THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG · admitted to the MBBS programme. HKU HKDSC 4C + 2X Score HKU Uni 2....


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ISBN 978-988-8314-86-7

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Cover photo credits to NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

Diverse mineralogy exhumed from the Martian subsurface.

The photo on the front cover relates to recently published papers by Dr Joseph Michalski and his colleagues at the Department of Earth Sciences & Laboratory for Space Research at The University of Hong Kong (HKU), that cast increasing doubt on the idea of surface life evolving on Mars. This paradigm-changing research has recently been published in Nature Geoscience (December 2017) and Nature Astronomy (February 2018).

CONTENTS02- Welcome to HKU

04- Why Hong Kong


08- Innovation at Work

10- HKU: Where Top Students Thrive

12- local admissions

14 Mainland China admissions

16- International admissions

18 Our Scholarships

22- An International Education

26- Summer Institute for high schoOl students

28- Academy for the talented

30 Opportunities to Study Abroad

32 Gateway-to china

34 plan your career


2 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

3welcome to hku

The University of Hong Kong (HKU) is Asia’s Global University. From our base in one of the world’s most vibrant and cosmopolitan cities, we generate unique Asian insights into the major challenges facing today’s world. This report explains how we excel globally through highly competitive academic admission standards, outstanding employment opportunities for all our graduates, and internationalization of every aspect of campus life.

For the third year in a row, HKU ranks third in the world for the Most Internationalized University. Our strengths lie not only in the wide diversity of cultures and perspectives brought together on our campus, but also in the extensive range of opportunities we offer for staff and students to go out – whether to other parts of the Greater Bay Area that Hong Kong is developing with its partners in southern China, to other parts of China and Asia, or to more distant parts of the globe.

Alongside exchange semesters at campuses throughout the world, we are currently launching dual degrees with some of the world’s most prestigious universities. Alongside internships with leading global companies, we are opening up entrepreneurship activities in Hong Kong, China and beyond. Alongside a wealth of experiential and service learning programmes that deliver real global impact, we are joining forces with China’s C9 universities to teach liberal arts courses in summer session in Beijing and Shanghai.

The work of making all this happen embraces the entire university. For their contributions to the Global Admissions Profi le, though, I would like particularly to thank my colleagues in the Admissions and Academic Liaison Section of the Registry. We hope you will enjoy reading in this report how and why HKU is Asia’s Global University.

Professor Ian Holliday Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning)


Yu Lynn TanBachelor of Arts, Singapore

Hong Kong's exceptionally vibrant and diverse dining scene will take you on a culinary feast around the world, every day of the week. Plenty of vegetarian and halal food around HKU and Hong Kong!

The food. I can eat any type of world cuisine in Hong Kong.

Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

The safety. I can go anywhere I want,

at anytime.

Hong Kong is ranked as the 9th safest city in the world (Safe Cities Index 2017). The territory’s remarkably low crime rate, advanced digital security, tightly regulated road safety, and excellent healthcare system mean students can make the most of this spectacular city with peace of mind.

Vivien MaoBachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws), USA


Atthaseda AnthonyBachelor of Business Administration, Indonesia

The public transportation system. It,s so easy and cheap to travel by MTR, bus, tram, ferry or taxi.The city’s clean and comprehensive public transport system connects every part of the city with fast and effi cient links by sea, road or underground. A staggering fi ve million passengers use the city’s clean and reliable MTR system every day, which covers 177km of Hong Kong, and reaches as far as the Chinese border.

5why students love hong kong

7A Global Vision: Strength in Unity

6 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

Partnerships with world-class universities and innovative global organisations are an integral part of HKU’s strategy. The university drives the development of joint initiatives with both new and existing international partners to continue exposing students to the world beyond the campus.

Partnering with international qualifications authorities: International Baccalaureate (IB) World Student Conference (WSC)HKU’s long-standing collaboration with the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) is rooted in a shared vision for playing an active role in encouraging young minds to become compassionate world citizens who embrace cultural diversity and equal opportunities. The University continues to train IB teachers and collaborate on events like the Higher Education Symposium and the IB World Student Conference. Around the topic of ‘Education for all: Moving Towards a Gender Fair World’, the IB World Student Conference returns in 2018 to coincide with the IBO’s 50th anniversary.

HeForShe IMPACT Champion Scholarships:

Working with leading international organisationsHKU was the fi rst university in the world to launch the UN Women's HeForShe solidarity movement for gender equality, mobilising one half of humanity in support of the other. The University’s HeForShe scholarship allows talented students from low-ranking UN Gender or Human Development Index countries (those who’ve overcome obstacles related to gender discrimination in their nation) the opportunity to study at HKU. Since its launch in 2016, the University is proud to have welcomed the fi rst group of scholars from Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Laos, Pakistan, and Syria, now studying a diverse range of courses.

Joining hands with global educational bodies:HKU-United World Colleges (UWC) Diversity ScholarshipsThis joint initiative provides opportunities for talented UWC graduates to pursue full-time undergraduate studies at HKU. The University and UWC are united in their goal to turn education into a force to unite people, nations and cultures towards a peaceful and sustainable future. Globally minded UWC students further enhance diversity among HKU’s renowned cosmopolitan body of students.

Engaging companies to create life-changing opportunities: Vietnam Van Thinh Phat ScholarshipsThanks to the generous support of Vietnamese real estate corporation Van Thinh Phat (VTP) Group Holdings, this scholarship paves the way for outstanding Vietnamese students to enrol in specifi c undergraduate programmes at HKU. Worth HK$200,000 per year. Students can elect to study a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance or any undergraduate programme offered by the Faculty of Architecture or Engineering. Graduates have the added benefi t of an optional job placement at VTP.

Teaming up with the world,s top universities:HKU-University of Cambridge Joint Recruitment SchemeAn extension of the highly successful engineering scheme for Mainland Chinese students launched in 2011, HKU nominates undergraduates on this track for assessment by the University of Cambridge. Successful applicants will spend their fi rst two years in HKU’s Faculty of Engineering, followed by the remaining three years in the University of Cambridge’s engineering or computer science and technology departments. On completion of the fi ve-year programme, successful students will graduate with three degrees: a Bachelor’s degree from both universities and a Master of Engineering from the University of Cambridge.


9innovation at work

8 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

HKU’s proactive innovation and entrepreneurship agenda equips ambitious students with the business skills, support, and networks they need to bring new ideas to life.

Driving innovation:iDendroniDendron, the University’s innovation and entrepreneurship hub, supports early-stage start-up projects by HKU students and graduates. The co-working and event space promises to engage and grow a collaborative community for students, staff, alumni and partners, and establish co-operation on entrepreneurial initiatives.

Engineering excellence:DreamLabThe Faculty of Engineering is establishing a fully equipped innovation and entrepreneurship commons for HKU students to network with entrepreneurs from different backgrounds. The collaborative workspace, including over 50 hot desks and full technological support, gives Engineering students a platform to create prototypes, and a head start towards turning their ideas into reality.

Funding start-ups:DreamCatchers 100KThis seed fund supports HKU students and graduates to kick-start their ventures. Each year, 10 winning teams receive a cash prize of HK$100,000 each, and membership of HKU’s iDendron co-working space.

Designing collaboration: MedTech Hackathon Led by Dr Robert Chang from Stanford University, this one-week event brought together students and young professionals from the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) in interdisciplinary teams to tackle healthcare innovation and create prototypes for sustainable healthcare solutions.

Teaching business skills: Entrepreneurship AcademyOrganised by DreamCatchers and the School of Business, this 10-week course teaches innovators critical business skills to help commercialise their ideas, The workshops and seminars, hosted by professionals and academics from various backgrounds, cover a range of topics at the core of entrepreneurship, including digesting information and ideas from multiple perspectives along their business journeys.

Investing in technology:TSSSU@HKUThe Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities (TSSSU), spearheaded by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) of government provides six local universities with up to HK$4 million in annual funding towards supporting technology start-ups. Several HKU researchers have established companies in the key areas of biotechnology, electronics, nanotechnology and material science, among others.

