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Practical Ways That You Can Follow To Burn Fat Rapidly

Over The Next Few Weeks! By Coach Olu Aijotan

Before we get started, I want you to know that this report is for YOU! Yes, one else. It's for you whether you are Male or Female, Young or Old, Live in Lagos, Abuja, Portharcourt, Birnin Kebbi or Sokoto or even if you live in a remote part of Nigeria It is for you if you've tried to lose weight with expensive diet pills, pre-packaged diet meals, starvation diets, Gym, Weight Loss Abs Gadget, Shape Wears, Girdle, with so much failure. It is for you if you've FAILED and even FINALLY given up on this weight loss "wahala". Believe me! There is a better way.... A better way that most people don't know or talk about. But because you are my subscriber, client or just plain lucky to be my good friend (yes you are), you will get to erase that fat off your body and become VERY healthy again. My name is Olu Aijotan. many of my clients and subscribers call me Coach Olu. They call me that simply because I have helped thousands of my clients and subscribers to burn off fat and lose weight easily. Take for example, one of my clients called Nonso (who by the way I have her permission to share her story) Who subscribed to one of my result getting fat loss program that helped her lose over 21kg of fat off her body within a 3 month period. Here's what she looked like when she started(Before) and what she looks like after she completed her fat loss program

You can see that the result is very vivid to the eye and easy to see that she has dramatically lost a lot of weight. Nonso did not change her body from being "big" to being slimmer and toned by wearing a "shape" waist trainer or any of those weight loss coffees and teas out there. And no she did not even use any of the expensive fat loss pills that are sometimes being promoted on Jumia and Linda Ikeji's blog. She followed a proven method of burning off fat that works 100% all the time that you use it. And that method is what I want to share with you in this fat loss guide. Now, as a busy family man myself,

I know your time is EXTREMELY valuable.

This is why in this fat loss report, I am going to make it quick and short and quickly give you my 3-in-1 rapid fat loss secrets that will immediately accelerate the rate at which your body burns fat. Not only will I share these three strategies that has been responsible for literally helping thousands of people all over Nigeria walking around with slimmer, sexier toned waistline and body... I am also going to reveal to you a program that my clients (just like Nonso and others that I'll share in this report) are using to yield result better than any other fat loss methods they've tried before. So let's get started....

FAT LOSS STRATEGY 1: Cut out FATTENING foods from your diet! If you want to experience weight loss and flat belly and have an amazing toned body, you have to cut out the foods that make you fat from your diet. I am talking about these foods.... Sugar in it's white crystal state, Chocolate, Cake, Gala, Meat Pie, pounded yam, Starch, Fufu (akpu), chocolate biscuit, fast food rice, french fries, Agege Bread, Eba, processed foods, mayonnaise, etc.

These foods above contain a lot of sugar. And excess sugar is bad for your body if you are trying to lose weight. It's not just the fatty foods alone that you need to cut out of your diet. You need to cut off and STOP drinking your sugary drinks too. 1. Coke 2. Amstel Malta/Maltina 3. Soda Water 4. Tonic water 5. Fanta 6. Alcohol e.g. Guiness, Star, Gulder etc I want you to take a look at the picture below. It will give you an idea of how much sugar is contained in most processed drinks that you drink.

Can you see that it contains a lot of sugar?

When you eat these foods and drinks in large quantity, your body process the food and turn it into sugar for your body to use in form of energy. But when you eat these fatty foods in large quantity, your body breaks it down into sugar. Then it tries to use it in form of energy for your daily needs such as running, walking, running, living breathing etc. But you see, the excess sugar that is left over, your liver converts it into fatty acid (that's right - fat!) and store it in your fat storage cells. And these cells are located in your stomach, hips, butt and belly area! And that is why you get a bigger stomach or have extra fat etc. And for you to get rid of that fat, and extra stomach, you need to cut out sugary foods, sugary drinks from your diet. If you don't cut out all of these from your daily diet, you will not lose weight and no amount of Fat Loss Pill, Girdle, Corset, Waist Trainer, Gym will save you!

STRATEGY 2 Replace Your Diet With Healthy Foods you must replace your diet with completely healthy foods. I Am talking about healthy foods such as the following.... 1. Sweet potato 2. Brown Rice 3. Vegetables like kale, Spinach, Green, Pumpkin (ugwu), Water Leaf, 4. Cucumbers 5. Lettuce 6. Cabbage 7. Carrots 8. Coconut 7. Beans 8. Tomatoes 9. Ginger 10. Okro 11. Chicken

12. Lean beef 13. Fish and other sea foods e.g. crabs, shrimps, crayfish, lobsters etc 14. Apple 15. Pears 16. Cashews 17. Walnuts 18. ALmonds 19. Avocado 20. Eggs 21. Plain natural yoghurt 22. Garden Egg 23. Green Plantain These foods are natural foods and when you add these foods to your diet, and start consuming it, your body's access to the "bad sugar" that causes fat will start to drop. And you will start to naturally lose weight. You see, just by eating these foods alone, you will be able to lose weight and get rid of your excess fat. Infact, I once coached a client of mine, a working class mother who was unable to exercise due to a leg injury actually lost weight only simply by eating the foods above. I have personally created many meals out of the foods that I have listed above. One of such meal is the "Boiled Green Plantain With Vegetable Stew". If you would like to know how to cook and eat delicious fat burning Nigerian meals, you can get my 100% Nigerian Fat Loss Cook Book at this link.

