the vision is jesus - 24-7 Prayer International€¦ · the vision is jesus Welcome to the 24-7...


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AUFSTeHEN the vision is jesus

Welcome to the 24-7 Eurogathering.

We are so pleased that you have made it – from all over Europe and beyond. We are gathering with a focus on Jesus as our ultimate vision – Kingdom Come in Europe!

As we began to prepare for ‘Aufstehen’ we were struck by the unlimited love, extravagance and grace of God. Everything that He has is ours and is poured out to us without reserve – He is wholeheartedly for us. As a result we are set free to be wholehearted and abandoned in our commitment to Him. SO! Don’t hold back, give yourself fully to our time together, encourage everyone you meet, spend time in the prayer room and let’s see where it takes us together! Its going to be good!

2012Herzlich Willkommen zum 24-7

Prayer Europa-Treffen!Wir freuen uns so sehr, dass Ihr hier seid – aus ganz Europa und darüber hinaus. Jesus – unsere letztendliche Vision – ist der Mittelpunkt unseres Treffens – damit sich das Königreich in Europa ausbreitet!

Als wir uns für „Aufstehen“ vorbereitet haben, waren wir geplättet von der unendlichen Liebe, Großzügigkeit und Gnade Gottes. Alles, was Er hat, gehört uns und wird für uns ausgegossen ohne dass Er etwas zurückhält – Er ist mit Seinem ganzen Herzen für uns. Deswegen sind wir frei, uns Ihm mit ganzem Herzen hinzugeben und uns ganz an Ihn zu binden. Also! Halte nichts zurück, gib Dich unserer Zeit zusammen ganz hin, ermutige jeden, den Du triffst, verbringe Zeit im Gebetsraum und lass uns sehen, wohin uns dies führen wird! Es wird auf jeden Fall gut werden!

Ian (Nico) Nicholson 24-7 PrayerIan

GeNeraL InForMaTioN

Hostel Info.Address: Haus der JugendDeutschherrnufer 1260594 FrankfurtTel: +49696100150Opening Hours: 0630 - 0200Checkout by: 0930Wireless: Access can be bought at reception.

Youth Hostel / JugendherbergeEurogathering Venue.

Bus Stop - Frankensteiner Platz

Tram Stop - Lokalbahnhof (16)

A variety of bars and restaurants can be found in the old streets behind the hostel.

Cheap and tasty take-away food

Map key

get this map on your phone:

WhaTS On WHEN...aNd WhERe)

thursday Friday Saturday SUnday08300915

Prayers (Prayer Room)

Prayers (Prayer Room) Prayers (E11)


Vision Session 2 Lisa Borden

Vision Session 3Matthias Kuhn

Vision Session 4Roger Ellis

Finish 1330


Registration Seminar Session 1 Seminar Session 3


Seminar Session 2 Seminar Session 4

1900 Vision Session 1 Brian Heasley

Evening Encounter Ian Nicholson

Evening EncounterPete Greig

All main sessions (Vision Sessions and Evening Encounters) will be held in the main hall.Vision Sessions - ‘Vision Sessions’ are a chance to fix our attention on Jesus, we’ll worship together and get inspired by some incredible speakers from across the movement.Evening Encounters - Our evening sessions on Friday and Saturday are hosted by Ian Nichol-son (Friday) and Pete Greig (Saturday). Pete and Ian will share stories and challenge us with a kaleidoscope of message, prophecy, worship and prayers... Should be fun!Worship - We are privileged to have a team of musicians from many countries who will help lead us in sung worship. We also have an arts space available during worship times... Get creative.

The Prayer Room will be open from Friday morning until Saturday evening. A sign up board will be available to carry us through the night. During seminar times the Prayer Room will host some guided prayer sessions.The Prayer Room is in the Sky Deck at the top of the building (above reception)If using the Prayer Room at night please make sure you enter and leave the room quietly (especially when using the stairs) - People are sleeping! You can make as much noise as you like when in the room though.

MaIn SesSioNs



Session 1 (1500) Session 2 (1630) Session 3 (1500) Session 4 (1630)

People of DepthVenue: Garten Haus UG

Avoid Burning Out or Rusting Up:Jani Rubery

Getting to the Edge and staying There: Lisa & Byron Borden

Ancient Spir-itual Practices for Today: Lisa and Byron Borden

Prayer and You: Lyndall Bywater

People of Faith and InfluenceVenue: Main Hall

Leadership and Relationship: Roger Ellis

Essence: The Jesus ManifestoRoger Ellis

Ask Pete...Leadership Q and A: Pete Greig

Developing Younger Lead-ers: Tommie Naumann & Alek Madzarovski

24-7 DeutschVenue: E11

24-7 Gebets Aktivsten Vereinigt Euch!: Valentin Ries

Schäme dich nicht, vertraue dem Evangeli-um: Alltagsleben mit der Wahrheit -Matthias Kuhn

