The Times dispatch.(Richmond, VA) 1903-02-27 [p 7]. · Greatest tory Twenty-seventh Annual...


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Greatest toryTwenty-seventh Annual Staiement


ASSETSBotids and Mortgages.$10,990,953 27Keal Estate .'. 11,803,588 51Railroad Bonds and Stocks(Market Value) ¦. .'. 18,621,442 50

Municlpal Bonds (Market ,

Value). 6,737,301 95U. S. Gov. Bondfl (MarketValue)..'..\ 109,000 00

Oasb in Banks and Office... 4,916,069 51Interest and Rents, due andaccrued...... 384,521 34

Loans on Collateral Securi-iios.;. 4,736,750 00

Loans on Policies. 1,066,916 83Preraiuras Doforrecl and in '*

course of collection (net) 1,812,795 96

Total.$60,245,339 87'

JJABILITIESKeserve on Policierf....$49,800,630 00All other Liabilities. 923,304 54Surplus to Policy-holders .. 9,521,405 33

Total.$60,245,339 87

of this Giant CompanyUFE INSURANCE ISSUED AND PA1D FOR during 1902, includ-

Jing Ordinary Insurance ($87,000,000), over

ASSETS, end of 1902, over'.INCOME, during 1902, over . . . .

PAID POLICY-HOLDERS, during 1902, over

SURPLUS, over.,



Paid-for Insurance in Force overPaid Policy-holders in 27 Years, nearly 68 Millions.

Features of the Year's admlnistration were

MARKED REDUCTION IN EXPEMSE RATE. INCREASED DIVIDENDS TO POLICY-HOLDERS. The Progressive Management and the Judicious Care of/and Liberality

in Dealing with, Policy-holders' Interests, have made this






LESLIE D. WARD, EDGA.R B. WARD,Vlco-Frestd.nt. 2d V. Pres, and Coun.el.

FORREST F. DRYDEN, 8d Vlce-President.

EDWARD KANOUSE, T. C. E. BLANCHARD,Treasurer. Supt. of Real Estate.

JAOOB E. WARD,Counsol,


F. C. BLANCHARD, Supervlsor T_oan Dept.

EDWARD QRAY, EDWARD H, HAMILL,Seoretary. Medlcal Dlrector.

VALENTINE RIKER, ROBERT L. BURRAQE,Asslstant Socretary. Modlcal Dlrector.

LESLIE P. WARD, FREDERIC A. BOYLE,Asslstant Seerotary. Ca.hfer,

WILLARD I. HAMILTON,Asalslant Seerotary.



S. P. MITCHELL, Special Agent, Petersburg', Va.SLAUGHTER & GRIFFIN, Special Ag'ents, Enterprise Building', Fredericksburg, Va.


Sepeal of Cape Fear PilotageLaws ls Defeated.


The Amount Secured Is to be Made a

Permanent Fund to be Loaned to

School Districts at Four PerCent..Other Bills Passed.

(Speclal to Tho Tlmes-Dlspntch.)RAT..EIGH, N. C, February 20..Both

tha House and Senato passed a greatnumber of local bllls to-day. Tho Senatovoted down, 11 to 29, tho blll repoallngtho compulsory pllotase law In the CapeFfcar, Hlver. The blll to create a fund.for bulldlng and Improvlng publlc schoolliouseg In North Carolina passed Becondroadlng, 'and was made a speclal ordorfor 1 o'clock to-morrow for the thlrdread'lng. It provldes that tho prococdsfrom tho salo of Stato swamp lands, now

amountlng to $200,000, bo mado a perma¬nent fund, to be loaned to school dis¬tricts at 4 per cont., one-tonth of theprlnclpal to bo pald back each yenr, Ablll passed authorlzing tho sale of thesteamer Lllly and tho purchase ot gaaboals.Among tho bllls Introduced were:By Mr, McBrydo (by roquest); To pro-

vldo eleotlon in Uoboson countymovlng tho county Beat from I,umbertonto Pembrooko (blll accompanled by potl-tlon from 2,000 voters).By Mr, Mltcholl: To lncorporato

