The Unofficial Batman Chronology




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  • 6/9/13 The Unofficial Batman Chronolog\



    BATMAN [BUXce Wa\Qe]

    Created b\ Bob Kane and Bill Finger

    CharacterChronolog\ Inde[

    BeORZ iV Whe defiQiWiYe OiVW RfaSSeaUaQceV Rf BaWPaQ iQchURQRORgicaO RUdeU. FOaVhbacNVeTXeQceV RU VWRU\ eQWUieV ZiOO befROORZed b\ a [FOaVhbacN] QRWe.SWRUieV WhaW fRU VRPe UeaVRQ aUeQR ORQgeU SaUW Rf cXUUeQW cRQWiQXiW\ZiOO haYe a cRPPeQW Va\iQg WhiV iQa QRWe fROORZiQg Whe eQWU\.

    FROORZ Whe OiQNV fRU a cRPSOeWeiQde[ Rf Whe iVVXe, iQcOXdiQg VWRU\aQd cUeaWRU iQfR aV ZeOO aV fXOOchaUacWeU chURQRORg\ aQd iQ VRPecaVeV VWRU\ V\QRSVeV.

    TR gR WR Whe BaWPaQ biRgUaSh\cOicN heUe

    Batman Chronolog\

    Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #1 (November 1989): "Shaman: Book One" [Pages 1-13] Batman #404 (Februar\ 1987): "Batman: Year One, Ch. 1: Who Am I, How I Come To Be"[Pages 1-4] Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #1 (November 1989): "Shaman: Book One" [Page 14] Batman #404 (Februar\ 1987): "Batman: Year One, Ch. 1: Who Am I, How I Come To Be"[Pages 6-7] Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #1 (November 1989): "Shaman: Book One" [Page 15] Batman #404 (Februar\ 1987): "Batman: Year One, Ch. 1: Who Am I, How I Come To Be"[Pages 10-17] Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #1 (November 1989): "Shaman: Book One" [Page 16,panels 1-6] Batman #404 (Februar\ 1987): "Batman: Year One, Ch. 1: Who Am I, How I Come To Be"[Pages 20-22] Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #1 (November 1989): "Shaman: Book One" [Page 16,panel 7] DetectiYe Comics #0 (October 1994): "Choice of Weapons" [Flashback page 4, panel 2 topage 5, panel 1] Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #1 (November 1989): "Shaman: Book One" [Page 16,panel 8 to page 26] Batman Chronicles #19 (winter 2000): "Got a Date with an Angel" Batman #405 (March 1987): "Batman: Year One, Ch. 2: War Is Declared"


    WhR'V WhR iQ Whe DCU

    ChaUacWeU ChURQRORgieV

    SeUieV IQde[eV

    HiVWRU\ Rf Whe DCU

    MeVVage BRaUd

    WhaW'V NeZ

    Page Contents:

    PeUVRQaO DaWa



    PRZeUV aQd WeaSRQV


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  • 6/9/13 The Unofficial Batman Chronolog\


    Batman #406 (April 1987): "Batman: Year One, Ch. 3: Black Dawn" Batman #407 (Ma\ 1987): "Batman: Year One, Ch. 4: Friend in Need" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #2 (December 1989): "Shaman: Book Two" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #3 (Januar\ 1990): "Shaman: Book Three" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #4 (Februar\ 1990): "Shaman: Book Four" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #5 (March 1990): "Shaman: Book Five" Batman #401 (November 1986): "A Bird in the Hand..." Detective Comics #568 (November 1986): "E\rie" Batman #402 (December 1986): [There's Nothing So Savage -- As a Man Destro\ingHimself!] Detective Comics #569 (December 1986): "Catch As Catscan" Detective Comics #570 (Januar\ 1987): "The Last Laugh" Legends #2 (December 1986): "Breach of Faith!" Legends #3 (Januar\ 1987): "Send For... the Suicide Squad!" Legends #4 (Februar\ 1987): "Cr\' Havoc...!" Legends #5 (March 1987): "Let Slip the Dogs of War" Legends #6 (April 1987): "Finale!" Batman #403 (Januar\ 1987): "One Batman Too Man\" Detective Comics #571 (Februar\ 1987): "Fear for Sale" Detective Comics #572 (March 1987): "The Doomsda\ Book" New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #29 (March 1987): "Revelation" New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #30 (April 1987): "Revolution" New Teen Titans Vol. 2 #31 (Ma\ 1987): "Resolution" Outsiders Vol. 1 #17 (March 1987): "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" Outsiders Vol. 1 #18 (April 1987): "Rage, Rage Against the D\ing of the Light" Detective Comics #573 (April 1987): "The Mad Hatter Flips His Lids!" Detective Comics #574 (Ma\ 1987): "...M\ Beginning... and M\ Probable End" Justice League #1 (Ma\ 1987): "Born Again" Justice League #2 (June 1987): "Make War No More!" Justice League #3 (Jul\ 1987): "Meltdown" Justice League #4 (August 1987): "Winning Hand" Justice League Annual #1 (September 1987): "Germ Warfare" Outsiders Vol. 1 #19 (Ma\ 1987): "The Winds Of Change" Outsiders Vol. 1 #20 (June 1987): "...An Ill Wind..." Weird #1 (April 1988): "Conception" Weird #2 (Ma\ 1988): "Questions" Weird #3 (June 1988): "Confrontation!" Weird #4 (Jul\ 1988): "...Armageddon!" Outsiders Vol. 1 #21/2 (Jul\ 1987): "Meanwhile, Back In Markovia" Outsiders Vol. 1 #21 (Jul\ 1987): "Strike Force Kobra" Outsiders Vol. 1 #22 (August 1987): "Showdown With The Strike Force" Fur\ of Firestorm #63 (September 1987): "Rogue Hero" Fur\ of Firestorm #64 (October 1987): "Through the Gauntlet" Firestorm, The Nuclear Man Annual #5 (1987): "Ground Zero" Batman #410 (August 1987): "Two of a Kind" Batman #411 (September 1987): "Second Chance" Batman #412 (October 1987): "The Sound of Silence" Justice League #5 (September 1987): "Gra\ Life Gra\ Dreams" Justice League #6 (October 1987): "Massacre In Gra\" Justice League International Vol. 1 #7 (November 1987): "Justice League... International!" Doctor Fate Vol. 1 #3 (September 1987): "Strangers" Action Comics Annual #1 (1987): "Skeeter" Swamp Thing Vol. 2 #66 (November 1987): "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" Detective Comics #579 (October 1987): "The Crime Doctor's Crimson Clinic" Batman #413 (November 1987): "The Ghost of Masahiko Taraha" Detective Comics #580 (November 1987): "Double Image" Detective Comics #581 (December 1987): "One Out of Two ... Isn't Bad ..."

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    BooVWeU Gold #22 (November 1987): "Tortured Options" AcWion ComicV #594 (November 1987): "All That Glisters" BooVWeU Gold #23 (December 1987): "Blind Obsession" [As Bruce Wa\ne] AcWion ComicV #595 (December 1987): "The Ghost of Superman" JXVWice LeagXe InWeUnaWional Vol. 1 #8 (December 1987): "Moving Da\" BaWman #414 (December 1987): "Victims!" MillenniXm #1 (Januar\ 1988): "Over" JXVWice LeagXe InWeUnaWional Vol. 1 #9 (Januar\ 1988): "Seeing Red" BaWman #415 (Januar\ 1988): "Millennium" DeWecWiYe ComicV #582 (Januar\ 1988): "Sole Survivor" MillenniXm #8 (Februar\ 1988): "The Rising and Advancing of Ten Spirits" BaWman #416 (Februar\ 1988): "White Gold and Truth" DeWecWiYe ComicV #583 (Februar\ 1988): "Fever" DeWecWiYe ComicV #584 (March 1988): "Fever Break!" BaWman #417 (March 1988): "Ten Nights of the Beast! Part 1" BaWman #418 (April 1988): "Ten Nights of the Beast! Part 2" BaWman #419 (Ma\ 1988): "Ten Nights of the Beast! Part 3" BaWman #420 (June 1988): "Ten Nights of the Beast! Part 4" DeWecWiYe ComicV #585 (April 1988): "The Ratcatcher" DeWecWiYe ComicV #586 (Ma\ 1988): "Rat Trap" DeWecWiYe ComicV #587 (June 1988): "Night People" DeWecWiYe ComicV #588 (Jul\ 1988): "Night People Part Two: The Corrosive Man" DeWecWiYe ComicV #589 (August 1988): "Night People Part Three: The Burning Pit" BaWman #421 (Jul\ 1988): "Elmore's Lad\" BaWman #422 (August 1988): "Just Deserts" DeWecWiYe ComicV #589/2 (August 1988): "For the Love of Iv\" BaWman #423 (September 1988): "You Shoulda Seen Him ..." DeWecWiYe ComicV #590 (September 1988): "An American Batman in London" DeWecWiYe ComicV #591 (October 1988): "Aborigine!" BaWman #424 (October 1988): "The Diplomat's Son" BaWman #425 (November 1988): "Consequences" DeWecWiYe ComicV #592 (November 1988): "The Fear Part One" DeWecWiYe ComicV #593 (December 1988): "The Fear Part Two: Diar\ of a Madman" DeWecWiYe ComicV #594 (winter 1988): "Ecstas\" DC BonXV Book #11 (Holida\ 1988): "Cold Cuts" [Came as an insert in DeWecWiYe ComicV#595] JXVWice LeagXe InWeUnaWional AnnXal Vol. 1 #2 (1988): "Hit Or Miss!" JXVWice LeagXe InWeUnaWional Vol. 1 #15 (Jul\ 1988): "Gnort And South!" JXVWice LeagXe InWeUnaWional Vol. 1 #16 (August 1988): "Bial\a, M\ Bial\a" JXVWice LeagXe InWeUnaWional Vol. 1 #17 (September 1988): "Onl\ the Dead Know Bial\a!" BaWman #426 (December 1988): "A Death in the Famil\: Chapter 1 & 2" BaWman #427 (winter 1988): "A Death in the Famil\: Chapter 3 & 4" BaWman #428 (Holida\ 1988): "A Death in the Famil\: Chapter 5" BaWman #429 (Januar\ 1989): "A Death in the Famil\: Chapter 6" JXVWice LeagXe InWeUnaWional Vol. 1 #19 (November 1988): "No More Mr. Nice-Gu\!" JXVWice LeagXe InWeUnaWional Vol. 1 #20 (December 1988): "If It's Tuesda\, This Must BeApokolips!" JXVWice LeagXe InWeUnaWional Vol. 1 #21 (winter 1988): "Apokolips... Wow!" DeWecWiYe ComicV #595 (Holida\ 1988): "Our Man in Havana" InYaVion! #2 (1988): "Invasion! Book Two: Battleground Earth" DeWecWiYe ComicV #596 (Januar\ 1989): "Video Nasties" DeWecWiYe ComicV #597 (Februar\ 1989): "Private Viewing" BaWman #430 (Februar\ 1989): "Fatal Wish" BaWman #431 (March 1989): "The Wall" BaWman #432 (April 1989): "Dead Letter Office" DeWecWiYe ComicV #598 (March 1989): "Blind Justice"; "Ch. One: The Sleep of Reason"; "Ch.Two: The Kindness of Strangers"; "Ch. 3: The Price of Knowledge"

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    DetectiYe Comics #599 (ASUiO 1989): "BOiQd JXVWice, Ch. FRXU: CiWi]eQ Wa\Qe" DetectiYe Comics #600 (Ma\ 1989): "BOiQd JXVWice"; "Ch. FiYe: HiddeQ AgeQda"; "Ch. Si[:CRYeUW OSeUaWiRQV"; Ch. 7: UOWeUiRU MRWiYeV" Batman #434 (JXQe 1989): [The MaQ\ DeaWhV Rf Whe BaWPaQ] "ChaSWeU TZR: HRZ MaQ\TiPeV CaQ a BaWPaQ Die?" Batman #435 (JXO\ 1989): [The MaQ\ DeaWhV Rf Whe BaWPaQ] "ChaSWeU ThUee: The LaVW DeaWhRf Whe BaWPaQ" DetectiYe Comics #601 (JXQe 1989): "TXOSa PaUW OQe: MRQVWeU MaNeU" DetectiYe Comics #602 (JXO\ 1989): "TXOSa, PaUW TZR: NighW MRYeV" DetectiYe Comics #603 (AXgXVW 1989): "TXOSa, PaUW ThUee: WheQ DePRQV COaVh!" NeZ Titans #55 (JXQe 1989): "TUaQViWiRQ" Batman #436 (AXgXVW 1989): "BaWPaQ YeaU 3: DiffeUeQW RRadV" Batman #437 (SeSWePbeU 1989): "BaWPaQ YeaU 3: ChaQgeV Made" Batman #438 (OcWRbeU 1989): "BaWPaQ YeaU 3: TXUQabRXW" Batman #439 (NRYePbeU 1989): "BaWPaQ YeaU 3, Ch. 4: ReVROXWiRQV" DetectiYe Comics #604 (SeSWePbeU 1989): "The MXd PacN, PaUW 1: MeQ Rf COa\" DetectiYe Comics #605 (SeSWePbeU 1989): "The MXd PacN, PaUW 2: HeaUW Rf SWeeO, FeeW RfCOa\?" DetectiYe Comics #606 (OcWRbeU 1989): "The MXd PacN, PaUW 3: KiOOeU COa\!" DetectiYe Comics #607 (OcWRbeU 1989): "The MXd PacN, PaUW 4: The ChiQa COa\ S\QdURPe" Batman #440 (DecePbeU 1989): "A LRQeO\ POace Rf D\iQg, Ch. 1: SXVSecWV" Batman #441 (HROida\ 1989): "A LRQeO\ POace Rf D\iQg, Ch. 3: PaUaOOeO LiQeV!" Batman #442 (WiQWeU 1989): "A LRQeO\ POace Rf D\iQg, Ch. 5: RebiUWh!" DetectiYe Comics #608 (NRYePbeU 1989): "AQaUN\ iQ GRWhaP CiW\, PaUW 1: LeWWeUV WR WheEdiWRU" DetectiYe Comics #609 (DecePbeU 1989): "AQaUN\ iQ GRWhaP CiW\, PaUW 2: FacWV AbRXW BaWV" Batman #443 (JaQXaU\ 1990): "The CRPiQg Rf CUiPeVPiWh" Batman #444 (FebUXaU\ 1990): "CUiPeVPiWh aQd PXQiVhPeQW" DetectiYe Comics #610 (JaQXaU\ 1990): "SQRZ aQd Ice, PaUW 1: Ode TR A PeQgXiQ" DetectiYe Comics #611 (FebUXaU\ 1990): "SQRZ aQd Ice, PaUW 2: BiUd Rf IOO OPeQ" Batman #445 (MaUch 1990): "WheQ Whe EaUWh DieV!, Ch. 1: Red STXaUe! BORRd\ STXaUe!" Batman #446 (ASUiO 1990): "WheQ Whe EaUWh DieV!, Ch. 2: UQdeUZRUOdV" Batman #447 (Ma\ 1990): "WheQ Whe EaUWh DieV!, Ch. 3: EaUWh Da\! DePRQ NighW!" DetectiYe Comics #612 (MaUch 1990): "CaWV" DetectiYe Comics #613 (ASUiO 1990): "TUaVh" DetectiYe Comics #614 (Ma\ 1990): "SWUeeW DePRQ]" Batman #448 (eaUO\ JXQe 1990): "The PeQgXiQ AffaiU, Ch. 1: PaZQV" DetectiYe Comics #615 (eaUO\ JXQe 1990): "The PeQgXiQ AffaiU, Ch. 2: BiUd Rf IOO OPeQ!" Batman #449 (OaWe JXQe 1990): "The PeQgXiQ AffaiU, Ch. 3: WiQged VeQgeaQce" DetectiYe Comics #616 (OaWe JXQe 1990): "SWRQe KiOOeU" Batman #450 (eaUO\ JXO\ 1990): "WiOdcaUd!" DetectiYe Comics #617 (eaUO\ JXO\ 1990): "A COaVh Rf S\PbROV" Batman #451 (OaWe JXO\ 1990): "JXdgePeQWV!" DetectiYe Comics #618 (OaWe JXO\ 1990): [RiWe Rf PaVVage] "ShadRZ RQ Whe SXQ" DetectiYe Comics #619 (eaUO\ AXgXVW 1990): [RiWe Rf PaVVage] "Be\RQd BeOief!" DetectiYe Comics #620 (OaWe AXgXVW 1990): [RiWe Rf PaVVage] "MaNe Me a HeUR" DetectiYe Comics #621 (SeSWePbeU 1990): [RiWe Rf PaVVage] "TUiaO B\ FiUe" Batman #452 (eaUO\ AXgXVW 1990): "DaUN KQighW, DaUN CiW\ PaUW 1" Batman #453 (OaWe AXgXVW 1990): "DaUN KQighW, DaUN CiW\ PaUW 2" Batman #454 (SeSWePbeU 1990): "DaUN KQighW, DaUN CiW\ PaUW 3" Demon VRO. 3 #3 (SeSWePbeU 1990): "SiQV Rf Whe FaWheUV" DetectiYe Comics #622 (OcWRbeU 1990): "DaUN GeQeViV!" DetectiYe Comics #623 (NRYePbeU 1990): "DeaWh Rf IQQRceQce" DetectiYe Comics #624 (DecePbeU 1990): "BiWWeU VicWRU\" Batman #455 (OcWRbeU 1990): "IdeQWiW\ CUiViV, PaUW 1" Batman #456 (NRYePbeU 1990): "IdeQWiW\ CUiViV, PaUW 2: WiWhRXW FeaU Rf CRQVeTXeQce..." Batman #457 (DecePbeU 1990): [IdeQWiW\ CUiViV, PaUW 3] "MaVWeU Rf FeaU"

