The Voice of Freedom Spring 08



Spring 2008 Magagzine

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Two Faces{One Vision}

The V

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Spring 2008G l o b a l E x p l o i t s M i n i s t r i e s

3 The Rest: Kamran Karimi

9 Giving to Get: Phil Cooke

10 Wake-Up Call: Pedestrian Infidel

14 Feather Weights: Amy Karimi


Dear Friend,

We want to introduce you to The Voice of Freedom magazine publication. You will find this publi-cation coming to you every quarter and it will be filled with amazing articles that let you know what God is doing in and through Global Exploits Ministries and all of the people we reach around the world.

As many of our friends and partners have come to know, there are two main facets to what goes on here at Global Exploits. We have a strong message of freedom in Christ through our television out-reach to the Middle East, specifically targeting Farsi speaking Muslims. We reach out to a potential audience of 105 million people on a daily basis, with an average audience of 30 million watching at any given moment. God has blessed our efforts to reach out to the people of the Middle East and we are expanding on a daily basis.

At the same time, God has placed a message in our heart for the Church concerning understanding the time we live in. We have urgency in our hearts for the Church to know and understand her place in the fight against the spread of Islam and her importance in the world at this hour.

Some people think that this is two different visions, quite the contrary. It is two faces but one vi-sion. We are ministering to one group of people who are dominated by Islam and are hungry to know a God who loves them. On the other hand, we are ministering to another group of people in the Church who must be warned and called to attention for the purpose of bringing down the most formidable force facing the Church today, Islam.

Our prayer is that these publications help to inform the Body of Christ of the enemy that is crouch-ing at her gates and help her see that it is time to preach the Gospel as never before to those in this world that are affected by this evil spirit of Islam.

As you read the literature in this publication we hope that you are stirred in your heart to help us reach these people who desperately are looking for the truth.

We appreciate each and every one of you for your heart for God and the people of this world.

Doing Great Exploits,

Kamran and Amy Karimi

Publisher: Global Exploits, Inc.

Executive Editor: Amy Karimi

Art Direction: Antony Chicken | Copyright © 2008 by Global Exploits, Inc.All rights reserved. Reproduction without

permission is prohibited. Printed in the USA

Two Faces {One Vision}

The Rest

Often we are asked, by Jesus-loving Christians, “How do you reach and discipleMuslims?” This is a very good question. In fact, this question must be answered and acted upon by the Church worldwide. If the Church does not come to grips with reaching and discipling the Muslim world, the Church may find itself being discipled by them.

I know this is a very blunt statement, but it is a true statement! If we are not fully aware of Islam’s global agenda, they will take over.

My answer to this question has always been: “It takes the same thing to reach and discipleMuslims as it would any body. A genuine love displayed with signs, wonders and miracles. There is not another Gospel to reach Muslims.” The Church has bought the fearful lies of the devil, who always tries to deceive the most powerful force on the earth, which is the Body of Christ. He tries to convince us that we cannot reach the Muslims or share the Gospel with them. The truth of the matter is that one of the greatest revivals in Church history is happen-ing among the Muslims! They are coming to know the Lord in masses.

By Kamran Karimi


We have to be true disciples of Jesus, doing the works of Jesus. The Bible says, “Let your love be genuine.” I’d like to add to it by saying, “Let’s not just talk about love, or preach about love unless we are actually will-ing to love the Muslims just as we would anybody else.” They are a loving people who are open to the Truth, if the Truth is shared and displayed to them.

I want to really emphasize the works of Jesus or the miracles of Jesus. As Christians, if we are not able to produce the works of Jesus, as Jesus commanded us in Mark 16:15-20, we are not any different than every other religion that claims to be from God.

Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not be-lieve will be condemned. And these signs will fol-low those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink any-thing deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. … And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.”

Many times we like to quote powerful scriptures such as 2 Kings 2:14 which says, “Then Elisha took the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him, and struck the water, and said, “Where is the LORD God of Elijah?”

What I would like to know is:

Where are the Elijahs of the Lord God?

Where are those who can call down fire from heaven?

Where are those who can love their enemies?

Where are those who truly believe the Great Commis-sion, not just use it as a fundraising program.

