THE YAVNEH DIFFERENCE AND HISHTADLUT · ‘Yavneh Difference’ is the exceptionally broad range...


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The ‘Yavneh Difference’ makes Leibler Yavneh College special. This term is frequently used by students, staff and community members and it encompasses many attributes of the College. During my holidays by the beach back in SA, I found myself thinking about the ‘Yavneh Difference’. The ‘Yavneh Difference’ is the heimish feeling you get when you walk onto our College campuses; the ‘Yavneh Difference’ is the exceptionally broad range of talent exhibited by our relatively small cohort of students an example of which was last year’s extraordinary Speech Night; the ‘Yavneh Difference’ is the extraordinary community support provided to families when life throws out its challenges; the ‘Yavneh Difference’ are the feelings that overwhelm you when Hatikva is sung at assemblies, when Yom HaShoa and Yom HaZikaron are commemorated with such deep respect and when we wrap ourselves up in blue and white celebrating Yom Ha’atzmaut. The Yavneh Difference is able to flourish from year to year because the staff is committed to nurturing each one of our students in living up to the College’s mission of Respect, Integrity, Gratitude, Honour and Tradition (R.I.G.H.T).

This focus on our mission enables Yavneh to produce the graduates who are known for standing out in the wider community. Here are examples from late last year of our students demonstrating the ‘Yavneh Difference’.

I received the following email from a member of the Brighton Hebrew Congregation:

Dear Parents, Staff and Management,

It was a great pleasure to have Year 9 and 10 teenagers from Yavneh at our shule during the Shabbatons this year. They stood out in many ways: the knowledge of the males to lead the service with professionalism and confidence. The joy they all brought with them in celebrating Shabbos was infectious. Their good manners, politeness and respectful attitude towards each other and members of Brighton shule members, was a joy to notice. All this was balanced only by their modesty.

You have reason to be proud of them as representatives of Yavneh college. They also brought pride to us as being great ambassadors for the Jewish community. They are fortunately brought up as an example to many others in our community (Jewish and wider community).

Thank you to all who contributed so far, and into the future, to their upbringing.



Please remember to register the date of your son or daughter’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah with Lynda Pilalis at Reception.


To invite them for a Shabbat or Yom Tov meal, please contact Lynda Pilalis at the main Reception on 9528 4911 or email

L E I B L E R Y A V N E H C O L L E G E W E E K LY N E W S L E T T E R | 7 t h F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0 - 1 2 t h S H E V A T 5 7 8 0



To Shanee and Alan Goldstein on the arrival of a baby girl

To Tahnee and Aryeh Kraemer on the arrival of a baby girl

May you continue to have nachat from your families.


We extend our condolences to the families of:

Mr Efraim Sztrochlic z”l

Mr Mel Aminoff z”l

Mr Tzion (Victor) Tawil z”l

Maurice Weinberg z’l

May your families know no more sorrow.



Mon 10 VCE Orientation Evening, 7:30pm Lamm Hall

Tue 11 Year 1, 4 & 6 Parent Orientation Interviews, 4:30pm Primary Library

Thu 13 New Parents’ Evening (YPO event), 7:30pm

Sun 16 Scholarship Exams, 8:15am Lamm Hall

Tue 18 Year 7 Camp- Fri 21

Tue 25 YPO Planning Night, 8pm


Wed 4 Primary Swimming Carnival

Fri 6 Year 7 Immunisation

Mon 9 Labour Day (College Closed)

Tue 10 Purim (Early Dismissal 1pm) Mon 16 Secondary Parent Teacher Interviews

Wed 18 Primary Parent Teacher Interviews

CANDLE LIGHTING: Shabbat Begins: 8:10 pm Shabbat Ends: 9:10 pm


I received this email Kathy Kaplan, OAM, congratulating four of our primary students:

I would like to let you know that Yehuda, Liat, Aviva and Mia worked really hard just over a week ago helping us wrap and pack nearly 2000 Bags of Love which will be distributed to women in hiding over the upcoming Festive Period. Thank you for helping install such wonderful community values in your students.

Finally, a Year 9 student took time to show her gratitude by writing this email to me:

Hi Ms Skewes,

I just wanted to tell you how awesome our city week has been. Morah Slonim was amazing and the week has truly been one of the highlights of my year. The way she organised and ran everything was seamless and thank you for giving us the opportunity to have such an experience.