Ohowan and Aulandor Uallroad Com¬pany.Tho Senato Commltteo on Finance

mado a favorable report on tho blll ap,inopiiatlng $25,000 for erectlng a hall ofrooord's at tho corner of Sallsbury andMorgan Streets.In tho Houso Mr. Nlsaen Introduced a

blll to lncorporato Wllllams, Yadklncounty, tlio purposo belng to nvert thojiocessity of tho old I'tlco whlskoy dls-tlllery having to inovo away to somoJncorporated town under tho oporatlonof tho "Watts bill prohlbltlng the manu-

facturo and s.ilo of whiskey In theBounty,Other bllls Introduced were:By Mr. Drowry: To ohartor Baleigh

Savings Bank.By Mr. lSrwln; To lncorporato tho

frans-Appalachlan Jtallroad Company.By Mr, Morton: A resolutlon to permlt

1,000 coples of the Watts blll for dlstrl-butlon by members of General Assembly.By Mr. Waltora: To mako lt a mls-

Jemoanor for servantg or wago-earners)o socuro s>mptoymont by mlgrepresen-t»tlon, j.Among blll* pus.ed by tho Housa woraj

To Incorporate Homo Savings Bank ofDurham.To lncorporato Durham Loan and

Trust Company.To repeal amendment to the charter

of the Carolina and Northern RallroadCompany.


Democratlc Caucus Nominated Wo-mack, Gully and Rodman.

(Speclal to TUc Tlmes-Dlspatcb.)RAI.EIGH, N. C. February 20..The

Democratlc caucus to-nlght nominatedex-Judge T. B. Womack, of Ralelgh; N.Y. Gully, professor of law at Wake For-est Collego, and Colonel AV. B. Rod¬

man, of Washlngton,' N. C. members ofcommlsslon of threo to codlfy the lawBof tho Stato. "The commlsslon has justbeen croated by an act of tho Legisln-ture. When the caucus flrst met. motlonwas made and lost that the naming oftho membors of commission bo left to

lho Governor. Nomlnallng speoches werellmlted to ono minuto each.Thoro woro twenty-nlno nominatlons,

and tho flrst ballot resulted as follows:I_. I,. Smlth, of Gates, 32T John S. Hen-dcrson, of Sallsbury, 23; A. J. Burton,of Rockingham, 15; A. E. Hon'derson. ofCaswoll, 10; F. B. Rodman, of Washlng¬ton, 18; John W. Hlnsdale, of Ralolgh, 31;Eugeno S. Martin, 5; A. W. Graham. ofOxford, 40; N. Y. Gully, of Wako Foiest.49; J. Crawford Blggs. of Durham. 28;T. J. Jcroriie, of Monroo, 10; Chnrl03 A.Mooro. of Ashovillo, 7; A. D. Blow. ofPltt, 2P; E. E. Ropor. of Davldsnn. 15;XV. E. Mooro, of Jackson, 4; T. B. Wo¬mack. of Ralelgh, 46; W. C. Munroe, ofGoldsboro, 1; W. J. Adams, of Mooro.0;,W. 13. Shaw, of Vanco, 5; J. F. Ray.of'Onuigo, 4; S. F. Mordecal, of Ralelgh.1; Swlft Galloway, of Groon, 4: B. B.Werborn. of Hulford, 3; Jacob Bnttlo, ofl.dgocombo; J. C. McRao, of Orango 3:D. D. Unckett, of Wllltos, 5; W. C. New-land, of Caldwotl, 1; Thoo. Davldson, ofBuncombo. 1-There woro five ballots, N. Y. Gully

belng nominated with 80 votes on second,T. li. Womack with C(J on thlrd and W.B. Rodman with 83 on fifth. Tho mem¬bors of tlio commlsslon wlll rocolvo $2,000uach for maklng the codlflcutlons. undthoy wlll havo $1,500 for clerk hlre. Thocaucus iiomlnatod M. O. Shcrrlll for re-

elocUon as Stato llbrnrlan,

Durham's New Depot.(Speclul to Tlie Tlini'S-I>l*iwitcb.)