I am very passionate about this. Recently, in my time with the Lord, Jesus told me that 2008 is the year of “The Rest.” It is not rest as we would normally think, as if we were not going to be doing anything. When Jesus started his ministry, he began to teach, preach and do miracles. Many times, he did all of that on the day of Sabbath or the day of rest.

He was emphasizing to me that what he meant by “The Year of the Rest” was literally “The Year of Miracles, Unprecedented Miracles.”

He took me to Exodus 34:10 and said this would be the foundational scripture for 2008.

And He said: “Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the LORD. For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you. The Contemporary English Version says, “The LORD said: I promise to per-form miracles for you that have never been seen anywhere on earth. Neighboring nations will stand in fear and know that I was the one who did these marvelous things.”

Isn’t this awesome? Did you know we can live this way? We are called by Jesus to take his power and his

help to people. We are called to do exploits, great exploits!

Daniel 11:32 says, “The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great ex-ploits.”

I was looking up the meaning of the word miracle and I particularly liked this definition- a spectacle or dra-matic representation exhibiting the lives of the saints. I love that. Even Mr. Webster got the picture right. Miracles, accompanied by love, are what sepa-rate us from all the other people and religions on this planet. I often wonder if the Church really believes the Gospel.

Usually, when I share these truths, I have had believ-ers make comments like, “Oh, he is just Pentecostal or charismatic!”

Miracles, accompanied by love, are what separate us from all the other people

and religions on this planet. {{

The truth is I am a Christian, who believes in Jesus and what He commissioned us to do. This is not a Pentecostal, Charismatic thing or a denominational thing; this is a Jesus Christ thing. Do we really believe Jesus?

One morning I had gone for a walk and asked Jesus, “Lord, what do you mean by unprecedented miracles, would you please be more specific?” I heard His still small voice, which in my Bible shows the literal mean-ing as a delicate whispering voice. He literally whispered in my heart and said “Unprec-edented Miracles of Provi-sion.”

Frankly, I wasn’t expecting that response. Many times when we think of miracles, we think of healings, deliverances, etc. His answer surprised me.

I was thinking he meant unprecedented miracles of provision and… maybe healing and deliverance? But He very clearly spoke and said, “PROVISION!”

The word unprecedented means: unparalleled or hav-ing no prior example.

The word miracle means: an event or effect contrary to the established constitution and course of things, or a deviation from the known laws of nature; a su-pernatural event. Anciently, a spectacle or dramatic representation exhibiting the lives of the saints. Liter-ally, a wonderful thing.

The word provision means: the act of making previ-ous preparation, measures taken beforehand, either for security, defense or attack, or for the supply of wants.

So, the Lord is saying, “I am going to do wonderful things for which you will have no point of refer-ence. They will be unparalleled with no prior ex-ample. I have taken the measures beforehand for your security, defense, and the supply you need. What I do for you will be a spectacle and a dra-matic representation exhibiting me through your lives to everyone around you.”

How do we position ourselves to operate in this ca-pacity of miracles? This was my question. Jesus took me to Mark 6:44-52 and showed me one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. This takes place right after He had fed the five thousand men with five loaves and two fish.

44 Now those who had eaten the loaves were about five thousand men. 45 Immediately He made His disciples get into

the boat and go before Him to the other side, to Bethsaida, while He sent the multitude away. 46 And when He had sent them away, He de-parted to the mountain

to pray. 47 Now when evening came, the boat was in the middle of the sea; and He was alone on the land. 48 Then He saw them straining at rowing, for the wind was against them. Now about the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea, and would have passed them by. 49 And when they saw Him walking on the sea, they supposed it was a ghost, and cried out; about the loaves, because their heart was hardened.50 for they all saw Him and were troubled. But immediately He talked with them and said to them, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” 51 Then He went up into the boat to them, and the wind ceased. And they were greatly amazed in themselves beyond measure, and marveled. 52 for they had not understood about the loaves, because their heart was hardened.

After feeding five thousand men, Jesus made the dis-ciples get into the boat and go before Him to the oth-er side. As they went, they got into a storm and in big trouble. Jesus sees them in trouble and goes to them, walking on the water. When the disciples see Jesus walking on water they are scared out of their wits. So Jesus gets into the boat and when He does, the storm stops. By now the disciples were stunned, wondering what was going on.