You will have been hearing a lot about hishtadlut with the commencement of the school year. This year the staff at Yavneh are particularly focused on supporting our students to learn with hishtadlut, the Hebrew term for personal effort, stepping up, doing the legwork. For every one of our students to be the best they can absolutely be, they need to apply hishtadlut to everything they do from learning in the classroom, to davening in the shul, to participating in clubs, to community service to nurturing respectful and effective relationships. This focus will serve to strengthen the ‘Yavneh Difference’ as noted by one of our graduates from 2019, in his message to students:

Unfortunately, in my primary years and even early secondary years, I definitely didn’t appreciate how special Yavneh is. I know that people talk about the ‘Yavneh difference’ very often and you probably don’t give too much thought to it. But actually, think about it for a second. Think about all of the opportunities afforded to us and how teachers genuinely care about not only our learning but our lives. Always try to give someone a smile in the corridor and thank staff members who normally aren’t appreciated. Learn how to balance having fun and learning, the quicker you do, the more you’ll benefit. Be grateful for everything Yavneh has to offer and make sure you get involved in as much as you can.

Cherylyn Skewes Principal

Welcome back to Yavneh! I hope that everyone had a wonderful summer and that the new year has started beautifully for everyone. I had a great summer with family in the US and while I truly enjoyed the much-needed break, it is also great to get back to work and do what we are here to do!

In the few days before school started, the teachers came early for professional development, and as the entire staff gathered in the Lamm Hall, I looked around and it dawned on me that almost every leadership position among the teaching staff is held by a woman. Principal - Cherylyn Skewes. Head of Secondary - Avigail Wonder. Head of Primary- Hailey Joubert. Director of Teaching and Learning- Shoshi Vorchheimer. Primary Heads of Jewish studies - Chavi Grossman and Ettie Spigelman. Secondary Head of Jewish Life, Ahuva Tsykin. Primary Head of Jewish Life, Rivka Measey. Head of the ELC- Charlene Orwin. The only position held by a man is our Deputy Principal and Head of Jewish studies, Rabbi Chaim Cowen. However, while he is on paternity leave, the role of Secondary Head of Jewish Studies is held by Rochel Tilson!

I am proud that not only do I teach at such a school but also that my children attend such a school. I know with confidence that the school board did not actively seek to employ women in leadership roles in the school, but rather, each of these individuals were hired based upon their own merit as educators and leaders. Nonetheless, I think the way things have developed is a wonderful thing for our school. And you might say, “Well, duh, it’s the 21st century!” but I don’t think this is a small thing, even today. I think it continues to send a powerful message to our children—girls and boys—and will, with the Grace of God, guide us into an enriched and dynamic educational future. Women have always been at the forefront of education-both secular and Jewish, but we need more and more powerful female leaders stepping up and more importantly, given the opportunity to lead, especially in the Jewish world.

In our parsha, Parshat Beshalach, we read of the Shirat Hayam, the exultant Song of the Sea sung by the Jewish People once they passed through the splitting Sea of Reeds, the text of which is read as part of our daily prayers, known as Az Yashir. There is a lesser-known song that happens immediately after—"Miriam, the prophetess, Aaron's sister, took a timbrel in her hand, and all the women came out after her with timbrels and with dances. And Miriam called out to them, sing to the Lord, for very exalted is He; a horse and its rider He cast into the sea (Shmot 15:20-21).” There are many strange things about these verses, but I want to focus on one phrase— “and with dances.” The Hebrew word is ובמחולות, and this word is emphatic and specific. We know they are singing and playing drums, they must be dancing! What is the nature of this dance? Rav Kalonymus Kalman Halevi Epstein (1751-1823) in his masterful work the Ma’or V’Shemesh, points out in a radical reading of this verse that no word in the entire Torah is extraneous, and that this word – ובמחולות –refers to a very specific type of dance- in a circle. He connects this to a well-known statement in the Gemara (Taanit 31a) which states that “In the future, God will make a circle for the righteous ones, and He will sit in the middle, and each of the [righteous] ones will point towards God and say, ‘This is God for Whom we have waited.’” He explains that while we now we live in a world of hierarchy and dichotomy (and remember, he wrote this 200 years ago), in the future, everyone will have equal access to God, and the feminine, relegated for much of history to a “lesser-than status,” will flourish and be able to guide and teach and lead, creating a world where everyone will be able to experience God equally—expressed by the circle. Miriam and the women, after their transcendent experience at the sea, were able to tap into that future experience of connection, and so they danced “in a circle.” I have brought the Ma’or V’Shemesh in an abridged form (and the rest of the piece is even more incredible), but it is radical and powerful nonetheless. We are not yet in that future time of universal connection to God, but we have seen profound developments in human history where women are finally given access to education and opportunity, allowing them to lead and guide, but we are not there yet. Strong female leadership is so needed in the world today, especially





U Turns in narrow streets. Really?