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    RRbiQ VRO. 1 #1 (JaQXaU\ 1991): "Big Bad WRUOd" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #625 (JaQXaU\ 1991): "AbaWWRiU" BaWPaQ #458 (JaQXaU\ 1991): "NighW MRQVWeUV" BaWPaQ #459 (FebUXaU\ 1991): "SaWXUda\ NighW AW Whe MRYieV" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #626 (FebUXaU\ 1991): "ReWXUQ WR Whe EOecWURcXWiRQeU" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #627/3 (MaUch 1991): "The CaVe Rf Whe ChePicaO S\QdicaWe" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #627/4 (MaUch 1991): "The CaVe Rf Whe ChePicaO S\QdicaWe" BaWPaQ #460 (MaUch 1991): "SiVWeUV iQ AUPV, PaUW OQe: IW'V a MaQ'V WRUOd" BaWPaQ #461 (ASUiO 1991): "SiVWeUV iQ AUPV, PaUW TZR: LadieV' NighW" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #628 (ASUiO 1991): "HeaUWV" SWaUPaQ VRO. 1 #34 (Ma\ 1991): "ShadRZ OYeU PhReQi[" BaWPaQ #462 (Ma\ 1991): "SSiUiW Rf Whe BeaVW, PaUW 1: TR LiYe aQd Die IQ CaOifRUQia" BaWPaQ #463 (JXQe 1991): "SSiUiW Rf Whe BeaVW, PaUW 2: GhRVW" BaWPaQ #464 (eaUO\ JXO\ 1991): "SSiUiW Rf Whe BeaVW, PaUW 3: SacUifice" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #629 (Ma\ 1991): "The HXQgU\ GUaVV!" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #630 (JXQe 1991): "AQd Whe E[ecXWiRQeU WRUe SWiOeWWR HeeOV" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #631 (eaUO\ JXO\ 1991): "The GROeP Rf GRWhaP PaUW OQe" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #632 (OaWe JXO\ 1991): "The GROeP Rf GRWhaP PaUW TZR" BaWPaQ #465 (OaWe JXO\ 1991): "DebXW" BaWPaQ #466 (eaUO\ AXgXVW 1991): "NR MRUe HeUReV" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #633 (eaUO\ AXgXVW 1991): "IdeQWiW\ CUiViV" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #634 (OaWe AXgXVW 1991): "The ThiUd MaQ" BaWPaQ #467 (OaWe AXgXVW 1991): "ShadRZ BR[, PaUW 1" BaWPaQ #468 (eaUO\ SeSWePbeU 1991): "ShadRZ BR[, PaUW 2" BaWPaQ #469 (OaWe SeSWePbeU 1991): "ShadRZ BR[, PaUW 3" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #635 (eaUO\ SeSWePbeU 1991): "MiQd GaPeV" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #636 (OaWe SeSWePbeU 1991): "MiQd CRQWURO" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #637 (OcWRbeU 1991): "CRQWURO FUeaN" WRQdeU WRPaQ VRO. 2 #59 (OcWRbeU 1991): "TaOeV FURP Whe FURQW LiQeV" BaWPaQ #470 (OcWRbeU 1991): "Of GRdV aQd MeQ" WaU Rf Whe GRdV #3 (NRYePbeU 1991): "CaVXaOWieV Rf WaU" WaU Rf Whe GRdV #4 (DecePbeU 1991): "IQ Whe BegiQQiQg... TheUe WaV Whe EQd" BaWPaQ #471 (NRYePbeU 1991): "ReTXieP FRU A KiOOeU" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #638 (NRYePbeU 1991): "The BRPb" SXicide STXad VRO. 1 #59 (NRYePbeU 1991): "LegeUdePaiQ, PaUW OQe: FRUceV IQ MRWiRQ" SXicide STXad VRO. 1 #60 (DecePbeU 1991): "LegeUdePaiQ, PaUW TZR: DaQgeURXV GaPeV" SXicide STXad VRO. 1 #61 (JaQXaU\ 1992): "LegeUdePaiQ, PaUW 3: SQafX" SXicide STXad VRO. 1 #62 (FebUXaU\ 1992): "NXPbeU Whe Dead" BaWPaQ #472 (DecePbeU 1991): "The IdiRW, PaUW 1: The QXeeQ Rf HeaUWV" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #639 (DecePbeU 1991): "The IdiRW, PaUW 2: The QXeeQ Rf HeaUWV" BaWPaQ #473 (JaQXaU\ 1992): "The IdiRW, PaUW 3: IQWR Whe IdiRW ZRQe" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #640 (JaQXaU\ 1992): "The IdiRW, PaUW 4: The CRRN, Whe BaW aQd Whe IdiRW" RRbiQ II #4 (DecePbeU 1991): "ChiOO FacWRU" BaWPaQ #474 (FebUXaU\ 1992): "The DeVWUR\eU, PaUW 1: A TaOe Rf TZR CiWieV" BaWPaQ: LegeQdV Rf Whe DaUN KQighW #27 (FebUXaU\ 1992): "The DeVWUR\eU, PaUW 2: SRORPRQ"DeWecWiYe CRPicV #641 (FebUXaU\ 1992): "The DeVWUR\eU, PaUW 3: A DUeaP IV FRUeYeU" SXSeUPaQ VRO. 2 #65 (MaUch 1992): [10] "PaQic IQ Whe SN\! SecRQd SWUiNe: Head MaQ" AdYeQWXUeV Rf SXSeUPaQ #488 (MaUch 1992): [11] "PaQic IQ Whe SN\! ThiUd SWUiNe: CRXQWeUSWUiNe!" AcWiRQ CRPicV #675 (MaUch 1992): [12] "PaQic IQ Whe SN\! FRXUWh SWUiNe: DiYide aQdCRQTXeU" SXSeUPaQ: The MaQ Rf SWeeO #10 (ASUiO 1992): [13] "PaQic IQ Whe SN\! FifWh SWUiNe: TidaOWaYe!" SXSeUPaQ VRO. 2 #66 (ASUiO 1992): [14] "PaQic IQ Whe SN\! FiQaO SWUiNe: OXU AUP\ AW WaU" BaWPaQ #475 (MaUch 1992): "The ReWXUQ Rf ScaUface, PaUW 1: MXVWache PeWe IV Dead!" DeWecWiYe CRPicV #642 (MaUch 1992): "The ReWXUQ Rf ScaUface, PaUW 2: GOeediQg HeaUWV" BaWPaQ #476 (ASUiO 1992): "The ReWXUQ Rf ScaUface, PaUW 3: The Gig HeaW!"

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    Detective Comics #643 (ASUiO 1992): "The LibUaU\ Rf SRXOV" Batman #477 (eaUO\ Ma\ 1992): "A GRWhaP TaOe, PaUW 1: GaUgR\OeV" Batman #478 (OaWe Ma\ 1992): "A GRWhaP TaOe, PaUW 2: VeQgiQg SSiUiWV" Demon VRO. 3 #23 (Ma\ 1992): "The ReWXUQ Rf Whe HRZOeU! PaUW 1: BXddieV!" Demon VRO. 3 #24 (JXQe 1992): "The ReWXUQ Rf Whe HRZOeU PaUW 2: HiV KeeSeU'V BURWheU" Detective Comics #644 (Ma\ 1992): "WiUed" Detective Comics #645 (JXQe 1992): "EOecWUic CiW\, PaUW 2: GURXQded!" Detective Comics #646 (JXO\ 1992): "S\VWePic ShRcN" Batman #479 (eaUO\ JXQe 1992): "PagaQ" Batman #480 (OaWe JXQe 1992): "TR Whe FaWheU I NeYeU KQeZ..." Aquaman VRO. 4 #8 (JXO\ 1992): "DePRQV iQ ThRXghW & Deed" Batman #481 (eaUO\ JXO\ 1992): "MeVVeQgeU Rf ZeXV" Batman #482 (OaWe JXO\ 1992): "VeQgeaQce Rf Whe HaUS\" Detective Comics Annual #5 (1992) Batman: Shadow of the Bat #1 (JXQe 1992): "The LaVW AUNhaP, PaUW OQe" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #2 (JXO\ 1992): "The LaVW AUNhaP, PaUW TZR" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #3 (AXgXVW 1992): "The LaVW AUNhaP, PaUW ThUee" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #4 (SeSWePbeU 1992): "The LaVW AUNhaP, PaUW FRXU" Batman #483 (AXgXVW 1992): "CUaVh & BXUQ: A LRYe SWRU\" Detective Comics #647 (eaUO\ AXgXVW 1992): "IQTXiUiQg MiQdV" Detective Comics #648 (OaWe AXgXVW 1992): "LeW Whe PX]]OePeQW FiW Whe CUiPe" Detective Comics #649 (eaUO\ SeSWePbeU 1992): "MaOOed" Batman #484 (SeSWePbeU 1992): "WaUSaiQW" Batman #485 (OcWRbeU 1992): "FaceV Rf DeaWh" Batman #486 (NRYePbeU 1992): "HeaY\ MeWaOhead" Batman Annual #16 (1992): "B\ DaUNQeVV PRVVeVVed" Detective Comics #651 (eaUO\ OcWRbeU 1992): "A BXOOeW fRU BXOORcN" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #5 (OcWRbeU 1992): "The BOacN SSideU" Detective Comics #652 (OaWe OcWRbeU 1992): "Be\RQd Whe LaZ!" Detective Comics #653 (NRYePbeU 1992): "The SeUSeQW PiW" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #6 (NRYePbeU 1992): "The UgO\ APeUicaQ" Batman #487 (DecePbeU 1992): "BR[ Rf BORRd" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #7 (DecePbeU 1992): "The MiVfiWV" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #8 (JaQXaU\ 1993): "The MiVfiWV, PaUW TZR" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #9 (FebUXaU\ 1993): "The MiVfiWV, PaUW ThUee" Batman: Sword of A]rael #1 (OcWRbeU 1992): "VaQiVhiQg AQgeOV aQd SXddeQ DeaWh" Batman: Sword of A]rael #2 (NRYePbeU 1992): "A]UaeO DReV NRW PURWecW" Batman: Sword of A]rael #3 (DecePbeU 1992): "DiUecW AcWiRQ" Batman: Sword of A]rael #4 (JaQXaU\ 1993): "NR OQe IV IQQRceQW" Batman #488 (JaQXaU\ 1993): "CRVWXPeV" Detective Comics #654 (DecePbeU 1992): "GRd Rf BaWWOe" Superman: The Man of Steel #20 (FebUXaU\ 1993): "FXQeUaO Da\" Batman #489 (FebUXaU\ 1993): "KiOOeU'V BaQe" Detective Comics #655 (JaQXaU\ 1993): "The AQYiO Rf WaU" Detective Comics #656 (FebUXaU\ 1993): "BeVeiged" Batman #490 (MaUch 1993): "WhR RiddOed Whe RiddOeU?" Detective Comics #657 (MaUch 1993): "NXOO aQd VRid" Detective Comics #658 (ASUiO 1993): "DeciSheUed" Batman #491 (ASUiO 1993): "The FUeedRP Rf MadQeVV!" Batman #492 (eaUO\ Ma\ 1993): [KQighWfaOO 1]: "CURVVed E\eV aQd DRWW\ TeaV" Detective Comics #659 (eaUO\ Ma\ 1993): [KQighWfaOO 2]: "PXSSeWV" Batman #493 (OaWe Ma\ 1993): [KQighWfaOO 3]: "Red SOaVh" Detective Comics #660 (OaWe Ma\ 1993): [KQighWfaOO 4]: "CURcRdiOe TeaUV" Batman #494 (eaUO\ JXQe 1993): [KQighWfaOO 5]: "NighW TeUURUV" Detective Comics #661 (eaUO\ JXQe 1993): [KQighWfaOO 6]: "CiW\ OQ FiUe" Batman #495 (OaWe JXQe 1993): [KQighWfaOO 7]: "SWUaQge DeadfeOORZV" Detective Comics #662 (OaWe JXQe 1993): [KQighWfaOO 8]: "BXUQiQg QXeVWiRQV"

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    ShoZcaVe '93 #7 (JXO\ 1993): [KQLJKWIDOO 13]: "2 FDFH: DRXEOH CURVV" [FODVKEDFN] ShoZcaVe '93 #8 (AXJXVW 1993): [KQLJKWIDOO 14]: "2 FDFH, PDUW 2: BDG JXGJPHQW" [FODVKEDFN] BaWman #496 (HDUO\ JXO\ 1993): [KQLJKWIDOO 9]: "DLH LDXJKLQJ" DeWecWiYe ComicV #663 (HDUO\ JXO\ 1993): [KQLJKWIDOO 10]: "NR RHVW FRU WKH WLFNHG" BaWman #497 (ODWH JXO\ 1993): [KQLJKWIDOO 11]: "TKH BURNHQ BDW" DeWecWiYe ComicV #664 (JXO\ 1993): [KQLJKWIDOO 12]: "WKR RXOHV WKH NLJKW" ShoZcaVe '93 #7 (JXO\ 1993): [KQLJKWIDOO 13]: "2 FDFH: DRXEOH CURVV" ShoZcaVe '93 #8 (AXJXVW 1993): [KQLJKWIDOO 14]: "2 FDFH, PDUW 2: BDG JXGJPHQW"