Bringing HKU research to the world: Tech Transfer Office and Versitech HKU is renowned for its world-class research programmes, and in recent years has filed over 1,000 patent applications related to discoveries at the University. Close ties with industry has led to new research projects, broader educational opportunities, and collaborative investments, including:• addition of an entrepreneurship course titled Entrepreneurship: Global and Social Development in HKU’s Common Core Curriculum• inclusion of faculty level courses like Engineering and Entrepreneurship, business design and innovation major as well as other courses in the Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship (ICE) area• creation of the Engineering Research Student Entrepreneurship Club (ERSEC) to bolster ties with the start-up community and build a network of engineering entrepreneurs and HKU graduates• development of the Social Innovation experiential learning programme for social sciences students.


HKU is the leading university that attracts outstanding students from Hong Kong, Mainland China’s top secondary schools, and is a popular choice for talented students from across the globe.

10 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

11hku: where top students thrive



from JUPASor Hong Kong-based students

were received in 2017




from international and Mainland Chinese students


were represented inthe applications

13local admissions

12 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

HKU Uni 2.


HKDSE Best 6 Score

More Medical Students Choose HKU

73%of prospective medical students whoattained 5** in 5 or more subjects were admitted to the MBBS programme.


HKDSC 4C + 2X Score HKU Uni 2. Uni 3.

HKU welcomes the most promising law students

103105out of

top-performing HKDSE students applying for a law degree selected HKU.

LOCAL ADMISSIONSHKU remains the most popular university among the city’s most impressive scholars across a wide variety of fields.

The first choice for exceptional studentsHKU remains the most popular university among the top scoring local students who attained 42/42.

HKU All Other Institutions in HK Combined


2013 2014 2015

Year of Admission

2016 2017

HKDSC 4C + 2X Score

were admitted to HKU in 2017.of the top HKDSE students 83%

14 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

MAINLAND CHINA ADMISSIONS from Mainland Chinese students


Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science)

When I received my admission offer 3 years ago, I would never have imagined the transformative effect my time at HKU would have on my ability and outlook in life. Thanks to HKU's diverse and inclusive environment, on top of its world class international programmes, I have grown from a dependent, shy and introverted high school student to an independent university student at HKU who is happy to make friends from across the globe. During my time at HKU, I have been fortunate to have attended many eye-opening talks delivered by masters from all disciplines such as Jane Goodall, Lang Lang, Eason Chan, Yoshimoto Nara and Kai-Fu Lee. I also had the honour last year to study as a visiting student at Princeton University. This offered me the opportunity to learn under the guidance of Professor Brian Kernighan, one of the creators of Unix, and the chance to befriend and learn from the world's top students.

Eye-opening opportunitiesJingran Zhou

Mainland China Admissions 15


for eachundergraduate place

16 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

Ambitious students globally continue to make HKU their top destination for university. In 2017–18, the University attracted standout scholars from across the world in most major qualifications. Student may stay and work in Hong Kong after graduation. And after seven years of residing in Hong Kong, you'll eligible to apply for permanent residency without having to relinquish your existing nationality.


GCEA 4A*s and above

8320 students

96% and above in Indian Board Examinations 5 students

4A at H2 in the SingaporeA-Levels

6 students

Taiwan GSAT 73/75

and above

30 students

IB 44/45and above

Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Law) & LLB, Sweden

HKU is a leading university and the top-ranking Asian law faculty. The campus is located at the heart of a vibrant and exciting city with fantastic opportunities to travel, even if it’s just to escape the urban jungle for a real jungle. I wanted a programme that could combine my passions for law and social sciences, and the double degree at HKU offers the best of both worlds. One of my most memorable experiences has been working with domestic helpers. I gave a presentation about their legal rights in Hong Kong – truly enlightening.

Everything I wantedVeronika Kramar MandeljINTERNATIONAL


Internetional Admission 17

18 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

Entrance ScholarshipsHKU extends merit-based entrance scholarships of varying degrees to students from all over the world, including fi nancial assistance for tuition fees, accommodation and living expenses.

President’s Scholars ScholarshipsHKU’s top students in any qualifi cation are honoured as ‘President’s Scholars’, and awarded exclusive scholarships or overseas learning opportunities to the value of up to HK$400,000 for six-year students, and HK$300,000 for four-year students. The University currently has 20 scholars from Hong Kong, South Korea, India, Brunei, Taiwan, Australia and the UK, with varying interests in medicine, international business, and engineering. President’s Scholars are also selected as Student Ambassadors to represent the University at events, conferences and seminars.





HKU awarded over HK$200 million (US$25 million) in scholarships,

bursaries, prizes, and accommodation subsidies in 2017.

our Scholarships 19


HKU is committed to developing diversity on campus through providing financial and other assistance to students with different backgrounds, from full scholarships to support for exchange programmes.

More Scholarships• HKU offers generous scholarships for students to attend exchange programmes and other valuable learning experiences with partner universities in over 40 countries around the world.

• The University awards students displaying exceptional performance with prizes and awards to help support their studies.

• Students are eligible to receive competitive awards for specifi c projects, such as service or entrepreneurial learning movements.

20 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

our Scholarships 21

Sports ScholarshipsLaunched in 1995, Hong Kong’s pioneering university sports scholarship provides local and new international students with a proven commitment to the pursuit of both sporting excellence and academics with an alternative admissions path. HKU’s Sport Scholarship Scheme reimburses students to continue training and competing during their studies. To date, over 360 sports scholars have benefi tted from the programme.

Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies, Syrian Arab Republic (HeForShe IMPACT Champion Scholarship recipient)

Through the HeForShe IMPACT Champion Scholarship, I can be the leader I’ve always wanted to be and prove that women are very capable leaders. I always strive to improve myself, and the scholarship gives me a sense of achievement in doing something for, not only myself, but also women in general. I have the chance to distinguish myself academically, feed my curiosity, be an ambassador for the Syrian culture, and get to know the treasure trove of other cultures represented here in Hong Kong.

Working for womenAlaa Sleitaan

leader I’ve always wanted to be and prove that women are very capable leaders. I always strive to improve myself, and the scholarship gives me a sense of achievement in doing something for, not only myself, but also women in general. I have the chance to distinguish myself academically, feed my curiosity, be an ambassador for the Syrian culture, and get to know the treasure trove of other cultures represented here in Hong Kong.

Bachelor of Business Administration (International Business and Global Management), India

Scoring 98.75% in my ISC board examinations opened up several avenues for me. For many years the US, the UK and Singapore were the major higher education destinations of choice. However, trends are changing and, in addition to being a major fi nancial hub with booming career opportunities, Hong Kong offers a world-class education with extremely qualifi ed faculties at an affordable cost. I have received a full scholarship and have been awarded the title of ‘President’s Scholar’ – a testament to my hard work and further motivation to pursue my dreams, no matter how lofty they maybe.

Hong Kong has it allShivang Singh

an international education 23

HKU continues to expand its collaborative programmes with top universities throughout the world, giving students fantastic opportunities to expand and enrich their studies while finding friends and unforgettable experiences abroad.


22 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

yearsin London

yearsin Hong Kong

degrees from 2 leading law schools

HKU–UCL Dual Degree Law ProgrammeThis programme starts with two years in London’s famed UCL, followed by two years in Hong Kong. After fi nishing the course, successful students will receive two Bachelor of Laws degrees from two of the world’s best law schools. Participants not only gain invaluable exposure living and studying in global fi nancial centres, but also the freedom to practice law and take advantage of promising job opportunities in both jurisdictions.

HKU Alumnus, University of Cambridge Joint Recruitment Scheme for Engineering, China

Having studied at both HKU and Cambridge, I count myself as very fortunate to have experienced two excellent universities with different styles. During my studies, I took part in a summer internship at one of the most sought-after hedge fund companies in Hong Kong, using my skills to help develop quantitative trading strategies through a software product based on trading signals and data. Thanks to my internship experience, I am about to start my dream job at a trading fi rm in London.

