen 3:23 -the groundGen 3:24 -The Ah-dahmGen 3:24 -the K’roo-veemGen 3:24 -the flaming swordGen 3:24 -the Way of the Tree of LifeGen 4:1 -Khahv-vah his wifeGen 4:1 -Kah-yeenGen 4:1 -Gen 4:2 -his brotherGen 4:2 -Khah-vehlGen 4:11 -her mouthGen 4:11 -your brother’s bloodGen 4:12 -the groundGen 4:17 -his wife

##51-100 (Gen ##51-100)Gen 4:17 -Khah-nohkhGen 4:18 -Ee-rahdGen 4:18 -M’khoo-yah-eylGen 4:18 -M’thoo-shah-eylGen 4:18 -Lah-mehkhGen 4:20 -Yah-vahlGen 4:22 -Too-vahl Kah-yeenGen 4:25 -his wifeGen 4:25 -his name SheythGen 4:26 -his name Eh-nohshGen 5:2 -their name Ah-dahm

Gen 5:3 -his name SheythGen 5:4 -SheythGen 5:6 -Eh-nohshGen 5:7 -Eh-nohshGen 5:9 -Key-nahnGen 5:10 -Key-nahnGen 5:12 -Mah-hah-lahl-eylGen 5:13 -Mah-hah-lahl-eylGen 5:15 -Yah-rehdGen 5:16 -Yah-rehdGen 5:18 -Khah-nohkhGen 5:19 -Khah-nohkhGen 5:21 -M’thoo-sheh-lahkhGen 5:22 -The ELOHIMGen 5:22 -M’thoo-sheh-lahkhGen 5:24 -The ELOHIMGen 5:25 -Lah-mehkhGen 5:26 -Lah-mehkhGen 5:29 -his name Noh-ahkhGen 5:30 -Noh-ahkhGen 5:32 -SheymGen 5:32 -KhahmGen 5:32 and -Yah-phehthGen 6:2 -the daughters of The Ah-dahmGen 6:6 -The Ah-dahmGen 6:7 -The Ah-dahmGen 6:9 -The ELOHIMGen 6:10 -SheymGen 6:10 -KhahmGen 6:10 and -Yah-phehthGen 6:12 -The earthGen 6:12 -his wayGen 6:13 -the earthGen 6:14 -the arkGen 6:17 -the floodGen 6:18 -MY COVENANTGen 7:4 -all of the substanceGen 7:9 -Noh-ahkh

Gen 7:17 -the ark##101-150 (Gen ##101-150)

Gen 7:23 -all of the substanceGen 8:1 -Noh-ahkhGen 8:1 and -all of the living thingGen 8:1 and -all of the cattleGen 8:6 -the perforated window of the arkGen 8:7 -the ravenGen 8:8 -the Dove Gen 8:10 -the Dove Gen 8:12 -the Dove Gen 8:13 -the covering of the arkGen 8:21 -the soothing fragranceGen 8:21 -the groundGen 8:21 -all lifeGen 9:1 -Noh-ahkhGen 9:1 and -his sonsGen 9:1 -the earthGen 9:3 -all thingsGen 9:5 -your blood of your soulsGen 9:5 -soul of The Ah-dahmGen 9:6 -The Ah-dahmGen 9:9 -MY COVENANTGen 9:9 and -your seedsGen 9:10 and -all of the living soulGen 9:11 -MY COVENANTGen 9:13 -my bowGen 9:15 -MY COVENANTGen 9:22 -his father’s nakednessGen 9:23 -the garmentGen 9:23 -nakedness of their fatherGen 9:24 -that his younger so

did to himGen 10:8 -Neem-rohdGen 10:11 -Neen-veyhGen 10:11 and -R’khoh-vohthGen 10:11 and -Kah-lahkhGen 10:12 and -Reh-sehnGen 10:13 -Loo-deemGen 10:13 and -Ah-nah-meemGen 10:13 and -L’hah-veemGen 10:13 and -Naph-too-kheemGen 10:14 and -Pah-throo-seemGen 10:14 and -Kah-sloo-kheemGen 10:14 and -Kahph-toh-reemGen 10:15 -Tsee-dohnGen 10:15 and -KheythGen 10:16 and -the Y’voo-siteGen 10:16 and -the Eh-moh-riteGen 10:16 and -the Geer-gah-shiteGen 10:17 and -the Khee-viteGen 10:17 and -the Ahr-kiteGen 10:17 and -the See-nite

##151-200 (Gen ##151-200)Gen 10:18 and -the Ahr-vah-diteGen 10:18 and -the Tseh-mah-riteGen 10:18 and -the Khah-mah-thiteGen 10:24 -Shah-lahkhGen 10:24 -Ey-vehrGen 10:26 -Ahl-moh-dahdGen 10:26 and -Shah-lehphGen 10:26 and - Khah-tsar-mah-vehthGen 10:26 and -Yah-rahkhGen 10:27 and -Hah-doh-rahmGen 10:27 and -Oo-zahlGen 10:27 and -Dee-klahGen 10:28 and -Oh-vahlGen 10:28 and -Ah-vee-mah-eyl

Gen 10:28 and -Sh’vahGen 10:29 and -Oh-pheerGen 10:29 and -Khah-vee-lahGen 10:29 and -Yoh-vahvGen 11:5 -the cityGen 11:5 and -the towerGen 11:10 -Ahr-pahkh-shahdGen 11:11 -Ahr-pahkh-shahdGen 11:12 -Shah-lahkhGen 11:13 -Sheh-lahkhGen 11:14 -Ey-vehrGen 11:15 -Ey-vehrGen 11:16 -Pah-lehgGen 11:17 -Peh-lehgGen 11:18 -R‘ooGen 11:19 -R‘ooGen 11:20 -Seh-roogGen 11:21 -Seh-roogGen 11:22 -Nah-khohrGen 11:23 -Nah-khohrGen 11:24 -Tah-rahkhGen 11:25 -Teh-rahkhGen 11:26 -Ahv-rahmGen 11:26 -Nah-khohrGen 11:26 and -Hah-rahnGen 11:27 -Ahv-rahmGen 11:27 -Nah-khohrGen 11:27 and -Hah-rahnGen 11:27 -LohtGen 11:31 -Ahv-rahmGen 11:31 and -LohtGen 11:31 and -Sah-raiGen 12:5 -Sah-raiGen 12:5 and -LohtGen 12:5 and -all of their goodsGen 12:5 and -the souls

##201-250 (Gen ##201-250)Gen 12:7 -the land -the this-Gen 12:14 -the woman

Gen 12:17 -Pah-rohGen 12:17 and -his houseGen 12:20 and -his wifeGen 12:20 and -all that was to himGen 13:5 -Ahv-rahmGen 13:10 -his eyesGen 13:10 -all of the circuit of the Yahr-deynGen 13:10 -S’dohmGen 13:10 and -Ah-mohr-ahGen 13:11 -all of the circuit of the Yahr-deynGen 13:15 -all the earthGen 13:16 -your seedGen 13:16 -dust of the earthGen 14:2 -Beh-rah, King of

S’dohmGen 14:2 and -Beer-shah, King of Ah-mohr-ahGen 14:4 -K’dahr-lah-oh-mehrGen 14:5 -R’phah-eem (giants) in Ahsh-t’rohthGen 14:5 and -the Zoo-zeemGen 14:5 and -the Ey-meemGen 14:6 and -the Khohr-itesGen 14:7 -all of the country of

the Ah-mah-ley-kitesGen 14:7 -the Eh-moh-ritesGen 14:9 -K’dahr-lah-oh-mehrGen 14:9 -the fiveGen 14:11 -all the goods

(substance) of S’dohm and Ah-mohr-ah

Gen 14:11 and -all their foodGen 14:12 -LohtGen 14:12 and -his goods

(substance)Gen 14:14 -his trained menGen 14:16 -all the goods


Gen 14:16 -LohtGen 14:16 -the womenGen 14:16 and -the peopleGen 14:17 -K’dahr-lah-oh-mehrGen 14:17 and -the kings which

were with himGen 14:23 -Ahv-rahmGen 15:7 -the land -the this-Gen 15:10 -all theseGen 15:10 and -the birdGen 15:14 -the nationGen 15:18 -Ahv-rahmGen 15:18 -the earth -the this-Gen 15:19 -the Key-niteGen 15:19 and -the K’nee-ziteGen 15:19 and -the Kahd-moh-niteGen 15:20 and -the Khee-titeGen 15:20 and -the P’ree-ziteGen 15:20 and -the R’phah-eem

##251-300 (Gen ##251-300)Gen 15:21 and -the Eh-moh-riteGen 15:21 and -the K’nah-ah-niteGen 15:21 and -the Geer-gah-shiteGen 15:21 and -the Y’voo-siteGen 16:3 -Hah-gahr the Meets-riteGen 16:10 -your seedGen 16:16 -Yeesh-mah-eylGen 17:5 -your name Ah-vrahmGen 17:7 -my covenantGen 17:8 -earth of your

pilgrimage (sojourning)Gen 17:8 -all of the earth of K’nah-ahnGen 17:9 -my covenantGen 17:11 -flesh of your foreskin

Gen 17:14 -flesh of his foreskinGen 17:14 -my covenantGen 17:15 -her name Sah-raiGen 17:19 -his name Yeets-khahkGen 17:19 -My Covenant with himGen 17:21 and -my covenantGen 17:21 -Yeets-khahkGen 17:23 -Yeesh-mah-eyl, his sonGen 17:23 and -all children of his houseGen 17:23 and -all purchased with his silver every male from the men of Ah-vrah-hahm’s houseGen 17:23 -flesh of their foreskinsGen 17:25 -flesh of his foreskinGen 17:27 from -son of a foreignerGen 18:19 -his sonsGen 18:19 and -his house after himGen 18:19 -which was spoken of

himGen 18:28 -all the cityGen 19:10 -their handsGen 19:10 -LohtGen 19:10 and -the doorGen 19:11 and -the menGen 19:13 -the place -the this-Gen 19:13 -face of Gen 19:14 -the cityGen 19:15 -your wifeGen 19:15 and -two of your

daughtersGen 19:19 -my soulGen 19:21 -the cityGen 19:24 from - from the

heavensGen 19:25 -the cities -the those-Gen 19:25 and -all of the plainGen 19:25 and -all dwellers of the citiesGen 19:27 -face of Gen 19:29 -cities of the plainGen 19:29 -Ahv-rah-hahmGen 19:29 -LohtGen 19:29 -the cities

##301-350 (Gen ##301-350)Gen 19:32 -our fatherGen 19:33 -their fatherGen 19:33 -her fatherGen 19:34 -my fatherGen 19:35 -their fatherGen 20:2 -Sah-rahGen 20:8 -all of the words -the these-Gen 20:10 -the thing (word) -the

this-Gen 20:14 -Sah-rah, his wifeGen 20:16 and -all this, and you are justifiedGen 20:17 -Ah-vee-meh-lehkhGen 20:17 and -his wifeGen 21:1 -Sah-rahGen 21:3 -name of his sonGen 21:4 -Yeets-khahk, his sonGen 21:5 -Yeets-khahk, his sonGen 21:8 -Yeets-khahkGen 21:9 -son of Hah-gahr the Meets-riteGen 21:10 and -her sonGen 21:13 -son of the servant girlGen 21:14 and -the boy (lad)Gen 21:15 -the boy (lad)Gen 21:16 -her voiceGen 21:17 -voice of the boy (lad)

Gen 21:18 -the boy (lad)Gen 21:18 -your hand on himGen 21:19 -her eyesGen 21:19 -the skin of waterGen 21:19 -the boy (lad)Gen 21:20 -the boy (lad)Gen 21:25 -Ah-vee-meh-lehkhGen 21:26 -the thing (word) -the

this-Gen 21:28 -seven ewe lambs of the flockGen 21:30 -seven ewe lambsGen 21:30 -the well -the this-Gen 22:1 -Ah-vrah-hahmGen 22:2 -your sonGen 22:2 -your only oneGen 22:2 -Yeets-khahkGen 22:3 -his assGen 22:3 -two of his young menGen 22:3 and -Yeets-khahk, his

sonGen 22:4 -his eyesGen 22:4 -the placeGen 22:6 -tree of the elevation offeringGen 22:6 -the fireGen 22:6 and -the knifeGen 22:9 -the altarGen 22:9 -the treesGen 22:9 -Yeets-khahk, his son

##351-400 (Gen ##351-400)Gen 22:10 -his handGen 22:10 -the knifeGen 22:10 -his sonGen 22:12 -your sonGen 22:12 -your only oneGen 22:13 -his eyesGen 22:13 -the ramGen 22:16 -the thing (word) -the

this-Gen 22:16 -your sonGen 22:16 -your only oneGen 22:17 -your seedGen 22:17 -gate of his enemiesGen 22:21 -Oots, his firstbornGen 22:21 and -Booz, his brotherGen 22:21 and -K’moo-eyl, father of AramGen 22:22 and -Keh-sehdGen 22:22 and -Hah-zohGen 22:22 and -Peed-lahshGen 22:22 and -Yeed-lahphGen 22:22 and -B’thoo-eylGen 22:23 -Reev-kahGen 22:24 -Teh-bahkhGen 22:24 and -Gah-khahmGen 22:24 and -Tah-khahshGen 22:24 and -Mah-ah-khahGen 23:5 -Ahv-rah-hahmGen 23:6 -your deadGen 23:6 -his burial placeGen 23:8 -your souls’ desireGen 23:8 -my deadGen 23:9 -cave of the Makh-pey-lahGen 23:10 -Ahv-rah-hahmGen 23:13 -my dead to thereGen 23:14 -Ah-vrah-hahmGen 23:15 and -your dead buryGen 23:16 -the sliverGen 23:19 -Sah-rah, his wifeGen 23:20 from -sons of KheythGen 24:1 -Ahv-rah-hahmGen 24:5 -your sonGen 24:6 -my sonGen 24:7 -the land -the this-Gen 24:8 -my sonGen 24:9 -his hand

Gen 24:30 -the ringGen 24:30 and -the braceletsGen 24:30 -words of Reev-kah, his sisterGen 24:35 -my masterGen 24:36 -all that is to himGen 24:48 - ELOHIM of my master Ahv-rah-hahm

##401-450 (Gen ##401-450)Gen 24:48 -daughter of a brother of my masterGen 24:49 -my masterGen 24:52 -their wordsGen 24:57 -her mouthGen 24:59 -Reev-kah, their sisterGen 24:59 and -her nurseGen 24:59 and -servant of

Ahv-rah-hahmGen 24:59 and -his menGen 24:60 -Reev-kahGen 24:60 -gate of their hatersGen 24:61 -Reev-kahGen 24:64 -her eyesGen 24:64 -Yeets-khahkGen 24:66 -all the things that was doneGen 24:67 -Reev-kahGen 25:2 -Zeem-rahnGen 25:2 and -Yahk-shahnGen 25:2 and -M’dahnGen 25:2 and -Meed-yahnGen 25:2 and -Yeesh-bahkGen 25:2 and -Shoo-ahkhGen 25:3 -Sh’vahGen 25:3 and -D’dahnGen 25:5 -all that was to himGen 25:10 from -sons of KheythGen 25:11 -Yeets-khahk, his son

Gen 25:19 -Yeets-khahkGen 25:20 -Reev-kahGen 25:22 -Gen 25:28 -Ey-sahvGen 25:28 -Yah-ah-kohvGen 25:31 -your first-birth rightGen 25:33 -his first-birth rightGen 25:34 -the first-birth rightGen 26:3 -all the earths –the these-Gen 26:3 -the oathGen 26:4 -your seedGen 26:4 -all the earths –the these-Gen 26:8 -Reev-kah, his wifeGen 26:10 -your wifeGen 26:11 -all of the peopleGen 26:18 -wells of the waterGen 26:24 -your seedGen 26:34 -Y’hoo-deeth, daughter of B’ey-ree, the Khee-titeGen 26:34 and -Bahs-math,

daughter of Ey-lohn, the Khee-titeGen 27:1 -Ey-sahvGen 27:6 -your fatherGen 27:15 -clothes of Ey-sahv, her big sonGen 27:15 -Yah-ah-kohv, her little son Gen 27:16 and -skins of the kids of the goats

##451-500 (Gen ##451-500)Gen 27:17 -the delicaciesGen 27:17 and -the breadGen 27:27 -odor of his garmentGen 27:30 -Yah-ah-kohvGen 27:30 from -face of Yeets-khahkGen 27:34 -words of his father

Gen 27:36 -my firstborn rightGen 27:37 and -all his brothersGen 27:40 and -your brotherGen 27:41 -Yah-ah-kohvGen 27:41 -Yah-ah-kohv, my brotherGen 27:42 -words of Ey-sahv, her bigger sonGen 27:45 -what you have done to himGen 28:4 -blessing of Ahv-rah-hahmGen 28:4 -earth of your pilgrimageGen 28:5 -Yah-ah-kohvGen 28:6 -Yah-ah-kohvGen 28:9 -Mah-khah-lahth

daughter of Yeesh-mah-eylGen 28:15 -which I have spoken to youGen 28:18 -the stone which was

there with his headGen 28:19 -the name of the place -the that- Beyth-EylGen 29:3 -the stone from upon mouth of the wellGen 29:3 -the sheep (flock)Gen 29:3 -the stone from upon mouth of the wellGen 29:5 -Lah-vahn son of Nah-khohrGen 29:8 -the stone from upon mouth of the wellGen 29:10 -Rahkh-eyl daughter of Lah-vahnGen 29:10 and -the sheep of Lah-vahnGen 29:10 -the stone from upon

mouth of the wellGen 29:10 -the sheep of Lah-vahn

Gen 29:11 -his voiceGen 29:13 -the hearing (report) of Yah-ah-kohl, son of his sisterGen 29:13 -all of the things -the

these-Gen 29:18 -Rah-kheylGen 29:21 -my wifeGen 29:22 -all men of the placeGen 29:23 -Ley-ah, his daughterGen 29:24 -Zeel-pah, his slave girl

Gen 29:27 --this oneGen 29:28 -Rah-kheylGen 29:29 -Beel-hah, his slave girl

Gen 29:30 --Rah-kheylGen 29:31 -her womb

Gen 29:33 --this oneGen 29:35 -Gen 30:4 -Beel-hah, her slaveGen 30:9 -Zeel-pah, her slaveGen 30:10 -his name, GahdGen 30:13 -his name, Ah-sheyrGen 30:15 -my husband

##501-550 (Gen ##501-550)Gen 30:15 -love apples of my sonGen 30:20 -his name, Z’voo-loonGen 30:21 -her name, Dee-nahGen 30:22 -Rah-kheylGen 30:22 -her wombGen 30:23 -my disgraceGen 30:24 -his name, Yoh-seyphGen 30:25 -Yoh-seyphGen 30:26 -my wivesGen 30:26 and -my sons (lads)Gen 30:26 -my service

Gen 30:29 -how I served youGen 30:29 and -what became of

your livestockGen 30:35 -the lambs; the striped and the spottedGen 30:35 and -all the goats; the

speckled and the spottedGen 30:36 -flocks of Lah-vahn, the remaining onesGen 30:38 -the rods which was peeledGen 30:41 -the rods to the eyes of the flockGen 31:1 -words of sons of Lah-vahnGen 31:1 -all that was to our fatherGen 31:1 -all the wealth -the this-Gen 31:2 -face of Lah-vahnGen 31:5 -face of your fatherGen 31:6 -your fatherGen 31:7 -my wages ten

weighings Gen 31:9 -livestock of your

fathers’Gen 31:12 -all that Lah-vahn did

to you Gen 31:15 -our silverGen 31:17 -his sonsGen 31:17 and -his wives on the

camelsGen 31:18 -all his livestockGen 31:18 and -all his goods which was gottenGen 31:19 -his sheepGen 31:19 -his t’rah-pheem idols which was to her fatherGen 31:20 -heart of Lah-vahn, the Ah-rah-miteGen 31:21 -the RiverGen 31:21 -his face to hill of the

Geel-ahdGen 31:23 -his brothersGen 31:25 -Yah-ah-kohvGen 31:25 -his tent on the mountGen 31:25 -his brothers on hill of the Geel-ahdGen 31:26 -my heartGen 31:26 -my daughtersGen 31:30 -my elohimGen 31:31 -your daughtersGen 31:32 -your elohimGen 31:34 -the t’rah-pheem idolsGen 31:34 -all the tentGen 31:35 -his t’rah-pheem idolsGen 31:37 -all of my vessels

##551-600 (Gen ##551-600)Gen 31:41 -my wagesGen 31:42 -my afflictionGen 31:42 and -the toil of my palmGen 31:50 -my daughtersGen 31:52 -the heap -the this-Gen 31:52 -the heap -the this-Gen 31:52 and -the pillar -the this-Gen 32:8 -the people that were with himGen 32:8 and -the flockGen 32:8 and -the herdGen 32:11 -your servantGen 32:11 -the Yahr-deynGen 32:13 -your seedGen 32:18 -the first onesGen 32:20 -the secondGen 32:20 -the thirdGen 32:20 -all of the ones going

after the drovesGen 32:23 -two of his wivesGen 32:23 and -two of his slave


Gen 32:23 and -one teen of his boys (lads)Gen 32:23 -in the crossing of Yahb-bohkGen 32:24 -the riverGen 32:24 -what was to himGen 32:32 -P’noo-eylGen 32:33 -sinew of the thigh which is upon the cup of the socketGen 33:1 -the boys (lads)Gen 33:2 -the slave girlsGen 33:2 and -their boys (lads)Gen 33:2 and -Ley-ah and her boys (lads)Gen 33:2 and -Rah-kheylGen 33:2 and -Yoh-seyphGen 33:5 -his eyesGen 33:5 -the womenGen 33:5 and -the boys (lads)Gen 33:5 -your servantGen 33:11 -my blessingsGen 33:18 -face of the cityGen 33:19 -smoothness of the fieldGen 34:3 -the young girlGen 34:4 -the girl (lady) -the this-Gen 34:5 -Dee-nah, his daughterGen 34:5 -his livestock in the fieldGen 34:7 -daughter of Ya-ah-kohvGen 34:9 and -our daughtersGen 34:12 -the young girl for a wifeGen 34:13 -Sh’khehmGen 34:13 and -Khah-mohr, his

fatherGen 34:13 -Dee-nah, their sister

Gen 34:14 -our sisterGen 34:16 -our daughters

##601-650 (Gen ##601-650)Gen 34:16 and -your daughtersGen 34:17 -our daughterGen 34:21 -their daughtersGen 34:21 and -our daughtersGen 34:26 and -Khah-mohrGen 34:36 and -Sh’khehm, his sonGen 34:26 -Dee-nahGen 34:28 -their flocksGen 34:28 and -their herdsGen 34:28 and -their assesGen 34:28 and -what was in the cityGen 34:28 and -what was in the

fieldGen 34:29 and -all their wealthGen 34:29 and -all their childrenGen 34:29 and -all their wivesGen 34:29 and -all that was in the houseGen 34:31 -our sisterGen 35:2 -the strange elohimGen 35:4 -all of the strange elohimGen 35:4 and -the rings which were in their earsGen 35:10 -his name Yees-rah-eylGen 35:12 and -the earth which I

gaveGen 35:12 -the earthGen 35:15 -the name of the placeGen 35:22 -Beel-hah, his father’s concubineGen 36:1 -his wivesGen 36:2 -Ah-dah, daughter of Ey-lohn, the Khee-titeGen 36:2 -

Ah-hah-lee-vah-mah, daughter of Ah-nah, daughter of Tsee-vohn, the Khee-viteGen 36:3 and -Bah-she-math, daughter of Yeesh-mah-eyl, sister of N’vah-yohthGen 36:4 -Eh-lee-phahzGen 36:4 -R’oo-eylGen 36:5 -Y’ooshGen 36:5 and -Yah-lahmGen 36:5 and -Kohr-ahkhGen 36:6 -his wivesGen 36:6 and -his sonsGen 36:6 and -his daughtersGen 36:6 and -all souls of his houseGen 36:6 and -his livestockGen 36:6 and -all of his beastGen 36:6 and -all his property which was gained in the earth of K’nah-ahnGen 36:12 -Ah-mah-leykGen 36:14 -Y’ooshGen 36:14 and -Yah-lahm Gen 36:14 and -Kohr-ahkhGen 36:24 -hot springs in the

desert Gen 36:24 -the assess for Tsee-vohn, his fatherGen 36:35 -Meed-yahn in the field of Mo-ahvGen 37:2 -his brothersGen 37:2 -sons of Veel-hah

##651-700 (Gen ##651-700)Gen 37:2 and -sons of Zeel-phahGen 37:2 -their report, an evil oneGen 37:3 -Yoh-seyphGen 37:11 -the word

Gen 37:12 -flock of their father in Sh’kehmGen 37:14 -welfare of your brothersGen 37:14 and -welfare of the flockGen 37:16 -my brothersGen 37:23 -Yoh-seyphGen 37:23 -his long coatGen 37:23 -long coat, the wide spreadGen 37:26 -our brotherGen 37:26 -his bloodGen 37:28 -Yoh-seyphGen 37:28 -Yoh-seyphGen 37:28 -Yoh-seyphGen 37:29 -his clothesGen 37:31 -long coat of Yoh-seyphGen 37:31 -the long coatGen 37:32 -long coat, the wide spreadGen 38:1 from -his brothersGen 38:3 -his name EyrGen 38:4 -his name Oh-nahnGen 38:5 -his name Shey-lahGen 38:20 -kid of the goatsGen 38:21 -men of her placeGen 39:2 -Yoh-seyphGen 39:5 -house of the Meets-riteGen 39:7 -her eyesGen 39:19 -words of his wifeGen 39:21 -Yoh-seyphGen 39:22 -all of the prisonersGen 39:22 and -all which they did thereGen 39:23 -any thing in his handGen 40:4 -Yoh-seyphGen 40:7 -officers of Phah-roh

Gen 40:9 -his calm dreamGen 40:11 -the grapesGen 40:11 -the cupGen 40:13 -your headGen 40:19 -your headGen 40:19 -your flesh from upon

youGen 40:20 -Pah-rohGen 40:20 -head of the chief of the cupbearersGen 40:20 and -head of the chief of the bakersGen 40:21 -chief of the cupbearersGen 40:22 and -chief of the bakersGen 40:23 -Yoh-seyphGen 41:4 -seven of the cows, beautiful of the sight and the fatGen 41:7 -seven of the ears, the

fat and the full##701-750 (Gen ##701-750)

Gen 41:8 -all of the magicians of Meets-rah-yeemGen 41:8 and -her wise menGen 41:8 -his calm dreamGen 41:9 -Pah-rohGen 41:9 -my hate sinGen 41:10 and -chief of the bakersGen 41:12 -our dreamsGen 41:14 -Yoh-seyphGen 41:16 -Pah-rohGen 41:16 -welfare of Pah-rohGen 41:20 -seven of the cows, the first, the fat

Gen 41:24 -seven of the ears, the good ones

Gen 41:25 -what The ELOHIM will do

Gen 41:28 -Pah-rohGen 41:30 -the earthGen 41:34 -earth of Meets-rah-yeemGen 41:35 -all food of the

years, the good ones, the coming -the these-Gen 41:39 -all thisGen 41:42 -his ring from upon his handGen 41:44 -his handGen 41:44 and -his footGen 41:45 -Ah-s’nahth, daughter

of Poh-tee Pheh-rah, Koh-heyn of OhnGen 41:48 -all food of the seven

yearsGen 41:51 -name of the firstborn, M’nah-shehGen 41:51 -all my toilGen 41:51 and -all house of my

fatherGen 41:52 and -name of the second was called Eh-phrah-yeemGen 41:56 -all which was in themGen 42:4 and -Been-yah-meen,

brother of Yoh-seyphGen 42:4 -his brothersGen 42:7 -his brothersGen 42:8 -his brothersGen 42:9 -the calm dreamsGen 42:9 -barrenness of the earthGen 42:13 -our father todayGen 42:16 -our brotherGen 42:18 -The ELOHIM I fearGen 42:20 and -your brother, the

youngestGen 42:24 -Shee-mohnGen 42:25 -their vessels

Gen 42:26 -their grain upon their asses

Gen 42:27 -his sackGen 42:27 -his silverGen 42:29 -all of the happenings of themGen 42:30 -the earthGen 42:32 -our fatherGen 42:33 and -famine of your housesGen 42:34 -your brother, the

youngestGen 42:34 -your brotherGen 42:34 and -the earth

##751-800 (Gen ##751-800)Gen 42:35 -bundles of their silverGen 42:36 and -Been-yah-meenGen 42:37 -two of my sonsGen 42:38 -my gray hair (old age)Gen 43:2 -the grainGen 43:4 -our brother with usGen 43:7 -your brotherGen 43:12 and -the silverGen 43:13 and -your brotherGen 43:14 -your brotherGen 43:14 and -Been-yah-meenGen 43:15 -the present -the this-Gen 43:15 and -Been-yah-meenGen 43:16 -Been-yah-meenGen 43:16 -the menGen 43:17 -the menGen 43:18 and -our assessGen 43:21 -our stretched sacksGen 43:23 -Shee-mohnGen 43:24 -the menGen 43:25 -the presentGen 43:26 -the presentGen 43:29 -Been-yah-meen his

brother, son of his motherGen 43:32 -the Ee-vritesGen 43:34 from -his face to themGen 44:1 -who were over his houseGen 44:1 -stretched sacks of the menGen 44:2 and -my goblet (cup)Gen 44:2 and -silver of his

shivered grainGen 44:4 -the cityGen 44:6 -the words -the these-Gen 44:11 -his sackGen 44:16 -iniquity of your

servantsGen 44:19 -his servantsGen 44:22 -his fatherGen 44:22 -his fatherGen 44:24 -words of my lord

Gen 44:29 --this one from with my faceGen 44:29 -my gray hair (my old

age)Gen 44:31 -gray hair (old age) of

your servantGen 44:32 -the young boyGen 44:34 -my fatherGen 45:2 -his voice in weepingGen 45:13 -of all my honor Gen 45:13 and -all which you have seenGen 45:13 -my fatherGen 45:17 -your animalsGen 45:18 -your fatherGen 45:18 and -your housesGen 45:18 -good of the earth of Meets-rah-yeem

##801-850 (Gen ##801-850)Gen 45:18 -fat of the earth

Gen 45:19 -your fatherGen 45:24 -his brothersGen 45:27 -all words of Yoh-seyphGen 45:27 -the wagonsGen 46:5 -Yah-ah-kohvGen 46:5 and -their little onesGen 46:5 and -their wivesGen 46:6 -their livestockGen 46:6 and -their propertyGen 46:15 and -Dee-nah, his

daughterGen 46:18 -these to Ya-ah-kohvGen 46:20 -M’nah-shehGen 46:20 and -Eh-phrah-yeemGen 46:25 -these to Yah-ah-kovGen 46:28 and -Y’hoo-dahGen 46:30 -your faceGen 47:6 -your fatherGen 47:6 and -your brothersGen 47:7 -Yah-ah-kohl, his

fatherGen 47:7 -Pah-rohGen 47:9 -days of the years of the life of my fathersGen 47:10 -Pah-rohGen 47:11 -his fatherGen 47:11 and -his brothersGen 47:12 -his fatherGen 47:12 and -his brothersGen 47:12 and -all the house of his fatherGen 47:14 -all the silverGen 47:14 -the silverGen 47:17 -their livestockGen 47:19 and -our landGen 47:20 -all the land of Meets-rah-yeemGen 47:21 and -the peopleGen 47:22 from -Pah-roh

Gen 47:22 -their portionGen 47:22 -their landsGen 47:23 and -your lands for Phah-rohGen 47:23 -the landGen 48:1 -two of his sonsGen 48:1 -M’nah-shehGen 48:1 and -Eh-phrah-yeemGen 48:4 -the earth-the thisGen 48:8 -sons of Yoh-seyphGen 48:11 -your seedGen 48:13 -two of themGen 48:13 -Eh-phrah-yeemGen 48:13 and -M’nah-shehGen 48:14 -his right handGen 48:14 and -his left hand

##851-900 (Gen ##851-882)Gen 48:14 -his handsGen 48:15 -Yoh-seyphGen 48:16 -the young onesGen 48:20 -Eh-phrah-yeemGen 49:1 -what will happen to youGen 49:15 and -the earthGen 49:25 and -Shahd-daiGen 49:30 -the fieldGen 49:30 from -Eh-phrohn the

Khee-titeGen 49:31 -Ah-vrah-hahmGen 49:31 and -Sah-rah, his wifeGen 49:31 -Yeets-khahkGen 49:31 and -Reev-kahGen 49:31 -Ley-ahGen 49:32 from -sons of KhehthGen 49:33 -his sonsGen 50:2 -his servantsGen 50:2 -the physiciansGen 50:2 -his fatherGen 50:2 -Yees-rah-eylGen 50:5 -my father

Gen 50:6 -your fatherGen 50:7 -his fatherGen 50:11 -the wailingGen 50:13 -the fieldGen 50:13 from -Eh-phrohn, the

Khee-titeGen 50:14 -his fatherGen 50:14 -his fatherGen 50:15 -all the evilGen 50:21 and -your little onesGen 50:25 -sons of Yees-rah-eylGen 50:25 -my bones




Ex 1:1 -Ya-ah-kohvEx 1:8 -Yoh-seyphEx 1:11 -Pee-thohnEx 1:11 and -Rah-ahm-seysEx 1:13 -sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 1:14 -their livesEx 1:14 -all their workEx 1:16 -the Hebrew womenEx 1:17 -The ELOHIMEx 1:17 -the male children

(lads)Ex 1:18 -the male children

(lads)Ex 1:21 -The ELOHIMEx 2:1 -a daughter of

Ley-veeEx 2:3 -the male child (lad)Ex 2:5 -the ark

Ex 2:5 -her female slaveEx 2:6 -the male child (lad)Ex 2:7 -the male child (lad)

##901-950 (Ex ##19-68)Ex 2:8 -mother of the male child (lad)Ex 2:9 -the male child (lad) -the this-Ex 2:9 -your wagesEx 2:12 -the Meets-riteEx 2:14 -the Meets-riteEx 2:15 -the thing -the this-Ex 2:15 -Moh-shehEx 2:16 -the troughsEx 2:17 -their flocksEx 2:19 -the flockEx 2:20 -the manEx 2:21 -the manEx 2:21 -Tsee-poh-rah, his daughterEx 2:22 -his name,

Geyr-shohmEx 2:24 -their groaningEx 2:24 -his covenantEx 2:24 -Ah-vrah-hahmEx 2:24 -Yeets-khahkEx 2:24 and -Yah-ah-kohvEx 2:25 -sons of

Yees-rah-eylEx 3:1 -flock of Yeeth-rohEx 3:1 -the flockEx 3:3 -the sight, the great

-the this-Ex 3:7 -affliction of my

peopleEx 3:7 and -their cryEx 3:7 -his sorrowEx 3:9 -the oppressionEx 3:10 -my people, sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 3:11 -sons of

Yees-rah-eylEx 3:12 -the peopleEx 3:12 -The ELOHIMEx 3:16 -elders of

Yees-rah-eylEx 3:16 and -that was done to youEx 3:20 -my handEx 3:20 -Meets-rah-yeemEx 3:21 -favorEx 3:22 -Meets-rah-yeemEx 4:15 -the words in his

mouthEx 4:15 -what you shall doEx 4:17 and -the staff –the

this-Ex 4:17 -the signsEx 4:19 -your lifeEx 4:20 -his wifeEx 4:20 and -his sonsEx 4:20 -staff of The

ELOHIM in his handEx 4:21 -his heartEx 4:21 -the peopleEx 4:23 -my sonEx 4:23 -your son, your

firstbornEx 4:25 -foreskin of her son

##951-1000 (Ex ##69-118)Ex 4:28 -all of the words of Ex 4:28 and -all the signsEx 4:29 -all the eldersEx 4:30 -all the wordsEx 4:31 -sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 4:31 -their afflictionEx 5:1 -my peopleEx 5:2 -Yees-rah-eylEx 5:2 -Ex 5:2 -Yees-rah-eyl

Ex 5:4 -the peopleEx 5:6 -the slave drivers of the peopleEx 5:6 and -their overseersEx 5:8 and -fixed number of bricksEx 5:20 -Moh-shehEx 5:20 and -Ah-hah-rohnEx 5:20 from -Pah-rohEx 5:21 -our odorEx 5:23 -your peopleEx 6:4 -my covenantEx 6:4 -earth of K’nah-ahnEx 6:4 -earth of their travelsEx 6:5 -groaningEx 6:5 -my covenantEx 6:8 -my handEx 6:11 -sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 6:13 -Sons of

Yees-rah-eylEx 6:20 -Yoh-koh-vehdEx 6:20 -Ah-hah-rohnEx 6:20 and -Moh-shehEx 6:23 -Eh-lee-sheh-vah,

daughter of Ah-mee-nah-dahvEx 6:23 -Nah-dahvEx 6:23 and -Ah-vee-hooEx 6:23 -Ehl-ah-zahrEx 6:23 and -Ee-thah-mahrEx 6:25 -Peen-khahsEx 6:26 -sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 6:27 -sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 6:29 -all which I am

speakingEx 7:2 -all which I command youEx 7:2 -sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 7:3 -heart of Pah-roh

Ex 7:3 -my signsEx 7:3 and -my wondersEx 7:4 -my handEx 7:4 -my armiesEx 7:4 -my peopleEx 7:5 -my handEx 7:5 -sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 7:9 -your staff

##1001-1050 (Ex ##119-168)Ex 7:10 -his staffEx 7:12 -their staffs Ex 7:16 -my peopleEx 7:20 -the waterEx 7:25 -the NileEx 7:26 -my peopleEx 7:27 -all your territoryEx 8:1 -your handEx 8:1 -the frogsEx 8:2 -his handEx 8:2 -earth of Meets-rah-yeemEx 8:3 -the frogsEx 8:4 -the peopleEx 8:11 -his heartEx 8:12 -your staffEx 8:12 -dust of the earthEx 8:13 -his handEx 8:13 -dust of the earthEx 8:14 -the liceEx 8:17 -my peopleEx 8:17 -the swarms of fliesEx 8:17 -the swarms of fliesEx 8:18 -earth of Goh-shehnEx 8:22 -abominationEx 8:25 -the peopleEx 8:28 -his heartEx 8:28 -the peopleEx 9:1 -my peopleEx 9:6 -the thing -the this-Ex 9:7 -the people

Ex 9:10 -soot of the furnaceEx 9:12 -heart of Pah-rohEx 9:13 -my peopleEx 9:14 -all my plaguesEx 9:15 -my handEx 9:15 and -your peopleEx 9:16 -my powerEx 9:19 -your livestockEx 9:19 and -all which is to

youEx 9:20 -word of Ex 9:20 -his servantsEx 9:20 and -his livestockEx 9:21 -his servantsEx 9:21 and -his livestockEx 9:22 -your handEx 9:23 -his staffEx 9:25 -all which was in the fieldEx 9:25 and -every plantEx 9:25 and -every treeEx 9:29 -of the city

##1051-1100 (Ex ##169-218)Ex 9:29 -my palmsEx 9:33 -the cityEx 9:35 -sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 10:1 -his heartEx 10:1 and -heart of his

servantsEx 10:2 -what I exerted myselfEx 10:2 and -my signsEx 10:4 -my peopleEx 10:5 -eye of the earthEx 10:5 -the earthEx 10:5 -the rest which escapedEx 10:5 -all of the treesEx 10:7 -the menEx 10:7 - their

ELOHIMEx 10:8 -Moh-shehEx 10:8 and -Ah-hah-rohnEx 10:8 - your ELOHIMEx 10:10 and -your little onesEx 10:11 -Ex 10:11 from -face of

Phah-rohEx 10:12 -every plant of the

earthEx 10:12 -all which left the hailEx 10:13 -his staffEx 10:13 -the locustsEx 10:15 -surface of all the earthEx 10:15 -every plant of the

earthEx 10:15 and -all fruit of the treesEx 10:17 -the death -the this-Ex 10:19 -the locustsEx 10:20 -heart of Pah-rohEx 10:20 -sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 10:22 -his handEx 10:23 -his brotherEx 10:24 -Ex 10:26 - our ELOHIMEx 10:26 -Ex 10:27 -heart of Pah-rohEx 11:2 from -his neighborEx 11:2 from -her neighborEx 11:3 -favorEx 11:10 -all the miracles -the these-Ex 11:10 -heart of Pah-rohEx 11:10 -sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 12:8 -the fleshEx 12:13 -the bloodEx 12:17 -the unleavened bread

Ex 12:17 -your armiesEx 12:17 -the day -the this-Ex 12:23 -Meets-rah-yeemEx 12:23 -the blood

##1101-1150 (Ex ##219-268)Ex 12:24 -the word -the this-Ex 12:25 -the service -the this-Ex 12:27 -Meets-rah-yeemEx 12:27 and -our housesEx 12:28 -Moh-sheh and Ah-hah-rohnEx 12:31 -Ex 12:34 -his doughEx 12:36 -favor (grace)Ex 12:36 -Meets-rah-eemEx 12:39 -the doughEx 12:50 -Moh-shehEx 12:50 and -Ah-hah-rohnEx 12:51 -sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 13:3 -the day -the this-Ex 13:5 -the service -the this-Ex 13:7 -seven of the daysEx 13:10 -the statute -the this-Ex 13:17 -the peopleEx 13:18 -the peopleEx 13:19 -bones of Yoh-seyphEx 13:19 -sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 13:19 -my bonesEx 14:4 -heart of Pah-rohEx 14:5 -Yees-rah-eylEx 14:6 -his chariotsEx 14:6 and -his peopleEx 14:8 -heart of Pah-roh, King of Meets-rah-yeemEx 14:10 -their eyesEx 14:12 -Meets-rah-yeemEx 14:12 -Meets-rah-yeemEx 14:13 -Salvation of Ex 14:13 -Meets-rah-yeem

Ex 14:16 -your staffEx 14:16 -your handEx 14:17 -heart of Meets-rah-yeemEx 14:20 -the nightEx 14:21 -his handEx 14:21 -the seaEx 14:21 -the seaEx 14:24 -camp of Meets-rah-yeemEx 14:25 -wheels of his chariotsEx 14:26 -your handEx 14:27 -his handEx 14:27 -Meets-rah-yeemEx 14:28 -the chariotsEx 14:28 and -the horsemenEx 14:30 -Yees-rah-eylEx 14:30 -Meets-rah-yeemEx 14:31 -the hand, the greatEx 14:31 -

##1151-1200 (Ex ##269-318)Ex 15:1 -the song -the this-Ex 15:19 -waters of the seaEx 15:20 -the timbrelEx 15:22 -Yees-rah-eylEx 16:3 -all of the assembly

-the this-Ex 16:5 -what they bringEx 16:7 -glory of Ex 16:7 -your murmuringsEx 16:8 -your murmuringsEx 16:9 -your murmuringsEx 16:12 -murmuringsEx 16:13 -the campEx 16:23 -what you will bakeEx 16:23 and -what you will

boilEx 16:23 and -all the leftover Ex 16:31 -its name, mahn

Ex 16:32 -the breadEx 16:35 -the mahnEx 16:35 -the mahnEx 17:2 -Ex 17:3 and -my sonsEx 17:3 and -my livestockEx 17:5 -the nileEx 17:7 -Ex 17:13 -Ah-mah-leykEx 17:13 and -his peopleEx 17:14 -remembrance of

Ah-mah-leykEx 18:1 -all which ELOHIM

had doneEx 18:1 -Yees-rah-eylEx 18:2 -Tsee-poh-rahEx 18:3 and -two of her sonsEx 18:8 -all which had

doneEx 18:8 -all the troubleEx 18:10 -the peopleEx 18:13 -the peopleEx 18:14 -all which he was

doingEx 18:16 -statutes of The

ELOHIMEx 18:16 and -his TorahsEx 18:19 -the mattersEx 18:20 -the statutesEx 18:20 and -the TorahsEx 18:20 -the wayEx 18:20 and -the workEx 18:22 -the peopleEx 18:23 -the thing -the this-Ex 18:26 -the peopleEx 18:26 -the matterEx 18:27 -his father-in-lawEx 19:5 -my covenantEx 19:7 -all the words -the


##1201-1250 (Ex ##319-368)Ex 19:8 -words of the peopleEx 19:9 -words of the peopleEx 19:12 -the peopleEx 19:14 -the peopleEx 19:17 -the peopleEx 19:23 -the mountainEx 20:1 -all the words -the these-Ex 20:7 -name of your

ELOHIMEx 20:7 -who takesEx 20:7 -his nameEx 20:8 -day of the Shahb-bahthEx 20:11 -the heavensEx 20:11 and -the earthEx 20:11 -the seaEx 20:11 and -all which is in themEx 20:11 -day of the

shahb-bahthEx 20:12 -your fatherEx 20:12 and -your motherEx 20:18 -the soundsEx 20:18 and -the lightningsEx 20:18 and -sound of the

shoh-fahrEx 20:18 and -the mountain smokingEx 20:24 -your elevation

offeringsEx 20:24 and -your peace

offeringsEx 20:24 -your flockEx 20:24 and -your cattleEx 20:24 -my nameEx 21:5 -my masterEx 21:5 -my wifeEx 21:5 and -my sonsEx 21:6 -his ear

Ex 21:7 -his daughterEx 21:18 -his neighborEx 21:20 -his male servantEx 21:20 -his female servant

Ex 21:26 -eye of his male servant

Ex 21:26 --eye of his female servantEx 21:28 -a manEx 21:28 -a womanEx 21:28 -his fleshEx 21:35 -oxEx 21:35 -the ox, the livingEx 21:35 -its silverEx 21:35 -the deadEx 22:4 -a beastEx 22:5 -the burning fireEx 22:24 -my peopleEx 22:24 -the poorEx 23:9 -soul of the strangerEx 23:10 -your earth

##1251-1300 (Ex ##369-418)Ex 23:10 -her produceEx 23:15 -feast of the unleavenedEx 23:16 -your workEx 23:22 -your enemiesEx 23:22 -your foesEx 23:25 - your ELOHIMEx 23:25 -your breadEx 23:25 and -your waterEx 23:26 -number of your daysEx 23:27 -my terrorEx 23:27 -all the peopleEx 23:27 -all your enemiesEx 23:28 -the hornetsEx 23:28 -the Khee-vitesEx 23:28 -the K’nah-ah-nites

Ex 23:28 and -the Khee-titesEx 23:30 -the earthEx 23:31 -your borderEx 23:31 -dwellers of the earthEx 23:33 -their elohimEx 24:3 -all words of Ex 24:3 and -all the judgmentsEx 24:4 -all words of Ex 24:5 -young menEx 24:8 -the bloodEx 24:10 -ELOHIM of

Yees-rah-eylEx 24:11 -The ELOHIMEx 24:12 -the tablets of the

stoneEx 24:15 -the mountainEx 25:2 from -every manEx 25:2 -my heave offeringEx 25:9 -model of the tabernacleEx 25:9 and -model of all its vesselsEx 25:14 -the polesEx 25:14 -the arkEx 25:16 -the testimonyEx 25:19 -the cherubsEx 25:21 -the mercy seatEx 25:21 -the testimonyEx 25:22 -all which I command youEx 25:26 -the ringsEx 25:27 -the tableEx 25:28 -the polesEx 25:28 -the tableEx 25:37 -her lampsEx 25:37 -her lampsEx 25:39 -all of the vessels -the these-

Ex 26:1 and -the tabernacleEx 26:6 -the curtainsEx 26:9 -five of the curtains

##1301-1350 (Ex ##419-468)Ex 26:9 and -six of the curtainsEx 26:9 -the curtains, the sixEx 26:11 -the hooksEx 26:11 -the tentEx 26:15 -the boardsEx 26:18 -the boardsEx 26:29 and -the boardsEx 26:29 and -their ringsEx 26:29 -the barsEx 26:30 -the tabernacleEx 26:33 -the veilEx 26:33 -ark of the testimonyEx 26:34 -the cover-mercy seatEx 26:35 -the tableEx 26:35 and -the m’noh-rahEx 27:1 -the altarEx 27:7 -its polesEx 27:9 -court of the

tabernacleEx 27:20 -sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 27:21 from -sons of

Yees-rah-eylEx 28:1 -Ah-hah-rohnEx 28:1 and -his sonsEx 28:3 -garments of Ah-hah-rohnEx 28:5 -the goldEx 28:5 and -the blueEx 28:5 and -the purpleEx 28:5 and -worm of the

crimsonEx 28:5 and -the linenEx 28:6 -the ey-phohd

Ex 28:9 -two stones of onyxEx 28:10 and -names of the sixEx 28:11 -two of the stonesEx 28:12 -two of the stonesEx 28:12 -their namesEx 28:14 -chains of the cordsEx 28:23 -two of the ringsEx 28:24 -two cords of the goldEx 28:25 and -two ends of two of the cordsEx 28:28 -the pocketEx 28:29 -names of sons of

Yees-rah-eylEx 28:30 -the oo-roeem

Ex 28:30 and -the too-meem Ex 28:30 -judgmentEx 28:31 -robe of the ey-phohdEx 28:38 -iniquity of the holy thingsEx 28:41 -Ah-hah-rohnEx 28:41 and -his sonsEx 28:41 -their handsEx 29:3 and -the bullockEx 29:3 and -two of the rams

##1351-1400 (Ex ##469-518)Ex 29:4 and -Ah-hah-rohnEx 29:4 and -his sonsEx 29:5 -the garmentsEx 29:5 -Ah-hah-rohnEx 29:5 -the tunicEx 29:5 and -robe of the ey-phohdEx 29:5 and -the ey-phohdEx 29:5 and -the pocket

(pouch)Ex 29:6 -crown of the holyEx 29:7 -oil of the anointingEx 29:8 and -his sons

Ex 29:10 -the bullockEx 29:10 -their handsEx 29:11 -the bullockEx 29:12 and -all of the bloodEx 29:13 -all of the khey-lehv

fatEx 29:13 -the inwardsEx 29:13 and -the lobe upon the liverEx 29:13 and -two of the

kidneysEx 29:13 and -the khey-lehv fatEx 29:14 and -flesh of the bullockEx 29:14 and -its skinEx 29:14 and -its dungEx 29:15 and -the ram, the oneEx 29:15 -their handsEx 29:16 -the ramEx 29:16 -its bloodEx 29:17 -the ramEx 29:18 -all the ramEx 29:19 -the ram, the secondEx 29:19 -their handsEx 29:20 -the ramEx 29:20 -the bloodEx 29:22 and -the khey-lehv fatEx 29:22 -the inwardsEx 29:22 and -lobe of the liverEx 29:22 and -two of the

kidneysEx 29:22 and -the khey-lehv fatEx 29:22 and -shoulder of the rightEx 29:26 -the breastEx 29:27 -breast of the wave offeringEx 29:27 and -shoulder of the heave offeringEx 29:28 from -sons of


Ex 29:28 from -sons of Yees-rah-eyl

Ex 29:29 -their handEx 29:31 and -ram of the consecrationEx 29:31 -its fleshEx 29:32 -flesh of the ramEx 29:32 and -the breadEx 29:33 -their hands