Die ganze Wahrheit - Jesus will uns nicht nur unsere Sünden vergeben!- Samuel Diek-mann

Gott ist Kreativ!- Daniel Nolte

24-7 ToolsVenue: E12

24-7 Prayer Rooms and Beyond- Carla Harding

Developing Prayer in Schools- Joe Knight

Creativity in Prayer: Ella Auren

We’re on the Road Again: Prayer and Mission in Practice - Brian Heasley

Prayer & Pres-enceVenue: Sky Deck (Prayer Room)

Prayer and Pres-enceOPEN SESSION

Prayer and Pres-ence (Focus: Moslem World)

Prayer and Pres-ence(Focus: Govern-ments +Economy)

Prayer and Pres-ence(Focus: Children + Young People)

People of HopeVenue: E10

Recovering Confidence in the Gospel: Matthias (Kuno) Kuhn

The Gospel of Transformation: Mike Andrea

Welcoming the Stranger: Stanford Boiler Room Team

Tentmaking in 2013: Phillip Evans and Byron Borden

Europe and culture: it’s not wrong – just different!Europe is a big place and we come from very different backgrounds. Eastern Europe has huge alcohol problems while the South is more of a ‘wine’ culture and Christians respond differently. Similarly some have different attitudes to smoking, money, humour and politics – yet we are all committed to following Jesus. We don’t set rules at ‘Aufstehen’ but we do value grace, liberty and mutual respect. Please believe the best and speak the best. If you would like to talk about anything that confuses or concerns you don’t hesitate to talk to the

SEmiNAR TOpICsPeople of Depth

1. Avoiding burning out and rusting up. How to develop a realistic rhythm of life and ministry.Jani Rubery is an organisational psychologist and executive coach, a gifted speaker and author of ‘More Than a Job: Making Lifestyle Choices with God at the Centre.’

2. Going to the Edge and Staying There - We are not called to mediocrity or the occasional mis-sional endeavour. Instead we are called to the life-long adventure of missional existence. Byron & Lisa Borden have followed God on an adventure of marriage and cross-cultural mis-sions. Their work in Africa and Europe has been shaped by the belief that God cares for the whole person, body and soul, and we are therefore called to do the same.

3. Ancient Spiritual Practices for Today. A sampling of spiritual practices that enhance our experience of Christ as we encounter Him.Byron and Lisa Borden

4. Prayer and You: How to make it work! We talk differently, we think differently, we pray dif-ferently. Find out how you can pray the way God made you to pray.Lyndall Bywater has been part of 24-7 Prayer since it started and now leads the Canterbury Boiler Room Community in South-east England. She is a freelance writer, speaker and trainer in


People of faith and influence cont’d

2. Essence: the Manifesto of Jesus. What is the manifesto of Jesus Christ and how should this impact our mission in the world?Roger Ellis3. Ask Pete... Discussion on leadership develop-ment and the challenges of leading well. Q and A session.Pete Greig is a founding champion of 24-7 Prayer and Director of Prayer at Holy Trinity Brompton (London). He and his family live in Guildford, England, where they lead the Emmaus Rd Community Church. Pete’s books include ‘God on Mute’, ‘Red Moon Rising’ and ‘The Vi-sion and the Vow’ 4. Developing Younger Leaders. How do we recognise, develop and release the next genera-tion of emerging leaders?Tommie Naumann and Alek Madzarovski. Tommie has been planting and leading Christian communities in Europe since the 1970’s. Alek Madzarovski is a writer, poet, musician and leads the Glasnost Boiler Room community in Skopje, Macedonia.

People of faith and influence1. Leadership and relationships: Learn-

ing from the Trinity.This seminar looks at the theology of the trinity and explores how this might impact our relation-ships and leadership models.Roger Ellis oversees 24-7 Prayer’s training and development. In the past Roger has pioneered and led the UK student ministry Fusion and rev-elation Church in Chichester (England). He is the author of several books including Essence: The Manifesto of Jesus... he also runs a fishing busi-ness.

24-7 Deutsch1. Gott ist Kreativ! Wie ein gerührter

und geschüttelter Mix der Kreativität bereits im Unscheinbaren pulsiert, wie sich Krea-tivität in uns Menschen entfalten kann und wie hierdurch kreative 24-7 Räume entste-hen, die die Freundschaft mit dem dreieini-gen Gott zum Ziel haben. Darum geht es in diesem Workshop.Daniel (Dan) Nolte liebt es zu träumen und versucht durch seine Arbeit in einer Grafik-Design Werbeagentur in Ludwigsburg die Welt ein Stückchen besser zu machen. Danliebt es, wenn Christen einander lieben und er ist Feuer und Flamme, wenn Fremde durch Gebet zu Freunden werden.