    As Bruce Wa\ne

    BaWman #498 (AXJXVW 1993): [KQLJKWIDOO 15]: "KQLJKWV IQ DDUNQHVV" DeWecWiYe ComicV #665 (AXJXVW 1993): [KQLJKWIDOO 16]: "LLJKWQLQJ CKDQJHV" BaWman #499 (SHSWHPEHU 1993): [KQLJKWIDOO 17]: "TKH VHQRP CRQQHFWLRQ" [PDJHV 1 WR ???] JXVWice LeagXe TaVk FoUce #4 (SHSWHPEHU 1993): "TKH AUVHQDO RI SRXOV" BaWman #499 (SHSWHPEHU 1993): [KQLJKWIDOO 17]: "TKH VHQRP CRQQHFWLRQ" [PDJHV ??? WR 22] CaWZoman VRO. 2 #2 (SHSWHPEHU 1993): "LLIH LLQHV CKDSWHU TZR: BODVW FURP TKH PDVW" JXVWice LeagXe TaVk FoUce #5 (OFWREHU 1993): "KQLJKWTXHVW: TKH SHDUFK" [PDJHV 1 WR ???] BaWman #500 (OFWREHU 1993): [KQLJKWIDOO 19]: "DDUN AQJHO" JXVWice LeagXe TaVk FoUce #5 (OFWREHU 1993): "KQLJKWTXHVW: TKH SHDUFK" [PDJHV ??? WR 22] JXVWice LeagXe TaVk FoUce #6 (NRYHPEHU 1993): "KQLJKWTXHVW: TKH SHDUFK" BaWman: ShadoZ of Whe BaW #21 (ODWH NRYHPEHU 1993): "BUXFH WD\QH, PDUW 1: TKH HRRG" BaWman: ShadoZ of Whe BaW #22 (DHFHPEHU 1993): "BUXFH WD\QH, PDUW 2: A DD\ IQ WKH DHDWKRI AQ EQJOLVK VLOODJH" BaWman: ShadoZ of Whe BaW #23 (JDQXDU\ 1994): "BUXFH WD\QH, PDUW 3: CXUVH RI WKH BDW" BaWman #506 (ASULO 1994): "MDOHYROHQW MDQLD[H" BaWman: LegendV of Whe DaUk KnighW #59 (ASULO 1994): "QXDUU\: PDUW OQH" BaWman: LegendV of Whe DaUk KnighW #60 (MD\ 1994): "QXDUU\: PDUW TZR" BaWman: LegendV of Whe DaUk KnighW #61 (JXQH 1994): "QXDUU\: PDUW TKUHH" Robin VRO. 2 #7 (JXQH 1994): "TXUQLQJ PRLQW" BaWman #509 (JXO\ 1994): "KQLJKWVEQG, PDUW 1: SSLULW RI WKH BDW" BaWman: ShadoZ of Whe BaW #29 (JXO\ 1994): [KQLJKWVEQG, PDUW 2]: "MDQLPDO: PURYLQJGURXQG" DeWecWiYe ComicV #676 (JXO\ 1994): [KQLJKWVEQG, PDUW 3]: "TRR MDQ\ NLQMDV" BaWman: LegendV of Whe DaUk KnighW #62 (JXO\ 1994): "KQLJKWVEQG, PDUW 4: DHYLOV" Robin VRO. 2 #8 (JXO\ 1994): [KQLJKWVEQG, PDUW 5]: "DHDWK'V DRRU"

    As Batman

    CaWZoman VRO. 2 #12 (JXO\ 1994): "KQLJKWVEQG, PDUW 6: FLUH IQ WKH SN\" BaWman #510 (AXJXVW 1994): "KQLJKWVEQG, PDUW 7: RHWXUQ RI WKH BDW" BaWman: ShadoZ of Whe BaW #30 (AXJXVW 1994): [KQLJKWVEQG, PDUW 8] "WLOG KQLJKWV, WLOGCLW\" DeWecWiYe ComicV #677 (AXJXVW 1994): [KQLJKWVEQG, PDUW 9]: "FOHVK DQG SWHHO" BaWman: LegendV of Whe DaUk KnighW #63 (AXJXVW 1994): "COLPD[" Robin VRO. 2 #9 (AXJXVW 1994): "TKH TULXPSK" BaWman #511 (SHSWHPEHU 1994): "TKH NLJKW BHIRUH ZHUR" [ASSHDUDQFH VDPH DV ZeUo HoXU:CUiViV in Time #4] BaWman: ShadoZ of Whe BaW #31 (SHSWHPEHU 1994): "TKH BDWWOLQJ BXWOHU" DeWecWiYe ComicV #678 (SHSWHPEHU 1994): "YHVWHUGD\V GRQH" ZeUo HoXU: CUiViV In Time! #1 (SHSWHPEHU 1994): "ZHUR HRXU" ZeUo HoXU: CUiViV In Time! #0 (SHSWHPEHU 1994): "ZHUR HRXU" BaWman #0 (OFWREHU 1994): "CUHDWXUH RI WKH NLJKW" BaWman: ShadoZ of Whe BaW #0 (OFWREHU 1994): [NR TLWOH] DeWecWiYe ComicV #0 (OFWREHU 1994): "CKRLFH RI WHDSRQV" Robin VRO. 2 #0 (OFWREHU 1994): "BURWKHUV IQ AUPV"

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    Batman #512 (November 1994): "Prodigal, Part 1: Robin and Batman" Detective Comics #681 (Januar\ 1995): [Prodigal, Part 11] "Knight Without Armor" Robin Vol. 2 #13 (Januar\ 1995): "Wings Over Gotham" Batman #515 (Februar\ 1995): "Troika, Part 1: Dark Rider, Cold Warrior" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #35 (Februar\ 1995): "Troika, Part Two" Detective Comics #682 (Februar\ 1995): "The Doomsda\ Clock" Robin Vol. 2 #14 (Februar\ 1995): "Big Cit\ Bomber" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #36 (March 1995): "Black Canar\: In the Name of the Father" A]rael #2 (March 1995): "Fallen Angel, Ch. 2: ...Some Sa\ In Ice..." Batman #516 (March 1995): "Sleeper, Part One: Nightmares" Batman #517 (April 1995): "Sleeper, Part Two: Darkness in the Dream Chamber" Detective Comics #683 (March 1995): "Odds Against" Detective Comics #684 (April 1995): "Darkest Da\" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #37 (April 1995): "The Joker, Part 1: The King of Comed\" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #38 (Ma\ 1995): "The Joker, Part 2: Tears of a Clown" Batman #518 (Ma\ 1995): "Black Mask: The Spidered Face" Detective Comics #685 (Ma\ 1995): "War of the Dragons, Part 1: The Iron Dragon" Robin Vol. 2 #17 (June 1995): [War of the Dragons] "Part 2: The Silk Dragons" Detective Comics #686 (June 1995): "War of the Dragons, Part Three: The Winged Dragon" Batman #519 (June 1995): "Black Spider: Web of Scars" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #39 (June 1995): "Solomon Grund\: One Night In SlaughterSwamp" Detective Comics #687 (Jul\ 1995): "Red Tide" Detective Comics #688 (August 1995): "The Rip" Batman #520 (Jul\ 1995): "Fades to Black" Batman Chronicles #1 (summer 1995): "Midnight Train" Batman Chronicles #1/2 (summer 1995): "Anark\: Tomorrow Belongs to Us" Batman Chronicles #1/3 (summer 1995): "Death Mask" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #40 (Jul\ 1995): "Anark\, Part One: Prophet of Doom" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #41 (August 1995): "Anark\, Part Two: The AnarkistManifesto" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #42 (September 1995): "Feedback: The Da\ the Music Died" Batman #521 (August 1995): "Killer Croc: Fast Train To The Wet Dark" Batman #522 (September 1995): "Swamp Things" Detective Comics #689 (September 1995): "The Bla]ing Heart" Detective Comics #690 (October 1995): "Burning Love" Batman #523 (October 1995): "Scarecrow, Part 1: Dark Wings Fl\ Awa\ In Fear" Batman #524 (November 1995): "Scarecrow, Part 2: Haunted Houses of the Head" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #43 (October 1995): "Ratcatcher: The Secret of the Universe,Part One" Catwoman Vol. 2 #26 (November 1995): "The Secret of the Universe Part Two: Rats" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #44 (November 1995): "Cat-Man: The Secret of the Universe,Part Three" Detective Comics #691 (November 1995): "Will It Go 'Round In Circles" Detective Comics #692 (December 1995): "L\ing E\es" Batman #525 (December 1995): "Fro]en Assets" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #45 (December 1995): "Wa\ne Manor: Anatom\ of a Murder"[As Bruce Wa\ne] Batman #526 (Januar\ 1996): "Constant Whitewater" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #46 (Januar\ 1996): "Cornelius Stirk, Part One" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #47 (Februar\ 1996): "Cornelius Stirk, Part Two" Detective Comics #693 (Januar\ 1996): "S\stemic Shock" Detective Comics #694 (Februar\ 1996): "Violent Reactions" Batman #527 (Februar\ 1996): "The Face Schism" Batman #528 (March 1996): "Two-Face, Part 2: Schismed Faces" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #48 (March 1996): [Contagion 1] "The Apocal\pse Plague" Detective Comics #695 (March 1996): "The Gra\ Area"

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    Robin Vol. 2 #27 (MaUch 1996): "NaWXUal BoUn HealeU" Catwoman Vol. 2 #31 (laWe MaUch 1996): "FleVh and FiUe" Batman Chronicles #4 (VpUing 1996): "HiWman" Batman #529 (ApUil 1996): "ConWagion, PaUW 6: TeaUV of Blood" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #49 (ApUil 1996): [ConWagion 7] "Angel of DeaWh" Detective Comics #696 (ApUil 1996): "Bab\lon FallV" Batman Chronicles #4/2 (VpUing 1996): "HXnWUeVV: E[poVXUe" Catwoman Vol. 2 #32 (ApUil 1996): "FeYeU PiWch" A]rael #16 (ApUil 1996): [ConWagion PaUW 10] "ConWagion" Robin Vol. 2 #28 (ApUil 1996): "BiWWeU DUegV" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #50 (Ma\ 1996): [No TiWle] Batman: Shadow of the Bat #51 (JXne 1996): [No TiWle] Batman: Shadow of the Bat #52 (JXl\ 1996): [No TiWle] Batman #530 (Ma\ 1996): "The Deadman ConnecWion, PaUW 1: SZeaW of Whe SXn, TeaUV of WheMoon" Batman #531 (JXne 1996): "The Deadman ConnecWion, PaUW 2: CXlW of Whe MXmm\" Batman #532 (JXl\ 1996): "The SpiUiW ThieYeV" Hitman #2 (Ma\ 1996): "A Rage in AUkham, PaUW TZo" Hitman #3 (JXne 1996): "A Rage in AUkham, PaUW ThUee" Detective Comics #697 (JXne 1996): "DeadbolW" Detective Comics #698 (eaUl\ JXl\ 1996): "The Tomb" Detective Comics #699 (laWe JXl\ 1996): "The Chain" Robin Vol. 2 #31 (JXl\ 1996): "Up To Speed" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #53 (AXgXVW 1996): "HobVon'V Choice" Batman #533 (AXgXVW 1996): "Legac\, PUelXde: TZelYe SWepV Wo Whe HeaUW of Hell" Detective Comics #700 (AXgXVW 1996): "PUogen\ of Whe Demon" Catwoman Vol. 2 #36 (AXgXVW 1996): "The BeVW of EnemieV" Robin Vol. 2 #32 (AXgXVW 1996): "Legac\, PaUW ThUee: BoUn WiWh TeeWh" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #54 (SepWembeU 1996): "The PoZeU of Whe PicWV" Batman #534 (SepWembeU 1996): "Legac\, PaUW FiYe: A WoXnd on Whe HeaUW of HeaYen" Detective Comics #701 (SepWembeU 1996): "GoWham'V ScoXUge" Robin Vol. 2 #33 (SepWembeU 1996): "Legac\, PaUW SeYen: RipWide" Detective Comics #702 (OcWobeU 1996): "Second ChanceV" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #55 (OcWobeU 1996): "SWandaUd OpeUaWing PUocedXUe" Nightwing Vol. 2 #1 (OcWobeU 1996): "Child of JXVWice" A]rael #22 (OcWobeU 1996): "Angel in Hiding, PaUW 2" A]rael #23 (NoYembeU 1996): "Angel in Hiding, PaUW 3" Batman #535 (OcWobeU 1996): "The OgUe and Whe Ape" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #56 (NoYembeU 1996): "LeaYeV of GUaVV, PaUW 1: TZin PeakV" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #57 (DecembeU 1996): "LeaYeV of GUaVV, PaUW 2: ReefeUMadneVV" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #58 (JanXaU\ 1997): "LeaYeV of GUaVV, PaUW 3: ComedoZn!" Final Night #1 (NoYembeU 1996): "The Final NighW, Ch. 1: DXVk" Batman #536 (NoYembeU 1996): "DaUkeVW NighW of Whe Man-BaW, PaUW 1: PUedaWion" Detective Comics #703 (NoYembeU 1996): "HoZling in Whe DaUk" Batman #537 (DecembeU 1996): "DaUkeVW NighW of Whe Man-BaW, PaUW 2: PXUVXiW" Batman #538 (JanXaU\ 1997): "DaUkeVW NighW of Whe Man-BaW, PaUW 3: PUedempWion" Green Lantern Vol. 3 #81 (DecembeU 1996): "FXneUal FoU A HeUo" Detective Comics #704 (DecembeU 1996): "RockeW ScienWiVW" Batman: Blackgate #1 (1997): "HaWUed'V Home" Detective Comics #705 (JanXaU\ 1997): "Badd GiUlV" Detective Comics #706 (FebUXaU\ 1997): "LeWhal PXUVXiWV" Detective Comics #707 (MaUch 1997): "Riddled" Batman Chronicles #7 (WinWeU 1996) Batman Plus #1 (1997): "BeaXW\ and Whe BeaVW" Batman #539 (FebUXaU\ 1997): "Bone\aUd BlXeV" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #59 (FebUXaU\ 1997): "KilleU KilleU, PaUW One: SWoUm GiUd"

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    Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #60 (March 1997): "Killer Killer, Part 2: The Old Man and theSea" Batman #540 (March 1997): "The Spectre of Vengeance, Part 1: Gotham Welcome" Batman #541 (April 1997): "The Spectre of Vengeance, Part 2: Mask of Guilt" Spectre Vol. 3 #51 (March 1997): "A Savage Innocence" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #61 (April 1997): "Second Chances" Batman/Wildcat #1 (April 1997): "Lights, Camera, Death" Batman/Wildcat #2 (Ma\ 1997): "Violence Squared" Batman/Wildcat #3 (June 1997): "The Long Count" Batman Chronicles #8 (Spring 1997) DetectiYe Comics #708 (April 1997): "The Death Lotter\, Part One: Heart of Glass" DetectiYe Comics #709 (Ma\ 1997): "The Death Lotter\, Part II: Heart of Stone" DetectiYe Comics #710 (June 1997): "The Death Lotter\, Part Three: Heart of Ice" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #62 (Ma\ 1997): "Janus, Part One: Two's Compan\, Three's aCorpse" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #63 (June 1997): "Janus, Part Two: Two and Two Is..." Batman #542 (Ma\ 1997): "Faceless, Part One: Murdicide" Batman #543 (June 1997): "Faceless, Part II - Postmarked: Murder" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #64 (Jul\ 1997): "The Wedding Present" DetectiYe Comics #711 (Jul\ 1997): "Knight Out" Batman #544 (Jul\ 1997): "The Major Arcana, Part One: Jokin' With Mister D." Batman #545 (August 1997): "The Major Arcana, Part Two: Night of the D\ing Jokes" Batman #546 (September 1997): "The Major Arcana, Part III: Hell To Pa\" Starman Vol. 2 #33 (August 1997): "With A Little Help From M\ Friends" Starman Vol. 2 #34 (September 1997): "Merr\ Pranksters" Starman Vol. 2 #35 (October 1997): "Mr. Pip and Mr. Black" DetectiYe Comics #712 (August 1997): "Gears of Justice" DetectiYe Comics #713 (September 1997): "Death Engine" DetectiYe Comics #714 (October 1997): "A World for Burning" DetectiYe Comics #715 (November 1997): "Da\s of Fire" DetectiYe Comics #716 (December 1997): "Death Comes Home" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #69 (December 1997): "The Spirit of 2000, Part One" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #70 (Januar\ 1998): "The Spirit of 2000, Part Two:Gothamgeddon?" Batman #550 (Januar\ 1998): "Chasing Cla\" DetectiYe Comics #717 (Januar\ 1998): "Savage Metal" DetectiYe Comics #718 (Februar\ 1998): "Point of Impact" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #71 (Februar\ 1998): "Anatom\ of a Murder" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #72 (March 1998): "The Meaning of Life" Batman #552 (March 1998): "The Greatest Evil" DetectiYe Comics #719 (March 1998): "Sound and Fur\" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #73 (April 1998): "Catacl\sm, Part 1: Castles Built on Sand" Batman #553 (April 1998): "Catacl\sm, Part Three: Lifelines" DetectiYe Comics #720 (April 1998): "The First and the Last" Batman: Blackgate - Isle of Men #1 (April 1998): "Isle of Men" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #74 (Ma\ 1998): "Catacl\sm, Part 9: The Naked Cit\" Batman Chronicles #12 (spring 1998): "The Contract" Batman Chronicles #12/2 (spring 1998): "House of Cards" Batman #554 (Ma\ 1998): "Catacl\sm, Part 12: Master of Destruction" DetectiYe Comics #721 (Ma\ 1998): "Shifting Ground" Robin Vol. 2 #53 (Ma\ 1998): "Flattened" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #75 (June 1998): "Aftershock, 1: B\ Fire... Or B\ Ice?" Batman #555 (June 1998): "Trapped Like Rats" DetectiYe Comics #722 (June 1998): "Statistics" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #76 (Jul\ 1998): "Aftershocks: the Gauntlet" Batman #556 (Jul\ 1998): "Help Trapped Mone\ Rescue Ruins" DetectiYe Comics #723 (Jul\ 1998): "Brotherhood of the Fist, Part Two: Fight Back to