Jesus told me that 2008 is the year of “The Rest.” It is not rest as we would

normally think!{{


ples came to Him and said, “This is a deserted place, and already the hour is late. 36 send them away, that they may go into the surrounding country and villages and buy them-selves bread; for they have nothing to eat.” 37 But He answered and said to them, “You give them something to eat.” And they said to Him, “Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give them something to eat?” 38 But He said to them, “How many loaves do you have? Go and see.”

Here we see that the disciples had begun ministering and rendezvoused with Jesus and reported on all that they had done. So Jesus tells them, “Alright guys come

off by yourselves; let’s take a break and get a little rest.” Evidently they were so caught up in ministry that they didn’t even have time to get a bit to eat. So they got into the boat and took off for a vacation spot, a quiet place but as the people saw them go, they followed them. I can just see Jesus getting up early in the morning to go by Himself and pray but then He sees people all over the place like sheep without a shepherd. He was moved with compassion for them and went right to work teaching them on His vaca-tion time. I want you to see the heart of Jesus. He is trying to get some rest but when He saw the people He shifted into teaching, preaching and healing their sicknesses (Read all four Gospel references). He does this all day long. In verse 35 we read, “When the day was now far spent.”

After this the disciples come to Jesus and acknowl-edge that they are in a deserted place and the hour is late. So like every good disciple should do, they ask Jesus to send the people away in the middle of the night in a deserted place so they can go buy them-selves food. And to top things off the disciples knew that the people didn’t have anything to eat.

What the Lord showed me in this, totally floored me. I want you to see it as well. Verse 52 in the New Living Translation reads, “For they still didn’t un-derstand the significance of the miracle of the loaves. Their hearts were too hard to take it in.”

When I saw this, I thought what does the miracle of the loaves have to do with Him walking on water? Evidently once we understand this unprecedented miracle of provision – the miracle of the loaves- we will understand how to operate in any capacity of the miraculous. The important thing to acknowledge here is that the miracle of the loaves is the only miracle that is recorded in all four Gospels (Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9, John 6), which tells me that Jesus is trying to get our attention. What the Lord impressed on my heart was that if we understand this miracle then we would understand all miracles.

The fact we read in verse 52 saying, “For they had not understood about the loaves,” is that we can un-derstand it and if we understand it then we won’t so amazed at miracles, because miracles are supposed to be the normal thing in the life of believers. Miracles are to be a spectacle or dramatic representation ex-hibiting the lives of the saints. So here is what the Lord helped me understand about the miracle of the loaves. Let’s read Mark 6:30-38,

30 Then the apostles gathered to Jesus and told Him all things, both what they had done and what they had taught. 31 And He said to them, “Come aside by your-selves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going and they did not even have time to eat. 32 So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves. 33 But the multitudes saw them departing and many knew Him and ran there on foot from all the cities. They arrived before them and came to-gether to Him.34 And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many things.35 When the day was now far spent, His disci-

Jesus cared about the hurt-ing people more than he

cared about his own comfort.


So Jesus tells the disciples, “You give them something to eat.” Now Jesus would not have made that state-ment, if the disciples were not able to give the people something to eat.

The disciples responded to the Master and said, “Shall we go… and buy two hundred denarii’s worth of food and give them something to eat.” This tells me that they were more concerned about their own comfort than caring for the people.

A denarii was equivalent to one day’s wage, so they are concerned about spending over half a years’ wage (which by the way they had), than feeding hungry people. They would have preferred to hold on to their money and say they are disciples of Jesus than to feed the hungry sheep.

This is nothing more than playing church politics by rubbing shoulders with the latest and the greatest. How often God blesses His people with all the re-sources to help people but the resources are used for anything but caring for hurting people. The truth is one day we will all have to give an account of what we have done with what God has given us. These issues, that the Lord was showing me, were simply addressing heart issues. I want you to see the drastic difference between the heart of Jesus and the heart of disciples, pre-Pentecost.

Here is the number one truth to understand about the miracle of the loaves: Jesus cared about the hurting people more than he cared about his own comfort. How often in the American Church we compartmentalize Jesus, so that the living Christ can-not show up to help hurting people through us. Jesus does not fit in our religious boxes. If He is going to show up and help people, He is going to show up through us and if we are not available then He cannot be access these hurting world. I heard a great woman of God say, “God is not looking for able people but willing people.”

