The Sun. (New York, NY) 1877-12-11 [p ]. - Library of...


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' VOI XI.V.--W0. 102. NKW VOHK, TUESDAY, lK( KMUKIt M, istt.


irw ftjntra hut MM'KtMti attbkptm i inlit m.s ir.i i Ol li

,'it4tr' llr't UrNfinl end Army I'll- - 'fif (he Itiiaslnn 'nr lllslnev r n Mi'ipIHsllsCMlshr.l liy HmiHlnNi ) KmtlM UMiTadMBea'S Uresi Work A, ..itii.llshi-il- .

i r MARkHT, Monday Dac. 10. Allay aaevere

SBgagi ""' ysglanlay before Horn a. OinuFaaha, who wns wounded, surrendorod uscon-dii- i

.iiuiiT. Tho Turk In Ployon were drift of

hunger ami Fold. Then la great oi herC Ilu. hnrcsl is 00rerod with flags.

I Otto r. af.PicvnaMnowlathahandaof thsRn Koninnninii arml s.

. I n' .dee--v. MMSM ninki-- f lh following nn- -

I aougoeaaM Oinun Pasha attempted to

break through In the direction ol Wlddla, liewn. attached In from end renri end waa oonpolled to lay ii hi iirmi nfter a glorious

nn.'t'ii1 in which bn whs seriously wounded.aii itii "B- voice ere lee his conduct."

'( n i. Dee, lo.- -it is reported thnt

Ui ...iw II ol kviW ha determined that Cbrle-tiM- i-

shall hmeniti-- r eligible lo the Gover-

norships nnd idhcr ndmliiMraiive functions ofthe Turkiah provisoes, it Ik believed that theBp ft from ihi throne Opentnc Parliament

bbbobbci it ie rcaelBttos,Panha a. tunu io ai.u .11.

(vtii Tlrnora roadn pott that Servian treope hM crossed

frontier into Turkey originated from the000 fusion of boundaries caused by Ihe dewirue.

tti .1, if landmarks uter the Tnrko-Serrls- n warin IMS.

D- contingent in the Turk1-!- !Brmvwlll be increased ,w hv 12 mei infantry.1 uu i ftirr and four batteries,b..t. Dec. I. To 8 o'rloek thla afternoot

Hi all intloi wae anebanged. The Rueeianao lupy Hiatal iva 'ilia Jakcwitzu. the Turks "u-fro-

g themVn Pee id -- The fMMteal rrrtpeaF

e lay! that nagotlatioBS nrc p. nil iik botwei nBerviaandUM Ruaeiaa headquarters rclstlvsto . Servian plan ol operationa, scrvia will(iln-- nighty font battalions ill the Said. Tin'eutlo'cag of w.n oB Servla's part Ii bow only a411 i ri i.l ilnr An tniite. criul nut ineIhr itiab ooaiBiTinlatlii nmi CoBaerratlta ln- -

Irlxi . Mn,rriHl jiwkliiy inlln' s. rviar. oainpat Kraaujerata A ..t t o.iin.'ii wnn hnit.Bad reeolved u tuku caortratle nteaaaree.Ti pi hare to Ihl MOM of Jitturh-a-

Tiit Lerrlble ri'iiuin- - of the Ruaelan lorceeoi iiu 31. at ri'.'raa, waathaflrat el k to thearml"! ol liiv cVar in their rlotorloua narohfr theDnnnbe, aBfnnraBQil liy an nlmiwt 1111

In'- ti.UmI f.ti 'is .'f ii.o"iti. rriir Slmklio- -

nmi iinr.'ii Krudser hurled thirty tboa-Ma- il

man Malnat the fifty thousand of OemaaVktha. ahlaldod by Intrenolimenta and armedWi !. r- pinlinK rlfloa. Th.' alaughtel was awful;

; Mar ropulae complotn. TheBuaaiana lostmonbkan one-thi- rd ol their men, and the aorrleonPMreated, a tamultooua, pnnlc-etrlok- nob,Between the vlciorlona Turk umi Tiraoratn-- i" v.i not vhu mi otBanlaed battalion "flaraden it wns expeetod thai the Ottonuuuw uld fellow bp Hi" Mow thna delirercdbyahrnr TnuhinK one; bat Paaha.appa

Ii pantly tatiaDcd with hie signal rlctory, pr- -

j Bw.l.l to etrutiKthen hlmeall In Plerna, whilelalniman Paaba wae carrying on a daaporattUrnKlo for the pOBM ttlOB Ol tho Hblpka Pan--

The ituneiaur ihoi had time hi te operate, :uniUir made prouici'. u ' tfiTts ! tl.nriii:i.T" d army,Prince kakboeeeky and Oen. Xradner were

yoin able to reenma th. ofTunalre, and, withoutsfc'iii. riekioH timir tnmpe in a general aaaault,V:- tnployed tbemaelrea in watohing Oamanla froai ami trylag to cut off nla eommualea-- b

- in the rar But the Ruaalana were dog-t--. letermlned in Utke Plorna,and arenaslai k m Bept t The 8m eras able to foretell

In ti following virile, th vi nt whleh la roi i I 'Th,' war oorrcapondenui do1 Bgorate when they say that thu RuiislansBv prepared for him (Osman) nnother Hmlnn

J ! '. ,A an new reglnienUjrim the D.'.nube they arere rorwardiMlJ" 11 Im. e lii h were Krii.lually tillingii nroiind Oamans HtrongF rk- - were thrown hp. nn l nil pnparntionaf "1 I" for ai ' siege, Th" Cfear wne t..oIMI"' "nt In hMmt th l,,w . ,,f in,. :.fcicni and on Tuesday, Kept 11. the iwondlinti jUtnek wai made, Tw ivo Imi.,iIi.ii ne- -

' tho Cirlvltzn r dmtl t In tl hiou ,.f nBIIIlt a lire from tho repeating rill . Theif. I l.y hutidr. It was Imt I.' in lire ialhal utrrui ..1 Ic d.ond yafiw

death byatimeljr rotrent. The Knu-Si- "1. rne.ii arml ..1 by tho Runsluiiaosaoft heart--" MiiM-e-t li.iM d with iikti'iiihini;l.iai"iy

L1 !,'."' 'v"s of '!'" wnporor himaolStilirw 'I the 'I urkil h IKMltiona, mi l fought .thr . a iti . Itothatoi iliojrjuproxug.

AlITlie illtiirnmr Hi.' nflfrV rtit-- .I 'p Kussians were niowerf down, others fiHiliHJ plaeea, until ali'kened tni diamnyed i'yV U nilif,h slungliter, th inmanWS with'P'''v' iinlrmen, Al a later hour In tho nyeriinii

; :" "h brlgail e attnnked tin; nry Turk-s' sedad in osrrylBg t. redouMn; Inntin-- f, .Idwii.k ,ln-- IWinlueeduy) the lluaairinaran.''" L".r, " 'Un"1'!' ''"llli'Ht, HI Will.'h (I 'llii 'H .iietii'K pi Minn- -!'. ,.' "!'" ' The t. ini nunite-- ra 11 laiiNanil Roumanians In tho battle waillmnl St.UOO, and ol Turk-- , ubout SO'Hci Tim1 .1 Ruasiana were estiniuteilnt "ihilib Rnuiniiiiisni at 9.009, TheTurklah'

wits ajnoli liwa.but it 1a dim-u- lt to nrrlvuat orreei estimate.Tin Ruaalana gara up the Idea. of atormlaaand pr Iiaj. under the .tir-t- i."oflliogrual engineor, Te lulien. t,. surroundIhinau with m linbregnabto line of rpnmea-lliin- sand thus cut bin "(I from supDlieaundrnepiiiraenenls, and atarra him Into Hir.'ii.yr. ho works buin undor th- - direieion

! '" redlebeB aru ., a k"iie wlihhe. 'te ,uhl if .iiihiiik the Kr .it(hl'.tery. The ItuaahtB Una of Inrert-I- t; t waa thirty nnl. L uk. and dofended

! ' - ". ! "!' M''Hi ""i". every pan lieing' hy liifio try. no pari L it t envalrr.1 'irlrltan round t.. the Lornts road allI ii iuataa II wasal the time ol tho lat at- -

inon Plornn, Tho artillery oceui tho'.' ' ore llodlsova, with the guiia extended" hi,,, toward the I.miiz road toI Jjiui. a u miie ol rieviei. Si leirv in,,.'' 'v 1. From thoret hell noL 'V III" Id, and ii limn "i"-e- .i thnr '" ii mllii from tho hrldgeoyer