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    GRWhaP" Nightwing VRO. 2 #23 (AXgXVW 1998): "BURWheUhRRd Rf Whe FiVW, PaUW FRXU: PaSeU ReYeOaWiRQV"Batman: Shadow of the Bat #77 (AXgXVW 1998): "AUZiQ'V TheRU\ Rf DeYROXWiRQ" Batman #557 (AXgXVW 1998): "BaOOiVWic'V EYideQce" Detective Comics #724 (AXgXVW 1998): "The GUieYiQg CiW\" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #78 (SeSWePbeU 1998): "The BOaQN GeQeUaWiRQ, PaUW I: CRUSRUaWeNighWPaUeV" A]rael: Agent of the Bat #47 (DecePbeU 1998): "...A MaQ Rf WeaOWh aQd TaVWe..." Batman: Shadow of the Bat #80 (DecePbeU 1998): "RRad WR NR MaQ'V LaQd: Wa[ MaQ aQdWhe CORZQ" Batman #560 (DecePbeU 1998): "BUXce Wa\Qe GReV TR WaVhiQgWRQ, PaUW OQe: The JacNaOV"A]rael: Agent of the Bat #48 (JaQXaU\ 1999): "ScUaWchiQg The SXUface" Batman #561 (JaQXaU\ 1999): "BUXce Wa\Qe GReV TR WaVhiQgWRQ, PaUW TZR: The WiWQeVV" Detective Comics #728 (JaQXaU\ 1999): "ChaRV STXaUed" Batman #562 (FebUXaU\ 1999): [BUXce Wa\Qe GReV TR WaVhiQgWRQ, PaUW ThUee]: "The DeYiOHiV DXe!" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #83 (MaUch 1999): "NR LaZ aQd a NeZ OUdeU, PaUW 2: SWUaWeg\" Batman #563 (MaUch 1999): "NR LaZ aQd a NeZ OUdeU, PaUW 3: TacWicV" Detective Comics #730 (MaUch 1999): "NR LaZ aQd a NeZ OUdeU, PaUW 4: LaQgXage" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #116 (ASUiO 1999): "FeaU Rf FaiWh, PaUW 1: FaQQiQg WheFOaPeV" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #84 (ASUiO 1999): "FeaU Rf FaiWh, PaUW 2: TR SeUYe aQd PURWecW" Batman #564 (ASUiO 1999): "FeaU Rf FaiWh, PaUW 3: Life iQ HeOO" Detective Comics #731 (ASUiO 1999): "FeaU Rf FaiWh, PaUW 4: Be NRW AfUaid" JLA #30 (JXQe 1999): "CUiViV TiPeV FiYe, PaUW 3: WRUOdV Be\RQd" JLA #31 (JXO\ 1999): "CUiViV TiPeV FiYe, PaUW 4: GRdV & MRQVWeUV" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #117 (Ma\ 1999): "BUead aQd CiUcXVeV, PaUW 1" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #85 (Ma\ 1999): "BUead aQd CiUcXVeV: CRQcOXViRQ" Batman #565 (Ma\ 1999): "MRVaic: PaUW 1" Detective Comics #732 (Ma\ 1999): "MRVaic: PaUW 2" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #118 (JXQe 1999): "BaOaQce" Batman #566 (JXQe 1999): "The ViViWRU" Detective Comics #733 (JXQe 1999): "ShadeV Rf GUe\" Young Justice in No Man's Land #1 (JXO\ 1999): "RRad TUiS" JLA #32 (AXgXVW 1999): "IQVide JRb" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #119 (JXO\ 1999): "COaiP JXPSiQg" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #87 (JXO\ 1999): "COaiP JXPSiQg, PaUW 2" Batman #567 (JXO\ 1999): "MaUN Rf CaiQ, PaUW 1" Detective Comics #734 (JXO\ 1999): "MaUN Rf CaiQ, PaUW 2" Nightwing VRO. 2 #34 (AXgXVW 1999): "SiVWeU AcW" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #120 (AXgXVW 1999): "AVVePbO\" Batman Chronicles #17 (VXPPeU 1999): "LiWWOe BaW LRVW" Batman Chronicles #17/2 (VXPPeU 1999): "TXUQ OQ, TXQe IQ, FUeaN OXW" Batman Chronicles #17/3 (VXPPeU 1999): "IdeQWiW\ CUiViV" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #88 (AXgXVW 1999): "FUXiW Rf Whe EaUWh, PaUW 1" Batman #568 (AXgXVW 1999): "FUXiW Rf Whe EaUWh, PaUW 2" Detective Comics #735 (AXgXVW 1999): "FUXiW Rf Whe EaUWh, PaUW 3" Robin VRO. 2 #68 (SeSWePbeU 1999): "WaU BeQeaWh Whe SWUeeWV PaUW OQe" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #121 (SeSWePbeU 1999): "PRZeUSOa\" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #89 (SeSWePbeU 1999): "The KiQg" Batman #569 (SeSWePbeU 1999): "I CRYeU Whe WaWeUfURQW" Detective Comics #736 (SeSWePbeU 1999): "HRPecRPiQg" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #122 (OcWRbeU 1999): "LRZ RRad WR GROdeQ MRXQWaiQ,PaUW OQe" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #90 (OcWRbeU 1999): "LRZ RRad WR GROdeQ MRXQWaiQ, PaUW TZR" Batman #570 (OcWRbeU 1999): "The CRde, PaUW OQe: BUeaNiQ' Whe LaZ" Detective Comics #737 (OcWRbeU 1999): "The CRde, PaUW TZR: JRNeU fRU NR MaQ'V LaQd"

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    Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #123 (NoYembeU 1999): "UndeUgUoXnd RailUoad, PaUWOne" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #91 (NoYembeU 1999): "UndeUgUoXnd RailUoad, PaUW TZo" Batman #571 (NoYembeU 1999): "Goin' DoZnWoZn, PaUW One: The VaXlW" DetectiYe Comics #738 (NoYembeU 1999): "Goin' DoZnWoZn, PaUW TZo: The Vandal" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #124 (DecembeU 1999): "CapWain of IndXVWU\" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #92 (DecembeU 1999): "SWoUm\ WeaWheU" Batman #572 (DecembeU 1999): "JXUiVpUXdence, PaUW One" DetectiYe Comics #739 (DecembeU 1999): "JXUiVpUXdence, PaUW TZo" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #125 (JanXaU\ 2000): "Falling Back" Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #93 (JanXaU\ 2000): "AVVembl\ RedX[" Batman #573 (JanXaU\ 2000): "Shellgame, PaUW I: GambiWV" DetectiYe Comics #740 (JanXaU\ 2000): "Shellgame, PaUW II" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #126 (FebUXaU\ 2000): "Endgame, PaUW One: SilenWNighW, All iV Calm, All iV BUighW..." Batman #574 (FebUXaU\ 2000): "Endgame, PaUW TZo: ...TendeU and Mild..." DetectiYe Comics #741 (FebUXaU\ 2000): "Endgame, PaUW ThUee: ...Sleep in HeaYenl\ Peace..."Batman: ShadoZ of the Bat #94 (FebUXaU\ 2000): "Endgame - EpilogXe: Da\V of AXld LangS\ne" DetectiYe Comics #742 (MaUch 2000): "The HonoUed Dead" Batman: Gotham Knights #1 (MaUch 2000): "ConVWanWV" Batman #575 (MaUch 2000): "O'eU Whe Land of Whe FUee" Batman: Gotham Knights #2 (ApUil 2000): "DoZn WiWh The Ship" Batman #576 (ApUil 2000): "In Whe DaUk PlaceV" Batman #577 (Ma\ 2000): "Mike and Allie" Batman: Gotham Knights #3 (Ma\ 2000): "SamVaUa PaUW One: Bad KaUma" Batman: Gotham Knights #4 (JXne 2000): "SamVaUa PaUW TZo: LeWWing Go" Batman #578 (JXne 2000): "He Who LXUkV" DetectiYe Comics #743 (ApUil 2000): "EYolXWion One: WhiVpeUV in Whe DaUk" DetectiYe Comics #744 (Ma\ 2000): "EYolXWion TZo: UniW\ of PXUpoVe" DetectiYe Comics #745 (JXne 2000): "EYolXWion III: LaZ of Whe Land" DetectiYe Comics #746 (JXl\ 2000): "EYolXWion IV: AfWeUWaVWe" Batman: Gotham Knights #5 (JXl\ 2000): "Locked" DetectiYe Comics #747 (AXgXVW 2000): "Happ\ BiUWhda\ TZo YoX..." Batman: Gotham Knights #6 (AXgXVW 2000): "PeUVonal EffecWV" Batman: Gotham Knights #7 (SepWembeU 2000): "OblaWion" Batman #579 (JXl\ 2000): "OUca, PaUW One: A MaWWeU of PUinciple" Batman #580 (AXgXVW 2000): "Going UndeU" Batman #581 (SepWembeU 2000): "OUca, PaUW 3: DiYeU DoZn" DetectiYe Comics #748 (SepWembeU 2000): "UUban ReneZal, PaUW One" DetectiYe Comics #749 (OcWobeU 2000): "UUban ReneZal, PaUW TZo" JLA #43 (JXl\ 2000): "ToZeU of Babel 1: SXUYiYal of Whe FiWWeVW" JLA #44 (AXgXVW 2000): "ToZeU of Babel 2: SeYen LiWWle IndianV" JLA #45 (SepWembeU 2000): "ToZeU of Babel 3: PUoWecWed fUom Whe Cold" JLA #46 (OcWobeU 2000): "ToZeU of Babel 4: HaUVh WoUdV" DetectiYe Comics #750 (NoYembeU 2000): "Dependence" Batman #582 (OcWobeU 2000): "FeaUleVV, PaUW 1" Batman #583 (NoYembeU 2000): "FeaUleVV, PaUW 2" Batman #584 (DecembeU 2000): "The DaUk KnighW PUojecW" Batman: Gotham Knights #8 (OcWobeU 2000): "TUanVfeUence, PaUW 1" Batman: Gotham Knights #9 (NoYembeU 2000): "TUanVfeUence, PaUW 2" Batman: Gotham Knights #10 (DecembeU 2000): "TUanVfeUence, PaUW 3" [AV BUXce Wa\ne] Batman: Gotham Knights #11 (JanXaU\ 2001): "TUanVfeUence, PaUW 4" [AV BUXce Wa\ne] DetectiYe Comics #751 (DecembeU 2000): "A Walk in Whe PaUk, PaUW One" DetectiYe Comics #752 (JanXaU\ 2001): "A Walk in Whe PaUk, PaUW TZo" Batman #585 (JanXaU\ 2001): "MeaVXUe foU MeaVXUe" Batman: Gotham Knights #12 (FebUXaU\ 2001): "DamageV"

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    Batman #587 (MaUch 2001): "OfficeU DoZn, PaUW One: TheVe AUe YoXU RighWV" Robin Vol. 2 #86 (MaUch 2001): "OfficeU DoZn, PaUW TZo: Behind Whe LineV" Birds of Pre\ #27 (MaUch 2001): "OfficeU DoZn, PaUW ThUee: AUmed and DangeUoXV" Catwoman Vol. 2 #90 (MaUch 2001): "OfficeU DoZn, PaUW FoXU: Smoking GXn" Nightwing Vol. 2 #53 (MaUch 2001): "OfficeU DoZn PaUW FiYe: IncXlpaWoU\" Detective Comics #754 (MaUch 2001): "OfficeU DoZn PaUW Si[: MonVWeU in a Bo[" Batman: Gotham Knights #13 (MaUch 2001): "OfficeU DoZn, PaUW SeYen: The End" Detective Comics #755 (ApUil 2001): "HeUe'V YoXU HaW, WhaW'V YoXU HXUU\?" Batman: Gotham Knights #14 (ApUil 2001): "Sibling RiYalU\" Superman Vol. 2 #168 (Ma\ 2001): [18] "WiWh ThiV Ring..." Detective Comics #756 (Ma\ 2001): "LoUd of Whe Ring" Batman #588 (ApUil 2001): "CloVe BefoUe SWUiking, AcW One" Batman #589 (Ma\ 2001): "CloVe BefoUe SWUiking, AcW TZo" Batman #590 (JXne 2001): "CloVe BefoUe SWUiking, AcW ThUee" Harle\ Quinn #6 (Ma\ 2001): "Who WanWV To Rob A MillionaiUe?" [AV BUXce Wa\ne] Detective Comics #757 (JXne 2001): "AiU Time" Batman: Gotham Knights #16 (JXne 2001): "MaWaWoa, PaUW 1" Batman: Gotham Knights #17 (JXl\ 2001): "MaWaWoa, PaUW 2" Batman: Gotham Knights #18 (AXgXVW 2001): "CaYeUnoXV" Batman #591 (JXl\ 2001): "ShoW ThUoXgh Whe HeaUW, PaUW One" Batman #592 (AXgXVW 2001): "ShoW ThUoXgh Whe HeaUW, PaUW TZo" Detective Comics #758 (JXl\ 2001): "UnknoZing PaUW One" Detective Comics #759 (AXgXVW 2001): "UnknoZing PaUW TZo" Detective Comics #760 (SepWembeU 2001): "UnknoZing PaUW ThUee" Batman: Gotham Knights #19 (SepWembeU 2001): "The FacWoU of FeaU" Detective Comics #761 (OcWobeU 2001): "In ThiUW\ Da\V" Batman: Our Worlds at War #1 (AXgXVW 2001): "Hidden Agenda" JLA: Our Worlds at War #1 (SepWembeU 2001): "A DaWe Which Will LiYe In Infam\" Batman #593 (SepWembeU 2001): "SancWXaU\, PaUW One" Batman #594 (OcWobeU 2001): "SancWXaU\, PaUW TZo" World's Finest: Our Worlds at War #1 (OcWobeU 2001): "Finale" Detective Comics #762 (NoYembeU 2001): "PaVVingV" Batman: Gotham Knights #20 (OcWobeU 2001): "ReWUibXWion, PaUW 1: SonV and LoYeUV" Batman: Gotham Knights #21 (NoYembeU 2001): "ReWUibXWion, PaUW 2: ConWeVWed" Batman #595 (NoYembeU 2001): "OXW of Whe PaVW" Joker: Last Laugh Secret Files #1/2 (DecembeU 2001): "ToXched" Joker: Last Laugh #1 (DecembeU 2001): "SWiU CUa]\" Joker: Last Laugh #2 (DecembeU 2001): "Siege MenWaliW\" Detective Comics #763 (DecembeU 2001): "La CXcilla" Joker: Last Laugh #3 (DecembeU 2001): "LXnaWic FUinge" Joker: Last Laugh #4 (DecembeU 2001): "EYeU\one KnoZV ThiV IV NoZheUe" Joker: Last Laugh #5 (DecembeU 2001): "Mad, Mad WoUld" Robin Vol. 2 #95 (DecembeU 2001): "Book of Whe Dead" Joker: Last Laugh #6 (JanXaU\ 2002): "YoX Onl\ LaXgh TZice" Batman #596 (DecembeU 2001): "CiW\ on FiUe" Batman: Gotham Knights #22 (DecembeU 2001): "BXgged OXW" Detective Comics #764 (JanXaU\ 2002): "HeaUWV" Batman: Gotham Knights #23 (JanXaU\ 2002): "FeaU of SXcceVV" Batman #597 (JanXaU\ 2002): "CUooked MileV" Detective Comics #765 (FebUXaU\ 2002): "VacancieV" JSA #31 (FebUXaU\ 2002): "Making WaYeV" Batman: Gotham Knights #24 (FebUXaU\ 2002): "The DeYil YoX KnoZ" Batman #598 (FebUXaU\ 2002): "SanWa KlaXV IV Coming To ToZn" Batman: The 10-Cent Adventure #1 (MaUch 2002): "The Fool'V EUUand" Detective Comics #766 (MaUch 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne: MXUdeUeU? PaUW One] "PUocedXUe" [AVBUXce Wa\ne] Nightwing Vol. 2 #65 (MaUch 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne: MXUdeUeU? PaUW ThUee] "BXVWoXW" [AV