##1401-1450 (Ex ##519-568)Ex 29:34 -the remainder in the fireEx 29:39 -the lamb, the oneEx 29:39 and -the lamb, the secondEx 29:41 and -the lamb, the

secondEx 29:44 -tent of meetingEx 29:44 and -the altarEx 29:44 and -Ah-hah-rohnEx 29:44 and -his sonsEx 30:3 -its topEx 30:3 and -its wallsEx 30:3 and -its hornsEx 30:5 -the polesEx 30:7 -the lampsEx 30:8 -the lampsEx 30:12 -head of the sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 30:15 -heave offering of Ex 30:16 -silver of the

atonementEx 30:16 from -sons of

Yees-rah-eylEx 30:19 -their handsEx 30:19 and -their feetEx 30:26 -tent of meetingEx 30:26 and -ark of the testimony

Ex 30:27 and -the tableEx 30:27 and -all its vesselsEx 30:27 and -the m’noh-rahEx 30:27 and -her vesselsEx 30:27 and -altar of the

incenseEx 30:28 and -altar of the

elevation offeringEx 30:28 and -all its vesselsEx 30:28 and -the laverEx 30:28 and -its baseEx 30:30 and -Ah-hah-rohnEx 30:30 and -his sonsEx 31:6 -Ah-hah-lee-ahv, son of Ah-khee-sah-mahkhEx 31:6 -all which was

commanded youEx 31:7 -tent of meetingEx 31:7 and -the ark of the testimonyEx 31:7 and -the cover-mercy seatEx 31:7 and -all vessels of the tentEx 31:8 and -the tableEx 31:8 and -its vessels

Ex 31:8 and -the m’noh-rah, the pure

Ex 31:8 and -all her vesselsEx 31:8 and -alter of the

incenseEx 31:9 and -alter of the

elevation offeringEx 31:9 and -all its vesselsEx 31:9 and -the laverEx 31:9 and -its baseEx 31:10 and -garments of the wovenEx 31:10 and -garments of the holy

##1451-1500 (Ex ##569-618)Ex 31:10 and -garments of his sonsEx 31:11 and -oil of the

anointingEx 31:11 and -incense of the perfumesEx 31:13 -my Shahb-bahthsEx 31:14 -the Shahb-bahthEx 31:16 -the Shahb-bahthEx 31:16 -the Shahb-bahthEx 31:17 -the heavensEx 31:17 and -the earthEx 32:3 -rings of the goldEx 32:9 -the people -the this-Ex 32:11 -face of his ELOHIMEx 32:13 -your seedEx 32:17 -sound of the peopleEx 32:19 -the calfEx 32:19 -the tabletsEx 32:20 -the calfEx 32:20 -sons of Yees-rah-eylEx 32:22 -the peopleEx 32:25 -the people

Ex 32:27 --his brotherEx 32:27 -his neighborEx 32:27 -his relativeEx 32:34 -the peopleEx 32:35 -the peopleEx 32:35 -the calfEx 33:2 -the K’nah-ah-nitesEx 33:4 -the word, the evil -the this-Ex 33:6 -their ornamentsEx 33:7 -the tentEx 33:10 -pillar of the cloudEx 33:12 -the people -the this-Ex 33:12 -whom will you sendEx 33:13 -your ways

Ex 33:17 -the thing -the this-Ex 33:18 -your gloryEx 33:19 -whom I will favorEx 33:19 -whom I will have

mercyEx 33:20 -my faceEx 33:23 -my palmEx 33:23 -my backEx 34:1 -the wordsEx 34:10 -work of Ex 34:11 -what I command youEx 34:11 -the Eh-moh-ritesEx 34:13 -their altarsEx 34:13 and -their imagesEx 34:13 and -their shrinesEx 34:16 -your sonsEx 34:18 -feast of the mah-tsahs

## 1501-1550 (Ex ##619-668)Ex 34:23 -face of the Ah-dohn ELOHIM of Yees-rah-eylEx 34:24 -your territoryEx 34:24 -your earthEx 34:24 -face of your ELOHIMEx 34:27 -the words -the these-Ex 34:27 and -Yees-rah-eylEx 34:28 -words of the

covenantEx 34:30 -Moh-shehEx 34:32 -all which had

spokenEx 34:34 -the veilEx 34:34 -what was commandedEx 34:35 -face of Moh-shehEx 34:35 -the veilEx 35:1 -all the congregation

Ex 35:5 -heave offering of Ex 35:10 -all which

commanded Ex 35:11 -the tabernacleEx 35:11 -its tentEx 35:11 and -its coverEx 35:11 -its hooksEx 35:11 and -its boardsEx 35:11 -its barsEx 35:11 -its pillarsEx 35:11 and -its socketsEx 35:12 -the arkEx 35:12 and -its polesEx 35:12 -the mercy seatEx 35:12 and -veil of the

coveringEx 35:13 -the tableEx 35:13 and -its polesEx 35:13 and -all its vesselsEx 35:13 and -bread of the

facesEx 35:14 and -m’noh-rah of the lightEx 35:14 and -her vesselsEx 35:14 and -her lampsEx 35:14 and -oil of the lightEx 35:15 and -altar of the

incenseEx 35:15 and -its polesEx 35:15 and -oil of the

anointingEx 35:15 and -incense of the perfumesEx 35:15 and -hanging of the


Ex 35:16 -alter of the elevation offeringEx 35:16 and -grating of the


Ex 35:16 -its polesEx 35:16 and -all its vesselsEx 35:16 -the laverEx 35:16 and -its baseEx 35:17 -hangings of the courtEx 35:17 -its pillarsEx 35:17 and -her sockets

##1551-1600 (Ex ##669-718)Ex 35:17 and -hanging of gate of the courtEx 35:18 -pins of the tabernacleEx 35:18 and -pins of the courtEx 35:18 and -their cordsEx 35:19 -garments of the wovenEx 35:19 -garments of the holyEx 35:19 and -garments of his sons’Ex 35:21 -heave offering of Ex 35:24 -heave offering of Ex 35:25 -the blueEx 35:25 and -the purpleEx 35:25 -worm of the crimsonEx 35:25 and -linenEx 35:26 -the goatEx 35:27 -stones of the onyxEx 35:27 and -stones of the settingsEx 35:28 and -the spiceEx 35:28 and -the oil for

lightingEx 36:1 -all worksEx 36:3 -all of the heave offering

Ex 36:4 -all worksEx 36:8 -the tabernacleEx 36:10 -five of the curtainsEx 36:13 -the curtainsEx 36:16 -five of the curtainsEx 36:16 and -six of the curtainsEx 36:18 -the tentEx 36:20 -the boardsEx 36:23 -the boardsEx 36:33 -the bar, the middleEx 36:34 and -the boardsEx 36:34 and -ringsEx 36:34 -the barsEx 36:35 -the veilEx 36:38 and -its pillars of fiveEx 36:38 and -their nailsEx 37:1 -the arkEx 37:5 -the polesEx 37:5 -the arkEx 37:8 -the cherubsEx 37:10 -the tableEx 37:13 -the ringsEx 37:14 -the tableEx 37:15 -the poles of trees of sheet-teemEx 37:15 -the tableEx 37:16 -the vesselsEx 37:16 -its plattersEx 37:16 and -its bowlsEx 37:16 and -its sacrifice cupsEx 37:16 and -the pitchers

##1601-1650 (Ex ##719-768)Ex 37:17 -the m’noh-rahEx 37:17 -the m’noh-rahEx 37:23 -her lamps, sevenEx 37:24 and -all her vesselsEx 37:25 -alter of the incense

Ex 37:26 -its tipEx 37:26 and -its wallsEx 37:26 and -its hornsEx 37:28 -the poles of trees of sheet-teemEx 37:29 -oil of the holy

anointingEx 37:29 -incense of the pure sweet spicesEx 38:1 -altar of the elevation offeringEx 38:3 -all vessels of the

altarEx 38:3 -the potsEx 38:3 and -the shovelsEx 38:3 and -the sprinkling bowlsEx 38:3 -the drawing forks

(flesh hooks)Ex 38:3 and -the fire pansEx 38:6 -the poles of trees of sheet-teemEx 38:7 -the polesEx 38:8 -the laver of copperEx 38:8 and -its base of copperEx 38:9 -the courtEx 38:22 -all which

commandedEx 38:22 -Moh-shehEx 38:27 -sockets of the sanctuaryEx 38:27 and -sockets of the veilEx 38:28 and -the thousand and the seven hundred and five and seventyEx 38:30 -sockets of the doorEx 38:30 and -altar of the copperEx 38:30 and -grating of the copper

Ex 38:30 and -all vessels of the altarEx 38:31 and -sockets of the

courtEx 38:31 and -sockets of the

court gate Ex 38:31 and -all pins of the

tabernacleEx 38:31 and -all pins of the

courtEx 39:1 -garments of the holyEx 39:1 -Moh-shehEx 39:2 -the ey-phohdEx 39:3 -sheets of the goldEx 39:5 -Moh-shehEx 39:6 -stones of the onyxEx 39:7 -Moh-shehEx 39:8 -the pocketEx 39:9 -the pocketEx 39:16 -two of the ringsEx 39:18 and -two of endsEx 39:21 -the pocketEx 39:21 -Moh-shehEx 39:22 -robe of the ey-phohd

##1651-1700 (Ex ##769-818)Ex 39:25 -the striking bellsEx 39:26 -Moh-shehEx 39:27 -the tunic coat of linenEx 39:28 and -the miter

(turban)Ex 39:28 and -head dress of the capsEx 39:28 and -breeches of the linenEx 39:29 and -the girdle (belt)Ex 39:29 -Moh-shehEx 39:30 -plate of the holy

crownEx 39:31 -Moh-shehEx 39:32 -Moh-sheh

Ex 39:33 -the tabernacleEx 39:33 -the tentEx 39:33 and -all its vesselsEx 39:34 and -weathering

cover of hidesEx 39:34 and -weathering

cover of hidesEx 39:34 and -veil of the

curtainEx 39:35 -ark of the

testimonyEx 39:35 and -its polesEx 39:35 and -the mercy seatEx 39:36 -the tableEx 39:36 -all its vesselsEx 39:36 and -bread of the

facesEx 39:37 -the m’noh-rahEx 39:37 -her lampsEx 39:37 and -all her vesselsEx 39:37 and -oil of the lightEx 39:38 and -altar of the goldEx 39:38 and -oil of the

anointingEx 39:38 and -incense of the sweet spicesEx 39:38 and -curtain door of

the tabernacleEx 39:39 -altar of the copperEx 39:39 and -grating of the copperEx 39:39 -its polesEx 39:39 and -all its vesselsEx 39:39 -the laverEx 39:39 and -its baseEx 39:40 -hangings (or screens) of the courtEx 39:40 -her pillarsEx 39:40 and -her socketsEx 39:40 and -the curtain for

the gate of the court

Ex 39:40 -its cordsEx 39:40 and -all vessels of service of the tabernacleEx 39:41 -garments of the

stitchingEx 39:41 -garments of the holyEx 39:41 and -garments of his sonsEx 39:42 -Moh-shehEx 39:42 -all the workEx 39:43 -all the workEx 40:2 -tabernacle of tent of meeting

##1701-1750 (Ex ##819-868)Ex 40:3 -ark of the

testimonyEx 40:3 -the veilEx 40:4 -the tableEx 40:4 -its arrangementEx 40:4 -the m’noh-rahEx 40:4 -her lampsEx 40:5 -altar of the goldEx 40:5 -curtain of the doorEx 40:6 -altar of the elevation offeringsEx 40:7 -the laverEx 40:8 -the courtEx 40:8 -veil of the court gateEx 40:9 -oil of the anointingEx 40:9 -the tabernacleEx 40:9 and -all which is in itEx 40:9 and -all its vesselsEx 40:10 -altar of the elevation offeringEx 40:10 and -all its vesselsEx 40:10 -the altarEx 40:11 -the laverEx 40:11 and -its baseEx 40:12 -Ah-hah-rohnEx 40:12 and -his sons

Ex 40:13 -Ah-hah-rohnEx 40:13 -garments of the holyEx 40:14 and -his sonsEx 40:15 -their fatherEx 40:18 -the tabernacleEx 40:18 -its socketsEx 40:18 -its boardsEx 40:18 -its barsEx 40:18 -its pillarsEx 40:19 -the tentEx 40:19 -weathering cover of

the tentEx 40:19 -Moh-shehEx 40:20 -the witness (testimony)Ex 40:20 -the polesEx 40:20 -the mercy seatEx 40:21 -the arkEx 40:21 -veil of the coveringEx 40:21 -Moh-shehEx 40:22 -the tableEx 40:23 -Moh-shehEx 40:24 -the m’noh-rahEx 40:25 -Moh-shehEx 40:26 -altar of the goldEx 40:27 -Moh-shehEx 40:28 -hanging of the doorEx 40:29 and -altar of the

elevation offeringEx 40:29 -the elevation

offering##1751-1800 (Ex ##869-881)

Ex 40:29 and -the food offeringEx 40:29 -Moh-shehEx 40:30 -the laverEx 40:31 -their handsEx 40:31 and -their feetEx 40:32 -Moh-shehEx 40:33 -the court

Ex 40:33 -hanging of the court gateEx 40:33 -the workEx 40:34 -tent of meetingEx 40:34 -the tabernacleEx 40:35 -the tabernacleTHERE ARE 881 s IN SH’MOHTH (EXODUS)



Le 1:2 -your kahr-bahn offerings

Le 1:5 -son of the herdLe 1:5 -the bloodLe 1:5 -the bloodLe 1:6 -the elevation

offeringLe 1:8 -the piecesLe 1:8 -the headLe 1:8 and -the pah-dehr fatLe 1:9 -the wholeLe 1:11 -its bloodLe 1:12 and -its headLe 1:12 and -its pah-dehr fatLe 1:13 -the wholeLe 1:15 -his kahr-bahn

offeringLe 1:15 -its headLe 1:16 -its cropLe 2:2 -her memorial

offeringLe 2:8 -her food offeringLe 2:9 -her memorial

offeringLe 2:14 -food offeringLe 2:16 -her memorial

offeringLe 3:2 -the bloodLe 3:3 -the khey-lehv fatLe 3:3 -the innardsLe 3:3 and -all the khey-lehv fatLe 3:4 and -two of the

kidneysLe 3:4 and -the khey-lehv fatLe 3:4 and -the fold upon the liverLe 3:7 -his kahr-bahn

offeringLe 3:8 -his handLe 3:8 -its bloodLe 3:9 and -the khey-lehv fatLe 3:9 -the innardsLe 3:9 and -all the khey-lev

fatLe 3:10 and -two of the

kidneysLe 3:10 and -the khey-lehv fatLe 3:10 and -the fold upon the

liverLe 3:13 -his hand

##1801-1850 (Le ##39-88)Le 3:13 -its bloodLe 3:14 -the khey-lehv fatLe 3:14 -the innardsLe 3:14 and -all the khey-lehv

fatLe 3:15 and -two of the

kidneysLe 3:15 and -the khey-lehv fatLe 3:15 and -the fold upon the

liverLe 4:4 -the bullockLe 4:4 -his handLe 4:4 -the bullockLe 4:6 -his fingerLe 4:6 -face of veil

Le 4:7 and -all bloodLe 4:8 and -all khey-lehv fatLe 4:8 -the khey-lehv fatLe 4:8 and -all the kheylev fatLe 4:9 and -two of the

kidneysLe 4:9 and -the khey-lehv fatLe 4:9 and -the fold upon the liverLe 4:11 and -skin of the

bullockLe 4:11 and -all its fleshLe 4:12 -all the bullockLe 4:15 -their handsLe 4:15 -the bullockLe 4:17 -face of the veilLe 4:18 and -all the bloodLe 4:19 and -all its khey-lehv

fatLe 4:21 -the bullockLe 4:21 -the bullock, the firstLe 4:23 -his kahr-bahn offeringLe 4:24 -the elevation offeringLe 4:25 and -its bloodLe 4:26 and -all its khey-lehv fatLe 4:29 -his handLe 4:29 -the sin offeringLe 4:30 and -all her blood

Le 4:31 and -all her khey-lehv fatLe 4:33 -his handLe 4:33 -the elevation offeringLe 4:34 and -all her bloodLe 4:35 and -all her khey-lehv fatLe 5:6 -his guilt offeringLe 5:7 -his guilt offering

Le 5:8 -which is for the sin offeringLe 5:8 -his headLe 5:10 and -the secondLe 5:11 -his kahr-bahn offeringLe 5:12 -her memorial offeringLe 5:15 -his guilt offeringLe 5:16 and -of which is sinned

##1851-1900 (Le ##89-138)Le 5:16 and -its fifth partLe 5:21 -his companion

(associate)Le 5:23 -the stolen thingLe 5:23 -the extorted thingLe 5:23 -the deposit (kept thing)Le 5:23 -the lost thingLe 5:25 and -his guilt offeringLe 6:2 -Ah-hah-rohnLe 6:2 and -his sonsLe 6:3 -the fat ashesLe 6:3 -the elevation offeringLe 6:4 -his garmentsLe 6:4 -the ashesLe 6:8 and -all the white

frankincenseLe 7:2 -the elevation offeringLe 7:2 -the guilt offeringLe 7:2 and -its bloodLe 7:3 and -all its khey-lehv fatLe 7:3 -the tail fatLe 7:3 and -the khey-lehv fatLe 7:3 -the innardsLe 7:4 and -two of the kidneysLe 7:4 and -the khey-lehv fatLe 7:4 and -the fold upon the

liverLe 7:8 -the elevation offeringsLe 7:14 -blood of the peace offeringsLe 7:16 -his sacrificeLe 7:29 -sacrifice of his peace offeringsLe 7:29 -his kahr-bahn offeringLe 7:30 -fire offerings of Le 7:30 -the khey-lehv fatLe 7:30 -the breastLe 7:31 -the khey-lehv fatLe 7:32 and -leg of the rightLe 7:33 -blood of the peace offeringsLe 7:33 and -the khey-lehv fatLe 7:34 -breast of the wave offeringLe 7:34 and -leg of the wave offeringLe 7:34 from -sons of Yees-rah-eylLe 7:34 from -sons of Yees-rah-eylLe 7:36 from -sons of Yees-rah-eylLe 7:38 -Moh-shehLe 7:38 -sons of Yees-rah-eylLe 7:38 -their kahr-bahn

offeringsLe 8:2 -Ah-hah-rohnLe 8:2 and -his sonsLe 8:2 and -the garmentsLe 8:2 and -oil of the anointingLe 8:2 and -bullock of the sin offeringLe 8:2 and -two of the rams

##1901-1950 (Le ##139-188)

Le 8:2 and -basket of the unleavened breads

Le 8:3 and -all the congregation

Le 8:6 -Ah-hah-rohnLe 8:6 and -his sonsLe 8:7 -the tunic coatLe 8:7 -the upper robeLe 8:7 -the ey-phohdLe 8:8 -the pouchLe 8:8 -the Oo-reemLe 8:8 and -the Too-meem Le 8:9 -the miter (turban)Le 8:9 -plate of the golden crownLe 8:9 -Moh-shehLe 8:10 -oil of the anointingLe 8:10 -the tabernacleLe 8:10 and -all which was in itLe 8:11 -the altarLe 8:11 and -all its vesselsLe 8:11 and -the laverLe 8:11 and -its baseLe 8:13 -sons of Ah-hah-rohnLe 8:13 -Moh-shehLe 8:14 -bullock of the sin offeringLe 8:14 -their handsLe 8:15 -the bloodLe 8:15 -the altarLe 8:15 and -the bloodLe 8:16 -all the khey-lehv fatLe 8:16 and -fold of the liverLe 8:16 and -two of the kidneysLe 8:16 and -their khey-lehv fatLe 8:17 and -the bullockLe 8:17 and -its hide skin

Le 8:17 and -its fleshLe 8:17 and -its dungLe 8:17 -Moh-shehLe 8:18 -ram of the elevation offeringLe 8:18 -their handsLe 8:19 -the bloodLe 8:20 -the ramLe 8:20 -the headLe 8:20 and -the piecesLe 8:20 and -the pah-dehr fatLe 8:21 and -the inwardsLe 8:21 and -the legsLe 8:21 -all of the ramLe 8:21 -Moh-shehLe 8:22 -the ram, the secondLe 8:22 -their handsLe 8:24 -sons of Ah-hah-rohn

##1951-2000 (Le ##189-238)Le 8:24 -the bloodLe 8:25 -the khey-lehv fatLe 8:25 and -the tail fatLe 8:25 and -all the khey-lehv

fatLe 8:25 and -fold of the liverLe 8:25 and -two of the kidneysLe 8:25 and -their khey-lehv fatLe 8:25 and -leg of the rightLe 8:27 -the wholeLe 8:29 -the breastLe 8:29 -Moh-shehLe 8:30 -Ah-hah-rohnLe 8:30 -his garmentsLe 8:30 and -his sonsLe 8:30 and -garments of his sons’Le 8:31 -the fleshLe 8:31 and -the bread

Le 8:33 -your handsLe 8:35 -charge of Le 8:36 -all the thingsLe 9:5 -which commanded Moh-shehLe 9:7 -your sin offeringLe 9:7 and -your elevation offeringsLe 9:7 -kahr-bahn offeringLe 9:8 -calf of the sin offeringLe 9:9 -the bloodLe 9:9 and -the bloodLe 9:10 and -the khey-lehv fatLe 9:10 and -the kidneysLe 9:10 and -the fold of the

liverLe 9:10 -Moh-shehLe 9:11 and -the fleshLe 9:11 and -the skinLe 9:12 -the elevation offeringLe 9:12 -the bloodLe 9:13 and -the elevation

offeringLe 9:13 and -the headLe 9:14 -the inwardLe 9:14 and -the legsLe 9:15 -kahr-bahn offeringLe 9:15 -goat of the sin offeringLe 9:16 -the elevation offeringLe 9:17 -the food offeringLe 9:18 -the oxLe 9:18 and -the ramLe 9:18 -the bloodLe 9:19 and -the khey-lehv fatsLe 9:20 -the khey-lehv fatsLe 9:21 and -the breastsLe 9:21 and -leg of the right

##2001-2050 (Le ##239-288)Le 9:22 -his handsLe 9:23 -the peopleLe 9:24 -the elevation offeringLe 9:24 and -the khey-lehv fatsLe 10:4 -your brothersLe 10:4 from -face of the holy sanctuaryLe 10:6 -the burningLe 10:11 -sons of Yees-rah-eylLe 10:11 -all the statutesLe 10:12 -the food offeringLe 10:14 and -breast of the wave offeringLe 10:14 and -leg of the

heave offeringLe 10:16 and -goat of the sin offeringLe 10:17 -the sin offeringLe 10:17 -iniquity of the

congregationLe 10:18 -her bloodLe 10:19 -their sin offeringLe 10:19 and -their elevation offeringLe 11:4 -these you shall not eatLe 11:4 -the camelLe 11:5 and -the rock rabbit

(badger)Le 11:6 and -the hareLe 11:7 and -the swineLe 11:9 -this shall you eatLe 11:11 and -their dead bodiesLe 11:13 and -these shall you detestLe 11:13 -the eagleLe 11:13 and -the black vultureLe 11:13 and -the bearded vulture (osprey)

Le 11:14 and -the kiteLe 11:14 and -the falcon (hawk)Le 11:15 -every ravenLe 11:16 and -branch of the owl (ostrich)Le 11:16 and -the night hawk (great owl)Le 11:16 and -the gullLe 11:16 and -the little hawkLe 11:17 and -the little owlLe 11:17 and -the Egyptian

vulture (pelican)Le 11:17 and -the heron (night heron) (eared owl)Le 11:18 and -the barn owl

(water-hen)Le 11:18 and -the pelicanLe 11:18 and -the owl vultureLe 11:19 and -the storkLe 11:19 and -the parrot (heron)Le 11:19 and -the hoopoe

(grouse)Le 11:19 and -the batLe 11:21 -this you shall eatLe 11:22 -these are from themLe 11:22 -the locustLe 11:22 and -the bald locust

##2051-2100 (Le ##289-338)Le 11:22 and -the long horned grasshopperLe 11:22 and -the short horned grasshopperLe 11:28 -their dead bodyLe 11:40 -her dead bodyLe 11:43 -your soulsLe 11:44 -your soulsLe 13:3 -the plagueLe 13:4 -the plagueLe 13:12 -all of the plagued

skinLe 13:13 -all his fleshLe 13:13 -the plague, all of itLe 13:15 -the flesh, the rawLe 13:17 -the flesh, cleanLe 13:30 -the plagueLe 13:31 -plague of the scurfLe 13:31 -plague of the scurfLe 13:32 -the plagueLe 13:33 and -the scurfLe 13:33 -the scurfLe 13:34 -the scurfLe 13:49 -the Koh-heynLe 13:50 -the plagueLe 13:50 -the plagueLe 13:51 -the plagueLe 13:52 -the garmentLe 13:52 -the warpLe 13:52 -the woofLe 13:52 -any vessel of leatherLe 13:54 -which is in it, the plagueLe 13:55 -the plagueLe 13:55 -its appearanceLe 13:57 -which is in it, the plagueLe 14:5 -the bird, the oneLe 14:6 -the bird, the livingLe 14:6 and -tree of the cedarLe 14:6 and -worm of the crimsonLe 14:6 and -the hyssopLe 14:6 and -the bird, the livingLe 14:7 -the bird, the livingLe 14:8 -his garmentLe 14:8 -all his hairLe 14:9 -all his hairLe 14:9 -his headLe 14:9 and -his beard

Le 14:9 and -brows of his eyesLe 14:9 and -all his hairLe 14:9 -his garmentsLe 14:9 -his fleshLe 14:11 -the manLe 14:12 -the lamb, the one

##2101-2150 (Le ##339-388)Le 14:12 and -log of the oilLe 14:13 -the lambLe 14:13 -the sin offeringLe 14:13 and -elevation offeringLe 14:16 his finger of the rightLe 14:19 -the hate-sin offeringLe 14:19 -the elevation offeringLe 14:20 -the elevation offeringLe 14:20 and -the food offeringLe 14:24 -lamb of the guilt offeringLe 14:24 and -log of the oilLe 14:25 -lamb of the guilt offeringLe 14:30 -the one from the

turtledovesLe 14:31 -which his hand tookLe 14:31 -the oneLe 14:31 and -the other oneLe 14:36 -the houseLe 14:36 -the plagueLe 14:36 -the houseLe 14:37 -the plagueLe 14:38 -the houseLe 14:40 -the stonesLe 14:41 and -the houseLe 14:41 -the dustLe 14:42 -the houseLe 14:43 -the stonesLe 14:43 -the houseLe 14:45 -the houseLe 14:45 -its stones

Le 14:45 and -its treesLe 14:45 and -all dust of the houseLe 14:47 -his garmentsLe 14:47 -his garmentsLe 14:48 -the houseLe 14:48 -the houseLe 14:49 -the houseLe 14:50 -the bird, the oneLe 14:51 -tree of the cedarLe 14:51 and -the hyssopLe 14:51 and -worm of the crimsonLe 14:51 and -the bird, the livingLe 14:52 -the houseLe 14:53 -the bird, the livingLe 15:3 -his semen flowLe 15:16 -all his fleshLe 15:30 -the oneLe 15:30 and -the other oneLe 15:31 -sons of Yees-rah-eylLe 15:31 -my tabernacleLe 15:33 -semen flow

##2151-2200 (Le ##389-438)Le 16:4 -his fleshLe 16:5 and from - congregationLe 16:6 -bullock of the hate- sin offeringLe 16:7 -two of the goatsLe 16:9 -the goatLe 16:11 -bullock of the sin offeringLe 16:11 -bullock of the sin offeringLe 16:13 -the incenseLe 16:13 -the mercy seatLe 16:15 -goat of the sin offeringLe 16:15 -its blood

Le 16:15 -its bloodLe 16:20 -the sanctuaryLe 16:20 and -tent of meetingLe 16:20 and -the altarLe 16:20 -the goat, the livingLe 16:21 -two of his handsLe 16:21 -all iniquitiesLe 16:21 and -all their transgressionsLe 16:22 -all their iniquitiesLe 16:22 -the goatLe 16:23 -garments of the linenLe 16:24 -his fleshLe 16:24 -his garmentsLe 16:24 -his elevation offeringLe 16:24 and -elevation offeringLe 16:25 and -khey-lehv fatLe 16:26 -the goat of the Ah-zah-zeylLe 16:26 -his fleshLe 16:27 and -bullock of the

sin offeringLe 16:27 and -goat of the sin offeringLe 16:27 -their bloodLe 16:27 -their skinsLe 16:27 and -their fleshLe 16:27 and -their dungLe 16:28 -his fleshLe 16:29 -your soulsLe 16:31 -your soulsLe 16:32 -his handLe 16:32 -garments of the linenLe 16:33 -sanctuary of the holyLe 16:33 and -tent of meetingLe 16:33 and -the altarLe 16:34 -Moh-shehLe 17:5 -their sacrificesLe 17:6 -the blood

Le 17:7 -their sacrificesLe 17:10 -the bloodLe 17:13 -its bloodLe 18:4 -my judgments

##2201-2250 (Le ##439-488)Le 18:4 and -my statutesLe 18:5 -my statutesLe 18:5 and -my judgmentsLe 18:17 -daughter of her sonLe 18:17 and -daughter of her daughterLe 18:21 -name of your ELOHIMLe 18:22 and -a maleLe 18:25 -her dwellersLe 18:26 -my statutesLe 18:26 and -my judgmentsLe 18:27 -all of the detestable thingsLe 18:28 -the nationLe 18:30 -my chargeLe 19:3 -my Shahb-bahths

Le 19:8 --holy thing of Le 19:9 -harvest of your earthLe 19:12 -name of your ELOHIMLe 19:13 -your neighborLe 19:17 -your brotherLe 19:17 -your comrade

(neighbor)Le 19:18 -sons of your peopleLe 19:19 -my statutesLe 19:20 -a womanLe 19:21 -his guilt offeringLe 19:23 -its fruitLe 19:25 -its fruit

Le 19:27 -edge (side) of your

beardLe 19:29 -your daughterLe 19:30 -my Shahb-bahthsLe 19:37 -all my statutesLe 19:37 and -all my judgmentsLe 20:3 -my faceLe 20:3 -my holy sanctuaryLe 20:3 -name of my holyLe 20:4 -their eyesLe 20:5 -my faceLe 20:5 and -all the whoresLe 20:6 -my faceLe 20:8 -my statutesLe 20:9 -his fatherLe 20:9 and -his motherLe 20:10 -wife of a manLe 20:10 -wife of his neighborLe 20:11 -wife of his fatherLe 20:12 -his daughter in lawLe 20:13 -a maleLe 20:14 -a womanLe 20:14 and -her motherLe 20:15 and -the animalLe 20:16 -the woman

##2251-2300 (Le ##489-538)Le 20:16 and -the animalLe 20:17 -his sisterLe 20:17 -her nakednessLe 20:17 -his nakednessLe 20:18 -a woman, menstrousLe 20:18 -her nakednessLe 20:18 -her fountainLe 20:18 -fountain of her bloodLe 20:19 -his nearest kinLe 20:20 -his auntLe 20:21 -wife of his brotherLe 20:22 -all my statutesLe 20:22 and -all my judgments

Le 20:23 -all these they didLe 20:24 -their landLe 20:25 -your soulsLe 21:6 -fire offerings of Le 21:8 -bread of your ELOHIMLe 21:9 -her fatherLe 21:10 -his handLe 21:10 -the garmentsLe 21:10 -his headLe 21:12 -sanctuary of his

ELOHIMLe 21:14 -these shall not be takenLe 21:21 -fire offerings of Le 21:21 -bread of his ELOHIMLe 21:23 -my sanctuaryLe 22:2 -Name of my HolyLe 22:9 -my chargeLe 22:14 -the holy thingLe 22:15 -holy things of sons of

Yees-rah-eylLe 22:15 -which they lift upLe 22:16 -their holy thingsLe 22:25 -bread of your ELOHIMLe 22:28 and -its sonLe 22:32 -Name of my HolyLe 23:10 -her harvestLe 23:10 -sheaf of beginning of your harvestLe 23:11 -the sheafLe 23:12 -the sheafLe 23:14 -kahr-bahn offering of

your ELOHIMLe 23:15 -sheaf of the wave offeringLe 23:22 -harvest of your earth

Le 23:27 -your soulsLe 23:30 -the soul -the that-Le 23:32 -your soulsLe 23:39 -produce of the earthLe 23:39 -hog-feast of Le 23:43 -sons of Yees-rah-eylLe 23:44 -meetings of

##2301-2350 (Le ##539-588)Le 24:2 -sons of Yees-rah-eylLe 24:4 -the lampsLe 24:8 from -sons of

Yees-rah-eylLe 24:11 -The NameLe 24:14 -the revilerLe 24:14 -their handsLe 24:23 -the revilerLe 24:23 -Moh-shehLe 25:3 -her produceLe 25:5 -growth of your harvestLe 25:5 and -grapes of your vineLe 25:10 -year of the fiftiethLe 25:11 -her self growthLe 25:11 -her unkept vinesLe 25:12 -her produceLe 25:14 -his brotherLe 25:15 from -your companion (neighbor)Le 25:17 -his companion

(neighbor)Le 25:18 -my statutesLe 25:18 and -my judgmentsLe 25:20 -our produceLe 25:21 -my blessingLe 25:21 -the produceLe 25:22 -the year, the eighthLe 25:25 -what is sold by his brotherLe 25:27 -years of his sale

Le 25:27 -the remainderLe 25:37 -your silverLe 25:38 -earth of K’nah-ahnLe 25:44 from -the nationsLe 25:52 -his redemption priceLe 26:2 -my Shahb-bahthsLe 26:3 and -my commandmentsLe 26:5 -vintageLe 26:5 -sowing timeLe 26:7 -your enemiesLe 26:9 -my covenantLe 26:14 -all of the commands -

the these-Le 26:15 -my judgmentsLe 26:15 -all my commandmentsLe 26:15 -my covenantLe 26:16 -the wastingLe 26:16 and -the burning fever

(inflammation)Le 26:19 -pride of your mightLe 26:19 -your heavensLe 26:19 and -your earthLe 26:20 -her increase (produce)Le 26:22 -living beast of the fieldLe 26:22 -your livestockLe 26:30 -your high places

##2351-2400 (Le ##589-616)Le 26:30 -your pillars (altars)Le 26:30 -your dead bodiesLe 26:31 -your citiesLe 26:31 -your sanctuariesLe 26:32 -the earthLe 26:34 -her Shahb-bahthsLe 26:34 -her Shahb-bahthsLe 26:35 -which it was not rested

Le 26:40 -their iniquityLe 26:40 and -iniquity of their father’s Le 26:41 -their iniquityLe 26:42 -my covenantLe 26:42 -my covenantLe 26:42 -my covenantLe 26:43 -her Shahb-bahthsLe 26:43 -their iniquityLe 26:43 and -my statutesLe 27:11 -the animalLe 27:14 -his houseLe 27:15 -his houseLe 27:18 -the silverLe 27:19 -the fieldLe 27:20 -the fieldLe 27:20 -the fieldLe 27:22 -a field of his purchaseLe 27:23 -amount of your

valuationLe 27:23 -your valuationLe 27:34 -Moh-sheh




Nu 1:2 -heads of all companyNu 1:17 -the men -the these-Nu 1:18 and -all the congregationNu 1:19 -Moh-shehNu 1:49 -tribe of Ley-veeNu 1:49 and -their heads

Nu 1:50 -the LevitesNu 1:50 -the tabernacleNu 1:50 and -all its furniture (vessels)Nu 1:53 -charge of tabernacleNu 1:54 -Moh-shehNu 2:33 -Moh-shehNu 2:34 -Moh-shehNu 3:1 -Moh-shehNu 3:6 -tribe of Ley-veeNu 3:7 -his chargeNu 3:7 and -charge of all the congregationNu 3:7 -service of the tabernacleNu 3:8 -all vesselsNu 3:8 and -charge of sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 3:8 -service of the tabernacleNu 3:9 -the Levites

##2401-2450 (Nu ##23-72)Nu 3:9 from -sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 3:10 and -Ah-hah-rohnNu 3:10 and -his sonsNu 3:10 -their priesthoodNu 3:11 -the LevitesNu 3:15 -sons of Ley-veeNu 3:26 and -veilNu 3:26 and -its cordsNu 3:40 -number of their namesNu 3:41 -the LevitesNu 3:41 and -cattle of the LevitesNu 3:42 -all firstbornNu 3:45 -the LevitesNu 3:45 and -cattle of the LevitesNu 3:46 and -redeemed of the

three and the seventy and the two hundredNu 3:49 -silver of their redemptionNu 3:49 from -the remaining of themNu 3:50 from -firstbornNu 3:50 -the silverNu 3:51 -silverNu 3:51 -Moh-shehNu 4:2 -heads of sons of K’hahthNu 4:5 -veil of the hangingNu 4:5 -ark of the testimonyNu 4:7 -the dishesNu 4:7 and -the spoonsNu 4:7 and -the bowlsNu 4:7 and -cups (jugs) of the drink offeringNu 4:8 -its stavesNu 4:9 -m’noh-rah of the lampNu 4:9 and -her lightsNu 4:9 and -her tongsNu 4:9 and -her fire pansNu 4:9 and -all vessels of her oilNu 4:10 and -all her vesselsNu 4:11 -its stavesNu 4:12 -all vessels of the ministryNu 4:13 -the altarNu 4:14 -all its vesselsNu 4:14 -the fire pansNu 4:14 -the flesh hooksNu 4:14 and -the shovelsNu 4:14 and -the sprinkling bowlsNu 4:15 -the sanctuaryNu 4:15 and -all vessels of the

sanctuaryNu 4:18 -tribe of families of the K’hahth-itesNu 4:19 -Holy of The HoliesNu 4:20 -the holy thingNu 4:22 -heads of sons of Geyr-shohnNu 4:25 -curtains of the

tabernacle##2451-2500 (Nu ##73-122)

Nu 4:25 and -tent of meetingNu 4:25 and -hanging for the door of tent of meetingNu 4:26 and -hangings of the courtNu 4:26 and -hanging for the doorNu 4:26 and -their cordsNu 4:26 and -all vessels of their serviceNu 4:26 and -all what to do of themNu 4:27 -all their burdenNu 4:30 -service of tent of meetingNu 4:32 -vessels of charge of their burdenNu 4:34 -sons of the K’hahth-itesNu 4:46 -the LevitesNu 4:49 -Moh-shehNu 5:2 -sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 5:3 -their campsNu 5:7 -their sinNu 5:7 -his guiltNu 5:10 -his dedicated holy thingsNu 5:14 -his wifeNu 5:14 -his wifeNu 5:15 -his wifeNu 5:15 -her kahr-bahn offering

Nu 5:18 -the womanNu 5:18 -head of the womanNu 5:18 -food offering of memorialNu 5:20 -his semenNu 5:21 -the womanNu 5:21 -your genitalsNu 5:21 and -your bellyNu 5:23 -the curses -the these-Nu 5:24 -the womanNu 5:24 -water of the bittersNu 5:25 -food offering of the jealousyNu 5:25 -the food offeringNu 5:26 -her memorialNu 5:26 -the womanNu 5:26 -the waterNu 5:27 -the waterNu 5:30 -his wifeNu 5:30 -the womanNu 5:30 -all the Torah -the this-Nu 5:31 -her iniquityNu 6:11 -his headNu 6:12 -days of his separationNu 6:14 -his kahr-bahn offeringNu 6:16 -his sin offeringNu 6:16 and -his elevation

offeringNu 6:17 and -the ramNu 6:17 and -his food offeringNu 6:17 and -his drink offering

##2501-2550 (Nu ##123-172)Nu 6:18 -head of his separationNu 6:18 -hair of head of his separationNu 6:19 -the shoulder, boiled

Nu 6:19 -his separationNu 6:23 -sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 6:27 -My NameNu 7:1 -the tabernacleNu 7:1 and -all its vesselsNu 7:1 and -the altarNu 7:1 and -all its vesselsNu 7:3 -their kahr-bahn offeringNu 7:5 -service of tent of meetingNu 7:6 -the wagonsNu 7:6 and -the oxenNu 7:7 -two of the wagonsNu 7:7 and -four of the oxenNu 7:8 and -four of the wagonsNu 7:8 and -eight of the oxenNu 7:10 -khahn-nook-kah offeringNu 7:10 -their kahr-bahn offeringsNu 7:11 -their kahr-bahn offeringsNu 7:12 -his kahr-bahn offeringNu 7:19 -his kahr-bahn offeringNu 7:84 from -rulers of Yees-rah-eylNu 7:89 -the voiceNu 8:2 -the lampsNu 8:3 -Moh-shehNu 8:4 -Moh-shehNu 8:4 -the m’noh-rahNu 8:6 -the LevitesNu 8:9 -the LevitesNu 8:9 -all congregation of sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 8:10 -the LevitesNu 8:10 -their hands

Nu 8:11 -the LevitesNu 8:11 from -sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 8:11 -service of Nu 8:12 -their handsNu 8:12 -the one of a sin offeringNu 8:12 and -the one of an elevation offeringNu 8:13 -the LevitesNu 8:14 -the LevitesNu 8:15 -tent of meetingNu 8:18 -the LevitesNu 8:19 -the LevitesNu 8:19 -service of sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 8:20 -Moh-shehNu 8:22 -their service in the tent

of meetingNu 8:22 -Moh-shehNu 8:26 -his brothers

##2551-2600 (Nu ##173-222)Nu 9:2 -the Pah-sahkhNu 9:5 -the Peh-sahkhNu 9:5 -Moh-shehNu 9:7 -kahr-bahn offering of Nu 9:15 -the tabernacleNu 9:15 -the tabernacleNu 9:19 -charge of Nu 9:23 -charge of Nu 10:2 -the campsNu 10:7 -the assemblyNu 10:21 -the tabernacleNu 11:5 -the fishNu 11:5 -the cucumbersNu 11:5 and -the melonsNu 11:5 and -the leeksNu 11:5 and -the onionsNu 11:5 and -the garlic

Nu 11:10 -the people weepingNu 11:11 -burden of all the people -the this-Nu 11:12 -all the people -the this-Nu 11:12 -the sucklingNu 11:14 -all the people –the this-Nu 11:20 -Nu 11:22 -all fish of the seaNu 11:24 -words of Nu 11:29 -His Roo-ahkhNu 11:31 from -Nu 11:32 -the quails

Nu 11:34 -name of the place -the that-Nu 11:34 -the people of the lustsNu 13:2 -earth of K’nah-ahnNu 13:16 -the earthNu 13:17 -earth of K’nah-ahnNu 13:17 -the hillsNu 13:18 -the earthNu 13:18 and -the people, the ones dwelling upon herNu 13:21 -the earthNu 13:26 and -all the congregationNu 13:26 -fruit of the earthNu 13:30 -the peopleNu 13:33 -the giantsNu 14:1 -their voiceNu 14:6 -the earthNu 14:9 -people of the earthNu 14:13 -the people -the this-Nu 14:15 -the people -the this-Nu 14:15 -Your fameNu 14:16 -the people -the this-Nu 14:21 -all the earth

Nu 14:22 -my glory##2601-2650 (Nu ##223-272)

Nu 14:22 and -my signsNu 14:23 -the earthNu 14:27 -murmurings (grudges) of sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 14:30 -my handNu 14:31 -the earthNu 14:33 -your whoredomsNu 14:34 -the earthNu 14:34 -your iniquitiesNu 14:34 -my alienationNu 14:36 -the earthNu 14:36 -all the congregationNu 14:38 -the earthNu 14:39 -the words -the these-Nu 14:41 -mouth of Nu 15:13 -these thingsNu 15:22 -all the commandments -the these-Nu 15:23 -all that commanded Nu 15:25 -their kahr-bahn

offeringNu 15:30 -Nu 15:31 and -His commandmentNu 15:36 -Moh-shehNu 15:39 -all commandments of Nu 15:40 -all my commandmentsNu 16:5 -who are to himNu 16:5 and -the holy onesNu 16:5 and -whom shall chose in himNu 16:9 -service of the tabernacle of Nu 16:10 and -all your brothers

Nu 16:15 -one from themNu 16:19 -all the congregationNu 16:28 -all the works -the these-Nu 16:30 -her mouthNu 16:30 and -all that was to themNu 16:30 -Nu 16:31 -all the words –the these-Nu 16:32 -her mouthNu 16:32 and -their housesNu 16:32 and -all the menNu 16:32 and -all of the property (place)Nu 16:35 from -Nu 16:35 -the fifty and two

hundred men offering the incenseNu 17:2 -the censorsNu 17:2 and -the fireNu 17:3 -censors of the sinners -the these-Nu 17:4 -censors of the copperNu 17:6 -people of Nu 17:11 -the censorNu 17:12 -the incenseNu 17:17 from -all their rulersNu 17:17 -His name

##2651-2700 (Nu ##273-322)Nu 17:18 and -name of Ah-hah-rohn

Nu 17:20 -murmurings of sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 17:22 -the staffsNu 17:24 -all the staffs from of the face of Nu 17:25 -staff of Ah-hah-rohn Nu 18:1 -iniquity of the

sanctuaryNu 18:1 -iniquity of your

priesthoodNu 18:2 -your brothers of tribe of Ley-veeNu 18:4 -charge of tent of meetingNu 18:5 -charge of the sanctuaryNu 18:5 and -charge of the altarNu 18:6 -your brothers, the LevitesNu 18:6 -service of tent of

meetingNu 18:7 -your priesthoodNu 18:7 -your priesthoodNu 18:8 -charge of my heave offeringsNu 18:15 -firstborn of the AdamNu 18:15 and -firstborn of the beasts, the uncleanNu 18:17 -their bloodNu 18:17 and -their khey-lehv fatNu 18:21 -service of tent of meetingNu 18:23 -service of tent of meetingNu 18:24 -tithes of sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 18:26 from -sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 18:26 -the titheNu 18:28 from -sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 18:28 -heave offering of Nu 18:29 -all heave offerings of Nu 18:29 -its holy part

Nu 18:30 -its khey-lehv fat from itNu 18:32 -its khey-lehv fat from itNu 18:32 and -the holy things of sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 19:5 -the heiferNu 19:5 -her skinNu 19:5 and -her fleshNu 19:5 and -her bloodNu 19:9 -ashes of the heiferNu 19:10 -ashes of the heiferNu 19:10 -his clothesNu 19:13 -tabernacle of Nu 19:20 -sanctuary of Nu 20:4 -assembly of Nu 20:8 -the staffNu 20:8 -the congregationNu 20:8 -the congregationNu 20:8 and -their animalsNu 20:9 -the staffNu 20:10 -the assemblyNu 20:11 -his handNu 20:11 -the rock

##2701-2750 (Nu ##323-372)Nu 20:12 -the assembly -the this-Nu 20:13 -Nu 20:14 -all the travail (tumult)Nu 20:21 -Yees-rah-eylNu 20:24 -my mouthNu 20:25 -Ah-hah-rohnNu 20:25 and -Ehl-ah-zahr, his

sonNu 20:26 -Ah-hah-rohnNu 20:26 -his garmentsNu 20:26 -Ehl-ah-zahr, his sonNu 20:28 -Ah-hah-rohnNu 20:28 -his garments

Nu 20:28 -Ehl-ah-zahr, his sonNu 20:29 -Ah-hah-rohnNu 21:2 -the people -the this-Nu 21:2 -their citiesNu 21:3 -the K’nah-ah-nitesNu 21:3 and -their citiesNu 21:4 -earth of Eh-dohmNu 21:6 -the serpents, the fieryNu 21:6 -the peopleNu 21:7 -the serpentNu 21:9 -a manNu 21:14 -Vah-heyv in Soo-phahNu 21:14 and -the torrents of Ahr-nohnNu 21:16 -the peopleNu 21:17 -the song -the this-Nu 21:23 -Yees-rah-eylNu 21:23 -all his peopleNu 21:24 -his earthNu 21:25 -all the cities -the these-Nu 21:26 -all his earthNu 21:32 -Yah-zeyrNu 21:32 -the Eh-moh-riteNu 21:34 and -all his peopleNu 21:34 and -his earthNu 21:35 and -his sonsNu 21:35 and -all his peopleNu 21:35 -his earthNu 22:2 -all that did Yees-rah-eylNu 22:4 -all surrounding usNu 22:4 -grass of the fieldNu 22:5 -eye of the earthNu 22:6 -the people -the this-Nu 22:6 -that blesses you is blessedNu 22:11 -eye of the earth

Nu 22:12 -the peopleNu 22:17 -the people -the this-Nu 22:18 -mouth of my

ELHOIM Nu 22:20 -the word which I speak to you

##2751-2800 (Nu ##373-422)Nu 22:21 -his assNu 22:23 -messenger of Nu 22:23 -the assNu 22:25 -messenger of Nu 22:25 -foot of Bee-lahmNu 22:27 -messenger of Nu 22:27 -the ass with the staffNu 22:28 -mouth of the assNu 22:31 -eyes of Vee-lahmNu 22:31 -Messenger of Nu 22:32 -your ass these three timesNu 22:35 -the word which I speak to youNu 22:41 -Bee-lahmNu 23:4 -seven of the altarsNu 23:10 -fourth of Yees-rah-eylNu 23:12 -that which put in my mouth itNu 23:28 -Bee-lahmNu 24:1 -Yees-rah-eylNu 24:2 -his eyesNu 24:2 -Yees-rah-eylNu 24:10 -his palmsNu 24:13 -mouth of Nu 24:20 -Ah-mah-leyk Nu 24:21 -the Keyn-itesNu 25:4 -all chiefs of the peopleNu 25:6 -the Meed-yah-nitessNu 25:8 -both of themNu 25:8 -a man of Yees-rah-eyl

Nu 25:8 and -the woman to her bellyNu 25:11 -my wrathNu 25:11 -my zealNu 25:11 -sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 25:12 -my covenant of peaceNu 25:14 -the Meed-yahn-itessNu 25:17 -the Meed-yahn-itesNu 26:2 -heads of all company of sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 26:4 -Moh-shehNu 26:10 -her mouthNu 26:10 and -Kohr-ahkhNu 26:10 -fifty and two hundred menNu 26:29 -Geel-ahdNu 26:55 -the earthNu 26:58 -Ahm-rahmNu 26:59 -Ah-hah-rohnNu 26:59 and -Moh-shehNu 26:59 and -Meer-yahm, their

sisterNu 26:60 -Nah-dahvNu 26:60 and -Ah-vee-hooNu 26:60 -Ehl-ah-zahrNu 26:60 and -Ee-thah-mahr

##2801-2850 (Nu ##423-472)Nu 26:63 -sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 26:64 -sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 27:5 -their causeNu 27:7 -inheritance of their fatherNu 27:8 -his inheritanceNu 27:9 -his inheritanceNu 27:10 -his inheritanceNu 27:11 -his inheritanceNu 27:11 -Moh-sheh

Nu 27:12 -the earthNu 27:18 -Y’hoh-shoo-ah, son of NoonNu 27:18 -your handNu 27:22 -Y’hoh-shoo-ahNu 27:23 -his hands on himNu 28:2 -sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 28:2 -my kahr-bahn offeringNu 28:4 -the lamb, the oneNu 28:4 and -the lamb, the

secondNu 28:8 and -the lamb, the secondNu 28:23 -theseNu 29:7 -your soulsNu 30:1 -Moh-shehNu 30:5 -her vowNu 30:9 -her vowNu 30:9 and -rash utterance of

her lipsNu 30:15 -all her vowsNu 30:15 -all her bondsNu 30:16 -her iniquityNu 30:17 -Moh-shehNu 31:2 from -the Meed-yah-nitesNu 31:6 and -Peen-khahs, son of Ehl-ah-zahr, the Koh-heynNu 31:7 -Moh-shehNu 31:8 and -Kings of Meed-yahnNu 31:8 -Eh-veeNu 31:8 and -Reh-kehmNu 31:8 and -TsoorNu 31:8 and -KhoorNu 31:8 and -Reh-vahNu 31:8 and -Beel-ahm, son of B‘ohrNu 31:9 -women of