I l '.'"'heeliriaaBiHlparalliiltotherlroritn-- I" '' ' " ''ii"' where 11 Hgain croaaiidthoI J, tnorod round it the OrivltBa redoula:mill .11 fronlpl Orlyltsa. Tho Turkishr '' "I fprni I ho QrlriUa rmluiilit I

B'n hlgogyer thn nl elKhl mil. : f,,,.,, 11. ,."' ireiiiiiibttotbe Ituei a r..d..ui.itl..i,tft ,,' hi Ir lino wnaol mi irregalnr. oval

' ". ir 'Uml ri u I ill... in twi iiiy' "I .Hhout Ino.oiiii ,.J" llll Iliikhiim had nroiind J'i. yea

in lo liil two Inea ofy,',' I

;' ..Mi uti'i thn wl I,,,..r neat us full salt la onrn lent for mn

J!.!" " ,"' flio fni" n I'liivna n""in"iI . "'I I'oarly n 1 ih ago, tin N,,v. ii h

"H l"'d the 1, u, ,,i 1,, ,,S'..-,- , " '' '- -' " menf!, ; 1, b Iji im; inn. I'it-- . Ou Nov. li

VinU'ji.n iilAoe hullI ,, way!,i l'b;vuBndftoiiiii withiilargenmimiiiI,.. , , "'"'laiii i" iiie Husalana tlialII , '.'' In nf riorna,, " Ih- - army I., mi alar III Blllgntiu

, I .. ''V1 iiiinndod. II ladna eg.J I ur, ii'h r r, Oamai, Pa- - ha

I).., lolli'Wi l.y an nnal.tleo and nenonI "nil .i." hy ,, nlrelu h i ,,.,)v WI' P" wai 011 snort rations,j. ', " t'"i h... ajilin i,t MttiJ- - Woiidny. Nov. , Hie TurfceI mad.--I 'lleinpl min im Qon. Hbda leflf

K f"1". r,i .'.tIM! ""djn time, nralved Umj 1 1 heavy fire, and drove them

Ue' ;' who waa donsndeil llnoutors.a da ii ,' noad Uie Porta il.ut ho would

Ii ,1 '"k henv fy n 'llf"l'e(ul andI .. '" 1...1,: ffiI r v , ." l'-'- '! " noil ii., w'M , (

r '. 't en the UM nn.J f' A,ld

,'" - rainle. d n aim. iaipoo-- J..J""' 'Israeli Ball a. whoj f.o).ki;rtrt',",w"I '' 1 son.awlii.tro.' i". Uarntorr e4:.e tj arita

Pnelin. who ce.jitnre.l Ph-na- . ft town Sbottl nlnO'teen mill from Tirni'vn, iiiid lri"d t" produoeii oivaraion In raror or thn elnaely beleaaunrudl)ninn. rOilelmim'H lroim,li mih hul tempora-ry, The d' fei h of JaeoWltB Wem too StTOIPJl"T him. and hi iir'";r"fp wan mocked',

ll wn-- t reporl ilu last Wees thai the TinkeW"nhi hasten i" make peace, without foreignInb'rrention, n- - aoon as th" road to Adrinnoploehuuiu bs Inrentvned nnd Brtoroun lakoBi

fMI 1. 111 1111 1 i s MATH,rne or TaadeektH'i I'aHy AssaelateeHls

lepeleH(y in KnaahetkAid s ttotflold of EllBabath, n. .t., dtod

yesterday morning in the home in which inraided nil hla life aerentysla years 'and inwhich I oth hia father and hie grandfather wenborn, and Inwhl h they died, The oh) weather-be- n

ten boon nnd the farm, now reduced toabout forty scree, bars hnnn In Iho pussisiluuof Hie Rctfleld family for over two hnndredyears, it is within ihe boandaries "f Kllsabetb,the bouae, somswhtf modernised, laiing on thelandlw near the Elisabeth rleer, and la lateryears kimwii ae Paradise. It Mill le'are thentarkaof iiriimh ballets, Mr. Rctflald's fatherwas a commissary offloer In the Rerolutlonarywar. The Hetfleld fnmily ie of kin with theVan DttSen and Van.Url'.lt famillee. Mr. Met-Held had three brothers, all m.w dead, snd seres

ielere. One of the eletere married Judge Ipen- -cer f Oinrlnnatl, another in the widow ol Chsn-cell-

Ralrteil, one married I habod Barnes ,.fNewark, and anotherwns the wife ,'f an Eng-lishman, Ur, Ullgbt. Mi. II' Ill-- Id and all lit hibrothers were, for many years, engagea in therivr fri'ifhniiK bueineee between Hew Yorkami I'.limlH'th and other New Jersey towns, andwore at times Interested with Commodore

11, ins younger dnis. Beveral yeara agohe was mail... by the inllu.'bee of Van.lerhilt.1 realdonl "I the Kitall th and New Y. rk Ferry"imam. He was, ull hie life, a confidentialfrn nd of ihe Commodore, and nerer failed,

after tanderbilt made iu residi u. ie in New1'irk.t" visit him once a year.

Mr. Hetfleld retired from l iislnees about nyearn ago. With a fortune thai made himlndes'iid, nt. He owned iil,nt n s.'ore of heiisesin Kliaabctti ,ui waa regarded with affeetloooy hi- - teiianta, Ha never held a ei office

of Freeholder for one ortwotortna.He vva captain Of an artillery eomoany thatesiyrwal UifnyeUe Into Ellaabeth inr. Hetfleld a disposition mad" him one otthe most pn.ular residents of Elisabeth. Hie- i'ily form, hi feet in height, features.M. I.i "ie le in mien, ai.,1 ier lun mailohim one of the mont noticeable IlKures In theold city. Ho waa ouUpoken In all of hlc viewsbeing smwhet skeptical on religion ue well aspolitico. In eerlv life he was a strong Demo-crat, but lost his faith in Andrew Jackson whenthat strong-heade- d President romovu.l the

from States Bank. Althoughof slrniiK prejudlcee, he was warm heart",! andbenevolent, a oonsptcouons accompTlehmeniwas his familiarity with the Bible. II" r,dthai Ns.k through numberless tlmes.eren whenaooy. and m later years but conrersation erasthickly Interspersed with an ovMatlons fromthe H iripturca,

Mr. II til was married In early life to adaughter ol r .t. r Day. who for many yearsawed at his milt in Rlfatbeth all of the mabnt-an- y

logs Into veneering that was uaed latheNew York mnnufaetortce. Mrs. RetAeld diedortyj a ago. without leaving children, nndMr Hetfleld liv-- d uniii hie death a widower.His horn- - mold e..iiB;-l"- ,i of 10 ,iews and lite . sand a negro servant, now sovcnty-flv- e vats ,,fiig. wh.. l llo Son of a slave woiiian oWiie.1 byMr. HHfleld e father.

Mr. Hetfleld was attacked by pneumonia onSaturday, and du d at 9 uVlock yi eterday morn-ing, Ue Is to be burled uurning,

coiohwi a ijuca hmxt,TBe Healnulu-- nf I lie Kglrtaa C.r the OUmMTsi

l.ui.leu BsBIBIIItHkIn yoeter.lav a Nrs was tho following:

11'iMKti MivrilATi!i.v-'..,- ii enierea babte, iny MHtaJTei un or-.- ,i Nanoaal .lubiiw rnlerea Hnbenow hi uiaii.'i. our.i. raali eiemlaini rei irtetou!"- - 1.1.1. -- j. lMaeliiravMe4 fee Bternu.liftn. 1.. s njr- - .'..,,.,Aj.,.l U"iu -- Ii, .ul.l I.. His.i. to ear, a, bugniMMMW,Stwi1 si.iMth.o between 12 alios p aj'Hi. w iiAgiLTOS, Maaani

Mr. Hamilton began to receive applleantspromptly al noon, At tiret there waa Home beel-tatlo- n

among the matrons. They were not sursthat there was not a hidden joke in the

bnl on learning that they w rer. ally to have an opportunity for them toe.lui, it tii'dr babes, they became snthuslsstlo tnthe expression of Ibsirwlsbsa for UiesuoOSSSof the -- how. Mr. Hamilton said:

" I have travelled astanalrelf In the Bonth.and know lustwhat sharp htti" fellows the(P'nulne ro babiea fr. quootly are. Many oftho t ,.f ti in hare h"t" b ' assure mo ..f then- anpport, and I have made themost thorough and arrangements. Ishad not tire tho mothers out aa they did at theOilier show by keeping them lo re day andnight. I rhall ask their attendance from 1 to 4in the aitoi n i. and from 7 to lu In the even- -us "liiv. 1 shall have ai.latfoim .11 It especial-ly for them. wlo re they will I ntlrely bythem- -selves, and nurs-- a always In attundauce readyor duty if they nr.. regntred. Dr. David hII euonogh, an eminent oofored nhyslolnn andsurgeon, haac inicntial toatten Icrery day. lur-ing the hours of uxbtbitlon, atel lie w.n hareen-tir- e

charge of th. medical di part men t. Atearaexhibition tl lothera will hare a good aulestantial lunch and tenor coffee, as they with.I he '."s w ill iioioiint to about f 000."