Truth number two about understanding the mir-acle of the loaves is: We have to ask ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. The miracle of the loaves is about being honest with ourselves and the condition of our heart toward people. In verse 52 we read, “For they had not understood about the

loaves, because their heart was hardened.” If there is any hardness in our hearts we will become out of tune with God and the supernatural realm.

A few days ago I was at Starbucks having a cup of coffee; while meditating on scripture pertaining to the blessing and miracles. I saw a lady, with patch on her right eye and rolling a small suitcase behind her, walk in. She asked the first person in the coffee shop for some money and she was turned away. When I saw this happen I immediately noticed an attitude in my heart that I didn’t like. My thoughts were like this: “I am mediating and I don’t want to be bothered.” As I was thinking like this, she walked over and asked the next person for some money. Right then and there, the Lord checked my heart and said, “Whatever you have on you give it to her.” Instantly, I realized that my heart was losing its tenderness and I was leaning toward hardness. As I repented and asked the Lord to forgive me, she walked out the coffee shop disap-pointed. I’m sitting in the wealthiest nation on earth sipping on my four dollar cup of coffee and I couldn’t help some one in need. Frankly, I was disgusted with that small glimpse into my heart. Have you ever asked yourself, “Why am I blessed?” Is it so we can be-come hard hearted and selfish or is it to be a blessing? This insight is the key to understanding the miracle of the loaves. It’s about feeding people every way we can and bringing them to Jesus, the source of all our blessing. Hebrews 3:7-14 says, “That is why the Holy Spirit says, Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled, when they tested me in the wilderness. There your ancestors test-ed and tried my patience, even though they saw my miracles for forty years. So I was angry with them, and I said, their hearts always turn away from me. They refuse to do what I tell them. So in my anger I took an oath: they will never enter my place of rest. Be careful then, dear brothers and sisters. Make sure that your own hearts are not evil and unbelieving, turning you away from the living God. You must warn each other ev-ery day, while it is still “today,” so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God. For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.”


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I recently read the article on the next page and it struck a chord with me. It confirmed a thought the Lord had given me a few years ago about the prin-ciple of sowing and reaping. I confidently believe that sowing and reaping, or giving and receiving are what I call, “The Law of Our Universe.” However, when the purpose of this law is not understood it will not work. There are two sides to the principle of giving, the motive and the benefit. These two sides, for the most part, have not been taught properly.

The motive is that we give to give and not to get. The benefit when we give is that we receive back more than we gave. I have come to an understanding in my journey with Jesus that when the motive in giving is getting, the benefit doesn’t work. However, when I have given out of a pure motive to honor the Lord and help people, the benefit has always been unprec-edented.

I completely support the seed faith principle within the boundaries of these two foundational truths. Also by endorsing this article, I am not bringing any judg-ment on any rich TV ministries who are propagating the Gospel through the medium of media. Nor do I believe that there is anything wrong with being rich, whether one is a minister, who has given their life for the advancement of the Kingdom of God, or one is a businessperson. Anything that someone is willing do the rest of their life, diligently, is worth a great re-ward. Especially, when what we do is helping others less fortunate. I firmly believe that it is the Lord’s will for everyone to have all their needs, wants, and desires met beyond their wildest dreams. The question to answer ourselves is why do we want to be blessed or rich? As it is written in Proverbs 10:22, “The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.”