Meed-yahnNu 31:9 and -their childrenNu 31:9 and -all their livestockNu 31:9 and -all their possessionsNu 31:9 and -all their wealthNu 31:10 and -all their citiesNu 31:10 and -all their towersNu 31:11 -all the spoilNu 31:11 and -all the preyNu 31:12 -the captivesNu 31:12 and -the prey

##2851-2900 (Nu ##473-522)Nu 31:12 and -the spoilNu 31:21 -Moh-shehNu 31:22 -the goldNu 31:22 and -the silverNu 31:22 -the copperNu 31:22 -the ironNu 31:22 -the tinNu 31:22 and -the leadNu 31:26 -heads of prey of the captivesNu 31:27 -he preyNu 31:28 from -men of the battleNu 31:31 -Moh-shehNu 31:41 -tributeNu 31:41 -Moh-shehNu 31:47 -the portion, oneNu 31:47 -Moh-shehNu 31:49 -heads of men of the battleNu 31:50 -kahr-bahn offering of Nu 31:51 -the gold from themNu 31:52 from -rulers of the thousandsNu 31:52 and from -rulers of the hundreds

Nu 31:54 -the goldNu 31:54 from -rulers of the thousands and the hundredsNu 32:1 -earth of Yah-zeyrNu 32:1 and -earth of Geel-ahdNu 32:5 -the earth -the this-Nu 32:5 -the Yahr-deynNu 32:7 -heart of sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 32:8 -the earthNu 32:9 -the earthNu 32:9 -heart of sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 32:11 -the landNu 32:20 -the thing -the this-Nu 32:21 -the Yahr-deynNu 32:21 -his enemiesNu 32:28 -Ehl-ah-zahr, the Koh-heynNu 32:28 and -Y’hoh-shoo-ah son of NoonNu 32:28 and -heads of fathers of the tribesNu 32:29 -the Yahr-deynNu 32:29 -earth of the Geel-ahdNu 32:31 -which said to

your servantsNu 32:33 -kingdom of See-khohn, King of the Eh-moh-ritesNu 32:33 and -kingdom of Og, King of the Bah-shahnNu 32:34 -Dee-vohnNu 32:34 and -Ah-tah-rohthNu 32:34 and -Ah-roh-eyrNu 32:35 and -Ah-tah-rohth Shoh-phahnNu 32:35 and -Yah-zeyrNu 32:36 and -Beyth Neem-rah

Nu 32:36 and -Beyth Hah-rahn##2901-2950 (Nu ##523-572)

Nu 32:37 -Khehsh-bohnNu 32:37 and -Ehl-ah-leyhNu 32:37 and - Keer-yah-thah-eemNu 32:38 and -N’vohNu 32:38 and -Bah-ahl M’ohnNu 32:38 and -Seev-mahNu 32:38 -names of the citiesNu 32:39 -the Eh-moh-rite who

was in herNu 32:40 -the Geel-ahdNu 32:41 -the townsNu 32:42 -K’nahthNu 32:42 and -her villagesNu 33:2 -their departuresNu 33:4 -whom that struck Nu 33:51 -the Yahr-deynNu 33:52 -all inhabitants of the

earthNu 33:52 -all their carved imagesNu 33:52 and -all images of their castingsNu 33:52 and -all their high placesNu 33:53 -the earthNu 33:53 -the earth to posses herNu 33:54 -the earthNu 33:54 -its inheritanceNu 33:54 -its inheritanceNu 33:55 -inhabitants of the earthNu 34:2 -sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 34:13 -sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 34:17 -the earthNu 34:18 -the earthNu 34:29 -sons of Yees-rah-eyl

Nu 35:2 -sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 35:5 -side eastwardNu 35:5 and -side southwardNu 35:5 and -side westward (seaward)Nu 35:5 and -side northwardNu 35:6 and -the citiesNu 35:6 -six cities of the refugeNu 35:7 -their open fields

(grazing area)Nu 35:8 from -the manyNu 35:8 and from -the fewNu 35:10 -the Yahr-deynNu 35:14 -three of the citiesNu 35:14 and -three of the citiesNu 35:19 -the murdererNu 35:21 -the murdererNu 35:25 -the murdererNu 35:26 -border of city of his refugeNu 35:27 -the murdererNu 35:30 -the murderer

Nu 35:33 -the earth which you are in her

##2951-3000 (Nu ##573-579)Nu 35:33 -the earthNu 35:34 -the earthNu 36:2 -my masterNu 36:2 -the earth for an

inheritanceNu 36:2 -inheritance of Ts’lahph-khahd our brotherNu 36:5 -sons of Yees-rah-eylNu 36:10 -Moh-sheh




De 1:4 -See-khohn, King of the Eh-moh-ritesDe 1:4 and -Ohg, King of the Bah-shahnDe 1:5 -the Torah -the this-De 1:8 -the earthDe 1:8 -the earthDe 1:15 -heads of your tribesDe 1:16 -your judgesDe 1:18 -all the thingsDe 1:19 -all the wilderness, the greatDe 1:21 -the earthDe 1:22 -the earthDe 1:22 -the wayDe 1:22 and -the citiesDe 1:26 -mouth of your

ELOHIMDe 1:28 -our heartsDe 1:31 -his sonDe 1:34 -sound of your wordsDe 1:35 -the earth, the goodDe 1:36 -the earthDe 1:38 -Yees-rah-eylDe 1:41 -vessels of his warDe 1:43 -mouth of De 2:1 -Mount Sey-eerDe 2:3 -the mount -the this-De 2:4 and -the peopleDe 2:5 -Mount Sey-eerDe 2:7 -the wilderness, the great -the this-De 2:8 from -our brothers,

sons of Ey-sahvDe 2:9 -Moh-ahvDe 2:9 -Ahr as a possessionDe 2:13 -torrent of Zah-rehdDe 2:13 -torrent of Zah-rehdDe 2:14 -torrent of Zah-rehdDe 2:18 -border of Moh-ahvDe 2:18 -AhrDe 2:22 -the Khohr-itesDe 2:24 -river of Ahr-nohn

De 2:24 -See-khohn, King of Khehsh-bohn, the Eh-moh-riteDe 2:24 and -his earthDe 2:29 -the Yahr-deynDe 2:30 -his Roo-ahkhDe 2:30 -his heartDe 2:31 -See-khohn

##3001-3050 (De ##44-93)De 2:31 and -his earthDe 2:31 -his earthDe 2:33 and -his sonsDe 2:33 and -all his peopleDe 2:34 -all his citiesDe 2:34 -every cityDe 2:36 -the all gave our ELOHIMDe 3:2 and -all his peopleDe 3:2 and -his earthDe 3:3 -Ohg, King of the Bah-shahnDe 3:3 and -all his peopleDe 3:4 -all his citiesDe 3:8 -the earthDe 3:12 and -the earth –the this-De 3:14 -all region of Ahr-gohvDe 3:14 -the Bah-shahnDe 3:15 -the Geel-ahd

De 3:18 -the earth -the this-De 3:20 -the earthDe 3:21 and -Y’hoh-shoo-ahDe 3:21 -all which your ELOHIM has doneDe 3:24 -your servantDe 3:24 -your greatnessDe 3:24 and -your hand, the strongDe 3:25 -the earth, the goodDe 3:27 -the Yahr-deyn –the this-De 3:28 -Y’hoh-shoo-ahDe 3:28 -the earthDe 4:1 -the earthDe 4:2 -commandments of your ELOHIMDe 4:3 -what has doneDe 4:6 -all the statutes -the these-De 4:9 -the thingsDe 4:10 -the peopleDe 4:10 -my wordsDe 4:10 and -their sonsDe 4:13 -his covenantDe 4:19 -the sunDe 4:19 and -the moonDe 4:19 and -the starsDe 4:21 -the Yahr-deynDe 4:22 -the Yahr-deynDe 4:22 -the earth, the good -the this-De 4:23 -covenant of your ELOHIMDe 4:26 -the heavensDe 4:26 and -the earthDe 4:26 -the Yahr-deynDe 4:29 - your ELOHIMDe 4:31 -covenant of your

fathersDe 4:36 -his voice

##3051-3100 (De ##94-143)De 4:36 -his fire, the great De 4:37 -your fathersDe 4:38 -their earth De 4:40 -his statutesDe 4:40 and -his commandmentsDe 4:42 -his neighborDe 4:43 -Beh-tsehrDe 4:43 and -Rah-mohthDe 4:43 and -Goh-lahnDe 4:47 -his earthDe 4:47 and -earth of Ohg, King of the Bah-shahnDe 5:1 -the statutesDe 5:1 and -the judgmentsDe 5:3 -our fathersDe 5:3 -the covenant –the this-De 5:5 -word of De 5:11 -name of your ELOHIMDe 5:11 -who takesDe 5:11 -his name to vanityDe 5:12 -day of the Shahb-bahthDe 5:15 -day of the Shahb-bahthDe 5:16 -your fatherDe 5:16 and -your motherDe 5:19 -the words -the these-De 5:20 -the voice from midst of the darknessDe 5:21 -his gloryDe 5:21 and -his greatnessDe 5:21 and -his voiceDe 5:21 -the manDe 5:22 -voice of our ELOHIM

De 5:24 -all that may speak our ELOHIMDe 5:24 -all that may speak our ELOHIMDe 5:25 -voice of your wordsDe 5:25 -voice of words of the

people -the this-De 5:26 -all my commandmentsDe 5:28 -all the commandmentsDe 6:2 - your ELOHIMDe 6:2 -all his statutesDe 6:5 - your ELOHIMDe 6:12 -De 6:13 - your ELOHIMDe 6:16 - your ELOHIMDe 6:17 -commandments of your ELOHIMDe 6:18 -the earth, the goodDe 6:19 -all your enemiesDe 6:23 -the earthDe 6:24 -all the statutes -the these-De 6:24 - our ELOHIMDe 6:25 -all the commandment -the this-De 7:4 -your son from after me

##3101-3150 (De ##144-193)De 7:8 -the oathDe 7:11 -the commandmentDe 7:11 and -the statutesDe 7:11 and -judgmentsDe 7:12 -the judgments -the these-De 7:12 -the covenant

De 7:12 and -the mercyDe 7:16 -all the peoplesDe 7:16 -their elohimDe 7:18 -that has done your ELOHIMDe 7:20 -the hornet(s)De 7:22 -the nations –the those-De 7:24 -their name(s)De 8:1 -the earthDe 8:2 -all the wayDe 8:2 -what is in your heartDe 8:3 -the mahnDe 8:5 -his son

De 8:6 -commandments of your ELOHIMDe 8:10 - your ELOHIMDe 8:11 - your ELOHIMDe 8:14 - your ELOHIMDe 8:17 -the wealth -the this-De 8:18 - your ELOHIMDe 8:18 -his covenantDe 8:19 - your ELOHIMDe 9:1 -the YardeynDe 9:4 -the earth -the this-De 9:5 -their earthDe 9:5 -the wordDe 9:6 -the earth, the good -the this-De 9:7 -how you made angryDe 9:7 - your ELOHIMDe 9:8 -De 9:10 -two tablets of the stones

De 9:11 -two tablets of the stonesDe 9:13 -the people -the this-De 9:14 -their names from under the heavensDe 9:21 and -your sinsDe 9:21 -the calfDe 9:21 -dust of itDe 9:22 -De 9:23 -the earth De 9:23 -mouth of your ELOHIMDe 9:25 -forty of the daysDe 9:25 and -forty of the nightsDe 10:2 -the wordsDe 10:4 -ten of the wordsDe 10:5 -the tablets in the arkDe 10:8 -tribe of the Levy

##3151-3200 (De ##194-243)De 10:8 -ark of covenant of De 10:11 -the earthDe 10:12 - your ELOHIMDe 10:12 - your ELOHIMDe 10:13 -commandments of De 10:13 and -his statutesDe 10:16 -foreskins of your heartsDe 10:19 -the strangerDe 10:20 - your ELOHIMDe 10:21 -the great thingsDe 10:21 and -the fearful things -the these-De 11:1 - your ELOHIMDe 11:2 -your sons

De 11:2 -chastisement of your ELOHIMDe 11:2 -his greatnessDe 11:2 -his hand, the strongDe 11:3 and -his signsDe 11:3 and -his works (doings)De 11:4 -waters of Yahm SoophDe 11:6 -her mouthDe 11:6 and -their housesDe 11:6 and -their tentsDe 11:6 and -all the living substanceDe 11:7 -all work of , the greatDe 11:8 -all the commandmentsDe 11:8 -the earthDe 11:10 -your seedDe 11:13 - your ELOHIMDe 11:17 -the heavensDe 11:17 -her increaseDe 11:18 -words, these, in your heartDe 11:19 -your sonsDe 11:22 -all the commandment -the this-De 11:22 - your ELOHIMDe 11:23 -all the nations -the these-De 11:27 -the blessingDe 11:29 -the blessing upon mount G’ree-zeemDe 11:29 and -the curse upon mount Ey-vahlDe 11:31 -the Yahr-deynDe 11:31 -the earth

De 11:32 -all the statutesDe 11:32 and -the judgments De 12:2 -all the placesDe 12:2 -their elohimDe 12:3 -their altarsDe 12:3 -their pillarsDe 12:3 -their namesDe 12:5 -his nameDe 12:6 and -your tithesDe 12:6 and -heave offering of your hand(s)

##3201-3250 (De ##244-293)De 12:10 -the YardeynDe 12:11 -all that I am commanding youDe 12:19 -the LeviteDe 12:20 -your borderDe 12:22 -the gazelleDe 12:22 and -the hartDe 12:28 -all the words –the these-De 12:29 -the nationsDe 12:30 -their elohimDe 12:31 -their sonsDe 12:31 and -their daughtersDe 13:1 -all the things

De 13:4 - your ELOHIMDe 13:5 and -his commandmentsDe 13:14 -dwellers of their cityDe 13:16 -dwellers of the cityDe 13:16 and -all that is in herDe 13:16 and -her cattleDe 13:17 and -all her spoilDe 13:17 -the cityDe 13:17 and -all her spoilDe 13:19 -all his commandments

De 14:7 -of those shall you not eatDe 14:7 -the camelDe 14:7 and -the hareDe 14:7 and -the rock badgerDe 14:8 and -the swineDe 14:9 -these shall you eatDe 14:13 and -the falcon (hawk)De 14:14 and -all the ravens by

their kindsDe 14:15 and -branch of the owl (ostrich)De 14:15 and -the great owl (night hawk)De 14:15 and -the gullDe 14:15 and -the small hawks of their kindsDe 14:16 -the little owlDe 14:16 and -the eared owl (heron, night heron)De 14:17 and -the owlDe 14:17 and -the Egyptian vulture (pelican)De 14:22 -all the produce of your seedDe 14:23 - your ELOHIMDe 14:28 -all tithe of your produceDe 15:2 -his neighborDe 15:2 and -his brotherDe 15:3 -of the foreignerDe 15:3 -your brotherDe 15:5 -all the command -the

this-De 15:7 -your heartDe 15:7 -your handDe 15:8 -your hand to himDe 15:11 -your hand

##3251-3300 (De ##294-343)

De 15:15 -the thing -the this-De 15:16 and -your householdDe 15:17 -the awlDe 15:23 -its bloodDe 16:1 -new month of the Ah-veevDe 16:3 -day you came outDe 16:5 -the Pah-sahkhDe 16:6 -the Peh-sahkhDe 16:12 -the statutes -the these-De 16:16 -face of your ELOHIMDe 16:16 -face of De 16:18 -the peopleDe 16:20 -the earthDe 17:2 -the evilDe 17:5 -the man -the that-De 17:5 -the woman -the that-De 17:5 -the thing, the evil -the this-De 17:5 -the manDe 17:5 -the womanDe 17:9 -word of the judgmentDe 17:12 - your ELOHIMDe 17:16 -the peopleDe 17:18 -a copy of the Torah -the this-De 17:19 - his ELOHIMDe 17:19 -all words of the Torah -the this-De 17:19 and -the statutes -the these-De 18:3 from -the peopleDe 18:3 from -sacrificing a sacrificeDe 18:16 -voice of my ELOHIMDe 18:16 and -the fire, the

great -the this-De 18:18 -all that I shall command himDe 18:20 -which I have not commanded himDe 18:21 -the wordDe 19:1 -the nationsDe 19:1 -their earthDe 19:3 -border of your earthDe 19:4 -his neighborDe 19:5 -his neighborDe 19:5 -his neighborDe 19:8 -your borderDe 19:8 -all the earthDe 19:9 -all the commandments -the these-De 19:9 - your ELOHIMDe 20:8 -heart of his brothersDe 20:13 -every male of herDe 20:14 -spoil of your enemiesDe 20:19 -her treesDe 21:4 -the heiferDe 21:4 -the heiferDe 21:6 -their hands

##3301-3350 (De ##344-393)De 21:7 -the blood -the this-De 21:12 -her headDe 21:12 -her nailsDe 21:13 -clothing of her captivity from upon herDe 21:13 -her fatherDe 21:13 and -her motherDe 21:16 -his sonsDe 21:16 -that is to himDe 21:16 -son of the loved oneDe 21:17 -the firstborn of son of the hated oneDe 21:23 -your land

De 22:1 -ox of your brotherDe 22:1 -his sheepDe 22:4 -ass of your brotherDe 22:7 -the motherDe 22:7 and -the sonsDe 22:14 -the woman -the this-De 22:15 -virgin token of the young girlDe 22:16 -my daughterDe 22:18 -the manDe 22:21 -the young girlDe 22:24 -both of themDe 22:24 -the young girlDe 22:24 and -the manDe 22:24 -wife of his neighborDe 22:25 -the young girlDe 23:1 -wife of his fatherDe 23:5 -Beel-ahm son of B’ohrDe 23:6 -the curseDe 23:14 -your coming out resultDe 24:4 -the earthDe 24:5 -his wifeDe 24:9 -that did your ELOHIMDe 24:11 -the pledgeDe 24:13 -the pledgeDe 24:15 -his soulDe 24:18 -the thing -the this-De 24:22 -the thing -the this-De 25:1 -the righteousDe 25:1 -the guiltyDe 25:7 -his brother’s wifeDe 25:9 -house of his brotherDe 25:11 -her husbandDe 25:12 -her palmDe 25:17 -what did to you Ah-mah-leykDe 25:19 -remembrance of

Ah-mah-leykDe 26:7 -our voiceDe 26:7 -our afflictionDe 26:7 and -our laborDe 26:7 and -our oppression

##3351-3400 (De ##394-443)De 26:9 -the earth -the this-De 26:10 -first of fruit of the groundDe 26:12 -all tithes of your produceDe 26:15 -your peopleDe 26:15 -Yees-rah-eylDe 26:15 and -the landDe 26:16 -the statutes -the these-De 26:16 and -the judgments De 26:17 -De 27:1 -the peopleDe 27:1 -all the commandmentsDe 27:2 -the Yahr-deynDe 27:3 -all words of the Torah -the this-De 27:4 -the Yahr-deynDe 27:4 -the stones -the these-De 27:6 -altar of your ELOHIMDe 27:8 -all words of the Torah -the this-De 27:10 -his commandmentsDe 27:10 and -his statutesDe 27:11 -the peopleDe 27:12 -the people upon Mount G’ree-zeemDe 27:12 -the Yahr-deynDe 27:26 -words of the Torah -the this-De 28:1 -all his commandmentsDe 28:7 -your enemies

De 28:8 -the blessing in your storehousesDe 28:9 -commandments of your ELOHIMDe 28:12 -his treasure, the goodDe 28:12 -the heavensDe 28:12 -all work of your handDe 28:15 -all his commandsDe 28:20 -the cursingDe 28:20 -the troubleDe 28:20 and -the rebukeDe 28:21 -the pestilence plagueDe 28:24 -rain of your earthDe 28:29 -your waysDe 28:36 and -your kingDe 28:47 - your ELOHIMDe 28:48 -your enemiesDe 28:58 -all words of the Torah -the this-De 28:58 -the Name, the glorious and the fearful -the this-De 28:58 - your ELOHIMDe 28:59 -your plaguesDe 28:59 and -plagues of your seedDe 28:60 -all diseases of Meets-rah-yeemDe 28:69 -Moh-shehDe 28:69 -sons of Yees-rah-eylDe 29:1 -all that didDe 29:7 -earth

##3401-3450 (De ##444-493)De 29:8 -words of the covenant -the this-De 29:8 -all that you doDe 29:13 -the covenant -the

this-De 29:13 and -the oath -the this-De 29:14 -who is hereDe 29:14 and -who is not hereDe 29:15 -how we dwelt in the

earth of Meets-rah-yeemDe 29:15 and -how we crossed in the midst of the nationsDe 29:16 -their detestable thingsDe 29:16 and -their g’lool idolsDe 29:17 -elohim of the nations -the those-De 29:18 -words of the curse -the this-De 29:18 -the thirstyDe 29:19 -his nameDe 29:21 -plagues of the earth -the that-De 29:21 and -her sicknessesDe 29:24 -covenant of ELOHIM of their fathersDe 29:26 -all of the curseDe 29:28 -all words of the Torah -the this-De 30:3 -your captivityDe 30:6 -your heartDe 30:6 and -heart of your seedDe 30:6 - your ELOHIMDe 30:7 -all the curses -the these-De 30:8 -all his commandmentsDe 30:15 -the lifeDe 30:15 and -the goodDe 30:15 and -the deathDe 30:15 and -the evilDe 30:16 - your

ELOHIMDe 30:18 -the Yahr-deynDe 30:19 -the heavensDe 30:19 and -the earthDe 30:20 - your ELOHIMDe 31:1 -the words -the these-De 31:2 -the Yahr-deyn -the this-De 31:3 -the nations -the these-De 31:7 -the people -the this-De 31:9 -the Torah -the this-De 31:9 -ark of covenant of De 31:11 -face of your ELOHIMDe 31:11 -the Torah -the this-De 31:12 -the peopleDe 31:12 - your ELOHIMDe 31:12 -all words of the Torah -the this-De 31:13 - your ELOHIMDe 31:13 -the Yahr-deynDe 31:14 -Y’hoh-shoo-ahDe 31:16 -my covenantDe 31:19 -the song -the this-

##3451-3500 (De ##494-532)De 31:19 -sons of Yees-rah-eylDe 31:20 -my covenantDe 31:21 -his scheme (frame)De 31:22 -the song -the this-De 31:22 -sons of Yees-rah-eylDe 31:23 -Y’hoh-shoo-ah son of NoonDe 31:23 -sons of Yees-rah-eylDe 31:24 -words of the Torah -the this-De 31:25 -the Levites

De 31:26 -book of the Torah -the this-De 31:27 -your rebellionDe 31:27 and -your neck, the stiffDe 31:28 -all elders of your tribesDe 31:28 -the words -the these-De 31:28 -the heavensDe 31:28 and -the earthDe 31:29 -the evil in the eyes of De 31:30 -words of the song -the this-De 32:44 -all words of the song -the this-De 32:45 -all the words –the these-De 32:46 -your sonsDe 32:46 -all words of the Torah -the this-De 32:47 -the Yahr-deynDe 32:49 -earth of K’nah-ahnDe 32:52 -the earthDe 33:1 -sons of Yees-rah-eylDe 33:9 -his brothersDe 33:9 and -his sonDe 34:1 -all the earthDe 34:1 -the Geel-ahdDe 34:2 and -all Naph-tah-leeDe 34:2 and -earth of Eh-phrah-yeemDe 34:2 and -all earth of Y’hoo-dahDe 34:3 and -the Neh-gehvDe 34:3 and -the plain of valley of Y’rey-khohDe 34:6 -his cover-burial placeDe 34:8 -Moh-shehDe 34:9 -his hands upon him

De 34:9 -Moh-sheh




Jos 1:2 -the Yahr-deyn –the this-Jos 1:6 -the people -the this-Jos 1:6 -the earthJos 1:8 -your wayJos 1:10 -officers of the peopleJos 1:11 -the peopleJos 1:11 -the Yahr-deyn –the this-Jos 1:11 -the earthJos 1:13 -the wordJos 1:13 -the earth -the this-Jos 1:15 -the earth

##3501-3550 (Jos ##12-61)Jos 1:16 -Y’hoh-shoo-ahJos 1:18 -your mouthJos 1:18 -your wordsJos 2:1 -the earthJos 2:1 and -Y’ree-khohJos 2:2 -the earthJos 2:3 -all the earthJos 2:4 -two of the menJos 2:9 -the earthJos 2:10 -that dried up Jos 2:10 -water of Yahm SoophJos 2:13 -my father

Jos 2:13 and -my motherJos 2:13 and -my brothersJos 2:13 and -my sistersJos 2:13 and -all that is to themJos 2:13 -our soulsJos 2:14 - matters of ours, thisJos 2:14 -the earthJos 2:18 -line of the scarlet rope -the this-Jos 2:18 and -your fatherJos 2:18 and -your motherJos 2:18 and -your brothers

Jos 2:18 and -all house of your fatherJos 2:20 - matters of ours, thisJos 2:21 -line of the scarletJos 2:23 -all the happenings of themJos 2:24 -all the earthJos 3:3 -the peopleJos 3:3 -ark of the covenant of your ELOHIMJos 3:4 -the wayJos 3:6 -ark of the covenantJos 3:6 -ark of the covenantJos 3:8 -the Koh-hahn-eemJos 3:9 -words of your

ELOHIMJos 3:10 -the K’nah-ahn-itesJos 3:10 and -the Khee-titesJos 3:10 and -the Khee-vitesJos 3:10 and -the P’ree-zitesJos 3:10 and -the Geer-gah-shitesJos 3:14 -the Yahr-deynJos 3:17 -the Yahr-deynJos 4:1 -the Yahr-deynJos 4:10 -Y’hoh-shoo-ah

Jos 4:10 -Y’hoh-shoo-ahJos 4:14 -Y’hoh-shoo-ahJos 4:14 -Moh-shehJos 4:16 -the Koh-hahn-eemJos 4:17 -the Koh-hahn-eem

Jos 4:20 and -two-ten of the stones -the these-

##3551-3600 (Jos ##62-111)Jos 4:21 -their fathersJos 4:22 -your sonsJos 4:22 -the Yahr-deyn -the this-Jos 4:23 -waters of the Yahr-deynJos 4:24 -hand of Jos 4:24 - your ELOHIMJos 5:1 -how the drying up Jos 5:1 -waters of the Yahr-deynJos 5:2 -sons of Yees-rah-eylJos 5:3 -sons of Yees-rah-eylJos 5:6 -the earthJos 5:7 and -their sonsJos 5:9 -reproach of Meets-rah-yeemJos 5:10 -the Peh-sahkh on the four-ten dayJos 6:2 -Y’ree-khohJos 6:2 and -her kingJos 6:3 -the cityJos 6:3 -the cityJos 6:4 -the cityJos 6:5 -sound of the shoh-fahrJos 6:6 -ark of the covenantJos 6:7 -the cityJos 6:10 and -the peopleJos 6:10 -your voices

Jos 6:11 -the cityJos 6:12 -ark of Jos 6:14 -the cityJos 6:15 -the cityJos 6:15 -the city, seven timesJos 6:16 -the cityJos 6:17 -the messengersJos 6:18 -camp of Yees-rah-eylJos 6:20 -sound of the shoh-fahrJos 6:20 -the cityJos 6:21 -all that was in the cityJos 6:22 -the earthJos 6:22 -the womanJos 6:22 and -all that is to herJos 6:23 -Rah-khahvJos 6:23 and -her fatherJos 6:23 and -her motherJos 6:23 and -her brothersJos 6:23 and -all that is to herJos 6:23 and -all her familiesJos 6:25 and -Rah-khahv, the harlotJos 6:25 and -house of her fatherJos 6:25 and -all that is to herJos 6:25 -the messengersJos 6:25 -Y’ree-khohJos 6:26 -the city -the this-

##3601-3650 (Jos ##112-161)Jos 6:26 -Y’ree-khohJos 6:27 -Y’hoh-shoo-ahJos 7:2 -the earthJos 7:2 -the AiJos 7:3 -the AiJos 7:3 -all the peopleJos 7:7 -the people -the this-

Jos 7:7 -the Yahr-deynJos 7:9 -our name from the earthJos 7:11 -my covenantJos 7:13 -the peopleJos 7:15 and -all which is to himJos 7:15 -covenant of Jos 7:16 -Yees-rah-eylJos 7:17 -family of Y’hoo-dahJos 7:17 -family of the Zahr-khitesJos 7:17 -family of the Zahr-khitesJos 7:18 -his householdJos 7:20 -Y’hoh-shoo-ahJos 7:24 -Ah-khahn, son of Zeh-rahkhJos 7:24 and -the silverJos 7:24 and -the robeJos 7:24 and -bar of the goldJos 7:24 and -his sonsJos 7:24 and -his daughtersJos 7:24 and -his oxenJos 7:24 and -his assesJos 7:24 and -his flockJos 7:24 and -his tentJos 7:24 and -all that was to himJos 8:1 -all people of the warJos 8:1 -king of the AiJos 8:1 and -his peopleJos 8:1 and -his cityJos 8:1 and -his earthJos 8:7 -the cityJos 8:8 -the cityJos 8:8 -the cityJos 8:10 -the peopleJos 8:13 -all the campJos 8:13 and -its rear, west of

the cityJos 8:17 -the cityJos 8:19 -the cityJos 8:21 -the cityJos 8:21 -men of the AiJos 8:23 and -king of the AiJos 8:24 -all dwellers of the AiJos 8:26 -all dwellers of the AiJos 8:27 -Y’hoh-shoo-ahJos 8:28 -the Ai

##3651-3700 (Jos ##162-211)Jos 8:29 -king of the AiJos 8:29 -his dead body from the treeJos 8:31 -sons of Yees-rah-eyl

Jos 8:32 -copy of Torah of Moh-shehJos 8:33 -the people of Yees-rah-eylJos 8:34 -all words of the TorahJos 9:3 -what had done Y’hoh-shoo-ah to Y’ree-khoJos 9:9 and -all that was done in Meets-rah-yeemJos 9:10 and -all that was done to the two kings of the Eh-moh-ritesJos 9:14 and -mouth of Jos 9:24 -Y’hoh-shoo-ahJos 9:24 -what commanded your ELOHIMJos 9:24 -Moh-shehJos 9:24 -all the earthJos 9:24 -all dwellers of the earthJos 9:24 -the thing -the this-Jos 10:1 -the Ai

Jos 10:1 -Yees-rah-eylJos 10:4 -Gee-vohnJos 10:4 -Y’hoh-shoo-ahJos 10:4 and -sons of Yees-rah-eylJos 10:12 -the Eh-moh-ritesJos 10:21 -his tongueJos 10:22 -mouth of the caveJos 10:22 -five of the kings -the these-Jos 10:23 -five of the kings -the these-Jos 10:23 -king of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemJos 10:23 -king of Khehv-rohnJos 10:23 -king of Yahr-moothJos 10:23 -king of Lah-kheeshJos 10:23 -king of Eh-glohnJos 10:24 -the kings -the these-Jos 10:24 -your feetJos 10:24 -your feetJos 10:28 and -Mahk-key-dahJos 10:28 and -her kingJos 10:28 and -all of the soul that was in herJos 10:30 -her kingJos 10:30 and -all of the soul that was in herJos 10:32 -Lah-kheeshJos 10:32 and -all of the soul that was in herJos 10:33 -Lah-kheeshJos 10:33 and -his peopleJos 10:35 and -all of the soul that was in herJos 10:37 and -her kingJos 10:37 and -all her cityJos 10:37 and -all of the soul that was in herJos 10:37 and -all of the soul that was in her

Jos 10:39 and -her kingJos 10:39 and -all her city

##3701-3750 (Jos ##212-261)Jos 10:39 -every soul that was in herJos 10:40 -all the earthJos 10:40 and -all their kingsJos 10:40 and -all of the breathed onesJos 10:41 and -all earth of G’shehnJos 10:42 and -all the kings -the these-Jos 10:42 and -their earthJos 11:6 -all of them, the slain onesJos 11:6 -their horsesJos 11:6 and -their chariotsJos 11:9 -their horsesJos 11:9 and -their chariotsJos 11:10 -Khah-tsohrJos 11:10 and -her kingJos 11:11 -all of the soul that was in herJos 11:11 and -Khah-tsohrJos 11:12 and -all cities of the kings -the these-Jos 11:12 and -all their kingsJos 11:13 -Khah-tsohrJos 11:14 -all of the mankindJos 11:15 -Moh-shehJos 11:15 -Y’hoh-shoo-ahJos 11:15 -Moh-shehJos 11:16 -all the earth -the this-

Jos 11:16 and -all the Neh-gehvJos 11:16 and -all earth of the G’shehn

Jos 11:16 and -the lowlandJos 11:16 and -the Ahr-ah-vahJos 11:16 and -mountain of Yees-rah-eylJos 11:17 and -all their kingsJos 11:18 -all the kings -the these-Jos 11:19 -the all they tookJos 11:20 from -Jos 11:20 -their hearts to come to the battleJos 11:20 -Yees-rah-eylJos 11:20 -Moh-shehJos 11:21 -the Ah-nah-keemJos 11:23 -all of the earthJos 12:1 -their earthJos 13:7 -the earth -the this-Jos 13:13 -the G’shoor-iteJos 13:13 and -the Mah-ah-khah-thiteJos 13:21 and -rulers of Meed-yahnJos 13:21 -Eh-veeJos 13:21 and -Reh-kehmJos 13:21 and -TsoorJos 13:21 and -KhoorJos 13:21 and -Reh-vahJos 13:22 and -Beel-ahm, son of B’ohrJos 14:5 -Moh-sheh

##3751-3800 (Jos ##262-311)Jos 14:5 -the earthJos 14:6 -the word that spoke Jos 14:7 -the earthJos 14:8 -heart of the peopleJos 14:10 -the word -the this-Jos 14:12 -the mount -the this-Jos 14:13 -Kheh-vrohnJos 15:13 -city of Ahr-bah

Jos 15:14 -three sons of the Ah-nahkJos 15:14 -Shey-shaiJos 15:14 and -Ah-khee-mahnJos 15:14 and -Tahl-maiJos 15:16 -city of Sey-phehrJos 15:16 -Akh-sah, my daughter, for a wifeJos 15:17 -Ahkh-sah, his daughter, for a wifeJos 15:18 from -her fatherJos 15:19 -springs of the upperJos 15:19 and -springs of the lowerJos 15:63 and -the Y’voo-sitesJos 15:63 -sons of Y’hoo-dahJos 16:10 -the K’nah-ah-nites, the dwellers in Gah-zeyrJos 17:4 -Moh-shehJos 17:11 and -dwellers of DohrJos 17:12 -the cities -the these-Jos 17:13 -the K’nah-ahn-itesJos 17:14 -Y’hoh-shoo-ahJos 17:18 -the K’nah-ahniteJos 18:1 -tent of meetingJos 18:2 -their inheritance, seven tribesJos 18:3 -the earthJos 18:6 -the earth, seven portionsJos 18:8 -the ones goingJos 18:8 -the earthJos 18:10 -the earthJos 19:49 -the earth, by their bordersJos 19:50 -the cityJos 19:50 - Teem-nahth-Seh-rakh on Mount Eh-phrah-yeemJos 19:50 -the city

Jos 19:51 -the earthJos 20:2 -cities of the refugeJos 20:4 -his matterJos 20:5 -the manslayerJos 20:5 -his neighborJos 20:7 -Keh-desh in the Gah-leelJos 20:7 and -Sh’khehm in the mountains of Eh-phrah-yeemJos 20:7 and -Kee-yahth Ahr-bahJos 20:8 -Beh-tsehr in the wilderness

Jos 20:8 and -Rah-mohth in the Geel-ahdJos 20:8 and -Goh-lahn in the Bah-shahnJos 21:3 -the cities -the these-

##3801-3850 (Jos ##312-361)Jos 21:3 and -their grazing (grass) areaJos 21:8 -the cities -the these-Jos 21:8 and -their grazing (grass) areaJos 21:9 -the cities -the these-Jos 21:11 -Keer-yahth Ahr-bahJos 21:11 and -her grazing (grass) area around herJos 21:12 and -fields of the cityJos 21:12 and -her villagesJos 21:13 -city of refugeJos 21:13 -Khe-vrohnJos 21:13 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:13 and -Leev-nahJos 21:13 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:14 and -Yah-teerJos 21:14 and -her grazing (grass) area

Jos 21:14 and -Ehsh-t’moh-ahJos 21:14 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:15 and -Khoh-lohnJos 21:15 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:15 and -D’veerJos 21:15 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:16 and -Ah-yeenJos 21:16 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:16 and -Yoot-tahJos 21:16 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:16 and -Beyth Sheh-mehshJos 21:16 and -her grazing (grass) area Jos 21:16 from -two of the tribes -the these-Jos 21:17 -Gee-vohnJos 21:17 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:17 -Geh-vahJos 21:17 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:18 -Ah-nah-thohthJos 21:18 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:18 and -Ahl-mohnJos 21:18 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:21 -city of refugeJos 21:21 -Sh’khehmJos 21:21 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:21 and -Geh-zehrJos 21:21 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:22 and -Keev-tsah-yeem

Jos 21:22 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:22 and -Beyth Khoh-rohnJos 21:22 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:23 -Ehl-t’kayJos 21:23 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:23 -Geeb-b’thohnJos 21:23 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:24 -Ai-yah-lohn

##3851-3900 (Jos ##362-411)Jos 21:24 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:24 -Gahth Ree-mohnJos 21:24 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:25 -Tah-nahkhJos 21:25 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:25 and -Gahth Ree-mohnJos 21:25 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:27 -city of refugeJos 21:27 -Goh-lahn in the Bah-shahnJos 21:27 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:27 and -B’ehsh-t’rahJos 21:27 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:28 -Kee-shohnJos 21:28 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:28 -Dahv-rahthJos 21:28 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:29 -Yahr-moothJos 21:29 and -her grazing

(grass) areaJos 21:29 -Eyn Gah-neemJos 21:29 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:30 -Mee-shahlJos 21:30 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:30 -Ahv-dohnJos 21:30 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:31 -Khehl-kahthJos 21:31 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:31 and -R’khohvJos 21:31 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:32 -city of refugeJos 21:32 -Keh-dehsh in the Gah-leelJos 21:32 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:32 and -Khah-mohth DohrJos 21:32 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:32 and -Kahr-tahnJos 21:32 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:34 from -tribe of Z’voo-loonJos 21:34 -Yahk-n’ahmJos 21:34 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:34 -Kahr-tahJos 21:34 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:35 -Deem-nahJos 21:35 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:35 -Nah-hah-lahlJos 21:35 and -her grazing (grass) area

Jos 21:36 -city of refugeJos 21:36 -Rah-moth in the Geel-ahdJos 21:36 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:36 and - Mah-khah-nah-yeemJos 21:36 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:37 -Khehsh-bohn

##3901-3950 (Jos ##412-461)Jos 21:37 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:37 -Yah-zeyrJos 21:37 and -her grazing (grass) areaJos 21:41 -all the earthJos 21:42 -all their enemiesJos 22:2 -all that Moh-sheh commanded youJos 22:3 -your brothersJos 22:3 -observance of

commandments of your ELOHIM

Jos 22:5 -the commandmentsJos 22:5 and -the TorahJos 22:5 - your ELOHIMJos 22:9 from -sons of Yees-rah-eylJos 22:11 -the altarJos 22:13 -Peen-khahs son of Ehl-ah-zahr the Koh-heynJos 22:17 -iniquity of P’ohrJos 22:21 -heads of the thousands of Yees-rah-eylJos 22:24 -this to say Jos 22:25 -the Yahr-deynJos 22:25 -our sonsJos 22:25 -

Jos 22:26 -the altarJos 22:27 -service of Jos 22:28 -pattern of altar of Jos 22:30 -the wordsJos 22:31 -sons of Yees-rah-eylJos 22:32 from -sons of R’oo-veynJos 22:32 and from -sons of GahdJos 22:33 -the earthJos 23:3 -all that did your ELOHIMJos 23:4 -the nations of the ones left -the these-Jos 23:5 -their earthJos 23:6 -all the writing in the book of Torah of Moh-shehJos 23:11 - your ELOHIMJos 23:13 -the nations -the these-Jos 23:15 -all of the thing, the evilJos 23:16 -covenant of your ELOHIMJos 24:1 -all tribes of Yees-rah-eylJos 24:3 -your fatherJos 24:3 -Ah-vrah-hahmJos 24:3 -his seedJos 24:3 -Yeets-khahkJos 24:4 -Yah-ah-kohvJos 24:4 and -Ey-sahvJos 24:4 -Mount Sey-eerJos 24:5 -Moh-shehJos 24:5 and -Ah-hah-rohnJos 24:5 -Meets-rah-yeemJos 24:6 -your fathersJos 24:7 -that I did in

Meets-rah-yeemJos 24:8 -their earth

##3951-4000 (Jos ##462-491)Jos 24:11 -the Yahr-deynJos 24:12 -the hornetJos 24:14 - Jos 24:14 -elohimJos 24:14 - Jos 24:15 - Jos 24:15 -who you will serveJos 24:15 -elohimJos 24:15 -elohim of the Eh-moh-riteJos 24:15 - Jos 24:16 - Jos 24:17 -our fathersJos 24:17 -the signs, the great ones -the these-Jos 24:18 -all the peoplesJos 24:18 and -the Eh-moh-riteJos 24:18 - Jos 24:19 - Jos 24:20 - Jos 24:21 - Jos 24:22 - Jos 24:23 -the elohim, the strangeJos 24:23 -your heartsJos 24:24 - our ELOHIMJos 24:26 -the words -the these-Jos 24:27 -all sayings of Jos 24:28 -the peopleJos 24:31 - Jos 24:31 -all work of Jos 24:32 and -bones of Yoh-seyph

Jos 24:32 from -son of Khah-mohr, father of




SHOHPH-TEEM (JUDGES)Jud 1:2 -the earthJud 1:4 -the K’nah-ahn-itesJud 1:5 -Ah-doh-nee Veh-zehkJud 1:5 -the K’nah-ahn-itesJud 1:5 and -the P’ree-zitesJud 1:6 -the large digitsJud 1:8 and -the cityJud 1:10 -Shey-shaiJud 1:10 and -Ah-khee-mahnJud 1:10 and -Tahl-maiJud 1:12 -Keer-yahth Sey-phehrJud 1:12 -Ahkh-sah, my daughter, for a wifeJud 1:13 -Ahkh-sah, his daughter, for a wifeJud 1:14 from -her fatherJud 1:15 -the springs, upperJud 1:15 and -the springs, lowerJud 1:16 -sons of Y’hoo-dahJud 1:16 -the peopleJud 1:17 -Shee-mohn, his brotherJud 1:17 -the K’nah-anites

##4001-4050 (Jud ##21-70)Jud 1:17 -name of the city, Khahr-mahJud 1:18 -Ah-zahJud 1:18 and -her border

Jud 1:18 and -Ahsh-k’lohnJud 1:18 and -her borderJud 1:18 and -Eh-krohnJud 1:18 and -her borderJud 1:19 -Y’hoo-dahJud 1:19 -the hillJud 1:19 -dwellers of the valleyJud 1:20 -Khehv-rohnJud 1:20 -three sons of the Ah-nahkJud 1:21 and -the Y’voo-sitesJud 1:21 -sons of Veen-yah-meenJud 1:24 -entrance of the cityJud 1:25 -entrance of the cityJud 1:25 -the cityJud 1:25 and -the manJud 1:25 and -all his familyJud 1:27 -Beyth Sh’ahnJud 1:27 and -her daughter

(villages)Jud 1:27 and -Tah-ahn-ahkhJud 1:27 and -her daughter

(villages)Jud 1:27 and -dwellers of DohrJud 1:27 and -her daughter

(villages)Jud 1:27 and -dwellers of Yeev-l’ahmJud 1:27 and -her daughter

(villages)Jud 1:27 and -dwellers of M’gee-dohJud 1:27 and -her daughter

(villages)Jud 1:28 -the K’nah-ahn-itesJud 1:29 -the K’nah-ahn-itesJud 1:30 -dwellers of Keet-rohnJud 1:30 and -dwellers of Nah-ah-lohlJud 1:31 -dwellers of Ahk-koh

Jud 1:31 and -dwellers of Tsee-dohnJud 1:31 and -Ahkh-lahvJud 1:31 and -Ahkh-zeevJud 1:31 and -Khehl-bahJud 1:31 and -Ah-pheekJud 1:31 and -R’khohvJud 1:33 -dwellers of Beyth Sheh-mehshJud 1:33 and -dwellers of Beyth

Ah-nahthJud 1:34 -sons of DahnJud 2:4 -the words -the these-Jud 2:4 -their voiceJud 2:6 -the peopleJud 2:6 -the earthJud 2:7 -

Jud 2:7 -all work of , the greatJud 2:10 -

##4051-4100 (Jud ##71-120)Jud 2:10 -the works which was

done for Yees-rah-eylJud 2:11 -the evilJud 2:11 -the B’ah-leemJud 2:12 -, ELOHIM of their fathersJud 2:12 - Jud 2:13 - Jud 2:20 -my covenantJud 2:20 -their fathersJud 2:22 -Yees-rah-eylJud 2:22 -way of Jud 2:23 -the nations -the those-Jud 3:1 -Yees-rah-eylJud 3:1 -all who not did knowJud 3:1 -all wars of K’nah-ahnJud 3:4 -Yees-rah-eylJud 3:4 -commandments of

Jud 3:4 -their fathersJud 3:6 -their daughtersJud 3:6 and -their daughtersJud 3:6 -their elohimJud 3:7 -the evilJud 3:7 - their ELOHIMJud 3:7 -the B’ah-leemJud 3:7 and -the A-shey-rohthJud 3:8 -Coo-shahn Ree-shah-thah-yeemJud 3:9 -Ath-nee-eyl, son of K’nahz, brother of Khah- leyv, the younger from himJud 3:10 -Yees-rah-eylJud 3:10 -Coo-shahn Ree-shah-thah-yeem, King of Ah-rahmJud 3:12 -Eh-glohn, King of Moh-ahvJud 3:12 -the evilJud 3:13 -sons of Ahm-mohnJud 3:13 -Yees-rah-eylJud 3:13 -city of the palm treesJud 3:14 -Eh-glohn, King of Moh-ahvJud 3:15 -Eyhud, son of Gey-rah, son of the Y’mee-niteJud 3:17 -the presentJud 3:18 -the presentJud 3:18 -the peopleJud 3:19 -the Geel-gahlJud 3:21 -hand of his leftJud 3:21 -the swordJud 3:24 -his feetJud 3:25 -the keyJud 3:26 -the vessel imagesJud 3:28 -your enemiesJud 3:28 -Moh-ahv

Jud 3:28 -crossing of the Yahr-deynJud 3:29 -Moh-ahvJud 3:31 -P’leesh-teemJud 3:31 -Yees-rah-eyl

##4101-4150 (Jud ##121-170)Jud 4:3 -sons of Yees-rah-eylJud 4:4 -Yees-rah-eylJud 4:7 -Sees-rah, commander of army of Yah-veenJud 4:7 and -his chariotsJud 4:7 and -his multitudeJud 4:9 -Sees-rahJud 4:10 -Z’voo-loonJud 4:10 and -Nahph-tah-leeJud 4:11 -Keh-dehshJud 4:13 -all his chariotsJud 4:13 and -all the peopleJud 4:14 -Sees-rahJud 4:15 -Sees-rahJud 4:15 and -all the chariotsJud 4:15 and -all the armyJud 4:19 -skin of the milk fatJud 4:21 -stake of the tentJud 4:21 -the hammerJud 4:21 -the stakeJud 4:22 -Sees-rahJud 4:22 -the manJud 4:23 -Yah-veen, King of K’nah-ahnJud 4:24 -Yah-veen, King of K’nah-ahnJud 6:2 -the densJud 6:2 and -the cavesJud 6:2 and -the strongholdsJud 6:4 -produce of the earthJud 6:9 -their earthJud 6:10 -elohim of the Eh-moh-riteJud 6:14 -Yees-rah-eyl

Jud 6:15 -Yees-rah-eylJud 6:16 -Meed-yahnJud 6:18 -my food offeringJud 6:19 -under the oak treeJud 6:20 -the fleshJud 6:20 and -the unleavened breadJud 6:20 and -the brothJud 6:21 -end of the stick (staff)Jud 6:21 -the fleshJud 6:21 and -the unleavened breadJud 6:25 -young bull of the bullockJud 6:25 -altar of the Bah-ahlJud 6:25 and -the Ash-ey-rah pillarJud 6:26 -the young bull, the secondJud 6:27 -house of his fatherJud 6:27 and -men of the cityJud 6:28 and -the young bull, the secondJud 6:30 -your sonJud 6:30 -altar of the Bah-ahlJud 6:31 -his altar

##4151-4200 (Jud ##171-220)Jud 6:32 -his altarJud 6:34 -Gee-dohnJud 6:36 -Yees-rah-eylJud 6:37 -fleece of the wool on the grain floorJud 6:37 -Yees-rah-eylJud 6:38 -the fleeceJud 7:2 -Meed-yahnJud 7:5 -the peopleJud 7:7 -Meed-yahnJud 7:8 -provision of the people

Jud 7:8 and -their shoh-phahrsJud 7:8 and -every man of Yees-rah-eylJud 7:14 -Meed-yahnJud 7:14 and -all the armyJud 7:15 -account of the calm- dreamJud 7:15 -its breaking (shivering)Jud 7:15 -army of Meed-yahnJud 7:16 -three hundred of the menJud 7:19 -the watchingsJud 7:22 -sword of a manJud 7:24 -the watersJud 7:24 and -the Yahr-deynJud 7:24 -the watersJud 7:24 and -the Yahr-deynJud 7:25 -Oh-reyvJud 7:25 and -Z’eyvJud 7:25 -Oh-reyvJud 7:25 and -Z’eyvJud 8:3 -rulers of Meed-yahnJud 8:3 -Oh-reyvJud 8:3 and -Z’eyvJud 8:7 -Zeh-vakhJud 8:7 and -Tsahl-moo-nahJud 8:7 -your fleshJud 8:7 -thorns of the wildernessJud 8:7 and -the briersJud 8:9 -the tower -the this-Jud 8:11 -the armyJud 8:12 -two kings of Meed-yahnJud 8:12 -Zeh-vakhJud 8:12 and -Tsahl-moo-nahJud 8:14 -rulers of Soo-kohthJud 8:14 and -her eldersJud 8:16 -elders of the city

Jud 8:16 and -thorns of the wilderness

Jud 8:16 and -the briersJud 8:16 -men of Soo-kohthJud 8:17 and -tower of P’noo-eylJud 8:17 -men of the cityJud 8:21 -Zeh-vakh

