The times they were a changing?


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The times they were a changing?

History by activists?

Rise and fall of liberalism?

A more complex movement?

Continuities as well as defeat?

Seeds of the 1960sAffluence

Suburbia and conformity

Birth Rate

Political conservatism

Teenagers and Rock and Roll

Cultural rebels: Kerouac, Pollock, Parker

JFK and the start of the 60sNov 1960 JFK

election victory

April 1961 Bay of Pigs

Nov 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

22 Nov 1963 JFK assassinated in Dallas

LBJAug 1964 Economic

Opportunity Act

Aug 1964 Tonkin Gulf Incident

Nov 1964 LBJ re-elected

Feb 1965 ‘Rolling Thunder’

Mar 1965 Ground troops to Vietnam

VietnamEconomic cost

($150 Billion)

Provided Impetus to growing social movements

Federal Govt. ‘lies’, and secrecy

Psychological impact of military defeat

The New Left1962 SDS and the ‘Port

Huron Statement’

Autumn 1964 Berkeley, and the ‘Free Speech Movement’

1964 Vietnam teach-in at University of Michigan

Apr 1965 SDS organised antiwar rally in DC

‘Turn on, Tune in, Drop Out’‘One Flew Over the

Cuckoo’s Nest’ (1962)

Commune at La Honda., Ca.

1966 20,000 attended an acid test in San Francisco

1967 ‘The Summer of Love’

Music and RebellionMay 1963 ‘The

Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan’

Feb 1964 Beatles toured US

By 1965 ‘Acid Rock’ – Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane

1966 Otis Redding at Monterey

Aug 1969 Woodstock

The New RightA different Narrative


William F. Buckley Jr

Barry Goldwater, 1964

Young Americans for Freedom (YAF)

Grassroots Activism.

1968 31 Jan Tet Offensive

31 Mar LBJ announcement

4 Apr Assassination of MLK

4 June Assassination of Robert Kennedy

Aug Chicago Convention

Nov Richard Nixon elected President