Theshowla to bo opened on Monday next. atI M.. and closed on the following oat- -

arduy cTauing.


"Th Orhriaal Meaiheea Theawlaa n TSelr

Meulx aleg IMIBee,After fottrteon years of bnnlahmont fn.m

the walle that they erected in ISOl.thacongre.gatlonof tho Madison Avenue Baptlat ChurchntThlrty-flra- t street and Madia n arenua, en-joyed a houae-warmin- g laat evening. 1 tl th,.fall of iiiij it was decided to unit.j with theOliver street Baptlat Church, and the edlllsewas tranafermd t" that society, whteh enteredInto posssssloli and look the nam" of the Madi-son AvenueBsptiet Church, Tins transfer itigiven OUt, Was the n l of the ntlR lly ol themembers oi tiie original Mudison AvonuaJ liureh. and 11 niorily reanlved to bwt itslegality in the i' 1a, In Is7l the i;.,urt ofAppeals decided that the transfer was voidbui through the contlngohi litigation thatfollowed it w.m not tui November of lastyear that Hie Oliver street congregationwhs dispossessed. The usurping iiy thenoonuplwl an edifice in Fifty-thir- d streetnoar Heventn avenue, and thnt timy stv..,ithe Madison Av. nun Biiptiai Church, Tho

of the original Nadlaon Avenue Bap.tisti.hiir. il. on vet'iug ib'-i- nrnperty re- -solved to beautify It, nnd the better part of tuepaal twelvomontn, while they worahlpped in thechapel, has been apeni In renornting thauiaiuuu In. .num. l.ast evening th lifloa wasthrown open for Inspection, and members olIho old ii. iv. Htni'l Buptiat Church allendadand frnternls .1 with the kucesful litigants.The llilprovemonta havu been mad" at a. oflu.iaai, honrlyall the. money fans tueu auoullit color. Fhe bare white walla have ntinted. Notacoloi in rope d. Th- - style ,,fnrnamantatl m la Romanes iuo, wltli a flavor ofOriontnliama. Tito tall pillars in iho chancelRivmi 'ari'ii. i".

Ctlt NT 1MH1 '.s rol.H Y.

Praltsilug Against the P.sHanaltoM r a.i t.iirii aemt-Oflel- Uifaus,

VtitintAi I'"" 10.. Tho Hunsmrlnrt "'"iAuatrluii Delogai Ions are sitting berolo regu-late tl omnmn nffnlraof the dual monarchyfoi -- 7s Tho Foreign Affaire Commli fliioHungarian dcgnlloq h id n r, atingyesterday, nt win h (lounl Andraasywns pres.out, According to tho ; n; tSiinniioi'iietttl ouill An Irassy (irotegUal llgniliat llin UXphina-tlon- a

of hla foreign policy given liynil-of- ll lal orgaiia, lie ami: "Another fuc-t.- .r

hosidee ti'i'itliea niusl let cnnaidori'il in cou.nnetmn with iho relations btwoon iii.i Euro.lenn 1'oW' is. namely, n, f,, which lailildal, no make ti ntioa," A.s to U nllogallolllI'onceni'na Urn iriplo ntlliinvn, hoanldi " Am-iri-

is ui" nrbif r of lo r wn dastinlca, No1 uroppiin state ."111 more mroly ount utaiu"I tt .inliiu' reeogiillion of its yi ill inal Ie and ".stil 'ii in is." II" dneiarml himsell rtrohgly "h- -

poaoil tit Hi" notion Hint, in enmpll withxi iriial prejuilieea, the iThrisiiiin iioi illation ofuti."i niusl ntliilieil under Tlirklsll mis- -

ii". He denied Hull Austria Will 'Hi. g underHi" I' Ilu ii II. 0 many, and declared that pni w r in 1. lop- - could undortnkoni.otth incutui ths Mtatcrn uu. stiuu without lu coolhuHouII Austru-Mungi- il y.

" Tke Tw 0 OrpBane,"The wonderlul nmaiK'n of "The Two

in lasis Una, hi,, 1. , 1, in, ,1 Inrvrri resilsr. rs Am ie. 4 i'..nivv..'i '), (Nil today. suaMi llby N orioik Oysters less limit t"r. is' l ai'lusl Wilshi dry lain II lUrriieaiL safnkvrPaustik PiovaliBSi sibVwtikiaa


7fr t.MF it.l it v HnoW MtNOVXCKB aha.VBAVO imi A sniMH.h;

BaMes n, Awarded Vri.r. not Attawedlaher in. DtatrlbnileaiaihoM whs ware MarePeHaaats ImpraeailaM aad Irritation.

Tho ginici musical onbcrtalnmont nnddistribution of prlaos In lbs aresl nationalbaby show in Rtelnway hall laaterenlng ormldhardly bo called a iucccbs, as far nsth- - insideandlence were concerned, if the numbers out-side, however, w re taken Into SOSOUBt, il was aSweeping triumph. Never was sued a con- -

Rregatlon ol angry and Indignant mothersseen before lii Now York. They nssalh-- thonnmo of Mr. Httcheocli with all the opprobriousepithets thai the Ingenuity of snraged woman-kind could Invent, and denounced lha wholeenterprise as a hcsrtloaa fraud from the b"i?in- -

ning. "Hi wouldn't even iny our carfare,"screamed one Indignant matron with a pinkami white segment of infantile humanity peep-ing out of her shawl. "On" SandWtOk n dayand B CUP d Coffee," shouted another; "that'sBleb k faro that Is;" while a third, a fatwoman In a Call 00 dress with a bottBClBg Infantof forty pounds In hr arms. gns,ed out," Where's the dollar a day h" promised wpayus?" The eause of all the trouble was theBBBonneemenl that aii nothers (axcepl thefew reoelrlng prizesi would be requiredto vny llfty cents admission to theconeert. although, aa was claimed, themanagement bad promised to admit them fornothing. As fl o'clock SPPItiaCbed, the doorsaround the hail became im"ke,i with strugglingwomen and crying children, aad the scene reserabled a sooini pandemonium. Two officersbrandished th. ir clubs in the fSjOea of the wo-men, and strove to drive them back. bnl It wasno use. ti rowi sympathised trlfhtnem andcheered them on. until the n use penotrated tothe hall als e and began to alarm the getters-u-of the entertainment,

Inside the hall a drenrvs"ene presented Itself.Alsuit sevenll persons. Including Infants, .s'eii-pie- .l

the Hrst four rows, while Ihe rest of th"fl.Kir was awllderneas ol empty chain. Twoenormous pyramids of gas jets, en ased inporcelain geibea, occupied each end of theMage, and sh.'d a white, si.'kly glare over til"deserted house. Not th" sligiit. st particleof enlhnsinsm was distilaved. even hy the' happy" moihere who had been ga7j'tt",i forprizes. it a dozen s,,-- , al..d Infants. agedmainly from 8 to ft years, and eiad In the moatbrilliant hues obtainable, were s alongIII" row nearest the stage. The stag.- itself wasoccupied by serersl lonely nmi timid-lookin- g

miisi ians. who were visibly affected by thethinness of the house, and apologetically stole,away one by "ti" In u rear room...K.nCV,1 "r l1"' BUKri porter net Manag-- r11 . llit h k.

'Whats tho cause of aii this?" the reporterasked.

"These women outside think they are swin-dled nose they nil havnn't got a gold watchor diai ids. Every one thinks their baby isthe prettiest, and is angry because she didn'tget a prise, You cant argue with them, youk:i"w."

, Has anv money I n made in this thinir?"Well, some money h s'.ii nne in t, Idon t know yet how much, The great troubleis. we haven't la.',-- able to give orci y woman aprize."

Huperlntendcnl Thomas decline. i to give anyInformiltlnn, on the ground that he had no in-

ter's! 111 the eui.-- i prise, aud that hla servicesWere hired.