##4201-4250 (Jud ##221-270)Jud 8:21 and -Tsahl-moo-nahJud 8:21 -the moon crescentsJud 8:25 -the garmentJud 8:31 -his name, Ah-vee-meh-lehkhJud 8:34 - their ELOHIMJud 9:3 -all the words -the these-Jud 9:5 -his brothersJud 9:6 -Ah-vee-meh-lehkhJud 9:9 -my fatnessJud 9:10 -my sweetnessJud 9:10 and -my fruit, the goodJud 9:13 -my new wineJud 9:15 -cedars of the L’vah-nohnJud 9:16 -Ah-vee-meh-lehkhJud 9:17 -his soulJud 9:18 -his sonsJud 9:18 -Ah-vee-meh-lehkh, son of his female servantJud 9:20 -masters of Sh’khehmJud 9:20 and -house of Mee-lohJud 9:20 -Ah-vee-meh-lehkhJud 9:24 -his handsJud 9:24 -his brothersJud 9:25 -all who crossed over, by themJud 9:27 -their vineyardsJud 9:27 -Ah-vee-meh-lehkh

Jud 9:28 -men of Khah-mohr, father of Sh’khehmJud 9:29 -the people -the this-Jud 9:29 -Ah-vee-meh-lehkh

Jud 9:30 -words of Gah-ahl, son of Ah-vehdJud 9:31 -the cityJud 9:36 -the peopleJud 9:36 -shadow of the mountainsJud 9:41 -Gah-ahlJud 9:41 and -his brothersJud 9:43 -the peopleJud 9:45 -the cityJud 9:45 and -the people who were in herJud 9:45 -the cityJud 9:48 -the axes in his handJud 9:49 -the stronghold (high hold)Jud 9:53 -his skullJud 9:56 -evil of Ah-vee-meh-lehkhJud 9:56 -seventy of his brothersJud 9:57 and -all evil of the men of Sh’khehmJud 10:1 -Yees-rah-eylJud 10:2 -Yees-rah-eylJud 10:3 -Yees-rah-eylJud 10:6 -the B’ah-leemJud 10:6 and -the Ash-tah-rohthJud 10:6 and -elohim of Ah-rahm

##4251-4300 (Jud ##271-320)Jud 10:6 and -elohim of Tsee-dohn

Jud 10:6 and -elohim of Moh-ahv

Jud 10:6 and -elohim of sons of Ahm-mohn

Jud 10:6 and -elohim of P’leesh-teemJud 10:6 - Jud 10:8 -sons of Yees-rah-eylJud 10:8 -all sons of Yees-rah-eylJud 10:9 -the Yahr-deynJud 10:10 -our ELOHIMJud 10:10 -the B’ah-leemJud 10:16 -elohim the alienJud 10:16 - Jud 11:1 -Yeeph-tahkhJud 11:2 -Yeeph-tahkhJud 11:5 -Yeeph-tahkhJud 11:11 -all his wordsJud 11:13 -my earthJud 11:15 -earth of Moh-ahvJud 11:15 and -earth of sons of Ahm-mohnJud 11:18 -earth of Eh-dohmJud 11:18 and -earth of Moh-ahvJud 11:20 -Yees-rah-eylJud 11:20 -all his peopleJud 11:21 -See-khohnJud 11:21 and -all his peopleJud 11:21 -all earth of the Eh-moh-ritesJud 11:22 -all border of the Eh-moh-ritesJud 11:23 -the Eh-moh-riteJud 11:24 -that you possess K’mohshJud 11:24 and -all which expelled your ELOHIMJud 11:29 -the Gee-lahdJud 11:29 and -M’nah-shehJud 11:29 -Meets-pey of Gee-lahd

Jud 11:30 -sons of Ahm-mohnJud 11:35 -his garmentsJud 11:36 -your mouth to Jud 11:39 -his vowJud 12:4 -all men of Gee-lahdJud 12:4 -Eh-phrah-yeemJud 12:4 -Eh-phrah-yeemJud 12:5 -fords of the Yahr-deynJud 12:7 -Yees-rah-eylJud 12:8 -Yees-rah-eylJud 12:9 -Yees-rah-eylJud 12:11 -Yees-rah-eylJud 12:11 -Yees-rah-eylJud 12:13 -Yees-rah-eylJud 12:14 -Yees-rah-eylJud 13:5 -Yees-rah-eylJud 13:6 and -his name not the telling to me

##4301-4350 (Jud ##321-370)Jud 13:19 -kid of the goatsJud 13:19 and -the food offeringJud 13:23 -all theseJud 13:24 -his name Sheem-shohnJud 14:6 -what was doneJud 14:8 -carcass of the lion Jud 14:15 -your husbandJud 14:15 -the riddleJud 14:15 and -house of your fatherJud 14:19 -their plunder (spoil)Jud 15:1 -his wifeJud 15:6 -his wifeJud 15:6 and -her fatherJud 15:10 -Sheem-shohnJud 15:18 -the deliverance, the great -the this-Jud 15:19 -the hollow placeJud 15:20 -Yees-rah-eyl

Jud 16:9 -the bowstringsJud 16:13 -seven braids of my headJud 16:14 -the pinJud 16:14 and -the web Jud 16:17 -all his heartJud 16:18 -all his heartJud 16:18 -all his heartJud 16:19 -seven braids of his headJud 16:21 -his eyesJud 16:23 -Sheem-shohn, our enemyJud 16:24 -their elohimJud 16:24 -our enemy

Jud 16:24 and -destroyer of our earthJud 16:24 -our woundedJud 16:26 -the pillarsJud 16:29 -two pillars of the middleJud 16:31 -Yees-rah-eylJud 17:3 -a thousand and one hundred of the silverJud 17:3 -the silverJud 17:4 -the silverJud 17:5 -hand of one of his sonsJud 17:11 -the manJud 17:12 -hand of the Ley-viteJud 18:2 -the earthJud 18:2 -the earthJud 18:3 -voice of the young man, the Ley-viteJud 18:7 -the peopleJud 18:9 -the earthJud 18:9 -the earthJud 18:14 -the earth of Lah-yeeshJud 18:17 -the earth

Jud 18:17 -graven imageJud 18:17 and -the ey-phohd

##4351-4400 (Jud ##371-408)Jud 18:17 and -the t’rah-pheem idolsJud 18:17 and -the molten imageJud 18:18 -graven image

Jud 18:18 and -the t’rah-pheem idolsJud 18:18 and -the molten imageJud 18:20 -the ey-phohdJud 18:20 and -the t’rah-pheem idolsJud 18:20 and -the graven imageJud 18:21 -the little ones (children)Jud 18:21 and -the livestockJud 18:21 and -the wealthJud 18:22 -sons of DahnJud 18:24 -my elohimJud 18:24 and -the Koh-heynJud 18:27 -that which made Mee-kah Jud 18:27 and -the Koh-heynJud 18:27 and -the cityJud 18:28 -the cityJud 18:30 -the graven imageJud 18:31 -graven imageJud 19:17 -the man, the travelerJud 19:18 and -house of Jud 19:22 -their heartsJud 19:22 -the house of poundingsJud 19:22 -the manJud 19:23 -the wickedness –the this-Jud 19:29 -the knifeJud 20:5 -the house at night

Jud 20:5 and -my concubineJud 20:13 -the menJud 20:35 -Been-yah-meenJud 20:37 -all the cityJud 20:43 -Been-yah-meenJud 20:44 -all these were mighty menJud 20:46 -all these were mighty

menJud 21:10 -dwellers of Yah-veysh Gee-lahdJud 21:20 -sons of Veen-yah-meenJud 21:23 -the cities




Ru 1:6 -his peopleRu 2:9 -the young menRu 2:11 -your mother-in-lawRu 2:15 -his young menRu 2:17 -what was gleanedRu 2:18 -what was gleanedRu 2:18 -what was left overRu 2:19 -whom she worked with himRu 2:20 -the livingRu 2:20 and -the dead

Ru 2:21 -all of the harvest which is to meRu 2:23 -her mother-in-law

##4401-4450 (Ru ##13-38)Ru 3:2 -his young women

Ru 3:2 -grain floor of the barleyRu 3:4 -the place where he lies thereRu 3:4 -what you are to doRu 3:14 -his neighborRu 3:16 -all that did to her, the manRu 4:5 and from -Rooth, the Mo-ah-vee-tessRu 4:6 -my inheritanceRu 4:6 -my redeemingRu 4:9 -all that was to Eh-lee-meh-lekhRu 4:9 and -all which is to Khee-lee-yohn and Mahkh-lohnRu 4:10 -Rooth, the Mo-ah-vee-tess, wife of Mahkh-lohnRu 4:11 -the womanRu 4:11 -house of Yees-rah-eylRu 4:13 -RoothRu 4:15 -your old ageRu 4:16 -the child (lad)Ru 4:18 -Khehts-rohnRu 4:19 -RahmRu 4:19 -Ah-mee-nah-dahvRu 4:20 -Nahkh-shohnRu 4:20 -Sahl-mahRu 4:21 -Boh-ahzRu 4:21 -Oh-veydRu 4:22 -Yee-shaiRu 4:22 -Dah-veed




1 Sa 1:4 -Khahn-nah1 Sa 1:11 -your maidservant1 Sa 1:12 -her mouth1 Sa 1:14 -your wine from upon you1 Sa 1:15 -my soul to face of 1 Sa 1:16 -your maidservant1 Sa 1:17 -your petition1 Sa 1:19 -Khahn-nah, his wife1 Sa 1:20 -his name, Sh’moo-eyl1 Sa 1:21 -sacrifice of the days1 Sa 1:21 and -his vow1 Sa 1:22 -face of 1 Sa 1:23 -his word1 Sa 1:23 -her son1 Sa 1:25 -the bullock1 Sa 1:25 -the young boy1 Sa 1:27 -my petition1 Sa 2:11 - 1 Sa 2:11 -face of Ey-lee, the Koh-heyn1 Sa 2:12 - 1 Sa 2:13 -the people1 Sa 2:15 -the khey-lehv fat1 Sa 2:17 -face of 1 Sa 2:17 -food offering of

##4451-4500 (1Sa ##25-74)1 Sa 2:18 -face of 1 Sa 2:19 -her husband1 Sa 2:19 -sacrifice of the days1 Sa 2:20 -Ehl-kah-nah1 Sa 2:20 and -his wife

1 Sa 2:21 -Khahn-nah1 Sa 2:22 -all that did his sons to all Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 2:22 and -how they lay1 Sa 2:22 -the women1 Sa 2:23 -your matters of evils1 Sa 2:23 from -all the people -the these-1 Sa 2:28 -all fire offerings of sons of Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 2:29 -your sons above me1 Sa 2:31 -your arm1 Sa 2:31 and -arm of house of your father1 Sa 2:32 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 2:33 -your eyes1 Sa 2:33 -your soul1 Sa 3:1 - 1 Sa 3:7 - 1 Sa 3:12 -all that I have spoken to his house1 Sa 3:13 -his house unto ages1 Sa 3:15 -doors of house of 1 Sa 3:15 -the vision to Ey-lee1 Sa 3:16 -Sh’moo-eyl1 Sa 3:18 -all the words1 Sa 4:3 -ark of covenant of 1 Sa 4:4 -ark of covenant of of hosts1 Sa 4:6 -voice of shouting1 Sa 4:8 -Meets-rah-yeem1 Sa 4:14 -voice of the shriek1 Sa 4:18 -ark of the ELOHIM1 Sa 4:18 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 4:19 -the hearing (report)1 Sa 5:1 -ark of the ELOHIM1 Sa 5:2 -ark of the ELOHIM1 Sa 5:3 -Dah-gohn

1 Sa 5:6 -Ahsh-dohd1 Sa 5:6 and -her borders1 Sa 5:8 -all lords of P’leesh-teem1 Sa 5:8 -ark of ELOHIM of Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 5:9 -men of the city1 Sa 5:10 -ark of the ELOHIM1 Sa 5:10 -ark of the ELOHIM of Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 5:10 and -my people1 Sa 5:11 -all lords of P’leesh-teem1 Sa 5:11 -ark of the ELOHIM of Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 5:11 and -my people1 Sa 6:3 -ark of the ELOHIM of Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 6:5 -the earth

##4501-4550 (1Sa ##75-124)1 Sa 6:5 -his hand from upon you1 Sa 6:6 -your hearts1 Sa 6:6 -their hearts1 Sa 6:7 -the cows1 Sa 6:8 -ark of 1 Sa 6:8 and -vessels of the gold1 Sa 6:9 -the evil, the great -the this-1 Sa 6:10 and -their sons1 Sa 6:11 -ark of 1 Sa 6:11 and -the coffer1 Sa 6:11 and -mice of the gold1 Sa 6:11 and -images of their hemorrhoids1 Sa 6:13 -their eyes1 Sa 6:13 -the ark1 Sa 6:14 -trees of the cart (wagon)1 Sa 6:14 and -the cows

1 Sa 6:15 -ark of 1 Sa 6:15 and -the coffer1 Sa 6:18 -ark of 1 Sa 6:21 -ark of 1 Sa 7:1 -ark of 1 Sa 7:1 and -Ehl-ah-zahr, his son1 Sa 7:1 -ark of 1 Sa 7:3 -elohim of the alien1 Sa 7:4 -the B’ah-leem1 Sa 7:4 and -the Ahsh-tah-rohth1 Sa 7:4 - to him alone 1 Sa 7:5 -all Yees-rah-eyl to the Meets-pah1 Sa 7:6 -sons of Yees-rah-eyl in the Meets-pah1 Sa 7:11 -P’leesh-teem1 Sa 7:12 -her name, Eh-vehn Hah-ah-zehr1 Sa 7:14 from -Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 7:14 and -their border1 Sa 7:15 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 7:16 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 7:16 -all the places -the these-1 Sa 7:17 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 8:1 -his sons1 Sa 8:10 -all words of 1 Sa 8:11 -your sons1 Sa 8:13 and -your daughters1 Sa 8:14 and -your fields1 Sa 8:14 and -your vineyards

1 Sa 8:16 and -your male servants1 Sa 8:16 and -your female servants1 Sa 8:16 and - your young men, the good ones1 Sa 8:16 and -your asses

1 Sa 8:20 -our wars1 Sa 8:21 -all words of the people1 Sa 9:3 -one from the young men

##4551-4600 (1Sa ##125-174)1 Sa 9:3 -the asses1 Sa 9:6 -our way1 Sa 9:8 -Shah-ool1 Sa 9:8 -our way1 Sa 9:15 -ear of Sh’moo-eyl1 Sa 9:16 -my people from hand of P’leesh-teem1 Sa 9:16 -my people1 Sa 9:17 -Shah-ool1 Sa 9:18 -Sh’moo-eyl1 Sa 9:19 -Shah-ool1 Sa 9:20 -your heart to them1 Sa 9:22 -Shah-ool1 Sa 9:22 and -his young man1 Sa 9:23 -the portion which I gave to you1 Sa 9:24 -the leg and that upon her1 Sa 9:27 -word of ELOHIM1 Sa 10:1 -flask of the oil

1 Sa 10:2 -matters of the she asses1 Sa 10:8 -what shall you do1 Sa 10:14 -the she asses1 Sa 10:16 and -matter of the kingdom1 Sa 10:17 -the people to the Meets-pah1 Sa 10:18 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 10:19 -your ELOHIM1 Sa 10:20 -all tribes of Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 10:21 -tribe of Been-yah-meen

1 Sa 10:25 -duties of the kingdom1 Sa 10:25 -all the people1 Sa 11:4 -their voices and they wept1 Sa 11:5 -words of men of Yah-veysh1 Sa 11:6 -the words -the these-1 Sa 11:11 -the people1 Sa 11:11 -Ahm-mohn1 Sa 11:15 -Shah-ool1 Sa 12:3 -ox1 Sa 12:3 and -whom I defrauded1 Sa 12:3 -whom I abused

(oppressed)1 Sa 12:6 -Moh-sheh1 Sa 12:6 and -Ah-hah-rohn1 Sa 12:6 -your fathers

1 Sa 12:7 -all righteous acts of 1 Sa 12:7 and -your fathers1 Sa 12:8 -Moh-sheh1 Sa 12:8 and -Ah-hah-rohn1 Sa 12:8 -your fathers1 Sa 12:9 - their ELOHIM1 Sa 12:10 - 1 Sa 12:10 -the B’ah-leem1 Sa 12:10 and -the Ash-tah-roth1 Sa 12:11 -Y’roo-bah-ahl

##4601-4650 (1Sa ##175-224)1 Sa 12:11 and -B’dahn1 Sa 12:11 and -Yeeph-tahkh1 Sa 12:11 and -Sh’moo-eyl1 Sa 12:14 - 1 Sa 12:14 -mouth of 1 Sa 12:15 -mouth of 1 Sa 12:16 -the thing, the great -the this-

1 Sa 12:18 - 1 Sa 12:18 and -Sh’moo-eyl1 Sa 12:20 -all the evil -the this-1 Sa 12:20 - 1 Sa 12:22 -his people1 Sa 12:24 - 1 Sa 12:24 -that are the greatness with you1 Sa 13:3 -fort of P’leesh-teem1 Sa 13:4 -fort of P’leesh-teem1 Sa 13:7 -the Yahr-deyn1 Sa 13:13 -commandment of your ELOHIM1 Sa 13:13 -your kingdom to Yees-rah-eyl unto ages1 Sa 13:14 -what commanded you 1 Sa 13:15 -the people1 Sa 13:20 -his plowshare1 Sa 13:20 and -his hoe (mattock)1 Sa 13:20 and -his axe1 Sa 13:20 and -his plowshare (pick axe)1 Sa 13:22 -Shah-ool1 Sa 13:22 and -Yoh-nah-thahn1 Sa 14:12 -Yoh-nah-thahn1 Sa 14:12 and -carrier of his armor vessels1 Sa 14:23 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 14:23 -Beyth Ah-vehn1 Sa 14:24 -the people1 Sa 14:26 -the oath1 Sa 14:27 -the people1 Sa 14:27 -tip of the staff1 Sa 14:28 -the people1 Sa 14:29 -the earth1 Sa 14:39 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 14:45 -Yoh-nah-thahn, and not did die

1 Sa 14:48 -Ah-mah-leyk1 Sa 14:48 -Yees-rah-eyl

1 Sa 15:2 -what did Ah-mah-leyk to Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 15:3 -Ah-mah-leyk1 Sa 15:3 -all that is to him1 Sa 15:4 -the people1 Sa 15:4 -men of Y’hoo-dah1 Sa 15:7 -Ah-mah-leyk1 Sa 15:8 -Ah-gahg, King of Ah-mah-leyk1 Sa 15:8 and -all the people 1 Sa 15:11 -Shah-ool for king

##4651-4700 (1Sa ##225-274)1 Sa 15:11 and -my words not performed (done)1 Sa 15:13 -word of 1 Sa 15:15 and -the rest we

exterminated1 Sa 15:16 -what said to me1 Sa 15:18 -the sinners1 Sa 15:18 -Ah-mah-leyk1 Sa 15:20 -Ah-gahg, King of Ah-mah-leyk1 Sa 15:20 and -Ah-mah-leyk I exterminated1 Sa 15:23 -word of 1 Sa 15:24 -mouth of 1 Sa 15:24 and -your word1 Sa 15:24 -the people1 Sa 15:25 -my sin1 Sa 15:26 -word of

1 Sa 15:28 -kingdom of Yees-rah-eyl from you today1 Sa 15:32 -Ah-gahg, King of

Ah-mah-leyk1 Sa 15:33 -Ah-gahg1 Sa 15:35 -Shah-ool1 Sa 15:35 -Shah-ool1 Sa 16:3 -what shall be done1 Sa 16:3 -whomever I say unto

you1 Sa 16:4 -what said 1 Sa 16:5 -Yee-shai1 Sa 16:5 and -his sons1 Sa 16:6 -Eh-lee-ahv1 Sa 16:13 -horn of the oil1 Sa 16:14 from - 1 Sa 16:19 -Dah-veed, your son1 Sa 16:23 -the lyre1 Sa 17:1 -their armies1 Sa 17:10 -ranks of Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 17:11 -words of the P’leesh-tites -the these-1 Sa 17:15 -flock of his father at Beyth Leh-khehm1 Sa 17:18 and -ten of slices of the fat-cheese -the these-1 Sa 17:18 and -your brothers1 Sa 17:18 and -their tokens1 Sa 17:20 -the sheep1 Sa 17:22 -the vessel goods1 Sa 17:24 -the man1 Sa 17:25 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 17:25 and -his daughter1 Sa 17:25 and -his father’s house1 Sa 17:26 -the P’leesh-tite1 Sa 17:28 -your pride1 Sa 17:28 and -evil of your heart1 Sa 17:34 and -the bear1 Sa 17:36 -the lion1 Sa 17:38 -Dah-veed

1 Sa 17:39 -his sword from upon of his apparel1 Sa 17:42 -Dah-veed

##4701-4750 (1Sa ##275-324)1 Sa 17:43 -Dha-veed by his elohim1 Sa 17:44 -your flesh1 Sa 17:46 -your head from upon you1 Sa 17:49 -his hand1 Sa 17:49 -the P’leesh-tite1 Sa 17:50 -the P’leesh-tite1 Sa 17:51 -his sword1 Sa 17:51 -his head1 Sa 17:52 -the P’leesh-tites1 Sa 17:53 -their camps1 Sa 17:54 -head of the P’leesh-tite1 Sa 17:54 and -his weapons (vessels)1 Sa 17:55 -Dah-veed1 Sa 17:57 -the P’leesh-tite1 Sa 18:4 -the robe1 Sa 18:6 -the P’leesh-tite1 Sa 18:9 -Dah-veed1 Sa 18:11 -the spear1 Sa 18:16 -Dah-veed1 Sa 18:19 -Mey-rahv, daughter of Shah-ool1 Sa 18:20 -Dah-veed1 Sa 18:22 -his servants1 Sa 18:23 -the words -the these-1 Sa 18:25 -Dah-veed1 Sa 18:26 -the words -the these-1 Sa 18:27 -their foreskins1 Sa 18:27 -Mee-khahl, his

daughter, for a wife1 Sa 18:29 -Dah-veed1 Sa 19:1 -Dah-veed1 Sa 19:5 -his soul in his palm

1 Sa 19:5 -the P’leesh-tite1 Sa 19:5 -Dah-veed1 Sa 19:7 -all the words -the these-1 Sa 19:7 -Dah-veed1 Sa 19:10 -the spear1 Sa 19:11 -your soul tonight1 Sa 19:12 -Dah-veed1 Sa 19:13 -the images1 Sa 19:13 and -quilt of the goats hair1 Sa 19:14 -Dah-veed1 Sa 19:15 -messengers1 Sa 19:15 -Dah-veed1 Sa 19:17 -my enemy1 Sa 19:18 -all that did to him Shah-ool 1 Sa 19:20 -Dah-veed1 Sa 19:20 -band of the prophets

prophesying1 Sa 20:1 -my soul1 Sa 20:2 -my ear1 Sa 20:2 -the thing -the this-1 Sa 20:8 -your servant with you

##4751-4800 (1Sa ##325-374)1 Sa 20:12 -my father1 Sa 20:12 -your ear1 Sa 20:13 -the evil upon you1 Sa 20:13 -your ear1 Sa 20:15 -your kindness (mercy)1 Sa 20:15 -enemies of Dah-veed1 Sa 20:17 -Dah-veed1 Sa 20:21 -the young boy1 Sa 20:21 -the arrows1 Sa 20:28 -Shah-ool1 Sa 20:29 -my brothers1 Sa 20:32 -Shah-ool, his father

1 Sa 20:33 -the spear1 Sa 20:33 -Dah-veed1 Sa 20:36 -the arrows1 Sa 20:38 -the arrow1 Sa 20:39 -the thing (matter)1 Sa 20:40 -his weapons (vessels)1 Sa 20:41 -his friend1 Sa 20:41 -his friend1 Sa 21:3 -the matter which I am sending you1 Sa 21:3 and -the young men 1 Sa 21:5 -Dah-veed1 Sa 21:6 -the Koh-heyn1 Sa 21:13 -the words -the these-1 Sa 21:14 -his behavior in their

eyes1 Sa 21:16 -this one of the madness1 Sa 22:4 -face of king of Moh-ahv1 Sa 22:8 -my ear1 Sa 22:8 -my ear1 Sa 22:8 -my servant1 Sa 22:9 -son of Yee-shai1 Sa 22:10 and -sword of Gahl-yahth the P’leesh-tite1 Sa 22:11 -A-khee-meh-lehkh, son of A-khee-toov, the Koh-heyn1 Sa 22:11 and -all house of his father, the Koh-hahn-eem1 Sa 22:14 -the king1 Sa 22:17 -his ear1 Sa 22:17 -their hand1 Sa 22:19 and -Nohv, city of the Koh-hahn-eem1 Sa 22:21 -Koh-hahn-ites of

1 Sa 22:23 -my soul1 Sa 22:23 -your soul1 Sa 23:1 -the grain threshing floors1 Sa 23:2 -K’ee-lah1 Sa 23:4 -P’leesh-teem1 Sa 23:5 -their livestock1 Sa 23:5 -dwellers of K’ee-lah1 Sa 23:8 -all the people1 Sa 23:12 and -my men 1 Sa 23:15 -his soul

##4801-4850 (1Sa ##375-424)1 Sa 23:16 -his hand in ELOHIM1 Sa 23:22 -his place1 Sa 24:2 -Dah-veed and his men1 Sa 24:3 -his feet1 Sa 24:4 -your enemy into your hand1 Sa 24:4 -wing of the robe1 Sa 24:5 -wing, which was to Shah-ool1 Sa 24:6 -the thing -the this-1 Sa 24:7 -his men1 Sa 24:9 -words of man1 Sa 24:10 -how has given you 1 Sa 24:11 -wing of your robe1 Sa 24:11 -wing of your robe1 Sa 24:11 -my soul to take her1 Sa 24:15 -my cause

1 Sa 24:16 -the words -the these- to Shah-ool1 Sa 24:18 -that you did with me well1 Sa 24:18 -that shut me up 1 Sa 24:19 -his enemy1 Sa 24:21 -my seed after me

1 Sa 24:21 -my name from house of my father1 Sa 25:2 -his flock in Kahr-mehl1 Sa 25:4 -his flock1 Sa 25:8 -your young men1 Sa 25:8 -which finds your hand1 Sa 25:10 -servants of Dah-veed1 Sa 25:11 -my bread1 Sa 25:11 and -my water1 Sa 25:11 and -my meat1 Sa 25:13 -his sword1 Sa 25:13 -his sword1 Sa 25:14 -our master1 Sa 25:21 -all that is to this man1 Sa 25:23 -Dah-veed1 Sa 25:24 -words of your handmaid1 Sa 25:25 -his heart to man of the worthlessness -the this-1 Sa 25:25 -young men of my lord1 Sa 25:29 -your soul1 Sa 25:29 - your ELOHIM1 Sa 25:29 and -souls of your enemies1 Sa 25:30 -the good upon you1 Sa 25:31 -your handmaid1 Sa 25:35 -what was the bringing to him1 Sa 25:37 -the words -the these-1 Sa 25:38 -Nah-vahl1 Sa 25:39 -cause of my reproach1 Sa 25:39 and -his servant1 Sa 25:39 and -evil of Nah-vahl1 Sa 25:43 and -

Ah-khee-noh-ahm1 Sa 25:44 -Mee-khahl, his daughter

##4851-4900 (1Sa ##425-474)1 Sa 26:2 -Dah-veed1 Sa 26:5 -the place1 Sa 26:8 -your enemy into your hand1 Sa 26:11 -the spear1 Sa 26:11 and -jar (saucer) of the water1 Sa 26:15 -the king, your lord1 Sa 26:16 and -jar (saucer) of the water1 Sa 26:17 -voice of Dah-veed1 Sa 26:19 -word of his servant1 Sa 26:20 -flea, one1 Sa 26:23 -his righteousness1 Sa 26:23 and -his faithfulness1 Sa 27:6 -Zeek-lahg1 Sa 27:9 -the earth1 Sa 28:1 -their armies1 Sa 28:2 -which will do your servant1 Sa 28:3 and -the fortune

tellers1 Sa 28:4 -all Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 28:5 -army of P’leesh-teem1 Sa 28:8 -that I say to you1 Sa 28:9 -which has done Shah-ool1 Sa 28:9 -the familiar (father) spirits1 Sa 28:9 and -the fortune (knowing) tellers1 Sa 28:11 -whom I shall bring up to you1 Sa 28:11 -Sh’moo-eyl1 Sa 28:12 -Sh’moo-eyl1 Sa 28:17 -the kingdom

1 Sa 28:19 -Yees-rah-eyl with you1 Sa 28:19 -army of Yees-rah-eyl1 Sa 28:21 -your words1 Sa 29:1 -all their armies1 Sa 29:4 -the man1 Sa 30:1 -Zeek-lahg1 Sa 30:2 -the women who were in her1 Sa 30:4 -their voices and wept1 Sa 30:7 -the ey-phohd1 Sa 30:10 -torrent of the B’sohr1 Sa 30:14 and -Zeek-lahg1 Sa 30:18 -all that had taken Ah-mah-leyk1 Sa 30:18 and -two of his wives1 Sa 30:20 -all the flock1 Sa 30:21 -the people1 Sa 30:22 -his wife1 Sa 30:22 and -his sons1 Sa 30:23 -that has given to us1 Sa 30:23 -the troop1 Sa 31:2 -Shah-ool1 Sa 31:2 and -his sons1 Sa 31:2 -Yoh-nah-thahn1 Sa 31:2 and -Ah-vee-nah-dahv

##4901-4950 (1Sa ##475-489)1 Sa 31:2 and - Mahl-kee-shoo-ah, sons of Shah-ool1 Sa 31:4 -the sword1 Sa 31:7 -the cities1 Sa 31:8 -the wounded ones1 Sa 31:8 -Shah-ool1 Sa 31:8 and -three of his sons1 Sa 31:9 -his head1 Sa 31:9 -his weapons (vessels)

1 Sa 31:9 and -the people1 Sa 31:10 -his weapons (vessels)1 Sa 31:10 and -his corpse1 Sa 31:11 -that which did P’leesh-teem to Shah-ool1 Sa 31:12 -corpse of Shah-ool1 Sa 31:12 and -corpses of his sons1 Sa 31:13 -their bones




2 Sa 1:1 -the Ah-mah-leyk2 Sa 1:14 -anointed of 2 Sa 1:16 -anointed of 2 Sa 1:17 -the lamentation (dirge) -the this-2 Sa 2:4 -Dah-veed for king over house of Y’hoo-dah2 Sa 2:4 -Shah-ool2 Sa 2:8 -Eesh Boh-shehth, son of Shah-ool2 Sa 2:21 -his spoil (armour)2 Sa 2:29 -the Yahr-deyn2 Sa 2:30 -all the people2 Sa 2:32 -Ah-sah-eyl2 Sa 3:10 -throne of Dah-veed over Yees-rah-eyl and over Y’hoo-dah2 Sa 3:11 -Ahv-neyr2 Sa 3:12 -All Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 3:13 -my face

2 Sa 3:13 -Mee-khal, daughter of Shah-ool2 Sa 3:13 -my face2 Sa 3:14 -my wife2 Sa 3:14 -Mee-khal2 Sa 3:17 -Dah-veed, for king over you2 Sa 3:18 -my people Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 3:19 -all that was good in the eyes of Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 3:21 -all Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 3:21 -Ahv-neyr2 Sa 3:25 -Ahv-neyr, son of Neyr2 Sa 3:25 -your going out2 Sa 3:25 and -your coming in2 Sa 3:25 -all that you do2 Sa 3:30 -Ah-sah-eyl, their brother2 Sa 3:32 -Ahv-neyr in Kheh-vrohn2 Sa 3:32 -his voice2 Sa 3:35 -Dah-veed2 Sa 3:37 -Ahv-neyr, son of Neyr2 Sa 4:5 -his bed2 Sa 4:7 -his head

##4951-5000 (2Sa ##36-85)2 Sa 4:7 -his head

2 Sa 4:8 -head of Eesh Boh-shehth2 Sa 4:8 -your soul2 Sa 4:9 -Rey-khahv2 Sa 4:9 and -Bah-ah-nah, his brother2 Sa 4:9 -my soul2 Sa 4:11 -man, righteous2 Sa 4:11 -his blood2 Sa 4:12 -the young men

2 Sa 4:12 -their hands2 Sa 4:12 and -their feet2 Sa 4:11 and -head of Eesh Boh- shehth2 Sa 5:2 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 5:2 -my people2 Sa 5:2 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 5:3 -Dah-veed for king over Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 5:7 -stronghold of Tsee-yohn2 Sa 5:8 and -the lame ones2 Sa 5:8 and -the blind ones2 Sa 5:17 -Dah-veed for king over Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 5:17 -Dah-veed2 Sa 5:19 -the P’leesh-teem2 Sa 5:20 -my enemies2 Sa 5:21 -their ah-tsahv idols2 Sa 5:24 -sound of marching2 Sa 5:25 -P’leesh-teem2 Sa 6:1 -every chosen one in Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 6:2 -ark of the ELOHIM2 Sa 6:3 -ark of the ELOHIM2 Sa 6:3 -the cart, new2 Sa 6:9 - 2 Sa 6:10 -ark of 2 Sa 6:11 -Oh-veyd Eh-dohm2 Sa 6:11 and -all his house2 Sa 6:12 -house of Oh-veyd Eh-dohm2 Sa 6:12 and -all that is to him2 Sa 6:12 -ark of the ELOHIM2 Sa 6:15 -ark of 2 Sa 6:16 -Dah-veed, the king2 Sa 6:17 -ark of 2 Sa 6:18 -the people in the name of Tseh-vah-ohth

2 Sa 6:19 -his house2 Sa 7:6 -sons of Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 7:7 -one of tribes of Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 7:7 -my people2 Sa 7:7 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 7:9 -all your enemies2 Sa 7:12 -your fathers2 Sa 7:12 -your seed after you2 Sa 7:12 -his kingdom

##5001-5050 (2Sa ##86-135)2 Sa 7:13 -throne of his kingdom unto ages2 Sa 7:20 -your servant2 Sa 7:21 -all the greatness -the

this-2 Sa 7:21 -your servant2 Sa 7:24 -your people Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 7:27 -ear of your servant2 Sa 7:27 -his heart2 Sa 7:27 -the prayer -the this-2 Sa 7:28 -the goodness -the this-2 Sa 7:29 -house of your servant2 Sa 8:1 -P’leesh-teem2 Sa 8:1 -bridle of the mother city2 Sa 8:2 -Moh-ahv2 Sa 8:3 -Hah-dahd-eh-zehr, son of R’khohv, King of Tsoh-vah2 Sa 8:4 -all of the chariots2 Sa 8:6 -Dah-veed2 Sa 8:7 -shields of the gold2 Sa 8:9 -all army of Hah-dahd-eh-zehr2 Sa 8:10 -Yoh-rahm, his son2 Sa 8:13 -Ah-rahm2 Sa 8:14 -Dah-veed

2 Sa 9:7 -all field of Shah-ool, your father2 Sa 9:10 -the ground2 Sa 9:11 -his servant2 Sa 10:3 -your father2 Sa 10:3 -the city2 Sa 10:3 -his servants2 Sa 10:4 -servants of Dah-veed2 Sa 10:4 -half of their beards2 Sa 10:4 -their garments2 Sa 10:6 -Ah-rahm of Beyth R’khohv2 Sa 10:6 and -Ah-rahm of Zoh-vah2 Sa 10:6 and -King of Mah-ah-khah2 Sa 10:7 -Yoh-ahv2 Sa 10:7 and -all the army of the mighty men2 Sa 10:10 and -rest of the people2 Sa 10:16 -Ah-rahm2 Sa 10:17 -all Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 10:17 -the Yahr-deyn2 Sa 10:18 and -Shoh-vakh, captain of its army2 Sa 10:19 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 10:19 -sons of Ahm-mohn2 Sa 11:1 -Yoh-ahv2 Sa 11:1 and -his servants2 Sa 11:1 and -all Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 11:1 -sons of Ahm-mohn2 Sa 11:6 -Oo-ree-ah, the Khee-tite2 Sa 11:6 -Oo-ree-ah2 Sa 11:9 -all servants of his lord2 Sa 11:11 -the thing -the this-

##5051-5100 (2Sa ##136-185)2 Sa 11:15 -Oo-ree-ah

2 Sa 11:16 -Oo-ree-ah2 Sa 11:17 -Yoh-ahv2 Sa 11:18 -all matters of the war2 Sa 11:19 -the messenger2 Sa 11:19 -all matters of the war2 Sa 11:20 -what they shoot from upon the wall2 Sa 11:21 -Ah-vee-meh-lehkh, son of Y’roo-beh-shehth2 Sa 11:22 -all which Yoh-ahv sent him2 Sa 11:25 -the matter -the this-2 Sa 12:1 -Nah-thahn2 Sa 12:4 -ewe lamb of the poor man2 Sa 12:6 and -the ewe lamb2 Sa 12:6 -the thing -the this-2 Sa 12:8 -house of your lord2 Sa 12:8 and -wives of your lord2 Sa 12:8 -house of Yees-rah-eyl and Y’hoo-dah2 Sa 12:9 -word of 2 Sa 12:9 -Oo-ree-ah, the Khee-tite2 Sa 12:9 and -his wife2 Sa 12:10 -wife of Oo-ree-ah, the Khee-tite2 Sa 12:11 -your wives2 Sa 12:12 -the thing -the this-2 Sa 12:14 -enemies of 2 Sa 12:15 -the boy (lad)2 Sa 12:16 -the ELOHIM2 Sa 12:24 -Bahth-Sheh-vah, his

wife2 Sa 12:24 -his name Sh’loh-moh2 Sa 12:25 -his name

Y’deed-yah2 Sa 12:26 -city, the royal2 Sa 12:27 -city of the waters2 Sa 12:28 -rest of the people2 Sa 12:28 -the city2 Sa 12:29 -all the people2 Sa 12:30 -crown of their king2 Sa 12:31 and -the people2 Sa 13:4 -Tah-mahr, sister of Ahv-shah-lohm2 Sa 13:5 -the barley food (meat)2 Sa 13:8 -the dough2 Sa 13:8 -the cakes2 Sa 13:9 -the baking pan2 Sa 13:10 -the cakes2 Sa 13:12 -the wickedness -the this-2 Sa 13:13 -my disgrace2 Sa 13:17 -his young man2 Sa 13:17 -this one from upon me2 Sa 13:20 -your heart to the matter -the this-2 Sa 13:21 -all the matters -the these-2 Sa 13:22 -Ahm-nohn2 Sa 13:22 -Tah-mahr, his sister

##5101-5150 (2Sa ##186-235)2 Sa 13:27 -Ahm-nohn2 Sa 13:27 and -all sons of the king2 Sa 13:28 -his young men2 Sa 13:28 -Ahm-nohn2 Sa 13:30 -all sons of the king2 Sa 13:31 -his garments2 Sa 13:32 -all of the young men2 Sa 13:32 -Tah-mahr, his sister2 Sa 13:34 -his eyes2 Sa 14:3 -the words in her

mouth2 Sa 14:6 -the other one2 Sa 14:7 -striker of his brother2 Sa 14:7 -the heir2 Sa 14:7 -my coal (kindling)2 Sa 14:11 - your ELOHIM2 Sa 14:11 -my son2 Sa 14:13 -his outcast one2 Sa 14:15 -the word -the this-2 Sa 14:15 -word of his female servant2 Sa 14:16 -his female servant2 Sa 14:16 and -my son2 Sa 14:19 -all the words -the these-2 Sa 14:20 -face of the matter2 Sa 14:20 -the thing -the this-2 Sa 14:20 -all that is in the earth2 Sa 14:21 -the thing -the this-2 Sa 14:21 -the young man2 Sa 14:21 -Ahv-shah-lohm2 Sa 14:22 -the king2 Sa 14:22 -word of his servant2 Sa 14:23 -Ahv-shah-lohm2 Sa 14:26 -his head of hair2 Sa 14:26 -hair of his head2 Sa 14:30 -the allotment with fire2 Sa 14:31 -the allotment2 Sa 15:3 from -the king2 Sa 15:5 -his hand2 Sa 15:6 -heart of men of Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 15:7 -my vow2 Sa 15:8 - 2 Sa 15:10 -sound of the shofar2 Sa 15:11 and -Ahv-shah-lohm2 Sa 15:12 -Ah-khee-thoh-phehl, the Gee-loh-nite

2 Sa 15:12 -the sacrifices2 Sa 15:12 -Ahv-shah-lohm2 Sa 15:14 -the evil2 Sa 15:16 -ten women, concubines2 Sa 15:20 -your brothers with you2 Sa 15:21 -the king2 Sa 15:23 -the wilderness

##5151-5200 (2Sa ##236-285)2 Sa 15:24 -ark of the covenant of the ELOHIM2 Sa 15:24 -ark of the ELOHIM 2 Sa 15:25 -ark of the ELOHIM2 Sa 15:25 and -his habitation (dwelling place)2 Sa 15:29 -ark of the ELOHIM2 Sa 15:31 -counsel of Ah-khee-thoh-phehl2 Sa 15:34 -counsel of Ah-khee-thoh-phehl2 Sa 16:3 -kingdom of my father2 Sa 16:6 -Dah-veed2 Sa 16:6 and -all servants of the king Dah-veed,2 Sa 16:8 -the kingdom2 Sa 16:9 -my lord, the king2 Sa 16:9 -his head2 Sa 16:10 -Dah-veed2 Sa 16:11 -my soul2 Sa 16:17 -your friend2 Sa 16:17 -your friend2 Sa 16:21 -your father2 Sa 17:2 -the king by himself2 Sa 17:6 -his word2 Sa 17:8 -your father2 Sa 17:8 and -his men2 Sa 17:8 -the people2 Sa 17:14 -counsel of Ah-khee-thoh-phehl, the

good2 Sa 17:14 -the evil2 Sa 17:15 -Ahv-shah-lohm2 Sa 17:15 and -elders of Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 17:19 -the covering2 Sa 17:21 -the waters2 Sa 17:22 -the Yahr-deyn 2 Sa 17:22 -the Yahr-deyn2 Sa 17:23 -the ass2 Sa 17:24 -the Yahr-deyn2 Sa 17:25 and -Ah-mah-sah2 Sa 18:1 -the people2 Sa 18:2 -the people2 Sa 18:5 -Yoh-ahv2 Sa 18:5 and -Ah-vee-shai2 Sa 18:5 and -Ee-tai2 Sa 18:5 -all the officers2 Sa 18:10 -Ah-shah-lohm2 Sa 18:12 and -Ah-vee-shai2 Sa 18:12 and -Ee-tai2 Sa 18:15 -Ahv-shah-lohm2 Sa 18:16 -the people2 Sa 18:17 -Ahv-shah-lohm2 Sa 18:18 -standing post2 Sa 18:19 -the king2 Sa 18:23 -the Coo-shite2 Sa 18:24 -his eyes

##5201-5250 (2Sa ##286-335)2 Sa 18:27 -running of the first2 Sa 18:28 -the men2 Sa 18:28 -their hand2 Sa 18:29 -servant of the king2 Sa 18:29 and -your servant2 Sa 19:5 -his face2 Sa 19:6 -faces of all your servants2 Sa 19:6 -your soul2 Sa 19:6 and -soul of your sons and your daughters

2 Sa 19:7 -your haters2 Sa 19:7 -your loved ones2 Sa 19:11 -the king2 Sa 19:12 -the king2 Sa 19:13 -the king2 Sa 19:15 -heart of every man of Y’hoo-dah2 Sa 19:16 -the king2 Sa 19:16 -the Yahr-deyn2 Sa 19:19 -house of the king2 Sa 19:20 -the perversity2 Sa 19:22 -anointed of 2 Sa 19:25 and -his garments2 Sa 19:27 -the king2 Sa 19:29 -your servant with eaters at your table2 Sa 19:30 -the field2 Sa 19:31 -the whole, take2 Sa 19:32 -the king2 Sa 19:32 -over the Yahr-deyn2 Sa 19:33 -the king2 Sa 19:35 -the king to Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Sa 19:36 -which I eat2 Sa 19:36 and -which I drink2 Sa 19:37 -the Yahr-deyn2 Sa 19:37 -the king2 Sa 19:38 -which is good in your eyes2 Sa 19:39 -the good in your eyes2 Sa 19:40 -the Yahr-deyn2 Sa 19:41 -the king2 Sa 19:42 -the king2 Sa 19:42 and -his house2 Sa 19:42 -the Yahr-deyn2 Sa 19:44 -men of Y’hoo-dah2 Sa 19:44 -my king2 Sa 20:3 -ten women, concubines

2 Sa 20:4 -men of Y’hoo-dah2 Sa 20:5 -Y’hoo-dah2 Sa 20:6 -servants of your lord2 Sa 20:12 -Ah-mah-sah from the highway2 Sa 20:15 -Yoh-ahv2 Sa 20:22 -head of Sheh-vah, son of Bee-khree2 Sa 21:1 -face of

##5251-5300 (2Sa ##336-385)2 Sa 21:1 -the Gee-voh-neem2 Sa 21:3 -inheritance of 2 Sa 21:8 -two sons of Reets-pah, daughter of Ai-yah2 Sa 21:8 -Ahr-moh-nee2 Sa 21:8 and -M’pheev-shehth2 Sa 21:8 and -five sons of Mee-khahl, daughter of Shah-ool2 Sa 21:10 -the sackcloth2 Sa 21:10 and -living beasts of the field2 Sa 21:11 -that did Reets-pah, daughter of Ai-yah2 Sa 21:12 -bones of Shah-ool2 Sa 21:12 and -bones of Y’hoh-nah-thahn2 Sa 21:12 from -men of Yah-veysh Gee-lahd2 Sa 21:12 -Shah-ool2 Sa 21:13 -bones of Shah-ool2 Sa 21:13 and -bones of Y’hoh-nah-thahn2 Sa 21:13 -bones of the hanged

ones2 Sa 21:14 -bones of Shah-ool and Y’hoh-nah-thahn2 Sa 21:15 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 21:15 -P’leesh-teem2 Sa 21:16 -Dah-veed

2 Sa 21:17 -the P’leesh-tite2 Sa 21:17 -lamp of Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 21:18 -Sahph2 Sa 21:19 -Gahl-yahth, the Gee-tite2 Sa 21:21 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 21:22 -four of these2 Sa 22:1 -words of the song -the this-2 Sa 22:28 and -people of affliction2 Sa 23:12 -P’leesh-teem2 Sa 23:18 -his spear2 Sa 23:20 -two lions of Moh-ahv2 Sa 23:20 -the lion2 Sa 23:21 -man, Meets-rite2 Sa 23:21 -the spear2 Sa 24:1 -Dah-veed2 Sa 24:1 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 24:1 and -Y’hoo-dah2 Sa 24:2 -the people2 Sa 24:2 -number of the people2 Sa 24:4 -the people2 Sa 24:4 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Sa 24:5 -the Yahr-deyn2 Sa 24:9 -number of census of the people2 Sa 24:10 -the people2 Sa 24:10 -iniquity of your servant2 Sa 24:17 -the angel2 Sa 24:20 -the king2 Sa 24:20 and -his servants2 Sa 24:21 -the grain threshing floor2 Sa 24:24 -the-grain threshing floor

##5301-5350 (2Sa ##386-386)

2 Sa 24:24 and -the oxen THERE ARE 386 s IN SH’MOO-EYL BEYTH (2ND SAMUEL)



1 Ki 1:3 -Ah-vee-shahg the Shoo-nah-mite1 Ki 1:9 -all his brothers1 Ki 1:10 and -Nah-thahn, the prophet1 Ki 1:10 and -the mighty men1 Ki 1:10 and -Sh’loh-moh, his brother1 Ki 1:12 -your soul1 Ki 1:12 and -soul of your son1 Ki 1:14 -your words1 Ki 1:15 -the king1 Ki 1:27 from -my lord, the king1 Ki 1:27 -your servant1 Ki 1:29 -my soul1 Ki 1:33 -servants of your lord1 Ki 1:33 -Sh’loh-moh, my son, on the mule1 Ki 1:36 -the king1 Ki 1:37 -his throne1 Ki 1:38 -Sh’loh-moh upon mule of the king Dah-veed1 Ki 1:39 -horn of the oil1 Ki 1:39 -Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 1:41 -sound of the shofar1 Ki 1:43 -Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 1:44 -Tsah-dohk, the

Koh-heyn1 Ki 1:44 and -Nah-thahn, the prophet1 Ki 1:47 -our lord, the king Dah-veed, 1 Ki 1:47 -name of Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 1:47 -his throne1 Ki 1:51 -the king Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 1:51 -his servant1 Ki 2:1 -Sh’loh-moh, his son1 Ki 2:3 -charge of your

ELOHIM1 Ki 2:3 -all that you do1 Ki 2:3 and -all that you face there1 Ki 2:4 -his word1 Ki 2:4 -their way1 Ki 2:5 -that did to me Yoh-ahv, son of Tseh-roo-yah1 Ki 2:9 -that you shall do to him1 Ki 2:9 -his grey hair1 Ki 2:16 -my face1 Ki 2:17 -your face1 Ki 2:17 -Ah-vee-shahg, the Shoo-nah-mite1 Ki 2:20 -my face1 Ki 2:20 -your face1 Ki 2:21 -Ah-vee-shahg, the Shoo-nah-mite1 Ki 2:22 -Ah-vee-shahg, the Shoo-nah-mite1 Ki 2:22 -the kingdom1 Ki 2:23 -the word -the this-1 Ki 2:26 -ark of ADONAI 1 Ki 2:27 -Ehv-yah-thahr1 Ki 2:27 -word of

##5351-5400 (1Ki ##50-99)1 Ki 2:29 -B’nah-yah-hoo, son

of Y’hoh-yah-dah1 Ki 2:30 -the king1 Ki 2:32 -his blood1 Ki 2:32 -Ahv-neyr, son of Neyr1 Ki 2:32 and -Ah-mah-sah, son of Yeh-thehr1 Ki 2:35 -B’nah-yah-hoo, son of Y’hoh-yah-dah1 Ki 2:35 and -Tsah-dohk, the Koh-heyn1 Ki 2:37 -torrent of Keed-rohn1 Ki 2:40 -his ass1 Ki 2:40 -his servants1 Ki 2:40 -his servants from Gahth1 Ki 2:43 -oath of 1 Ki 2:43 and -the command that I commanded upon you1 Ki 2:44 -all the evil1 Ki 2:44 -your evil1 Ki 2:46 -B’nah-yah-hoo, son of Y’hoh-yah-dah1 Ki 3:1 -Phah-roh, King of Meets-rah-yeem1 Ki 3:1 -daughter of Phah-roh1 Ki 3:1 -his house1 Ki 3:1 and -house of 1 Ki 3:1 and -wall of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem1 Ki 3:3 - 1 Ki 3:6 -the kindness, the great -the this-1 Ki 3:7 -your servant1 Ki 3:9 -your people1 Ki 3:9 -your people, the great -the this-1 Ki 3:10 -the thing -the this-1 Ki 3:11 -the thing -the this-

1 Ki 3:14 -your days1 Ki 3:20 -my son1 Ki 3:20 and -her son, the dead one1 Ki 3:21 -my son1 Ki 3:25 -the child (lad), the living1 Ki 3:25 -the half to the one1 Ki 3:25 and -the half to the one1 Ki 3:26 -the child (lad), the living1 Ki 3:27 -the child (lad), the living1 Ki 3:28 -the judgment1 Ki 4:7 -the king1 Ki 4:7 and -his house1 Ki 4:15 -Bahs-mahth, daughter of Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 5:1 -Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 5:7 -the king Sh’loh-moh