Take a deep breath, driving safely adds but a few moments to the drive but creates an everlasting opportunity to engage with loved ones.

Let’s not distract our guards from their focus on protecting our students.

I look forward to all of us taking a moment to ensure our driving and parking habits reflect the ethos of the College.

Shabbat Shalom,

David Fisher Head of Administration


Please let Lynda Pilalis @ know if any ex-students have made Aliya, so we can update the Aliya Honour Board.


CONTINUEDin the Jewish world. I like rabbis. Some of my best friends are rabbis. They’re great. But we need different models of teachers of Torah, who can open up the pathways of understanding for the next generation. I am not talking about taking old models (that will continue to serve the Jewish people—heck, it’s my parnasa!) and then opening them up to women for the sake of equality. I am talking about women guiding us into the future through novel and previously inaccessible modes of understanding Hashem. I don’t know what that looks like. I’m not a woman. But I do not that continuing to empower young women and men to learn Torah deeply and truly and in a way that speaks to them in these times will usher in this great time of Unity and universal harmony. May our humble little school, and all of our wonderful teachers, regardless of gender, do our part in moving us forward towards the future redemption, may it come this year!

Shabbat Shalom and have a wonderful school year!

Noam Sendor Informal Educator and Jewish Studies Teacher

Our Rabbis noted that the cause for the destruction of the Second Bet Hamikdash was the senseless hatred amongst the Jewish people. Although, it is customary during the 3 weeks of mourning to focus on our own lives and see what we can do to “repair and perfect the world through the Almighty’s sovereignty” I can see no reason why this can’t be what we a do each day of the year.

I would like to suggest a practical way for all of us to improve the world around us.

As we drive to school or park in the nearby surroundings, whether it’s at the Balaclava Road or Elsternwick Campus, please take a moment to reflect on those around us.

Have we been a courteous driver?

Did we park over someone’s driveway?

Have we considered whether it’s safe to allow young children to alight on the roadside and put them and our neighbours at risk?

Did we park in the “kiss and go” area?



***WINTER CLEARANCE***Old style tracksuit ( limited sizes) - $30Cotton lined anoraks (sizes14 - 2xl) - $20Zip through sports jackets - flannel lining (limited sizes) - $10Zip through sports jackets - fleece lining ( limited sizes ) - $20***NEW IN STOCK***Fleece tracksuit pants -$55Yavneh scarf - $23


Monday 7:30am - 9:30amWednesday 7:30am - 10:30amThursday 3-5pm

The ordering system is in place for your convenience. Use Flexischools to order uniforms.


The YPO Second Hand Uniform Shop is ready to accept your donations of pre-loved uniforms in good condition. All proceeds are returned to support our kids via YPO projects.

Contact Hayley Jaffe ( or WhatsApp 0409 138 949) if you wish to buy or donate pre-loved uniforms.

Donations can also be dropped off with Stella at the Primary Office.

Join over 320 members in the Yavneh 2nd Hand Uniform & Books Facebook group to buy and sell your pre-loved uniforms, books or extra-curricular gear (eg. ballet, karate, cricket kit). Please restrict the sales and requests to items relevant to education.

Please note: The YPO will no longer be accepting second hand books but you are welcome to buy, swap and sell them via the Facebook page.

Please note that due to the situation in China our uniform supplier is unable to provide any replenishment of uniforms that are currently out of stock. Our supplier will monitor the situation to ensure that stock availability will not be affected for unreasonable periods of time.

Please note the uniform shop hours: Monday 7.30-9.30 am Wednesday 7.30-10.30am and Thursday 3-5pm






LEARNING THROUGH PLAYThroughout the week I have been walking through each of our crèche and Kinder rooms – excited by the “mess” created by our young learners. The good kind of mess, that is. On the rug, a partially built castle, housed dress up costumes clearly torn off in a hurry to get outside. Near the windows four overturned containers sat empty, their contents scattered across the floor. Magna-tiles and Duplo the choice of the day. In the home area, it looked as if a catering business had a big client that morning. Play food filled several trays and the table was set for four. A group of dolls sat on the bench, possibly waiting for a meal. I glanced around the rooms, taking in the learning of the day and appreciating the fun the kids were having while working together.

There are many benefits to play-based learning. Through play, children learn to delay gratification (always a hot issue for parents of young children), take turns, negotiate with peers, solve problems, cope with disappointment, listen to others, and empathize. And the benefits don’t stop there. Have you ever watched a group of young children engaged in high-level play? Imaginative play in an ELC setting requires planning, higher level thinking, cognitive skills, math skills, and language skills. If given sufficient time for sustained imaginative play, kids will use anything they can find to put their ideas into motion and If that’s not considered learning, I’m not sure what is.