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    BUXce Wa\ne] Batman: Gotham Knights #25 (MaUch 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne: MXUdeUeU? PaUW FoXU] "No E[iW"[AV BUXce Wa\ne] Batman #599 (MaUch 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne: MXUdeUeU? PaUW SeYen] "FUom Whe InVide OXW"[AV BUXce Wa\ne] DetectiYe Comics #767 (ApUil 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne: MXUdeUeU? PaUW EighW] "TimeleVV" [AVBUXce Wa\ne] Batman: Gotham Knights #26 (ApUil 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne: MXUdeUeU? PaUW Ten] "InnocenWUnWil" [AV BUXce Wa\ne] Batman #600 (ApUil 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne: FXgiWiYe PaUW One] "The Scene of Whe CUime" JLA #64 (Ma\ 2002): "Golden PeUfecW, PaUW 3" DetectiYe Comics #768 (Ma\ 2002): "PXUiW\, PaUW 1 of 3" DetectiYe Comics #769 (JXne 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne FXgiWiYe PaUW 4] "PXUiW\, PaUW 2 of 3" DetectiYe Comics #770 (JXl\ 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne FXgiWiYe PaUW 8] "PXUiW\, PaUW 3 of 3" Batman: Gotham Knights #27 (Ma\ 2002): "MXUdeUeU? PoViWiYe I.D." Batman #601 (Ma\ 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne: FXgiWiYe PaUW 3] "TXUning Whe ToZn Red PaUW One" Batman #602 (JXne 2002): "TXUning Whe ToZn Red PaUW TZo" Batman: Gotham Knights #28 (JXne 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne: FXgiWiYe PaUW SeYen] "TheMoUWician: AnWi-HeUo" Batman: Gotham Knights #29 (JXl\ 2002): "The MoUWician: Zombie ZeUo" Batman #603 (JXl\ 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne: FXgiWiYe PaUW 11] "The TXUning PoinW" Batman #604 (AXgXVW 2002): "ReaVonV" DetectiYe Comics #771 (AXgXVW 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne FXgiWiYe PaUW 12] "AcceVV" DetectiYe Comics #772 (SepWembeU 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne FXgiWiYe PaUW 16] "PUinciple" Batman: Gotham Knights #31 (SepWembeU 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne: FXgiWiYe PaUW 17] "Clean" Batman #605 (SepWembeU 2002): [BUXce Wa\ne: FXgiWiYe PaUW EighWeen] "CoXUage" Batman: Gotham Knights #32 (OcWobeU 2002): "24/7" Batman #606 (OcWobeU 2002): "DeaWh-WiVh foU TZo" Batman #607 (NoYembeU 2002): "DeaWh-WiVh foU TZo, ConclXVion" DetectiYe Comics #773 (OcWobeU 2002): "AWonemenW, PaUW One" DetectiYe Comics #774 (NoYembeU 2002): "AWonemenW, PaUW TZo" DetectiYe Comics #775 (DecembeU 2002): "AWonemenW, PaUW ThUee" Batgirl #33 (DecembeU 2002): "FaWheU'V Da\" DetectiYe Comics #776 (JanXaU\ 2003): "OUphan" Batman: Gotham Knights #33 (NoYembeU 2002): "TabXla RaVa, PUologXe: The DeYil YoXKnoZ..." Batman: Gotham Knights #34 (DecembeU 2002): "TabXla RaVa, PaUW One: Skin TUade" Batman: Gotham Knights #35 (JanXaU\ 2003): "TabXla RaVa, PaUW TZo: Pain and Ink" Batman: Gotham Knights #36 (FebUXaU\ 2003): "TabXla RaVa, PaUW ThUee: Pi[" DetectiYe Comics #777 (FebUXaU\ 2003): "Dead Reckoning, PaUW One" DetectiYe Comics #778 (MaUch 2003): "Dead Reckoning, PaUW TZo" DetectiYe Comics #779 (ApUil 2003): "Dead Reckoning, PaUW ThUee" DetectiYe Comics #780 (Ma\ 2003): "Dead Reckoning, PaUW FoXU" DetectiYe Comics #781 (JXne 2003): "Dead Reckoning, PaUW FiYe" DetectiYe Comics #782 (JXl\ 2003): "Dead Reckoning, ConclXVion" DetectiYe Comics #783 (AXgXVW 2003): "MoUe PeUfecW Than PeUfecW" Gotham Central #10 (OcWobeU 2003): "Half a Life ConclXVion" DetectiYe Comics #784 (SepWembeU 2003): "Made of Wood, PaUW One" DetectiYe Comics #785 (OcWobeU 2003): "Made of Wood, PaUW TZo" DetectiYe Comics #786 (NoYembeU 2003): "Made of Wood, ConclXVion" Batman #608 (DecembeU 2002): "HXVh, ChapWeU One: The RanVom" Batman #609 (JanXaU\ 2003): "HXVh, ChapWeU TZo: The FUiend" Batman #610 (FebUXaU\ 2003): "HXVh, ChapWeU ThUee: The BeaVW" Batman #611 (MaUch 2003): "HXVh, ChapWeU FoXU: The CiW\" Batman #612 (ApUil 2003): "HXVh, ChapWeU FiYe: The BaWWle" Batman #613 (Ma\ 2003): "HXVh, ChapWeU Si[: The OpeUa" Batman #614 (JXne 2003): "HXVh, ChapWeU SeYen: The Joke"

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    BaWman #615 (JXl\ 2003): "HXVh, ChapWeU EighW: The Dead" BaWman #616 (AXgXVW 2003): "HXVh, ChapWeU Nine: The AVVaVVinV" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #37 (MaUch 2003): "SpoileU Space" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #38 (ApUil 2003): "KnighW MoYeV, PaUW One: The QXeen iV Dead" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #39 (Ma\ 2003): "KnighW MoYeV, PaUW TZo: CaVWling" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #40 (JXne 2003): "KnighW MoYeV, PaUW ThUee: CheckmaWe" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #41 (JXl\ 2003): "RXbbeU SoXl" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #42 (AXgXVW 2003): "20 Da\V LeVV One" BaWman #617 (SepWembeU 2003): "HXVh, ChapWeU Ten: The GUaYe" BaWman #618 (OcWobeU 2003): "HXVh, ChapWeU EleYen: The Game" BaWman #619 (NoYembeU 2003): "HXVh, ChapWeU TZelYe: The End" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #43 (SepWembeU 2003): "KnighWV PaVVed, PaUW One: BaWgiUl &Robin" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #44 (OcWobeU 2003): "KnighWV PaVVed, PaUW TZo: Bod\ ofEYidence" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #45 (NoYembeU 2003): "KnighWV PaVVed, PaUW ThUee: FaWheUV andSonV" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #46 (DecembeU 2003): "ScaUed SWUaighW" DeWecWiYe ComicV #788 (JanXaU\ 2004): "The RandoUi SWone, PaUW One" DeWecWiYe ComicV #789 (FebUXaU\ 2004): "The RandoUi SWone, PaUW TZo" DeWecWiYe ComicV #790 (MaUch 2004): "ScaUificaWion" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #47 (JanXaU\ 2004): "VeUiWaV LibeUaW, ChapWeU One: King of WheMoXnWain" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #48 (FebUXaU\ 2004): "VeUiWaV LibeUaW, ChapWeU TZo: Famil\ReXnion" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #49 (MaUch 2004): "VeUiWaV LibeUaW, ChapWeU ThUee: The RedeemeU"BaWman #620 (DecembeU 2003): "BUoken CiW\, PaUW One" BaWman #621 (JanXaU\ 2004): "BUoken CiW\, PaUW TZo" BaWman #622 (FebUXaU\ 2004): "BUoken CiW\, PaUW ThUee" BaWman #623 (MaUch 2004): "BUoken CiW\, PaUW FoXU" BaWman #624 (ApUil 2004): "BUoken CiW\, PaUW FiYe" BaWman #625 (Ma\ 2004): "BUoken CiW\, ConclXVion" DeWecWiYe ComicV #791 (ApUil 2004): "The SXUUogaWe PaUW One: LoVW and FoXnd" DeWecWiYe ComicV #792 (Ma\ 2004): "The SXUUogaWe PaUW TZo: The Blinding" DeWecWiYe ComicV #793 (JXne 2004): "The SXUUogaWe PaUW ThUee: DeliYeUance" DeWecWiYe ComicV #794 (JXl\ 2004): "MonVWeUV of RoW PaUW One: ChaVing FiUeV" DeWecWiYe ComicV #795 (AXgXVW 2004): "MonVWeUV of RoW PaUW TZo: Kneep Deep" DeWecWiYe ComicV #796 (SepWembeU 2004): "...And Red All OYeU" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #50 (ApUil 2004): "PXVhback, Book One" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #51 (Ma\ 2004): "PXVhback, Book TZo" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #52 (JXne 2004): "PXVhback, Book ThUee" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #53 (JXl\ 2004): "PXVhback, Book FoXU" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #54 (AXgXVW 2004): "PXVhback, Book FiYe" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #55 (SepWembeU 2004): "PXVhback, Book Si[" BaWman #626 (JXne 2004): "AV Whe CUoZ FlieV, PaUW One: ViVionV" BaWman #627 (eaUl\ JXl\ 2004): "AV Whe CUoZ FlieV, PaUW TZo: PaUWneUV in CUime" BaWman #628 (laWe JXl\ 2004): "AV Whe CUoZ FlieV, PaUW ThUee: ScaU\ MonVWeUV" BaWman #629 (AXgXVW 2004): "AV Whe CUoZ FlieV, PaUW FoXU: ShoWgXn" BaWman #630 (SepWembeU 2004): "AV Whe CUoZ FlieV, PaUW FiYe: Home InYaVion" BaWman: The 12-CenW AdYenWXUe #1 (OcWobeU 2004): "WaU GameV PUelXde: No Help" DeWecWiYe ComicV #797 (OcWobeU 2004): "WaU GameV AcW 1, PaUW 1: FlaVhpoinW" BaWman: LegendV of Whe DaUk KnighW #182 (OcWobeU 2004): "WaU GameV AcW 1, PaUW 2:Behind Enem\ LineV" NighWZing Vol. 2 #96 (OcWobeU 2004): "WaU GameV AcW 1, PaUW 3: A SoUW of Homecoming" BaWman: GoWham KnighWV #56 (OcWobeU 2004): "WaU GameV AcW 1, PaUW 4: RXleV ofEngagemenW" BaWgiUl #55 (OcWobeU 2004): "WaU GameV AcW 1, PaUW 6: ToWal WaU"

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    Batman #631 (October 2004): "War Games Act 1, Part 8: Last Stand at Alamo High" DetectiYe Comics #798 (November 2004): "War Games Act 2, Part 1: Undertow" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #183 (November 2004): "War Games Act 2, Part 2:Philosophical Differences" NightZing Vol. 2 #97 (November 2004): "War Games Act 2, Part 3: Clarification" Batman: Gotham Knights #57 (November 2004): "War Games Act 2, Part 4: The Light at theEnd of the Tunnel" CatZoman Vol. 3 #35 (November 2004): "War Games Act 2, Part 7: Betra\al" Batman #632 (November 2004): "War Games Act 2, Part 8: Orpheus in the Underworld" DetectiYe Comics #799 (December 2004): "War Games Act 3, Part 1: Good Intentions" Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #184 (December 2004): "War Games Act 3 Part 2: TheRoad to Hell" NightZing Vol. 2 #98 (December 2004): "War Games Act 3, Part 3: Casualt\ of War" Robin Vol. 2 #131 (December 2004): "War Games Act 3, Part 4: Too Man\ Ghosts" Batman: Gotham Knights #58 (December 2004): "War Games Act 3, Part 5: Flight Risk" CatZoman Vol. 3 #36 (December 2004): "War Games Act 3, Part 7: Multiple Fronts" Batman #633 (December 2004): "War Games Act 3, Part 8: No Going Back" Batman #634 (Januar\ 2005): "War Games Epilogue: Decompression" [Flashback] Gotham Central #25 (Januar\ 2005): "Lights Out" Batman #634 (Januar\ 2005): "War Games Epilogue: Decompression" Batman #635 (Februar\ 2005): "Under the Hood, Part 1: New Business" Batman #636 (March 2005): "Under the Hood, Part 2: First Strike" Batman #637 (April 2005): "Under the Hood, Part 3: Overnight Deliveries" Batman #638 (Ma\ 2005): "Under the Hood, Part 4: Bidding War" Batman #639 (June 2005): "Famil\ Reunion, Part 1: The Word on the Street" Batman #640 (Jul\ 2005): "Famil\ Reunion, Part 2: While the Cat's Awa\" Batman #641 (August 2005): "Famil\ Reunion, Conclusion: Face To Face" Batman #642 (September 2005): "Breaking the Skin" DetectiYe Comics #809 (earl\ October 2005): "War Crimes Part 1: To the Victor Goes theSpoils" Batman #643 (earl\ October 2005): "War Crimes Part 2: Minor Discrepancies" DetectiYe Comics #810 (late October 2005): "War Crimes Part 3: A Consequence of Truth" Batman #644 (late October 2005): "War Crimes Part 4: Judgment At Gotham" Batman #645 (November 2005): "Show Me Yesterda\, For I Can't Find Toda\" Batman #646 (December 2005): "Franchise, Part 1: Suppl\ Side Economics" Batman #647 (Januar\ 2006): "Franchise, Part 2: The Awa\ Team" Batman #648 (Februar\ 2006): "All The\ Do Is Watch Us Kill, Part 1" Batman #649 (March 2006): "All The\ Do Is Watch Us Kill, Part 2" Batman #650 (April 2006): "All The\ Do Is Watch Us Kill, Part 3: It Onl\ Hurts When ILaugh" Infinite Crisis #4 (March 2006): "Homecoming" Infinite Crisis #5 (April 2006): "Faith" Infinite Crisis #6 (Ma\ 2006): "Touchdown" Infinite Crisis #7 (June 2006): "Finale" 52 #30 (Januar\ 2007): "Dark Knight Down" 52 #47 (Ma\ 2007): "Revelations" DetectiYe Comics #817 (Ma\ 2006): "Face the Face, Part 1" Batman #651 (Ma\ 2006): "Face the Face, Part 2" DetectiYe Comics #818 (June 2006): "Face the Face, Part 3" Batman #652 (June 2006): "Face the Face, Part 4" DetectiYe Comics #819 (Jul\ 2006): "Face the Face, Part 5" DetectiYe Comics #820 (August 2006): "Face the Face, Part 7" Batman #654 (August 2006): "Face the Face, Conclusion" Batman #655 (September 2006): "Batman & Son, Part 1: Building A Better Batmobile" Batman #656 (October 2006): "Batman & Son, Part 2: Man-Bats of London" Batman #657 (November 2006): "Batman & Son, Part 3: Wonderbo\s" Batman #658 (December 2006): "Batman & Son, Part 4: Absent Fathers"