24-7 Deutsch cont’d2. Schäme dich nicht, vertraue dem

Evangelium: Alltagsleben mit der Wahr-heitMatthias Kuhn Durch seine Leidenschaftli-che Liebe zu Jesus mobilisiert Kuno (wie ihn alle nennen) Menschen das Evangelium im Alltag zu leben. Er ist Teil des Leitungsteams von GPMC in Thun/Schweiz, einer Jünger-schafts/ Hauskirchen Bewegung und ist auch Teil der Leitung des Aussendungshauses. Er hat viele verschiedene Evangelisationsinitia-tiven mit Freunden in der Schweiz gestartet und ist ein bekannter, leidenschaftlicher Red-ner an vielen verschiedenen Veranstaltungen im deutschsprachigen Europa. Er ist glücklich verheiratet und stolzer Vater von vier grossar-tigen Kids.3. Die ganze Wahrheit - Jesus will uns nicht nur unsere Sünden vergeben! Ara-bischer Frühling, Unruhen in London und Paris, Stuttgart 21, Occupy, Blockupy usw. – es brodelt mächtig im System. Das war vor einiger Zeit in einem weit entfernten Land auch schon mal so: soziale Unruhen, Über-schuldung, Arbeits.- und Perspektivlosigkeit, ein mächtiger Polizei- und Militärapparat der jedes Aufbegehren des gemeinen Volkes bekämpfte, eine elitäre, reiche Gruppe schwelgte im Luxus, viele andere fristeten ihr Dasein hingegen in bitterster Armut. Ein Mann wollte das ändern und zog zehntause-nde in seinen Bann, er kritisierte das Sys-tem, nannte Unrecht beim Namen, weigerte sich aber zur Waffe zu greifen und alles zu stürzen. Er lehrte keine Revolution, sondern Evolution des Systems durch die Veränder-ung der Herzen. Seine engsten Freunde nannten ihn Jeshua...

Samuel Diekmann, Revoluzzer, Pastor, Ak-tivist & Buchautor. Sammy ist verheiratet mit Brenda, zusammen haben sie drei Kinder. Bekannt geworden ist er unter anderem durch die „AKTION EINE SCHALE REIS“, in seinem neuen Buch geht es um die „SYS-TEMKRITIK DES MEISTERS“. Dieser Work-shop ist ein kleiner Einblick in seine Arbeit.


4. 1. 24-7 Gebets-Aktivisten Vereinigt Euch. Bist Du bereits bei 24-7 Prayer aktiv oder kannst Du Dir vorstellen in Zukunft Ak-tivist bei 24-7 Prayer im deutschsprachigen Raum zu werden? Möchtest Du über Deine Gemeinde/Gruppe hinaus auf überregion-aler oder nationaler Ebene Einfluss nehmen und etwas verändern, Gebetsräume multipli-zieren, eine Gebetskette starten, eine 24-7 Gruppe in Deiner Stadt gründen, bei 24-7 in Deinem Land mitarbeiten...? Dann freuen wir uns, Dich kennen zu lernen und gemeinsam mit Dir 24-7 in Deinem Land weiter zu träu-men!Valentin Reis & his wife Veronika live in Frankfurt with their 2 children and have been part of 24-7 for over 10 years. They’re on an adventurous journey trying to follow Jesus in a missional, organic & holistic way! Valentin loves reformation & renewal – in a person, in groups, churches & movements!

24-7 Tools1. 24-7 Prayer Rooms and Beyond

It’s an amazing experience to meet with your Creator in a prayer room space. But does it stay there? How do we develop a lifestyle of prayer? Rooted, established and powered by prayer?Carla Harding champions prayer in the Interna-tional 24-7 movement. Her life was hijacked by God in 1999 during a two hour stint in the first ever 24-7 Prayer Room. 2. Developing Prayer in SchoolsOver the past few years 24-7Prayer has seen prayer spaces in schools ‘take off’! What an op-portunity to engage with an entire generation as they seek to engage with life’s ‘bigger’ questions! Come and discuss the practicalities, the success-es and the challenges of initiating prayer spaces in schools.Joe Knight and his wife Kim live in Gloucester, England. Together they are passionate to nurture a Jesus centred lifestyle of prayer and practice.3. Creativity in Prayer. A practical workshop ex-ploring the place of creativity in Prayer and Wor-ship. Particularly looking at how to encourage creativity in prayer rooms.Ella Auren is an artist and worshipper, spent 3 years as part of the Guildford Boiler Room (Em-maus Rd) and now lives in her native Finland where where she helps guide the 24-7 Prayer movement nationally.