JWRHAM, N. C, February 26.--Thedominant subjeot of Intorest and dls-

cusslon here the past weok has been thobulldlng, of tlie unlon depot under thaFuller blll, paesod tho Loglslnture com-

1)0) lllg lt. It now dovelops that whllo allof the courts, Stute and Fodoral-the luatonly two weeks iigo.havo decldod thatPeabody Streot was tho property of theSouthern, whlch puta thom In lawful pos-sesslon, so that thoy can bulld a that they camo ready to bulld It,thoy are opposed by a threat of an ap¬poal to tho Suprome Court of the UnltodStates,Tobacco recolpts havo beon heavy be-

yond oxpeetatlons this weok, and priceshavo boon llko in other iriarkots.nothlngto boast of,

For Advartising Purposes.(Speclal to Tho Tlroeg.DUimtclt.)RALEIGH, N. C, Fobruary ;*«!..To-day

tlia General Assombly passed tho flrm;Jaw ovor enacted ullowlng »v town tovoto a regalar tax for tlio purposo ofadvortlslng Itsolf, the tax lor advortislngpurposos bolng greater than forany othor purposo, The blll was .assodupon petltlon of more than (.wo-thlrdsnf the Yfiteru of IJin. Dluff, i. ruar.i-t o»>n-od almost entlrely by New England cap-Ital, Every form of buslnoss ia incl.dedXor tajfatlon, d



TheMeaning of the ExpeditionSaid to Be Absorption ofFlorlda East Coast Line.

(Speclal to Tho Tlmos-Dlspatcb.)CHARLOTTE, N. C, February 26..J.

Plenpont Morgan and a party of NewYork capltallsts passed through Charlotteto-day en route to Tampa, from whichport thoy will sall for Hoivana The,party wero aboard a speclal trlan of sixprivate cars. Ono of the cars, occu-

piod by Mrs. Morgan and three ladyfi-lends, was slde-tracked and, later thecar was taken up by the New Orleanstraln. Mrs. Morgan and her friends wlllgo diroct to New Orleana toattond MardlGraa, and from there wlll mako a tourof the Paclflo coast.just what brlngs Mr, Morgan Soulbj

at thls tlmo is not known. Somo saythat the party wlll not go further Souththan Tampa, Fla,, and tho object of tlietrlip is to make a taur of tho FlorldaEast Coast Rallway system, It is ru-mored tliat the Southern has made a dealfor thls proporty, and wlll assumo thomanagoment ot tho same not lator thannext Juno. /

- no Florlda East Coast road extendsfrom Jncksonvillo, Fla., down tlie Atlanticcoast to Mlaml, wlth brnnch llnos. Thlsis sald to bo ono of tlio most valuablo.ns woll aa ono of the best paylng rallroadsyslems in Amerlca, nnd wlll ndd about400 mlles to the Southorn'a alroady ex-tensI'VO mlleago. It ls also thought thattho East Coast Company'a stoamslTipllnos to Nassau and Havann wlll be in-cluded in thls deal. Tho East CoastRallroad Is known ns tho Flagler systonf.Tho Southern has been after thls valua¬blo llno for sevornl yeara, but did notwlsh to take wrer tlfo system of hotelsowned by the Enst Coast Company. Itls understood that Ita dcslro has nowbeen nccompllshod.


Counsel Applies for Wrlt of HabeasCorpus on Ground of Insanity.