Play is the language of children. Play helps children work through their emotions and learn about the world around them. While short-term achievement might seem important, the long-term benefits of a childhood filled with play, is insurmountable.

Children are naturally motivated to play. Our play-based approach to learning, builds on this motivation, using play as a context for learning. In order to do this successfully, our play-based approach involves both child-initiated and teacher-supported learning. The teacher encourages children’s learning and inquiry through interactions that aim to stretch their thinking to higher levels. By asking questions, our educators are encouraging problem solving, prediction and hypothesising. Through our teacher’s encouragement to get involved in play, a child’s drive for exploration and discovery is stimulated. This motivates the child to gain mastery over their environment, promoting focus and concentration. It also enables the child to engage in the flexible and higher-level thinking processes deemed essential for the 21st century learner.

Research shows play-based programs for young children can provide a strong basis for later success at school. Our approach to learning through play, supports the development of socially competent learners, able to face challenges and create solutions.

We look forward to a year of “play”.

Charlene Orwin Head of Yavneh Early Learning Centre






JEWISH LIFE IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOLIn the lead up to ט’’ו בשבט, the 15th day in the month of Shevat, which is New Year for the trees – ראש השנה לאילנות – the Jewish Life Team has been very busy running Tu Bishvat programs, including nature related and other tree activities, with all the Primary students.

Preps had the opportunity to team up with their Year Six buddies. Together, they had fun rolling, scrunching and cutting coloured cardboard to create a tree and its surrounds.

The Year Ones were excited to come to the MPR, where each student made a tree out of various beans, seeds and legumes on their own individual canvas. The children worked really well in small groups and each tree canvas was beautifully designed and unique in style.

Year Two found themselves creating blossom trees out of twigs and pink cardboard. In Israel, the Shkediya tree, the almond tree, blossoms around Tu Bishvat time.

Threading needles and keeping the nylon thread on the needles proved quite the challenge for some Year Threes. But, through hard work, patience and perseverance, together with help from their peers and teachers, they were each able to thread all things nature, including some of the 7 – שבעת המינים, The Special Species. They then tied their creations onto a natural tree stick, to produce stunning mobiles.

Creating tree trunks out of hand tracings is how the Year Fours started their tree pictures. To form leaves, flowers and fruits, finger-dot painting was most effective.

And our Year Fives produced 3D רימונים(pomegranates) out of different floral and nature themed papers.

A fantastic, creative and fun time was had by both students and teachers.

If you come into the school, be sure to pop by the main corridor to see the students’ creative Tu Bishvat masterpieces.




The 2020 school year has begun and it’s so nice to see the corridors full of happy children, eager to reacquaint with old friends, make new friends and keen to improve their Hebrew.

The Primary Hebrew Department, or more commonly referred to as the PHD, have begun the year with a bang. We are so excited to share our big news with all our students and you, our Kesher readers. For the first time in the history of Leibler Yavneh College, all students, from Prep through to Year 6, will be learning Hebrew using Hebrew text books, that are not only Australian made, but we are proud to say that they are all created, written and illustrated by our very own Head of Hebrew, Sharon Samuni. All these books are taught using a thematic approach, in a spiral methodology, whereby vocabulary and grammar are taught building on

our student’s previous knowledge. Each book is comprised of many activities and conversations, which have all been recorded by our very own Yavneh students. Our students love listening to all the conversations, trying to guess the voices they are listening too.

We are very fortunate, this year to have many new students, many of which will be studying Hebrew for the first time. In the past, these students were usually given the Hebrew beginner books that were designed to teach the youngest learners in Year 1. Our Head of Hebrew, Mrs. Samuni has written and designed a new series of books for our new students who are learning Hebrew for the first time. This RESHIT HA’IVRIT program will assist these students, from Years 3 and upwards, to learn the Hebrew letters and vowels and develop their reading and writing skills in a fun and exciting way with easy to follow activities.

We would like to introduce you to our newest member of the PHD, Mai Weinberg. Mai, originally from Israel but more recently from Canada, joined our team this year and is very keen to share her love of Hebrew with our students.

This year our Hebrew teachers will be teaching:

Helen SavitzPrimary Hebrew Teacher

We are fortunate that all Hebrew classes this year will have two double lessons plus one single lesson weekly. This allows us to spend more quality time with our students.

Wishing us all a year of growth, success, and love of learning Hebrew.