1 Ki 5:7 and -all coming to table of the king Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 5:14 -wisdom of Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 5:14 from -all kings of the

earth1 Ki 5:14 -his wisdom1 Ki 5:15 -his servants1 Ki 5:17 -Dah-veed, my father1 Ki 5:21 -words of Sh’loh-moh

##5401-5450 (1Ki ##100-149)1 Ki 5:22 -what you sent to me1 Ki 5:22 -all your desire1 Ki 5:23 -my desire1 Ki 6:5 -walls of the house1 Ki 6:9 -the house1 Ki 6:9 -the house

1 Ki 6:10 -the side stories1 Ki 6:10 -the house1 Ki 6:12 and -my judgments1 Ki 6:12 -all my commandments1 Ki 6:12 -my word with you1 Ki 6:13 -my people Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 6:14 -the house1 Ki 6:15 -walls of the house, inside1 Ki 6:15 -floor of the house1 Ki 6:16 -twenty cubits1 Ki 6:19 -ark of covenant of 1 Ki 6:21 -the house, inside1 Ki 6:22 and -all the house1 Ki 6:27 -the K’roo-veem1 Ki 6:27 -wings of the K’roo-veem1 Ki 6:28 -the K’roo-veem1 Ki 6:29 and -all walls of the house around about1 Ki 6:30 and -floor of the house1 Ki 6:31 and -entrance of the oracle1 Ki 6:32 -the gold1 Ki 6:33 from -a fourth1 Ki 6:36 -the court, the inner1 Ki 7:1 and -his house1 Ki 7:1 -all his house1 Ki 7:2 -house of forest of L’vah-nohn1 Ki 7:6 and -porch of the pillars1 Ki 7:13 -Khee-rahm1 Ki 7:14 -the wisdom1 Ki 7:14 and -the understanding1 Ki 7:14 and -the knowledge

to do all the work in copper1 Ki 7:14 -all his work1 Ki 7:15 -two of the pillars of copper1 Ki 7:15 -the pillar of the second1 Ki 7:18 -the pillars1 Ki 7:18 -the capitals1 Ki 7:21 -the pillars1 Ki 7:21 -the pillar, the right1 Ki 7:21 -its name Yah-kheen1 Ki 7:21 -the pillar, the left1 Ki 7:21 -its name Boh-ahz1 Ki 7:23 -the sea1 Ki 7:24 -the sea around about1 Ki 7:27 -the bases, ten of copper1 Ki 7:37 -ten of the bases

##5451-5500 (1Ki ##150-199)1 Ki 7:39 -the bases, five1 Ki 7:39 and -the sea1 Ki 7:40 -the basins (wash bowls)1 Ki 7:40 and -the shovels1 Ki 7:40 and -the bowls1 Ki 7:40 -all the work1 Ki 7:41 -two bowls of the capitals1 Ki 7:42 and -the pomegranates1 Ki 7:42 -two bowls of the capitals1 Ki 7:43 and -the bases, ten1 Ki 7:43 and -the bases, ten1 Ki 7:44 and -the sea, the one1 Ki 7:44 and -the oxen, two teen1 Ki 7:45 and -the pots1 Ki 7:45 and -the shovels1 Ki 7:45 and -the bowls

1 Ki 7:45 and -all the vessels -the these-1 Ki 7:47 -all the vessels1 Ki 7:48 -all the vessels1 Ki 7:48 -altar of the gold1 Ki 7:48 and -the table1 Ki 7:49 and -the menorahs1 Ki 7:51 -holy things of Dah-veed, his father1 Ki 7:51 -the silver 1 Ki 7:51 and -the gold1 Ki 7:51 and -the vessels1 Ki 8:1 -elders of Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 8:1 and -all heads of the tribes1 Ki 8:1 -ark of covenant of 1 Ki 8:3 -the ark1 Ki 8:4 -ark of 1 Ki 8:4 and -tent of meeting1 Ki 8:4 and -all vessels of the holy1 Ki 8:6 -ark of covenant of 1 Ki 8:10 -house of 1 Ki 8:11 -house of 1 Ki 8:14 -his face1 Ki 8:14 -all assembly of Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 8:15 -Dah-veed, my father1 Ki 8:16 -my people Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 8:20 -his word that was spoken1 Ki 8:24 -that you spoke to him1 Ki 8:25 -that you spoke to him1 Ki 8:25 -their way1 Ki 8:31 -when shall sin a

man to his neighbour1 Ki 8:32 -your servants1 Ki 8:33 -your name1 Ki 8:35 -your name1 Ki 8:36 -the way (direction), the good1 Ki 8:39 -his heart

##5501-5550 (1Ki ##200-249)1 Ki 8:39 -heart of all sons of Ah-dahm1 Ki 8:42 -your name, the great1 Ki 8:42 and -your hand, the strong1 Ki 8:43 -your name1 Ki 8:45 -their prayers1 Ki 8:45 and -their supplications1 Ki 8:49 -their prayers1 Ki 8:49 and -their supplications1 Ki 8:53 -our fathers from Meets-rah-yeem1 Ki 8:54 -all the prayer and the supplication -the this-1 Ki 8:55 -all assembly of Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 8:58 -our fathers1 Ki 8:63 -sacrifice of the peace

offerings1 Ki 8:63 -house of 1 Ki 8:64 -midst of the court1 Ki 8:64 -the elevation offering1 Ki 8:64 and -the food offering1 Ki 8:64 and -khey-lehv-fat of the peace offerings1 Ki 8:64 -the elevation offering1 Ki 8:64 and -the food offering

1 Ki 8:64 and -khey-lehv-fat of the peace offerings1 Ki 8:65 -the feast1 Ki 8:66 -the people1 Ki 8:66 -the king1 Ki 9:1 -house of 1 Ki 9:1 and -house of the king1 Ki 9:1 and -all desire of Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 9:3 -your prayer1 Ki 9:3 and -your supplication1 Ki 9:3 -the house -the this-1 Ki 9:5 -throne of your kingdom over Yees-rah-eyl for ages1 Ki 9:7 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 9:7 and -the house that I sanctified for my name1 Ki 9:9 - their ELOHIM1 Ki 9:9 -their fathers from the earth of Meets-rah-yeem1 Ki 9:9 -all the evil -the this-1 Ki 9:10 -two of the houses1 Ki 9:10 -house of 1 Ki 9:10 and -house of the king1 Ki 9:11 -Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 9:12 -the cities that gave to him Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 9:15 -house of 1 Ki 9:15 and -his house1 Ki 9:15 and -the Mee-loh1 Ki 9:15 and -wall of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem1 Ki 9:15 and -Khah-tsohr1 Ki 9:15 and -M’gee-doh1 Ki 9:15 and -Gah-zehr

1 Ki 9:16 -Geh-zehr1 Ki 9:16 and -the K’nah-ah-nites

##5551-5600 (1Ki ##250-299)1 Ki 9:17 -Gah-zehr1 Ki 9:17 and -Beyth Khoh-rohn, the lower1 Ki 9:18 and -Bah-ah-lahth1 Ki 9:18 and -Tahd-mohr1 Ki 9:19 and -all cities of the storage1 Ki 9:19 and -cities of the chariots1 Ki 9:19 and -cities of the

horsemen1 Ki 9:19 and -desire of Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 9:24 -the Mee-loh1 Ki 9:25 -the house1 Ki 9:26 -Ey-lohth upon lip of Yahm Sooph in earth of Ey-dohm1 Ki 9:27 -his servants1 Ki 10:1 -heard-fame of Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 10:2 -all that had been with her heart1 Ki 10:3 -all her matters1 Ki 10:4 -all wisdom of Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 10:8 -your wisdom1 Ki 10:9 -Yees-rah-eyl for age1 Ki 10:12 -trees of the Ahl-moo-geem1 Ki 10:13 -all her desire that she asked1 Ki 10:24 -face of Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 10:24 -his wisdom1 Ki 10:27 -the silver in Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem1 Ki 10:27 and -the cedars1 Ki 11:1 and -daughter of

Pah-roh1 Ki 11:2 -your hearts after their elohim1 Ki 11:3 -his heart1 Ki 11:4 -his heart after elohim, others1 Ki 11:10 -that which commanded 1 Ki 11:11 -the kingdom from upon you1 Ki 11:13 -all the kingdom1 Ki 11:14 -Hah-dahd, the Eh-doh-mite1 Ki 11:15 -Eh-dohm1 Ki 11:15 -the slain ones1 Ki 11:19 -sister of his wife1 Ki 11:20 -G’noo-vahth, his son1 Ki 11:23 -R’zohn, son of Ehl-yah-dah1 Ki 11:23 from - Hah-dahd-eh-zeyr, King of Tsoh-vah1 Ki 11:25 and -the evil1 Ki 11:27 -the Mee-loh1 Ki 11:27 -breach of the city of

Dah-veed, his father1 Ki 11:28 -the young man1 Ki 11:31 -the kingdom from hand of Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 11:31 -ten of the tribes1 Ki 11:34 -all the kingdom from his hand1 Ki 11:35 -ten of the tribes1 Ki 11:38 -all that I command you1 Ki 11:38 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 11:39 -seed of Dah-veed1 Ki 11:40 -Yah-rah-vahm

##5601-5650 (1Ki ##300-349)1 Ki 12:4 -our yoke1 Ki 12:6 -the elders

1 Ki 12:6 -face of Sh’loh-moh, his father1 Ki 12:6 -the people -the this-1 Ki 12:8 -counsel of the elders1 Ki 12:8 -the young men (lads)1 Ki 12:9 -the people -the this-1 Ki 12:10 -our yoke1 Ki 12:13 -the people1 Ki 12:13 -counsel of the elders1 Ki 12:14 -your yokes1 Ki 12:15 -his word1 Ki 12:16 -the king1 Ki 12:18 -Ah-doh-rahm, who was over the taxes1 Ki 12:21 -all house of Y’hoo-dah1 Ki 12:21 and -tribe of Been-yah-meen1 Ki 12:21 -the kingdom to R’kahv-ahm, son of Sh’loh-moh1 Ki 12:24 -word of 1 Ki 12:25 -Sh’khehm in the hills of Eh-phrah-yeem1 Ki 12:25 -P’noo-eyl1 Ki 12:29 -the one in Beyth Eyl1 Ki 12:29 and -the one was put in Dahn1 Ki 12:31 -house of high places1 Ki 12:32 -Koh-heyns of the high places

1 Ki 13:2 -Koh-heyns of the high places1 Ki 13:4 -word of man of the ELOHIM1 Ki 13:4 -his hand from upon the altar1 Ki 13:6 -face of your ELOHIM1 Ki 13:6 -face of

1 Ki 13:8 -half of your house1 Ki 13:11 -all the deed1 Ki 13:11 -the words1 Ki 13:12 -the way (direction)1 Ki 13:21 -the command that commanded your ELOHIM1 Ki 13:25 -the carcass1 Ki 13:25 and -the lion1 Ki 13:26 -mouth of 1 Ki 13:27 -the ass1 Ki 13:28 -his carcass1 Ki 13:28 -the carcass1 Ki 13:28 -the ass1 Ki 13:29 -carcass of man of the

ELOHIM1 Ki 13:30 -his carcass 1 Ki 13:31 -my bones1 Ki 13:33 -his hand1 Ki 14:6 -sound of her feet1 Ki 14:8 -the kingdom from house of Dah-veed1 Ki 14:14 -house of Yah-rah-vahm1 Ki 14:15 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 14:15 -Yees-rah-eyl

##5651-5700 (1Ki ##350-399)1 Ki 14:15 -their Ah-sheyr-eem1 Ki 14:15 - 1 Ki 14:16 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 14:16 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 14:21 -his name there1 Ki 14:26 -treasures of house of

1 Ki 14:26 and -treasures of house of the king1 Ki 14:26 and -all that was taken1 Ki 14:26 -shields of the gold1 Ki 15:4 -his son after him

1 Ki 15:4 -Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem1 Ki 15:5 -the right in the eyes of 1 Ki 15:12 -all the g’loo-leem idols1 Ki 15:13 -Mah-ah-kah, his mother1 Ki 15:13 -her horrid thing1 Ki 15:15 -holy things of his father1 Ki 15:17 -the Rah-mah1 Ki 15:18 -all the silver and the

gold1 Ki 15:18 and -treasures of house of king1 Ki 15:19 -your covenant1 Ki 15:19 -Bah-shah, King of Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 15:20 -captains of the armies1 Ki 15:20 -Ee-yohn1 Ki 15:20 and -Dahn1 Ki 15:20 and -Ah-veyl Beyth Mah-ah-khah1 Ki 15:20 and -all Keen-rohth1 Ki 15:21 -the Rah-mah1 Ki 15:22 -all Y’hoo-dah1 Ki 15:22 -stones of the Rah-mah1 Ki 15:22 and -her trees which built Bah-shah1 Ki 15:22 -Geh-vah of Been-yah-meen1 Ki 15:22 and -the Meets-pah1 Ki 15:23 -his feet1 Ki 15:26 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 15:29 -all house of Yah-rah-vahm1 Ki 15:30 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 15:30 -, ELOHIM of


1 Ki 15:34 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 16:2 -my people Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 16:3 -your house1 Ki 16:11 -all house of Bah-shah1 Ki 16:12 -all house of Bah-shah1 Ki 16:13 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 16:13 -, ELOHIM of

Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 16:16 -the king1 Ki 16:16 -Ahm-ree, captain of

Army over Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 16:18 -house of the king1 Ki 16:19 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 16:22 -the people1 Ki 16:24 -the hill of Shohm-rohn

##5701-5750 (1Ki ##400-449)1 Ki 16:24 from -Sheh-mehr1 Ki 16:24 -the hill1 Ki 16:24 -name of the city1 Ki 16:26 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 16:26 -, ELOHIM of

Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 16:31 -Ee-zeh-vehl, daughter of Ehth-bah-ahl, King of Tsee-doh-neem1 Ki 16:31 -the Bah-ahl1 Ki 16:33 -the Ah-shey-rah1 Ki 16:33 -, ELOHIM of

Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 16:34 -Y’ree-kho 1 Ki 17:5 and -the ravens1 Ki 17:18 -my iniquity1 Ki 17:18 -my son1 Ki 17:19 -your son1 Ki 17:20 -her son1 Ki 17:23 -the boy (lad)

1 Ki 18:3 -, greatly1 Ki 18:4 -prophets of 1 Ki 18:6 -the earth1 Ki 18:9 -your servant1 Ki 18:10 -the kingdom1 Ki 18:10 and -the nation that not find you1 Ki 18:12 - from my youth1 Ki 18:13 -that I did1 Ki 18:13 -prophets of 1 Ki 18:17 -Ey-lee-yah-hoo1 Ki 18:18 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 18:18 -commandments of 1 Ki 18:19 -all Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 18:19 and -prophets of the Bah-ahl1 Ki 18:20 -the prophets1 Ki 18:23 -the bullock, the one1 Ki 18:26 -the bullock that was

given to them1 Ki 18:30 -altar of 1 Ki 18:32 -the stones for the altar1 Ki 18:33 -the trees (wood)1 Ki 18:33 -the bullock1 Ki 18:35 -the trench was filled with water1 Ki 18:36 -all the matters -the these-1 Ki 18:37 -their hearts back1 Ki 18:38 -the elevation

offering1 Ki 18:38 and -the trees1 Ki 18:38 and -the stones1 Ki 18:38 and -the dust1 Ki 18:38 and -the water1 Ki 18:40 -prophets of the Bah-ahl1 Ki 19:1 -all that did

Eylee-yah-hoo1 Ki 19:1 and -all that struck1 Ki 19:1 -all the prophets1 Ki 19:2 -your soul as soul of one from them

##5751-5800 (1Ki ##450-499)1 Ki 19:3 -his young man1 Ki 19:4 -his soul to die1 Ki 19:10 -your altars1 Ki 19:10 and -your prophets1 Ki 19:10 -my soul to take her1 Ki 19:14 -your altars1 Ki 19:14 and -your prophets1 Ki 19:14 -my soul to take her1 Ki 19:15 -Khah-zah-eyl for king over Ah-rahm1 Ki 19:16 and -Yey-hoo, son of

Neem-shee1 Ki 19:16 and -Eh-lee-shah son of Shah-phaht from Ah-veyl M’khoh-lah1 Ki 19:19 -Eh-lee-shah son of Shah-phaht1 Ki 19:20 -the oxen1 Ki 19:21 -yoke of the oxen1 Ki 20:1 -all his army1 Ki 20:6 -my servants to you1 Ki 20:6 -your house1 Ki 20:6 and -houses of your servants1 Ki 20:12 -the word -the this-1 Ki 20:13 -all the multitude, the great -the this-1 Ki 20:15 -young men of rulers of the provinces1 Ki 20:15 -all the people1 Ki 20:21 -the horses1 Ki 20:21 and -the chariots1 Ki 20:22 -what you do1 Ki 20:24 and -the thing -the

this- do1 Ki 20:26 -Ah-rham1 Ki 20:27 -the earth1 Ki 20:28 -all the multitude, the great -the this-1 Ki 20:29 -Ah-rahm1 Ki 20:31 -your soul1 Ki 20:34 from -your father1 Ki 20:39 -the man -the this-1 Ki 20:41 -the ashes1 Ki 20:42 -man I devoted (to destruction)1 Ki 21:2 -your vineyard1 Ki 21:3 -inheritance of my fathers to you1 Ki 21:4 -inheritance of my fathers1 Ki 21:4 -his face1 Ki 21:6 -your vineyard1 Ki 21:6 -my vineyard

1 Ki 21:7 -vineyard of Nah-vohth, the Yeez-r’eyl-ite1 Ki 21:8 -Nah-vohth1 Ki 21:9 -Nah-vohth1 Ki 21:12 -Nah-vohth1 Ki 21:13 -Nah-vohth1 Ki 21:15 -vineyard of Nah-vohth, the Yeez-r’eyl-ite1 Ki 21:19 -blood of Nah-vohth1 Ki 21:19 -your blood, also you1 Ki 21:22 -your house

##5801-5850 (1Ki ##500-525)1 Ki 21:22 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 21:23 -Ee-zeh-vehl1 Ki 21:27 -the words -the these-1 Ki 22:5 -word of 1 Ki 22:6 -the prophets

1 Ki 22:8 - by him1 Ki 22:11 -Ah-rahm1 Ki 22:14 -that says to me1 Ki 22:17 -all Yees-rah-eyl

scattered1 Ki 22:19 - sitting on his

throne1 Ki 22:20 -Ah-khahv1 Ki 22:24 -Mee-khai-hoo1 Ki 22:26 -Mee-khai-hoo1 Ki 22:27 -this one in house of the retraint (prison)1 Ki 22:31 -captains of the chariots1 Ki 22:31 -small1 Ki 22:31 and -great

1 Ki 22:31 --king of Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 22:32 -Y’hoh-shah-phaht1 Ki 22:34 -king of Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 22:37 -the king in Shohm-rohn1 Ki 22:38 -the chariot1 Ki 22:38 -his blood1 Ki 22:53 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ki 22:54 -the Bah-ahl1 Ki 22:54 -, ELOHIM of





2 Ki 1:7 -the words -the these-2 Ki 1:10 and -your fifty2 Ki 1:10 and -his fifty2 Ki 1:12 and -your fifty2 Ki 1:12 and -his fifty2 Ki 1:14 -two captains of the fifties, the firsts2 Ki 1:14 and -their fifties2 Ki 2:1 -Ey-lee-yah-hoo2 Ki 2:3 -your lord from over (upon) your head2 Ki 2:5 -your lord from over (upon) your head2 Ki 2:8 -his mantle (robe)2 Ki 2:8 -the waters2 Ki 2:13 -mantle (robe) of Ey-lee-yah-hoo2 Ki 2:14 -mantle (robe) of Ey-lee-yah-hoo2 Ki 2:14 -the waters2 Ki 2:14 -the waters

2 Ki 2:16 --your servants, fifty men2 Ki 2:16 -your lord2 Ki 3:2 -pillar of the Bah-ahl2 Ki 3:3 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 3:6 -all Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 3:11 - 2 Ki 3:18 -Moh-ahv2 Ki 3:20 -the water

##5851-5900 (2Ki ##25-74)2 Ki 3:22 -the water, red as blood2 Ki 3:23 -his neighbor2 Ki 3:24 -Moh-ahv2 Ki 3:24 -Moh-ahv2 Ki 3:27 -his son, the firstborn2 Ki 4:1 - 2 Ki 4:1 -two of my boys (lads)

2 Ki 4:3 from -all your inhabitants2 Ki 4:7 -the oil2 Ki 4:7 -your debt2 Ki 4:13 -all the care -the this-2 Ki 4:28 from -my lord2 Ki 4:31 -the staff (walking stick) on face of the boy (lad)2 Ki 4:35 -his eyes2 Ki 4:37 -her son2 Ki 5:6 -Nah-ah-mahn, my servant2 Ki 5:7 -the letter2 Ki 5:8 -his garments2 Ki 5:15 from -your servant2 Ki 5:20 -Nah-ah-mahn, the Ah-rah-mite -the this-2 Ki 5:20 -that was brought2 Ki 5:24 -the men2 Ki 5:26 -the silver2 Ki 6:3 -your servants2 Ki 6:5 and -the iron2 Ki 6:6 -the place2 Ki 6:12 -the words that you speak2 Ki 6:15 -the city2 Ki 6:17 -his eyes2 Ki 6:17 -eyes of the young man2 Ki 6:18 -the nation -the this-2 Ki 6:20 -eyes of these2 Ki 6:20 -their eyes2 Ki 6:24 -all his army2 Ki 6:28 -your son2 Ki 6:28 and -my son2 Ki 6:29 -my son2 Ki 6:29 -your son2 Ki 6:29 -her son2 Ki 6:30 -words of the woman

2 Ki 6:30 -his garments2 Ki 6:32 -my head2 Ki 6:33 from - 2 Ki 7:2 -man of the ELOHIM2 Ki 7:6 -army of Ah-rahm2 Ki 7:6 -kings of the Khee-teem2 Ki 7:6 and -kings of Meets-rah-yeem2 Ki 7:7 -their tents2 Ki 7:7 and -their horses2 Ki 7:7 and -their asses

##5901-5950 (2Ki ##75-124)2 Ki 7:12 -that which did to us Ah-rahm2 Ki 7:16 -camp of Ah-rahm2 Ki 7:17 -the third officer2 Ki 7:19 -man of the ELOHIM2 Ki 8:1 -her son2 Ki 8:4 -all the great things that did Eh-lee-shah2 Ki 8:5 -that was made alive2 Ki 8:5 -the dead2 Ki 8:5 -her son2 Ki 8:6 -all that is to her2 Ki 8:6 and -all produce of the field2 Ki 8:6 -the earth2 Ki 8:8 - 2 Ki 8:11 -his face2 Ki 8:12 -that you will do to the sons of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 8:14 from -Eh-lee-shah2 Ki 8:19 -Yhoo-dah2 Ki 8:21 -Eh-dohm2 Ki 8:21 and -chiefs of the chariots2 Ki 8:28 -Yoh-rahm, son of Ah-khahv2 Ki 8:28 -Yoh-rahm2 Ki 8:29 -Khah-zah-eyl, King

of Ah-rahm2 Ki 8:29 -Yoh-rahm, son of Ah-khahv2 Ki 9:7 -house of Ah-khahv, your lord2 Ki 9:9 -house of Ah-khahv2 Ki 9:10 and -Ee-zeh-vehl2 Ki 9:11 -the man2 Ki 9:11 and -his communication (complaint, utterance)2 Ki 9:15 -Khah-zah-eyl, King of Ah-rahm2 Ki 9:16 -Yoh-rahm2 Ki 9:17 -troop of Yey-hoo2 Ki 9:22 -Yey-hoo2 Ki 9:24 -Y’hoh-rahm2 Ki 9:25 -rode chariots together2 Ki 9:25 -the burden -the this-2 Ki 9:26 -blood of Nah-vohth2 Ki 9:26 and -blood of his sons2 Ki 9:27 -Yeev-l’ahm2 Ki 9:31 -her head2 Ki 9:34 -the cursed (erred) woman -the this-2 Ki 9:36 -flesh of Ee-zah-vehl2 Ki 10:6 -heads of men of sons of your lord2 Ki 10:6 -great ones of the city2 Ki 10:7 -sons of the king2 Ki 10:7 -their heads in the baskets2 Ki 10:9 -all these2 Ki 10:10 -that was worded by the hand of his servant Ey-lee-yah-hoo2 Ki 10:11 -all the remaining ones2 Ki 10:13 -brothers of Ah-khahz-yah-hoo,

King of Y’hoo-dah2 Ki 10:15 -Y’hoh-nah-dahv, son of Rey-khahv

##5951-6000 (2Ki ##125-174)2 Ki 10:15 -your heart right2 Ki 10:15 -your hand2 Ki 10:17 -all the remaining ones of Ah-khahv in Shohm-rohn2 Ki 10:18 -all the people2 Ki 10:18 -the Bah-ahl2 Ki 10:19 -servants of the Bah-ahl2 Ki 10:26 -pillars of house of the Bah-ahl2 Ki 10:27 -pillar of house of the

Bah-ahl2 Ki 10:27 -house of the Bah-ahl2 Ki 10:28 -the Bah-ahl from Yees-ah-eyl2 Ki 10:29 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 10:31 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 10:33 -all earth of the Gee-lahd2 Ki 11:1 -all seed of the kingdom2 Ki 11:2 -Yoh-ahsh, son of Ah-khahz-yah2 Ki 11:2 and -his nurse2 Ki 11:4 -rulers of the hundreds of the Kah-rites2 Ki 11:4 -son of the king2 Ki 11:6 -watch of the house2 Ki 11:7 -watch of house of 2 Ki 11:8 -the king2 Ki 11:9 -his men going on the Shahb-bahth2 Ki 11:10 -the spears2 Ki 11:10 and -the shields that were to the King

Dah-veed2 Ki 11:12 -son of the King2 Ki 11:12 -the consecration (crown)2 Ki 11:12 and -the testimony2 Ki 11:13 -sound of the runners2 Ki 11:14 -her garments2 Ki 11:15 -rulers of the hundreds2 Ki 11:17 -the covenant2 Ki 11:18 -its altars2 Ki 11:18 and -its images2 Ki 11:18 and -Maht-tahn, Koh-heyn of the Bah-ahl2 Ki 11:19 -rulers of the hundreds2 Ki 11:19 and -the Kah-rites2 Ki 11:19 and -the runners2 Ki 11:19 and -all people of the earth2 Ki 11:19 -the king2 Ki 11:20 and - Ah-thahl-yah-hoo2 Ki 12:6 from -his friend (acquaintance)2 Ki 12:6 -breach of the house2 Ki 12:7 -breach of the house2 Ki 12:8 -breach of the house2 Ki 12:8 from -your friends (aquaintances)2 Ki 12:9 from -the people2 Ki 12:9 -breach of the house2 Ki 12:10 -all the silver2 Ki 12:11 -the silver2 Ki 12:12 -the silver

##6001-6050 (2Ki ##175-224)2 Ki 12:13 -breach of house of 2 Ki 12:15 -house of 2 Ki 12:16 -the men2 Ki 12:16 -the silver

2 Ki 12:19 -all of the dedicated things2 Ki 12:19 and -his dedicated things2 Ki 12:19 and -all the gold2 Ki 12:21 -Yoh-ahsh in house of Mee-loh2 Ki 13:2 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 13:4 -face of 2 Ki 13:4 -oppression of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 13:6 -Yees-rah-eyl in her2 Ki 13:11 -Yees-rah-eyl in her2 Ki 13:14 -his illness2 Ki 13:17 -Ah-rahm in the Ah-pheyk2 Ki 13:19 -Ah-rahm2 Ki 13:19 -Ah-rahm2 Ki 13:21 -the band2 Ki 13:21 -the man2 Ki 13:22 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 13:23 -Ah-vrah-hahm, Yeets-khahk, and Yah-ah-kohv2 Ki 13:25 -the cities2 Ki 13:25 -cities of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 14:5 -his servants2 Ki 14:5 -the king, his father2 Ki 14:6 and -sons of the ones that struck 2 Ki 14:7 -Eh-dohm2 Ki 14:7 -the rock2 Ki 14:7 -her name, Yak-th’eyl

2 Ki 14:9 --your daughter2 Ki 14:9 -the thorn2 Ki 14:10 -Eh-dohm2 Ki 14:13 and - Ah-mahts-yah-hoo King of Y’hoo-dah

2 Ki 14:14 -all the gold and the silver2 Ki 14:14 and -all the vessels2 Ki 14:14 and -sons of the hostages2 Ki 14:21 -Ah-zar-yah2 Ki 14:22 -Ey-lahth2 Ki 14:24 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 14:25 -border of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 14:26 -affliction of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 14:27 -name of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 14:28 -Dah-meh-sehk2 Ki 14:28 and -Khah-mahth of Y’hoo-dah2 Ki 15:5 -the king2 Ki 15:5 -people of the earth2 Ki 15:9 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 15:14 -Shahl-loom, son of Yah-veysh2 Ki 15:16 -Teeph-sahkh2 Ki 15:16 and -all who were in her

##6051-6100 (2Ki ##225-274)2 Ki 15:16 and -her borders2 Ki 15:16 -all her pregnant ones2 Ki 15:18 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 15:20 -the silver to Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 15:24 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 15:25 -Ahr-gohv2 Ki 15:25 and -the Ahr-yey2 Ki 15:28 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 15:29 -Ee-yohn2 Ki 15:29 and -Ah-veyl Beyth Mah-ah-kah2 Ki 15:29 and -Yah-noh-ahkh2 Ki 15:29 and -Keh-dehsh2 Ki 15:29 and -Khah-tsohr

2 Ki 15:29 and -the Gee-lahd2 Ki 15:29 and -the Gah-lee-lah2 Ki 15:35 -gate of house of the upper2 Ki 15:37 and -Peh-kahkh, son of R’mah-lee-yah-hoo2 Ki 16:3 -his son, the one passing over in the fire2 Ki 16:6 -Ey-lahth to Ah-rahm2 Ki 16:6 -the Y’hoo-deem2 Ki 16:8 -the silver2 Ki 16:8 and -the gold that was found in house of 2 Ki 16:9 and -R’tseen the one killed2 Ki 16:10 -the altar2 Ki 16:10 -pattern of the altar2 Ki 16:10 and -its model2 Ki 16:11 -the altar2 Ki 16:12 -the altar2 Ki 16:13 -his elevation offering2 Ki 16:13 and -his food offering2 Ki 16:13 -his drink offering2 Ki 16:13 -blood of the peace offerings2 Ki 16:14 and -the altar of the copper2 Ki 16:14 from -face of the house2 Ki 16:15 -Oo-ree-yah, the Koh-heyn2 Ki 16:15 -elevation offering of the morning2 Ki 16:15 and -food offering of the evening2 Ki 16:15 and -elevation offering of the king2 Ki 16:15 and -his food offering

2 Ki 16:15 and -elevation offering of all people of the earth2 Ki 16:17 -the borders of the stands2 Ki 16:17 and -the laver2 Ki 16:17 and -the sea2 Ki 16:18 and -covered way for the Shahb-bahth2 Ki 16:18 and -entry of the king2 Ki 17:6 -Shohm-rohn2 Ki 17:6 -Yees-rah-eyl to Ah-shoor2 Ki 17:11 -2 Ki 17:12 -the thing -the this-2 Ki 17:13 -your fathers

##6101-6150 (2Ki ##275-324)2 Ki 17:14 -their necks2 Ki 17:15 -his statutes2 Ki 17:15 and -his covenant2 Ki 17:15 -their fathers2 Ki 17:15 and -his testimonies2 Ki 17:16 -all commandments of their ELOHIM2 Ki 17:16 -the Bah-ahl2 Ki 17:17 -their sons2 Ki 17:17 and -their daughters in the fire2 Ki 17:19 -commandments of their ELOHIM2 Ki 17:21 -Yah-rah-vahm, son of N’vaht2 Ki 17:21 -Yees-rah-eyl from following 2 Ki 17:23 -Yees-rah-eyl from upon His face2 Ki 17:24 -Shohm-rohn2 Ki 17:25 - 2 Ki 17:25 -the lions2 Ki 17:26 -custom of elohim of the earth

2 Ki 17:26 -the lions2 Ki 17:26 -custom of elohim of the earth2 Ki 17:27 -custom of elohim of the earth2 Ki 17:28 -2 Ki 17:30 -Soo-kohth B’nohth2 Ki 17:30 -Neyr-gahl2 Ki 17:30 -Ah-shee-mah2 Ki 17:31 and -Tahr-tahk2 Ki 17:31 -their sons in the fire2 Ki 17:32 - 2 Ki 17:33 - they be feared2 Ki 17:33 and -their elohim they became servants2 Ki 17:34 - 2 Ki 17:34 -sons of Yah-ah-kohv

2 Ki 17:36 -- 2 Ki 17:37 and -the statutes2 Ki 17:37 and -the judgments

2 Ki 17:39 -- your ELOHIM2 Ki 17:41 - 2 Ki 17:41 and -their images2 Ki 18:4 -the high places2 Ki 18:4 -the standing pillars2 Ki 18:4 -the Ah-shey-rah2 Ki 18:6 -Moh-sheh2 Ki 18:8 -P’leesh-teem2 Ki 18:8 and -her borders2 Ki 18:11 -Yees-rah-eyl to Ah-shoor2 Ki 18:12 -his covenant2 Ki 18:12 -all which commanded Moh-sheh 2 Ki 18:14 -which you put upon me2 Ki 18:15 -all the silver2 Ki 18:16 -doors of the temple

of 2 Ki 18:16 and -the posts

##6151-6200 (2Ki ##325-374)2 Ki 18:17 -general 2 Ki 18:17 and -chief of eunuchs2 Ki 18:17 and -cupbearer2 Ki 18:22 -his high places2 Ki 18:22 and -his altars2 Ki 18:23 -my lord2 Ki 18:23 -the king of Ah-shoor2 Ki 18:24 -face of captain, one2 Ki 18:27 -the words -the these-2 Ki 18:27 -their dung2 Ki 18:27 -their urine2 Ki 18:30 -the city -the this-2 Ki 18:33 -his earth from hand of king of Ah-shoor2 Ki 18:34 -Shohm-rohn from my hand2 Ki 18:35 -their earth from my hand2 Ki 18:35 - Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem from my hand2 Ki 18:37 -words of cupbearer2 Ki 19:1 -his garments2 Ki 19:2 -Ehl-yah-keem2 Ki 19:2 and -elders of the Koh-hah-neem2 Ki 19:4 -all words of cupbearer2 Ki 19:8 -king of Ah-shoor2 Ki 19:11 -what did kings of Ah-shoor2 Ki 19:12 -Goh-zahn2 Ki 19:12 and -Khah-rahn2 Ki 19:14 -the letters2 Ki 19:15 -the heavens2 Ki 19:15 and -the earth2 Ki 19:16 -words of Sahn-khey-reev

2 Ki 19:17 -the nations2 Ki 19:17 and -their earths2 Ki 19:18 -their elohim in the fire2 Ki 19:22 -whom you have defamed (reproached)2 Ki 19:27 and -your rage2 Ki 20:2 -his face2 Ki 20:3 -that I have walked2 Ki 20:5 -your prayer2 Ki 20:5 -your tears2 Ki 20:6 and -the city -the this-2 Ki 20:9 from - 2 Ki 20:9 -the thing that was spoken2 Ki 20:11 -the shadow2 Ki 20:13 -all house of treasury2 Ki 20:13 -the silver2 Ki 20:13 and -the gold2 Ki 20:13 and -the spices2 Ki 20:13 and -oil, the good

2 Ki 20:13 and -house of his arms2 Ki 20:13 and -all that was found in his storehouses2 Ki 20:15 -all that is in my house

##6201-6250 (2Ki ##375-424)2 Ki 20:20 -the pool2 Ki 20:20 and -the conduit2 Ki 20:20 -the waters to the city2 Ki 21:3 -the high places2 Ki 21:4 -my name2 Ki 21:6 -his son in the fire2 Ki 21:7 -image of the Ah-shey-rah2 Ki 21:7 -my name for ages2 Ki 21:9 -the evil

2 Ki 21:11 --Y’hoo-dah with his g’lool idols2 Ki 21:13 -line of Shohm-rohn2 Ki 21:13 and -plummet of house of Ah-khahv2 Ki 21:13 - Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ki 21:13 -the bowl (dish)2 Ki 21:14 -remnant of my inheritance2 Ki 21:15 -the evil in my eyes2 Ki 21:16 - Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ki 21:16 -Y’hoo-dah2 Ki 21:21 -the g’loo-leem idols2 Ki 21:22 -, ELOHIM of his fathers2 Ki 21:23 -the king in his house2 Ki 21:24 -all the conspired ones2 Ki 21:24 -Yoh-shee-yah-hoo, his son2 Ki 22:3 -Shah-phahn, son of Ah-tsahl-yah-hoo, son of M’shool-lahm2 Ki 22:4 -the silver2 Ki 22:4 from -the people2 Ki 22:6 -the house2 Ki 22:8 -the book2 Ki 22:9 -the king2 Ki 22:9 -the silver2 Ki 22:11 -words of book of the Torah2 Ki 22:11 -his garments2 Ki 22:12 -Kheel-kee-yah, the Koh-heyn2 Ki 22:12 and -Ah-khee-kahm, son of Shah-phahm2 Ki 22:12 and -Ahkh-bohr, son of Mee-khah-yah

2 Ki 22:12 and -Shah-phahn, the scribe2 Ki 22:12 and -Ah-sai-yah, servant of the king2 Ki 22:13 - 2 Ki 22:16 -all words of the book2 Ki 22:18 - 2 Ki 22:19 -your garments2 Ki 22:20 -the king2 Ki 23:2 -all words of book of the covenant2 Ki 23:3 -the covenant2 Ki 23:3 and -his testimonies2 Ki 23:3 and -his statutes2 Ki 23:3 -words of the covenant -the this-2 Ki 23:4 -Kheel-kee-yah, the Koheyn, the high2 Ki 23:4 and -koheyn of the second order2 Ki 23:4 and -keepers of the threshold

##6251-6300 (2Ki ##425-474)2 Ki 23:4 -all the clay-vessels2 Ki 23:4 -their fire-ashes2 Ki 23:5 -the idolatrous priests2 Ki 23:5 and -the ones burning incense (sacrifices) to Bah-ahl2 Ki 23:6 -the Ah-shey-rah2 Ki 23:6 -her fire-dust2 Ki 23:7 -houses of the male prostitutes2 Ki 23:8 -all the koh-hah-neem2 Ki 23:8 -the high places2 Ki 23:8 -high places2 Ki 23:10 -the Toh-phehth2 Ki 23:10 -his son2 Ki 23:10 and -his daughter in

the fire to Moh-lehkh2 Ki 23:11 -the horses2 Ki 23:11 and -with the chariots2 Ki 23:12 and -the altars2 Ki 23:12 and -the altars2 Ki 23:12 -their dust2 Ki 23:13 -the high places2 Ki 23:14 -the pillars2 Ki 23:14 -the Ah-shey-reem2 Ki 23:14 -their place2 Ki 23:15 -the altar2 Ki 23:15 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 23:15 -the altar -the that-2 Ki 23:15 and -the high place2 Ki 23:15 -the high place2 Ki 23:16 -the graves2 Ki 23:16 -the bones2 Ki 23:16 -the things -the these-2 Ki 23:17 -the things -the these-2 Ki 23:18 -bones of the prophet2 Ki 23:19 -all houses of the high places2 Ki 23:20 -every koheyn of the high places2 Ki 23:20 -bones of Ah-dahm2 Ki 23:21 -all the people2 Ki 23:22 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 23:24 -the mediums 2 Ki 23:24 and -the soothsayers 2 Ki 23:24 and -the t’rah-pheem idols2 Ki 23:24 and -the g’loo-leem idols2 Ki 23:24 and -all the detestable things2 Ki 23:24 -words of the Torah2 Ki 23:27 -Y’hoo-dah2 Ki 23:27 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Ki 23:27 -the city -the this-2 Ki 23:27 -

Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ki 23:27 and -the house2 Ki 23:30 -Y’hoh-ah-khahz, son of Yoh-shee-yah-hoo2 Ki 23:34 -Eh-lee-ah-keem, son of Yoh-shee-yah-hoo

##6301-6350 (2Ki ##475-524)2 Ki 23:34 -his name Y’hoh-yah-keem2 Ki 23:34 and -Y’hoh-ah-khahz2 Ki 23:35 -the earth2 Ki 23:35 -the silver2 Ki 23:35 -the silver2 Ki 23:35 and -the gold2 Ki 23:35 -people of the earth2 Ki 24:2 -troops of Khahs-deem2 Ki 24:2 and -troops of Ah-rahm2 Ki 24:2 and -troops of Moh-ahv2 Ki 24:2 and -troops of sons of Ah-mohn2 Ki 24:4 - Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ki 24:13 -all treasures of house of 2 Ki 24:13 -all vessels of the gold2 Ki 24:14 -all Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ki 24:14 and -all the officers2 Ki 24:14 and -all mighty ones of the valor2 Ki 24:15 -Y’hoh-yah-kheen2 Ki 24:15 and -mother of the king2 Ki 24:15 and -wives of the king2 Ki 24:15 -his eunuchs2 Ki 24:15 and -strong ones of

the earth2 Ki 24:16 and -all men of the valor2 Ki 24:17 -Mah-tahn-yah, his uncle2 Ki 24:17 -his name Tseed-kee-yah-hoo2 Ki 25:6 -the king2 Ki 25:7 and -sons of Tseed-kee-yah-hoo2 Ki 25:7 and -eyes of Tseed-kee-yah-hoo2 Ki 25:9 -house of 2 Ki 25:9 and -house of the king2 Ki 25:9 and -all houses of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ki 25:9 and -every house, great2 Ki 25:10 and -wall of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ki 25:11 and -rest of the people2 Ki 25:11 and -the fallen ones2 Ki 25:11 and -rest of the multitude2 Ki 25:13 and -pillars of the copper2 Ki 25:13 and -the stands2 Ki 25:13 and -sea of the copper2 Ki 25:13 -their copper to Bah-vehl2 Ki 25:14 and -the pots (pans)2 Ki 25:14 and -the shovels2 Ki 25:14 and -the snuffers2 Ki 25:14 and -the spoons2 Ki 25:14 and -all vessels of the copper2 Ki 25:15 and -the firepans2 Ki 25:15 and -the sprinkling basins (bowls)

2 Ki 25:18 -S’rai-yah, Koh-heyn, the head2 Ki 25:18 and - Ts’phahn-yah-hoo, Koh-heyn, the second2 Ki 25:18 and -three keepers of the threshold

##6351-6400 (2Ki ##525-536)2 Ki 25:19 and -the scribe of chief of the army2 Ki 25:19 -people of the earth2 Ki 25:22 -G’dahl-yah-hoo, son of Ah-khee-kahm, of Shah-phahn2 Ki 25:23 -G’dahl-yah-hoo2 Ki 25:24 -king of Bah-vehl2 Ki 25:25 -G’dahl-yah-hoo2 Ki 25:25 and -the Y’hoo-deem2 Ki 25:25 and -the Kahs-deem2 Ki 25:27 -head of Y’hoh-yah-kheen, King of Y’hoo-dah2 Ki 25:28 -his seat2 Ki 25:29 -garments of his prison2 Ki 25:30 from -the king




1 Ch 1:10 -Neem-rohd1 Ch 1:11 -Loo-deem1 Ch 1:11 and -Ah-nah-meem

1 Ch 1:11 and -L’hah-veem1 Ch 1:11 and - Nahph-too-kheem1 Ch 1:12 and -Pahth-roo-seem1 Ch 1:12 and -Kahs-loo-kheem1 Ch 1:12 and -Kahph-toh-reem1 Ch 1:13 -Tsee-dohn1 Ch 1:13 and -Kheyth1 Ch 1:14 and -the Y’voo-site1 Ch 1:14 and -the Eh-moh-rite1 Ch 1:14 and -the Geer-gah-shite1 Ch 1:15 and -the Khee-vite1 Ch 1:15 and -the Ahr-kite1 Ch 1:15 and -the See-nite1 Ch 1:16 and -the Ahr-vah-dite1 Ch 1:16 and -the Ts’mahr-ite1 Ch 1:16 and -the Khah-mah-thite1 Ch 1:18 -Shah-lahkh1 Ch 1:18 -Ey-vehr1 Ch 1:20 -Ahl-moh-dahd1 Ch 1:20 and -Shah-lehph1 Ch 1:20 and - Khah-tsahr-mah-vehth1 Ch 1:20 and -Yah-rahkh1 Ch 1:21 and -Hah-doh-rahm1 Ch 1:21 and -Oo-zahl1 Ch 1:21 and -Deek-lah1 Ch 1:22 and -Ey-vahl1 Ch 1:22 and -Ah-vee-mah-eyl1 Ch 1:22 and -Sh’vah1 Ch 1:23 and -Oh-pheer1 Ch 1:23 and -Khah-vee-lah1 Ch 1:23 and -Yoh-vahv1 Ch 1:32 -Zeem-rahn1 Ch 1:34 -Yeets-khahk1 Ch 1:46 -Meed-yahn1 Ch 2:4 -Peh-rehts

##6401-6450 (1Ch ##39-88)

1 Ch 2:4 and -Zah-rahkh1 Ch 2:9 -Y’rahkh-m’eyl1 Ch 2:9 and -Rahm1 Ch 2:9 and -K’loo-vai1 Ch 2:10 -Ah-mee-nah-dahv1 Ch 2:10 -Nahkh-shohn1 Ch 2:11 -Sahl-mah1 Ch 2:11 -Boh-ahz1 Ch 2:12 -Oh-veyd1 Ch 2:12 -Yee-shai1 Ch 2:13 -his firstborn1 Ch 2:13 -Eh-lee-ahv1 Ch 2:17 -Ah-mah-sah1 Ch 2:18 -Ah-zoo-vah, his wife1 Ch 2:18 and -Y’ree-ohth1 Ch 2:19 -Ehph-rahth1 Ch 2:19 -Khoor1 Ch 2:20 -Oo-ree1 Ch 2:20 -B’tsahl-eyl1 Ch 2:21 -S’goov1 Ch 2:22 -Yah-eer1 Ch 2:23 -towns of Yah-eer1 Ch 2:23 -K’nahth1 Ch 2:23 and -her daughter places1 Ch 2:24 -Ahsh-khoor, father of Th’koh-ah1 Ch 2:29 -Ahkh-bahn1 Ch 2:29 and -Moh-leed1 Ch 2:35 -his daughter to Yahr-khah, his servant1 Ch 2:35 -Ah-tai1 Ch 2:36 -Nah-thahn1 Ch 2:36 -Zah-vahd1 Ch 2:37 -Ehph-lahl1 Ch 2:37 -Oh-veyd1 Ch 2:38 -Yey-hoo1 Ch 2:38 -Ah-zahr-yah1 Ch 2:39 -Khah-lehts1 Ch 2:39 -Ehl-ah-sah

1 Ch 2:40 -Sees-mai1 Ch 2:40 -Shah-loom1 Ch 2:41 -Y’kahm-yah1 Ch 2:41 -Eh-lee-shah-mah1 Ch 2:44 -Rhah-khahm, father of Yahr-k’ahm1 Ch 2:44 -Shah-mai1 Ch 2:46 -Khah-rahn1 Ch 2:46 and -Mohts-ah1 Ch 2:46 and -Gah-zeyz1 Ch 2:46 -Gah-zeyz1 Ch 2:48 and -Teer-khah-nah1 Ch 2:49 -Sh’vah, father of Mahkh-bey-nah1 Ch 4:2 -Yah-khahth

##6451-6500 (1Ch ##89-138)1 Ch 4:2 -Ah-khoo-mai1 Ch 4:2 and -Lah-hahd1 Ch 4:6 -Ah-khoo-zahm1 Ch 4:6 and -Khey-phehr1 Ch 4:6 and -Teym-nee1 Ch 4:6 and - Hah-ah-khahsh-tah-ree1 Ch 4:8 -Ah-noov1 Ch 4:8 and - Hah-tsoh-vey-vah1 Ch 4:10 -my border1 Ch 4:10 -what was asked1 Ch 4:11 -M’kheer, he was father of Ehsh-tohn1 Ch 4:12 -Beyth Rah-phah1 Ch 4:12 and -Pah-sey-ahkh1 Ch 4:12 and -T’khee-nah, father of Eer Nah-khahsh1 Ch 4:14 -Ahph-rah1 Ch 4:14 -Yoh-ahv, father of Valley of Craftsman1 Ch 4:17 -Meer-yahm1 Ch 4:17 and -Shah-mai1 Ch 4:17 and -Yeesh-bahkh, father of Ehsh-t’moh-ah

1 Ch 4:18 -Yeh-rehd, father of G’dohr1 Ch 4:18 and -Kheh-vehr, father of Soh-khoh1 Ch 4:18 and -Y’koo-thee-eyl, father of Zahn-oh-ahkh1 Ch 4:41 -their tents1 Ch 4:41 and -the M’ee-neem (or M’oo-neem)1 Ch 4:43 -remainder (remnant)1 Ch 5:26 -roo-ahkh of Pool, King of Ah-shoor1 Ch 5:26 and -roo-ahkh of Teel-gahth Peel-neh-sehr, King of Ah-shoor1 Ch 5:30 -Peen-khahs1 Ch 5:30 -Ah-vee-shoo-ah1 Ch 5:31 -Boo-kee1 Ch 5:31 -Oo-zee1 Ch 5:32 -Z’rahkh-yah1 Ch 5:32 -M’rai-ohth1 Ch 5:33 -Ah-mahr-yah1 Ch 5:33 -Ah-khee-toov1 Ch 5:34 -Tsah-dohk1 Ch 5:34 -Ah-khee-mah-ahts1 Ch 5:35 -Ah-zahr-yah1 Ch 5:35 -Yoh-khah-nahn1 Ch 5:36 -Ah-zahr-yah1 Ch 5:37 -Ah-mahr-yah1 Ch 5:37 -Ah-khee-toov1 Ch 5:38 -Tsah-dohk1 Ch 5:38 -Shah-loom1 Ch 5:39 -Kheel-kee-yah1 Ch 5:39 -Ah-zahr-yah1 Ch 5:40 -S’rah-yah1 Ch 5:40 -Y’hoh-tsah-dahk1 Ch 5:41 -Y’hoo-dah1 Ch 6:17 -house of

##6501-6550 (1Ch ##139-188)1 Ch 6:40 -Khehv-rohn

1 Ch 6:40 and -her grazing (grass) areas1 Ch 6:41 and -field of the city1 Ch 6:41 and -her villages1 Ch 6:42 -cities of the refuge1 Ch 6:42 -Kheh-vrohn1 Ch 6:42 and -Leev-nah1 Ch 6:42 and -her grazing (grass) areas1 Ch 6:42 and -Yah-teer1 Ch 6:42 and -Ehsh-t’moh-ah1 Ch 6:42 and -her grazing (grass) areas1 Ch 6:43 and -Khee-leyn1 Ch 6:43 and -her grazing (grass) areas1 Ch 6:43 -D’veer1 Ch 6:43 and -her grazing (grass) areas1 Ch 6:44 and -Ah-shahn (grass) areas1 Ch 6:44 and -Beyth Sheh-mehsh1 Ch 6:44 and -her grazing (grass) areas1 Ch 6:45 -Geh-vah1 Ch 6:45 and -her grazing (grass) areas1 Ch 6:45 and -Ah-leh-mehth1 Ch 6:45 and -her grazing (grass) areas1 Ch 6:45 and -Ah-nah-thoth1 Ch 6:45 and -her grazing (grass) areas1 Ch 6:49 -the cities1 Ch 6:49 and -their grazing (grass) areas1 Ch 6:50 -the cities -the these-1 Ch 6:52 -cities of the refuge1 Ch 6:52 -Sheh-khehm1 Ch 6:52 and -her grazing