Al s n clock by actual eonat there were lessthan loo persona in tho bouse. At Arc minutespast. no. tir- -i c.rnet ,,f the orchestra sidie.i,,nthe stmje with a deprecatory glance at theamnllaeas ol the house. 11 , brother "fthe nut", who followed, pulled hie is- -ta he thoughtfully, ns though contempistiiu uieprobability ol getting bis money t the doee ofthe performance, rbe viollniaui, the violin- -OOllo. snd the st followed In various attitu--of mute protest, nnd nt a precisely the enureorchestra struck up ths overture, Light Car-airy- ,'....... Huppe, It was a stirring slrTCutiioihing could mure the settled gloom whichhad settled upon ovry eouut.-naiKo- . Iioin Uiuleader t" ths double bass,

H Mobs froiu Useogue and other authorsfollowed, after whi 'ti Miss Netue Haitnor sanga earatina from " Roberto." Th.. uoi.i app usewhich greeted h r effort ti nly approachto enthusiasm during the entire evening.

An awkward pause followed, Il was whis-pered il the ball thai H- i- indignant mothersoutside had gone down t" the Police CentralOftl .1 to get a warrant f. r the manager's 111 restand geio rul anticipations nf a row were

In, Finally Mr. Hitchcock oame for-ward and nada the "following s Ii ijeli. siin.. gentlemen, 1 ahould havu been very gi,it s.-- a full lous.. here I A rolco - Nodoubt of 11 ".and to have presented th.s..- prizesto the recinlenti under mors agreeable clreum.stances, ft la not our fault, however. We havema admitted alltbo mothers, bacauae welhougntthere would be lealousy and envy and harshfeelings If We did. Pll- h 111.1 II - of 111" motherswre tirsl, and had Come a hoi.; way, and h"irchildren would have suffered from the ex-posure, and we ludged it beat to only Invitethose for whom there were priasa. In this w ayw" thought to av.ud the dlaeoiitonl which wouldcertainly have provalled ii wu bad.

Mr. ii k. continuing, r t",i the termson which the prwes wore i" bo bestowsd. andthen the list of premiums and their

as follows;Mri Wstu,aaa u ratal itrsst, ksadtooMg metan iii

111. lSt IS I SSI, I,

v.. ii Huraer, S4S Rsnry grssl, wcoail hindKHnestin. , th'' r, .ti. on. .ini i.l srstl ih

Mi- - W It H.,ls-rl- . IT" Its r.s.1 JsrWy I'llvnsav) srshtht bsby iSrst week ekswi smt aeeklsrs

Mrs M Steasthsavj wsigbttisSv esicons ,,'ij .i.sut-no- .l. I. Isce

Mr. i, os ii. .'in Third tr,-t- . lulu i llfkt bsbl illr-- lwseki. iluiniiiiM mirfMrs SansSrVltlvlS llissvt, Hr iL! Ml llshi

wekthl -. h, , i. aisuiiintl rtaiMi- - Hrl.ininrr ,. N..i Hi Hn.s.l ilr- -t RUlihstl

H .1 ti Ibletl l'r-- t srsi ki. IJ siMr- - Km. Ii. Kin, III ue, I'. Khjls-t- street ,u

iru irt- - ..a t ersrslMr. Ann..- Jsrnhs. s H,t Purtl unit nlrtain., olr-- t M . hi. SVlMr- - ksrilett, sift Course inrssl. Orceaaalal I. I

' srsiUrsl r, SI"Mr. Julia huhmsr. a gssi n.irj NrMLpretusM t,ni,y

.is anil wi'i'SLSiaMi- M III w it Thirl) uivsslh Metst, SOVSltf

I. sio "ir.t week BSnMri kllsix-U- i m k. n, saaWsii Thnt j isvsath sir,-- taovnlty bsl.y iW I .. , k v.

Uu ""' rtisil, prstusttMr- - Brstitsd.H Hnnlennwri trl, Jens v srsiwr'issrnkl (Srit weeki. Sin

Jf "'""'k. Mo " ""' fnWm Pjeyirfeur'Ji o'''l!t's,",,",!,'i' WrlV "fii,""1'1' PrslUMt

fit , ,i i ,ir, lift. i. 4,11 BiaUi nv, niie. pn tussl net ,. ni.i.i v . i,.i n , pi i, siuMr. Klhuils--m BcKesn.amWsMyiilrt) wvsaUiilreelpretUMI Bve yesrelii la I week to 'Mi. sao,,... im ' Wswrwy paws, yeaastst aiuUisrIIS ) sr. ..I SKSh ll'l.Mtt bsVwi. Iwgkiscksr stteet. ussy hera winAt ih" of the ceremony the persons

named stepped UP t" the pjatform and n Iv- -itheir reapia-tlr- nwarda, Mrs. Waits, the hnnd-aome-

mother, looked umte pretty In a uesiooetume ol brown silk, with a i"s,. m h,.r hairand several ,.f the other mothers were attract-Iva-lookll-

women.Th.- tn Ins ol Mrs. Jacobs appeared charming

in their d resSOS ol red and white, wuh lliolr'iit auburn tr sses flowing over the shoulder

Mrs. Jacobs lieraell looked anythlngbul pleasedWhen, instead of the I that he had uawarded on paper, she n Ivud 3H in cash andthe folowing inloruatlug do lumuut:I'si'i isili "11 nut ' an-- i

Ussli iikIui.-O- ' t.t- -ss

t nIs J K o s.iiri i

Hof's were the twins for whom It was car- -reutly reported that the maniigcmoni mild ilul"-- dm Their r. al compensation Wli III i.eiwe.-k- whl ii was afterward tlodu' imi nut of thefull amount of the pf iiiluius. 'J'iludlgiiid f the mothers at ini. iliaaovoryH ie loud and deep, A chorUH of lliiiulrti - Wi reiiiad'. lor " Ii. J, h.." hut thai individualmost djsoMlgingii to eoiiiu forwardI ii" goi.i witch s. i in diitniuiids was small i.uipreity. II w.,s valued (by ih" iiianiigeiui'iil) ntIt (Mi, Ono of tho diamond rings was nhown 10Ihsrspoipir, Hoi inn remarked. ' It oughtt" i I the Ural waier, for m w.,e snail enoughs. .me of tho ro' ipiunis evidently oxpoctcd togi i Kolifi rs.

" The bnlnl Will now perform the finale," Mr.Hitchcock sill I ; and nilild the iiispn mg slrnilia"I ' I. i Piophete," (r an Myorbei'Mlie nildiencodonned their OVorcoulS and wrapp rH and h itHo- hull, VI liutlli r luslly or not. then, wae only"I pinl. n ox pressed concerning lliu wholoaffair, and thai was that it was a a "'fraud." a" swindle." and u " humluig " fioiu too t" ls,t-t- .

in.Half of lh who had received prises worn

rllssnllsllod, and those who hud nm were furi-ous. Tho stairs wort choked up Willi motherswho had not been allowed In enter, and lliojib nouiioi d the inamigers as SWilidlors, iTllovesand hlaokguarda. Many of llnwu womenw.-i- d nnd evidently I,, long. I

tu iho iNiller class of working pie. "Vewere stm tod "ti sandwiches and muddy coffeefor two weeka, one mother said, llltohconkDover gave us on nt, m t even our cat farowhen it rained, though ho promised us a dollarn 'a v and good Is nnd." Another mother, In rbut decent clolliing said Acursuon Ilil. li.'o.--HS Stttrvud na and our children, and has gotu i. vul It, aud uvs ho wuii'l lot us m to tho

.show." The m al violent of Urn crowd was thewoman witaUnneari baby, who called tlin r- --

l"'ii"s lo Wltli 1'iiif lo r child Welgjiiel moreUiah flfly pounds, though that llarfiitcbi kaais il don't "

A isiijciimnn tried In elbow her away, but sherefuse. to mQicantj lontlnuwl ta donnuni'e Thiimalingers a a pn k of ill lev a and swindlers."

Illtaheoek ought lo start a cat show and enterhimself for ihe prize." another womnn sab' ;which ihe whole crowd laugh id hearliiy

nm confuaioB on the stairs and In (bn hall- -Wai was so great that Hii, rlntendoiil Thomases aped wlthnnl being The crowdwmii. d a long tine for Hltchcnolt, mi lthreatened nil sorts of dire punishment ifio was caught, but he didn't OOlltC, Athuit was raised, the cry that be wascoming out of lite bach entrance in fifteenth

stT". t, ami a delegation of woman with babiesin lle-i- i arum rushed around lo head him off1 hoy fall 'd to llml him, howover, though a ho lyof Indignant mothers kept guard atthe doorsl"r hours after Hie show was oyer,

Twenty-Ar- e indignant women, each with ababy in her arms. IH. ,1 into the Twenty-se,s,n- ,

Street police station and fixod tlo ir Hashingeyes on Horaroant McOullotlgh. The leailor, alaixotn Oarman matron, with ainfant ill her hreasl, look a position in front ofth" desk, nnd, striking her list on Iho rail-ing. Midi "We want policemen enough loos, on us safely p. i.m sealn III Hidgol Hallr. r two weeks we have sat patiently there,spending our time nnd money to make thntoanr show a sneeess. reiving on Mr.

promise lo pay all our einenaea, andgivo every bnhy a pririe. To-da- wowere infoimed thnt only a small nnm-pe- rwould receive prizes, but were sat-

isfied wlcn we r ilrod an invitation tothe concert. When we presented ouraelresforadmission this evening we were Informedthat only prize hablea ami ilmir mothers wouldI"- ndimtted. Now, luw or uo Inw, we're goingto that ..I rt."