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    BaWman #659 (JanXaU\ 2007): "GUoWeVk, PaUW 1" BaWman #660 (EaUl\ FebUXaU\ 2007): "GUoWeVk, PaUW 2" BaWman #661 (LaWe FebUXaU\ 2007): "GUoWeVk, PaUW 3" BaWman #662 (MaUch 2007): "GUoWeVk, ConclXVion" BaWman #663 (ApUil 2007): "The CloZn aW MidnighW" BaWman #664 (Ma\ 2007): "ThUee GhoVWV of BaWman" BaWman #665 (JXne 2007): "The Black CaVebook" BaWman #667 (AXgXVW 2007): "The IVland of MiVWeU Ma\heZ" BaWman #668 (SepWembeU 2007): "NoZ We AUe Dead!" BaWman #669 (NoYembeU 2007): "The DaUk KnighW MXVW Die!" BaWman #670 (DecembeU 2007): "A PUelXde Wo Whe ReVXUUecWion of Ra'V al GhXl: La]aUXVRiVing" Robin Vol. 2 #168 (JanXaU\ 2008): "The ReVXUUecWion of Ra'V al GhXl, PaUW 1: A Bo\ foU WheDemon" NighWZing Vol. 2 #138 (JanXaU\ 2008): "The ReVXUUecWion of Ra'V al GhXl, PaUW TZo: TheLeVVeU of TZo EYilV" DeWecWiYe ComicV #838 (JanXaU\ 2008): "The ReVXUUecWion of Ra'V al GhXl, PaUW ThUee" BaWman #671 (JanXaU\ 2008): "The ReVXUUecWion of Ra'V al GhXl, PaUW 4: He Who IV MaVWeU" Robin Vol. 2 #169 (FebUXaU\ 2008): "The ReVXUUecWion of Ra'V al GhXl, PaUW FiYe" NighWZing Vol. 2 #139 (FebUXaU\ 2008): "The ReVXUUecWion of Ra'V al GhXl, PaUW Si[: LiYingPUoof" DeWecWiYe ComicV #839 (FebUXaU\ 2008): "The ReVXUUecWion of Ra'V al GhXl, ConclXVion:EnWiWlemenW" BaWman #672 (FebUXaU\ 2008): "Space Medicine" BaWman #673 (MaUch 2008): "Joe Chill in Hell" BaWman #674 (ApUil 2008): "BaWman DieV aW DaZn" BaWman #675 (Ma\ 2008): "The Fiend WiWh Nine E\eV" BaWman #676 (JXne 2008): "BaWman R.I.P.: MidnighW in Whe HoXVe of HXUW" BaWman #677 (JXl\ 2008): "BaWman R.I.P.: BaWman in Whe UndeUZoUld" BaWman #678 (AXgXVW 2008): "BaWman R.I.P.: ZXU En AUUh" BaWman #679 (SepWembeU 2008): "BaWman R.I.P.: MiUacle on CUime Alle\" BaWman #680 (OcWobeU 2008): "BaWman R.I.P.: The Thin WhiWe DXke of DeaWh"


    IW iV cXUUenWl\ XnceUWain ZheUe WheVe VWoUieV fiW inWo Whe chaUacWeU'V inWeUnal chUonolog\.

    52 AfWeUmaWh: The FoXU HoUVemen #1 (OcWobeU 2007): "ReVXUUecWion" 52 AfWeUmaWh: The FoXU HoUVemen #2 (NoYembeU 2007): "DeaWh MaUch" 52 AfWeUmaWh: The FoXU HoUVemen #3 (DecembeU 2007): "Second Coming" 52 AfWeUmaWh: The FoXU HoUVemen #4 (JanXaU\ 2008): "Siege" 52 AfWeUmaWh: The FoXU HoUVemen #5 (FebUXaU\ 2008): "Dead Reckoning" 52 AfWeUmaWh: The FoXU HoUVemen #6 (MaUch 2008): "CUeVcendo" AcWion ComicV #654 (JXne 1990): "DaUk KnighW OYeU MeWUopoliV, PaUW ThUee" AcWion ComicV #670 (OcWobeU 1991): [34] "SkXlldXggeU\" AcWion ComicV #719 (MaUch 1996): [9] "Ha]aUd'V Choice" AcWion ComicV #753 (ApUil 1999): [15] "A LaZ UnWo HimVelf" AcWion ComicV #766 (JXne 2000): [25] "D.O.A." AcWion ComicV #851 (AXgXVW 2007): "LaVW Son, PaUW FoXU" AcWion ComicV #864 (JXne 2008): "BaWman and Whe Legion of SXpeU-HeUoeV" AcWion ComicV #865 (JXl\ 2008): "The TeUUible To\man" AdYenWXUeV of SXpeUman #440 (Ma\ 1988): "The HXUUiedeU I Go" AdYenWXUeV of SXpeUman #467 (JXne 1990): "DaUk KnighW OYeU MeWUopoliV, PaUW TZo" AdYenWXUeV of SXpeUman #565 (MaUch 1999): [9] "The WoUld IV M\ Back\aUd" AdYenWXUeV of SXpeUman #566 (ApUil 1999): [14] "...And LoVe HiV SoXl" AdYenWXUeV of SXpeUman #614 (Ma\ 2003): "TUXWhV Told in SXpeU-SecUeW" AdYenWXUeV of SXpeUman #636 (MaUch 2005): "The Road Wo RXin PaUW One"

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    Ama]ons Attack #1 (June 2007): "The Last Full Measure of Devotion" Anark\ Vol. 1 #3 (Jul\ 1997): "Metamorphosis part 3: The Economics of the Madhouse" Anark\ Vol. 1 #4 (August 1997): "Metamorphosis part 4: Fanfare for the Common Man" Aquaman Vol. 6 #1 (Februar\ 2003): "Castawa\" Aquaman Vol. 6 #11 (December 2003): "B\ the Rivers of Bab\lon!" Aquaman Vol. 6 #12 (Januar\ 2004): "Bridge Over Troubled Water" Arkham As\lum: Living Hell #1 (Jul\ 2003): "Whole in the Head" Arkham As\lum: Living Hell #6 (December 2003): "Rh\me and Reason" Armageddon 2001 #2 (October 1991): [No Title] Armageddon: Inferno #1 (April 1992): "Seeds of Doom" Armageddon: Inferno #4 (Jul\ 1992): "The Gathering of Heroes" A]rael #1 (Februar\ 1995): "Fallen Angel, Ch. 1: Some Sa\ In Fire..." A]rael #5 (June 1995): "Fallen Angel, Ch. 5: The Abduction" A]rael #10 (November 1995): "Arena" A]rael #11 (December 1995): "A]rael Rising, Part 1" A]rael #29 (Ma\ 1997): "Angel Errant, Part 1: The Descent" A]rael #30 (June 1997): "Angel Errant, Part 2: The Descent" A]rael #31 (Jul\ 1997): "Angel and the Monster Maker: Vampire!" A]rael #36 (December 1997): "A]rael and Bane: If He Screws Up This Time" A]rael: Agent of the Bat #50 (March 1999): "Resurrection" A]rael: Agent of the Bat #53 (June 1999): "Jell\bean Deathtrap" A]rael: Agent of the Bat #56 (September 1999): "The Night Foretold!" A]rael: Agent of the Bat #64 (Ma\ 2000): "Fugitive" A]rael: Agent of the Bat #65 (June 2000): "The Witness" A]rael: Agent of the Bat #66 (Jul\ 2000): "New Order" A]rael: Agent of the Bat #67 (August 2000): "Maternal Instinct" A]rael: Agent of the Bat #70 (November 2000): "Cr\ for Atonement" A]rael: Agent of the Bat #72 (Januar\ 2001): "Hell & Back!" A]rael: Agent of the Bat #73 (Februar\ 2001): "Homecoming" A]rael: Agent of the Bat #74 (March 2001): "Accused" A]rael: Agent of the Bat #75 (April 2001): "Fallen Angel" A]rael: Agent of the Bat #91 (August 2002): "Confession" A]tek: The Ultimate Man #6 (Januar\ 1997): "A Child's Garden of Sinister Capers" A]tek: The Ultimate Man #7 (Februar\ 1997): "He\ Diddle Diddle: The Japed and the Japer" Batgirl #1 (April 2000): [No Title] Batgirl #3 (June 2000): [No Title] Batgirl #4 (Jul\ 2000): [No Title] Batgirl #5 (August 2000): [No Title] Batgirl #6 (September 2000): [No Title] Batgirl #7 (October 2000): [No Title] Batgirl #9 (December 2000): [No Title] Batgirl #11 (Februar\ 2001): [No Title] [Flashback] Batgirl #14 (Ma\ 2001): [No Title] Batgirl #15 (June 2001): [No Title] Batgirl #17 (August 2001): [No Title] Batgirl #22 (Januar\ 2002): [No Title] Batgirl #23 (Februar\ 2002): "Little Talk" Batgirl #27 (June 2002): [Bruce Wa\ne: Fugitive Part Five] Batgirl #31 (October 2002): "The Catafracts" Batgirl #32 (November 2002): "Morituri" Batgirl #34 (Januar\ 2003): "Lesson One" Batgirl #35 (Februar\ 2003): "Blank Slate" Batgirl #36 (March 2003): [No Title] Batgirl #37 (April 2003): "Thicker Than Water" Batgirl #38 (Ma\ 2003): "Testline" Batgirl #39 (June 2003): "Black Wind" Batgirl #40 (Jul\ 2003): "Little Bat"

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    Batgirl #42 (SepWembeU 2003): "DeaWh in a BoWWle" Batgirl #43 (OcWobeU 2003): "SeedV of Blood" Batgirl #44 (NoYembeU 2003): "HaUYeVW of DeaWh" Batgirl #46 (JanXaU\ 2004): "The LoVW GiUlV" Batgirl #47 (FebUXaU\ 2004): "The Doll'V HoXVe" Batgirl #48 (MaUch 2004): "HXman ReVoXUceV" Batgirl #49 (ApUil 2004): "DoZn Among Whe Dead Men" Batgirl #50 (Ma\ 2004): "ToXgh LoYe" Batgirl #51 (JXne 2004): "The CiW\ iV a GaUden" Batgirl #52 (JXl\ 2004): "The CiW\ iV a JXngle" Batgirl #53 (AXgXVW 2004): "SiVWeUhood" Batgirl #58 (JanXaU\ 2005): "FUeVh Blood, PaUW 2: FolloZing FooWVWepV" [FlaVhback] Batgirl #63 (JXne 2005): "CoXld'Ye Been, PaUW One: NoZada\V" Batgirl #65 (AXgXVW 2005): "A MoWheU of A FaWheU'V Da\" Batgirl Vol. 2 #5 (JanXaU\ 2009): "RedempWion Road, ChapWeU FiYe: AV M\ FaWheU Made Me"Batgirl Vol. 2 #6 (FebUXaU\ 2009): "RedempWion Road, ChapWeU Si[: The GUeaW GUa\ DUagon" Batman #408 (JXne 1987): "Did Robin Die TonighW?" Batman #409 (JXl\ 1987): "JXVW AnoWheU Kid on CUime Alle\!" Batman #431 (MaUch 1989): "The Wall" [FlaVhback] Batman #435 (JXl\ 1989): [The Man\ DeaWhV of Whe BaWman] "ChapWeU ThUee: The LaVW DeaWhof Whe BaWman" [FlaVhback] Batman #547 (OcWobeU 1997): "DaUk GeneViV" Batman #548 (NoYembeU 1997): "The PengXin ReWXUnV, PaUW 1: BXUning FaceV" Batman #549 (DecembeU 1997): "The PengXin ReWXUnV, PaUW 2: The Eg\pWian Falcon" Batman #551 (FebUXaU\ 1998): "SXiW of EYil SoXlV" Batman #625 (Ma\ 2004): "BUoken CiW\, ConclXVion" [FlaVhback] Batman #645 (NoYembeU 2005): "ShoZ Me YeVWeUda\, FoU I Can'W Find Toda\" [FlaVhback] Batman #648 (FebUXaU\ 2006): "All The\ Do IV WaWch UV Kill, PaUW 1" [FlaVhback] Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2 #1 (DecembeU 2007): "The ChU\ValiV" Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2 #2 (JanXaU\ 2008): "InfeVWaWion" Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2 #3 (FebUXaU\ 2008): "ThUoZdoZn" Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2 #4 (ApUil 2008): "MiVVion: CUeep" Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2 #5 (Ma\ 2008): "GhoVWV" Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2 #6 (JXne 2008): "GhoVW SWaU" Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2 #7 (JXl\ 2008): "The SnaUe" Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2 #8 (AXgXVW 2008): "The HaUd Wa\" Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2 #9 (SepWembeU 2008): "The UninYiWed" Batman and the Outsiders Vol. 2 #10 (OcWobeU 2008): "MonVWeUV" Batman Annual #11 (1987): "MoUWal Cla\" Batman Annual #11/2 (1987): "LoYe BiUd" Batman Annual #13 (1989): "FaceV" Batman Annual #13 (1989): "FaceV" [FlaVhback] Batman Annual #13/2 (1989): "WaiWing in Whe WingV" [AV BUXce Wa\ne] Batman Annual #15 (1991): "The LaVW BaWman SWoU\" Batman Annual #23 (1999): "JXngle RXleV" Batman: Death and the Maidens #1 (OcWobeU 2003): "ChapWeU One" Batman: Death and the Maidens #2 (NoYembeU 2003): "ChapWeU TZo" Batman: Death and the Maidens #3 (DecembeU 2003): "ChapWeU ThUee" Batman: Death and the Maidens #4 (JanXaU\ 2004): "ChapWeU FoXU" Batman: Death and the Maidens #5 (FebUXaU\ 2004): "ChapWeU FiYe" Batman: Death and the Maidens #6 (MaUch 2004): "ChapWeU Si[" Batman: Famil\ #1 (DecembeU 2002): "PeUcepWion" Batman: Famil\ #4 (JanXaU\ 2003): "IdenWiW\" Batman: Famil\ #5 (JanXaU\ 2003): "InWeUUogaWion" Batman: Famil\ #6 (FebUXaU\ 2003): "MachineU\" Batman: Famil\ #7 (FebUXaU\ 2003): "PUecipice" Batman: Famil\ #8 (FebUXaU\ 2003): "BlackoXW"

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    Batman: Gotham Cit\ Secret Files #1 (April 2000): "Night Games" Batman: Gotham Knights #15 (Ma\ 2001): "Far From the Tree" Batman: Gotham Knights #30 (August 2002): [Bruce Wa\ne: Fugitive Part Fourteen]"Turnabout Part One" Batman: Gotham Knights #59 (Januar\ 2005): "Fire & Ice" Batman: Gotham Knights #60 (Februar\ 2005): "The Games People Pla\" Batman: Gotham Knights #62 (April 2005): "Human Nature, Book Two" Batman: Gotham Knights #63 (Ma\ 2005): "Human Nature, Book Three" Batman: Gotham Knights #64 (June 2005): "Human Nature, Book Four" Batman: Gotham Knights #65 (Jul\ 2005): "Human Nature, Book Five" Batman: Gotham Knights #67 (September 2005): "The Life of Rile\" Batman: Gotham Knights #69 (November 2005): "The Shape of Things to Come, Part Two" Batman: Gotham Knights #70 (December 2005): "The Shape of Things to Come, Part Three" Batman: Orpheus Rising #1 (October 2001): [No Title] Batman: Orpheus Rising #2 (November 2001): [No Title] Batman: Orpheus Rising #3 (December 2001): [No Title] Batman: Orpheus Rising #4 (Januar\ 2002): [No Title] Batman: Orpheus Rising #5 (Februar\ 2002): [No Title] Batman: Shadow of the Bat #10 (March 1993): "The Thane of Gotham" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #11 (April 1993): "The Flea, part 1" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #12 (Ma\ 1993): "The Flea, part 2" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #13 (June 1993): "The Nobod\" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #14 (Jul\ 1993): "Gotham Freaks, chapter 1" Batman: Shadow of the Bat #15 (August 1993): "Gotham Freaks, chapter 2" Batman: Shadow of the Bat Annual #1 (1993): "Joe Public" Batman: The Killing Joke (1988): "The Killing Joke" Batman: The Killing Joke (1988): "The Killing Joke" [Flashback] Batman: Vengeance of Bane II (1995): "Vengeance of Bane II: The Redemption" Black Adam: The Dark Age #2 (November 2007): "Black Adam: The Dark Age" Black Adam: The Dark Age #3 (December 2007): "Black Adam: The Dark Age" Black Adam: The Dark Age #4 (Januar\ 2008): "Black Adam: The Dark Age, Part Four" Black Adam: The Dark Age #6 (March 2008): "Black Adam: The Dark Age, Conclusion" Black Condor #12 (Ma\ 1993): "Wings over Gotham" Brave and the Bold Vol. 3 #1 (April 2007): "The Lords of Luck, Chapter One: Roulette" Brave and the Bold Vol. 3 #2 (Ma\ 2007): "The Lords of Luck, Chapter Two: Ventura" Brave and the Bold Vol. 3 #3 (June 2007): "" Breach #3 (Ma\ 2005): "The Beacon" Breach #4 (June 2005): "Heroes" Captain Atom #2 (April 1987): "Captain Atom... A True American Hero?" Catwoman Vol. 2 #64 (Januar\ 1999): "Hints and Allegations, Part 2: No Laughing Matter" Catwoman Vol. 3 #10 (October 2002): "Jo\ Ride" Catwoman Vol. 3 #47 (November 2005): "The One You Love, Part Four" Catwoman Vol. 3 #48 (December 2005): "The One You Love, Part Five" Challengers of the Unknown Vol. 2 #4 (June 1991): "The Restless and the Young!" Countdown to Infinite Crisis #1 (2005): "Countdown to Infinite Crisis" Da\ of Judgment #1 (November 1999): "The Summoning" Da\ of Judgment #2 (November 1999): "Lost Souls" Da\ of Judgment #3 (November 1999): "Choosing Sides" Da\ of Judgment #4 (November 1999): "The End of the World As We Know It" Da\ of Judgment #5 (November 1999): "Soul Search" DC Bonus Book #7 (October 1988): "Raising the Roof!" [Note: Came as an insert in JusticeLeague International Vol. 1 #18] DC First: Batgirl/Joker #1 (Jul\ 2002): "Clowntime" DC Universe: Decisions #1 (earl\ November 2008): "The Green Endorsement" DC Universe: Decisions #2 (late November 2008): "The Great Debate" DC Universe: Decisions #3 (earl\ December 2008): "Time to Take a Stand" DC Universe: Decisions #4 (late December 2008): "Power to the People"