(Speclul to Tho Tliuna-nupiitcb.)RALEJGH. V. C. Fobrunry 20..Ex-

uiiuge Thomas II. Suttou was hero to-day and npplled to Ansoclato Justlco P.D, Walker, of the Superlor Court, for nwrlt of habeaus corpua ln behalf of Ed.Ulley, convlcted nt Fnyottevlllo for thomurder of Holllngsworth und sentoncedto f.'floen yoars. Insanity ls the groundon whlch the wrlt Is aaked, Tho h*w*ngwlll bo ln Halolgh Monday,


Wilmington Glves Promlseof Becominga Larga Tobacco Market,

( to The Tiiiies-fliHimtch.)WILMINGTON, N. C, Fobruary 20..

Mr, Japies Dodd, inanager of tho Wil¬mington Tobucco Warohousc Company,has Just returned from a trlp throughtho iowor part of Columbua county, Hor-ry county, S. C. and through portlonsof Bi'iinswlck county, complotlng hls can*vuss of thls outiro soctlon of. EuaternCarollna lp tho lntorest of lila company.Mr Dodd la ce/jat. entbualaatlo ovor theprospecte. Jp':"*i he has eeen 800 farmere,who havo,V rW-ed to plant 4,000 acresfcl tQbUB^t^ o* this will be planted.... >'.>. )

In a section where tobacco has not hlth-erto been cultivated, and in other sec-tions Mr. Dodd says tho acroage will boabout doubled. Work on tho warehousennd other bulldlngs of tho WilmingtonTobacco Company wlll begln in a fewdays.Governor Aycock has honored tho ro-

quiaitlon of tho Governor of South Caro¬llna for Samuel White, colored, now injall in Wilmington and held by tho Fed-eral authorlties. Eleven yeara ago lnMarlboro county, S. C, Whlto kllled a

negro named Wlll Roper. Ho flod, nnd$200 reward was offered for hia capture.At tho last term of tho Federal Courtln thla clty Whlte waa before tho courtcharged wlth aelllng llquor wlthout a

liccnse. Whlle ln the prlsonor'a box ex-

Dt-puty Sherlff Newton recognized Whltons the murderer of the nego Roper, Whiteconfessed tliat he was the man wanted.When arrestod at Whltevlllo a few monthsslnce for retalllng llquor the negro waa

taken on the traln to Jall. Nearlng thoplaco of contlnement Whlto got awayfrom tho deputy marshal and Jumpedfrom the rapldly movlng traln, breakinghls leg. M

Ono night last week tho storo of thoHolmes Grocor> Company waa brokonInto and robbed. Friday nlght robborabroke Into tho store of tho Jncobl Hard-ware Company, and Monday nlght Stonoand Company'a wholesalo grocory estnb-lishment waa broken into and robbed.Gooda were carrled off in each instanco.There ls an orgimlaed gang of robberaoperatlng In thls clty, nnd as yot thopolice are unable to approhend the gulltypartlea.


Flfty Dollars, Two Suits of Glothos anda Knitting MHI MIssIng.

(Speclnl to The Ttmes-rJlsuiitch.)GKEENSBORO. N. C. February 20.-

Last wook a well drossod. handsome man

came hore. roglstoied at the Bonbow Ho-t'-l aa J. C. Hairiiigton. Now York. andasked for representatlves of tho Clmm-bo.- of Commorco or tbo Immlgratlnn As¬soclatlon He fooi' waa in commiin ca-

tlon wlth presldents of thoso orjinnW.a-tlons and real ostate men Ho stated thahe i-epresented a syndlcato whlch desliodto loente a $100,000 knitting mlll some-

whoro in tho central part of North Car¬ollna and hnd been referred to Greons¬boro. Ho exhlblted letters nnd test -

monlnls from prominent Now Vprh fi-nanclers, and was shown around prettygcntrnlly. Among thoso who wore nt-tonthe ln ahowlns hlm propertles nndlioldlng out inducements. was tho presl-d'lit "f tho Sculhorn I<oan und Trust