This speech was sustained by n chorus ofapprobation,TheHergeant Informed them Ihatthapollat

Were powerless lo render the gallant assistanceWhich they Would like 1... and advised them tothink ,,ver their wrongs during the night, and'leiuaiid an exi.lanatiou li'in Mr. Hitcbco kmthe morning." What ire the pnlbv. cy! for?" a voice in theback of the r.s.m askedJr " C.' ' '"" buabands to drag that man out

oi ue nail and give nlm the thraahlng hecried another.

..' Husbands, for shame!" crh-.- l a third,we ll go there oursslvss, aad puli every hair

OUt Of hi- - head."A middle-age- d matron, who kept her temperthroughout the tumult suggested in a lull thatHo y resort to civil pr m,ihk. and get soma

of the money which they had helped the man.ngers to Kiiin. After delivering un uncomoll-I,,....!..- ..

Opinion .,f the poll fepartmanl ingeneral. Ho y b it the elation, wuh the remarkthat If there was justice In New Xork they werebiumd to have it.What the profits of tto enterprise were is notknown. Mr. Hit h .. k said, in Ins introdn. it ,1 over Su.'SHi p.s.ple bad visited theball, whl twenty-fiv- e eenta auleoe. Wouldmake 7,S00,The managers and their friends claim thatthe expenses were large, nnd that II MU wiu.paid ..nt I.,r prizes. Un th" other hand. It is as-

serted that not hnlf that amount was espcndodan tliat the ejp, ns,-- were vrv light.

Mr. Ilu h k will start for Philadelphia to--morrow, .a the noun liaui from th" I'"iiiisyl.vania Railroad Depot, II" will have several ofthe handsomest children wuh him. and lut oidsstarting a show In Philadelphia, A number ofIho indignant t horn said, last evening, thaiHo Intended following him to Jersey City uulwreaking bummai vengean u him.

nion umi m; i i mt DI i iisirmis.Tae Oevaiaa H,tinB, m,.,,i. r i... , in

i' only Plftj Veals on ihe Dallar.A tbouaand dcnoaltors in the broken Qer-nia- n

Savings Dank f Morrlaanla aaaembled Inf feW.t of the pretentious bank building last mghtlong before tha hour appointed byReceiver Wllllan J. Best for tho meet-ing- .

When the door was openedni"ii and women together rushed pell mall Intothe largest re. .in and pa ked it. Mr. Dent ar-rived afterward, and agreed thnt the depositorsshould is, asked to to Bupfsl's Hall, twoblocks distant, where there Would be morsrOOm, Mr. Uupfel was one of the MiSu, ,.(the broki n bank, and Is. with the others, equalIrani They aro charged by tho depoa-Ibir- a

with being the main oauas olMany of tha depositor objected, especially thewomen, to holding the meeting at Hupfel'e, be- -cans the h.s nilcht be shut off. they Mild, a

of the .h posii. rs went home. The deposit.ors nr.. nearly all extremely t r. and In losingootltrol "f their de,.ssitn in Ho. broken hankhave thereby lost theli all. Thov wore quietand had little to say. Their conffdence in Mrlh-s- t has r r ui the llrst been implicit.

After Mr. Franklin it. Rmh, a meohanlc haineon mad" chairman, Mr. Real said that be m.-- t

the depositors to present a statement n thebank a affairs, and to learn what thnywanteilIon., witli the assets. In Jul) last, when liet.sikpoaseealon ol found only I301.9S

In latah and I2s1.ii.mi ,,f whichhitler sum were M,U00, secured h pledgeof mortgages. m (own bondsliorr iwed money in keep the hank running, ofIho MO.Oou has In,ch paid, and the re-maining 6,uuu he expocpj t" bay tills month,the sum of 1230.000 is dun dapoaitora. Thefolhiwing securities, after paying the remainderol the sooured lean. Iv.ishi, ib loft for the de-positors.Rsit I'lisstsr town IhmuIi BisjvyjHorrlsnts town biaidi ' ' a'.n,Msmsi rk litsrn lsndi iimNstr Meclislls lawn n. i..t nMerrtMiils SlejiulMiat (tflaipsae bisTsbi i ,..""ls nil rtss:. In.. VSlUS ST'. '.illast, .1 slii.- fnt llt,

Bsnklmi hous stl,. ...i ...i S4e,4aa ll, siiprsiadWilli- -

Ti.o-.- ilsr lima- - iiunklK-- si faemluwrs iskii,s nun ir, , Mliniti , ni ash sad uu. met 4 01,relal sstimaual value of aswuiti iiitt.i

In addition to tba above is 141,000 In Hmtth fieldS. I., town boll Is. win h. W'ta past due luter-st- '

amouuta to IS2.UU0, Tins is a total lists, aa thsCourt.of Appeals has deelded that thoae Isoldswere illegally uisuih, Mr, Ueat afiso has iiit- -

ooii railway bonds with a market va'u- - .',flil.rioO. Tie- by this Invostmenl is afifi I toilami the total loas In these two ,,f securi-ties is 16T,000, whi"h be expo, to roouverfrom ihe trust.-- , s.

hints m e to he Instituted against them verysoon in tho Hupremo Court. In 1879 the trusteas admitted a defl luu "f upward ,.f .Vi msiro All the gap the) turned In bun Is. mortgageand cash t , that amount. They now sin thatbey b't.t thla money t., the hank, and ma op--posing the en. Is lofoi lose the mortgagee, andpl-- ad want of consideration." It ie BBpenialltthe plait of H," lata counsel tor the hank. Mr K.Hall, wl, himself made one ,,f the mortgagesand ha I charge of and the assigning ( theothers. finally," said Mr. Beat, "the assetsvyill lay nlmut fifty ""his oil a dollar, and ifthe amis aKiuiiei the trustees b'rmillllte suneasfully thou thirty or forty per ' "in. in, .rewill n obtained, Ihe truateee are n h brew-ur-

and can afford t" pay for lliolr mistakes."Ileplylng hi a quuatloil, the receiver, who hadTn. ,11 nf a table to maloi bims If seen andheard, said that 111 a m.'iilh he eapocted to haver .MU.IS00 of the dopoaiiora' money.1 hat would I," ale. ui tan cents on a doll, 11 toeach or Hi" depiwltora. Howovnr, he would notIdvlae paving hs than twenty per cent, at atun", owing to expense In dlslrihutinu iton nm motion being nut, the depositors unanl.tnoualy decide I Ui hatha hank nulldlng, which

.Mr. ii-- st eaihsi a us. i. ss piece of extravagancereal ostaie and tgHges lie at hast until'spring beloru selling llo-- pulillely, na therehya great I iaa will bo avoided, The greatest poiseiiroso When the quiattion was up whetherHo 1 1... watchman should r Iva 11.10pTfSn lligllj for Ins services for Seven weeks'I he ll.SOaida won, Kyldoneoaof criminal ins-I'llllty, the receiver said. Was discovered tin. I oniii- - ciimplulnl 1111 oiii iai has i u arraigned toiinswer uhnigea of forgeri and omlnu.lfUiciiiHe Is the former cnaliler, Niiliain Huuluud II'-ha- - be, 11 indn ted. nnd is under hull,

As soon an ihe ling cluaeil on aged Qer- -mail Woman put h.-- trembling llllllU oil Mi-ll st a arm, and said: "I am a Widow a IIIseven children livery oont I had was in Ihehaul, iJ.'Joo. Lot it all go. but puiu.-- h th,,,,,Iruataus w iih wliul lliey dee.., Ve."