Personal Note

Kamran Karimi

Giving To GetMany TV evangelists are rich because of greed, but not their greed, it’s our greed. An earlier generation donated money to help those in need. Growing up, my mother taught us about those “less fortunate” and we gave because the Bible expressed great concern about the poor and suffering. But as I grew up, a con-cept came along that turned giving on its head. “Seed faith” teaching transformed everything we knew about raising money. The original concept was actually Bib-lical – based on planting a seed and expecting a har-vest. But it completely changed our attitudes toward giving. For the first time we weren’t giving money to help others, we were giving to help ourselves. The idea caught on, and with the instant global reach of Christian radio and television, it spread like wildfire. Not since the days in the early 16th century when the Catholic Church sold indulgences (paying money for forgiveness of sins for you or your dead loved ones) has the cash rolled in and church leaders lived in such luxury. Johann Tetzel, the most aggressive of the Do-minican friars selling indulgences had a saying. “As soon as a coin in the coffer rings, the rescued soul from purgatory springs." It doesn’t sound that differ-ent from today’s “Plant a seed to meet your need.” As the teaching grew, less trained pastors and leaders mixed in errors until some preachers created entire ministries around having a “financial anointing.” And they were in high demand during telethons for their ability to raise money on TV. But that was OK. By then, we had all become trained to believe that giving wasn’t about helping others, it was about helping our-selves. So it didn’t really matter if the preacher spent the money on luxury living. God was going to bless us, and that was all that mattered. But no matter what you believe about it, the question is, 40 years later

where does that leave us? On the plus side, it’s built some massive outreaches. There’s little question that incredible influx of money created many of today’s major ministries, colleges, churches, and TV networks. That’s a good thing. On the downside, we created a generation addicted to the rush. This audience (and I use that word on purpose) now has to feed their addiction with gimmicks. They race to conferences looking for a “fresh anointing,” as ministries desper-ately create more and more “Jesus junk” fundraising offers. The cycle never stops. Because when you give to get, you have to get something even greater next time around. And now, something new is on the ho-rizon. We’re facing a generation that isn’t so addicted. Younger people today have seen the excesses of giving to get, and want nothing to do with it. They’d rather help a cause driven by U2’s Bono, than a TV evan-gelist. They just want to make a difference. So ma-jor churches and ministries are caught in the middle. Right now, their largest group of givers is still look-ing for gimmicks like prayer cloths, anointing oil, and little packets of seeds. But that group is dying, and a new generation is coming. In that light, from a very real perspective, giving to get has not served us well in the long term, and although many of these TV evan-gelists live in personal luxury, many of their churches and ministries are now deeply in debt. And I won’t kid you – the transition to the next generation of giv-ers will be painful. And only if pastors and ministry leaders put their teaching in balance, and teach people the real purpose for giving, will they survive. Let’s re-think giving to get, and start giving for the right reasons. Looking inward only feeds the addiction, but looking outward can actually change the world.



Wake-Up CallIslam’s Agenda is nothing less than World Conquest

Before 9/11 the extent of the terrorists’ hatred -- not just towards Israel but towards all democratic na-tions -- was virtually unknown.But today, radical Islamic terrorists stand exposed for who they are and what they plan for the non-Muslim world.Their true goal of destroying anyone who doesn’t ac-cept their Islamic religion (as ‘Allah’ and Mohammed have said – “If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him.” -- Surah 3:85) has been made clear to the whole world. But for some strange reason, politicians and other people in secular society bend over backwards for Muslims and make absurd proclamations such as “Islam is a religion of peace”.This realization has to be a serious ‘’wake-up call’’ to all peoples (Christians and non-Christians) within the secular western nations. Today there are dozens of Islamic terrorist groups op-erating all over the world such as Al-Qaeda, Jemaah-Islamiya, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Ansar-al-Islam, Al-Aq-sa Martyrs’ Brigade, Hezbollah, etc… What unites all Muslim terrorist groups is their commitment to Jihad (a holy war to conquer nations which are not yet Mus-lim). Whoever you are, you need to understand that in Islam the Koran teaches that the world is divided into two geographical and spiritual regions, known as the ‘lands (or house) of submission’ (dar-al-Islam) and ‘lands (or house) of war’ (dar-al-harb).The ‘lands of submission’ are those nations which have been subjugated by Islam, and the ‘lands of war’ (dar-al-harb) are those nations which are not yet con-quered by Muslims –but must be! Also, when you hear Muslims (or fearful Muslim pleasing secular politi-cians) quoting from the Koran a verse that seems nice and peaceful – remember that these relatively few

verses apply only to the peoples in the lands that have been conquered by Islam – so basically they are Mus-lims!