Frklav Mr. llanington stated that howas a little short of cash. und was uocniii-

modated by tlio bank, with $50 ho draw-Ing n cliock on the C'honileul Bank ofNow York, :',¦}"'.Frlday afternoon Harrlngton aent to a

loadlng clothtng flrm hero, to send himtwo J23 suits of clotlies lo hls room atthe hotel to getji flt for ono ault,

'J'lint. nlght Harrlngton left w th bothsalts of elothes nnd Monday, tlio bnnkgot u. i iro thnt. J, C. Harrlngton had no

accoiint at tho Clininleal Bank, New York.Ho naletl hero tliat ho was golng to Au-gusta, Ga. but lt la learned tliat hostopped In Chaiiotto Frlday nlght. Sotho oltlzens are short 1100 and tho city a

knitllng mlll., , . .,

Lleiltenont John W. Norwood, of tlioUnited States army. and his brido, woro1.»,>1 ini.ttj relurnlng to Platu'u rg, N.Vi, where ho Is statloned. Slnco hls mar-rlago to Miss Emma C. Durhum, of Mont-gomery. Ala., several daya ago, thoy havobeon vlslilng I.foutonunt Novwood'a rela-tlvos *t WuynesviHe, N, C.professor J, I. Foust, of the Stato Nor¬

mal and Industjlal Colloge faculty, leftfor Etaleigh tnlt mornlng. to present tliorocouimendailont- of tha North CarollnaTcEi.liei'g1 Assembly to the lse|alaUveCommittee on Educatlon X;


After FiftyYears Human BonesAre Dug Up in the Cellar.


An Old Tradition ln Botetourt BearsOut This Explanation.For Years

lt Has Been Believed That theOld House Was Haunted.

(Spoclal to Tho TlmoB-Wspatch,)FINCASTI/E, VA., Fobruary 28.-A

dlscovory mado wlthln tho lastA day or

two has possibly gono far to oxplaln thegenerally accoptod bollef, whlch has beonhandod down for years ln Botetourt, thatn certaln old bulldlng noar Flncastlo ishaunted. Certaln It is that the traditionthat once wlthln its walls a foul crlmewas commltted has served to throwabout thls welrd and gloomy old struc-turo a '.oil of mystory. Tho chlldrenhavo fenrod It, and many oldor rldeiohavo rldden past with some uneasinesson druic, wlntor nlghts. Tho secret btthls niysterlous house has beon dlscover¬ed.One of tho oldest housos In tho county,

and sltuated a fow miles from Flncastlo,It wus recently purchasod by n man, withtho Inncl upon whlch lt stood, and alsotho farm nttached, ond ls belng torndown, with the «vlow of erectlng upon theslto a now bulldlng, In dlgglng In thocollar and removlng dobris, a sunkonplaco ln tho dlrt floor was dlsoovorod,whlch hnd tho appearanco, from Itslongth nnd wldth, of having boon n grwro.An examlnatlon waa commonced, and af¬tor gettlng a llttle ovor a foot bolowtho surfaco, bonos woro dlscovered whlchprwod to huvo belongod to a humanbelng, Thoy wore very muoh deeayod,and only amall ipiocos wero funod. A partof tho lowor jaw-houo was liitnot "withtho teoth on ono sldo In placo, an<i boreevldauco froni the slzo and worn coiuli-t.on that thoy bolonged to a man fortyor flfty yonrs of ngo, Other amall partswero easlly rocognized. It Is -believednlso that somo of tho bones woro thoso ofa boy buried iu the samo gravo,Sinco tho dlseon'ory. somo of tlio oldor

