The YOUniverse Within Sacred Breath Course



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Presented By Sabrina Charles & Jim Gubitosi

Week One: Sacred Breath

In this course, you will learn the basics of this Sacred Breath work. Be prepared to be forever changed, as we use these amazing breaths to reprogram your mind body & soul. These Sacred Breaths are the brainchild of Core Love, and are part of the curriculum of his Life Mastery Program. The breaths have evolved over the past number of years, to be refined down to these basic breaths. They are powerful allies that you can use anywhere, at

anytime, to rebalance you, alleviate pain, infuse you with more energy, but most importantly, to convert the charges of the memories stored in your being.



Brainwaves States The following is a breakdown of the 5 brainwave states and the

breaths that are represented. The following page contains a chart illustrating where each breath & brainwave is contained.

• Beta, which is represented by the Mouth-Mouth (MM) Breath • Alpha, which is represented by the Mouth-Nose (MN) Breath • Theta, which is represented by the Nose-Nose (NN) Breath • Delta, which is represented by the Nose-Mouth (NM) Breath • Zeta (or 2nd Beta), which is represented by the 2nd Mouth-Mouth (MM) Breath • Gamma, which is produced at the completion of the breath cycles.

The brainwaves remain in the same positions on the cycle chart in all of the breath sequences. Viewing the next page will help you to visualize the brainwaves and their corresponding breaths.



G Gamma

/ MM

Mouth-Mouth Start Here

A Alpha

MN Mouth Nose

T Theta

NN Nose-Nose

D Delta

NM Nose


Z Zeta

B Beta

Brainwave Cycle Chart



Introduction To Breath “When you change yourself on the inside, the whole world changes on the outside.” ~ Sabrina Charles We've all heard it. But what does it mean? One must understand some basics about their bodies and how the Universe around them interacts, in order to truly conquer what is needed to see these changes. A Living Breathing Computer Your body is a living, breathing computer, not too much different from the one you're using right now to read this message. The only difference is that you don't have a keyboard or a mouse to make changes to your programming; but what you do have is BREATH, and breathing in specific



Going Through The Motions Now I know, you're thinking: "Breathing? I do that everyday. Why do I have to learn HOW to breathe?" Well, yes, you do breathe everyday, but here's an analogy to help you understand: You walk every single day; but just because you walk everyday doesn't mean you exercise. Get it? When you walk around in your daily life, you are doing so without much thought into it. It is an automatic movement by your body. Your breathing is the same thing; you breathe every moment of your daily life, but that is also automated to where you don't have to think about it. But what if you COULD put some thought into it to help you CHANGE ON THE INSIDE? Wouldn't you want to try it out? Introduction To The Brainwaves & Neurotransmitters You do??? Awesome! Now let me tell you how this works. When you do either one of these 2 breathing sequences: The G Breath or The One Breath, you cycle your brain through the 5 brainwave states: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta & 2nd Beta, which is called Zeta. After you cycle through them, a Gamma wave is produced, which triggers the release of a small amount of DMT. DMT or Dimethyltryptamine, is a powerful, neurotransmitter and, believe it or not, is a psychedelic substance that is produced right in your very own body; inside a tiny gland deep inside the brain called The Pineal Gland (aka The Third Eye). That, in turn, releases another powerful neurotransmitter, GABA or gamma-Aminobutyric acid, which signals for the muscles in your body to relax. Ok, Let’s Start With The First Breath: The G Breath Ok, now that you know some of the science behind this Sacred Breathing Technique, it’s time to experience it, starting with the most basic of breaths, The G Breath (G standing for Gamma).



Number of Breath Speed of Breath Breathe Breathe Brainwave Start Empty Lungs Out Mouth -

1 Medium (3 Seconds) In Mouth Out Mouth Beta 2 Medium (3 Seconds)   In Mouth Out Nose Alpha 3 Medium (3 Seconds)   In Nose Out Nose Theta 4 Medium (3 Seconds)   In Nose Out Mouth Delta 5 Medium (3 Seconds)   In Mouth Out Mouth Zeta (2nd Beta) 6 Medium (3 Seconds)   In Mouth Out Nose Alpha 7 Medium (3 Seconds)   In Nose Out Nose Theta 8 Medium (3 Seconds)   In Nose Out Mouth Delta 9 Medium (3 Seconds)   In Mouth Out Mouth Zeta (2nd Beta) 10 Medium (3 Seconds)   In Mouth Out Nose Alpha 11 Medium (3 Seconds)   In Nose Out Nose Theta 12 Medium (3 Seconds)   In Nose Out Mouth Delta 13 Medium (3 Seconds)   In Mouth Out Mouth Zeta (2nd Beta)



The G Breath This is the most basic of the breaths;

Use it anywhere and anytime.