STRATEGY #3 Do Workouts That Rapidly Burn Fat! If you want your weight loss to be rapid. If you want the speed at which your body burns fat to increase, then you must add exercise to your routine for you to enjoy quick fat loss. But guess what.... This is the part that most people run away from.

They find workout to be boring, tiring, too much effort, sweaty, painful, you name it etc.

I won't lie to you, workout requires effort.

But workout do not have to be boring. Infact, there are simple exercise you can do in the comfort of your home that will help you rapidly burn off fat from your body. If you don't have time to go to the gym, you can always workout in the comfort of your home. It's easier, simpler and less time consuming and even gives BETTER result. And I am going to share 3 of these workouts with you below.... Workout #1: Jumping Jacks

Rather than spend 30 minutes on the threadmill, what you can try is doing "jumping jacks" exercise.

This workout will keep your heart beating fast and improve your cardio. When you do jumping jacks consistently, over a 2-4 week period, you will never breathe heavily or pant with a tight chest after climbing the stairs. It's simple and does not require any form of workout.

Click this link to watch video demonstration:

Workout #2: Mountain Climber This workout is what I call a high intensity workout. This workout will help you lose weight in all the target areas of the body.

Click this link to watch video demonstration: Workout #3: Burpees The burpees workout will workout your entire body. Not only will you sweat by doing this workout, your personal strength will increase and your body will start burning fat.

Click this link to watch video demonstration:

And if you add these workouts into your daily lifestyle and do 10 -20 repetitions of these 3 workouts four times, your body will start to lose weight rapidly.

And guess what, it will take you just 10-20 minutes to do this.

So I want you to put what I have shown you in this guide into action. Start using it and you will start losing weight. And before I conclude this report, let me let you in on something that has benefited just 134 Nigerian men and women over the past one year. And I believe STRONGLY that you will benefit from it too, so I need you to pay ATTENTION. I started a program last year, that allows me to coach a small group of people. I made sure that these set of people are individuals who are HIGHLY serious about losing weight rapidly. I also made sure that these individuals are people who have quite a large amount of weight to lose. I am talking about individuals who weigh 80kg, 90kg, 100kg and 100+kg that need to lose 15kg, 20kg, 25kg up to 30 kg within a certain period of time.

The goal was SIMPLE! I wanted to help any of my subscribers who fit into the above profile to lose as much weight as possible over a 90 day period. And in the last one year that I started this coaching, over 134 individuals actually took me up on this offer. And the most successful candidate of mine on this 90 Day Coaching lost a total of 27kg in 90 days! Yes, you read that right. 27kg!

She lost that much without Pills, without slimming tea, without girdle, without waist trainers, without any of the weight loss fads out there. She lost that much weight by following my advice, coaching on the 90 day Fat Loss coaching program. This lady who has profusely begged me to make her story anonymous actually weighed nearly 141 when she started the weight loss dropped down to 114kg within 90 days. As we speak, she is already working towards getting her weight down to just double digits. Apart from this lady, I also have many other clients who have lost a lot of weight just by following my coaching, meal plan, guidance, motivation over a 90 Day Coaching Period. I mean, take the below e-mail I got form another client about their experience while on this same program.

Can you see how deep that testimony is? That shows you the power of this 90 Day Fat Loss Coaching Program.

Many other clients have lost 10kg, 13kg, 14kg, 17kg, 20kg, 22kg, 23kg etc on this same program and in my next email that I'll send in the next few days, I'll share some of their testimonies with you. Anyways.... I will be opening access for registration to this 90 Day Coaching Program on the 29th of June 2015 at (Monday) On that day, I will send you an e-mail asking you to indicate interest that you want to join this coaching. This time, I am only taking up just 30 people only so I can properly coach these set of people to burn off excess fat rapidly. So, I will not be making the registration open as a "free for all". This means, you'll have to apply for this 90 day coaching. As I want to help ONLY the individuals that TRULY need this coaching program. Now, let me mention that this 90 Day Coaching program is not for every tom dick and harry. It's only for you if you are HIGHLY serious about losing weight, burning off excess fat and seeing rapid fat loss results that everyone will see and know that your body has changed. It is only for you if you have excess fat, and you would need me to hold you by the hand to get result same way Nonso got her own result. So if you fall in the above category, I want you to look out for my emails on 26th of June 2015 at when I'll tell you more about this 90 day coaching program and how you can register Thank you for reading and I hope you've enjoyed this guide to fat loss. Regards, Olu Aijotan Nutrition & Fitness Coach