peoplo havo boon put to thlnklng, andnow it Is ruinombered that flfty or slxtyyears ago this houso waa usori aa atavorn, whon hogs nnd cattlo wero drivon(»for the road ou tho way to market,Freauently during tho year droves ofhogs passed along, and thls house Isknown to havo been a stopplng place,whoro both man aiiil beust could bo aoiconnnoduted. Tho houso has borno thoreiputtttlon ever sinco somo of those l'r-ing ln the nolghborhood can romomborof helng haunted and of belng vlsltod notlnfroquently by stranga trai.elors from thqaplrlt land, but lt has gontlnueil to booccupiet).A gentleman who la woll aoqunlnted

with tho nolghborhood ln whlch tlio dls-cwory wua mado says thnt about flftyyeara 'ago, ljj the reeollectlon of somoof tho older oitiwens, a looso horso wasfound at thls houso, whlch no one everclalmed, und consequonlly ruiauiliioU on

the placo. And in connection with thls,lt is sald. a short tlme before tho loosehorso appearod, a drova of hogs on theway to Lynchburg or somo other mar¬ket speofc ono nlght nt thls house withtho owner and his son. The presencoof two sots of bones In the gravo lendseolor to support that tho man wns rldlngln a buggy and had a boy with hls. son. If It was a caso of mur-

der and robbery, it must haiire been on thostranger/s return from market, whon hewouid'ibe supposed to havo tho monoy forhls hogs.Thls soems to bo tho only reasonablo

solutlon to the mystery. All tho clrcum-stancos connocted with tho matter, secmto lndlcato that a terrlblo crlme was

committcd, and that all the partles whohad any hand In lt. have long sinco g_ni?Ito tholr reward.Conslderablo oxcltoment has beon stirred

up In regnrd to tho f.nd, nnd all sorts otspeculatlons havo boon Indulged ln. Butnothlng is poslt't'ely known beyond theflnding of the bones, and tho fact thatthey were once a part of a human bo-lng.


Clrcult Court at Work on an Old andFamous Case. -

(Speclul to Tho Tlraes-Dlspatch)CUJJPEPER, VA., February 26,.Tho

extra term of tho Clrcult Court for thiscounty fVnally ndjournod this afternoon.Judgo T. R. B. Wrlght, of Tappahanno.k,preslded for Judgo Danlel A. Grlmsloy, ofCulpoper, The chnncory cuuso of Coonsvs, Coons, whlch has been in tho Cul-

peper Clrcult Court and also In tho StatoCourt of Appeala for flfteen years. was

regularly heard, but not determlned, lt

belng by Judgo Wrlght awarded back to

the Commlssloner ln Chancery to stat.

tha accounts betwoon tho partles to tlia

suit. United Statos Dlstrlot AttorneyLunsford 1-owls, of Richmond. was In at-tendence on tho court and representedsomo of tho partles to tho nbovo atilt.Mr. C. J. Rlley has sold hls flne estate

known ns "Bell Park," near thls clty,to Mr, L. R. Troy, of Clmrlottesvllle, fortho sum of $32,000; $100 an acro. It lsundorstood that Mr. Troy wlll bulld a

flne rosldouco bulldlng on the placo.Agents of tho Southern Rallway are

now In Culpoper seciii.tig tllfforent right*of way for tho doublo tracklng of thiUroad. Tho work wlll be rapldly pushedby tho contractor, who hn>vo gotten per-mlsslnn of the Clty Councll to also bullda largo supply storo house ln Culpoperfor ipttovlslons for worklng hands.

_ .- .... « ¦-¦¦¦'

Tributo to Raliegh Victlm.Ono of tho unuBiinl Inoldenlu connocted

with tho rocciit'Haywood-Kkinner trngedyln Ralelgh, N. C. Is a publlc tributo paldto tho vlotfin by hls employer. U ia us

follows: xln Memorlam.UJDl.OW SKINNER.

I como to puy a tributo to my dendfriend.I.udlow Sklnnor. Thoso whoknew hlm best loyed liiin most. He wns

puro ln speoch and goutlo us a woman.