Cool, Calm & Collected Ok, so now that you have your first G Breaths under your belt, you're probably feeling Cool, Calm & Collected. You probably feel a bit different. If you feel a little dizzy or even a bit high, then you’ve done it right! That high feeling is from the release of DMT from your Pineal Gland; remember DMT is your body’s own psychedelic substance! If you aren’t feeling any of that, THEN DO IT AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN. Remember, you are rewiring your brain with every sequence that you complete. And not just your brain, but your entire being! I have just given you access to your very own keyboard to change the programming in your brain! But wait, there's more! The One Breath is even more powerful and is a shorter sequence, but this one has a variable speed. But once you start doing it, it's easy to memorize. But before you go on to learn The One Breath, let's explore a bit further on how this can help you reprogram your brain. How This Changes The World Around You Most people don't realize that their brains are powerful antennas. They are capable of transmitting energy, information & thoughts in the form of a VIBRATION; just as well as receiving energy, information & thoughts in the form of a VIBRATION. If you are stuck in a brainwave that keeps you in a repetitive pattern of negativity, doom & gloom, depression, poverty, etc., then you are TRANSMITTING that vibration. (Same exact thing goes for Positive vibrations, by the way). So now that you've been transmitting those vibrations, our powerful Universe, has a crafty way of giving you EXACTLY what you are vibrating; so it matches that vibration and gives it right back to you! (Here's a chuckle for you: It 's like farting into a fan...Ok, catch my " drift" ?)



How This Changes The World Around You (Continued) So if you are stuck on that negative merry-go-round of despair, then the Universe is like: "Hey, they like despair because they're always talking about it, thinking about it, writing about it...I'll give them MORE!!!" And it hits you right SMACK in the face! BAMMM! OR...If your doing positive things, such as BREATHING SEQUENCES, surrounding yourself with happy people, doing things to raise your vibration and expand your mind & consciousness; learning new skills, etc., YOU WILL GET MORE OF THAT! PERIOD. You must work on yourself! Doing the breathing sequences will truly start to rewire your brain, which will, in turn, open a whole new world up for you! Processing Memories Now that you have all of that knowledge stored away in your memory banks, let's just talk a short bit about processing memories and what that exactly means. Everything that you experience via your 5 senses is stored in your body as memories. Every single thing that you see; every single food that you taste; every single boo-boo that you get; every single trauma you experience, etc., it all gets logged into your memory bank, which just so happens to be your muscles. As we age, our bodies slow down because the energy that we used to have access now is tied up in these muscles, which are holding "charges" associated with these memories. And they are both negative and positive charges.



Processing Memories (Continued) When you learn how to process memories, you are actually returning that stored energy back into usable form. That energy goes into healing your body! If you've ever heard this term, then you'll know what I mean: "The body is a self healing mechanism, given the proper tools." Well, one of these powerful tools is BREATH, in the form of the breathing techniques. Since you are new to all of this, I teach you how to do that in a later installment. Start Breathing So, now you have an incredible tool in your well being tool belt. One that you never even knew existed. Use the breathing techniques all the time; when you happy; when your sad; especially when your mad! You'll be amazed at how you will reframe yourself just by doing a round of the breath! It works really quickly. If it doesn't, BREATHE MORE. The more you use it, the more powerful it will get. Let’s Go Deeper With The One Breath The One Breath is just that: It is the One Breath that you can use for any situation. The difference between the G Breath & The One Breath is the variable speed on the breaths. The G Breath contained only one speed, which was Medium, at 3 seconds in and 3 seconds out. The One Breath has 3 speeds: Medium, at 3 seconds in and out; Slow, at 5 seconds in and out; and Fast, at 1 second in and out. This allows for deeper layers of memories to be accessed and processed. It also moves in direction both clockwise around the chart, referred to on page 3 and then moves counterclockwise until finished. Ok, ready? Let’s Breathe The One Breath!



Number of Breath Speed of Breath Breathe Breathe Start Empty Lungs Out Mouth

1 Medium (3 Seconds) In Mouth Out Mouth 2 Slow (5 Seconds In Mouth Out Nose 3 Medium (3 Seconds) In Nose Out Nose 4 Fast (1 Second) In Nose Out Mouth 5 Medium (3 Seconds) In Mouth Out Mouth

TRANSITION EMPTY TO FULL In Mouth 6 Slow (5 Seconds) Out Nose In Mouth 7 Medium (3 Seconds) Out Nose In Nose 8 Fast (1 Second) Out Mouth In Nose 9 Medium (3 Seconds) Out Mouth In Mouth

10 Medium (3 Seconds) Out Mouth FINISH ½ Breath In Mouth


The One Breath Because of the variable speed, this breath is designed to

process deeper layers. Use it anywhere and anytime.