(grass) areas1 Ch 6:52 and -Geh-zehr1 Ch 6:52 and -her grazing (grass) areas1 Ch 6:53 and -Yahk-m’ahm1 Ch 6:53 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:53 and -Beyth Khoh-rohn1 Ch 6:53 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:54 and -Ai-yah-lohn1 Ch 6:54 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:54 and -Gahth Ree-mohn1 Ch 6:54 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:55 -Ah-neyr1 Ch 6:55 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:55 and -Bee-lahm1 Ch 6:55 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:56 -Goh-lahn in the Bah-shahn1 Ch 6:56 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:56 and -Ahsh-tah-rohth1 Ch 6:56 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:57 -Keh-desh

##6551-6600 (1Ch ##189-238)1 Ch 6:57 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:57 -Dahv-rahth1 Ch 6:57 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:58 and -Rah-mohth1 Ch 6:58 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:58 and -Ah-neym1 Ch 6:58 and -her grazing (grass) areas

1 Ch 6:59 -Mah-shahl1 Ch 6:59 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:59 and -Ahv-dohn1 Ch 6:59 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:60 and -Khoo-kohk1 Ch 6:60 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:60 and -R’khohv1 Ch 6:60 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:61 -Keh-dehsh in the Gah-leel1 Ch 6:61 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:61 and -Khah-mohn1 Ch 6:61 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:61 and - Keer-yah-thah-yeem1 Ch 6:61 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:62 -Ree-moh-noh1 Ch 6:62 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:62 -Tah-vohr1 Ch 6:62 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:63 -Beh-tsehr in the wilderness1 Ch 6:63 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:63 and -Yah-tsah

1 Ch 6:63 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:64 and -K’dey-mohth1 Ch 6:64 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:64 and -Mey-phah-ahth1 Ch 6:64 and -her grazing

(grass) areas 1 Ch 6:65 -Rah-mohth in the Gee-lahd1 Ch 6:65 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:65 and - Mah-khah-nah-yeem1 Ch 6:65 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:66 and -Khehsh-bohn1 Ch 6:66 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 6:66 and -Yah-zeyr1 Ch 6:66 and -her grazing (grass) areas 1 Ch 7:14 -Mah-kheer, father of Geel-ahd1 Ch 7:18 -Eesh Hohd1 Ch 7:18 and -Ah-vee-eh-zehr1 Ch 7:18 and -Mahkh-lah1 Ch 7:21 -their cattle1 Ch 7:23 -his name B’ree-ah1 Ch 7:24 -Beyth Khoh-rohn, the lower1 Ch 7:24 and -the upper1 Ch 7:24 and -Oo-zeyn Sheh-eh-rah

##6601-6650 (1Ch ##239-288)1 Ch 7:32 -Yahph-leyt1 Ch 7:32 and -Shoh-meyr1 Ch 7:32 and -Khoh-thahm1 Ch 7:32 and -Shoo-ah, their sister1 Ch 8:1 -Beh-lah, his firstborn1 Ch 8:7 -Oo-zah1 Ch 8:7 and -Ah-khee-khood1 Ch 8:8 and -Bah-ah-rah1 Ch 8:9 -Yoh-vahv1 Ch 8:9 and -Tseev-yah1 Ch 8:9 and -Mee-shah

1 Ch 8:9 and -Mahl-kahm1 Ch 8:10 and -Y’oots1 Ch 8:10 and -Sahkh-yah1 Ch 8:10 and -Meer-mah1 Ch 8:11 -Ah-vee-toov1 Ch 8:11 and -Ehl-pah-ahl1 Ch 8:12 -Oh-noh1 Ch 8:12 and -Lohd and her towns1 Ch 8:13 -dwellers of Gahth1 Ch 8:32 -Sheem-ah1 Ch 8:33 -Keesh1 Ch 8:33 -Shah-ool1 Ch 8:33 -Y’hoh-nah-thahn1 Ch 8:33 and -Mahl-kee Shoo-ah1 Ch 8:33 and -Ah-vee-nah-dahv1 Ch 8:33 and -Ehsh-bah-ahl1 Ch 8:34 -Mee-khah1 Ch 8:36 -Y’hoh-ah-dah1 Ch 8:36 -Ah-leh-mehth1 Ch 8:36 and -Ahz-mah-vehth1 Ch 8:36 and -Zeem-ree1 Ch 8:36 -Moh-tsah1 Ch 8:37 -Been-ah1 Ch 9:38 -Sheem-ahm1 Ch 9:39 -Keesh1 Ch 9:39 -Shah-ool1 Ch 9:39 -Y’hoh-nah-thahn1 Ch 9:39 and -Mahl-kee Shoo-ah1 Ch 9:39 and -Ah-vee-nah-dahv1 Ch 9:39 and -Ehsh-bah-ahl1 Ch 9:40 -Mee-khah1 Ch 9:42 -Yah-rah1 Ch 9:42 -Ah-leh-mehth1 Ch 9:42 and -Ahz-mah-vehth1 Ch 9:42 and -Zeem-ree1 Ch 9:42 -Moh-tsah1 Ch 9:43 -Been-ah

1 Ch 10:2 -Yoh-nah-thahn1 Ch 10:2 and -Ah-vee-nah-dahv

##6651-6700 (1Ch ##289-338)1 Ch 10:2 and -Mahl-kee Shoo-ah, sons of Shah-ool1 Ch 10:4 -the sword1 Ch 10:8 -the wounded1 Ch 10:8 -Shah-ool1 Ch 10:8 and -his sons1 Ch 10:9 -his head

1 Ch 10:9 and -his weapons (vessels)1 Ch 10:9 -their ah-tsahv idols1 Ch 10:9 and -the people1 Ch 10:10 -his weapons (vessels)1 Ch 10:10 and -his skull1 Ch 10:11 -all that did P’leesh-teem to Shah-ool1 Ch 10:12 -corpse of Shah-ool1 Ch 10:12 and -corpses of his sons1 Ch 10:12 -their bones under the oak in Yah-veysh1 Ch 10:14 -the kingdom to Dah-veed, son of Yee-shai1 Ch 11:2 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 11:2 -my people1 Ch 11:2 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 11:3 -Dah-veed for king over Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 11:5 -fortress of Tsee-yohn, she is city of Dah-veed1 Ch 11:8 -rest of the city1 Ch 11:11 -his spear1 Ch 11:14 -P’leesh-teem1 Ch 11:20 -his spear1 Ch 11:22 -two lions of Moh-ahv1 Ch 11:22 -the lion1 Ch 11:23 -the man, the

Meets-rite1 Ch 11:23 -the spear1 Ch 12:15 -the Yahr-deyn in the new month, the first1 Ch 12:15 -all the valleys 1 Ch 12:18 -Ah-mah-sai1 Ch 12:31 -Dah-veed1 Ch 12:38 -Dah-veed1 Ch 12:38 -Dah-veed1 Ch 13:3 -ark of our ELOHIM1 Ch 13:5 -all Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 13:5 -ark of the ELOHIM1 Ch 13:6 -ark of the ELOHIM1 Ch 13:7 -ark of the ELOHIM1 Ch 13:9 -his hand1 Ch 13:9 -the ark1 Ch 13:12 -the ELOHIM1 Ch 13:12 -ark of the ELOHIM1 Ch 13:13 -the ark1 Ch 13:14 -house of Oh-veyd Eh-dohm1 Ch 13:14 and -all that was to him1 Ch 14:8 -Dah-veed1 Ch 14:11 -my enemies1 Ch 14:12 -their Elohim

##6701-6750 (1Ch ##339-388)1 Ch 14:15 -sound of the marching1 Ch 14:15 -army of Ph’leesh-teem1 Ch 14:16 -army of Ph’leesh-teem1 Ch 14:16 -his dread1 Ch 15:2 -ark of the ELOHIM1 Ch 15:2 -ark of the ELOHIM1 Ch 15:3 -all Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 15:3 -ark of 1 Ch 15:4 -sons of Ah-hah-rohn1 Ch 15:4 and -the Ley-veem

1 Ch 15:12 -ark of 1 Ch 15:14 -ark of , ELOHIM of Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 15:15 -ark of the ELOHIM1 Ch 15:16 -their brothers1 Ch 15:17 -Hey-mahn, son of Yoh-eyl1 Ch 15:25 -ark of covenant of 1 Ch 15:26 -the Ley-veem1 Ch 15:27 -the ark1 Ch 15:28 -ark of covenant of 1 Ch 15:29 -the king Dah-veed1 Ch 16:1 -ark of the ELOHIM1 Ch 16:2 -the people in the name of 1 Ch 16:16 -Ah-vrah-hahm1 Ch 16:24 -his glory1 Ch 16:33 -the earth1 Ch 16:39 and -Tsah-dohk, the Koh-heyn1 Ch 16:43 -his house1 Ch 17:5 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 17:6 -one of judges of Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 17:6 -my people1 Ch 17:8 -all your enemies1 Ch 17:10 -all your enemies1 Ch 17:11 -your seed after you1 Ch 17:11 -his kingdom1 Ch 17:12 -his throne unto ages1 Ch 17:18 -your servant1 Ch 17:18 -your servant, you know1 Ch 17:19 -all the greatness -the this-1 Ch 17:19 -all the great things1 Ch 17:22 -your people Yees-rah-eyl

1 Ch 17:25 -ear of your servant1 Ch 17:27 -house of your servant1 Ch 18:1 -P’leesh-teem1 Ch 18:1 -Gahth and her towns1 Ch 18:2 -Moh-ahv1 Ch 18:3 -Hah-dahr-eh-zehr, King of Tsoh-vah1 Ch 18:4 -all the chariots1 Ch 18:7 -shields of the gold1 Ch 18:8 -sea of the copper1 Ch 18:8 and -the pillars

##6751-6800 (1Ch ##389-438)1 Ch 18:8 and -vessels of the copper1 Ch 18:9 -all army of Hah-dahr-eh-zehr, King of Tsoh-vah1 Ch 18:10 -Hah-dohr-ahm, his son1 Ch 18:12 -Eh-dohm1 Ch 18:13 -Dah-veed1 Ch 19:3 -your father in your eyes1 Ch 19:4 -servants of Dah-veed1 Ch 19:4 -their garments1 Ch 19:7 and -king of Mah-ah-khah1 Ch 19:7 and -his people1 Ch 19:8 -Yoh-ahv1 Ch 19:8 and -all army of the mighty ones1 Ch 19:11 and -rest of the people1 Ch 19:16 -Ah-rahm1 Ch 19:17 -all Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 19:18 and -Shoh-phahkh, captain of the army1 Ch 19:19 -sons of Ah-mohn1 Ch 20:1 -might of the army1 Ch 20:1 -earth of sons of Ah-mohn1 Ch 20:1 -Rah-bah

1 Ch 20:1 -Rah-bah1 Ch 20:2 -crown of their king1 Ch 20:3 and -the people who were in her1 Ch 20:4 -See-pai, children of the giant1 Ch 20:5 -P’leesh-teem1 Ch 20:5 -Lahkh-mee, brother of Gahl-yahth the Gee-tite1 Ch 20:7 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 21:1 -Dah-veed1 Ch 21:1 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 21:2 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 21:2 -their number

1 Ch 21:5 -number of counting of the people to Dah-veed1 Ch 21:6 -Yoh-ahv1 Ch 21:7 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 21:8 -the matter -the this-1 Ch 21:8 -iniquity of your servant1 Ch 21:12 -who sent me the word1 Ch 21:16 -his eyes1 Ch 21:16 -messenger of 1 Ch 21:20 -the messenger1 Ch 21:21 -Dah-veed1 Ch 22:2 -the strangers1 Ch 22:10 -throne of his kingdom over Yees-rah-eyl unto ages1 Ch 22:12 -Torah of your ELOHIM1 Ch 22:13 -the statutes1 Ch 22:13 and -the judgments1 Ch 22:13 -Moh-sheh1 Ch 22:18 -dwellers of the earth1 Ch 21:19 -sanctuary of 1 Ch 21:19 -ark of covenant of

##6801-6850 (1Ch ##439-457)1 Ch 23:1 -Sh’loh-moh, his son over Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 23:2 -all chiefs of Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 23:26 -the taberbacle1 Ch 23:26 and -all his vessels for his service1 Ch 23:32 -charge of tent of meeting1 Ch 23:32 and -charge of the holy place 1 Ch 27:1 -the king1 Ch 27:23 -Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 28:1 -all chiefs of Yees-rah-eyl1 Ch 28:1 -the king1 Ch 28:7 -his kingdom unto ages1 Ch 28:8 -the earth, the good1 Ch 28:9 -ELOHIM of your father1 Ch 28:11 -model of the porch1 Ch 28:11 and -its houses1 Ch 28:16 and -the gold of weight 1 Ch 29:10 - 1 Ch 29:20 - your ELOHIM1 Ch 29:25 -Sh’loh-mohTHERE ARE 457 s IN DEE-VREY HAH-YAH-MEEM AH-LEHPH (1ST CHRONICLES)



2 Ch 1:10 -your people -the this- the great

2 Ch 1:11 and -soul of your haters2 Ch 1:11 -my people2 Ch 1:15 -the silver2 Ch 1:15 and -the gold in Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ch 1:15 and -the cedars2 Ch 2:10 -his people2 Ch 2:11 -the heavens2 Ch 2:11 and -the earth2 Ch 2:17 -the people2 Ch 3:1 -house of 2 Ch 3:3 -house of the ELOHIM2 Ch 3:5 and -the house, the great2 Ch 3:6 -the house, stones, precious 2 Ch 3:7 -the house2 Ch 3:8 -house of holy of the holies2 Ch 3:14 -the veil2 Ch 3:17 -the pillars2 Ch 4:2 -the sea of cast metal2 Ch 4:3 -the sea all around2 Ch 4:6 -work (operation) of the elevation offering2 Ch 4:7 -m’noh-rahs of the gold2 Ch 4:10 and -the sea2 Ch 4:11 -the pots2 Ch 4:11 and -the shovels2 Ch 4:11 and -the bowls2 Ch 4:11 -the work

2 Ch 4:12 -two bowls of the capitals2 Ch 4:13 and -the pomegranates2 Ch 4:13 -two bowls of the capitals2 Ch 4:14 and -the stands (bases)

##6851-6900 (2Ch ##32-81)2 Ch 4:14 and -the lavers2 Ch 4:15 -the sea2 Ch 4:15 and -the oxen2 Ch 4:16 and -the pots2 Ch 4:16 and -the shovels2 Ch 4:16 and -the forks2 Ch 4:16 and -all their vessels2 Ch 4:19 -all of the vessels2 Ch 4:19 and -altar of the gold2 Ch 4:19 and -the tables2 Ch 4:20 and -the m’noh-rahs2 Ch 5:1 -dedicated things of Dah-veed, his father2 Ch 5:1 and -the silver2 Ch 5:1 and -the gold2 Ch 5:1 and -all the utensils2 Ch 5:2 -elders of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ch 5:2 and -all chiefs of the tribes2 Ch 5:2 -ark of covenant of 2 Ch 5:4 -the ark2 Ch 5:5 -the ark2 Ch 5:5 and -tent of meeting

2 Ch 5:5 and -all utensils of the holy2 Ch 5:7 -ark of covenant of 2 Ch 5:14 -house of the ELOHIM2 Ch 6:3 -his face2 Ch 6:3 -all congregation of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ch 6:4 -Dah-veed, my father2 Ch 6:5 -my people2 Ch 6:10 -his word2 Ch 6:11 -the ark

2 Ch 6:15 -which you spoke to him2 Ch 6:16 -which you spoke to him2 Ch 6:16 -their way (direction) to walk in my Torah2 Ch 6:18 -the ah-dahm upon the earth 2 Ch 6:23 -your servants2 Ch 6:24 -Your name2 Ch 6:26 -Your name from their sin2 Ch 6:30 -his heart2 Ch 6:30 -heart of sons of the ah-dahm2 Ch 6:33 -Your name2 Ch 6:35 -their prayer2 Ch 6:35 and -their supplication2 Ch 6:39 -their prayer2 Ch 6:39 and -their supplication2 Ch 7:1 -the house2 Ch 7:2 -house of 2 Ch 7:5 -sacrifice of the oxen2 Ch 7:5 -house of the ELOHIM2 Ch 7:7 -middle of the court2 Ch 7:7 and -khey-lehv fat of the peace offerings

##6901-6950 (2Ch ##82-131)2 Ch 7:7 -the elevation offerings2 Ch 7:7 and -the food offerings2 Ch 7:7 and -the khey-lehv fats2 Ch 7:8 -the feast2 Ch 7:10 -the people to their tents2 Ch 7:11 -house of 2 Ch 7:11 and -house of the king2 Ch 7:11 and -all that came

unto heart of Sh’loh-moh2 Ch 7:12 -your prayer2 Ch 7:14 -their earth2 Ch 7:16 -the house -the this-2 Ch 7:18 -throne of your kingdom2 Ch 7:20 and -the house -the this-2 Ch 7:22 -, ELOHIM of their fathers2 Ch 7:22 -all the evil -the this-2 Ch 8:1 -house of 2 Ch 8:1 and -his house2 Ch 8:2 -sons of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ch 8:4 -Tahd-mohr in the wilderness2 Ch 8:4 and -all cities of the storage2 Ch 8:5 -Beyth Khoh-rohn, the upper2 Ch 8:5 and -Beyth Khoh-rohn, the lower2 Ch 8:6 and -Bah-ah-lahth2 Ch 8:6 and -all cities of the the storage2 Ch 8:6 and -all cities of the chariot2 Ch 8:6 and -cities of the horsemen2 Ch 8:6 and -all desire of Sh’loh-moh2 Ch 8:11 and -daughter of Pah-roh2 Ch 8:14 -divisions of the Koh-hah-neem2 Ch 9:1 -hearing (fame) of Sh’loh-moh2 Ch 9:1 -Sh’loh-moh2 Ch 9:1 -all that was with her heart2 Ch 9:2 -all her matters2 Ch 9:3 -wisdom of

Sh’loh-moh2 Ch 9:7 -your wisdom2 Ch 9:8 -Yees-rah-eyl2 Ch 9:11 -trees of the ahl-goo-meem2 Ch 9:12 -all her desire2 Ch 9:23 -face of Sh’loh-moh2 Ch 9:23 -his wisdom2 Ch 9:27 -the silver in Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ch 9:27 and -the cedars2 Ch 10:4 -our yoke2 Ch 10:6 -the elders2 Ch 10:8 -counsel of the elders2 Ch 10:8 -the young lads (men)2 Ch 10:9 -the people -the this-2 Ch 10:10 -our yoke2 Ch 10:13 -counsel of the elders2 Ch 10:14 -your yoke

##6951-7000 (2Ch ##132-181)2 Ch 10:15 -his word2 Ch 10:16 -the king2 Ch 10:18 -Hah-doh-rahm2 Ch 11:1 -house of Y’hoo-dah and Been-yah-meen2 Ch 11:1 -the kingdom to R’khah’vahm2 Ch 11:4 -words of 2 Ch 11:6 -Beyth Leh-khehm2 Ch 11:6 and -Ey-tahm2 Ch 11:6 and -T’koh-ah2 Ch 11:7 and -Beyth Tsoor2 Ch 11:7 and -Soh-khoh2 Ch 11:7 and -Ah-doo-lahm2 Ch 11:8 and -Gahth2 Ch 11:8 and -Mah-rey-shah2 Ch 11:8 and -Zeeph2 Ch 11:9 and - Ah-doh-rah-yeem2 Ch 11:9 and -Lah-kheesh

2 Ch 11:9 and -Ah-zey-kah2 Ch 11:10 and -Tsah-rah2 Ch 11:10 and -Ai-yah-lohn2 Ch 11:10 and -Kheh-vrohn2 Ch 11:11 -the strongholds2 Ch 11:14 -their grazing (grass) areas2 Ch 11:16 -their heart2 Ch 11:16 -, ELOHIM of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ch 11:17 -kingdom of Y’hoo-dah2 Ch 11:17 -R’khah-vahm, son of Sh’loh-moh2 Ch 11:18 -Mah-khah-lahth, daughter of Y’ree-mohth, son of Dah-veed2 Ch 11:19 -Y’oosh2 Ch 11:19 and -Sh’mahr-yah2 Ch 11:19 and -Zah-hahm2 Ch 11:20 -Mah-ah-khah, daughter of Ahv-shah-lohm2 Ch 11:20 -Ah-vee-yah2 Ch 11:20 and -Ah-tai2 Ch 11:20 and -Zee-zah2 Ch 11:20 and -Sh’loh-meeth2 Ch 11:21 -Mah-ah-khah, daughter of Ahv-shah-lohm2 Ch 11:22 -Ah-vee-yah, son of Mah-ah-khah2 Ch 12:1 -Torah of 2 Ch 12:4 -cities of the stronghold2 Ch 12:9 -treasures of house of 2 Ch 12:9 and -treasures of house of the king2 Ch 12:9 -the all was taken2 Ch 12:9 -shields of the gold

2 Ch 12:13 -his name there2 Ch 12:14 - 2 Ch 13:3 -the war2 Ch 13:9 -priests of 2 Ch 13:9 -sons of Ah-hah-rohn and the Levites2 Ch 13:11 -charge of our ELOHIM

##7001-7050 (2Ch ##182-231)2 Ch 13:13 -the ambush2 Ch 13:15 -Yah-rah-vahm2 Ch 13:19 -Beyth Eyl2 Ch 13:19 and -her built areas2 Ch 13:19 and -Y’shah-nah2 Ch 13:19 and -her built areas2 Ch 13:19 and -Eh-phrah-veen2 Ch 14:2 -altars of the foreigner2 Ch 14:2 -the pillars2 Ch 14:2 -the ah-shey-reem2 Ch 14:3 -, ELOHIM of their fathers2 Ch 14:4 -the high places2 Ch 14:4 and -the sun altars2 Ch 14:6 -the cities -the these-2 Ch 14:6 - our ELOHIM2 Ch 14:11 -the Koo-sheem2 Ch 14:13 -all the cities2 Ch 14:13 -all the cities2 Ch 15:8 -altar of 2 Ch 15:9 -all Y’hoo-dah and Veen-yah-meen2 Ch 15:12 -, ELOHIM of their father2 Ch 15:16 -her horrible (terror) image2 Ch 15:18 -devoted things of his father2 Ch 16:1 -the Rah-mah2 Ch 16:3 -Bah-shah, King of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ch 16:4 -chiefs of the armies

2 Ch 16:4 -Ee-yohn2 Ch 16:4 and -Dahn2 Ch 16:4 and -Ah-veyl Mah-yeem2 Ch 16:4 and -all the storage cities of Nahph-tah-lee2 Ch 16:5 -the Rah-mah2 Ch 16:5 -his work2 Ch 16:6 -all Y’hoo-dah2 Ch 16:6 -stones of the Rah-mah2 Ch 16:6 -her trees (wood)2 Ch 16:6 -Geh-vah2 Ch 16:6 and -the Meets-pah2 Ch 16:12 - 2 Ch 17:5 -the kingdom in his hand2 Ch 17:6 -the high places2 Ch 17:6 and -the ah-shey-reem from Y’hoo-dah2 Ch 17:19 -the king2 Ch 18:4 -word of 2 Ch 18:5 -the prophets2 Ch 18:7 - from him2 Ch 18:10 -Ah-rahm2 Ch 18:13 -which says my ELOHIM2 Ch 18:16 -all Yees-rah-eyl2 Ch 18:18 - sitting upon his throne2 Ch 18:19 -Ah-khahv, King of Yees-rah-eyl

##7051-7100 (2Ch ##232-281)2 Ch 18:23 -Mee-khai-hoo2 Ch 18:25 -Mee-khai-hoo2 Ch 18:30 -heads of the chariots2 Ch 18:30 -the small 2 Ch 18:30 and -the great

2 Ch 18:30 --king of Yees-rah-eyl to himself

2 Ch 18:31 -Y’hoh-shah-phaht2 Ch 18:33 -king of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ch 20:3 -his face to seek2 Ch 20:4 - 2 Ch 20:7 -dwellers of the earth -the this-2 Ch 20:17 -salvation (y’shoo-ah) of 2 Ch 20:25 -their spoil2 Ch 20:25 -the spoil2 Ch 20:26 - 2 Ch 20:26 -name of the place -the that-2 Ch 20:37 -your works2 Ch 21:3 and -the kingdom gave to Y’hoh-rahm2 Ch 21:4 -all his brothers with the sword2 Ch 21:7 -house of Dah-veed2 Ch 21:9 -Eh-dohm2 Ch 21:9 and -cheifs of the chariot2 Ch 21:10 -, ELOHIM of his fathers2 Ch 21:11 -dwellers of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ch 21:11 -Y’hoo-dah2 Ch 21:13 -Y’hoo-dah2 Ch 21:13 and -dwellers of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ch 21:13 -your brothers2 Ch 21:16 -roo-ahkh of the P’leesh-teem2 Ch 21:17 -all the property2 Ch 22:1 -Ah-khahz-yah-hoo, his son, the youngest2 Ch 22:5 -Y’hoh-rahm, son of Ah-khahv, King of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ch 22:5 -Yoh-rahm2 Ch 22:6 -Khah-zah-eyl, King

of Ah-rahm2 Ch 22:6 -Y’hoh-rahm, son of Ah-khahv in Yeez-r’ehl2 Ch 22:7 -house of Ah-khahv2 Ch 22:8 -chiefs of Y’hoo-dah2 Ch 22:9 -Ah-khahz-yah-hoo2 Ch 22:9 - with all his heart2 Ch 22:10 -all seed of the Kingdom of house of Y’hoo-dah2 Ch 22:11 -Yoh-ahsh, son of Ah-khahz-yah-hoo2 Ch 22:11 and -his nurse in the inner chamber of the bedroom2 Ch 23:1 -chiefs of the hundreds2 Ch 23:1 and - Mah-ah-sey-yah-hoo, son of Ah-dah-yah-hoo2 Ch 23:1 and - Eh-lee-shah-phaht, son of Zeekh-ree2 Ch 23:2 -the Levites from all cities of Y’hoo-dah2 Ch 23:7 -the king all around2 Ch 23:7 -the king2 Ch 23:8 -his men, those coming of the Shahb-bahth2 Ch 23:8 -the divisions

##7101-7150 (2Ch ##282-331)2 Ch 23:9 -the spears2 Ch 23:9 and -the shields2 Ch 23:9 and -the bucklers2 Ch 23:10 -all the people2 Ch 23:11 -son of the king2 Ch 23:11 -the crown2 Ch 23:11 and -the testimony

2 Ch 23:12 -call-sound of the

people that were running2 Ch 23:12 -the king2 Ch 23:13 -her garments2 Ch 23:14 -chiefs of the hundreds2 Ch 23:17 and -his altars2 Ch 23:17 and -his images they smashed2 Ch 23:17 and -Mah-than, the Koh-heyn of Bah-ahl they killed2 Ch 23:20 -chiefs of the hundreds2 Ch 23:20 and -the nobles2 Ch 23:20 and -the rulers from the people2 Ch 23:20 and -all people of the earth2 Ch 23:20 -the king from house of 2 Ch 23:20 -the king upon throne of the kingdom2 Ch 23:21 and - Ah-thahl-yah-hoo, they executed by the sword2 Ch 24:4 -house of 2 Ch 24:5 -the Koh-hah-neem and the Levites2 Ch 24:5 -house of your ELOHIM2 Ch 24:6 -collection offering of Moh-sheh, servant of 2 Ch 24:7 -house of the ELOHIM2 Ch 24:11 -the chest2 Ch 24:11 -the chest2 Ch 24:12 -house of 2 Ch 24:13 -house of the ELOHIM2 Ch 24:14 -rest (remnant) of the silver

2 Ch 24:18 -house of , ELOHIM of their fathers2 Ch 24:18 -the ah-shey-reem2 Ch 24:18 and -the ah-tsahv idols2 Ch 24:20 -Z’khahr-yah, son of Y’hoh-yah-dah the Koh-heyn2 Ch 24:20 -commandments of 2 Ch 24:20 - 2 Ch 24:22 -his son2 Ch 24:23 -all chiefs of the people2 Ch 24:24 -, ELOHIM of their fathers2 Ch 24:24 and -Yoh-ahsh2 Ch 25:3 -his servants2 Ch 25:3 -the king, his father2 Ch 25:4 and -their sons2 Ch 25:5 -Y’hoo-dah2 Ch 25:11 -his people2 Ch 25:11 -sons of Sey-eer2 Ch 25:14 -the Ah-doh-meem2 Ch 25:14 -elohim of sons of Sey-eer2 Ch 25:15 -elohim of the people

##7151-7200 (2Ch ##332-381)2 Ch 25:15 -their people from your hand

2 Ch 25:18 --your daughter2 Ch 25:18 -the thorn2 Ch 25:19 -Eh-dohm2 Ch 25:20 -elohim of Eh-dohm2 Ch 25:23 and - Ah-mahts-yah-hoo, King of Y’hoo-dah, son of Yoh-ahsh, son of Y’hoh-ah-khahz2 Ch 25:24 and -all the utensils2 Ch 25:24 and -treasures of

house of the king2 Ch 25:24 and -sons of the hostages2 Ch 26:1 -Oo-zee-yah-hoo2 Ch 26:2 -Ey-lohth2 Ch 26:5 - 2 Ch 26:6 -wall of Gahth2 Ch 26:6 and -wall of Yahv-neh2 Ch 26:6 and -the wall of Ahsh-dohd2 Ch 26:21 -people of the earth2 Ch 27:3 -gate of house of , the upper2 Ch 28:3 -his sons in the fire2 Ch 28:6 -, ELOHIM of their fathers2 Ch 28:7 -Mah-ah-sey-yah-hoo, son of the king2 Ch 28:7 and -Ahz-ree-kahm, leader of the house

2 Ch 28:7 and -Ehl-kah-nah, second of the king2 Ch 28:8 -the spoil to Shohm-rohn2 Ch 28:13 -the captives here2 Ch 28:14 -the captives2 Ch 28:14 and -the spoil2 Ch 28:18 -Beyth Sheh-mehsh2 Ch 28:18 and -Ai-yah-lohn2 Ch 28:18 and -the G’dey-rohth2 Ch 28:18 and -Soh-khoh2 Ch 28:18 and -Teem-nahth 2 Ch 28:18 and -her built areas 2 Ch 28:18 and -Geem-zoh2 Ch 28:18 and -her built areas 2 Ch 28:19 -Y’hoo-dah2 Ch 28:21 -house of 2 Ch 28:21 and -house of the king2 Ch 28:24 -utensils of house of the ELOHIM

2 Ch 28:24 -utensils of house of the ELOHIM2 Ch 28:24 -doors of house of 2 Ch 28:25 -, ELOHIM of his fathers2 Ch 29:3 -doors of house of 2 Ch 29:4 -the Koh-hah-neem2 Ch 29:4 and -the Levites2 Ch 29:5 -house of , ELOHIM of your fathers

2 Ch 29:5 -the uncleanness from the sanctuary (holy place)2 Ch 29:7 -the lamps2 Ch 29:15 -their brothers2 Ch 29:16 -all the uncleanness2 Ch 29:17 -house of

##7201-7250 (2Ch ##382-431)2 Ch 29:18 -all house of 2 Ch 29:18 and -altar of the elevation offering2 Ch 29:18 and -all its utensils2 Ch 29:18 and -table of the showbread2 Ch 29:18 and -all its utensils2 Ch 29:19 and -all the utensils2 Ch 29:20 -chiefs of the city2 Ch 29:22 -the blood2 Ch 29:23 -he goats (kids) of the sin offering2 Ch 29:24 -their blood2 Ch 29:25 -the Levites2 Ch 29:34 -all the elevation offerings2 Ch 30:8 -, your ELOHIM2 Ch 30:13 -feast of the Mah-tsohth2 Ch 30:14 -the altars

2 Ch 30:14 and -all their incense altars 2 Ch 30:16 -the blood from hand of the Levites2 Ch 30:18 -the Peh-sahkh2 Ch 30:20 -the people2 Ch 30:21 -feast of the Mah-tsohth2 Ch 30:22 -the appointed time2 Ch 30:27 -the people2 Ch 31:1 -the high places2 Ch 31:1 and -the altars2 Ch 31:2 -divisions of the Koh-hah-neem and the Levites2 Ch 31:8 -the heaps2 Ch 31:8 - 2 Ch 31:8 and -his people, Yees-rah-eyl2 Ch 31:10 -his people2 Ch 31:10 -the abundance -the this-2 Ch 31:11 -the contribution2 Ch 31:17 -the pedigree roll2 Ch 32:3 -waters of springs2 Ch 32:4 -all the springs2 Ch 32:4 and -the torrent that was flowing2 Ch 32:5 -all the wall that was broken2 Ch 32:5 -the tower of city of Dah-veed2 Ch 32:12 -his high places2 Ch 32:12 and -his altars2 Ch 32:13 -their earth from my hand2 Ch 32:14 -his people from my hand2 Ch 32:18 -the city2 Ch 32:22 -Y’kheez-kee-yah-hoo2 Ch 32:22 and -dwellers of

Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ch 32:30 -outlet of waters of Gee-khohn, the upper2 Ch 33:3 -the high places2 Ch 33:6 -his sons in the fire2 Ch 33:7 -vessel image of the idol was made in house of the ELOHIM2 Ch 33:7 -My Name for ages2 Ch 33:8 -foot of Yees-rah-eyl

##7251-7300 (2Ch ##432-481)2 Ch 33:8 -all which was commanded them2 Ch 33:9 -Y’hoo-dah2 Ch 33:11 -chiefs of the army2 Ch 33:11 -M’nah-sheh with hooks2 Ch 33:12 -face of , his ELOHIM2 Ch 33:15 -elohim of the foreigner2 Ch 33:15 and -the image (idol) from house of 2 Ch 33:16 -altar of 2 Ch 33:16 -, ELOHIM of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ch 33:25 -all the ones conspired unto the king Ah-mohn2 Ch 33:25 -Yoh-shee-yah-hoo, his son2 Ch 34:3 -Y’hoo-dah and Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ch 34:4 -altars of the B’ah-leem2 Ch 34:5 -Y’hoo-dah2 Ch 34:5 and - Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ch 34:7 -the altars2 Ch 34:7 and -the Ah-shey-reem2 Ch 34:8 -the earth2 Ch 34:8 -Shah-phahn, son of

Ah-tsahl-yah-hoo2 Ch 34:8 and -Mah-ah-sey-hoo, chief of the city2 Ch 34:8 and -Yoh-ah, son of Yoh-ah-khahz, the recorder2 Ch 34:8 -house of , his ELOHIM2 Ch 34:9 -the silver2 Ch 34:11 -the houses that had destroyed, kings of Y’hoo-dah2 Ch 34:14 -the silver that was brought to house of 2 Ch 34:14 -scroll of Torah of by hand of Moh-sheh2 Ch 34:15 -the scroll to Shah-phahn2 Ch 34:16 -the scroll to the king2 Ch 34:16 -the king, word2 Ch 34:17 -the silver found in the house of 2 Ch 34:19 -words of the Torah2 Ch 34:19 -his garments2 Ch 34:20 -Kheel-kee-yah-hoo2 Ch 34:20 and -Ah-khee-kahm, son of Shah-phan2 Ch 34:20 and -Ahv-dohn, son of Mee-khah2 Ch 34:20 and -Shah-phan, the scribe2 Ch 34:20 and -Ah-sah-yah, servant of the king2 Ch 34:21 - 2 Ch 34:21 -word of 2 Ch 34:24 -all the curses that are written the scroll2 Ch 34:27 -his words unto the place -the this-2 Ch 34:27 -your garments2 Ch 34:28 -the king, word

2 Ch 34:29 -all elders of Y’hoo-dah and Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ch 34:30 -all words of scroll of the covenant2 Ch 34:31 -the covenant to face of 2 Ch 34:31 -his commandments2 Ch 34:31 -words of the covenant2 Ch 34:32 -all that was found in Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem and Veen-yah-meen2 Ch 34:33 -all the abominations from all the earths

##7301-7350 (2Ch ##482-503)2 Ch 34:33 -all that was found in Yees-rah-eyl2 Ch 34:33 -, their ELOHIM2 Ch 35:3 -ark of the holy2 Ch 35:3 -, your ELOHIM2 Ch 35:3 and -his people Yees-rah-eyl2 Ch 35:17 -the Peh-sahkh in the time -the that-2 Ch 35:17 and -feast of the Mah-tsohth2 Ch 35:20 -the house2 Ch 36:1 -Y’hoh-ah-khahz, son of Yoh-shee-yah-hoo2 Ch 36:3 -the earth a hundred talents of silver2 Ch 36:4 -Ehl-yah-keem, his brother over Y’hoo-dah and Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ch 36:4 -his name Y’hoh-yah-keem2 Ch 36:4 and -Yoh-ah-khahz, his brother2 Ch 36:10 -Tseed-kee-yah-hoo,

his brother over Y’hoo-dah and Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ch 36:13 -his neck2 Ch 36:13 -his heart from returning to , ELOHIM of Yees-rah-eyl2 Ch 36:14 -house of 2 Ch 36:17 -king of Kahs-dee-eem2 Ch 36:19 -house of the ELOHIM2 Ch 36:19 -wall of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem2 Ch 36:21 -her Shab-bahths2 Ch 36:22 -Roo-ahkh of Koh-rehsh, King of Pah-rahs




Ezr 1:1 -Roo-ahkh of Koh-rehsh, King of Pah-rahsEzr 1:3 -house of , ELOHIM of Yees-rah-eylEzr 1:5 -his roo-ahkhEzr 1:5 -house of which is in Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemEzr 1:7 -vessels of house of Ezr 3:2 -altar of ELOHIM of Yees-rah-eyl

Ezr 3:4 -feast of the boothsEzr 3:8 -the Levites from son of twenty years and upwardEzr 3:10 -temple of Ezr 3:10 -, by hands of Dah-veed, King of Yees-rah-eylEzr 3:12 -the house, the firstEzr 6:19 -the Pah-sahkhEzr 7:10 -Torah of Ezr 7:27 -house of Ezr 8:19 and -Khah-shahv-yahEzr 8:25 -the silverEzr 8:25 and -the goldEzr 8:25 and -the vessels, gifts of house of their ELOHIMEzr 8:36 -edicts (decrees), the king’sEzr 8:36 -the peopleEzr 8:36 and -house of the ELOHIMEzr 9:3 -the word -the this-Ezr 9:3 -my garments and my robeEzr 9:8 from - our ELOHIMEzr 9:9 -house of our ELOHIMEzr 9:9 -its ruinsEzr 9:12 -good of the earthEzr 10:5 -chiefs of the Koh-hah-neem, the Levites, and all Yees-rah-eyl



N’KHEHM-YAH (NEHEMIAH)##7351-7400 (Ne ##1-50)

Ne 1:4 -the words -the these-Ne 1:7 -the commandmentsNe 1:7 and -the statutesNe 1:7 and -the judgmentsNe 1:7 -Moh-sheh, your servantNe 1:8 -the word which you commandedNe 1:8 -Moh-sheh, your servantNe 1:9 -my name thereNe 1:11 -your nameNe 2:1 -the wineNe 2:8 -gate of the palaceNe 2:9 -letters of the kingNe 2:17 -wall of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemNe 2:18 -hand of my ELOHIMNe 3:1 -Gate of the SheepNe 3:3 and -Gate of the FishesNe 3:6 and -Gate of the OldNe 3:11 and -Tower of the FurnacesNe 3:13 -Gate of the ValleyNe 3:14 and -Gate of the DungNe 3:15 and -Gate of the FountainNe 3:15 and -wall of Pool of the Sheh-lahkh by garden of the kingNe 3:33 -the wallNe 3:34 -the stones from heaps of the rubbishNe 3:38 -the wall

Ne 4:5 -the workNe 4:7 -the people to their familiesNe 4:8 -Lord, the great and the fearfulNe 4:9 -their counselNe 4:14 -sound of the shoh-phahrNe 5:5 -our sonsNe 5:5 and -our daughters to be slavesNe 5:6 -their cryNe 5:6 and -the words -the these-Ne 5:7 -the noblesNe 5:7 and -the magistrates (princes)Ne 5:8 -our brothers, the Y’hoo-deem, the ones sold to the nationsNe 5:8 -your brothersNe 5:10 -the interest -the this-Ne 5:12 -the Koh-hah-neemNe 5:13 -all of the manNe 5:13 -the thing -the this-Ne 5:13 - Ne 6:1 -the wallNe 6:5 -his young menNe 6:9 -my handsNe 6:16 from -our ELOHIM

Ne 6:18 -daughter of M’shoo-lahm, son of Beh-rehkh-yahNe 7:2 -Khah-nah-nee, my brotherNe 7:2 and -Khah-nahn-yah, chief of the palace over Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem

##7401-7450 (Ne ##51-100)Ne 7:2 -the ELOHIMNe 7:5 -the nobles

Ne 7:5 and -the rulersNe 7:5 and -the people to the pedigree roll Ne 8:1 -scroll of Torah of Moh-shehNe 8:1 -Yees-rah-eylNe 8:2 -the Torah to face of the assemblyNe 8:6 -, the ELOHIM, the greatNe 8:7 -the people of the TorahNe 8:9 -the people to all the people todayNe 8:9 -words of the TorahNe 9:5 -, your ELOHIM, from the ages unto the agesNe 9:6 -the heavensNe 9:6 -all themNe 9:8 -his heart, faithful, to your faceNe 9:8 -earth of the K’nah-ah-niteNe 9:8 -your wordsNe 9:9 -affliction (iniquity) of our fathers in Meets-rah-yeemNe 9:9 and -their cry you heardNe 9:11 and -their pursuers you threw (sent) into the deepNe 9:12 -the way (direction) Ne 9:14 and -Shahb-bahth, your holyNe 9:15 -the earth which you raisedNe 9:15 -your hand to give to themNe 9:16 -their necksNe 9:17 -their necks

Ne 9:19 -pillar of the cloudNe 9:19 and -pillar of the fire by nightNe 9:19 and -the way (direction)Ne 9:22 -earth of See-khohnNe 9:22 and -earth of king of Khehsh-bohn Ne 9:22 and -earth of Ohg, King of the Bah-shahnNe 9:24 -the earthNe 9:24 -dwellers of the earthNe 9:24 and -their kingsNe 9:24 and -peoples of the earthNe 9:26 -your Torah behind their backsNe 9:26 and -your prophets they murderedNe 9:32 -all the trouble which has found usNe 9:34 and -our kingsNe 9:36 -her fruitNe 9:36 and -her good (good of her)Ne 10:30 -all commandments of , our LordNe 10:31 and -their daughtersNe 10:32 -the merchandiseNe 10:32 -the year, the seventhNe 10:36 -first fruits of our groundNe 10:37 and -firstborn of our sonsNe 10:37 and -firstborn of our herds and our focksNe 10:38 and -first fruits of our dough

##7451-7500 (Ne ##101-127)Ne 10:39 -tithes of the tithesNe 10:40 -heave offering of the grain

Ne 10:40 -house of our ELOHIMNe 12:10 -Yoh-yah-keemNe 12:10 -Ehl-yah-sheevNe 12:10 -Yoh-yah-dahNe 12:11 -Yoh-nah-thahnNe 12:11 -Yah-doo-ahNe 12:27 -the Levites from all their placesNe 12:30 -the peopleNe 12:30 and -the gatesNe 12:30 and -the wall Ne 12:31 -chiefs of Y’hoo-dah from upon of the wallNe 13:2 -sons of Yees-rah-eylNe 13:2 -Beel-ahm to curse themNe 13:3 -the TorahNe 13:5 -the food offeringNe 13:8 -all vessels of house of Toh-vee-yahNe 13:9 -the food offering and the frankincenceNe 13:11 -the rulersNe 13:17 -nobles of Y’hoo-dahNe 13:17 -day of the Shahb-bahthNe 13:18 -all the evil -the this-Ne 13:18 -the Shahb-bahthNe 13:22 -day of the Shahb-bahthNe 13:23 -the Y’hoo-deemNe 13:27 -all the evil, the great -the this-




Es 1:4 -riches of glory of his kingdom

Es 1:4 and -honor of excellent, his greatnessEs 1:10 -face of the king Ah-khahsh-vey-rohshEs 1:11 -Vahsh-tee, the queen to face the kingEs 1:11 -her beautyEs 1:15 -command of the king, Ah-khahsh-vey-rohshEs 1:17 -Vahsh-tee, the queen to his faceEs 1:18 -matter of the queenEs 2:1 -Vahsh-teeEs 2:1 and -what she had doneEs 2:1 and -what was decreed against herEs 2:3 -every young woman, virgin, of good sightEs 2:7 -Hah-dah-sah, she is Ehs-teyr, daughter of his uncleEs 2:9 -her purifiersEs 2:9 and -her portions to give to herEs 2:9 and -seven of the young women, the seen ones Es 2:9 and -her maidsEs 2:10 -her peopleEs 2:10 and -her kindredEs 2:11 -welfare of Ehs-teyrEs 2:13 -all that she says is given to her

Es 2:15 -what said Hey-gai, eunuch of the king, keeper of the womenEs 2:17 -Ehs-teyr from all the women

##7501-7550 (Es ##24-73)Es 2:18 -banquet of Ehs-teyrEs 2:20 and -her peopleEs 2:20 and -command of Mahr-d’khaiEs 3:1 -Hah-mahn, son of Hahm-dah-thah, the Ah-gah-giteEs 3:1 -his seat (throne) from upon all the princesEs 3:3 -order of the kingEs 3:6 -people of Mahr-d’khaiEs 3:6 -all the Y’hoo-deem who were in all kingdom of Ah-khahsh-vey-rohshEs 3:8 and -laws the kingEs 3:10 -his seal ring from upon his handEs 3:13 -all the Y’hoo-deemEs 4:1 -all that was doneEs 4:1 -his garmentsEs 4:4 -Mahr-d’khaiEs 4:7 -all that happened of himEs 4:7 and -separation (sum) of the silverEs 4:8 and -copy of writing of the lawEs 4:8 -Ehs-teyr

Es 4:9 -words of Mahr-d’khaiEs 4:11 -scepter of the goldEs 4:12 -words of Ehs-teyrEs 4:16 -all the Y’hoo-deem, the ones found in

Shoo-shahnEs 5:2 -Ehs-teyr, the queen, standing in the courtEs 5:2 -scepter of the goldEs 5:5 -Hah-mahnEs 5:5 -word of Ehs-teyrEs 5:8 -my petitionEs 5:8 -my requestEs 5:9 -Mahr-d’khai from gate of the kingEs 5:10 -his friendsEs 5:10 and -Zeh-rehsh, his wifeEs 5:11 -glory of his richesEs 5:11 and -all which had promoted him the kingEs 5:11 and -how was lifted him above the princes and servants of the kingEs 5:13 -Mahr-d’khai, the Y’hoo-dite dwelling in the shore-gate of the kingEs 5:14 -Mahr-d’khai on itEs 6:1 -scroll of the rememberance of the matters of the daysEs 6:4 -Mahr-d’khai upon the tree gallows

Es 6:9 -the man whom the king delights in honoring himEs 6:10 -the clothingEs 6:10 and -the horseEs 6:11 -the clothingEs 6:11 and -the horseEs 6:11 -Mahr-d’khaiEs 6:13 -all which happened to himEs 6:14 -Hah-mahn to the banquet

Es 7:7 from -the kingEs 7:8 -the queen with me in the houseEs 7:10 -Hah-mahn upon the tree gallows Es 8:1 -house of Hah-mahn, vexer of the Y’hoo-deem

##7551-7600 (Es ##74-110)Es 8:2 -his ring which had taken over Hah-mahnEs 8:2 -Mahr-d’khai upon house of Hah-mahnEs 8:3 -evil of Hah-mahn the Ah-gah-giteEs 8:3 and -his plotEs 8:4 -scepter of the goldEs 8:5 -the scrollsEs 8:5 -the Y’hoo-deemEs 8:6 -my peopleEs 8:11 -all power of people and provinceEs 9:3 -the Y’hoo-deem

Es 9:7 and - Pahr-shahn-dah-thahEs 9:7 and -Dahl-phohnEs 9:7 and -Ahs-phah-thahEs 9:8 and -Poh-rah-thahEs 9:8 and -Ah-dahl-yahEs 9:8 and -Ah-ree-dah-thahEs 9:9 and -Pahr-mahsh-tahEs 9:9 and -Ah-ree-saiEs 9:9 and -Ah-ree-daiEs 9:9 and -Vah-y’zah-thahEs 9:10 -their handEs 9:12 and -ten sons of Hah-mahnEs 9:13 and -ten sons of Hah-mahn let be hanged on the tree gallows Es 9:14 and -ten sons of

Hah-mahn they hangedEs 9:15 -their handEs 9:16 -their handEs 9:19 -day four ten of new month of Ah-dahrEs 9:20 -the things -the these-Es 9:21 -day four ten of the new month of Ah-dahrEs 9:21 and -day five ten in it in every year and yearEs 9:23 -what they begun to doEs 9:23 and -what had written Mahr’d’khai to themEs 9:25 and -his sons upon the tree gallows Es 9:27 -two of the days -the these-Es 9:29 -all authorityEs 9:29 -letter of the Poo-reem -the this-, the secondEs 9:31 -days of the Poo-reem -the these-




Job 1:7 - Job 1:9 - Job 1:15 and -the servants they struck of mouth of swordJob 1:17 and -the young men was struck of mouth of swordJob 1:20 -his robe

Job 1:20 -his headJob 2:2 - Job 2:4 - Job 2:6 -his soul, keepJob 2:7 from -face of Job 2:7 -Ee-yohv with burns (ulcers), badJob 2:10 -the good we shall receiveJob 2:10 from -the ELOHIM

##7601-7650 (Job ##14-41)Job 2:10 and -the evilJob 2:11 -all of the evil -the this- that came upon himJob 2:12 -their eyes from afarJob 3:1 -his mouthJob 3:1 -his dayJob 7:21 -my iniquityJob 12:3 and -whom are not like it theseJob 13:25 and -stubble (chaff), dry shall you pursueJob 26:3 -whom you have spoken words (discourse)Job 28:23 -her placeJob 32:1 -Ee-yohvJob 32:3 -Ee-yohvJob 32:4 -Ee-yohv with wordsJob 35:4 and -your friends with youJob 36:7 and -kings of the throneJob 38:1 -Ee-yohv from the tempestJob 40:1 -Ee-yohvJob 40:3 - Job 40:6 -Ee-yohv from the tempestJob 41:26 -all high things beholdingJob 42:1 -

Job 42:7 -the words -the these- to Ee-yohvJob 42:9 -face of Ee-yohvJob 42:10 -captivity of Ee-yohvJob 42:10 -all which was to Ee-yohv to doubleJob 42:12 -latter days of Ee-yohv from his firstJob 42:16 -his sonsJob 42:16 and -sons of his sons



THE-HEH-LEEM (PSALMS)Ps 2:3 -their bandsPs 2:11 - with fear Ps 3:8 -all my enemiesPs 12:3 -his neighbor of lip flatteringPs 13:2 -your face from mePs 14:2 -ELOHIMPs 15:4 and -fearers of honorsPs 16:4 -their names upon my lipsPs 16:7 - who advised mePs 16:11 -your facePs 18:1 -words of the song -the this-Ps 21:7 -your facePs 24:5 from -