Wishing all Kesher readers a Shabbat shalom & T’U B’Shvat Sameach

שבת שלום וחג ט׳ו ב׳שבט שמח

PrepMorah Chavi

Year 1Mrs. Samuni and Morah Mai

Year 2Morah Mai and Morah Smadar

Year 3Morah Michal and Morah Helen

Year 5Morah Michal and Morah Helen

Year 4Morah Smadar and Morah Helen

Year 6Morah Michal, Morah Mai and Morah Smadar



Our first full week of school comes to a close and it has been uplifting to feel the positive energy and buzz in the classrooms and hallways of the school as students return to learning, socialising and being part of school life. In particular, we notice increased physical activity, social engagement and interactions during recess and lunchtimes as students are able to enjoy the outdoors with their peers without the distractions of their mobile phones. While some mobile phones have been confiscated during our first week of school, we are encouraged by seeing the positive change that this policy has brought to school.

We have started the 2020 תש’’ף academic year at Yavneh Secondary by raising the bar higher in our expectations of our students. We aim for 20-20 vision by using foresight to build responsible adults – true menschen. The school-wide theme of Hishtadlut השתדלות sets the student as the initiator of learning, engagement and growth. With the upcoming day of ט’’ו בשבט (New Year for Trees) upon us, I reflect on our young people as saplings. The small shoots of a plant need to break through the soil to seek light and they need to dig deep through the soil to absorb water. It is with their efforts, persistence and help-seeking that our students – our saplings - can achieve true growth and learning.

Excellent schools have one thing that drives their excellence; “High expectations. Academic and behavioural. No excuses, no exceptions.”

We are working to inculcate this in our students in all their work, interactions and self-management. We want to empower our students to take the reins of their learning, their relationships and their lives and really feel that they can drive forward to their goals. We know that our students’ families are our partners in making these high expectations the norm for all our students and supporting them in achieving their personal best.

By having high expectations, we:

• Convey our confidence in our students





VCE Orientation Night, Lamm Hall 7.30pm-9.30pm


Year 11 & 12 SAC, 2.25pm


JNF (Jewish National Fund), Guest Speaker, 2.25pm


VCE Summer Round Robin, 9am

Year 7: Elevate Education - Junior Time Management, Hamerkaz, 9am

Secondary Wellbeing, 9am

• Give them opportunities to contribute to College life positively

• Provide specific feedback to them

• Provide support when they need it

Our conversations with students look at their holistic development as learners, Australian citizens and Jews. Our aims are to foster growth in their academic, social, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Excellence for each of our students means pushing past their personal boundaries and limitations and achieving more than what they may envision for themselves. Whether it is an English essay, Tanach worksheet, how they speak to their siblings, cleaning up after lunch, Maths equation, conduct in Tefillah or wearing their uniform – we are confident that our students can invest their best.

We have already seen positive shifts in how students are engaging with their work, their peers and staff and their schedules. This week teachers have relayed positive feedback to students who proactively seek to meet with their teachers to prepare for an assessment, who come to class prepared with the relevant work that is due or seek clarification on how they can abide by the guidelines when they have a specific special circumstance. Hishtadlut. Right here. Right now.

Similarly, we are proud of our student leadership who demonstrate their Hishtadlut in planning exciting and meaningful events for students allowing them to feel a sense of belonging and pride in being part of Yavneh. Next week our Jewish Life & Zionism and Social Action Captains are hosting multiple fundraisers for the Secondary students including selling fruit smoothies, BBQ and fairy floss. These fundraisers are to help with the Bushfire Recovery providing funds to replace lost trees, support animal welfare and most importantly, provide relief for those families and individuals whose lives have been devastated by the fires. These events, student-led and student-driven, clearly show how Yavneh students are capable of making high expectations turn into reality.

The anagram for תש’’ף is שתף which is the Hebrew root word meaning ‘to partner’ ‘cooperate’ or ‘participate’. Our 20-20 vision brings teacher, parent and student in a partnership that encourages and facilitates our saplings to grow into fine, independent trees בעזרת ה׳, with the help of Hashem.

Avigail Wonder Head of Secondary School



When your children come home from school this year, they should all be able to tell you something they learned that day. Why is that, you might ask? It’s because all classes are structuring the learning using the GANAG schema!! Great, you say – what in the world is that?? GANAG is a simple planning design, based on what educational research has shown to be the nine high-yield teaching strategies, which ensures that students know the journey they are on and are meaningfully engaged with it.

GANAG, unsurprisingly, is an acronym, and here is what it means in a nutshell!

G: Students write down the brief, specific Goal for the lesson, e.g. “To be able to factorise using common factors”, “To understand angles in parallel lines”. Such a goal is something students will be able to focus on and see how far they get during the lesson, so they rate their knowledge (score from 1 – 5 ) at the start of the lesson and then again at the end to see their personal improvement during the lesson time.