The Koran also permits Muslims to lie to non Mus-lims and make peace if it eventually helps spread Is-lam. A good example of this was Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who spoke publicly about having peace with Israel and the West. But privately, to Muslims, he said – “In the name of Allah…...believe me there is a lot to be done. The Jihad (Muslim ‘holy’ war) will continue…... And I have to speak frankly, I can’t do it alone without the support of the Islamic nation…... you have to come and fight and to start the Jihad.”Today almost every conflict in the world has its roots in Islam and the spread of the Muslim religion -- the Balkans, Sudan, Nigeria, Israel, Chechnya, Kashmir, Indonesia, southern Thailand, the Philippines, and many other African and former Soviet countries. Also almost every terrorist group in the world is Muslim!Secular society is afraid to speak out against Islam be-cause Muslim groups come down on all those who are against them like a ton of bricks, and many Eu-ropean nations are more than 10% Muslim now. The numbers of Muslims in Europe (through births and unchecked immigration, legal and illegal) continues to rise rapidly.On average, surveys show that the global population of Muslims is around 1.4 billion, which is almost 25% of the world population. Islam is the world’s fastest growing religion, particularly in Europe.The last question I would like to ask you all is this -- who is this god ‘Allah’ who inspired Mohammed to write the Koran and start this Muslim religion which has been trying for centuries to destroy the Christian faith?

By: Pedestrian Infidel

Are you Available For Great Exploits?

We were available…To preach the Gospel to • 30 million Muslims a day through daily television, in Farsi,

......a language we don’t speak.

To be a part of seeing over• 850,000 former Muslims give their lives to Jesus in one year, countries we have never been to.

To make a difference in the lives of people who had never heard •of Jesus .....and who we have never met.

How? We partnered with Global Exploits Ministries and joined the Freedom Campaign! Why don’t you join us in advancing freedom in Jesus among Farsi-speaking Muslims around the world? You’ll love it! Scott and Sarah Texas

Who will respond to their cry?

Will it be Secularism, Western Materialism, Mormonism, Terrorism, or A VOICE OF FREEDOM?

Global Exploits Ministries is reaching 105 million Farsi-speaking people world wide through our daily, television broadcast Nedaye Azade which, in English, means The Voice of Freedom.

The Lord has called us to serve as a voice for Him to transform the Islamic wilderness into a fruitful land and to cast a net that will harvest Farsi-speaking Muslims worldwide.

Today—for the first time in 15 centuries

The world is beginning to witness a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit among Farsi-speaking Muslims. God has begun to shred the fragile fabric of Islam in fulfillment of Jeremiah 49:38-39 when He promised, “I will set My throne in Elam (Iran) and I will destroy from their king and princes, says the Lord. But it shall be in the latter days (the end of days) that I will reverse the captivity and restore the fortunes of Elam, says the Lord.”

Iranians are at a crossroad, desperate for change and a new spiritual identity!

Is God Calling You?

Does the thought of reaching millions of Muslims who have never experienced Christ excite you? Does the pas-sion of the Great Commission burn in your heart as it does in ours?

Then call, write, or visit our website to learn how you can use television to bring the message of freedom in Christ to desperate people who would otherwise never hear it.

Join the ranks of a passionate group of people who are advancing freedom through Christ all around the world!


No more pain….Seemin emailed us from Esfahan, Iran sharing with us how Jesus Christ appeared to her and healed her of breast cancer. She describes her story as follow: I am a 48 year old woman. I am married and have 3 daughters. Until recently I appeared to be a Muslim but I never felt anything or received anything from Allah but oppression and bondage.

Last year I was diagnosed with breast cancer and the doctors r e m o v e d both of my breasts. As long as I was in the hospi-tal I received many forms of painkill-ers to take away the pain. How-ever, after I came home, there were no more painkillers available for me.

I will never forget my first night at home. My old-est daughter, whose name is Bahar, believes in Jesus Christ. That night she was sleeping at the foot of my bed and I could hear her praying under her breath, asking Jesus to free my family from cancer. While I was in very serious pain, I asked my daughter to ask Jesus to take away my pain. My daughter answered me and said mom I can do that but it would be better that you ask Him yourself. So I asked Jesus, “Jesus I beg you to please take away my pain and help me to sleep without any pain.”

