The Tide Rises the Tide Falls Close Read. 1. In which lines of the poem is the title repeated? What...


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The Tide Rises the Tide Falls

Close Read

1. In which lines of the poem is the title repeated?

•What is the effect of the repetition?

2. What action does the sea perform in the poem?

3. Which figurative language is used in lines 8 and 9?

•Explain its possible meaning or effect.

4. Each stanza represents a different “time.”

•What might this symbolize?

5. Give specific evidence as to why this poem is considered a journey through life.

6. What is the tone/attitude of this poem?

•Can works of literature about life and death be both cheerful and mournful?

Evidence-based response:

• “The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls examines the idea of human mortality through the observation of nature. What perspective does the poem present, and what conclusion does it reach?

• Be sure to include: -your thought on what the perspective is

-evidence from poem and evidence based


-complete, well-written paragraph

Peer Revision:

• Put an asterisk (*) next to the your peer’s perspective

•Highlight Evidence Based Terms or Phrases

• Underline specific evidence

• Box the conclusion your peer said the speaker came to