Wnr on the Blgaboaisds.In accordance with an order from Mayor

Yiii.'- -, stn-t-- eauiii ion, Moms t Newark entered sUe.t urmva utsli'i urutsoU i iiie polio, sml irinodwon mws, iscs, errtiuiliM, ind eruwbsn ta tsardawn in sia not, hurtling .,,.i.. hot.,,,la.lui na,i rtlior nireel nliitrtlillual, wlilcli Im nut ireaily been i,,ti., UirewiMiri in h, in.'"ill. nil n un. mi, 111 a Ism- llirimu fnllnwed Ilu1 i.c nrei""" K"'k "" "i"'"1 SOU uillVI lo, - sllnijittm wnrk Ii to be rnnUmwd every nlfhl unlll all sign,ba.oa, sii i. ii,,i ,,, si'i'iirdiia-f- uui it., lawsri'iruu.,,. un nouagiuiasuda ne iskvi, dawn fii Bread

PUSlll Seal,-- , I.rTasntMoTOM, Dec, 10. Tho majority report,

atstliui Kasili win idoptrd, sa to a, end Byuaior hint to luiM-a- rii.-i,- who voted latbiia..,iu.i 11, v Sunainri Allison, llnwi Uorriii ttetusrua(Wli 1. Iiiifatla, Baaiuliri, iisinlis, aud Mctllilau,

Aii nerrpus, nahaustlng, and painful diseases.iiiv to Ue- eursilvs laniirni'si a ralveriaiulepr'l l,i,, tin Biilu sad Bsuee flisy sr, l enVi-i- ,

hrs, and oen Us , i.,iy s..iuit by ins isitlitii h .lain mil, lull, lull psrtlci.lsi fmt l itil.a

uslvsals t., illSUrv-i'lns- i, N. V --44s rr.-t- PayMRMT niisuxiKn Hpeola tha baat... i .


TIM HA1K Ills VWiV- -

i.m 1 ro WH J 1 r im' id.The Pamoui nli sin l"),, ir taVeStlag

Over Hatra Mlllleala Beal Kslalt sn...,,,Twiwlaa I'm. ha. m D , , la Ilu- - tliy.

Thus, interest ing warranty ibs-- warnfiled in iim Register's ont".. yesterday morning,Two of them conveyed what is known as tha

property, ,,n the oast side of Broadwayand Mlxth avenue, between Thirty-thir- d milThirty-fourt- Streets, to Jay Oould, Thegraatora an Hugh smith nnd Ontharlne o

mother of ex Senator Bradley, Peter 11.

Sweeny's brother-in-la- Baoh ooaveyad anUndivided half. The other d I was ofthe four story l,r,,wn atone bouse, 00West Thirty-fourt- h street, separated byone lot from Hi" plot OOBVeyed to .lay llonldIt is occupied hy Mr. Hugh Smith. Il was con-veyed by Hugh Smith ami Catharine llradleylolntly to Oatharlne T. Smith, sister of Mr.niniiu. e two .tee.ts nist nenuonea aredated Dee, H. The payment mentioned InOBCh Is 1970,000, but Mr. Oould as-sumes a mortgage of a00,000, His actualonah payment, therefore, was only 1940,000,Thla money was ready on Saturday, aud It wastaken In cash or its .'univalent to the office ofBernard Smyth, real estate broker, on PineIt root, 00 that day by a representative of JayOould. This gentleman was accompanied byThomas II. Shearmnn. of Mr. II her s church,who Is Mr. Oould'S lawyer.

Mr. Sweeny waa represented by a lawyer.Mr. Bernard Smyth had tho daada in readl- -Oeaa, but, when all the parlies were assembled. 11

waa found thai no Judge waa sitting who couldvacate the lis pendens under which attachmentsexisted BgalnSt the property. Mr. Sweeny waato have mnde his final payment t" th- - Attorney- -Oenoral on thai day hul In order to do so Itwas asary to sellhls property, Accordingly,the difficulty In the way of the sale was eg--

ue, it., Mtnrney-aener- Kair.-lnl- and Mr.II. Peckhnm, and they consented ton

until yesterday,Karly yeatordny morning, as soon as Judge

Vudi Davia arnvcl at the Court House. Ihostipulation s'gnei) l.y Alt'.rnev II l.-- ral Fair-chil-

and John McKoon, far. Sweeny's lawyer,that the suit pending against Mr. SweeBV shouldbs vacated, wim placed bun.

once signed an order In accordance withthe terms ,,f the stipulation. The signing ofIhe order, be said yesterday, waa done as a mat-ter of nouras after the stipulation of counsel.It vacated and discharge, ,,f warrants of attach,men! against th" property of 1'eterll. Sw.-.-n-

lodged witli the Sheriffs of the counties of Newlork, West.-hester- . l'utuiim. and It,, kland. Ilalso vacated all tho not, iei of pend.-nc- of thesun of the People f he State of N-- w V,.rk agt.INter B, Sweeny and the Mayor and Common-a;t- y

,,r the i'ity of New Fork, Bled wuh theSheriffs ,.f the several counties mentioned.

Th" warrants of ntin hui'-nt were served on"f New lork June 8, 1875: on the of June 4. is::,; ,,u theSheriff of Putnam .lun- - is. is?, i( k, t oq insheniTof Rockland June IT. 1879. Tola actionof Judge Uavla frood all of Sweeny's propertyin the four "unties fr un nnv claim under thesu t of the people, nnd thus left iim title to thes.xth avenue property unclouded,

As so .n n- - 1. Id- to vacate was signed Itwas sent down to the County rierk'-- - nIBce to beHied. Tbetwodeeds win h had been broughtlo tho Court 11- use by Mr. Bernard Smyth werer. sirdiHl mill. Ileglaler'aoffleeal th" suggestion"f Mr. Sherman, Th n tha party which hadsemi hid In tho Court House went to the fMr. Smyth In rme strc t. win-r- Mr. Peter it.Sweeny himself was waiting. Mr. QpUld's p"r-eon-

repreaentatlve then banded over thoI94U o hi n or Us e'luivaicni a repreacn-tativ- e

of Mr. Hugh Smith and Mrs. Catharinellradley. This the transit Hon and theftould party immediately mterwardMr Sweeny, Mr. M and a gentlemandeputed by th" Attorney-gener- proc -ed to the Union Trust Company, wlo reMr. Sweeny's payment of fioo.u'si was mulelie was thus enabled to Uitceupblanote f JoO .ooo, wuh wliioli he ! al nominally oomplvtedIns payment of MftO.oOO, the An,, unt aandUpon Is'tweeli the Alloril' llll Illlu- -

seif. It It said thai Nr. Sweeny baa arrangedv sell nucb "f ins othei property, and that nowthai the lis pendens lias been vacated the saleswill Is- rapidly npletod,

One report avers that be has given up nil hisproperty, and Is about t" resume th" practice ,,fHi" law. and another is lo the , ffL.,t that hiswife ie sick in Par.s, and the sales of real ealate are desigii.-- Ui furnish money for his re-turn I" that city.

Mr S.i nth says that if Jay Oould had givenI7.Vi.ihsi t..r th.- property ii would I boapThe t rice paid is 960,IS)0 less than it costSweeny and Hush Smith, and they bought itwhen real estate waa very low. Th mortgageol 19 10,000 was given in ls7l to the Mutual UfaInsiirmi e t mpnny.

The properly fronts on the function of sixthavenue and Broadway, It was purchased bySweeny, subject t" assesemi nt for the wideningof Broadway from Thirty-fourt- h stre.-- to Fifty-nint- h

Street It extends eastward Ms f,.,.t ,.nThirty third street and lj feel "ii Thirty,fourth street.

Catharine Bradley received a transfer ofSweeny's undivided hull f the property .'onNov. do. In order, as it in said, that Sir. Oouldshould not receive th" title direct from MrSweeny, The property was supposed to haves,,id by auction bi Mr. Bernard Smyth

ii ii i. 2, in the Heal Katato Exchange, inBromlwav, It wae divided Into two plotsnearly equal In area, ami the m irt.aaga was nppoHionod Iono-ha- lf on each I'M.

i that lime lax Commissioner NHaywood bid In one of the plota t..r 960,Oimiand Mr. John Murphy bid in tho oile r plot foria.17.000, Neither of these purehsses was consiimmal'st. it is alleged as a reason forthai thai at the opening of tho salea olroumatunns occurred which tendedbp ally to depress the ardor of thosewho had oomc I., pur has.,. Tills clr u instancewas described In Tuk Si s ,.f 11 t. 8, as followsthough no Importance, apparently, win. attrib-ute! to it in the salesroom :

Ti.f bid s BiY.vauo tn renimls4ofler ttivwood l,i,l Mm" Turn il . ll mi., .tt,, fcjTu.Uiiu iislBtrnkniii, and ni.s liy knocked down u r.'s,,,..,It was your bid." the sueUuneer sid "1 nirnn vnHis hill uirtii suli Hi,, to, li I eli III hut "

l nun wuh ihe t.iii.i ..a la. tut looked astea.Iilisd, snd Mid he lui.i an, i, a, i,i i st inw . ii. j,,u iwuiid si ti juu did, Ins sucttoaeer'. 1I,;, Mr ItsyweoS, ws'U havi to fall beel on root"t'lii ' .' fJ,,l,illi' nl,. no. "Mr ii. l reitxaid-.t- " I will yjc-- i

01 . I, ..V, "Ths a die aucUoaeer rum the;,., vlreroadyoa

Siieu.uisi rersloiat nm,.. imt te- ecaild net sn ihatUfr.r.SIld Ml Its.,..-- . I u ,r ru ll. i ..,Ha- olli.r i.n-,-- us- - itsrlfd SI '!". "'. snd ki, -- k. lenwn st i.ouu

" l ttndi that hid ir..iii you, Mr Hsya l,"Un laeUon,ser Nlld s oh in in a." N"." Mr li,..- j replied. "I .hint t.ul .orw.'.", una "

blddSN all baeksd "ut. m,i u it,,.prosirti si. .tan,. svsln si aii-- j uu li asi r.noiviiiii up j.y slojj n.i Ladl to I9A7.UUU, saJ kn.skvllill", ii tu John Murphy.