Prayer and PresenceThese sessions are a time of focussed prayer on some of the major issues facing Europeans today. 1. Open Session - come for pray and worship, call to Him and listen to what He has to say.2. Moslem World - Praying for our Muslim neigh-bours as well as Muslim countries and peoples.3. Governments and Economy. There has never been a more important time to pray for the leaders of our countries and Frankfurt is at the heart of our continents economy.4. Children and Young People. Changing the tide in Youth Culture - that’s where 24-7 Prayer began and where it will always have a focus. Join us as we pray for schools, universities and the next generation.

People of Hope1. We are Not Ashamed: recovering confidence in the Gospel. Matthias Kuhn (Kuno) is a church leader, gifted communicator and a proud father. Matthias spends his time mobilizing the church in Thun, Switzerland and is a good friend of 24-7 Prayer.2. The Gospel of Transformation. What does the good news look like in practise and how does that impact on community and society? Mike Andrea is Team Leader of Global Genera-tion Church in Ramsgate and founder of Revival Run. A keen fan of good food, days filled with God adventures and his family, he simply lives life lov-ing Jesus, loving others and loving life in the fullest ways he can. 3. Welcoming the Stranger. How can we better express ourselves as a people of invitation? The Stanford Boiler Room are a 24-7 community based in the UK who exemplify the value of hospitality and welcome. 4. Tentmaking in 2013. What’s the place of busi-ness in mission? Entrepreneurs as missionaries and missionaries as entrepreneurs. A conversa-tion on new models of support/church and micro/macro finance. Byron Borden is a missionary in Tanzania who helps local people start-up and build sustainable businesses. Philip Evans operates through the market place as an entrepreneur in the Balkans. His primary passion is to see the joy of the gospel among ALL the nations.


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24-7 Tools4. We’re on the Road Again: Prayer and Mis-sion in PracticeWhat does prayer and mission really look like? How can we develop and sustain appropriate models which are best suited to our own envi-ronment without falling into a formulaic approach to prayer and mission. An Intimate, Involved, responsive, aligned, fruitful and persistent ap-proach to carrying Christ.Brian Heasley is national director of 24-7 Prayer in Great Britain after leading 24-7 Ibiza and has been part of the prayer movement since it began. Brian is a gifted communicator with passion for prayer, mission and justice. He is married to

Tracy and has two teenage sons.


The ‘Aufstehen’ OfferingIn the early church there was an incredible financial release to advance God’s purposes - people even sold fields and donated the proceeds. At a time of financial pressure in Europe we want to make a generous, positive and faith filled response. On Saturday evening therefore we will be having a free will offering, celebrating God’s overflowing goodness to us. None of this will go towards the cost of ‘Aufstehen’ but will all be focussed on 24-7’s vision for Europe – catalysing prayer, mobilizing mission and releasing a new generation of leaders. Would you please pray about two things?Firstly would you come prepared to contribute on the evening – as an individual, com-munity or nation.Secondly could you start sowing financially into the 24-7 vision in your nation or cityIf you would like to talk about giving larger amounts please talk to one of the ‘Aufste-hen’ leadership team; an IOU commitment can be made on the evening with a name and contact details.

What about the auction I hear you ask?To focus on the offering we will not have a major themed auction this year. However we don’t want to stifle creativity and initiative so if you know of any item that someone would like to auction then we will make space for that on the Sunday. Anything raised from that will be set aside for 24-7 pioneer mission initiatives. Just let one of the Auf-stehen team know and we will fit it in!


Want to give regularly?24-7 Prayer is funded principally by people just like you who give relatively small amounts (5, 10 or 20 €/£/$) each month. If you’d like to join them speak to one of the aufstehen team or email:

wHaT nEXt?Gatherings like Aufstehen are great, but what happens next week when we are all back in our home towns and countries. How can we stay con-nected?

1. Become a 24-7 Partner. We need to build sustainability in the move-

ment and are asking you to support 24-7 with prayer and regular monthly financial support. For details visit or email

2. enquire about the vision course. This is a 5 month discipleship experience

based in a 24-7 community. Find out more by emailing: It’s guaranteed to change your life!

3. Host a Prayer Room. If you haven’t done so already why not think

about hosting a prayer room, or prayer season in your church or group. visit or email

4. Consider moving to join a 24-7 commu-nity. In the first instance email ian. to talk about the options available.

5. Connect with others in your nation (or locality) who are interested in 24-7.

If you email he will point you in the right direction.

6. Join one of 24-7’s Mission Teams in 2013. Email brian.heasley@24-7prayer.

com to get the low down on next years missionadventure teams.

And don’t forget you can continue to engage with the movement through the website, facebook page and, and @247prayer

Gatherings are a key time to talk and dream. If you have anything you want to talk about with us please do NOT go away without asking. You might want to talk to a leader about your ideas or how you can connect and get involved. You might have a personal concern and struggle and want time to talk. Simply leave your name and details at reception or ask one of the team and we will make it happen. Don’t go away without taking the initiative!

