The Vietnam War Review and Ending the War 1955 to 1975


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  • The Vietnam War Review and Ending the War 1955 to 1975
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  • REVIEW. 1. Which nations have historically occupied Vietnam? 2. Which three nations made up French Indochina? 3. Name the leaders of North Vietnam and South Vietnam at the start of the Vietnam War. 4. What were the capital cities of North and South Vietnam? 5. Name the five presidents who would lead the United States in the Vietnam War. 6. Describe the importance of the Geneva Accords. 7. What were the two forces fighting on behalf of the North Vietnamese? 8. How did the United States get involved in the Vietnam War? 9. What were the dangers of fighting in Vietnam? 10. How did the United States lose the battle for the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese? 11. What was the Ho Chi Minh Trail?
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  • REVIEW. 12. How did Vietnam ruin the legacy of President Lyndon Johnson? 13. How did General Westmoreland plan on selling the war to the American Public? 14. Describe war of attrition. 15. How was Vietnam a living room war? 16. Which demographic of Americans were normally drafted? 17. Which demographic of Americans were normally protesting the war? 18. What are doves and hawks?
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  • The Vietnam War The Tet Offensive (January 1968) Importance: Surprise attack by the Vietcong on South Vietnamese and American forces. More than 80,000 Communist troops mounted a coordinated assault on five of six autonomous cities, including Saigon and Hue, 36 of 44 provincial capitals, 64 of 245 district capitals, and more than 50 hamlets. Casualties: 37,000 Vietcong 3,895 US Impact? American victory, but at high costs. Johnson Administration finished. The Living Room War: The Tet Offensive
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  • The Vietnam War My Lai Massacre (March 1968) Impact of the My Lai Massacre Lt. William Calley I was ordered to go in there and destroy the enemy. That was my job that day. That was the mission I was given. I did not sit down and think in terms of men, women, and children. They were all classified as the same, and that's the classification that we dealt with over there, just as the enemy. I felt then and I still do that I acted as I was directed, and I carried out the order that I was given and I do not feel wrong in doing so.
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  • QUESTION. What did the Johnson Administration do wrong in Vietnam?
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  • The Vietnam War The 1968 Election Richard Nixon Republican Hubert Humphrey Democrat George Wallace Independent
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  • The Vietnam War The 1968 Election Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew win with 43% of the vote.
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  • The Vietnam War The 1968 Election Why did Nixon win? 1. Assassination of Robert Kennedy 2. Division between Hubert Humphrey and Eugene McCarthy 3. Anti-war protests in Chicago led by SDS
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  • QUESTION. What do you know about Richard Nixon?
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  • Ending Vietnam For Next Class Read and outline chapter 30.5 (The End of the War and Its Legacy) Read the other assigned documents.