Ps 25:22 -Yees-rah-eyl from all his distressPs 26:6 -your altar Ps 27:2 -my flesh

Ps 27:4 -from Ps 27:8 -your face, , I will seekPs 28:9 -your peoplePs 28:9 -your inheritancePs 29:5 -cedars of the L’vah-nohnPs 29:11 -his people with shah-lohm

##7651-7700 (Ps ##23-72)Ps 31:8 -my afflictionPs 31:24 - all his saintsPs 33:13 -all sons of the ah-dahmPs 34:1 -his behaviorPs 34:1 - in all timesPs 34:5 - Ps 34:10 - his holy ones Ps 34:19 and -crushed (contrite) spirit savesPs 35:1 -contenders of mePs 35:1 -fighters of mePs 37:28 -his saints for agesPs 47:5 -our inheritancePs 47:5 -majesty of Yah-ah-kohvPs 51:20 -Tsee-yohnPs 53:3 -ELOHIMPs 59:1 -the house to kill himPs 60:2 -Ah-rahm Nah-hah-rah-yeemPs 60:2 and -Ah-rahm Tsoh-vahPs 60:2 -Eh-dohm, in Valley of SaltPs 69:34 and -his prisioners not he despisesPs 72:19 -all the earthPs 78:5 -our fathers to make them known to their sons

Ps 78:8 -EYLPs 78:42 -his handPs 78:53 and -their enemies covered over the seaPs 78:56 -ELOHIM Ehl-yohnPs 78:68 -tribe of Y’hoo-dahPs 78:68 -Mount Tsee-yohn which lovedPs 79:1 -the temple, Your holy, they laidPs 79:1 - Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem to heapsPs 79:2 -their corpses of your servants food for birds of the heavensPs 79:7 -Yah-ah-kohvPs 79:7 and -his dwelling place laid wastePs 80:3 -your mightPs 83:13 -pastures of ELOHIM

Ps 84:4 -your altars, Ts’vah-ohth, my king and my ELOHIMPs 92:7 -thisPs 94:23 -their iniquityPs 98:3 -Salvation (Y’shoo-ah) of our ELOHIMPs 100:2 - with gladnessPs 102:15 -her stonesPs 102:15 and -her dustPs 102:16 -name of Ps 102:16 -your gloryPs 102:18 -their prayerPs 102:23 - Ps 103:1 - Ps 103:1 -name of His holiness

Ps 103:2 - Ps 103:12 -our transgressions

##7701-7750 (Ps ##73-122)Ps 103:22 - Ps 104:1 - Ps 104:35 -; Praise YAHPs 105:9 -Ahv-rah-hahmPs 105:11 -earth of K’nah-ahn, portion of your inheritancePs 105:24 -his people greatlyPs 105:28 -his wordPs 105:29 -their waters to bloodPs 105:29 -their fish

Ps 105:42 -word of His holinessPs 105:42 -Ahv-rah-hahm, his servantPs 105:43 -his chosenPs 106:7 -many of your merciesPs 106:8 -his mightPs 106:20 -their glory in a built image of ox eating grassPs 106:33 -his spiritPs 106:34 -the peoplesPs 106:36 -their ah-tsahv idolsPs 106:37 -their sonsPs 106:37 and -their daughters to the demonsPs 106:40 -his inheritancePs 106:44 -their shoutPs 109:20 from - Ps 112:1 - Ps 113:1 -name of Ps 115:12 -house of Yees-rah-eylPs 115:12 -house of Ah-hah-rohn

Ps 116:1 -my voice and my supplicationPs 116:8 -my eye from tearsPs 116:8 -my foot from stumblingPs 117:1 -, all nationsPs 118:23 from - being this

Ps 119:8 -your statutes I will keepPs 119:9 -his trodden pathPs 119:135 -your statutesPs 121:7 -your soulPs 123:1 -my eyesPs 125:5 -workers of the evilPs 126:1 -captivity of Tsee-yohnPs 126:4 -our captivityPs 127:5 -his quiver with themPs 127:5 -their enemies in the gatePs 130:8 -Yees-rah-eyl from all his iniquitiesPs 132:1 -all his afflictionsPs 133:3 -the blessing: life unto the agesPs 134:1 - Ps 134:2 - Ps 135:1 -name of Ps 135:19 - Ps 135:19 -

##7751-7800 (Ps ##123-154)Ps 135:20 - Ps 135:20 - Ps 136:8 -the sun to rule by dayPs 136:9 -the moon and stars to rule by nightPs 137:1 -Tsee-yohn

Ps 137:4 -song of in land foreign (strange)Ps 137:6 - Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem above head of my joyPs 137:7 -day of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemPs 137:8 -your rewardPs 137:9 -babes (suklings) to the stone Ps 138:2 -Your NamePs 140:14 -Your facePs 141:4 -men working evilPs 142:8 -Your NamePs 143:2 -Your servantPs 144:10 -Dah-veed, His servant from sword, evilPs 145:15 -their food in his timePs 145:16 -your handPs 145:19 and -their cry will hear Ps 145:20 -all who love himPs 145:20 and -all the wicked he destroysPs 146:1 - Ps 146:6 -the seaPs 146:6 and -all that is in themPs 146:9 -strangers, orphans and widowPs 147:11 -those fearing himPs 147:11 -those hoping to His mercyPs 147:12 - Ps 148:1 - from the heavensPs 148:5 -name of Ps 148:7 - from the earthPs 148:13 -name of




Pr 1:19 -soul of his master he takesPr 2:17 and -covenant of her ELOHIM forgetsPr 3:7 - Pr 3:9 - from your substance (wealth)Pr 3:12 -whom loves he correctsPr 3:12 -son he is pleased with Pr 3:32 and -upright (righteous) is his intimacy (secret)Pr 5:22 -the wickedPr 6:31 -all goods (wealth) of his house shall givePr 8:31 -sons of ah-dahmPr 11:2 and -humble (humility) is wisdomPr 13:10 and -those taking counsel is wisdomPr 13:20 -the wise ones Pr 13:21 and -righteous ones Pr 16:19 -poor ones Pr 16:19 -proud ones Pr 16:33 -the lotPr 17:24 -face with wise (prudence) is wisdom

##7801-7850 (Pr ##19-31)Pr 22:23 -those plundering (spoiling) them the soulPr 22:24 -master of anger

Pr 22:24 and -man of fury not do goPr 23:1 -rulerPr 23:1 -what is to your facePr 23:6 -bread of one of an evil eyePr 23:11 -their cause with you

Pr 24:21 -- Pr 25:9 -your neighborPr 26:19 -his neighbor

Pr 27:22 --the evil-foolPr 29:9 -man, evil-foolishPr 30:11 and -his mother, not does bless




Ec 1:13 -my heart to seekEc 1:14 -all the works done under the sunEc 2:3 -my flesh and my heartEc 2:10 -my heart from all mirth (joy)Ec 2:12 -when already they have done itEc 2:14 -all of themEc 2:17 -the lifeEc 2:18 -my labor which I labored under the sunEc 2:20 -my heart upon all the labor I labored under the sun

Ec 2:24 -his soul, good, in his laborEc 3:10 -the taskEc 3:11 -the All is made beautiful in His timeEc 3:11 -the ages has set in their heartEc 3:11 -the work that makes the ELOHIM from the beginningEc 3:15 -what is pursuedEc 3:17 -the righteousEc 3:17 and -the wicked shall judge the ELOHIMEc 4:1 -all the oppressions that are done under the sunEc 4:2 -the dead ones already had diedEc 4:3 -which until now Ec 4:3 -the work, the evil, that is done under the sunEc 4:4 -all laborEc 4:4 and -every success of the workEc 4:5 -his handsEc 4:5 -his fleshEc 4:8 -my soul from goodEc 4:10 -his companionEc 4:15 -all the living that walk under the sunEc 5:3 -that which you vowed fulfill (complete) Ec 5:5 -your mouth to sinEc 5:5 -your fleshEc 5:5 -works of your handsEc 5:6 -the ELOHIM, fearEc 5:18 -his portionEc 5:19 -days of his life

Ec 7:7 -heart, a bribeEc 7:13 -work of the ELOHIM

##7851-7900 (Ec ##38-73)Ec 7:13 -which has bentEc 7:14 -this to along thisEc 7:15 -the all I have seen in days of my vanityEc 7:18 -your handEc 7:18 -all of themEc 7:21 -your servant cursing youEc 7:26 -the womanEc 7:29 -the ah-dahm uprightEc 8:8 -the Roo-ahkhEc 8:8 -his posessorsEc 8:9 -all this I have seenEc 8:9 -my heart to every work that is done under the sunEc 8:15 -the mirth (joy)Ec 8:16 -my heart to know wisdomEc 8:16 -the task which is done upon the earthEc 8:17 -all work of the ELOHIMEc 8:17 -the work that is done under the sunEc 9:1 -all this I gave to my heartEc 9:1 -all thisEc 9:7 -your worksEc 9:11 -all of themEc 9:12 -his timeEc 9:15 -the city by his wisdomEc 9:15 -the man, the poor -the he-Ec 10:19 -the all thingsEc 10:20 -the voice

Ec 11:5 -work of the ELOHIMEc 11:5 -the all thingsEc 11:6 -your seedEc 11:7 -the sunEc 11:8 -days of the darknessEc 12:1 -your Creator in days of your youthEc 12:9 -the peopleEc 12:13 -the ELOHIM fearEc 12:13 and -his commandments keepEc 12:14 -every work of the ELOHIM




So 1:6 -the vineyardsSo 1:8 -your kids (little goats) upon dwellings of the shepherdsSo 2:7 -the belovedSo 2:14 -your formSo 2:14 -your voiceSo 3:1 -whom loves my soul, I sought himSo 3:2 -whom loves my soul, I sought himSo 3:3 -whom loves my soul, have you seenSo 3:4 -whom loves my soul, I seized himSo 3:5 -the belovedSo 5:3 -my coat

So 5:3 -my feetSo 5:7 -my veil from upon me, keepers of the walls So 5:8 -my love

##7901-7950 (So ##15-20)So 7:13 -my love to youSo 8:4 -the belovedSo 8:7 -the belovedSo 8:7 -all wealth of his houseSo 8:11 -the vineyard to the keepersSo 8:12 -its (his) fruit




Is 1:4 - Is 1:4 -Holy One of Yees-rah-eyl they turned backwardIs 2:20 -eh-leel idols of his silverIs 2:20 and -eh-leel idols of his gold which made for him to worshipIs 3:18 -beautyIs 4:4 -filth of daughters of Tsee-yohnIs 4:4 and -blood of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemIs 5:5 -what I do to my cram-vineyardIs 5:12 and -work of

not they regardIs 5:24 -Torah of Ts’vah-ohthIs 5:24 and -saying of Holy One of Yees-rah-eyl they despisedIs 6:1 -LORD, sitting on throne, highIs 6:1 -the templeIs 6:5 -the King, Ts’vah-ohth, I have seenIs 6:8 -call-voice of LORDIs 6:8 -whom I shall sendIs 6:12 -the ah-dahmIs 7:6 -son of Tahv-ahlIs 7:12 -Is 7:13 -my ELOHIMIs 7:17 -king of Ah-shoorIs 7:20 -the headIs 7:20 -the beard shall sweep awayIs 8:2 -Oo-ree-yah, the Koh-heynIs 8:2 and -Z’khah-yah-hoo, son of Y’veh-rehkh-yah-hooIs 8:4 -riches of Dah-meh-sehkIs 8:4 and -plunder (spoil) of Shohm-rohnIs 8:6 -waters of the Shee-lohIs 8:6 -R’tseenIs 8:7 -waters of The River of the powerful and the manyIs 8:7 -king of Ah-shoorIs 8:7 and -all his gloryIs 8:12 and -its dread not do fearIs 8:13 - Ts’vah-ohthIs 9:3 -yoke of his burden

Is 9:3 and -staff of his shoulderIs 9:10 -foes of R’tseen against himIs 9:10 and -his enemies on spursIs 9:11 -Yees-rah-eyl with all mouthIs 9:12 and - Ts’vah-ohthIs 9:16 and -their orphansIs 9:16 and -their widows not will pityIs 9:20 -Eh-phrah-yeemIs 9:20 -M’nah-sheh together they are against Y’hoo-dah

##7951-8000 (Is ##45-94)Is 10:2 and -orphans they plunder

Is 10:12 -all his work in Mount Tsee-yohn and in Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemIs 10:15 -ones who lift itIs 11:9 - as waters to the sea coversIs 11:11 -remnant of his people that remains from Ah-shoorIs 11:13 -Y’hoo-dahIs 11:13 -Eh-phrah-yeemIs 11:14 -sons of eastIs 11:15 -tongue of sea of Meets-rah-yeemIs 13:17 -Mah-daiIs 13:19 -S’dohmIs 13:19 and -Ah-moh-rahIs 14:1 -Yah-ah-kohvIs 15:8 -border of Moh-ahvIs 18:5 and -the branches

take, cut downIs 19:4 -Meets-rah-yeem into hand of lords cruelIs 19:13 -Meets-rah-yeemIs 19:14 -Meets-rah-yeem in all his workIs 19:21 - in day -the that-Is 19:22 -Meets-rah-yeem, strike and healIs 19:23 -Ah-shoorIs 20:4 -captives of Meets-rah-yeemIs 20:4 and -exiles of Koosh

Is 21:4 -twilight of my pleasureIs 21:10 from - Ts’vah-ohth ELOHIM of Yees-rah-eylIs 22:8 -covering of Y’hoo-dahIs 22:9 and -breaks (breach) of City of Dah-veedIs 22:9 -waters of the pool, the lowerIs 22:10 and -houses of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem you countedIs 23:17 -TsohrIs 23:17 -all kingdoms of the earth on face of the groundIs 24:3 -the word -the this-Is 26:21 -her bloodIs 27:1 -the monster which is in the seaIs 28:9 -whom shall teach knowledge

Is 28:9 and -whom instruct (explain) the message (hearing)

Is 28:15 -deathIs 28:18 -deathIs 28:18 -Sh’ohl [place of the soul]Is 28:22 from -LORD Ts’vah-ohth upon all the earthIs 29:10 -your eyesIs 29:10 -the prophetsIs 29:10 and -your headsIs 29:14 -the people -the this-Is 29:22 -Ahv-rah-hahmIs 29:23 -Holy One of Yah-ah-kohvIs 29:23 and -ELOHIM of Yees-rah-eyl they shall fearIs 30:11 -Holy One of Yees-rah-eylIs 30:20 -your teachersIs 30:22 -case of carved images of your silver

##8001-8050 (Is ##95-144)Is 30:22 and -ornamenting the casted image of your goldIs 30:23 -the groundIs 30:26 -break of his peopleIs 30:30 -majesty of his voiceIs 31:1 and - not shall seekIs 31:2 and -his words not turn awayIs 33:18 -the towersIs 33:19 -people, fierceIs 34:14 -howlersIs 36:2 -Rahv-shah-key from Lah-kheesh to Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemIs 36:7 -his high placesIs 36:7 and -his altarsIs 36:8 -my lord, the king of

Ah-shoorIs 36:9 -face of governorIs 36:12 -the words -the these-Is 36:12 -their dungIs 36:12 -their urine with youIs 36:13 -words of the king, the greatIs 36:18 -his earth from hand of king of Ah-shoorIs 36:19 -Shohm-rohn from my handIs 36:20 -their earth from my handIs 36:20 - Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem from my handIs 36:22 -words of Rahv-shah-keyIs 37:1 -his garmentsIs 37:2 -Ehl-yah-keem who was over the houseIs 37:2 and -Shehv-nah, the scribeIs 37:2 and -elders of the Koh-hah-neemIs 37:4 -words of Rahv-shah-keyIs 37:8 -king of Ah-shoor fighting upon Leev-nahIs 37:12 -Goh-zahnIs 37:12 and -Khah-rahnIs 37:14 -the letters from hand of the messengersIs 37:16 -the heavensIs 37:16 and -the earthIs 37:17 -all words of Sahn-khey-reevIs 37:18 -all the earthsIs 37:18 and -their earthIs 37:19 -their elohim into the fireIs 37:23 -whom you mocked

and you reviledIs 37:28 and -your raging to meIs 38:3 -that I have walked to your face in truthIs 38:5 -your prayerIs 38:5 -your tearsIs 38:6 and -the city -the this-Is 38:7 from - Is 38:7 -the thing -the this-Is 38:8 -shadow of the stepsIs 39:2 -house of spicery (treasure)Is 39:2 -the silverIs 39:2 and -the gold

##8051-8100 (Is ##145-194)Is 39:2 and -the spices (fragrances)Is 39:2 and -the oil, the goodIs 39:2 and -all house of his weapons (vessels)Is 39:2 and -all that was found in his treasuriesIs 39:4 -all that is in my house they have seenIs 40:13 -Roo-ahkh of Is 40:14 -whom took counselIs 41:4 and -the last, I am HeIs 41:6 -his neighbor helps (protects)Is 41:7 -refinerIs 41:7 -striking an anvilIs 41:22 -what shall happen the former things Is 44:20 -his soulIs 45:9 -his moulder (former)Is 45:9 -potsherders of the earthIs 45:20 -tree of their imageIs 47:14 -their soul from hand

of the flameIs 48:14 -these things Is 49:4 - Is 49:4 -my ELOHIMIs 49:6 -tribes of Yah-ah-kohvIs 49:21 -theseIs 49:25 and -your striver I, I will striveIs 49:25 and -your sons I, I will saveIs 49:26 -those oppressing youIs 49:26 -their fleshIs 50:4 -weary with a wordIs 51:17 -cup of his furyIs 51:17 -goblet (bowl) of cup of the reeling (trembling) you drank you drainedIs 51:22 -cup of the reeling (trembling) Is 51:22 -goblet (bowl) of cup of my furyIs 52:10 -arm of His holinessIs 52:10 -Salvation (Y’shoo-ah) of our ELOHIMIs 53:6 -iniquity of all of usIs 53:8 and -his generation who shall consider Is 53:9 -wicked ones his graveIs 53:9 and -rich one in his deathIs 53:12 and -strong ones he shall divide spoilIs 53:12 and -transgressors was weighed (counted, numbered)Is 55:10 -the earthIs 55:11 -that I please (desire)Is 56:4 -My Shahb-bahths

Is 56:6 -name of to become to Him servantsIs 57:11 and -whom you dreaded and fearedIs 57:12 and -your worksIs 57:13 and -all of them shall lift (bear) away the roo-ahkh Is 57:15 -contrite and humble of roo-ahkh Is 59:19 -name of Is 59:19 -his gloryIs 62:6 -

##8101-8150 (Is ##195-217)Is 62:7 -Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem a praise in the earth

Is 62:8 -your grain longer (again) as foodIs 62:9 - Is 62:10 -Roo-ahkh, His HolyIs 62:11 -Shepherd of His flockIs 62:11 -Roo-ahkh, His HolyIs 64:4 -one rejoices and works righteousnessIs 65:11 -mountain, My holyIs 65:18 - Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem a rejoicingIs 65:20 -his daysIs 66:2 and -all these things my hand madeIs 66:8 -her sonsIs 66:10 - Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem, and be glad in herIs 66:14 -his servantsIs 66:14 -his enemiesIs 66:16 -all fleshIs 66:18 -all the nationsIs 66:18 -my glory

Is 66:19 -my fame (hearing)Is 66:19 -my glory Is 66:19 -my glory in the nationsIs 66:20 -all your brothers from all the nationsIs 66:20 -the food offering in vessel, clean to house of




Je 1:7 and -all I command you, you speakJe 1:9 -his handJe 1:17 -all that I, I command youJe 2:7 -my earth, and my inheritance made them for an abominationJe 2:9 and -son of your sons I will contendJe 2:17 -, your ELOHIMJe 2:19 -, your ELOHIMJe 2:30 -your sonsJe 2:33 -the evil women you taughtJe 2:33 -your waysJe 2:36 -your wayJe 2:37 from -this place you will go outJe 3:1 -his wife

Je 3:7 -all these things Je 3:8 -scroll of divorce (cutting off) to herJe 3:9 -the earthJe 3:9 -the stoneJe 3:9 and -the treesJe 3:12 -the words -the these-, northwardJe 3:13 -your ways to the strangers under every tree, greenJe 3:18 -your fathersJe 3:21 -their way they have forgottenJe 3:21 -, their ELOHIMJe 3:24 -labor of our fathers from our youthJe 3:24 -their flocksJe 3:24 and -their herdsJe 3:24 -their sons

##8151-8200 (Je ##28-77)Je 3:24 and -their daughtersJe 4:23 -the earthJe 5:14 -the word -the this-Je 5:19 -all these things Je 5:24 -, our ELOHIM, the giver of rain, and former and latter in its timeJe 6:3 -his handJe 6:11 and -wrath of Je 6:12 -my hand upon dwellers of the earthJe 6:14 -fracture of my peopleJe 6:18 -what is coming in themJe 6:24 -his reportJe 6:27 -their wayJe 7:1 from -

Je 7:2 -the word -the this-Je 7:5 -your waysJe 7:5 and -your doings (endeavors)Je 7:10 -all the abominations -the those-Je 7:12 -what I did to itJe 7:13 -all the works -the these-Je 7:15 -all your brothersJe 7:15 -whole (all) seed of Eh-phrah-yeemJe 7:18 -the fireJe 7:22 -your fathers

Je 7:23 --the thing -the this-Je 7:24 -their earJe 7:25 -all my servants, the prophetsJe 7:26 -their earJe 7:26 -their neckJe 7:27 -all the words -the these-Je 7:29 -generation of His wrathJe 7:31 -their sonsJe 7:31 and -their daughters in the fireJe 8:1 -bones of kings of Y’hoo-dahJe 8:1 and -bones of his chiefs

Je 8:1 and -bones of the Koh-hah-neemJe 8:1 and -bones of the prophetsJe 8:1 and -bones of dwellers of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem from their gravesJe 8:7 -time of their coming

Je 8:7 -judgment of Je 8:10 -their wives to othersJe 8:11 -fracture of daughter of my peopleJe 8:23 -slain of daughter of my peopleJe 9:1 -my peopleJe 9:2 -their tonguesJe 9:7 -his neighbor one speaksJe 9:10 - Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem for heap of ruins Je 9:10 and -cities of Y’hoo-dah I will make a desolationJe 9:11 -thisJe 9:12 -My Torah which I set to their facesJe 9:14 -the people -the this-

##8201-8250 (Je ##78-127)Je 9:15 -the swordJe 10:1 -the word which speaks upon youJe 10:18 -dwellers of the earth in the time -the this-

Je 10:21 and - not they sought (searched)Je 10:22 -cities of Y’hoo-dah, a desolationJe 10:23 -his steps (pace)Je 10:25 -Yah-ah-kohvJe 10:25 and -his home (habitation) they desolatedJe 11:1 from - Je 11:2 -words of the covenant -the this- Je 11:3 -words of the covenant -the this- Je 11:4 -your fathers

Je 11:5 -the oath which I swore to your fathersJe 11:6 -all the words -the these-Je 11:6 -words of the covenant -the this-Je 11:8 -their earJe 11:8 -all words of covenant -the this- which I commanded to doJe 11:10 -my wordsJe 11:10 -my covenantJe 11:10 -their fathersJe 11:20 -my causeJe 11:21 -your soulJe 12:4 -our latter endJe 12:5 -footmen you have runJe 12:5 -the horsesJe 12:7 -my house I have leftJe 12:7 -my inheritance I have givenJe 12:7 -beloved of my soul into palm of her enemiesJe 12:10 -my parcel (portion)Je 12:10 -parcel (portion), My pleasant, for a wilderness, desolateJe 12:14 -my peopleJe 12:14 -Yees-rah-eylJe 12:14 and -house of Y’hoo-dah I will tear from their midstJe 12:16 -ways of My peopleJe 12:16 -My people to swear by the Bah-ahlJe 12:17 -the nation -the that-Je 13:2 -the belt (band) according to the word of

Je 13:4 -the belt which you boughtJe 13:6 -the belt which I commanded you to hide thereJe 13:7 -the belt from the place where I had hidden it thereJe 13:9 -pride of Y’hoo-dahJe 13:9 and -pride of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem, the greatJe 13:10 -my words

Je 13:11 -whole house of Yees-rah-eylJe 13:11 and -whole house of Y’hoo-dahJe 13:12 -the word -the this-Je 13:13 -all dwellers of the earth -the this- Je 13:13 and -the kings that dwell for Dah-veed upon his throneJe 13:13 and -the Koh-hah-neemJe 13:13 and -the prophets

##8251-8300 (Je ##128-177)Je 13:13 and -all dwellers of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem with drunkennessJe 14:16 -their evilJe 14:17 -the word -the this-Je 14:19 -Y’hoo-dahJe 14:22 -all these things Je 15:3 -the sword to killJe 15:3 and -the dogs to drag offJe 15:3 and -birds of the heavensJe 15:3 and -beasts of the earth to devour and to

destroyJe 15:6 -my hand upon youJe 15:7 -my people from their wayJe 15:11 -the enemyJe 15:14 -your enemies in an earth not you do knowJe 16:5 -My peaceJe 16:5 from -the people -the this-Je 16:5 -the merciesJe 16:5 and -the compassionsJe 16:10 -all the words -the these-Je 16:10 -all the evil, the great -the this-Je 16:11 and -My Torah not they keptJe 16:13 -elohim others daily and nightlyJe 16:14 -sons of Yees-rah-eyl from earth of Meets-rah-yeemJe 16:15 -sons of Yees-rah-eyl from earth of northJe 16:18 -my earthJe 16:18 -my inheritanceJe 16:21 -my handJe 16:21 and -my mightJe 17:4 -your enemies in the earth not you do knowJe 17:13 - Je 17:22 -day of the Shahb-bahthJe 17:22 -your fathersJe 17:23 -their earJe 17:23 -their neckJe 17:24 -day of the Shahb-bahthJe 17:27 -day of the Shahb-bahthJe 18:1 from -

Je 18:2 -my wordsJe 18:20 -your wrath from themJe 18:21 -their sons to the famineJe 18:23 -all their counselJe 19:2 -the words that I will speak to youJe 19:4 -the place -the this-Je 19:4 -the place -the this- blood of innocentsJe 19:5 -high places of the Bah-ahlJe 19:5 -their sons in the fireJe 19:7 -counsel of Y’hoo-dah and Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemJe 19:7 -their corpses for food to birds of the heavensJe 19:8 -the city -the this- for horrorJe 19:9 -flesh of their sonsJe 19:9 and -flesh of their daughters

##8301-8350 (Je ##178-227)Je 19:11 -the people -the this-Je 19:11 and -the city -the this-Je 19:11 -vessel of the potter that not can be for mending (repairing) againJe 19:12 -the city -the this- as Thoh-phehtJe 19:15 -all the evil that I have spoken upon herJe 19:15 -their neckJe 19:15 -my wordsJe 20:1 -Yeer-m’yah-hoo, the prophetJe 20:1 -the things -the

these-Je 20:2 -Yeer-m’yah-hoo, the prophetJe 20:3 -Yeer-m’yah-hoo from the stocks (prison)Je 20:4 and -all Y’hoo-dah I will give into hand of king of Bah-vehlJe 20:5 -all wealth of the city -the this-Je 20:5 and -all her produceJe 20:5 and -all her precious things Je 20:5 and -all treasures of king of Y’hoo-dahJe 20:12 -my causeJe 20:13 - Je 20:13 -soul of poor ones from hand of evildoersJe 20:15 -my fatherJe 21:1 from - Je 21:1 -Pahsh-khoor, son of Mahl-kee-yahJe 21:1 and -Ts’phahn-yah, son of Mah-ah-sey-yah, the Koh-heynJe 21:2 - Je 21:4 -weapons (vessels) of the war that are in your handJe 21:4 -king of Bah-vehl

Je 21:4 and -the Kahs-deem, the besiegers of you from outside the home- wallJe 21:6 -dwellers of the city -the this-Je 21:6 and -the ah-dahmJe 21:6 and -the beastJe 21:7 -Tseed-kee-yah-hoo, King of Y’hoo-dah

Je 21:7 and -his servantsJe 21:7 and -the peopleJe 21:7 and -the remaining ones in city -the this-Je 21:8 -way of the lifeJe 21:8 and -way of the deathJe 22:1 -the word -the this-Je 22:4 -the word -the this-

Je 22:5 -the words -the these-Je 22:9 -covenant of , their ELOHIMJe 22:10 -earth of his birthJe 22:12 and -the earth -the this-Je 22:26 and -your mother who bore (ladded) youJe 22:27 -their soul to return thereJe 22:30 -the man -the this-Je 23:1 -sheep of my pastureJe 23:2 -my peopleJe 23:2 -my flockJe 23:2 -evil of your doingsJe 23:3 -remnant of my flock from all the earths

##8351-8400 (Je ##228-277)Je 23:7 -sons of Yees-rah-eylJe 23:8 -seed of house of Yees-rah-eylJe 23:13 -my peopleJe 23:13 -Yees-rah-eylJe 23:15 from -prophets of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemJe 23:18 -His wordJe 23:21 -the prophetsJe 23:22 -My peopleJe 23:24 -the heavensJe 23:24 and -the earthJe 23:25 -what said the


Je 23:27 -My people My name in their dreamsJe 23:27 -My name in the Bah-ahlJe 23:28 -the grainJe 23:30 from -his neighborJe 23:32 -My people by their lies and by their frivolityJe 23:33 -what burdenJe 23:36 -words of ELOHIM, livingJe 23:38 -the word -the this-Je 23:39 and -the city that I gave to you and to your fathers

Je 24:1 -Y’khahn-yah-hoo, son of Y’hoh-yah-keem, King of Y’hoo-dahJe 24:1 and -chiefs of Y’hoo-dahJe 24:1 and -the craftsmanJe 24:1 and -the smiths from Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemJe 24:5 -exiles of Y’hoo-dahJe 24:8 -Tseed-kee-yah-hoo, King of Y’hoo-dah Je 24:8 and -his chiefsJe 24:8 and -remnant of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem, the ones left in the earth -the this-Je 24:10 -the swordJe 24:10 -the famineJe 24:10 and -the plagueJe 25:4 -all his servants, the prophetsJe 25:4 -your ear to hearJe 25:8 -my words

Je 25:9 -all families of northJe 25:11 -king of Bah-vehl seventy yearsJe 25:12 -their iniquityJe 25:13 -all my wordsJe 25:13 -all that is written in the scroll -the this-Je 25:15 -cup of the wine of the wrath -the this-Je 25:15 -all the nations whom I shall send to you to themJe 25:17 -the cup from hand of Je 25:17 -all the nations whom sent me to themJe 25:18 - Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemJe 25:18 and -cities of Y’hoo-dahJe 25:18 and -her kingsJe 25:18 -her chiefsJe 25:19 -Pah-roh, King of Meets-rah-yeemJe 25:19 and -his servantsJe 25:19 and -his chiefs

##8401-8450 (Je ##278-327)Je 25:19 and -all his peopleJe 25:20 and -all the mixed people Je 25:20 and -all kings of earth of the OotsJe 25:20 and -all kings of earth of P’leesh-teemJe 25:20 and -Ahsh-k’lohnJe 25:20 and -Ah-zahJe 25:20 and -Eh-krohnJe 25:20 and -remnant of Ahsh-dohdJe 25:21 -Eh-dohm

Je 25:21 and -Moh-ahvJe 25:21 and -sons of Ah-mohnJe 25:22 and -all kings of TsohrJe 25:22 and -all kings of Tsee-dohnJe 25:22 and -kings of the coasts which are by over the seaJe 25:23 -D’dahnJe 25:23 and -Tey-mahJe 25:23 and -BoozJe 25:23 and -all that trim the region (corner)Je 25:24 and -all kings of Ah-rahvJe 25:24 and -all kings of the mixed people, the dwellers in the wildernessJe 25:25 and -all kings of Zeem-reeJe 25:25 and -all kings of Ey-lahmJe 25:25 and -all kings of Mah-daiJe 25:26 and -all kings of the north the ones near and the ones farJe 25:26 and -all kingdoms of the earth which are upon face of the earthJe 25:30 -all the words -the these-Je 25:36 -their pastureJe 26:1 from - Je 26:2 -all the words that I command you to speak to themJe 26:6 -the house -the this-Je 26:6 and -the city -the this-

Je 26:7 -Yeer-m’yah-hooJe 26:7 -the words -the these- Je 26:8 -all that commanded Je 26:10 -the things -the these-Je 26:12 -all the words that you heardJe 26:15 -all the words -the these-Je 26:19 -Je 26:19 -face of Je 26:21 -his wordsJe 26:22 -Ehl-nah-thahn, son of Ahkh-bohrJe 26:23 -Oo-ree-yah-hoo, from Meets-rah-yeemJe 26:24 -his corpse to graves of sons of the peopleJe 26:24 -Yeer-m’yah-hooJe 27:1 from - Je 27:5 -the earthJe 27:5 -the ah-dahmJe 27:5 and -the animals that are upon face of the earthJe 27:6 -all the earths -the these-Je 27:6 -beast of the field

##8451-8500 (Je ##328-377)Je 27:7 and -his sonJe 27:7 and -son of his sonsJe 27:8 -N’voo-khahd-neh- tsahr, King of Bah-vehlJe 27:8 and -that not will putJe 27:8 -its neck, in yoke of king of Bah-vehl Je 27:9 -king of Bah-vehlJe 27:11 -its neck, in yoke of king of Bah-vehl

Je 27:12 -your necks, in yoke of king of Bah-vehlJe 27:13 -king of Bah-vehlJe 27:14 -king of Bah-vehlJe 27:17 -king of Bah-vehlJe 27:20 -Y’khohn-yah, son of Y’hoh-yah-keem, King of Y’hoo-dahJe 27:20 and -all nobles of Y’hoo-dah and Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemJe 28:2 -yoke of king of Bah-vehlJe 28:3 -all vessels of house of Je 28:4 and -Y’khohn-yah, son of Y’hoh-yah-keem, King of Y’hoo-dahJe 28:4 and -all exiles of Y’hoo-dahJe 28:4 -yoke of king of Bah-vehlJe 28:6 -your words which you prophesiedJe 28:10 -the band (yoke) from neck of Yeer-m’yah-hoo, the prophetJe 28:11 -yoke of N’voo-khahd-neh-tsahr, King of Bah-vehlJe 28:12 -the band (yoke) from upon neck of Yeer-m’yah-hoo, the prophetJe 28:14 -N’voo-khahd- neh-tsahr, King of Bah-vehlJe 28:14 -beast of the fieldJe 28:15 -the people -the this-Je 29:5 -their fruitJe 29:6 and -your daughters give to men

Je 29:7 -peace of the cityJe 29:10 -my word, the goodJe 29:11 -the purpose which I am planning upon youJe 29:14 -your captivityJe 29:17 -the swordJe 29:17 -the famineJe 29:17 and -the plagueJe 29:19 -my servants, the prophetsJe 29:23 -wives of their neighborsJe 29:28 -their fruitJe 29:29 -the scroll -the this-Je 30:1 from - Je 30:2 -all the words that I have spoken to you in a scrollJe 30:3 -captivity of my people Yees-rah-eyl and Y’hoo-dahJe 30:9 - their ELOHIMJe 30:9 and -Dah-veed, their kingJe 30:10 and -your seed from earth of their captivityJe 30:21 -his heart to come to meJe 31:6 -your peopleJe 31:6 -remnant of Yees-rah-eylJe 31:10 -Yah-ah-kohvJe 31:13 -my goodness will be satisfiedJe 31:22 -the word -the this-

##8501-8550 (Je ##378-427)Je 31:22 -their captivityJe 31:26 -house of Yees-rah-eylJe 31:26 and -house of Y’hoo-dah

Je 31:30 -house of Yees-rah-eylJe 31:30 and -house of Y’hoo-dah, covenant, newJe 31:31 -their fathersJe 31:31 -my covenantJe 31:32 -house of Yees-rah-eylJe 31:32 -My Torah in their inwardsJe 31:33 -his neighborJe 31:33 -his brotherJe 31:33 - Je 32:1 from - Je 32:3 -the city -the this-Je 32:4 -his eyesJe 32:5 -Tseed-kee-yah-hooJe 32:5 -the Kahs-deemJe 32:7 -my field which is in the Ah-nah-thohthJe 32:8 -my field which is in the Ah-nah-thohth Je 32:9 -the fieldJe 32:9 from - Khah-nahm-eyl, son of my uncleJe 32:9 -the silverJe 32:11 -scroll of the purchaseJe 32:11 -the one sealedJe 32:11 and -the open copy Je 32:12 -the scroll of the purchaseJe 32:13 -Bah-rookh Je 32:14 -the scrolls -the these-Je 32:14 -scroll of the purchase -the this-Je 32:14 and -the one sealedJe 32:14 and -scroll, the open

-the this-Je 32:16 -scroll of the purchaseJe 32:17 -the heavensJe 32:17 and -the earthJe 32:21 -your peopleJe 32:21 -Yees-rah-eyl from earth of Meets-rah-yeemJe 32:22 -the earth -the this-Je 32:23 -all that You commanded to themJe 32:23 -all the evil -the this-Je 32:28 -the city -the this-Je 32:29 -the city -the this- in the fireJe 32:29 and -the housesJe 32:35 -high places of the Bah-ahlJe 32:35 -their sonsJe 32:35 and -their daughters to Moh-lehkh Je 32:35 -Y’hoo-dahJe 32:40 and -My fear I will put in their heartsJe 32:42 -all the evil, the great -the this-Je 32:42 -all the good that I speak to themJe 32:44 -their captivity

##8551-8600 (Je ##428-477)Je 33:5 -the Kahs-deemJe 33:5 -carcasses of the ah-dahmJe 33:7 -captivity of Y’hoo-dahJe 33:7 and -captivity of Yees-rah-eylJe 33:9 -all the good that I do for themJe 33:11 - Ts’vah-ohth Je 33:11 -captivity of the earthJe 33:14 -the thing, the good

Je 33:20 -My covenant of the dayJe 33:20 and -My covenant of the nightJe 33:21 -Dah-veed, My servantJe 33:21 and -the Levites, the Koh-hah-neem, My ministersJe 33:22 -seed of Dah-veed, My servantJe 33:22 and -the Levites who minister to MeJe 33:24 -My people they despiseJe 33:26 -their captivityJe 34:1 from - Je 34:2 -the city -the this- into hand of king of Bah-vehlJe 34:3 -eyes of king of Bah-vehlJe 34:3 -your mouth will speakJe 34:6 -all the words -the these- in Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemJe 34:8 from - Je 34:8 -all the peopleJe 34:9 -his male slaveJe 34:9 -his female slaveJe 34:10 -his male slaveJe 34:10 -his female slave free ones Je 34:11 -the male slavesJe 34:11 and -the female slaves whom they sent away free onesJe 34:12 from - Je 34:13 -your fathersJe 34:14 -his brother, the Ee-vrite

Je 34:14 -their earsJe 34:15 -the right in my eyesJe 34:16 -my nameJe 34:16 -his male slaveJe 34:16 -his female slave whom you sent free onesJe 34:18 -the menJe 34:18 -my covenantJe 34:18 -words of the covenantJe 34:21 and -Tseed-kee-yah- hoo,King of Y’hoo-dahJe 34:21 and -his chiefs I will give into hands of their enemiesJe 34:22 -cities of Y’hoo-dah I will give desolationJe 35:1 from - Je 35:3 - Yah-ah-zahn-yah-hoo, son of Yeer-m’yah-hoo, son of Khah-vah-tseen-yahJe 35:3 and -his brothersJe 35:3 and -all his sonsJe 35:3 and -all house of the Rey-khah-veemJe 35:14 -words of Y’hoh-nah-dahv, son of Rey-khahvJe 35:14 -his sons

##8601-8650 (Je ##478-527)Je 35:14 -commandments of their fathersJe 35:15 -all my servants, the prophetsJe 35:15 -your earsJe 35:16 -commandment of their fatherJe 35:17 -all the evil that I have spoken against

themJe 35:18 -all his commandmentsJe 36:1 from - Je 36:2 -all the words which I have spoken to youJe 36:3 -all the evil which I plan to do to themJe 36:4 -Bah-rookh, son of Ney-ree-yahJe 36:4 -all words of Je 36:5 -Bah-rookhJe 36:6 -words of Je 36:10 -words of Yeer-mee-yah-hooJe 36:11 -all words of Je 36:13 -all the words that was heardJe 36:14 -Y’hoo-dee, son of N’thahn-yah-hoo, son of Shehl-lehm-yah-hoo, son of Koo-sheeJe 36:14 -the roll (scroll)Je 36:16 -all the wordsJe 36:16 -all the words -the these-Je 36:17 and -Bah-rookhJe 36:17 -all the words -the these- from his mouthJe 36:18 -all the words -the these-Je 36:20 and -the roll (scroll) they left in the room of Ehl-lee-shah-mah, the scribeJe 36:20 -all the wordsJe 36:21 -Y’hoo-deeJe 36:21 -the roll (scroll)Je 36:22 and -the brazier (fire pot)Je 36:24 -their garmentsJe 36:24 -all the words -the

these-Je 36:25 -the roll (scroll)Je 36:26 -Y’rahkh-m’eyl, son of the kingJe 36:26 and -S’rah-yah-hoo, son of Ahz-ree-eylJe 36:26 and - Sheh-lehm-yah-hoo, son of Ahv-d’eylJe 36:26 -Bah-rookh, the scribeJe 36:26 and - Yeer-m’yah-hoo, the prophetJe 36:27 -the roll (scroll)Je 36:27 and -the wordsJe 36:28 -all the words, the former (first), that were in the roll (scroll), the former (first)Je 36:29 -the roll (scroll) -the this-Je 36:29 -the earth -the this-Je 36:31 -their iniquityJe 36:31 -all the evil that I spoke against themJe 36:32 -all the words of the scroll which had burned Y’hoh-yah-keem, King of Y’hoo-dahJe 37:3 -Y’hoo-khahl, son of Sheh-lehm-yahJe 37:3 and - Ts’phahn-yah-hoo, son of Mah-ah-sey-ah, the Koh-heynJe 37:5 -news (hearing) of themJe 37:10 -the city -the this- with the fireJe 37:13 -Yeer-m’yah-hoo, the prophetJe 37:17 from -

##8651-8700 (Je ##528-577)Je 37:21 -Yeer-m’yah-hooJe 38:1 -the words Je 38:4 -the man -the this-Je 38:4 -hands of men of the warJe 38:4 and -hands of all the peopleJe 38:6 -Yeer-m’yah-hooJe 38:6 -Yeer-m’yah-hooJe 38:7 -Yeer-m’yah-hoo

Je 38:9 -all that they did to Yeer-m’yah-hoo, the prophetJe 38:9 -whom they threw to the bore-pitJe 38:10 -Eh-vehd Meh-lehkh, the Koo-shiteJe 38:10 -Yeer-m’yah-hoo, the prophet from the bore-pitJe 38:11 -the men in his handJe 38:13 -Yeer-m’yah-hoo, with the ropesJe 38:14 -Yeer-m’yah-hoo, the prophetJe 38:16 -who made for usJe 38:16 -the soul -the this-Je 38:16 -your soulJe 38:19 -the Y’hoo-deemJe 38:23 and -all your wivesJe 38:23 and -your sons they shall bring to the Kahs-deemJe 38:23 and -the city -the this- shall be burned in the fireJe 39:5 -Tseed-kee-yah-hoo in Ah-rah-vahth Y’rey-khoh

Je 39:6 -sons of Tseed-kee-yah-hoo in Reev-lahthJe 39:6 and -all rulers of Y’hoo-dah killed king of Bah-vehl

Je 39:7 and -eyes of Tseed-kee-yah-hoo was blindedJe 39:8 and -house of the kingJe 39:8 and -house of the people they burned, the Kahs-deem, with the fireJe 39:8 and -home-walls of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem broke downJe 39:9 and -rest of the people the ones remaining in the city Je 39:9 and -the ones falling awayJe 39:9 and -rest of the people the ones remaining deported N’voo-zahr-ah-dahn, chief of executioners to Bah-vhel

Je 39:14 -Yeer-mee-yah-hoo from court of the guard houseJe 39:16 -my words to the city -the this- for evilJe 40:1 from - Je 40:2 -the evil -the this- to the place -the this-Je 40:4 -my eye upon youJe 40:7 -G’dahl-yah-hoo, son of Ah-khee-kahm in the earthJe 40:9 -king of Bah-vehl

Je 40:11 -G’dahl-yah-hoo, son of Ah-khee-kahm, son of Shah-phahnJe 40:14 -Yeesh-mah-eyl, son of N’thahn-yahJe 40:15 -Yeesh-mah-eyl, son of N’thahn-yahJe 40:16 -the matter -the this-Je 41:2 -G’dahl-yah-hoo, son of Ah-khee-kahm, son of Shah-phahn with the swordJe 41:3 and -all the Y’hoo-deemJe 41:3 -G’dahl-yah-hoo in the Meets-pahJe 41:3 and -the Kahs-deemJe 41:3 -men of the warJe 41:4 -G’dahl-yah-hooJe 41:9 -all dead bodies of the men

##8701-8750 (Je ##578-627)Je 41:10 -all rest of the people who were in the Meets-pahJe 41:10 -daughters of the kingJe 41:10 and -all the people the ones remaining in the Meets-pahJe 41:10 -G’dahl-yah-hoo, son of Ah-khee-kahmJe 41:11 -all of the evil that had done Yeesh-mah-eyl, son of N’thahn-yahJe 41:12 -all the menJe 41:13 -Yeesh-mah-eylJe 41:13 -Yoh-khah-nahn, son of Kah-rey-ahkh Je 41:13 and -all chiefs of the army who were with him

Je 41:16 -all remnant of the people whom were recoveredJe 41:16 from - Yeesh-mah-eyl, son of N’thahn-yah from the Meets-pahJe 41:16 -G’dahl-yah-hoo, son of Ah-khee-kahm, mighty men of the warJe 41:18 -G’dahl-yah-hoo, son of Ah-khee-kahmJe 42:3 -the way which we may walk in herJe 42:3 and -the matter that we may doJe 42:17 -their faces to go to Meets-rah-yeem to stanger thereJe 42:18 -the place -the this-Je 43:1 -all words of their ELOHIMJe 43:1 -all the words -the these-Je 43:5 -all remnant of Y’hoo-dah who had returned from all the nationsJe 43:6 -the mighty menJe 43:6 and -the womenJe 43:6 and -the little onesJe 43:6 and -daughters of the kingJe 43:6 and -all of the soulsJe 43:6 and -G’dahl-yah-hoo, son of Ah-khee-kahm, son of Shah-phahnJe 43:6 and - Yeer-m’yah-hoo, the prophetJe 43:6 and -Bah-rookh, son of Ney-ree-yah-hooJe 43:10 -N’voo-khahd-reh-

tsahr, King of Bah-vehlJe 43:10 -his pavillion over themJe 43:11 -earth of Meets-rah-yeemJe 43:12 -earth of Meets-rah-yeemJe 43:12 -his garmentJe 43:13 -obelisks of house of sunJe 43:13 and -houses of elohim of Meets-rah-yeem shall be burned with the fireJe 44:2 -all the evil that I have brought upon Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemJe 44:4 -all my servants, the prophetsJe 44:4 -matter the abominable -the this- which I hateJe 44:5 -their ear to turn from their evilJe 44:9 -evilness of your fathersJe 44:9 and -evilness of kings of Y’hoo-dah

Je 44:9 and -evilness of his wivesJe 44:9 and -your evilnessJe 44:9 and -evilness of your wivesJe 44:11 -all Y’hoo-dahJe 44:12 -remnant of Y’hoo-dahJe 44:14 -their soulsJe 44:15 -Yeer-m’yah-hooJe 44:17 -all of the matter that goes out of our mouthsJe 44:21 -the incense that you burned

##8751-8800 (Je ##628-677)Je 44:25 -our vows that we have vowedJe 44:25 -your vowsJe 44:25 -your vowsJe 44:30 -Pah-roh Khahph-rah, King of Meets-rah-yeemJe 44:30 -Tseed-kee-yah-hoo, King of Y’hoo-dah into hands of N’voo-khahd-reh-tsahr, King of Bah-vehlJe 45:1 -the words -the these- in a scrollJe 45:4 and -that I have planted, I will be pulling upJe 45:4 and -all the earth to me herselfJe 45:5 -your soulJe 46:13 -earth of Meets-rah-yeemJe 46:27 and -your seed from earth of their dwellingJe 47:1 -Ah-zahJe 47:4 -all P’leesh-teemJe 47:4 -P’leesh-teem, remnant of coast of Kahph-tohrJe 48:38 -Moh-ahv like a vesselJe 49:1 -GahdJe 49:2 -his inheritanceJe 49:6 -prisoners (dwellers) of sons of Ah-mohnJe 49:10 -Ey-sahvJe 49:10 -his secret places Je 49:14 from - Je 49:28 -sons of the eastJe 49:32 -their calamityJe 49:35 -bow of Ey-lahm,

first of their mightJe 49:37 -Ey-lahmJe 49:37 -burning of my anger Je 49:37 -the swordJe 49:39 -prisoners (dwellers) of Ey-lahmJe 50:3 -her earth for a horrorJe 50:4 and - their ELOHIM they shall seekJe 50:19 -Yees-rah-eyl to his pastureJe 50:20 -iniquity of Yees-rah-eyl

Je 50:20 and -sins of Y’hoo-dahJe 50:25 -his armoryJe 50:25 -weapons (vessels) of his furyJe 50:28 -vengeance of our ELOHIMJe 50:34 -their causeJe 50:34 -the earthJe 50:39 -jackalsJe 50:40 -S’dohmJe 50:40 and -Ah-moh-rahJe 50:40 and -her neighborsJe 50:43 -their report (hearing)Je 51:2 -her earthJe 51:9 -Bah-vehlJe 51:10 -our righteousnessJe 51:10 -work of our ELOHIMJe 51:11 -Roo-ahkh of kings of Mah-daiJe 51:12 -that which spoke to dwellers of Bah-vehlJe 51:24 -all their evil that they have done in

Tsee-ohn##8801-8850 (Je ##678-727)

Je 51:25 -all the earthJe 51:25 -my hand upon youJe 51:28 -kings of Mah-daiJe 51:28 -her governersJe 51:28 and -all her rulers

Je 51:28 and -all earth of his dominionJe 51:29 -earth of Bah-vehl for a dessert with no dwellerJe 51:32 -the reeds they burned with the fireJe 51:36 -your causeJe 51:36 and -your vengeanceJe 51:36 -her seaJe 51:36 -her wellJe 51:39 -their drinkings (feasts, banquetings)Je 51:44 -his swallowing from his mouthJe 51:45 -his soul from burning anger (ticked off) of Je 51:50 - Je 51:55 -Bah-vehlJe 51:59 -S’rai-yah, son of Ney-ree-yah, son of Mahkh-sey-yahJe 51:59 -Tseed-kee-yah-hoo, King of Y’hoo-dahJe 51:60 -all the evil that shall come to Bah-vehl in scroll oneJe 51:60 -all the words -the these- that are written to Bah-vehlJe 51:61 -all the words -the these-Je 51:63 -the scroll -the this-