Securing MY dream jobAndy Zhang

HKU–Sciences Po Dual Degree ProgrammeHKU has joined hands with leading French university Sciences Po to offer HKU students an incredible opportunity to earn two degrees from two top-ranking universities, while gaining a fi rst-hand understanding of the dynamics of Europe and Asia.

yearsin France

yearsin Hong Kong

degrees from universities in Europe and Asia


an international education

Global Admissions Profile 2017-1824

yearsin Hong Kong

yearsin the United Kingdom

degrees from 2 acclaimed international universities

HKU–University ofCambridge Undergraduate Recruitment SchemeSuccessful applicants will spend two years in HKU’s Faculty of Engineering, followed by three years in the University of Cambridge’s engineering or computer science and technology departments. The five-year programme earns graduates a Bachelor’s degree from both universities and a Master of Engineering from the University of Cambridge.

yearsin Asia

yearsin Europe

degrees from 2 of the world’s leading financial centres

HKU–Geneva Dual Degree ProgrammeThis four-year course begins with three years in Hong Kong to obtain a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree, followed by an optional year in the Geneva Graduate Institute’s Master of Arts programme. Renowned as a global hub for diplomacy, picturesque Geneva is Switzerland’s second-largest city, and considered one of the most peaceful in the world. The course is perfectly placed for students who wish to understand and observe the differences between Europe and Asia from a financial and economic standpoint.


Year 2, HKU–UCL Dual Degree Programme, Hong Kong

I chose this programme because the opportunity to qualify in both the UK and Hong Kong is incredibly rare. Understanding both the local and a foreign legal system paves the way for fantastic career opportunities, especially in an increasingly globalised world ruled by multinational corporations.

Careers across continentsHo Chi Yan


Exchange programmeThis popular cross-cultural educational scheme sees fellows in different disciplines from Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, Michigan, Edinburgh and British Columbia work alongside HKU students to teach and mentor secondary students in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Hangzhou. Based on current topics such as fake news, barter games, innovation and global diseases, the self-developed lessons and student-led activities pave the way for benefi cial cultural exchanges and an opportunity for secondary students to broaden their knowledge and frames of reference.


These courses are designed to inspire and educate high school students in their subjects of choice, and help them map out a career path. From arts to architecture, mathematics to science, there is an exceptional selection of immersive programmes for every student to explore.

Young Medical and Healthcare Professionals Summer ProgrammeSecondary students interact with medical students, faculty members and leading experts to gain a solid foundation in the medical fi eld and learn about future career prospects through lectures, interactive workshops, discussion groups, laboratory sessions, and visits. HKU’s hands-on approach means students get to grips with global health issues from every perspective. Former Director-General of the World Health Organisation, Professor Keiji Fukuda, joined a panel of celebrated academics as keynote speaker for a full day conference organized in collaboration with ARCH education during the Young Medical and Healthcare Professional Summer Programme. Key topics of public health, biotechnology, neuroscience and orthopaedics formed the backbone of this priceless learning experience.

26 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

summer institute for high school students

HKU has over 30 programmes for high school students to explore and excel at their interests over the summer. Summer programmes give students the irreplaceable opportunity to travel around the world, and gain a global perspective.

HKU Fellow, Crimson Summer Exchange 2017, Hong Kong

The quote ‘in teaching you will learn’ sums up my experience of the Crimson Summer Exchange programme, which was about so much more than mentoring. The students’ ideas inspired me, and meeting the fellows from different colleges encouraged me to re-evaluate my own knowledge, learning attitude and delivery. I was truly motivated to learn more and improve myself, both as a mentor and as an undergraduate student.

Student becomes teacherFaan Hoi Kiu

Recognising outstanding studentsHKU is proud of its position as a place where exceptional students fl ourish. Top partner schools from around the world can nominate students to undertake a rigorous screening process and become members of the Academy for the Talented. Successful applicants take part in a range of tailored academic programmes and workshops, as well as notable international events such as Nobel Week, to advance their academic and personal development.

Understanding Technology-Academy for the Talented STEM Symposium 2017The Academy for the Talented organised an International Symposium on STEM Education, inviting academics from every fi eld to explore the impact of technology on our lives across business, engineering, mathematics, journalism, healthcare – and even palaeontology – among many others. Over 100 students from 14 countries, including Turkey, Venezuela, India, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and the USA, attended the sessions over three days in Hong Kong.

Creating award-winning leadersMembers of the Academy for the Talented are renowned for winning scholarships, including the Harvard Model Congress Asia 2018 Scholarship, and ranking among the top 10 outstanding barristers at the Hong Kong Inter-School Mock Trial Championship 2017.

28 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

29academy for the talented

Academy for the Talented member and Nobel Week 2017 attendee, Hong Kong

The highlight of our time at Nobel Week 2017 in Stockholm was undoubtedly the Nobel lectures. Laureates of physics, chemistry and economics spoke to us about their fi elds of interest, with particular focus on the technology and studies that turned out to be very lucrative. The speeches were fascinating and went a long way towards satisfying my endless curiosity in various subjects. Very admirable!

Meeting great mindsNat, Yuk Ching Shum


30 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

An impressive network of over 340 exchange partners in 42 countries opens the door for undergraduate students to enhance their studies.

Bachelor of Science, The Univeristy of Sydney, Australia

I’m passionate about improving the quality of life and accessibility of dental services in rural parts of Southeast Asia and Australia. My exchange has given me the soft skills to make my dreams a reality. I’ve learnt from Hong Kong’s successful approaches to managing its ageing population, and gained insight into promoting good oral health in Australia’s most vulnerable communities. Innovation in healthcare needs to target individuals from all socio-economic backgrounds.

Living the dreamEmily Blackburn

HKU,s prominent partners • Boston University • University of Cambridge • Columbia University • Cornell University • Harvard University • John Hopkins University • King’s College London • Massachusetts Institute of Technology • McGill University • University of Oxford • Princeton University • Stanford University • University of Toronto • Yale University

11,312 cross-cultural learning experiences

in 2016-17

HKU organised

9,192 outgoing HKU students

2,120 visiting overseas students

31Opportunities to Study Abroad


I’m passionate about improving the quality of life and accessibility of dental services in rural parts of Southeast Asia and Australia. My exchange has given me the soft skills to make my dreams a reality. I’ve learnt from Hong Kong’s successful approaches to managing its ageing population, and gained insight into promoting good oral health in Australia’s most vulnerable communities. Innovation in healthcare needs to target individuals from all socio-economic backgrounds.

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, Hong Kong

I spent my time at the University of Cambridge studying and enjoying activities like punting along the river of Cambridge, travelling to cities in the UK, and to my own surprise, performing in the programme’s Open Mic Night. What impressed me most were the lectures, my professors, and the people I met who inspired me to be a successful leader.

Exceeding expectations at CambridgeClement Ku

gateway to china 33

32 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18

Learn, Live, and Intern in China (LLIC) Programme

Founded in 2008, HKU’s exclusive LLIC programme places undergraduates from HKU and around the world in a nine-week internship (that’s typically unrelated to their major) for practical work experience and an insight into the local culture and business practices in Mainland China. Generous funding and limited numbers contribute to the scheme’s popularity, attracting participants from top universities like Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Cornell, Pennsylvania, Yale, Cambridge, and Oxford.

Dali GO! Competition

This two-week programme brings together students from Hong Kong, Macau and the Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture in a cross-border collaboration to formulate innovative yet practical development plans for Dali’s economic and social development. Supported by China’s Ministry of Education, the competition prepares students through intensive lectures and on-site visits to local industries and entrepreneurs.

GATEWAY TO CHINA HKU’s fruitful ties with bordering Mainland China offer

students the opportunity to gain work and life exposure in one of the world’s most intriguing markets. Students can apply to travel to China and participate in unique internships and learning experiences through the University’s unrivalled array of Mainland-focused programmes.

Greater Bay areaThe Chinese government is fast developing a national planto link nine major cities in Guangdong province including Hong Kong and Macau into an integrated economic and business hub, which is named as the ‘Greater Bay Area’. The Greater Bay Area will become a world-class bay area, and play a leading role in advanced manufacturing, innovation, shipping, trade and fi nance, a region roughly the size of Germany. It is already home to Chinese technology giants Tencent and Huawei. • The GDP of Greater Bay Area is around 1,300 Billion USD which is higher than Australia, Spain and Mexico.

• The population of Greater Bay Area at 68 million people is higher than the UK, South Africa and Korea.