A: Students a stimulated to Access Prior Knowledge. The idea of this is to get their brains using the thinking that is required to master today’s learning goal. This might look like a visual image or video clip, a few structured questions based on yesterday’s work, or a problem they try to solve with a partner to name a few possibilities. I think this is a crucial part of the lesson and relies on the teacher creatively connecting today’s thinking with past thinking, and it gets students brains switched on!

N: This is the part of the lesson where the teacher introduces the New work. There will ne new terms, some theory with notes and examples which students use to directly learn the skills required or the thinking to meet today’s goal. Often, in the past, this has been pretty much where lessons might have started, essentially eliminating the key aspects and engagement brought about by the G and the A! Knowing the goal and thinking about what they already know, then actively connecting past knowledge by thinking about something relevant, really helps students genuinely engage with their own learning. Launching straight into new work regularly does not engage many students.

A: Apply the new knowledge and/or practise the new skill. Again, this has been a regular part of most maths lessons since Moses time! The idea is that students examine their understanding and question the things that aren’t making sense, check their communication and get feedback on whether their efforts are lining up with the goal. At times specific thinking skills may be taught. Homework will come out of this practise session and this forms a crucial part of reinforcing today’s learning and improving the level at which the goal has been achieved; hopefully heading to a 4 or 5! This is an expectation after every maths lesson!

G: Goal review. Students now re-rate themselves (score from 1 – 5). This gives their effort some credence and helps them see the progress has made during the lesson (perhaps from a 2 to a 4!). It also gives the clear opportunity to reflect on what is needed to move their understanding towards a 5. At this point I would encourage all students to write 2 or 3 things in their topic summary that came out of today’s lesson, as this will help enormously when it comes to test and exam preparation.

Well that’s GANAG in a nutshell – not rocket science, but educational science! Simple but effective if it’s treated with the respect it deserves as a proven way to improve outcomes for many learners. Of course, there is a lot more involved than what has been communicated here, and understanding the research on which GANAG is based, and how each part applies some of the 9 high-yield strategies is something that is part of every teacher’s professional responsibility.

So, talk to your children (and their teachers) about their learning and expect to see/hear GANAG help them engage more fully and improve how their learning takes shape.

Richard Koch Head of Mathematics

The recent establishment of an after-school care program for primary school children at Yavneh Elsternwick has been a successful initiative.

Our students have welcomed our after-school care coordinator, Eli into the Yavneh family. They have enjoyed reading books, outdoor sports, craft activities, playing with Lego, and sharing a nutritious kosher snack. In the first fortnight of its operation, the sessions have been well attended and some of our students have been reluctant to leave and go home!

We are delighted to have provided this resource for our parents and encourage you to utilise the service. Childcare subsidies may be applicable.

Yavneh Team





The Surprising Power of a good Dumpling is by Sydney author Wai Chim. Anna Chiu has her hands pretty full looking after her brother and sister and helping out at her dad’s restraint, all while her mum stays in bed. Dad’s new delivery boy, Rory, is a welcome distraction and even though Anna knows that things aren’t right at home, she’s starting to feel like she could just be a normal teen.

But when mum finally gets out of bed, things go from bad to worse. And as Mum’s condition worsens, Anna and her family question everything they understand about themselves and each other.

Wai Chim is a first generation Chinese American from New York City. She grew up speaking Cantonese at home and absorbing western culture through books, TV and school. She has now made Sydney her home after working in Japan. Wai graduated from New York’s elite Stuyvesant High School and later from Duke University. In 2006 she moved to Australia to enjoy the sun and pursue her passion for writing.

Take a Shot is by Melbourne author Sue White. Bug has a secret. He’s formed a basketball team at his new school based on a lie. His parents don’t know he’s playing basketball again. His new teammates have no idea he isn’t allowed to play, and they definitely don’t know why. Bug will do anything to keep his secrets. Because no-one can know the biggest secret of all: Bug risks his life every time he steps onto the basketball courts.

Sue White is a doctor and a writer. As a clinical geneticist, Sue hunts for answers to undiagnosed genetic conditions in children. Sue’s writing takes the reader inside the medical world, without the boring bits. Her writing has been published in The Big Issue, The School Magazine, Melbourne’s Child magazine and The Reader.


David EastonSecondary Librarian




We hope everyone enjoyed their summer break and probably even more so, the return to school for our kids! We also feel as if we’re heading back to school this year as the new co-chairs of the YPO. Our enthusiasm and excitement (maybe mixed with a little trepidation!) mirrors that of our little preppie sons who are starting the next part of their Yavneh journeys. As they continue to thrive at Yavneh, as we’ve seen with their big sisters, we also hope to grow into our new roles. We are looking forward to another year filled with fun, inspiring and entertaining events that not only connect our Yavneh community, but also help fund improvements for our children and the College.