Il was on an oun "f these lailks In the salesas now claimed, that the) were But mnsuiu-unite-

In Ihe sal" yestorday t" Jay Oould a Inrgefour siorv. brown-aton- e, high-stoo- house ..arhlrty-thlr- d street, adjoining Hi" property setapart for sale O t. g, was ItlOUldcd,

Tins makes ins bargain an exceptionally u I

one In the eyee ol many real estate men. Theprice i. aiic'd In Ih" il I of the house no Westthirty-fourt- h street, sold br Smith and Hatha-- ito Catharine T. Smith, Is SIS oikiI lie ih "d Is dated Dee. I. but it was recordedyesterday nt the same lime with the twodeodato Jay (Inlllil,

Mi McKisin -- ays that the payment made yea-ten-

hy Sweeny relieves bun from all annoy.ancea hereafter, At n fllcea o iiiein. t ai-pirney Plielpa and of Wl Ier II. pnckliani, iiwas held thai tin- - was no) necessarily Ihe caseHie only stipulation entered into wuh sweenywas, they say, I hul hu should nol bn arrestedwithin Ihllty days after bis nupcaruu ' lu Courtat the trial of Ins case,

Mr, Oould was nol In the city yesterday llism w iiriiperti ns lata, for the most pan. ( twoand tlire. toi v brick buildings, painted whiteMr. (I inner is ope of bislenailts, lie Is now nayUg lO.ljOU rent for II handsomely ilii.-- iipsa.

i ami a urge nai cuplinl as a blillard h illi ari H 'hiilk.nnoilii'rul hfaleiiauta. k, ipsitlurguund uluguutly furnished boor saloon.

Paying no (iini. il Debla,Within Hi" present wook, It I expected, the

debt if A,auu which hsi burdened si Rsrlli an. w'tI'rotfilsnt Kidstvpal tHiureh nt Korl) tutirth urselandHsdlme avenue, will rnlirsli llqnldstsd n lis, mr,..,k,- ti,,. Imv ion sii,ni..i t tin wealtbleiin,' Hilar- - i la. lla.k ler iul luntlllll pail S'llll srsliin. reialli im Suudnj lie insde a iti'iiers) apliesl telliirenitreystioa. iirpe-ii- . w m II Vanatii'iit a.,a,v tn.-i-

s.i I .i.i, lur n In. ., inaeiait.

.t Dwelling Huratd in fassalSiPSSSIIO, N, J.. PSC, 10 -- The ban dsomo real-dr:- i.

i,l tlSCfyi ' "i.kliui;. i x Hlrt'St SUpsrlUtSIUlt'llt, vvrtiiiUlrelydiislii ml by pre it I , I. , k uu. moi nine v eliuiisb'i barely swsil with u,,o ., ti,. .. tn , itit, are is unknown Mr ifoiikllur lot svsluaiue libra--

'Iiie loaiUieiUinsUiilsiBT.ub'ii ftiiumd i.r Si,.'sxj.

Harlan Taklag Ualk,WvMUSi.TOS. Pen. 10, Don. Harlan took the

Oalti ui l Olvl II BulfKUJO tell. ill tit ' j .Uv

iiii i ri n. fr rvf IH0&

MneviaSiie Deelarlas Ihnl mprsniis is At--IssrttBfr - : ,..I IBs Questioniw 10,Tho RrmaratrfJat Meintnrs

held a meeting yesterday evening, BomrnJspeakers point d out that th" events of Ihe 18th

I May Inst were a mpl!sh", without theirconcurrence, and Hint they would notpartlid.pat-i- n earn ing out a similar policy under thasame conditions,

'i h,- UmrtUfUkmnM helleveatbal not only theBonapartlata imt the Royatlat Senators win

snbslantlsl gnnranteea consent.Ing to VotS a dissolution of the Ohklbtt ofDuputlea,

AltmMh rVMfiMgfs savs that nllthoMinls-b-ria- lcombinations announced nrc merely MB'

iSCtural, Tim manner In Which Hie Qovernmciit shall meet tho Ohamlmr's mfuaal to votethe budget now nplea the nltantlon of theexecutive heli, r,, all other matters.Kepublb'sn journals su. t,t ,,i nn Interviewrs'twiien rcsldenl MacMahon nnd the imke ,iAn lifrr t rasiiuler. I'rcshb nt of the Senate, the..iMienai .i ii mat a t aium t wna formed, andc .'n 'l'iu'ithin uo uu"!,tlu" oompromlaaor

A eorr. led a counf of the Duke d'AudlfTret-Pasquler'- sinterview with President llrcMnhonsh.ovs thai the imter said thnt not having su -

'" h'd in forming a fahltict acceptable )., the.maiontyof the Would constituteone lo suit the majority of the Senate, If theSeriate refused to accept it. he would resignrather than renew negotiations wuh M.

The Puke unid h" had been sent In the namepi the Constitutinnalista to make a last appealHo- Marshal to save Ih" country from n

measures. He was in despair at theof tin- appeal, i trembled tu think ,,fth" frightful responsibility the Marshal as-sumed.

LoNDOW, Daft 10. a Paris despatch to the71rnel save: Now, as a month ago. the aimpursued, and which has never I n abandonedis a second dissolution of Hu- Chamber of Dep.ut cs ; but this time diss ilutloB will bo conipil-ca- t'd by a fls- al coup I't'lat.

I.I.NI.ON. lie.;. 11. The Paris correspondentof tin- - telegraphs the following!Inloonaeqilenoe of the irritation caused by

Presi.ient MacMahon's curlof iim link deAudlfrot-Psaqule- r, the"', ,,in "iist:tiitlutialisia whom M

Itatl'ie have asked to join his Cabinet,have refused and at ii o'clock this eveningthe failure ,,f his alt nipt p, form a Cabinetseemed l.v,,nd douK. although partisans of theresistanee poller iii.iini nn, that the CabinetWuUld be BSXeftcd to. morrow.


TS-- OS Berlin's ArrlTSl DrlsyrS byllrokrn Mhstt.

The Inninn line Bteamablp City oi Herlin.from New Tork. Nov. 94, for Liverpool, passedW nstown yeatordayon her way to the latterport. All w.-r- w li ,,n board. On the SOtholNovember. When two days from (Juceustown.her shaft broke. Tim steamer made little or noway under sail, owing to easterly gales. OnSaturday night aha sp,,ke the steamer City ofNow Vork. und was by hsr taken in tow on Sun-day morning. All of the steamer's mails werelanded at Roohe's Point The steamer City ofCheater Will sail from Liverpool on Thursdayseat for New York, In ptsee ol th- - Oltyof Ber-lin, Which was appointed to sail ou thai date.