• Apart from the obvious advantages in many areas of the manufacturing industry, the Bay Area has a very prosperous tourism industry characterized by big market size and large numbers of visitors.

• The Bay Area also leads in insurance, fi nance, technology, real estate development, automobile and home appliance manufacturing, etc., and some of the industries even outpace their global counterparts.

• Compared with the rest of the country, the 9+2 cities are better developed, have greater demands and are better positioned to be developed into smart cities.

(Source: PwC China and Fung Business Intelligence)

Belt and RoadBelt and Road Initiative is a development strategy designed to improve trade, infrastructure and cooperation between China and the rest of Eurasia. The strategy aims to bring together the old Silk Road Network of land and maritime routes. The economic belt has more than 60 countries where Chinese resources are being redirected. The Belt and Road countries produce 75% of the world’s energy resources, and this estimated US$18 trillion development will attract students from around the world to the region.

34 Global Admissions Profile 2017-18


HKU has arguably the best employment record of any university in the world, attracting increasing numbers of students from far and wide to kick-start their careers in Asia’s leading home of business. Employers value HKU as it has a phenomenal employment record, with nearly all graduates securing employment for the past 11 consecutive years.

Extensive InternshipsHKU offers internships across most of its disciplines throughout each term. Students can choose from a multitude of opportunities locally, on campus, or abroad to explore their career prospects and gain a deeper understanding of the working world. Those traveling abroad have an invaluable chance to challenge their perspectives and live like a local in a foreign country.

Overseas Internship ProgrammeHKU collaborates with the Academic Internship Council to expand internship opportunities for University students abroad through the Overseas Internship Programme. The programme places students in fascinating world cities like Mumbai, Toronto, San Francisco and New York City – among many others – to experience working and living in a different country. In addition to embracing a new culture, each participant also gains perspective, tolerance and resilience along his or her journey towards becoming a true global citizen.



for the past 11 years employment rate

Stay On and StudyFor HKU’s non-local graduates who wish to move onto postgraduate study, staying in Hong Kong after graduation is the preferred option:

35plan your career

85%of non-local graduates

seeking employment chose to remain and work in Hong Kong

40%of graduates

secured job offers prior to graduation

Bachelor of Engineering Science, Indonesia

My fi rst internship experience in Hong Kong was with a start-up that helped companies conserve energy through live and granular data – my fi rst introduction to data science and analytics. During my second internship working in a NTHU FIN research lab in Taiwan, I had the chance to further explore data science and machine learning, which advanced my technical skills in coding and data analysis, mainly neural networks. These internships really helped me to put my learning into practice, and develop my skills and capabilities.

Keeping it realArchie Wiranata

37.7% chose to remain in Hong Kong

36.5% moved to the USA

10.3% moved to the UK

moved to Canada4%

moved to Mainland China2.4%

moved to Australia1.6%chose to study elsewhere7.9%( (













Australia Australian National UniversityAustralia Deakin UniversityAustralia Flinders UniversityAustralia Griffith UniversityAustralia Macquarie UniversityAustralia Monash UniversityAustralia Murdoch UniversityAustralia The University of AdelaideAustralia The University of Melbourne Australia The University of Queensland Australia The University of Sydney Australia The University of Western Australia Australia University of New England Australia University of New South Wales Austria Academy of Fine Arts ViennaAustria Technology University of ViennaAustria University of Innsbruck Austria University of Salzburg Austria Upper Austrian University of Applied SciencesAustria Vienna University of Economics and BusinessBelgium University of Leuven Brazil University of Sao Paulo Brazil UNICAMPBrunei Darussalam Universiti Brunei DarussalamCanada Bishop's University Canada McGill UniversityCanada Queen's UniversityCanada Quest UniversityCanada Simon Fraser UniversityCanada The University of British Columbia Canada University of AlbertaCanada University of Calgary Canada University of Montreal Canada University of Ottawa Canada University of Prince Edward Island Canada University of Toronto Canada University of Victoria Canada University of Waterloo Canada University of Western Ontario Canada Wilfrid Laurier University Canada York University Chile The Pontifical Catholic University of ChileChina Beijing Normal UniversityChina China University of Political Science and LawChina Fourth Military Medical University China Fudan UniversityChina Fujian Medical UniversityChina Guangzhou Medical UniversityChina Harbin Institute of TechnologyChina Nanjing UniversityChina Peking Union Medical CollegeChina Peking UniversityChina Renmin University of ChinaChina Second Military Medical UniversityChina Shandong UniversityChina Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityChina Shanghai Maritime University China Sichuan UniversityChina Sun Yat Sen UniversityChina Third Military Medical UniversityChina Tianjin UniversityChina Tongji UniversityChina Tsinghua UniversityChina Wuhan UniversityChina Xiamen UniversityChina Xi'an Jiaotong UniversityChina Zhejiang UniversityDenmark Aarhus UniversityDenmark University of CopenhagenDenmark Danish School of Media and Journalism Finland Aalto UniversityFinland University of HelsinkiFinland University of Eastern FinlandFinland University of Turku France "n+i" Engineering Institutes France Alliance Francaise BordeauxFrance Ecole Nationale Supérieure AgronomiqueFrance EDHEC Business School France IMEF- Institut European de Francais - MontpellierFrance Institut d'études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po)France Institut d'études politiques de Toulouse (Sciences Po Toulouse)France Lille Catholic UniversityFrance National Chemical Engineering Institute in Paris (Chimie ParisTech)France National School for Statistics and Information AnalysisFrance University of Paris-Dauphine France Télécom Ecole de Management

UK The University of Aberdeen UK The University of Edinburgh UK The University of Manchester UK The University of Nottingham UK The University of Sheffield UK The University of Warwick UK University of Bath UK University of Birmingham UK University of Bristol UK University of Cambridge UK University of Dundee UK University of Durham UK University of East Anglia UK University of Essex UK University of Exeter UK University of Glasgow UK University of Hull Hull UK University of Kent UK University of Leeds UK University of LeicesterUK University of Liverpool UK University of Oxford UK University of Southampton UK University of St. Andrews UK University of Stirling UK University of Surrey UK University of Sussex UK University College LondonUK University of York Uruguay University of Montevideo USA Ball State UniversityUSA Bentley UniversityUSA Boston CollegeUSA Boston UniversityUSA Brooklyn Law SchoolUSA Case Western Reserve University USA Columbia University USA Cornell University USA Drexel UniversityUSA Duke UniversityUSA Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University USA Florida International UniversityUSA George Washington UniversityUSA Georgetown UniversityUSA Harvard UniversityUSA Illinois State UniversityUSA Indiana UniversityUSA Ithaca CollegeUSA Johns Hopkins UniversityUSA Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUSA Mount Holyoke CollegeUSA New York University USA Northeastern UniversityUSA Northwestern UniversityUSA Oberlin CollegeUSA Princeton UniversityUSA Purdue UniversityUSA Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey USA Stanford UniversityUSA The Ohio State UniversityUSA The Pennsylvania State UniversityUSA The University of Arizona USA The University of Georgia USA The University of Hawaii at ManoaUSA The University of Kansas USA The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillUSA The University of North Carolina at CharlotteUSA Tufts UniversityUSA Tulane UniversityUSA University of California USA University of Chicago USA University of Connecticut USA University of Denver USA University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUSA University of Maryland USA University of Michigan USA University of Missouri USA University of New Mexico USA University of Notre Dame USA University of Oregon USA University of Pennsylvania USA University of Pittsburgh USA University of Richmond USA University of Southern California USA University of the Pacific USA University of Virginia USA University of Washington USA University of Wisconsin–Madison USA Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University USA Washington University in St. LouisUSA Wellesley College USA Winona State UniversityUSA Yale University