Je 52:8 -Tseed-kee-yah-hoo in Ahr-vohth of Y’rey-khohJe 52:9 -the kingJe 52:10 -sons of Tseed-kee-yah-hoo to his eyesJe 52:10 -all chiefs of Y’hoo-dah slew in Reev-lah-thahJe 52:11 and -eyes of Tseed-kee-yah-hoo blindedJe 52:13 -house of Je 52:13 and -house of the kingJe 52:13 and -all houses of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemJe 52:13 and -all houses of the great ones burned with the fireJe 52:14 and -all home-walls of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemJe 52:14 -chief of executionersJe 52:15 and -rest of the people the ones remaining in the cityJe 52:15 and -the ones fallen awayJe 52:15 and -rest of the multitude (many)Je 52:17 and - pillars of the copper that were of house of Je 52:17 and -the standsJe 52:17 and -sea of the copperJe 52:17 -all their copper in to the Bah-vehlJe 52:18 and -the potsJe 52:18 and -the shovels

Je 52:18 and -the snuffersJe 52:18 and -the srinkling bowlsJe 52:18 and -the spoonsJe 52:18 and -all vessels of the copperJe 52:19 and -the basins (dishes)Je 52:19 and -the firepansJe 52:19 and -the bowls

##8851-8900 (Je ##728-740)Je 52:19 and -the potsJe 52:19 and -the lampstands (menorahs)Je 52:19 and -the spoonsJe 52:19 and -the sacrificial basins (cups)Je 52:24 -S’rai-yah, Koh-heyn, the headJe 52:24 and -Ts’phahn-yah, Koh-heyn, the secondJe 52:24 and -three keepers of the thresholdJe 52:25 and -scribe of chief of the armyJe 52:25 -people of the earthJe 52:31 -head of Y’ho-yah-kheen, King of Y’hoo-dahJe 52:32 -his throne from above of throne of kingsJe 52:33 -garments of his prisonJe 52:34 from -king of Bah-vehl




La 1:9 -my iniquityLa 1:19 -their soulLa 2:1 -daughter of Tsee-ohnLa 2:2 -all abodes of Yah-ah-kohvLa 4:11 -his fury (violence)La 5:1 -our shame




Ez 1:11 -their bodiesEz 1:23 -their bodiesEz 1:24 -sound of their wings like sound of waters greatsEz 2:2 -from Him speaking to meEz 2:7 -my eyes to themEz 2:8 -what I am from saying to youEz 2:8 -what I am giving to youEz 3:1 -what you find, eatEz 3:1 -the roll -the this-Ez 3:2 -my mouthEz 3:2 -the roll -the that-Ez 3:3 -the roll -the this- that I give to youEz 3:8 -your face strongs over against their facesEz 3:8 and -your forehead

strong over against their foreheadsEz 3:10 -all my words which I speak to youEz 3:19 -your soul you have deliveredEz 3:21 -your soul you have deliveredEz 3:27 -your mouthEz 4:1 -Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemEz 4:3 -your face to herEz 4:4 -iniquity of house of Yees-rah-eyl upon itEz 4:4 -their iniquityEz 4:5 -years of their iniquityEz 4:6 -themEz 4:6 -iniquity of house of Y’hoo-dah forty days

Ez 4:13 -their bread defiled in the nations where I will drive them thereEz 4:15 -dung of the oxen instead of dung of the ah-dahmEz 4:15 -your bread upon themEz 5:2 -the third part with the carved-swordEz 5:6 -my judgements for wickednessEz 5:6 and -my statutes

##8901-8950 (Ez ##32-81)Ez 5:7 and -my judgements not they have doneEz 5:9 -that not I have doneEz 5:9 and -which not I will do like it againEz 5:10 -all of your remnant to every windEz 5:11 -my sanctuary you have defiled

Ez 5:16 -arrows of the famine, the evil, against them which shall be for ruinEz 6:5 -dead bodies of sons of Yees-rah-eyl to face of their g’lool idolsEz 6:5 -your bones around your altarsEz 6:9 -their heart the whoaring which has turned from upon meEz 6:9 and -their eyes that whore after their g’lool idolsEz 6:14 -my hand upon themEz 6:14 -the earth a desolationEz 7:3 -all your abominationsEz 7:8 -all your abominationsEz 7:22 -my hidden place Ez 7:24 -their housesEz 8:9 -the abominations, the evil, that they are doing hereEz 8:12 -the earthEz 8:14 -the Tah-moozEz 8:17 -the abominations which they do hereEz 8:17 -the earth of violenceEz 8:17 -the branch to their noseEz 9:7 -the house and fillEz 9:7 -the courts of the slain ones Ez 9:8 -all remnant of Yees-rah-eyl in your pouringEz 9:8 -your fury upon Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemEz 9:9 -the earthEz 10:3 -the court, the inner

Ez 10:4 -the cloudEz 10:4 -her radiance of glory of Ez 10:6 -the man, clothed of the linen

Ez 10:7 -his from between of the K’roo-veem to the fire that was between the K’roo-veemEz 10:16 -their wings to soar from upon the earthEz 10:19 -their wingsEz 11:1 -Yah-ah-zahn-yah, son of Ah-zoorEz 11:1 and -P’laht-yah-hoo, son of B’nah-yah-hoo, chiefs of the peopleEz 11:13 -remnant of Yees-rah-eylEz 11:17 -earth of Yees-rah-eylEz 11:18 -all her detestable (hateful) things Ez 11:18 and -her abominations from herEz 11:20 and -my judgements keep and do themEz 11:22 -their wings and the wheels of beside themEz 11:25 -all matters of which had shown meEz 12:6 -the earthEz 12:12 -the earthEz 12:13 -my net upon himEz 12:16 -all their abominations in the nations where they go thereEz 12:23 -the proverb -the this-

Ez 12:25 -that I shall speak a thing and shall be done

Ez 13:10 -my people to say Peace! but not was peace

##8951-9000 (Ez ##82-131)Ez 13:14 -the wall (side) that was daubed with limeEz 13:15 -my wrath in the wall (side)Ez 13:20 -the souls to make them flyEz 13:20 -the souls which you are huntingEz 13:20 -souls to make them flyEz 13:21 -your veilsEz 13:21 -my people from your handEz 13:23 -my people from your handEz 14:4 -his g’lool idols to his heartEz 14:5 -house of Yees-rah-eyl in their heartEz 14:9 -the prophet -the that- Ez 14:9 -my hand upon himEz 14:22 -their wayEz 14:22 and -their doings (deeds)Ez 14:22 -all which I have brought upon herEz 14:23 -their wayEz 14:23 and -their doings (deeds)

Ez 14:23 -all that I did in her states (names) ADONAI

Ez 15:4 -both its ends devours the fireEz 15:6 -dwellers of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemEz 15:7 -my face against themEz 15:7 -my face against themEz 15:8 -the earth desolationEz 16:2 -Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemEz 16:2 -her abominationsEz 16:15 -your fornications upon all going overEz 16:18 -garments your embroideredEz 16:20 -your sonsEz 16:20 and -your daughters whom you have ladded to meEz 16:21 -my sonsEz 16:22 and -all your abominations and your fornicationsEz 16:22 -days of your youthEz 16:25 -your beautyEz 16:25 -your feetEz 16:25 -your fornicationsEz 16:26 -your fornication to provoke me to anger (wrath)Ez 16:29 -your whoredom to earth of K’nah-ahn to Kahs-deemEz 16:30 -all these from the work of a woman, an harlot overbearing Ez 16:32 -strangersEz 16:33 -your presents (gifts) to all your loversEz 16:37 -all your lovers whom you have been pleased with them

Ez 16:37 and -all whom you have loved upon all you have hatedEz 16:37 -all your nakednessEz 16:43 -days of your youthEz 16:43 -the wickedness above all your abominationsEz 16:51 -your abominations from themEz 16:51 -your sisters by all your abominations which you have doneEz 16:53 -their captivityEz 16:53 -captivity of S’dohm and her daughtersEz 16:53 and -captivity of Shohm-rohn and her daughters

##9001-9050 (Ez ##132-181)Ez 16:58 -your wickednessEz 16:58 and -your abominationsEz 16:60 -my covenant with you in the days of your youthEz 16:61 -your ways

Ez 16:61 -your sisters, the greaterEz 16:62 -my covenant with youEz 17:3 -top (highest branch) of the cedar and brought it to earth of traders (k’nah-ahn)Ez 17:4 -head of its young twigs were pluckedEz 17:9 -her roots pull upEz 17:9 and -her fruit cut off (lop off) and wither it Ez 17:12 -her kingEz 17:12 and -her chiefs

Ez 17:13 and -mighty of the earth tookEz 17:14 -its covenant to have her standEz 17:16 -his oathEz 17:16 -his covenantEz 17:21 and -all his fugitives with all his bands by the sword shall fallEz 18:2 -the proverb -the this- upon land of Yees-rah-eylEz 18:6 and -wife of his neighbor not has defiledEz 18:11 -any of these not does himself Ez 18:11 and -wife of his neighbor’s has defiledEz 18:13 -all the abominations -the these- has done

Ez 18:14 -all sins of his father which has doneEz 18:15 -wife of his neigbor’s not has defiledEz 18:19 -all my statutes has kept and done them, living shall liveEz 18:21 -all my statutes and do justice and righteousness living shall live, not shall dieEz 18:27 -his soul shall keep aliveEz 18:31 -all your transgressions which you have transgressed in themEz 20:1 - Ez 20:3 -elders of Yees-rah-eylEz 20:4 -abominations of

their fathers make them knowEz 20:8 -abominations of their eyes not they threw awayEz 20:8 and -g’lool idols of Meets-rah-yeem not they forsookEz 20:11 -my statutesEz 20:11 and -my judgements I made know themEz 20:12 -my Shahb-bahths I gave to them to be for a sign between me and between themEz 20:13 and -my judgements they despisedEz 20:13 and -my Shab-bahths they profaned muchEz 20:16 and -my statutes not they walked in themEz 20:16 and -my Shahb-bahths they profanedEz 20:18 and -their judgements not they do keepEz 20:19 and -my judgments keep and do themEz 20:20 and -my Shahb-bahths keep holyEz 20:21 and -my judgements not they keptEz 20:21 -my Shahb-bahths they profanedEz 20:22 -my handEz 20:23 -my hand to them in the wilderness to scatter them in the nationsEz 20:24 and -my Shahb-bahths they

profanedEz 20:28 -my hand to give herEz 20:28 -their sacrifices

##9051-9100 (Ez ##182-231)Ez 20:28 -their drink offeringsEz 20:36 -your fathers in wilderness of earth of Meets-rah-yeem

Ez 20:39 and -Name, My holy, not you will profane still with your gifts and with your g’lool idolsEz 20:40 -your heave offeringsEz 20:40 and -firstfruits of your gift offerings with all your holy thingsEz 20:42 -my hand to give her to your fathersEz 20:43 -your waysEz 20:43 and -all your deeds which you have been defiled in themEz 21:17 -my people to thus slap (strike) to your testiclesEz 21:25 -Rah-bahth of sons of Ah-mohnEz 21:25 and -Y’hoo-dah, in Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem fortifiedEz 22:2 -city of the bloodsEz 22:2 -all her abominationsEz 22:8 and -my Shahb-bahths you have profanedEz 22:11 -wife of his neighbor has done abomination

Ez 22:11 -his daughter-in-law has defiled in unchaste acts Ez 22:11 -his sister, daughter of his father has humbled in you

Ez 22:29 and -the stranger they have oppressed with no justiceEz 23:8 and -her fornications from Meets-rah-yeem not did leave (forsake)Ez 23:11 and -her fonications from adultery than her sister’sEz 23:18 -her nakednessEz 23:19 -her fronications to recallEz 23:19 -days of her youth which had whored in earth of Meets-rah-yeemEz 23:21 -lewdness (wickedness) of your youthEz 23:22 -with your lovers against youEz 23:22 -whom is alienated your soul from themEz 23:26 -your garmentsEz 23:27 and -your fornication (whoredom) from earth of Meets-rah-yeemEz 23:34 and -her pieces (fragments) you shall breakEz 23:35 and -your adulteriesEz 23:36 -Ah-hah-lahEz 23:36 and -Ah-hah-lee-vahEz 23:36 -their abominationsEz 23:37 and -their g’lool idols

Ez 23:37 -their sons whom they bore to me they pass over to them to be devouredEz 23:38 -my sanctuary in the day -the that-Ez 23:38 and -my Shahb-bahths they have profanedEz 23:39 -their sons to their g’lool idolsEz 24:2 -name of the dayEz 24:2 -same the day -the this-Ez 24:8 -her blood upon a shining (glaring) rock to not be coveredEz 24:13 -my fury on (in) youEz 24:16 -desire of your eyes with a blow (slaughter)Ez 24:21 -my sanctuary, pride of your strength, desire of your eyes, and that which pities your soulEz 24:25 -their strength joy of their beautyEz 24:25 -desire of their eyesEz 24:25 and -lifting up their soul their sons and their daughtersEz 24:27 -the ones escapedEz 25:5 -Rahb-bah for pasture for camelsEz 25:5 and -sons of Ah-mohn for resting (reclining) place for flocks

##9101-9150 (Ez ##232-281)Ez 25:7 -my hand upon youEz 25:9 -side of Moh-ahv from the citites

Ez 25:14 -my vengeance on Eh-dohm by hand of my people Yees-rah-eylEz 25:14 -my vengeance states ADONAI Ez 25:16 -K’rey-theemEz 25:16 -rest of coast (cove) of the seaEz 25:17 -my vengeance on themEz 26:11 -all your streets, your people, by the sword shall killEz 26:16 -their robesEz 26:16 and -garments of emobroidered strip offEz 26:19 -deepEz 26:20 -with ones going down to pit to people of oldEz 26:20 -with ones going down to pitEz 27:5 -all your planksEz 28:6 -your heart as a heart of ElohimEz 28:25 -house of Yees-rah-eyl from the peoples whom they are dispersed among themEz 29:4 and -all fish of your rivers on your scales shall stick

Ez 29:5 and -all fish of your rivers upon face of the field you shall fallEz 29:10 -earth of Meets-rah-yeem for a waste, waste desolationEz 29:12 -earth of Meets-rah-yeem a desolation in midst of earths that are desolate

Ez 29:12 -Meets-rah-yeem in the nationsEz 29:13 -Meets-rah-yeem from the peoples where they are scattered thereEz 29:14 -captivity of Meets-rah-yeemEz 29:18 -his army a service, great, to TsohrEz 29:19 -earth of Meets-rah-yeemEz 29:20 -earth of Meets-rah-yeem which they worked for me states ADONAI Ez 30:9 -Koosh confidentEz 30:10 -the many-multitude of Meets-rah-yeem by hand of N’voo-khahd-reh-tsahr, King of Bah-vehlEz 30:11 -the earth of slainEz 30:12 -the earth in hand of evil ones Ez 30:14 -Pahth-rohsEz 30:15 -the multitude of Noh (Thebes)

Ez 30:18 -yokes of Meets-rah-yeemEz 30:21 -arm of Pah-roh, King of Meets-rah-yeem I have shatteredEz 30:22 -his armsEz 30:22 -the stong one Ez 30:22 -the shattered oneEz 30:22 -the sword from his handEz 30:23 -Meets-rah-yeem in the nationsEz 30:24 -arms of king of Bah-vehl

Ez 30:24 -my sword in his handEz 30:24 -arms of Pah-rohEz 30:25 -arms of King of Bah-vehl and arms of Meets-rah-yeem shall fallEz 30:26 -Meets-rah-yeem in the nationsEz 31:4 -her riversEz 31:4 and -her channels sent out to all trees of the fieldEz 31:14 -their top (highest branch) to between the thick boughsEz 31:15 -deepEz 31:16 -those going down to pitEz 31:18 -trees of Ey-dehn to earth’s lowest parts

##9151-9200 (Ez ##282-331)Ez 31:18 -slain of swordEz 32:3 -my net in congregation of peoples, manyEz 32:5 -your flesh upon the mountainsEz 32:7 -their starsEz 32:12 -pride of Meets-rah-yeemEz 32:13 -all her beasts from upon waters, greatsEz 32:15 -earth of Meets-rah-yeem wasteEz 32:15 -all dwelling in herEz 32:18 -those going down to pitEz 32:19 -uncircumcised ones Ez 32:21 -his helpers they went downEz 32:24 -those going down to pit

Ez 32:25 -those going down to pitEz 32:27 -mighty ones that are fallen, from uncircumcised ones Ez 32:27 -their swords under their headsEz 32:28 -slain by swordEz 32:29 -slain of swordEz 32:29 -uncircumcised ones shall lieEz 32:29 and -those going down to pitEz 32:30 -slain ones in their terrorEz 32:30 -slain by swordEz 32:30 -those going down to pitEz 32:32 -his terror in earth of the livingEz 32:32 -those slain by swordEz 33:3 -the sword coming upon the earthEz 33:3 -the peopleEz 33:4 -sound of the shoh-phahrEz 33:5 -sound of the shoh-phahr heardEz 33:6 -the sword comingEz 33:22 -my mouth until came to me in the morningEz 33:24 -the earthEz 33:26 -wife of his neighbor defilesEz 33:28 -the earth desolate and wasteEz 33:29 -the earth desolate and waste upon all their abominations which they have doneEz 33:30 -one, each, Ez 33:30 -his brother

Ez 33:30 from - Ez 33:31 -your wordsEz 33:32 -your wordsEz 34:3 -the khey-lehv fat you eatEz 34:3 and -the wool clothe yourselvesEz 34:4 -the weak not you have strengthenedEz 34:4 and -the sick not you have healedEz 34:4 and -the banished not you have returnedEz 34:4 and -the lost (perished) not you have soughtEz 34:7 -word of Ez 34:8 -my sheepEz 34:8 and -my flock not did feedEz 34:10 -my sheep from their handEz 34:11 -my sheep and seek them out

##9201-9250 (Ez ##332-381)Ez 34:12 -my sheep and I will deliver them from all the places where they were scattered there in day of cloud and thick (dark) cloud (gloom)Ez 34:16 -the lost (perished) I will seekEz 34:16 and -the banished I will returnEz 34:16 and -the weak I will strengthenEz 34:16 and -the fatEz 34:16 and -the strong I will destroyEz 34:18 and -the rest with your feet you must foulEz 34:23 -My servant

Dah-veed He shall feed them and He shall be to them for shepherdEz 34:27 -its fruitEz 34:27 -staffs of their yokeEz 35:5 -sons of Yees-rah-eyl unto hands of sword in time of their calamity in time of iniquity endEz 35:7 -Mount Sey-eer for ruin and wasteEz 35:8 -his mountains of his slainEz 35:10 -two of the nationsEz 35:10 and -two of the earths to me will beEz 35:12 -all your revilings (blasphemies) which you have spoken against mountains of Yees-rah-eyl to say desolation

Ez 36:5 --my earths to themselves for possession with joy of all heartEz 36:7 -my handEz 36:12 -my people Yees-rah-eylEz 36:20 -Name My holyEz 36:23 -My name, the great that was profaned in the nations which you profaned amidst themEz 36:26 -heart of the stone from your flesh, and I will give to you a heart of fleshEz 36:27 and -My Roo-ahkh I will put in your midstEz 36:27 -that is in my statutes of you to go (walk) and my statutes shall you keep and do them

Ez 36:30 -fruit of the tree and produce of the fieldEz 36:31 -your ways, the evils and you doing that not goodEz 36:33 -the citiesEz 37:12 -your gravesEz 37:13 -your gravesEz 37:19 -tree of Yoh-seyph, which is in hand of Eh-phrah-yeem and tribes of Yees-rah-eyl, his companionsEz 37:19 -tree of Y’hoo-dah, and make them of tree oneEz 37:21 -sons of Yees-rah-eyl from between the nations where they have gone thereEz 37:26 -my sanctuary in their midst for agesEz 37:28 -Yees-rah-eyl in being My sanctuary in their midst for agesEz 38:4 and -all your army, horses and horsemen, clothed most perfectly, all themEz 38:6 and -all his bands, peoples many, with youEz 39:7 and -Name, My holy, I will make known in midst of My people, Yees-rah-eylEz 39:7 -Name, My holy againEz 39:10 -those who spoiled them

Ez 39:10 -those who robbed them states ADONAI Ez 39:11 -those who pass overEz 39:11 -Gohg

Ez 39:11 and -all his multitudeEz 39:12 -the earth seven monthsEz 39:14 -those who pass overEz 39:14 -the ones remaining upon face of the earth to purify herEz 39:21 -my glory in the nationsEz 39:21 -my judgments which I have doneEz 39:21 and -my hand that I have laid on themEz 39:25 -captivity of Yah-ah-kohv

##9251-9300 (Ez ##382-431)Ez 39:26 -their shame (calalmity)Ez 39:26 and -all their treachery (trespass) which they have trespassed against meEz 39:29 -My Roo-ahkh upon house of Yees-rah-eyl, states ADONAI Ez 40:4 -all that you see to house of Yees-rah-eylEz 40:5 -breadth of the building, reed oneEz 40:6 -threshold of the gate, reed one wideEz 40:6 and -threshold one, reed one wideEz 40:8 -porch of the gate from the house, reed oneEz 40:9 -porch of the gate eight cubitsEz 40:11 -breadth of opening of the gate ten cubitsEz 40:13 -the gate from the roof of the room to roof wide twenty and five cubits entrance against entrance

Ez 40:14 -pillars sixty cubits and to the pillar of the court, the gate, round and roundEz 40:28 -The gate south (downward) like meaures -the these-Ez 40:32 -the gate like measures -the these-Ez 40:38 -the elevation offeringEz 40:42 -the vessels (instruments) which they slaughteredEz 40:42 -the elevation offering by them and the sacrificeEz 40:47 -the court, long a hundred cubits and wide a hundred cubits, a squareEz 41:1 -the pillars six cubits wide from here and six cubits broad from there, width of the tent

Ez 41:4 -its lenghth twenty cubits and width twenty cubits, to face of the templeEz 41:12 -the house long a hundred cubitsEz 42:15 -measuring the house the facing (inner)Ez 42:18 -side the south, (downward) measured five hundred reeds with reed, the measuringEz 43:3 -the cityEz 43:7 -place of My throneEz 43:7 and -place of soles of My feet where I will dwell there in midst of sons of Yees-rah-eyl for

agesEz 43:8 -My thresholdEz 43:8 -Name My holy by their abominations that they have doneEz 43:9 -their fornications and corpses of kings from meEz 43:10 -house of Yees-rah-eylEz 43:10 -the houseEz 43:10 -its sizeEz 43:11 and -all its statutesEz 43:11 -all its formEz 43:11 and -all its statutes and do themEz 43:21 -the heifer of the sin offeringEz 43:22 -the altar as which they cleansed it with the heiferEz 43:26 -the altarEz 43:27 -the daysEz 43:27 -your elevation offeringsEz 43:27 and -your peace offeringsEz 44:3 -the prince, prince he is shall sit in it to eat bread to face of Ez 44:4 -house of Ez 44:5 -all that I from saying to you of all statutes of house of Ez 44:7 -My house in bringing you nearEz 44:7 -My bread, khey-lehv fat and the bloodEz 44:7 -My covenant to all your abominationsEz 44:11 -the houseEz 44:11 -the elevation offeringEz 44:11 and -the sacrifice for the people

##9301-9350 (Ez ##432-472)Ez 44:15 -charge (keeping) of My sanctuary in went astray sons of Yees-rah-eyl from upon meEz 44:16 -My charge (keeping)Ez 44:19 -their garments by which they ministered in themEz 44:19 -the people in their garmentsEz 44:20 -their heads

Ez 44:23 and -My people they shall teach between holy to common and between unclean to clean, to make them knownEz 44:24 and -My TorahsEz 44:24 and -My statutes in my appointed times they shall keep (observe)Ez 44:24 and -My Shahb-bahths they shall sanctifyEz 45:1 -the earth in an inheritance you shall heave a t’roo-mah offering to Ez 45:4 - Ez 45:8 -My peopleEz 45:17 -the sin offeringEz 45:17 and -food offeringEz 45:17 and -the elevation offeringEz 45:17 and -the peace offering to atone in unto house of Yees-rah-eylEz 45:18 -the sanctuaryEz 45:20 -the houseEz 46:2 -his elevation offeringEz 46:2 and -his peace offerings

Ez 46:12 -the gate, the facing eastEz 46:12 -his elevation offeringEz 46:12 and -his peace offerings as which he does in day of the Shahb-bahthEz 46:12 -the gate after his going outEz 46:14 -the fine flourEz 46:15 -the ramEz 46:15 and -the food offeringEz 46:15 and -the oil in the morning, in the morning, an elevation offering continuallyEz 46:18 -his sonsEz 46:20 -the guilt offeringEz 46:20 and -the sin offering where they shall bakeEz 46:20 -the food offering to bring out to the court the outer to sanctifyEz 46:20 -the peopleEz 46:24 -sacrifice of the peopleEz 47:13 -the earth for two- ten tribes of Yees-rah-eyl. Yoh-seyph shall have two portionsEz 47:14 -my hand to give her to your fathersEz 47:17 and -side northEz 47:18 and -side eastEz 47:19 and -side south (right hand)Ez 47:21 -the earth -the this- for yourselves by tribes of Yees-rah-eylEz 48:20 -heave offering holy to possession of the city




Da 1:2 -Y’hoh-yah-keem, King of Y’hoo-dahDa 1:2 and -the vessels, the taking, to house treasure of his elohimDa 1:9 -Dah-ne-eyl for kindness and for compassion to face of chief of the eunichsDa 1:10 -my lord, the king who appointedDa 1:10 -your foodDa 1:10 and -your drinkDa 1:10 -your faces worse from the boys (lads) who are as in your termDa 1:10 -my head to the kingDa 1:12 -your servants days ten

##9351-9400 (Da ##10-39)Da 1:13 -portion (meat) of the kingDa 1:15 -portion (meat) of the kingDa 1:16 -their portion (meat) and wine of their drinksDa 2:3 -the dreamDa 8:4 -the ram butting (goring) seaward (westward), and northward and southward (negevward)Da 8:7 -the ramDa 8:7 -two of its hornsDa 8:15 -the vision (sight (mentally))Da 8:16 -the vision

Da 8:19 -what shall be in latter days of the indignation (froth, fury)Da 8:27 -business (messenger) of the kingDa 9:3 -my face to ADONAI The ELOHIM to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting and sackcloth and dustDa 9:11 -Your TorahDa 9:12 -His words which spoke against us and against our judges who judged usDa 9:13 -all the evil -the this- has come upon usDa 9:13 -face of our ELOHIMDa 9:15 -Your people from earth of Meets-rah-yeem with hand mightyDa 10:1 -the wordDa 10:5 -my eyes and lookedDa 10:7 -the visionDa 10:7 -the visionDa 10:8 -the vision, the great -the this-Da 10:9 -call-sound of his wordsDa 10:9 -call-sound of his words

Da 10:11 -the word -the this- I stood with tremblingDa 10:12 -your heart to the understanding and to the humbling yourself to face of your ELOHIMDa 10:14 -what shall happen to your people in latter of the daysDa 10:21 -the inscription in

writing of truthDa 11:2 -kingdom of Yah-vahn (Greece)Da 12:7 -the man clothed of the linen who was from upon of waters of the river




Ho 1:3 -Goh-mehr, daughter of Deev-lah-yeemHo 1:4 -blood of Yeez-r’ehl upon house of Yey-hooHo 1:5 -bow of Yees-rah-eyl in valley of Yeez-r’ehlHo 1:6 -house of Yees-rah-eylHo 1:7 and -house of Y’hoo-dah I will have mercy on Ho 1:8 -No Mercy

Ho 2:6 and -her sons not I will pityHo 2:8 -your way with thornsHo 2:8 -her inclosure (wall)Ho 2:9 -her lovers, but not shall overtake them and shall search themHo 2:11 -her nakednessHo 2:12 -her folly to eyes of her lovers, and a man not shall deliver her from my handHo 2:15 -days of the Bah-ah-leem whom she burned (offered) to the

themHo 2:17 -her vineyards from thereHo 2:17 and -valley of Ah-khohr for entrance of hopeHo 2:19 -names of the Bah-ah-leem from her mouthHo 2:22 - Ho 2:23 -the heavensHo 2:23 -the earthHo 2:24 -the grain

##9401-9450 (Ho ##20-43)Ho 2:24 and -the new wineHo 2:24 and -the olive oilHo 2:24 -Yeez-r’ehlHo 2:25 -No MercyHo 3:1 -sons of Yees-rah-eylHo 3:5 - their ELOHIMHo 3:5 and -Dah-veed, their king

Ho 4:10 -- they have cease to heedHo 5:4 - not they knowHo 5:6 - but not they shall findHo 5:7 -their portionsHo 5:13 -his sickness, and Y’hoo-dahHo 5:13 -his woundHo 6:3 - Ho 7:5 -scornersHo 7:7 -their judgesHo 8:14 -his Maker and builds templesHo 9:12 -their sons, but will make them childless without (from) a manHo 10:3 -

Ho 10:12 - until comes and rains (instructs) righteousness to youHo 12:4 -his brother, and by his strength (effort) contended (prevailed)Ho 12:4 -ELOHIMHo 12:13 -Yees-rah-eyl from Meets-rah-yeem, and by a prophet was guarded




Joel 2:19 -the grain, and the new (fresh) wine and the glistened oil and you will be satisfied with itJoel 2:20 and -the northerner I will remove from upon youJoel 2:20 -his face to the sea, the eastern, and his rear to the sea, the after (western)Joel 2:23 -the early rain to righteousness, and came down to you rain, early rain and latter rain in the firstJoel 2:25 -the years which ate the swarming locust the larvae (young locust), and the striping locust, and the cutting locust My army, the great, which I sent among you.Joel 2:26 -name of your ELOHIM who has done you of the wonders

(miracles)Joel 3:1 -My Roo-ahkh upon all fleshJoel 3:2 -My Roo-ahkh Joel 4:1 -captives (exiles) of Y’hoo-dah and Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemJoel 4:2 -all the nations and will bring them down to valley of Y’hoh-shah-phahtJoel 4:2 and -my earth they distributed (shared)Joel 4:8 -your sonsJoel 4:8 and -your daughters in hand of sons of Y’hoo-dah and will sell to Sh’vah-eem to nation far off for has spokenJoel 4:12 -all the nations aroundJoel 4:18 -torrent (brook) of the Shee-teem




Am 1:3 -the Gee-lahdAm 1:13 -their borderAm 2:4 -Torah of , and His statutes not they keptAm 2:7 -name of My holinessAm 2:9 -the Eh-moh-rite from their faces who like her height of cedars was his height and strong he was like great treesAm 2:10 -earth of the


Am 2:12 -the N’zah-reem wine and upon the prophets you command to say not do prophecy

Am 3:1 -the word -the this- which has spoken against you, sons of Yees-rah-eyl, against all the family which I brought you from earth of Meets-rah-yeemAm 3:2 -all your iniquitiesAm 4:7 -the rain in still three months to the harvestAm 4:11 -S’dohmAm 4:11 and -Ah-moh-rah

##9451-9500 (Am ##13-37)Am 5:1 -the word -the this- which I am lifting against you, a dirge, house of Yees-rah-eylAm 5:6 - and liveAm 5:11 -their wineAm 5:18 -day of Am 5:26 -Sook-kohth of your kingAm 5:26 and -Kee-yoon, your images, star of your elohim which you made for yourselvesAm 6:8 -pride of Yah-ah-kohv and his palaces I hate, and I will shut up city and her fulnessAm 7:2 -herb (tender plant) of the earthAm 7:4 -deep great and devouringAm 7:4 -the portion

Am 7:10 -all his wordsAm 8:11 -words of Am 8:12 -word of and not they will findAm 9:1 -ADONAI, standing by the altarAm 9:3 -the serpent and it will bite (strike) themAm 9:4 -the sword and it will kill themAm 9:7 -Yees-rah-eyl I have brought up from earth of Meets-rah-yeem, and Ph’leesh-teem from Kahph-tohr, and Ah-rahm from KeerAm 9:8 -house of Yah-ah-kohv declares Am 9:9 -house of Yees-rah-eyl as which one shakes with a sieveAm 9:11 -Sook-kohth of Dah-veed that has fallen and wall upAm 9:11 -its breachesAm 9:12 -remnant of Eh-dohm and all the nations whom is called My Name upon them declares doing this Am 9:14 -captivity of my people Yees-rah-eylAm 9:14 -their wineAm 9:14 -their fruitTHERE ARE 37 s IN AH-MOHS (AMOS)



Ob 1:1 from - Ob 1:14 -his escapees (refugees)Ob 1:17 -their posessionsOb 1:19 -mountain of Ey-sahv, and low country (lowland) of Ob 1:19 -P’leesh-teemOb 1:19 -fields of Ehph-rah-yeemOb 1:19 and -fields of Shohm-rohnOb 1:19 -the Gee-lahdOb 1:20 -cities of the Neh-gehvOb 1:21 -mountain of Ey-sahv and shall be to the kingdom




Jo 1:5 -the vessels which were in the ship to the sea to lighten from upon themJo 1:9 and - ELOHIM of the heavens I fear who madeJo 1:9 -the seaJo 1:9 and -the dry landJo 1:15 -Yoh-nah and casted him to the sea and stood the sea from its ragingJo 1:16 -, and they sacraificed a sacrifice to and they vowed

vows Jo 2:1 -Yoh-nah. And was Yoh-nah in belly (stomach) of the fish three days and three nightsJo 2:8 - I remembered, and came to you my prayer to the temple Your holyJo 2:11 -Yoh-nah to the dry landJo 3:1 -the proclamation that I speaking to youJo 3:10 -their deeds for they turned from their way the evilJo 4:3 -my soul from me. For better is my death from my lifeJo 4:7 -the gourd plant and dried up Jo 4:8 -his soul to die. And said better my death from my life




Mi 1:12 from - to gate of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem

##9501-9550 (Mi ##2-17)Mi 3:1 -the justiceMi 3:3 and -their bones they break and they shatter as that in the pot and as flesh in midst of a kettleMi 3:5 -my people, those biting

with their teeth and they cry out Peace!Mi 3:8 -Roo-ahkh of and justice and might to declare to Yah-ah-kohv his transgression and to Yees-rah-eyl his sinMi 3:9 and -all the uprightness they pervertMi 4:7 -the lame to a remnantMi 4:14 -one judging Yees-rah-eylMi 5:5 -earth of Ah-shoor with the swordMi 5:5 and -earth of Neem-rohd in her entrancesMi 5:6 from - as showers on blade of grass which not does wait for man and not does delay for sons of Ah-dahmMi 5:14 -the nations that not they have heardMi 6:1 -what is sayingMi 6:1 -the mountains, and let hear the hills your voiceMi 6:2 -contention of , and the constant (permanent) foundations of the earthMi 6:4 -Moh-sheh, Ah-hah-rohn, and Meer-yahmMi 7:2 -his brother hunts with a netTHERE ARE 17 s IN MEE-KHAH (MICAH)



Na 2:3 -glory (pride) of Yah-ah-kohv like glory (pride) of Yees-rah-eyl




Ha 1:4 -the righteous, upon thus goes forth justice from perversion (wrongness)

Ha 1:6 -the Kahs-deem, the nation bitter and the impetuous, that is going to the broad spaces of earth to possss dwellings not to himHa 2:13 from - of hosts and toil peoples only for fire and for nations only for emptiness grow wearyHa 2:14 -glory of as the waters cover over the seaHa 3:13 -your anointed you struck head from house of wicked to bare foundation unto neck, Seh-lah




Ze 1:3 -the wickedZe 1:3 -the Ah-dahm from upon face of the ground states Ze 1:4 -remnant of the Bah-ahlZe 1:4 -name of the idolators with the Koh-hah-neemZe 1:5 and -those bowing upon the roofs to host of the heavens

Ze 1:5 and -those bowing those swearing to and those swearing by Mahl-kahm Ze 1:6 and -those drawing back from after and who not have soughtZe 1:6 -, and not have asked of HimZe 1:12 -Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem with lamps, and visit upon the men those being settled upon their lees (dregs)Ze 1:13 -their wineZe 1:18 -all dwellers (inhabitants) of the earthZe 2:3 - all meek of the earth who His justice they have done (made)Ze 2:8 -my people and have become great upon their borderZe 2:11 -all elohim of the earth and will bow to Him,

each from his place, all islands of the nationsZe 2:13 -Ah-shoor and will makeZe 2:13 -Neen-vey for desolation, dry like the wilderness (desert)Ze 3:19 -all from your afflictors in the time -the that-. And I will save (y’shoo-ah)Ze 2:19 -her being lame, and her being thrust out (rejected) I will gather

Ze 2:20 -your captivity to (before) your eyes, states




Ha 1:14 -Roo-ahkh of Z’roo-bah-vehl, son of Shahl-tee-eyl, governor of Y’hoo-dahHa 1:14 and -Roo-ahkh of Y’hoh-shoo-ah, son of Y’hoh-tsah-dahk, the Koh-heyn, the highHa 1:14 and -Roo-ahkh of all remnant of the peopleHa 2:3 -the house -the this- in its glory the former (first)Ha 2:5 -the word which I cut with you in your coming out from Meets-rah-yeem and My Roo-ahkh abides in your midst not do fear

Ha 2:6 -the heavensHa 2:6 and -the earthHa 2:6 and -the seaHa 2:6 and -the dry (parched) Ground

##9551-9600 (Ha ##10-15)Ha 2:7 -all the nations, and shall come the desire (goodness) of all the nations. And I will fillHa 2:7 -the house -the this- with glory says of hostsHa 2:11 -the Koh-hah-neem the Torah to sayHa 2:17 -all work of your hands and not you did turn to me says Ha 2:21 -the heavensHa 2:21 and -the earth




Zec 1:6 -my servants the prophets, that not they did overtake your fathersZec 1:11 -Messenger of that stood between the myrtle trees and said that we have walked about in

the earth, and behold all the earth sits and is at restZec 1:12 -Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem

Zec 1:12 and -cities of Y’hoo-dah which you have cursed (abhor, defy) these seventy yearsZec 1:13 -the Messenger that spoke with me words good, and words comfortingZec 1:17 -Tsee-ohn and shall choose again in Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemZec 2:1 -my eyes and looked. And behold four hornsZec 2:2 -Y’hoo-dahZec 2:2 -Yees-rah-eyl and Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemZec 2:4 -Y’hoo-dah as thus a man not lifts up his headZec 2:4 -horns of the nations those lifting up their horn to earth of Y’hoo-dah to scatter herZec 2:6 -Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem to see as what is her breadth and as what her lengthZec 2:13 -my hand over them, and they shall be a prize for their servants. And you will know that of hosts has sent meZec 2:16 -Y’hoo-dah His portion upon land the holy and will choose again in Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem

Zec 3:1 -Y’hoh-shoo-ah the Koh-heyn the high standing to face of Messenger of and the Sah-than standing upon his right to accuse himZec 3:7 -My service you will keep and also you, you shall judgeZec 3:7 -My house and also you shall keepZec 3:7 -my courts and I will give to you from goings between those standing by -the these-Zec 3:8 -My servant Branch (Bud, Sprout)Zec 3:9 -iniquity of the earth -the that- in day oneZec 4:7 -the stone the top of shouts Grace! Grace! to herZec 4:10 -the stone the plummet (alloy) in hand Z’roo-bah-vehl seven these are eyes of they roam around (travel) in all the earth Zec 5:4 and -its trees (timber)Zec 5:4 and -its stonesZec 5:8 -stone, the lead, to her openingZec 5:9 -the ey-phah between the earth and between the heavensZec 5:10 -the ey-phahZec 6:8 -My Roo-ahkh in earth northZec 6:9 from -the exiles from Khehl-daiZec 6:9 from -Toh-vee-yah

Zec 6:9 and from -Y’dah-yahZec 6:12 -temple of Zec 6:13 -temple of , and He shall bear majesty and shall dwell and rule upon His throne. And shall be Koh-heyn upon his throne and counsel of peace shall be between two of themZec 7:2 -face of Zec 7:7 -the words which proclaimed by hand of the prophets the former (first)Zec 7:9 -his brotherZec 7:12 -the TorahZec 7:12 and -the words which has sent of hosts by His Roo-ahkh by hand of the prophets the former (first)Zec 7:12 from - of hostsZec 8:7 -My people from earth of rising and from earth of setting of the sunZec 8:9 -the words -the these- from mouth of the prophets that in day is founded house of of hosts, the temple to the rebuildingZec 8:10 -all of the ah-dahm, man against (from) his neighbor

Zec 8:12 -her produce and the heavens, they will give their dew, and I will cause to inheritZec 8:12 -remnant of the people -the this-

##9601-9650 (Zec ##45-94)Zec 8:12 -all these thingsZec 8:15 -Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem

Zec 8:15 and -house of Y’hoo-dah not do you fearZec 8:16 -his neighbor of truth and justice for peace judge in your shore-gatesZec 8:17 -evil of his neighbor not do let devise in your heart and oath false no do loveZec 8:17 -all these that I hate says Zec 8:21 -face of , and to seek Zec 8:21 - of hosts, I will go, also I Zec 8:22 - of hosts in Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem, and to seek favor (make prayer) Zec 8:22 -face of Zec 10:3 -his flockZec 10:3 -house of Y’hoo-dah, and made them as horse splendid in the battleZec 10:6 -house of Y’hoo-dahZec 10:6 and -house of Yoh-seyph I will save and will return them for will have pity on themZec 10:9 -their sons and they will returnZec 11:4 -flock of the slaughterZec 11:6 -the ah-dahm, each in hand of his neighbor and in hand of his king. And they will bruiseZec 11:6 -the earth, and not I will deliver from their hand. Zec 11:7 -flock of the slaughter to thus poor of the flockZec 11:7 -the flockZec 11:8 -three shepherds in month oneZec 11:9 -flesh of her neighbor

Zec 11:10 -My rod (staff) Zec 11:10 -Kindness (Pleasant, Delight) and I destroyed (broke) it to the breakingZec 11:10 -My covenant which I had cut with Zec 11:10 -all the peoplesZec 11:12 -my price thirty silverZec 11:14 -My rod (staff) the secondZec 11:14 -the Union (Bind) to the breaking (failing, make void) Zec 11:14 -the brotherhood between Y’hoo-dah and between Yees-rah-eylZec 12:2 -Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem a cup of reeling (trembling) to all the peoples all around and also upon Y’hoo-dah shall it be in the siege upon Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemZec 12:3 -Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem a stone heavy (burden) for all the peoplesZec 12:4 -my eyes, and every horse of the peoples I will strike with the blindnessZec 12:6 -chiefs of Y’hoo-dah like hearth of fire among trees, and like torch of fire among grainZec 12:6 -all the peoples all around. And dwells Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem again in her place in Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemZec 12:7 -tents of Y’hoo-dah first so that not may be magnified glory of house of Dah-veed and glory of inhabitants of Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem upon Y’hoo-dah

Zec 12:9 -all the nations that come upon Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemZec 12:10 -whom they pierced and they shall mourn upon Him as mourning upon the only one and will be bitter upon Him like bitterness upon the firstbornZec 13:2 -names of the ah-tsahv idols from the earth, and not they will be recalled again. And alsoZec 13:2 -the prophetsZec 13:2 and -roo-ahkh the unclean I will cause to pass over from the earth

Zec 13:7 -the Shepherd, and will be scattered the flock and I will turn my hand upon (against) the little onesZec 13:9 -the third part in the fire and will refine them as is refinedZec 13:9 -the silver and test them as is testedZec 13:9 -the gold. He will call on My name and I will answer himZec 14:2 -all the nations to Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem to the battleZec 14:12 -all the peoples who have fought (warred) upon Y’roo-shah-lah-yeemZec 14:16 -Feast of the Sook-kohth Zec 14:17 from -families of the earth to Y’roo-shah-lah-yeem to the worship to King

of hosts, and not upon them shall be the rainZec 14:18 -the nations who do not come up to keep (celebrate)

##9651-9674 (Zec ##95-96)Zec 14:18 -Feast of the Sook-kohth Zec 14:19 -Feast of the Sook-kohth



Ma 1:2 -Yah-ah-kohvMa 1:3 and -Ey-sahv I have hated and have madeMa 1:3 -his mountains a desolationMa 1:3 and -his inheritance for female jackals of the wildernessMa 1:6 -Your nameMa 1:13 and -the lameMa 1:13 and -the sick, and you bringMa 1:13 -the meal offering. Should I accept her from your hand says Ma 2:2 -the curse, and I will curseMa 2:2 -your blessings, and also I have cursed her for you not are setting upon your heartMa 2:3 -the seed, and I will dispurse dung upon your faces, dung of your feasts

and one will lift you to itMa 2:4 -the command -the this- to be my convenantMa 2:4 -Ley-vee says of hosts Ma 2:9 -My ways, but are lifting up faces in the Torah

Ma 2:13 -altar of with weeping and groaning (sighing) from not being yet facing to the food offering and to the taking of delight from your handMa 3:2 -day of His coming, and who will be standing in His appearing, For He is like fire of a refiner and like soap of fuller’sMa 3:3 -sons of Ley-vee and purge (refine) them like the gold and like the silver and they may be to presenters of food offerings in righteousnessMa 3:10 -all the tithe into house of the stored goods and may be food in My houseMa 3:10 -windows of the heavens and pour out for you a blessing until not is sufficientMa 3:11 -fruit of the ground and not will miscarry to you the vine in the field says of hosts Ma 3:24 -Ey-lee-yah, the prophet to the face of coming of day of , the great and the fearfulMa 3:24 -the earth with utter Destruction




Gen 5:3 (-and a hundred)Gen 5:4 (-hundred)Gen 5:6 (-and a hundred)Gen 5:18 (-and a hundred)Gen 5:25 (-and a hundred)Gen 5:28 (-and a hundred)Gen 5:30 (-a hundred)Gen 7:24 (-and a hundred)Gen 8:3 (-and a hundred)Gen 11:10 (-a hundred)Gen 11:25 (-and a hundred)Gen 12:11 (-you f.s.)Gen 12:13 (-you f.s.)Gen 21:5 (-a hundred)Gen 23:15 (-a hundred)Gen 24:23 (-you f.s.)Gen 24:47 (-you f.s.)Gen 24:60 (-you f.s.)Gen 25:7 (-a hundred)Gen 25:17 (-a hundred)Gen 27:10 (-and the you had sent)Gen 27:10 (-and the you shall bring)Gen 35:28 (-a hundred)Gen 39:9 (-you f.s.)Gen 41:22 (-full)Gen 47:9 (-and a hundred)Gen 47:28 (-and a hundred)Ex 4:8 (-the sign)Ex 4:8 (-the sign)Ex 6:16 (-and a hundred)Ex 6:18 (-and a hundred)

Ex 6:20 (-and a hundred)Ex 8:19 (-the sign)Ex 12:13 (-for a sign)Ex 18:19 (-and the bringing of you)Ex 25:14 (-and the you shall put)Ex 26:11 (-and the you shall go)Ex 26:33 (-and the you shall go)Ex 28:17 (-and you shall fill)Ex 28:17 (-settings)Ex 28:41 (-and you shall consecrate)Ex 29:9 (-and you shall consecrate)Ex 38:25 (-a hundred)Ex 38:27 (-a hundred)Ex 38:27 (-a hundred)Ex 38:27 (-for a hundred)Ex 40:4 (-and the you shall bring)Ex 40:4 (-and the you shall bring)Le 2:8 (-and the you shall bring)Le 8:33 (-fulfilling)

Le 12:4 (--fulfilled)Le 25:30 (-complete)Nu 2:9 (-a hundred)Nu 2:16 (-a hundred)Nu 2:24 (-a hundred)Nu 2:31 (-a hundred)Nu 5:20 (and -you f.s.)Nu 6:5 (-fulfilled)Nu 6:13 (-fulfilled)Nu 7:86 (-full)Nu 11:15 (-you f.s.)Nu 33:39 (-and a hundred)

De 5:24 (and -and you f.s.)De 6:11 (- you have filled)De 12:26 (-and you shall go)De 17:9 (-and you shall go)De 26:3 (-and you shall go)Jos 13:1 (-you are coming)Jos 14:9 (-you have followed fully)

Jud 9:10 (--you f.s.)

Jud 9:12 (--you f.s.)Jud 11:12 (-you have come)Jud 11:35 (and -you f.s.)Jud 13:3 (-you f.s.)Ru 2:12 (-you have come)Ru 3:4 (-and you shall go)

Ru 3:9 (--you f.s.)Ru 3:10 (-you f.s.)Ru 3:11 (-you f.s.)

Ru 3:16 (--you f.s.)

1 Sa 10:3 (-and you shall come)1 Sa 13:11 (-you came)1 Sa 20:19 (-and you shall come)1 Sa 22:5 (-and you shall come)1 Sa 24:18 (and -you m.s.)1 Sa 25:33 (-you f.s.)2 Sa 9:10 (-and the you shall bring)2 Sa 14:3 (-and you shall go)1 Ki 2:15 (-you f.s.)1 Ki 2:22 (-you f.s.)1 Ki 8:24 (-you have filled)1 Ki 13:14 (-you have come) 1 Ki 14:3 (-and you come)1 Ki 14:6 (-you f.s.)

1 Ki 14:12 (and -you f.s.)1 Ki 17:18 (-you have come)1 Ki 19:15 (-and you come)2 Ki 4:4 (-and you shall go)2 Ki 4:7 (and -and you f.s.)2 Ki 9:2 (-and you shall go)2 Ki 9:2 (-and you shall go)2 Ki 19:28 (-you came)1 Ch 14:14 (-and you come)2 Ch 6:15 (-you have fulfilled)Ne 5:11 (-and a hundredth)Ne 9:6 (-you m.s.)Es 1:4 (-and a hundred)Es 4:14 (-and you f.s.)

Job 1:10 (--you m. s.)Job 36:17 (-you have filled up)Job 38:16 (-the going of you)Job 38:22 (-the entering of you)Ps 6:4 (and -and you m.s.)Pr 6:3 (-you come)Pr 7:4 (-you f.s.)Pr 31:29 (-and you f.s.)

Ec 7:22 (--you m.s.)Ec 8:12 (-a hundred)So 5:12 (-setting)So 6:4 (-you f.s.)Is 37:29 (-you came)Is 51:9 (-you f.s.)Is 51:10 (-you f.s.)

Is 51:12 (--you f.s.)Je 2:20 (-you f.s.)Je 2:27 (-you f.s.)Je 3:1 (-and you f.s.)Je 13:21 (-and you f.s.)Je 15:6 (-you f.s.)

Je 29:10 (-have been fulfilled)Je 36:6 (-and you go)

Je 48:7 (--you f.s.)Je 50:24 (and -and you f.s.)La 1:21 (-that you have bring)Ez 1:18 (-were full)Ez 16:7 (-and you f.s.)Ez 16:33 (-but you f.s.)Ez 16:45 (-you f.s.)Ez 16:45 (-you f.s.)Ez 16:48 (-you f.s.)

Ez 16:52 (--you f.s.)

Ez 16:52 (--you f.s.)Ez 16:55 (-and you f.s.)Ez 16:58 (-you f.s.)Ez 22:24 (-you f.s.)

Ez 23:35 (--you f.s.)Ez 24:12 (-that is wearied (tired))Ez 27:3 (-you f.s.)Ez 28:14 (-you f.s.)Ez 38:15 (-and you shall come)Da 10:3 (-fulfilled)Mi 4:10 (-and you shall come)

Na 3:11 (--you f.s.)

Na 3:11 (--you f.s.)Zec 6:9 (-and you go)Zec 6:9 (-and you enter)

Zec 9:11 (--you f.s.)