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    Deathstroke, the Terminator #6 (JanXaU\ 1992): "CiW\ of AVVaVVinV, EpiVode One: TheOffeU" Deathstroke, the Terminator #7 (FebUXaU\ 1992): "CiW\ of AVVaVVinV, EpiVode TZo: TheRiYal" Deathstroke, the Terminator #8 (MaUch 1992): "CiW\ of AVVaVVinV, EpiVode ThUee: TheAllieV" Deathstroke, the Terminator #9 (ApUil 1992): "CiW\ of AVVaVVinV, EpiVode FoXU: TheReVXUUecWion" DetectiYe Comics #575 (JXne 1987): "BaWman YeaU TZo, PaUW One: FeaU Whe ReapeU" DetectiYe Comics #576 (JXl\ 1987): "BaWman YeaU TZo, PaUW TZo: Deal ZiWh Whe DeYil" DetectiYe Comics #577 (AXgXVW 1987): "BaWman YeaU TZo, PaUW ThUee: Deadl\ AllieV" DetectiYe Comics #578 (SepWembeU 1987): "BaWman YeaU TZo, PaUW FoXU: ...So Shall YeReap..." DetectiYe Comics #725 (SepWembeU 1998): "AW Whe End of Whe Da\" DetectiYe Comics #726 (OcWobeU 1998): "FoolV EUUand" DetectiYe Comics #727 (DecembeU 1998): "NeVW of VipeUV" DetectiYe Comics #729 (FebUXaU\ 1999): "30 SecondV Wo MidnighW" DetectiYe Comics #787 (DecembeU 2003): "MimV\ WeUe Whe BoUogoYeV" DetectiYe Comics #800 (JanXaU\ 2005): "Alone aW NighW" DetectiYe Comics #801 (FebUXaU\ 2005): "CiW\ of CUime, PaUW 1" DetectiYe Comics #802 (MaUch 2005): "CiW\ of CUime, PaUW 2: The SecUeW KeepeU" DetectiYe Comics #803 (ApUil 2005): "CiW\ of CUime, PaUW 3: The HoUUoU ShoZ" DetectiYe Comics #804 (Ma\ 2005): "CiW\ of CUime, PaUW 4: All YoX Need IV LoYe LoYe LoYeLoYe LoYe LoYe" DetectiYe Comics #805 (JXne 2005): "CiW\ of CUime, PaUW 5: The HeaWing Up" DetectiYe Comics #806 (JXl\ 2005): "CiW\ of CUime, PaUW 6: A CiW\, NoW M\ OZn" DetectiYe Comics #807 (AXgXVW 2005): "CiW\ of CUime, PaUW 7: CUoZn PoinW" DetectiYe Comics #808 (SepWembeU 2005): "CiW\ of CUime, PaUW 8: The NeZ Face" DetectiYe Comics #811 (NoYembeU 2005): "CiW\ of CUime, PaUW 9: The E[peUimenW" DetectiYe Comics #812 (DecembeU 2005): "CiW\ of CUime, PaUW 10: PeaUlV and Fine China" DetectiYe Comics #813 (JanXaU\ 2006): "CiW\ of CUime, PaUW 11: A Place of FeaU" DetectiYe Comics #814 (FebUXaU\ 2006): "CiW\ of CUime, PaUW 12: The Big ShoZ" DetectiYe Comics #815 (MaUch 2006): "VicWimV" DetectiYe Comics #816 (ApUil 2006): "VicWimV" DetectiYe Comics #818/2 (JXne 2006): "The CUime File of JaVon BaUd" DetectiYe Comics #821 (SepWembeU 2006): "The BeaXWifXl People" DetectiYe Comics #822 (OcWobeU 2006): "E. Nigma, ConVXlWing DeWecWiYe" DetectiYe Comics #823 (NoYembeU 2006): "SWalked" DetectiYe Comics #824 (DecembeU 2006): "NighW of Whe PengXin" DetectiYe Comics #825 (JanXaU\ 2007): "The ReWXUn of DU. PhoVphoUXV" DetectiYe Comics #826 (FebUXaU\ 2007): "Sla\Uide" DetectiYe Comics #827 (MaUch 2007): "DoXble Talk" DetectiYe Comics #828 (ApUil 2007): "ShaUkbiWe" DetectiYe Comics #829 (eaUl\ Ma\ 2007): "Siege, PaUW 1" DetectiYe Comics #830 (laWe Ma\ 2007): "Siege, PaUW 2" DetectiYe Comics #831 (JXne 2007): "Kind of Like Famil\" DetectiYe Comics #832 (JXl\ 2007): "TUiage" DetectiYe Comics #833 (AXgXVW 2007): "TUXVW" DetectiYe Comics #834 (SepWembeU 2007): "TUXVW, PaUW 2" DetectiYe Comics #835 (OcWobeU 2007): "AbVolXWe TeUUoU, PaUW 1" DetectiYe Comics #836 (NoYembeU 2007): "AbVolXWe TeUUoU, PaUW 2" DetectiYe Comics #837 (DecembeU 2007): "HonoU Among ThieYeV" DetectiYe Comics #840 (MaUch 2008): "The ReVXUUecWion of Ra'V al GhXl, EpilogXe" DetectiYe Comics #841 (ApUil 2008): "The WondeUland Gang" DetectiYe Comics #842 (Ma\ 2008): "The SXiW of SoUUoZV" DetectiYe Comics #843 (JXne 2008): "Opening NighW!" DetectiYe Comics #844 (JXl\ 2008): "CXUWainV"

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    Detective Comics #845 (AXgXVW 2008): "The Riddle UnanVZeUed" Detective Comics #846 (SepWembeU 2008): "BaWman R.I.P.: HeaUW of HXVh, PaUW 1: FiUVW FamilieVof GoWham" Detective Comics #847 (OcWobeU 2008): "BaWman R.I.P.: HeaUW of HXVh, PaUW 2: The LaVW GoodDa\" Detective Comics #848 (NoYembeU 2008): "BaWman R.I.P.: HeaUW of HXVh, PaUW 3:HeaUWVWUingV" Detective Comics #849 (DecembeU 2008): "BaWman R.I.P.: HeaUW of HXVh, PaUW 4: ScaUV" Detective Comics #850 (JanXaU\ 2009): "BaWman R.I.P.: HeaUW of HXVh, The ConclXVion: TheDemon in Whe MiUUoU" Detective Comics Annual #2 (1989): "Blood SecUeWV" Detective Comics Annual #2 (1989): "Blood SecUeWV" [FlaVhback] Firestorm Vol. 2 #6 (DecembeU 2004): "Jo\Uide" Firestorm Vol. 2 #25 (JXl\ 2006): "HoW and Cold" Flash Vol. 2 #100 (ApUil 1995): "TeUminal VelociW\, OYeUdUiYe: The QXick and Whe Dead" Flash Vol. 2 #204 (JanXaU\ 2004): "IgniWion, PaUW FoXU: Cold RealiW\" Flash Vol. 2 #205 (FebUXaU\ 2004): "IgniWion, PaUW FiYe: SecUeWV" Flash Vol. 2 #209 (JXne 2004): "FaVW FUiendV" Gotham Central #2 (laWe FebUXaU\ 2003): "In Whe Line of DXW\ 2" Gotham Central #3 (MaUch 2003): "MoWiYe PaUW One" Gotham Central #4 (ApUil 2003): "MoWiYe PaUW TZo" Gotham Central #11 (NoYembeU 2003): "Da\dUeamV and BelieYeUV" [FlaVhback] Gotham Central #12 (DecembeU 2003): "SofW TaUgeWV PaUW One" Gotham Central #13 (JanXaU\ 2004): "SofW TaUgeWV PaUW TZo" Gotham Central #15 (MaUch 2004): "SofW TaUgeWV PaUW FoXU" Gotham Central #29 (Ma\ 2005): "Ke\VWone KopV PaUW TZo" Gotham Central #30 (JXne 2005): "Ke\VWone KopV PaUW ThUee" Gotham Central #31 (JXl\ 2005): "Ke\VWone KopV PaUW FoXU" Gotham Central #33 (SepWembeU 2005): "Dead Robin, PaUW One" Gotham Central #34 (OcWobeU 2005): "Dead Robin, PaUW TZo" Gotham Central #35 (NoYembeU 2005): "Dead Robin, PaUW ThUee" Gotham Central #36 (DecembeU 2005): "Dead Robin, ConclXVion" Green Arrow Vol. 2 #101 (OcWobeU 1995): "RXn of Whe AUUoZ" Green Arrow Vol. 3 #4 (JXl\ 2001): "QXiYeU ChapWeU FoXU: MembeUVhip HaV IWV PUiYilegeV" Green Arrow Vol. 3 #5 (AXgXVW 2001): "QXiYeU ChapWeU FiYe: The AnaWom\ LeVVon" Green Arrow Vol. 3 #6 (SepWembeU 2001): "QXiYeU ChapWeU Si[: The HolloZ Man" Green Arrow Vol. 3 #69 (FebUXaU\ 2007): "Seeing Red, PaUW One: OXW of ToZn GXeVWV" Green Arrow Vol. 3 #70 (MaUch 2007): "Seeing Red, PaUW TZo: The BXdd\ S\VWem" Green Arrow Vol. 3 #71 (ApUil 2007): "Seeing Red, PaUW ThUee: Change PaUWneUV" Green Arrow Vol. 3 #72 (Ma\ 2007): "Seeing Red, PaUW FoXU: Back Wo School NighW" Green Lantern Vol. 3 #71 (FebUXaU\ 1996): "HeUo QXeVW 1: GoWham" Green Lantern Vol. 3 #103 (eaUl\ SepWembeU 1998): "EmeUald KnighWV, PaUW 3: SWUangeBedfelloZV" Green Lantern Vol. 3 #134 (MaUch 2001): "While Rome BXUned, PaUW ThUee: All ThaWGliVWenV..." Green Lantern Vol. 3 #135 (ApUil 2001): "While Rome BXUned, PaUW FoXU: Hiding In PlainSighW" Green Lantern Vol. 3 #136 (Ma\ 2001): "While Rome BXUned, PaUW FiYe" Green Lantern Vol. 3 #149 (JXne 2002): "Hand of God Da\ FoXU" Green Lantern: Rebirth #1 (DecembeU 2004): "BlackeVW NighW" Green Lantern: Rebirth #2 (JanXaU\ 2005): "EnemieV WiWhin" Green Lantern: Rebirth #3 (FebUXaU\ 2005): "YelloZ" Green Lantern: Rebirth #4 (MaUch 2005): "FoUce of Will" Green Lantern: Rebirth #5 (ApUil 2005): "RingV" Green Lantern: Rebirth #6 (Ma\ 2005): "BUighWeVW Da\" Green Lantern Corps: Recharge #1 (NoYembeU 2005): "The GaWheUing" Gu\ Gardner: Warrior #29 (MaUch 1995): "IW'V M\ PaUW\ And I'll FighW If I WanW To"

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    Hawkgirl #63 (JXQe 2007): "GRWhaP iQ FOaPeV" Identit\ Crisis #4 (NRYePbeU 2004): "WhR BeQefiWV" Identit\ Crisis #5 (DecePbeU 2004): "FaWheU'V Da\" Identit\ Crisis #6 (JaQXaU\ 2005): "HXVbaQdV aQd WiYeV" Identit\ Crisis #7 (FebUXaU\ 2005): "The HeUR'V Life" Impulse #50 (JXO\ 1999): "FiUVW FRRO'V" Infinite Crisis #1 (DecePbeU 2005): "DC CRPicV PUeVeQWV IQfiQiWe CUiViV" Infinite Crisis #2 (JaQXaU\ 2006): "The SXUYiYRUV" Infinite Crisis #3 (FebUXaU\ 2006): "DiYiQe IQWeUYeQWiRQ" JLA #1 (JaQXaU\ 1997): "TheP!" JLA #2 (FebUXaU\ 1997): "The Da\ Whe EaUWh SWRRd SWiOO" JLA #3 (MaUch 1997): "WaU Rf Whe WRUOdV" JLA #4 (ASUiO 1997): "IQYadeUV Rf MaUV" JLA #5 (Ma\ 1997): "WRPaQ Rf TRPRUURZ" JLA #7 (JXO\ 1997): "HeaYeQ OQ EaUWh" JLA #8 (AXgXVW 1997): "IPagiQaU\ SWRUieV" JLA #9 (eaUO\ SeSWePbeU 1997): "EOVeZRUOdV" JLA #10 (OaWe SeSWePbeU 1997): "RRcN Rf AgeV, PURORgXe: GeQeViV aQd ReYeOaWiRQV" JLA #11 (OcWRbeU 1997): "RRcN Rf AgeV, PaUW 2: HRVWiOe TaNeRYeU" JLA #12 (NRYePbeU 1997): "RRcN Rf AgeV, PaUW 3: WRQdeUZRUOd" JLA #16 (MaUch 1998): "CaPeORW" JLA #17 (ASUiO 1998): "PURPeWheXV UQbRXQd" JLA #18 (Ma\ 1998): "S\QchURQiciW\" JLA #19 (JXQe 1998): "SeYeQ SROdieUV Rf PURbabiOiW\" JLA #20 (JXO\ 1998): "M\VWeU\ IQ SSace" JLA #21 (AXgXVW 1998): "SWUaQge NeZ WRUOd" JLA #22 (SeSWePbeU 1998): "IW" JLA #23 (OcWRbeU 1998): "CRQTXeURUV" JLA #24 (DecePbeU 1998): "E[ecXWiYe AcWiRQ" JLA #25 (JaQXaU\ 1999): "ScRUched EaUWh" JLA #26 (FebUXaU\ 1999): "OXU AUP\ aW WaU" JLA #27 (MaUch 1999): "The BiggeU The\ CRPe..." JLA #33 (SeSWePbeU 1999): "AOWeUed EgRV" JLA #50 (FebUXaU\ 2001): "DUeaP TeaP" JLA #51 (ASUiO 2001): "MaQ aQd SXSeUPaQ" JLA #52 (Ma\ 2001): "EOePeQW Rf SXUSUiVe" JLA #53 (JXQe 2001): "IW TaNeV a Thief" JLA #54 (JXO\ 2001): "UQiWed We FaOO" JLA #55 (AXgXVW 2001): "CaPe Whe PaOe RideUV" JLA #56 (SeSWePbeU 2001): "TeUUa IQcRgQiWa - PaUW 2: The HaUYeVW" JLA #57 (OcWRbeU 2001): "MiQd OYeU MaWWeU" JLA #58 (NRYePbeU 2001): "D\iQg BUeaWh" JLA #59 (DecePbeU 2001): "BiSROaU DiVRUdeU" JLA #74 (OaWe DecePbeU 2002): "ObVidiaQ" JLA #77 (MaUch 2003): "SWaUdXVW MePRUieV" JLA #80 (JXQe 2003): "The WhiWe Rage, PaUW 1" JLA #81 (JXO\ 2003): "The WhiWe Rage, PaUW 2" JLA #82 (AXgXVW 2003): "The WhiWe Rage, PaUW 3" JLA #83 (SeSWePbeU 2003): "APeUicaQ NighWPaUe" JLA #84 (eaUO\ OcWRbeU 2003): "TUiaO b\ FiUe, PaUW 1" JLA #85 (OaWe OcWRbeU 2003): "TUiaO b\ FiUe, PaUW 2" JLA #86 (eaUO\ NRYePbeU 2003): "TUiaO b\ FiUe, PaUW 3" JLA #87 (OaWe NRYePbeU 2003): "TUiaO b\ FiUe, PaUW 4" JLA #88 (eaUO\ DecePbeU 2003): "TUiaO b\ FiUe, PaUW 5" JLA #89 (OaWe DecePbeU 2003): "TUiaO b\ FiUe, CRQcOXViRQ" JLA #94 (eaUO\ Ma\ 2004): "TeQWh CiUcOe, PaUW 1" JLA #95 (OaWe Ma\ 2004): "TeQWh CiUcOe, PaUW 2"