Malaysia University of Science Malaysia Mexico University of Monterrey Mexico The Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher EducationMongolia Institute of Engineering and TechnologyMongolia National University of MongoliaNetherlands Eindhoven University of TechnologyNetherlands Erasmus University Rotterdam Netherlands Leiden University Netherlands Maastricht UniversityNetherlands Tilburg University Netherlands University of Amsterdam Netherlands University of Groningen Netherlands Utrecht UniversityNew Zealand The University of Auckland New Zealand University of Canterbury New Zealand University of Otago Norway BI Norwegian School of ManagementNorway University of Bergen Norway University of Oslo Philippines Our Lady of Fatima UniversityPoland Warsaw University of TechnologyRussia Far Eastern Federal University Russia Herzen State Pedagogical University Russia Lomonosov Moscow State University Russia Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University)Russia National Research University Higher School of EconomicsSingapore Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore National University of SingaporeSingapore Singapore Management UniversitySouth Africa Stellenbosch UniversitySouth Africa University of Johannesburg South Korea Ewha Womans UniversitySouth Korea Hanyang UniversitySouth Korea Jeju National UniversitySouth Korea Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)South Korea Korea UniversitySouth Korea Pusan National UniversitySouth Korea Seoul National UniversitySouth Korea Sungkyunkwan UniversitySouth Korea Sungshin UniversitySouth Korea Yonsei UniversitySpain Escuela Don Quijote (Sevilla)Spain IE University Spain Nebrija Universidad Spain Pompeu Fabra UniversitySpain Universidad Internacional Menéndez PelayoSpain University of Alcalá Spain University of Alicante Spain University of Granada Spain University of Navarra Spain University of Salamanca Spain University of Santiago de Compostela Sweden Jönköping University Sweden Karolinska InstituteSweden Lund UniversitySweden Stockholm UniversitySweden University of Gothenburg Sweden Uppsala UniversitySwitzerland ETH - Zürich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich )Switzerland University of Lausanne Switzerland University of St. Gallen Switzerland University of Geneva Switzerland University of Zurich Taiwan Kaohsiung Medical UniversityTaiwan National Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan National Chengchi UniversityTaiwan National Chiao Tung UniversityTaiwan National Taiwan Normal UniversityTaiwan National Taiwan UniversityTaiwan National Tsinghua UniversityTaiwan Taipei Medical UniversityThailand Chiangmai UniversityThailand Chulalongkorn UniversityThailand Khon Kaen UniversityThailand Mahidol UniversityThailand Prince of Songkla UniversityThailand Thammasat UniversityTurkey KOC University Turkey Sabanci University UK Cardiff UniversityUK City University LondonUK Edinburgh Napier UniversityUK Imperial College LondonUK King's College LondonUK London School of Economics and Political ScienceUK Newcastle UniversityUK Queen Mary University of LondonUK Royal Holloway, University of London






France The Catholic University of ParisFrance Toulouse School of EconomicsFrance Universite de BourgogneFrance Université Lumière Lyon 2 France Universite of Rennes 2France Universite Stenhal Grenoble 3France University Jean Moulin - Lyon 3France University Marc Bloch of StrasbourgGermany Bucerius Law SchoolGermany Dresden University of TechnologyGermany EBS University of Business and LawGermany European Business School Germany Hochschule Bremen-University of Applied SciencesGermany Frankfurt School of Finance & ManagementGermany International University of Applied Sciences Bad Honnef-Bonn Germany Ludwig Maximilians University MunichGermany Munich Business SchoolGermany Pforzheim University Germany Regensburg University of Applied SciencesGermany Technische Universität Darmstadt Germany Technische Universität München Germany Tübingen (Eberhard Karls Universität) Germany University of Bayreuth Germany University of Bonn Germany University of BremenGermany University of Freiburg Germany University of Heidelberg Germany University of KasselGermany University of Koblenz-Landau Germany University of Konstanz Germany University of MannheimIndia Rajan Dental InstituteIndia Sri Ramachandra UniversityIndia Shri Ram College of CommerceIndia University of Delhi Indonesia Baiturrahmah UniversityIndonesia Gadjah Mada UniversityIndonesia Trisakti UniversityIndonesia University of IndonesiaIreland Trinity College Dublin Ireland University College Dublin Israel Bar Ilan University Israel Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel Interdisciplinary Center HerzliyaIsrael Tel Aviv UniversityItaly Bocconi UniversityItaly LUISS Guido CarliItaly Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Italy Universita degli Studi di PerugiaItaly Universita di CagliariJapan Akita International UniversityJapan Chuo UniversityJapan Hiroshima UniversityJapan Hitotsubashi UniversityJapan Hokkaido UniversityJapan Hokkaido University of EducationJapan International Christian UniversityJapan Juntendo UniversityJapan Kagoshima Asia-Pacific Intercultural CenterJapan Kansai Gaidai UniversityJapan Keio UniversityJapan Kobe UniversityJapan Kyoto UniversityJapan Kyushu UniversityJapan Meiji UniversityJapan Nagoya City UniversityJapan Nagoya UniversityJapan Niigata UniversityJapan Oita UniversityJapan Osaka UniversityJapan Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific UniversityJapan Ritsumeikan UniversityJapan Showa UniversityJapan Sojo University Japan Soka UniversityJapan Sophia UniversityJapan Tokushima Bunri UniversityJapan The University of Tokyo Japan Tokyo Gakugei UniversityJapan Tokyo University of Foreign StudiesJapan Tsurumi UniversityJapan Utsunomiya UniversityJapan Waseda UniversityKyrgyzstan The American University of Central Asia Latvia University of Latvia Lithuania Vilnius University Luxembourg University of Luxembourg Macau Institute for Tourism StudiesMacau University of Macau Malaysia International Islamic University MalaysiaMalaysia University of Malaya

Global Admissions Profile 2017-1836

37global partner list















Afghanistan Marefat High SchoolAustralia All Saints Anglican SchoolAustralia Brisbane Grammar SchoolAustralia Masada CollegeAustralia Meriden SchoolAustralia Narrabundah CollegeAustralia Newtown High School Of The Performing ArtsAustralia The Kilmore International SchoolAustria Saint Gilgen International SchoolAzerbaijan Istak LyceumBahrain British School of BahrainBangladesh Academia SchoolBangladesh Anandaniketan SchoolBangladesh Bangladesh International School and College, DhakaBangladesh Chittagong Grammar School, ChittagongBangladesh Cider International SchoolBangladesh Dhanmondi TutorialBangladesh DPS Sts School DhakaBangladesh International Turkish Hope SchoolBangladesh Mangrove SchoolBangladesh Mastermind School, DhakaBangladesh Oxford International School, DhakaBangladesh Paramount School and CollegeBangladesh PlaypenBangladesh Presidency International SchoolBangladesh Sir John Wilson SchoolBangladesh Sunnydale School, DhakaBangladesh The Aga Khan School, DhakaBelgium International School of BrusselsBrunei International School BruneiCambodia Hope International SchoolCambodia Northbridge International School CambodiaCameroon Lycée Français Donique SavioCanada Branksome HallCanada Columbia International CollegeCanada Crestwood Preparatory CollegeCanada Crofton House SchoolCanada Don Mills Collegiate InstituteCanada Father Michael McGivney Catholic AcademyCanada Havergal CollegeCanada Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary SchoolCanada Horton High SchoolCanada J.N. Burnett Secondary SchoolCanada Meadowridge SchoolCanada New Westminster Secondary SchoolCanada Ontario International CollegeCanada Pierre Elliott Trudeau High SchoolCanada Point Grey Secondary SchoolCanada Prince of Wales Secondary SchoolCanada RC Palmer Secondary SchoolCanada Richmond Secondary SchoolCanada Semiahmoo Secondary SchoolCanada St Joseph's College SchoolCanada St. Mildred's - Lightbourn SchoolCanada Suon CollegeCzech Republic Carlsbad International SchoolEgypt Cairo American CollegeEgypt Dar El Tarbiah SchoolEgypt The British School In CairoEstonia International School of EstoniaFrance College StanislasFrance Ecole Active Bilingue Jeannine Manuel - ParisFrance IBS of Provence- Ecole Internationale FranceFrance Lycée Fernand DarchicourtFrance Lycée Younoussa BamanaFrance Ste Marie De NeuillyGermany Franconian International SchoolGermany Frankfurt International SchoolGermany Hohenlohe-Gymnasium ÖhringenGermany ISF Internationale Schule Frankfurt-Rhein-MainGermany Salem International CollegeGermany Schule Schloss SalemGermany UWC Robert Bosch CollegeHungary Torok Ignac GimnaziumIndia Aditya Birla Public SchoolIndia Akshar Arbol International SchoolIndia American Embassy School