You may not believe what happened, but I suddenly opened my eyes and saw a man in a white robe stand-ing in my bedroom waving His hand at me. He was saying, “Bye, Bye” to me. At first, I thought that He was my father whose room is next door to me, but a few seconds later He was gone. I immediately asked my daughter, “Bahar who was that man waving at me?” My daughter jumped to her feet and said, “Mom, you have been talking to Jesus.” I answered and said yes and I noticed that I did not have any more pain. Where I could not touch before, because of the pain, I was

now beating on my breast with my fist and there was no pain.

Bahar con-tinued to say to me after she kissed me, “Mom you have seen Jesus Christ and you are blessed!!! Jesus was not

waving good bye to you but He was healing you by waving His hands to you.” It is very hard to express how I felt at that very moment, all I could do was cry and say, “Oh Jesus I praise you and worship you and thank you for taking away my pain and counting me worthy to heal me. And with that I felt sleep.”

Now I go to church and ask Jesus to be with me and my family everyday and I know what chemotherapy and radiotherapy could not do, ONLY JESUS did for me and I AM HEALED. Now I ask you to help me to be a real Christian and tell me how I can serve Him with my life.

Global EffEct‘The Voice of Freedom’ broadcast airs daily around the world to Farsi speaking viewers

these are just a few of the thousands that call in with their testimonies!

Anything but Islam!Abdul tired of Islam got saved! The man was an Islamic religious leader and said, I know and have tasted Islam, it is all about hate. Tell me about other religions such as Judaism, Christian-ity…anything else but Islam!” he was so ready. With his whole heart he received Jesus.

We are one of you!A family of 4 in small town near Shiraz, Iran received Jesus Christ. Their 15 year old daughter asked for a Bible. She was so excited and said; now we have joined you! We are one of you!” Praise God!

Christianity is simple? A young couple gloriously accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They were white for reaping! After praying, we encouraged them, that the angels are rejoicing and all their sins are forgiven and forgotten. He interrupted saying: “Are you serious? My sins are wiped out that easily?” When we assured him that we were serious and these are the Words of God, he got upset at Islam…saying “This is just a dictatorial belief, when we are born they fills us with all lies. Oh God this Christianity is so simple! Halleluiah!


By Amy Karimi

Recently I have been doing quite a bit of research with regards to information that the Western Church needs to be made aware of. I have been researching the persecu-tion that is wide spread among Islamic nations around the world towards Christians, women, and children. I realize that much like me, most of you have been born and bread in America or at least in a free society.

Most of us, when we think of persecution, think of fi-nancial hardship or some one speaking ill of us. When we are told that we need to forgive we think of some-thing wrong that was said about us or a misunderstand-ing between us and another believer. I have been ponder-ing over what Paul said about his light afflictions in 2 Corinthians 4:17:

“For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;” (KJV)

“For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!” (NLT)

Now in order to understand what Paul meant by “light afflictions” you would have to jump over to 2 Corinthi-ans 11:23-28. You read the text from these verses and ponder as to whether you even have “light afflictions.”

23 Are they servants of Christ? I know I sound like a madman, but I have served him far more! I have worked harder, been put in prison more often, been whipped times without number, and faced death again and again 24 Five different times the Jewish

leaders gave me thirty-nine lashes. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked. Once I spent a whole night and a day adrift at sea. 26 I have traveled on many long journeys. I have faced danger from riv-ers and from robbers. I have faced danger from my own people, the Jews, as well as from the Gentiles. I have faced danger in the cities, in the deserts, and on the seas. And I have faced danger from men who claim to be believers but are not.[a] 27 I have worked hard and long, enduring many sleepless nights. I have been hungry and thirsty and have often gone without food. I have shivered in the cold, without enough clothing to keep me warm. 28 Then, besides all this, I have the daily burden of my concern for all the churches.” (NLT)

I have been stirred while doing this research to a place of intolerance. Not intolerance of others but rather of the attitudes and dispositions of the American church in general. I am concerned that we in America have taken our liberties in Christ for granted to such a de-gree that we have forgotten the price that has been paid for our liberty. In doing my research I have realized that there are still people in this world, on a daily basis, who promote the Gospel even at the cost of their own life. When they think of persecution or afflictions, they think of being hung from a crane, being beaten with thick rods, their children being taken from them or even killed, or any number of heinous things we could not even begin to comprehend.