In all'tho years of our associatlon I never

knew him to utter a word I wouid rcitherho had left uusald or do that whlch Iwouid intlior ho had left undono. Mlldln mannors and uuobtrusive almost to thapoint of dlllldenco, ho wua strong ln rec-

tltudo. steadfast lu princlplo and falth-ful In nll things.a Rayai-d in cpurnge, aSlr Gallhud ln gontlonesj. His nun- deathcamo as a shock to his many friends, Mrno ono thought ho had un enemy ln allLho world. Ho leaves behlnd him tn thUcommunlty the record of a blamolef- IK ¦,and to )ils famlly ho leavea the K__oyof un honorcd namo.

-CHARI..ES B. JOHNSON.Ralolgh, N. C Feb, 23, J004


Mrs. Fairbanks to SucceedHerself: Little Excitement.


Mrs. McLean Made an Appeal That the

Delegate Votlng in the NegativeWithdraw Her Opposition, And

Thls Was Done.

(By Asuo'.-luted Press,)WASHTNGTON, Fobruary 20..Mray

Cornolia Cole Fairbanks, of Indiano, waa

unaniraoualy ro-oleoted pres'ldent-generalof tho Daughtera of the Ajnerlcan Rev-olution to-day. Thero was less excite¬ment than usual over tbo result in viewof the uucqulvocal declaratlon of Mrs.Donald McLean, of Now York. that showould not permlt her namo to be pre-soiued as a candldate for presldent-gea-eral, loavlng tha field clear for the preB-ei'it Incumbcnt. Mra. Waring, of SouthCarollna, took tho chalr during the read¬lng of the mlnutes of yesterday'a sea«Btons, whloh were approved after a num«ber of correotlons and porsonol explana-tlona.Mrs. Fairbanks ylelded tho chair to

Mrs. Georgo M. Stornberg and nor.ilna«tlons were declared In order. Mra.Charles II. Masury, of Massaohusett8,waa recognized. Sho ploaded that thapresent gonoration of women bo true totheir noblo ancestry of Kevolutionarydays. Sho then formnlly presented thonamo of Mrs. Fairbanks for re-olect'nn.The mentlon of tho namo was the shi'ialfor an outburst of upplauso that ee,..,edand re-echoed throughout tho hall, Mrs.Upport, of rthodo Island, seoonded thenomlnation aad tho spoeches that fol¬lowed wero a aymposium of tributes toMrs. Fairbanks from a number of theStato delegatlons. Mrs, Lippott movei"to make tlio nonilnation unanimous, Mrs.Donald MoLean wns recognized. nndspoko from tbo pbttform. As sho seo¬onded '.ho nonilnation of Mrs. Fnlrh.-inVsiliore was loud applause und ih'g nuhuzzas. Aftor a number of delogapBhnd glven volce to thelr vlews, tho noni¬lnation waa declared unanimous by anaye and nay vote,Then tlo questlon went back to Ihe

congress on a technlcallty, Mrs. Mc-l.oan, of New York, protested, hecauteslio had not been reoognlzed aa the rtretto socond tho nomlnation of Mrs. Fair¬banks. and there waa a llvely dlscusslonbetween her and the chalr iMrs, Stern-,bera). Mrs. McLean suggested. to nvoldstechnlcalltles, that tho rulea requlred theunanlmoua vote to be coat by tha record-.Ing seoretary for the congrrese. An ay«and nay vote on the instructlon to th»secretary to thla effect followed and afalnt "no" was called by oaa of thodologiitoa, which wns suftlclent to defeattbo liistruotlon. Mra. McLean, howeyor,appealed to the unkrvown negative towithdraw the vote ln the lntorest of hais.niony and on a rlsiug vote there wsb naono atandlng when the negative slde *mcalled. Mrs. Fal.rbs.nks was thereiorodeclared elected unanlmously.Nomlnation* were then made tox vlce.

prosldent-general, wnoiig them w»>*B,Mrs, DennU Fagsa, V* Wwlds,