Kazakhstan Nazarbayev Intellectual SchoolKazakhstan Nazarbayev Intellectual School of AstanaKazakhstan Nurorda SchoolKazakhstan Republican Specialized Physics- Mathematics Secondary Boarding School for Gifted StudentsKazakhstan Semey Kazakh Turkish High SchoolKazakhstan Tien Shan International SchoolLaos Vientiane International SchoolLatvia International School of LatviaLatvia Riga State Gymnasium No. 1Latvia Riga State Gymnasium Nr. 2Macau, SAR of PRC Chan Sui Ki Perpetual Help CollegeMacau, SAR of PRC Colegio De Santa Rosa De Lima (Chinese Secondary)Macau, SAR of PRC Colegio De Santa Rosa De Lima (English Secondary)Macau, SAR of PRC Pui Ching Middle SchoolMacau, SAR of PRC Sacred Heart Canossian CollegeMacau, SAR of PRC School of the NationsMacau, SAR of PRC The International School of MacaoMacau, SAR of PRC Yuet Wah CollegeMalaysia Chong Hwa Independent High School Kuala LumpurMalaysia Chung Hua High School SerembanMalaysia Chung Ling Private High SchoolMalaysia Fairview International School Kuala LumpurMalaysia Help AcademyMalaysia Hin Hua High School KlangMalaysia International School Kuala LumpurMalaysia International School of Kuala LumpurMalaysia Inti International College PenangMalaysia KDU Penang University CollegeMalaysia Kolej Tuanku Ja'AfarMalaysia Kolej Yayasan UemMalaysia Kuen Cheng High SchoolMalaysia Lodge International SchoolMalaysia Marlborough CollegeMalaysia Methodist College Kuala LumpurMalaysia Pay Fong High SchoolMalaysia Sayfol International SchoolMalaysia Sunway College Johor BahruMalaysia Sunway College Kuala LumpurMalaysia Sunway College Malaysia Taylor's College Sri HartamasMalaysia Taylor's College Subang JayaMalaysia The Alice Smith SchoolMalaysia The International School of Penang (Uplands)Malaysia Tsun Jin High School Kuala LumpurMalaysia UCSI International SchoolMauritius Collège du Saint EspritMexico Greengates SchoolMozambique American International School of MozambiqueMyanmar International School YangonNetherlands European School BergenNetherlands International School of AmsterdamNetherlands Lycée français Vincent Van GoghNetherlands United World College MaastrichtNew Zealand Auckland International CollegeNew Zealand Columba CollegeNew Zealand Kristin SchoolNew Zealand Scots CollegeNew Zealand Takapuna Grammar SchoolNorway Færder Videregående SkoleNorway International School Of StavangerNorway Molde Videregående SkoleNorway Red Cross Nordic United World CollegePakistan Aitchison CollegePakistan Beaconhouse College Campus, Defence, KarachiPakistan Beaconhouse Defence Campus LahorePakistan Beaconhouse Defence Campus, LahorePakistan Beaconhouse School System (Frontier Campus A-Levels Branch)Pakistan Beaconhouse School System Wah CanttPakistan Beaconhouse School System, AljtPakistan Beaconhouse School System, Main CampusPakistan Beaconhouse School System, Margalla CampusPakistan Beaconhouse School System, Pechs CampusPakistan Chenab College JhangPakistan Edwardes College PeshawarPakistan FFC Grammar School Mirpur MatheloPakistan Karachi Grammar SchoolPakistan Lahore College of Arts and Sciences

Global Admissions Profile 2017-1838

39global partner list

India American International School, ChennaiIndia Amity International School, Mayur ViharIndia Amity International School, NoidaIndia Amity International School, Pushp ViharIndia Amity International School, SaketIndia Apeejay SchoolIndia Bala Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary SchoolIndia Birla Vidya NiketanIndia Bishop Cotton Boys' SchoolIndia British School, New DelhiIndia Central Academy Senior Secondary SchoolIndia Chettinad VidyashramIndia Chinmaya International Residential School, CoimbatoreIndia Chinmaya VidyalayaIndia Choithram InternationalIndia City Montessori Inter CollegeIndia City Montessori SchoolIndia City Montessori School, GomtinagarIndia CPS Global School India D.A.V. Public School, ChandrasekharpurIndia DAV Public School New ShimlaIndia Delhi Public School Bangalore NorthIndia Delhi Public School InternationalIndia Delhi Public School MegacityIndia Delhi Public School VaranasiIndia Delhi Public School, Azaad NagarIndia Delhi Public School, Bangalore EastIndia Delhi Public School, Bangalore SouthIndia Delhi Public School, DwarkaIndia Delhi Public School, FaridabadIndia Delhi Public School, GhaziabadIndia Delhi Public School, HyderabadIndia Delhi Public School, IndoreIndia Delhi Public School, JammuIndia Delhi Public School, JodhpurIndia Delhi Public School, KalyanpurIndia Delhi Public School, Mathura RoadIndia Delhi Public School, MumbaiIndia Delhi Public School, NacharamIndia Delhi Public School, NoidaIndia Delhi Public School, R.K.Puram, New DelhiIndia Delhi Public School, Sector 45, GurgaonIndia Delhi Public School, Vasant KunjIndia Dhirubhai Ambani International SchoolIndia Don Bosco High SchoolIndia Dr. Virendra Swarup Education CentreIndia GD Goenka World School, HaryanaIndia Genesis Global SchoolIndia Greenwood High International SchoolIndia HAL Public School, BangaloreIndia Heritage SchoolIndia Indus International SchoolIndia Jamnabai Narsee SchoolIndia Jayshree Periwal International SchoolIndia JG International SchoolIndia Kodaikanal International SchoolIndia La Martiniere CollegeIndia La Martiniere for Boys, KolkataIndia La Martiniere Girls' College, LucknowIndia Lady Shri Ram CollegeIndia Lakshmipat Singhania AcademyIndia Loreto Convent Intermediate CollegeIndia Maharishi Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary SchoolIndia Mahindra United World CollegeIndia Manav Sthali SchoolIndia Mayo College Girls' SchoolIndia Methodist High SchoolIndia Modern School, Barakhamba RoadIndia Modern School, Vasant ViharIndia Narayana Iit AcademyIndia National Public SchoolIndia National Public School, IndiranagarIndia National Public School, KoramangalaIndia Neerja Modi SchoolIndia NSS Hill Spring International SchoolIndia Oakridge International SchoolIndia Oberoi International SchoolIndia Pathways SchoolIndia Pathways World SchoolIndia Pathways World School AravaliIndia R.N. Podar SchoolIndia RBK International AcademyIndia Ryan International SchoolIndia Sacred Heart Senior Secondary SchoolIndia Sanskriti SchoolIndia Sardar Patel Vidyalaya

