The Today Project



What does today look like? A seemingly simple question, but the responses are as varied as the people who tried to answer it. And that’s precisely why we asked. To gain a collective perspective on today’s culture by exploring the mindset of individual consumers. Which, in turn, leads to more meaningful and impactful work on behalf of our clients. So we conceived the Today Project, challenging everyone at Erwin-Penland to create an expression of what today looks like to them. Their answers lay before you.

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What does today look like? A seemingly simple question, but the responses are as varied as

the people who tried to answer it.

And that’s precisely why we asked. To gain a collective perspective on today’s culture by

exploring the mindset of individual consumers. Which, in turn, leads to more meaningful and

impactful work on behalf of our clients.

So we conceived the Today Project, challenging everyone at Erwin-Penland to create an

expression of what today looks like to them. Their answers lay before you.

Last year, when we asked people to visualize “Tomorrow,” we saw a strong message of hope

inspired by belief in family, self-empowerment and spirituality. Those themes are still present

in the depiction of “Today,” but they are shadowed by the impact of living with long-term

anxiety. The continued concerns about our economy, the repeated disappointments byanxiety. The continued concerns about our economy, the repeated disappointments by

cultural heroes, the downfall of formerly trusted industries, and the sorrow over global

catastrophes have combined to make it more challenging to be hopeful in the moment. It is

easier to maintain hope when we are anticipating the future rather than being face-to-face

with what is.

One strong theme that comes through is that ”Today” is a waypoint on a journey defined by

what proceeds it and what comes after it. The significance of “Today” can be lost in the press

of tasks/ people/information that demand our attention.

The “Today” project reminds us that while hope is still part of who we are, we have to actively

focus on the people and things we value to maintain that hope.

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