As I was filtering through large amounts of persecution reports on the internet, I began to weep. I read a news report on the front page of the Amnesty International website about a young girl of 17 who was sentenced to death by hanging for killing her rapist attacker with a small

Feather Weights

Let’s step out of our spiritual feather weight class and climb the lad-der of spiritual maturity into the heavy weight

class of God!

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9 and become one with him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ.[c] For God’s way of making us right with himself depends on faith. 10 I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, 11 so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!

Strong’s definition of affliction is: a pressing, pressing together, pressure, oppression, tribulation, distress, or straits.

And the definition of persecution is: to pursue (in a hostile manner) or in any way whatever to harass, trouble, molest one, to persecute, to be mistreated, suffer persecution on account of something.

Paul is saying that no amount of pressure, oppressions, tribulation, distress, straits, harassment, trouble, or molestation is weighty enough to compare with knowing God.

My purpose in writing to you is to encourage you to know God. If you really

know Him, I mean really, really know him, you will endure any-thing to know Him more. You will also do anything to make sure that those less privileged than you have every opportunity to know Him as well. You will run to the aid of those who actually do face “light afflictions” on a daily basis.

I like to say it this way. You don’t really know someone until you have been through a few things with them. When Kamran and I first got married, I thought I knew him. Now, after al-most ten years of marriage, I know him a lot more. I also trust him a lot more because we have been through the hard times together and stayed faithful to one another through it all.

The same is true with Jesus. The more you stay by His side ,through all the afflictions and persecutions, the more you will trust Him. You will see His faithfulness and love for you through it all. I encourage you to walk through your fire and see God bring you out. Let’s develop some thick spiritual skin and sensitive hearts and see this world turned right side up for the glory of God! Let’s step out of our spiritual feather weight class and climb the ladder of spiritual maturity into the heavy weight class of God!

knife. This girl had no defense in court and wept as she pleaded with her accusers for her life ,to no avail. I came across some video footage of a woman from Iran, who was accused of adultery, and with no proof from her accuser, was sentenced to be stoned to death. Another video I came across was of a woman and two men who were hung, really strangled, for their belief in Jesus. As I sat and watched these heinous acts carried out, I began to weep because I realized I wasn’t watch-ing a movie, I was actually watching someone die for their stand for Jesus and justice. I couldn’t help but be irritated with myself. You see that day I had faced a number of petty challenges and I had allowed them to get under my skin. I was all of the sudden faced with the shallow nature of the “afflictions” I was enduring.

As I was thinking about Paul’s idea of what a light affliction was I realized that what we face in the American, westernized church is not even light afflic-tions. They are barely feather weights!

For those of you who are boxing enthusiast you know that there are different weight divisions in boxing. In my very novice observation, these divisions are to ensure a fair fight, to make sure that one contender does not have an unfair advantage above the other in weight and force. You have straw weight, fly weight, bantam weight, feather weight, light weight, welter weight, middle weight, cruiser weight, and then heavy weight. Those of you, who love boxing, please don’t be impressed with my knowledge, just thank God for Google.

I believe we all have the potential to be spiritual heavy weights. However, I also believe that just like natural boxing champions we have to make up our minds to train and yes, even endure pain to reach our goal. I am not talking about sickness or poverty or anything Jesus paid the price for. I am talking about our willingness to do whatever God ask when-ever He asks, no matter how we feel or how others feel about it. What is our goal you might ask? Well according to Paul, all these “light afflictions” were nothing in comparison to the goal he was pressing for which was to know God.

Philippians 3:8-10

8 Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ


Islam is the fastest growing religion in the •world.

It is currently approaching 1.5 billions •people, roughly 20% of the world’s popu-lation.

Islam will not go away just because you •ignore it?

Islam is here to stay unless we do some-•thing.

Islam should be the number one focus of •the modern church?

Islam can only be dealt with in the Spirit, •natural warfare only strengthens it.

Islam has an agenda for America and all • democracies?

Islamwantsits’flagflyingovertheWhite•House by the year 2020.

If you have questions about Islam and how it relates to the Church, please e-mail us at and we will respond!

Pastors if you would like to inform and equip your churches with the knowledge of how to deal with Islam and how to minister to Muslims in your area and around the world please contact us!

If you would like to know more please visit our website at