India Sarvodaya Senior Secondary School, KotaIndia Scottish High International SchoolIndia Seedling International AcademyIndia Shishya SchoolIndia Singapore International School, MumbaiIndia Sishya SchoolIndia Sophia High SchoolIndia Springdales School, Dhaula KuanIndia Springdales School, Pusa RoadIndia Sree Kashyap Junior CollegeIndia St Francis' CollegeIndia St. Columba's SchoolIndia St. James' School, KolkataIndia St. Joseph's AcademyIndia St. Joseph's Boys' High SchoolIndia St. Vincent's High And Technical SchoolIndia St. Xavier's Collegiate SchoolIndia St. Xavier's SchoolIndia Step by Step International SchoolIndia Step By Step SchoolIndia Study Hall Educational FoundationIndia SVKM JV Parekh International SchoolIndia Swaraj India Public SchoolIndia Symbiosis International SchoolIndia The Amaatra AcademyIndia The Doon SchoolIndia The Heritage SchoolIndia The Heritage School, GurgaonIndia The Indian Public SchoolIndia The Lawrence SchoolIndia The Sri Ram School, AravaliIndia The Sri Ram School, MoulsariIndia Vasant Valley SchoolIndia Venkateshwar International SchoolIndia Vidya Niketan SchoolIndia Vivek High SchoolIndia Welham Girls' SchoolIndia Yadavindra Public SchoolIndonesia Bandung Independent SchoolIndonesia Bina Bangsa School - Kebon JerukIndonesia Bina Bangsa School - Pantai Indah KapukIndonesia BINUS School SimprugIndonesia British School JakartaIndonesia Canggu Community SchoolIndonesia Gandhi Memorial International School BaliIndonesia Gandhi Memorial International School JakartaIndonesia Ichthus SchoolIndonesia Jakarta Intercultural SchoolIndonesia Penabur International Kelapa Gading Indonesia Penabur International Tanjung Duren Indonesia Raffles Christian SchoolIndonesia Santa LaurensiaIndonesia Sekolah Ciputra, SurabayaIndonesia Sekolah Dian HarapanIndonesia Sekolah Menengah Atas KanisiusIndonesia Sekolah Pelita Harapan Kemang VillageIndonesia Sekolah Pelita Harapan Lippo VillageIndonesia Sekolah Tiara Bangsa - ACS JakartaIndonesia Sinarmas World AcademyIndonesia Singapore School, Kelapa GadingIndonesia Singapore School, MedanIndonesia Sma Ignatius Global SchoolIndonesia Sma Swasta Sutomo 1 MedanIndonesia Smak 1 Bpk Penabur JakartaIndonesia Smak 5 Bpk Penabur Kelapa GadingIndonesia Smak Ipeka Puri IndahIndonesia Smak Penabur Gading SerpongIndonesia Springfield International SchoolIndonesia Stella Maris SchoolItaly American School of MilanItaly Convitto Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele IIItaly Educandato Statale Emanuela Setti Carraro Dalla ChiesaItaly IIS Mosè BianchiItaly Liceo Scientifico Guglielmo OberdanItaly St George's British International SchoolItaly United World College of the AdriaticJapan International School Of Asia, KaruizawaJapan K. International School TokyoJapan Saint Maur International SchoolJapan Seisen International SchoolJapan Yokohama International SchoolKazakhstan Almaty Kazak-Turkish Lyceum for Gifted Boys / Almaty High School for BoysKazakhstan Astana Kazak-Turkish Lyceum for Gifted Boys / Astana High School for BoysKazakhstan Astana Kazak-Turkish Lyceum for Gifted Girls / Astana High School for Girls

(Bpk Penabur)(Bpk Penabur)

Pakistan Lahore Grammar School, Gulberg CampusPakistan Lahore Grammar School, Johar TownPakistan Nixor CollegePakistan Noor CollegePakistan Roots International Schools Gandhara CampusPakistan St. Michael's Convent SchoolPakistan St. Patrick's High SchoolPakistan Super Nova SchoolPakistan The City School Capital CampusPakistan The City School, PAF ChapterPakistan The Lyceum School, KarachiPhilippines Brent International School BaguioPhilippines Brent International School ManilaPhilippines Brent International School SubicPhilippines Cebu International SchoolPhilippines Chinese International School ManilaPhilippines De La Salle Santiago Zobel SchoolPhilippines International School ManilaPhilippines Jubilee Christian AcademyPhilippines Singapore School ManilaPhilippines Xavier SchoolPoland Iii Liceum Ogolonoksztalcace Im. Adama MickiewiczaQatar Sherborne Qatar Senior SchoolRwanda Green Hills AcademySaudi Arabia American International School in RiyadhSaudi Arabia Pakistan International School JeddahSingapore Anderson Junior CollegeSingapore Anglo-Chinese Junior CollegeSingapore Anglo-Chinese School (International)Singapore Australian International School SingaporeSingapore Catholic Junior CollegeSingapore Dimensions International CollegeSingapore Dunman High SchoolSingapore Fis InstituteSingapore Global Indian International School Queenstown SingaporeSingapore Hwa Chong InstitutionSingapore Hwa Chong International SchoolSingapore Lycee Francais De SingapourSingapore Meridian Junior CollegeSingapore Nanyang Junior CollegeSingapore National Junior CollegeSingapore Nexus International School SingaporeSingapore Overseas Family SchoolSingapore Raffles InstitutionSingapore River Valley High SchoolSingapore Serangoon Junior CollegeSingapore St Andrew's Junior CollegeSingapore St Joseph's Institution InternationalSingapore St. Joseph's InstitutionSingapore Stalford AcademySingapore Stamford American International SchoolSingapore Temasek Junior CollegeSingapore United World College of South East Asia, DoverSingapore United World College of South East Asia, East CoastSingapore Victoria Junior CollegeSingapore Yishun Junior CollegeSlovakia British International School of BratislavaSlovakia Gymnazium Jura HroncaSouth Korea Asia Pacific International SchoolSouth Korea Branksome Hall AsiaSouth Korea Bugil AcademySouth Korea Busan Foreign SchoolSouth Korea Busan International Foreign SchoolSouth Korea Chadwick InternationalSouth Korea Cheong Shim International AcademySouth Korea Cheongna Dalton SchoolSouth Korea Chosun EducationSouth Korea Dulwich College SeoulSouth Korea Dwight School SeoulSouth Korea French School of SeoulSouth Korea Gyeonggi Academy of Foreign LanguagesSouth Korea Gyeonggi Suwon International SchoolSouth Korea Hankuk Academy of Foreign StudiesSouth Korea Hanyoung Foreign Language High SchoolSouth Korea Korea International InstituteSouth Korea Korea International SchoolSouth Korea Korea International School JejuSouth Korea Korean Minjok Leadership AcademySouth Korea North London Collegiate School JejuSouth Korea Seoul Global High SchoolSouth Korea Seoul International SchoolSouth Korea Taejon Christian International SchoolSouth Korea Ymk College

United Kingdom Rugby SchoolUnited Kingdom Ruthin SchoolUnited Kingdom Sevenoaks SchoolUnited Kingdom Shrewsbury SchoolUnited Kingdom Sir Roger Manwood's SchoolUnited Kingdom St Catherine's School BramleyUnited Kingdom St Edward's School OxfordUnited Kingdom St Margaret's School BusheyUnited Kingdom St Mary's School CalneUnited Kingdom St Mary's School CambridgeUnited Kingdom St Michael's SchoolUnited Kingdom St Peter's SchoolUnited Kingdom St Swithun's SchoolUnited Kingdom St Teresa's School DorkingUnited Kingdom Steyning Grammar SchoolUnited Kingdom Sussex Downs CollegeUnited Kingdom Talbot Heath School For GirlsUnited Kingdom The College of Richard CollyerUnited Kingdom The Grey Coat HospitalUnited Kingdom The Kings School ElyUnited Kingdom The Priory Academy LsstUnited Kingdom The Royal Masonic School For GirlsUnited Kingdom Tonbridge SchoolUnited Kingdom Truro SchoolUnited Kingdom Uppingham SchoolUnited Kingdom UWC Atlantic CollegeUnited Kingdom Warwick SchoolUnited Kingdom Wellington CollegeUnited Kingdom Wellington SchoolUnited Kingdom Wells Cathedral SchoolUnited Kingdom West Buckland SchoolUnited Kingdom Westminster SchoolUnited Kingdom Whitgift SchoolUnited Kingdom Winchester CollegeUnited Kingdom Woldingham SchoolUnited Kingdom Wycombe AbbeyUnited States of America Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter SchoolUnited States of America Amador Valley High SchoolUnited States of America Avon Old Farms SchoolUnited States of America Bergen Catholic High SchoolUnited States of America Blair AcademyUnited States of America Brea Olinda High SchoolUnited States of America C. Leon King High SchoolUnited States of America Charleston County School of The ArtsUnited States of America City College of San FranciscoUnited States of America Cotter High SchoolUnited States of America Davis Senior High SchoolUnited States of America De Anza CollegeUnited States of America Eastern Christian High SchoolUnited States of America Friends Central SchoolUnited States of America Highland Park High SchoolUnited States of America Holy Cross High SchoolUnited States of America Holy Trinity Episcopal AcademyUnited States of America Jserra Catholic High SchoolUnited States of America Lake Forest AcademyUnited States of America Loomis Chaffee SchoolUnited States of America Miss Hall's SchoolUnited States of America Miss Porter's SchoolUnited States of America River Hill High SchoolUnited States of America Saint Francis Preparatory School (NY)United States of America Santa Monica CollegeUnited States of America South Eugene High SchoolUnited States of America St. Anne's-Belfield SchoolUnited States of America Summit High SchoolUnited States of America The Linsly SchoolUnited States of America Union Catholic Regional High SchoolUnited States of America Walnut High SchoolUnited States of America Walt Whitman High SchoolUzbekistan Tashkent International SchoolVietnam Abc International SchoolVietnam Australian International School SaigonVietnam British International School Ho Chi Minh CityVietnam European International School HCMCVietnam Hanoi International SchoolVietnam International School Ho Chi Minh CityVietnam Renaissance International School SaigonVietnam Saigon South International SchoolVietnam United Nations International School HanoiVietnam Vnu - Hcm High School for the GiftedZimbabwe Dominican Convent High School, Harare