On behalf of the YPO together with the College Executive, Foundation and Principal Cherylyn Skewes we’d like to invite all parents to the New Parents’ Welcome Evening on Thursday 13 February at 8pm. Join us for a laugh and the opportunity to share drinks and desserts with new and not so new Yavneh families.

We would also like to invite everyone to the upcoming YPO Planning Meeting on Tuesday 25 February at 8pm where we’ll discuss ideas for 2020. Not sure if or how you can contribute? Don’t worry - just come along and listen to what’s coming up. From there it’s completely up to you.

BRIGHT STAR KIDS If you are looking to buy name labels or personalized school supplies, visit

When purchasing, make sure you click on ‘link a fundraising account’ and specify Yavneh. Bright star kids will then donate 20% of the cost of your order to the YPO!


Make sure to request a ‘Leibler Yavneh College’ School Support Voucher during your next purchase. Shoes & Sox donate $200 to the YPO for every 100 vouchers collected!


For online orders go to Please refer to your trybooking email post-purchase for collection and delivery information.


Reception at Elsternwick Campus (cash payments, $36 per book - correct change is appreciated) ELC office at Balaclava Road Campus (cash payments, $36 per book - correct change is appreciated)

The Antique Silver Co – 253 Carlisle Street, Balaclava. Phone 9525 8480

Kosher Kingdom Food Market – 482 Glen Huntly Road, Elsternwick. Phone 9523 6019

The Shook – 817-819 Glen Huntly Road, Caulfield South. Phone 9078 5519

Jewish Museum of Australia – 26 Alma Road, St Kilda. Phone 8534 3600 Golds World of Judaica – 3–13 William Street, Balaclava. Phone 03 9527 8775


Join us for a laugh at the 2020 New Parents’ Evening Thursday 13 February, 8pm Kohn Family home – 18 Ontario St Caulfield North RSVP’s essential - please email by Thursday 6 February

YPO Open Planning Meeting Tuesday 25 February, 8pm Kave Family home – 20 Blanche Street Elsternwick


Don’t want to wait until the next Kesher to know what’s going on? Join the YPO Facebook group to keep up to date - search for Yavneh Parents’ Organization (YPO) next time you’re online.

Wishing everyone Shabbat Shalom and a wonderful 2020,

Candice Katz & Nicole Kohn YPO Co-Chairs





1. Olympics 2. 83. Liverpool4. 19th of march5. baseball6. Great Britain 7. Karl Malone

Likes: animals, tennis, food

Dislikes: vegemite, homework, annoying people

If you were principal for a day, what would you do? free tuck-shop and everyone can wear casual

Favourite tuckshop food: apple blackcurrant frozen cup

Unique fact about yourself:I have spent more of my life out of Australia than in it




SKOLNIK SIBLING QUIZ: Theme - Guess the Theme1. What is the international multi-sport event celebrated by people all

over the world?

2. How many big bash teams are there?

3. Who’s on top of the EPL ladder right now?

4. When does the AFL season start?

5. “Take me out to the ballgame” by King Curtis is about which sport?

6. Where does tennis originate from?

7. Who holds the record for the most free throws in basketball?

**Please contact one of the Szkolnlik’s if you think you know the answer, and you’ll get a shout out in the first Kesher of 2020!


2. The Moon Landing

3. The Great Depression

4. Kriat Yam Suf (little bit of parsha for you there 😉)

5. The Great Emu War


Names/Nicknames: Ruby/Rubs

Favourite Food: Schmackos

Funny Story: Whenever we come home, we always find ruby sitting on a pillow like a princess.

Favourite Toy: Mum's Tottenham slippers

Favourite Family Member: Ang (Mum)




בס׳׳ד Living Judaism today. For tomorrow.


2021 Scholarships for Academic Excellence

Are you a past Yavneh student?

Please join our Facebook Group. Just search for: Leibler Yavneh College – Alumni.

Or click this link:

Being a member of the Leibler Yavneh College alumni group is a great way for you to stay engaged and communicate with alumni. Once you’re a member please invite all College alumni who you are connected with to join the groups.

The aim of the group is to:

• Arrange meetings and reunions

• Post alumni relevant news and events

CALLING ALL YAVNEH ALUMNI - LET’S CONNECT• Promote campaigns and projects

• Share job opportunities between alumni

• Gather feedback for College issues

• and much more!

It’s also a chance to highlight pathways for alumni to reconnect and contribute to the College through, volunteering, guest lecturing, mentoring, donating to endowments or scholarships, collaborating on projects and attending events.