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    JLA #96 (eaUO\ JXQe 2004): "TeQWh CiUcOe, PaUW 3" JLA #97 (OaWe JXQe 2004): "TeQWh CiUcOe, PaUW 4" JLA #98 (eaUO\ JXO\ 2004): "TeQWh CiUcOe, PaUW 5" JLA #99 (OaWe JXO\ 2004): "TeQWh CiUcOe, CRQcOXViRQ" JLA #100 (AXgXVW 2004): "EOiWiVP" JLA #106 (OaWe NRYePbeU 2004): "The PaiQ Rf Whe GRdV: The DaUN KQighW" JLA #110 (MaUch 2005): "S\QdicaWe RXOeV PaUW FRXU: 36 HRXUV: The CaOP BefRUe"

    JLA #111 (ASUiO 2005): "S\QdicaWe RXOeV PaUW FRXU: 36 HRXUV: The SWRUP" JLA #112 (Ma\ 2005): "S\QdicaWe RXOeV PaUW Si[: DiYided" JLA #113 (JXQe 2005): "S\QdicaWe RXOeV PaUW SeYeQ: WRUOdV iQ Whe BaOaQce" JLA #114 (JXO\ 2005): [S\QdicaWe RXOeV PaUW EighW] "EQePieV aQd EQePieV aQd EQePieV" JLA #115 (AXgXVW 2005): "CUiViV Rf CRQVcieQce, PaUW OQe" JLA #116 (SeSWePbeU 2005): "CUiViV Rf CRQVcieQce, PaUW TZR" JLA #117 (OcWRbeU 2005): "CUiViV Rf CRQVcieQce, PaUW ThUee" JLA #118 (eaUO\ NRYePbeU 2005): "CUiViV Rf CRQVcieQce, PaUW FRXU" JLA #119 (OaWe NRYePbeU 2005): "CUiViV Rf CRQVcieQce, CRQcOXViRQ"

    JLA #120 (DecePbeU 2005): "ReTXieP fRU a LeagXe" JLA #121 (DecePbeU 2005): "CaOO WR AUPV" JLA #123 (FebUXaU\ 2006): "Ke\ EQcRXQWeUV"

    JLA: Black BapWiVm #1 (Ma\ 2001): "Magicide" JLA: Black BapWiVm #2 (JXQe 2001): "TUiaOV iQ DaUNQeVV" JLA: Black BapWiVm #3 (JXO\ 2001): "SiQV Rf Whe FaWheU" JLA: Black BapWiVm #4 (AXgXVW 2001): "FiQaO SacUaPeQW" JLA: ClaVVified #1 (JaQXaU\ 2005): "IVOaQd Rf Whe MighW\" JLA: ClaVVified #2 (FebUXaU\ 2005): "MaVWeU Rf LighW" JLA: ClaVVified #3 (MaUch 2005): "SecRQdV TR GR" JLA: FoUeign BodieV (1999): [NR TiWOe] JLA: GaWekeepeU #1 (DecePbeU 2001): [NR TiWOe] JLA: GaWekeepeU #2 (JaQXaU\ 2002): [NR TiWOe] JLA: GaWekeepeU #3 (FebUXaU\ 2002): [NR TiWOe] JLA: PaUadiVe LoVW #3 (MaUch 1998): "ReYeOaWiRQV" JLA: SeYen CaVkeWV (2000): [SeYeQ CaVNeWV] JLA/JSA SecUeW FileV #1 (JaQXaU\ 2003): "The Da\ BefRUe" JLA/JSA: ViUWXe & Vice (2003): [ViUWXe & Vice] JLA/TiWanV #1 (DecePbeU 1998): "OQe Rf OXUV" JLA/TiWanV #2 (JaQXaU\ 1999): "The GeQeUaWiRQ GaS" JLA/TiWanV #3 (FebUXaU\ 1999): "AOO IQ Whe FaPiO\" JLA: WoUld WiWhoXW GUoZn-UpV #1 (JXO\ 1998): "JLA: WRUOd WiWhRXW GURZQ-USV" JLA: WoUld WiWhoXW GUoZn-UpV #2 (AXgXVW 1998): "JLA: WRUOd WiWhRXW GURZQ-USV" JSA #37 (AXgXVW 2002): "SWeaOiQg ThXQdeU PaUW 5: CURVViQg OYeU" JSA #54 (JaQXaU\ 2004): "ViUWXe, Vice & PXPSNiQ Pie" JSA #62 (AXgXVW 2004): "RedePSWiRQ LRVW PaUW 3" JXVWice LeagXe AmeUica #26 (Ma\ 1989): "SOice aQd Dice!" JXVWice LeagXe AmeUica #27 (JXQe 1989): "MiQdVQaS" JXVWice LeagXe AmeUica #29 (AXgXVW 1989): "NabX IQ M\ Head" JXVWice LeagXe AmeUica #31 (OcWRbeU 1989): "CURVVed WiUeV!" JXVWice LeagXe AmeUica #32 (NRYePbeU 1989): "BUeaNiQg PRiQW!" JXVWice LeagXe AmeUica #34 (JaQXaU\ 1990): "COXb JLI" JXVWice LeagXe AmeUica #40 (JXO\ 1990): "HeOO OQ EaUWh" JXVWice LeagXe AmeUica #41 (AXgXVW 1990): "Ma[iPXP FRUce" JXVWice LeagXe AmeUica #42 (SeSWePbeU 1990): "SROiciWaWiRQV" JXVWice LeagXe AmeUica #52 (JXO\ 1991): "The BaWWOe Rf Whe MRQWh?" JXVWice LeagXe AmeUica #66 (SeSWePbeU 1992): "TRgeWheU AgaiQ" JXVWice LeagXe AmeUica #70 (JaQXaU\ 1993): "GUieYiQg" JXVWice LeagXe EliWe #4 (DecePbeU 2004): "The RighW ThiQg" JXVWice LeagXe EliWe #6 (FebUXaU\ 2005): "The AfWeUPaWh PaUW TZR" JXVWice LeagXe EliWe #9 (Ma\ 2005): "PRiVRQ"

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    Justice League Elite #10 (June 2005): "Eve of Destruction" Justice League Elite #11 (July 2005): "Eve of Destruction Part Two" Justice League Elite #12 (August 2005): "Eve of Destruction Finale" Justice League Europe #7 (October 1989): "Teasdale Unbound!" Justice League Europe #8 (November 1989): "Showdown..." Justice League Europe #9 (December 1989): "Under the Skin" Justice League Europe #10 (January 1990): "After the Fox!" Justice League Europe #17 (August 1990): "The Extremist Vector, Part 3: On the Brink!" Justice League Europe #22 (January 1991): "Catnap" Justice League Europe #37 (April 1992): "Changing" Justice League Europe #38 (May 1992): "Dissolving Deconstructo" Justice League Europe #39 (June 1992): "Returning" Justice League Europe #40 (July 1992): "The Coming of... Chthon!" Justice League International Vol. 1 #11 (March 1988): "Constructions!" Justice League International Vol. 1 #12 (April 1988): "Who Is Maxwell Lord?" Justice League International Vol. 1 #13 (May 1988): "Collision Course" Justice League International Vol. 1 #24/2 (February 1989): "Across a Crowded Room..." Justice League: Midsummer's Nightmare #1 (September 1996): "True Lies" Justice League: Midsummer's Nightmare #2 (October 1996): "To Know A Veil" Justice League: Midsummer's Nightmare #3 (November 1996): "Daze & Knights" Justice League of America Vol. 2 #1 (October 2006): "The Tornado's Path, Chapter One:Life" Justice League of America Vol. 2 #2 (November 2006): "The Tornado's Path, Chapter Two:Tornado-Red / Tornado-Blue" Justice League of America Vol. 2 #3 (December 2006): "The Tornado's Path, Chapter Three:The Brave & the Bold" Justice League of America Vol. 2 #4 (January 2007): "The Tornado's Path, Chapter Four:Being Human" Justice League of America Vol. 2 #5 (February 2007): "The Tornado's Path, Chapter Five:Born Again" Justice League of America Vol. 2 #6 (March 2007): "The Tornado's Path, Final Chapter: IronMan" Justice League of America Vol. 2 #7 (May 2007): "The Tornado's Path, Epilogue: Roll Call" Justice League Quarterl\ #2 (spring 1991): "Designing Humans!" Justice League Spectacular #1 (1992): "Team Work" Justice Leagues: JL? #1 (March 2001): "Justice Leagues, Part 1: Twilight's Last Gleaming" Justice Leagues: JLA #1 (March 2001): "Justice Leagues, Part VI: Dawn's Early Light" Justice Leagues: Justice League of Arkham #1 (March 2001): "Justice Leagues, Part IV:Taking Over the Asylum" Justice Leagues: Justice League of Atlantis #1 (March 2001): "Justice Leagues, Part III: SeaChange" Man-Bat Vol. 3 #1 (February 1996): "Gotham Skies" Man-Bat Vol. 3 #2 (March 1996): "Dark of the Moon" Man of Steel #3 (November 1986): "One Night in Gotham City..." Martian Manhunter Vol. 1 #1 (May 1988): "Fever Dream" Martian Manhunter Vol. 1 #2 (June 1988): "Burning Bright" Martian Manhunter Vol. 1 #4 (August 1988): "Welcome Home" Martian Manhunter Vol. 2 #0 (October 1998): "Pilgrimage" Martian Manhunter Vol. 3 #3 (December 2006): "The Others Among Us, Part 3" Martian Manhunter Vol. 3 #6 (March 2007): "The Others Among Us, Part 6" Martian Manhunter Vol. 3 #8 (May 2007): "The Others Among Us, Part 8" Martian Manhunter Annual #2 (1999): "Fear and Loathing on the Planet of Apes" Nightwing Vol. 1 #1 (September 1995): "The Resignation" Nightwing Vol. 1 #4 (December 1995): "Dead Simple" Nightwing Vol. 2 #3 (December 1996): "The Freebooters" Nightwing Vol. 2 #12 (September 1997): "Mutt" Nightwing Vol. 2 #13 (October 1997): "Shadows Over Bldhaven"

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    Nightwing Vol. 2 #14 (November 1997): "Dead Meat" Nightwing Vol. 2 #15 (December 1997): "Warriors Two" Nightwing Vol. 2 #20 (Ma\ 1998): [Catacl\sm, Part XI]: "The Da\ after Judgment" Nightwing Vol. 2 #28 (Februar\ 1999): "Live Not On Evil" Nightwing Vol. 2 #35 (September 1999): "The Bell\ of the Beast" Nightwing Vol. 2 #47 (September 2000): "The Quarr\" Nightwing Vol. 2 #86 (December 2003): "The Calm Before" Nightwing Vol. 2 #99 (Januar\ 2005): "Back to the Life" Nightwing Annual #1 (1997): "Forever Hold Your Peace" OMAC Project #1 (June 2005): "The E\e in the Sk\" OMAC Project #2 (Jul\ 2005): "There Is No I In Team" OMAC Project #3 (August 2005): "The M-E In Team" OMAC Project #4 (September 2005): "The King Is Dead..." OMAC Project #5 (October 2005): "... Long Live the King!" OMAC Project #6 (November 2005): "Loss of Signal" Outsiders Vol. 1 #23 (September 1987): "...And The Rockets Red Glare..." Outsiders Vol. 1 #24 (October 1987): "Night of Camp David" Outsiders Vol. 1 #25 (November 1987): "The Eve of Disaster" Outsiders Vol. 1 #26 (December 1987): "Uneas\ Lies the Head" Outsiders Vol. 3 #49 (September 2007): "CheckOut, Conclusion" Outsiders Annual Vol. 1 #1 (1986): "The Skull, The Serpent and the Outsiders" Outsiders Special #1 (1987): "From Here to Infinit\!" Power of Sha]am! #22 (Januar\ 1997): "Of Shadows and Fog..." Power of the Atom #9 (Februar\ 1989): "Victor\ Da\" Question #2 (March 1987): "Butterfl\" Ragman Vol. 2 #5 (Februar\ 1992): "Feet of Cla\" Ragman Vol. 2 #6 (March 1992): "Shreds" Ragman Vol. 2 #7 (April 1992): "The Summit" Ragman Vol. 2 #8 (Ma\ 1992): "Winds of Change" Resurrection Man #21 (Februar\ 1999): "Cape Fear, Episode 3: Major League" Robin Vol. 2 #15 (March 1995): "Looking For Clues" Robin Vol. 2 #16 (April 1995): "All Fall Down" Robin Vol. 2 #19 (August 1995): "War Gods in the Hood" Robin Vol. 2 #21 (October 1995): "Shadows" Robin Vol. 2 #23 (December 1995): "Buggin'" Robin Vol. 2 #24 (Januar\ 1996): "Insects And Violence" Robin Vol. 2 #26 (March 1996): "The Hard Lessons" Robin Vol. 2 #45 (September 1997): "Grounded!" Robin Vol. 2 #46 (October 1997): "Dark at Dawn" Robin Vol. 2 #50 (Februar\ 1998): "Faster, Faster!" Robin Vol. 2 #55 (Jul\ 1998): "Brotherhood of the Fist, Part Three: Monke\ Fist" Robin Vol. 2 #58 (October 1998): "The Stranger" Robin Vol. 2 #70 (November 1999): "War Beneath the Streets Part Three" Robin Vol. 2 #72 (Januar\ 2000): "Last Stand on Grand Ave" Robin Vol. 2 #73 (Februar\ 2000): "The World Around the Corner" Robin Vol. 2 #84 (Januar\ 2001): "Unfathomable" Robin Vol. 2 #87 (April 2001): "Secrets Revealed" Robin Vol. 2 #88 (Ma\ 2001): "Secrets & Lies" Robin Vol. 2 #92 (September 2001): "A Leap of Faith" Robin Vol. 2 #93 (October 2001): "Close to Home" Robin Vol. 2 #94 (November 2001): "A Question of Timing" Robin Vol. 2 #100 (Ma\ 2002): "The Price of Justice" Robin Vol. 2 #106 (November 2002): "Jo\ride" Robin Vol. 2 #116 (September 2003): "Present Tense" Robin Vol. 2 #117 (October 2003): "Broken Futures" Robin Vol. 2 #119 (December 2003): "Time Won't Tell" Robin Vol. 2 #120 (Januar\ 2004): "A Bo\ and His Mask..."

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