United Kingdom Bellerbys College BrightonUnited Kingdom Benenden SchoolUnited Kingdom Berkhamsted SchoolUnited Kingdom Bishop's Stortford CollegeUnited Kingdom Bosworth Independent CollegeUnited Kingdom Brentwood SchoolUnited Kingdom Brighton CollegeUnited Kingdom Brockenhurst CollegeUnited Kingdom Bromsgrove Senior SchoolUnited Kingdom Campbell College BelfastUnited Kingdom Cardiff Sixth Form CollegeUnited Kingdom Caterham SchoolUnited Kingdom Cats College CambridgeUnited Kingdom Charterhouse SchoolUnited Kingdom Cheltenham Ladies CollegeUnited Kingdom Chigwell SchoolUnited Kingdom Christ College BreconUnited Kingdom Christ's HospitalUnited Kingdom City of London Freemens' SchoolUnited Kingdom Clifton CollegeUnited Kingdom Colchester Royal Grammar SchoolUnited Kingdom College of Richard CollyerUnited Kingdom Concord CollegeUnited Kingdom Dauntsey's SchoolUnited Kingdom Dean Close SchoolUnited Kingdom D'Overbroeck's CollegeUnited Kingdom Downe House SchoolUnited Kingdom Downside SchoolUnited Kingdom Dulwich CollegeUnited Kingdom Durham SchoolUnited Kingdom Dwight School LondonUnited Kingdom Ef Academy TorbayUnited Kingdom Ellesmere CollegeUnited Kingdom Epsom CollegeUnited Kingdom Eton CollegeUnited Kingdom Felixstowe International CollegeUnited Kingdom Fettes CollegeUnited Kingdom Godolphin SchoolUnited Kingdom Gresham's SchoolUnited Kingdom International School of AberdeenUnited Kingdom Haberdashers' Monmouth School For GirlsUnited Kingdom Haileybury and Imperial Service CollegeUnited Kingdom Harris Westminster Sixth FormUnited Kingdom Harrow SchoolUnited Kingdom Headington SchoolUnited Kingdom Hockerill Anglo European CollegeUnited Kingdom Holy Cross Sixth Form CollegeUnited Kingdom International School of AberdeenUnited Kingdom Ipswich SchoolUnited Kingdom John Leggott Sixth Form CollegeUnited Kingdom Kent College CanterburyUnited Kingdom King Edward VI CollegeUnited Kingdom King Edward's School, WitleyUnited Kingdom King's School CanterburyUnited Kingdom King's School OxfordUnited Kingdom King's School RochesterUnited Kingdom Kingswood SchoolUnited Kingdom Kirkham Grammar SchoolUnited Kingdom Lancaster Royal Grammar SchoolUnited Kingdom Lancing CollegeUnited Kingdom Leweston SchoolUnited Kingdom Lime House SchoolUnited Kingdom Lomond SchoolUnited Kingdom Loughborough Grammar SchoolUnited Kingdom Malvern CollegeUnited Kingdom Malvern St JamesUnited Kingdom Mander Portman Woodward BirminghamUnited Kingdom Marymount International School LondonUnited Kingdom Merchiston Castle SchoolUnited Kingdom Mill Hill School LondonUnited Kingdom Monmouth SchoolUnited Kingdom New Hall SchoolUnited Kingdom Nonsuch High School For GirlsUnited Kingdom Norwich SchoolUnited Kingdom Oundle SchoolUnited Kingdom Oxford International CollegeUnited Kingdom Princess Helena CollegeUnited Kingdom Queen Ethelburga's CollegeUnited Kingdom Queen's College TauntonUnited Kingdom Queenswood SchoolUnited Kingdom Ratcliffe CollegeUnited Kingdom Reed's SchoolUnited Kingdom Richard Huish CollegeUnited Kingdom Roedean SchoolUnited Kingdom Royal Alexandra and Albert SchoolUnited Kingdom Royal High School BathUnited Kingdom Royal School Armagh

South Korea Yongsan International School of SeoulSpain Caxton CollegeSpain Eurocolegio Casvi VillaviciosaSpain King's College, The British School of Madrid, Soto de ViñuelasSri Lanka Asian International SchoolSri Lanka Gateway College, ColomboSri Lanka Lyceum International SchoolSri Lanka Musaeus CollegeSri Lanka St. Thomas' CollegeSri Lanka Stafford International SchoolSweden Kungsholmens GymnasiumSwitzerland Aiglon CollegeSwitzerland College Du LemanSwitzerland Gymnasium MuttenzSwitzerland Gymnasium ThunSwitzerland International School Of Zug and LuzernSwitzerland Literargymnasium RämibühlSyria Al Basil High School for SuperiorsTaiwan Affiliated High School of Taiwan Normal UniversityTaiwan Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal UniversityTaiwan Ching Cheng High SchoolTaiwan I-Shou International SchoolTaiwan Kaohsiung Municipal Kaohsiung Senior High SchoolTaiwan Kaohsiung American SchoolTaiwan Kaohsiung Senior High SchoolTaiwan National Experimental High School At Hsinchu Science ParkTaiwan National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High SchoolTaiwan National Taichung First Senior High SchoolTaiwan National Taichung Girls' Senior High SchoolTaiwan National Tainan First Senior High SchoolTaiwan Taipei American SchoolTaiwan Taipei Chenggong High SchoolTaiwan Taipei European SchoolTaiwan Taipei First Girls High SchoolTaiwan Taipei Fuhsing Private SchoolTaiwan Taipei Municipal Jianguo Senior High SchoolTaiwan Taipei Private Tsai Hsing SchoolTaiwan Taipei Wego Private Senior High SchoolTaiwan Yanping High SchoolThailand Bangkok International Preparatory and Secondary SchoolThailand Bangkok Patana SchoolThailand Charter International SchoolThailand Concordian International SchoolThailand Garden International School, RayongThailand International School BangkokThailand Kis International SchoolThailand New International School ThailandThailand St Andrews International SchoolThailand The American School of BangkokThailand The International School Eastern Seaboard ThailandThailand The Regent's School, BangkokThailand UWC Thailand International SchoolThailand Wells International SchoolTurkey American Collegiate InstituteTurkey American Robert CollegeTurkey Bilkent UniversityTurkey Lycée Français Pierre Loti D'IstanbulTurkey Robert CollegeTurkey TED Bursa CollegeUganda International School of UgandaUkraine Specialized Multiple-Discipline Secondary School United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Indian SchoolUnited Arab Emirates Al Ittihad National Private SchoolUnited Arab Emirates Dubai American AcademyUnited Arab Emirates Dubai CollegeUnited Arab Emirates Dubai International AcademyUnited Arab Emirates GEMS American AcademyUnited Arab Emirates The English CollegeUnited Arab Emirates The Winchester SchoolUnited Kingdom Abbey College CambridgeUnited Kingdom Abbots Bromley SchoolUnited Kingdom Abingdon SchoolUnited Kingdom ACS Cobham International SchoolUnited Kingdom Architectural Association School of ArchitectureUnited Kingdom Ashville CollegeUnited Kingdom Bablake SchoolUnited Kingdom Badminton SchoolUnited Kingdom Bedford School

Global Admissions Profile 2017-1840

41global partner list







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Global Admissions Profile 2017-1842








Global Admissions Profile 2017-1844