See you on Facebook!










Purim CardDesign


Emunah Australia presents


Free movie tickets to the winner in each age category

Category 1: Age 7 and under

Category 2: Ages 8-12

Category 3: Age 13+

Category 4: Best Overall





Please include the following: Name, Contact Email Address, Age of Entrant.

Please keep entries to A4 size or smaller .

For more info please contact jude@emunah .org .au






Second hand uniform stock – current as at 5 February 2020

Sport T-shirt - $15 Size 4x1 6x1, 8x1 10x1, 12x3 Mx2 XXL x1 Sport shorts - $15 None Sport tracksuit pants and jacket (old style) OBSOLETE - PLEASE PM me to donate to less privileged children via the Reagan Milstein Foundation Sports Jumper (new style) - $35 10x1 Sports pants (new style) - $25 – NONE Sport skirt - $10 Size 6x1 10x2 14x1, Mx1 and NEW 10x2 (adult), Mx3,Lx3 Sports Leggings - $5 14x1 XLx1 Bike shorts - $5 4x1, 6x2, 8x2 Jumpers - $25/$30 (size/condition) 10x1 14x1 (vest) 16x3 18x2 (& 18x1 vest - $20) 20x1 22x3 Winter jackets/coat $15 Size 8x3, 10x1, 12x6, 14x3, XSx1 Bags $25 Small (prim school) – x2 Large (secondary school) –x5 (older/lighter) To purchase message Hayley Jaffe via Facebook Messenger or 0409 138 949

Girls summer dress - $20 Size 4Cx1 (short) 6x1 & 6Cx2 8x2 Girls long sleeve shirts - $15 Size 4x10 6x10 8x13 (and 8x2 for $10 small marks) 10x2 12x1 AND Senior (with logo) - $20 10x2 12x 9 (3 no darts/6 darts) 14x4 16x1 Girls winter tunic - $25 Size 4x2, 6x4 8x2, 10sx4, Girls winter skirt - $25 Size 10x1, 18x1, 22x1 Boys summer shorts - $15 Size 8x1 (wide waist) 10x1 18x4 (1 narrower & 1 with extra elastic) 32x1, 36x2 Boys summer shirt - $15 Size 10x4 Boys winter (long sleeve) shirts - $15 Size 3x4, 4x3 8x7 10x4 (2 are $10 as small marks) 12x3, 14x4 (1 is $10 as marks) 16x1, 18x1, Sx1 Mx2 XXLx2 Boys Trousers - $20 Size 4x2 5x2 8x2 (unhemmed) 10x6 & 10x4 (“Next” brand), 12x4 14x1, 16x3, 18x4, 20x1 30x1 (clip to be sewn), 34x1, 36x2 38x3, 40x2 Hats x 2 @ $5 Red folder x1 @ $5



Yavneh College Chess Club Term 1, 2020

Classes start Tuesday 11th February

Come along and join in the fun. New members welcome.

This year there will be two classes. Yavneh will be participating in chess interschool competitions in 2020. Much of the training will be done in the advanced group of the

chess club.

Club Times: Tuesdays 4.05 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. (Beginners/Intermediate) Tuesdays 4.10 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. (Advanced)

Venue: Secondary Library

The cost is $16.50 per lesson. The cost for 10 lessons is $115.50

**A discount will be given for siblings - every sibling after the first child will pay only $13.50 per lesson ($94.50)

Dates: Tuesdays 11/2 – 31/3 (no chess 10/3): 7 weeks

**Students may enrol after the first class. If enrolled after the first lesson students do not pay for lesson/s missed.

Your registration maybe paid online at or alternatively a registration form with your cheque should be handed to the chess teacher at

the first lesson or mailed to Chess Ideas.

Reuven can be contacted on 9532-8370 or 0400 344 537 (any time).

........................................................................................................................................ CHESS REGISTRATION TERM 1, 2020 – Yavneh College

CLASS TIME: Tuesdays 4.05 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. NAME OF CHILD: ______________________________________________________ EMERGENCY PARENT CONTACT NUMBER: __________________ SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN: _______________________________

Credit Card Details: ______________________ Name on Card: _________________________________ Amount: $165.00 or other amount ______________

Card Number: _________________________________ Exp. Date: _______________ Card Type: ___________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

PAYMENTS CAN NOW BE DONE ONLINE AT: Please enclose your payment. Cheques should be made payable to “Chess Ideas” and handed in to the chess teacher at the first lesson or mailed to Chess Ideas. Credit card payments may also be made over the phone between 9.30 a.m. – 1.30 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday or Friday on 9532-8370.