Advanced Breath Variations To The One Breath

These next 4 breaths are all variations of The One Breath. They are used to program your intentions and work amazingly well and relatively quickly. Here are the 4 breaths and what they are used for: • The Turn Up Breath: Use this breath for something you already have in your life, but you want

MORE of. • The Turn On Breath: Use this breath for something that you do not already have in your life, but

you DO want. • The Turn Down Breath: Use this breath for something that you already have in your life, but

want LESS of. • The Turn Off Breath: Use this breath for something that you already have in your life, but do

NOT want to have any longer. Just like The G Breath & The One Breath, the more you use these, the more you will reprogram your entire being. You might or might not get the desired result after only 1 cycle of the desired breath. If you do not get the desired outcome, do the breath again and keep repeating, either continuously or periodically, until the desired outcome is achieved. Just remember to state your intention out loud each and every time. Unlike The G & One Breaths, the programming is further enhanced by specific Mudras, or hand positions, referred to as Hands of Magic. There are images along side each of the breaths of the specific hand mudras. It is IMPERATIVE that you use these hand mudras every time you use these breaths.




1 Medium (3 Seconds) Out Mouth In Mouth 2 Slow (5 Seconds) Out Mouth In Nose 3 Medium (3 Seconds) Out Nose In Nose 4 Fast (1 Second) Out Nose In Mouth 5 Medium (3 Seconds) Out Mouth In Mouth 6 Slow (5 Seconds) Out Nose In Mouth 7 Medium (3 Seconds) Out Nose In Nose 8 Fast (1 Second) Out Mouth In Nose 9 Medium (3 Seconds) Out Mouth In Mouth

FINISH ½ Breath Out Mouth -  

The Turn Up Breath Variation To The One Breath

Use this for something you already have in your life, but want MORE of.

With this breath we start with our breath full and finish with full as well.

The ½ breath is just to relax the stomach.





1 Medium (3 Seconds) In Mouth Out Mouth 2 Slow (5 Seconds) In Mouth Out Nose 3 Medium (3 Seconds) In Nose Out Nose 4 Fast (1 Second) In Nose Out Mouth 5 Medium (3 Seconds) Out Mouth In Mouth

TRANSITION EMPTY TO FULL In Mouth - 6 Slow (5 Seconds) Out Nose In Mouth 7 Medium (3 Seconds) Out Nose In Nose 8 Fast (1 Second) Out Mouth In Nose 9 Medium (3 Seconds) Out Mouth In Mouth

FINISH ½ Breath Out Mouth -  

The Turn On Breath Variation To The One Breath

Use this for something you DON’T have in your life, but you want.

With this breath we start with our breath empty and finish empty. The ½ breath is just to relax the stomach.






1 Medium (3 Seconds) In Mouth Out Mouth 2 Slow (5 Seconds) In Mouth Out Nose 3 Medium (3 Seconds) In Nose Out Nose 4 Fast (1 Second) In Nose Out Mouth 5 Medium (3 Seconds) In Mouth Out Mouth 6 Slow (5 Seconds) In Nose Out Mouth 7 Medium (3 Seconds) In Nose Out Nose 8 Fast (1 Second) In Mouth Out Nose 9 Medium (3 Seconds) In Mouth Out Mouth

FINISH ½ Breath In Mouth -  

The Turn Down Breath Variation Of The One Breath

Use this for something you have in your life, but you want LESS of.

With this breath we start with our breath empty and finish empty. The ½ breath is just to relax the stomach.

HANDS OF MAGIC: Prayer Mudra





1 Medium (3 Seconds) Out Mouth In Mouth 2 Slow (5 Seconds) Out Mouth In Nose 3 Medium (3 Seconds) Out Nose In Nose 4 Fast (1 Second) Out Nose In Mouth 5 Medium (3 Seconds) Out Mouth In Mouth

TRANSITION FULL TO EMPTY Out Mouth 6 Slow (5 Seconds) In Nose Out Mouth 7 Medium (3 Seconds) In Nose Out Nose 8 Fast (1 Second) In Mouth Out Nose 9 Medium (3 Seconds) In Mouth Out Mouth

FINISH ½ Breath In Mouth -  

The Off Breath Variation Of The One Breath

Use this for something you have in your life, but you DON’T want.

With this breath we start with our breath full and finish empty. The ½ breath is just to relax the stomach.

HANDS OF MAGIC: The Bomb Mudra




You have just completed the Sacred Breath Course and now have an invaluable tool to use at anytime and anywhere! Teach this to your children, to your spouse, to your parents, friends & everyone else who has the desire to change their world. Next Week: Introduction To Magix & Sacred G Omega (Advanced Sacred Geometry Technology) Magix are easy to use, Energetic “shortcuts” that are even more simpler and refined than the breaths, however, you will get the most benefits by first programming your being with breaths. Magix are an easy way to integrate new information, process memories, eliminate pain & traumas, just like the breaths, but all they require are for you to “Tap It Twice”: a simple Double tap of your fingers to your temples. We will also introduce you to an amazing technology called Sacred G Omega. We hope you have enjoyed this first segment of this 3-part course and look forward to your feedback! ~ Sabrina Charles & Jim Gubitosi



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