The news of the saf. ty of tho City of lbirllnwas received with area) toy by the friends of ex--Alderman Jenkins Van Behalek, Many of themmet at hla office, IS Brow street. Among Ihem

of Public Works fleorgetan Sort. Itufus s, Audri ws, Leonard Jerome

Miaren e Jerome I'. F. kfarbiiry,1 apt, 11 West point, and many others. Theenthusiasm was so great thai ea"h man was as.Seeaed cents, an the following despatchaent to Mr. Vuu Schalsk :

IBsgss MB. r... M.M my r r2",T laSsS! ,0we coerrsraisw ya isi your a- inini tnere haiSri nan st iiixal. "ii ll. r I v..r t.o., ., t. ,,,

su. re, ...i linti j ..u lis,) Ki iii down . itii Iti,. sun. .sr. - In ths raUllill Iniihls id llis a,, ii, an, t TheOUIU looked I .1-- . tvtianiuv heard Ilia ihluivaaloaland Ue essrs were rsniosiu ou tesrnlne uu n,.s,

Pafatd by Iwealy-asvo- si klarrtvnrts)Dp to a hue hour n answer waa receivedLai" in howi ver, ei ;..r Thisj,

Mui i'liy got the following dcspai 'h, which wasevidently sent int., Queenstowo while thesteamer wns pusaing:.qiiMrmas Jlss. to, IBTTIII H : Tl ,. wmfmk ft Ml ... V

IjsXssed Uossnilewii thla -- Itrrnnen m iowol IhsOtlyo" ;!'" i Uvi r, t.. morrow rieaainnnry Ui; Stack i...- Wlnu'a the orlis ..i bskaBvrsl AasweralUvyn I. Jasiisa Vis Scsiks.

tiii-- i. a us r nam i tam,Mr. XX I.I, . Its, r.l,,i n l

IjVKiirv.ot.. Hc 10. Mr, John Welsh, thii. wh spy inn .1 I mud siat... Minister lo Ureal Brill awho i a pajscuftr uu ti- ip .,m, r AdrlaUc, whleli i saasdBseas'i Pidal u i. siornlns sad di. ntrsraoridua-- ha; reaasntjd lo rrnisln hers Ureal) funr

T'l ""SSI is ll tale. Mil,fhfld.thi Piffled' ..! hrre.a ,. ether a. lu a,,, i

era, r. d a aih.ts t . rlr. .1 lr. ui ll,,- n Ti,,. MivolWlllrrcvivs siat wsleonu tha m Umhiu nn Isn.i,,,is.-.-

, snd ubacaBetitli rlitirtsin I,.- -, at i, iron inIhi I -- iiiisii Wlills fliers tin t' liiuls i is I'eininvrcawmyrtNBtaaaddrewofwsk-ou- io Mr w.i.a

Kin aVllbaea's Harriaae,Miontn. Doe. 10, All newspapers, ll luding

the oeiHMiUon, apyrova "i Kins Alfonio'a nurrlsss withil... link, ... Mnnipt nin r . .laii.i.t, r Mi rn di . sndtii.,1tl,l' Ife ,,t tpillil,,-- Mil. - UlltV el UlO H I,,,, LiP,. .alie- Ie:, in. . ...ti Is hav, siau I x,,r,-- . d SpproVSl

Ths President nf aba Prisoner.MAimrn. l1"-- ' 10,-S- onor Ratrada, th,- - cap.lured i o i,i, i,i or i inn lias arrlvru ittidu sndhaicendueb ,t pn-- . n. r v. i' , form n Barci i, ,

elreacBaieal in ii klya aalariea,At Ihe meeting of the Ur ooklyn Al y.

efteraooa Aldsrinan Paaiui ogcred sroaoluiloniduins Unt pay el petlee n i . arrmsn. and aiderai.u wnper cent, mskli ihtir pay after dsn laii'utlown I'otlra i',ii im... II.BXI rs, SI a roundsni. li. Sl.nai. IsXlrolllll'll SI r llVil Ss,l il,,poi an.! pail rie lutlon prey! I, ,1 thaiI "le e ulBrsra, slter Jsn I. snail rrcelva .n and, a .lull i, rlv, fsi.i ti,,.,, ,, ,,,, , , , riniiinUiSoneriaatasiri'ondui'tmsy The n iluuen wai relkrred to the Uw iWinltWs.

Iioiniksn'a Ttsanblsaesia Treasnry,(wing to the blunder of the Hohoken Com-me- n

1'iainrll in not properly aclini en ilia niesia ,"Msyuv Biiaii ll, ri loins Ilia pi Intmi ntid Wm ' H'tntris.i m rrra.urer, Mi Suiual Neiib, sic i el nrrrsaurrr SI the l.i.t n.ini is lii t'oUIH'll e .11 led l,aaula i" s, t mini '" Ii rnnnraied Ui He Bttvor ri.' nuiietl. In ai,, Uis Msyor'i vvto did net dvelsraIlu. idaea vacant

aira. Belsler lleiaaadlua a Dlvopea,Mrs. Dorothea Oulsler, aged .'si. of ii Har-

ris.. a ivrnue, Brooklyn, In, beiua e Mill for limit, ddiveres loan Mum r UrlaK-r- Who Ii right vein herluiiior. She wsas widow win, s lame iniaili tu is; n he win niairled lelimler she sllrtn'i il ,i beli - .lines, lauaki up Ilia liirnitiire. slriki - hi i sun iItVVI Iul. r, and niSSMlifS Willi lliltl ull.,.,-- .

Bssrelari Uumphrey'i DelUleailaaa.The investigation Into the affairs of the Sum

Sochelle Ssviusi Bsnk lisaabowntbstsrrretar) Hum..t. i.ii. un. a. wan in laia, yj... sioiiillus'i'i 1 ' -:

Tba Brekea l.oun aad Trim renipuny,PATBBaOM, N. J.. I o. 'I he stab-ni- , lit of

Mr K r Hell, the reri i r ol 0... Msnliaiil. Isinn sndini.t rianpsuy, ahnsra tt. luthllitti-- i lo t. Imi'.j7tjand tl., ii. - n wlihli f n o ., ,

sal. U.I Kiaal 'Ul.l r'.l.i ' i a ,1 i. all ..I

'l i,.- Demoralized Iteiiiililienni,The Rapilbllcnn Association "f the Kixteenlh

Aiwnibb i. t ii. .1 nt i n mend hiim--lor bavins vlelttrd ibrlr pleiige iu the a nti.,11 n,,

IV UI III' ,S'I, mis ,' !, stlug vvlvd lus Ptiuoerslii si,in t,,K,t

geaalar Thurman fur ibe Bllvrr hiii.. WAsniNOTiiN, I'e I", s. iiniorTliiii'iiinnsur.

prised io- - iri.'iuli sad irsUOvd lbs men alio luva m,I. .nil npimwd hini in litiln, Oj e lutoliln iiivorullyin tnier ei the Silver bill, la hii all. irtipcivb tigs slltrUowu, JUII bvlol'v Hie aeiiiitii sdiouinrdi

vv ears Reduced,Wn gnsnttink, Pu..le . I a a ten per centumredliell ai 1. Hi, wssi ael uu.e i - ' tail ,n ni

,.i lha I., i.uii na i a ilk ibsrre t'usl i'uuiii., itI ill at, ll let, t It , ,'pt, Ih, kit' a, a

Denlk Menleuve Pnaaed.NonntaTowa Pn. Dec, 0, ilildgu Hoss thisnini alau il ih. ,1. so, aruu u, on W tfiai, un.ivlvdnl lbs luurdsi-i- Mas lloubiw,

The row a,, n,i alarmed J eras y tinThe powder boats Ihnl lay ,,f the Hi w JeMoy


.n ni lerrf . Jerjei I'llv.island.

lia.ii lawn rinivvvdioenan

i nn r. i ti 'j vii m

ii sS - S


il .vn Ktvonn To muits Kill IB-i- n

KKO il' ; not skANsrlag Pewatap A pwrehsvsstaai oree ih

'rkreaiienlaa Altllagaal ihe AgailatsinMiagMaOeari beltore iae vim,,., , ,.,,

Wahhinuton, 1 in. -- The offurtt of IliaPrauduli ni AilmlDiatratton to preclplPJMa warw lh Hie republic ,,f Mexico n v an em- -phatl r. hnk" to. day hy the almost unmilmouaBillon of tho Mouse of Ropreeentatlvee, Timre

! " Hl""" Iho meeting ol the extra amnionof ( negress, n growing sense of insecurity Mlhere in regard to tl, situation on the Mexicanisinicr. Th.. indefenaiUe delay on ihe part olour Uomrnment in raaognhtlag the da factoOorernmentof President Din., althongbthe im of March lust iu authority wasobeyed in the provinces most remote fromIh" City ,,f eo and usually the moat turbu- -cnt, ins axtraordinary orti r lasued to the tieo- -

ural Commanding our troops along Hi" Texasfrontier to Invade Mexican territory wheneverh" saw proper, th,; systematic exaggeration olreports of .attle u,l other depreda-tions alleged p, have been committed hy Mail-can- s,

and the rlsmorous demand for moretroops made by Texan Oongreesmen, who op- -pOSod all imiulry Into thccaUSI s of these bordertroubles-n- U these things hBd eolisplred bl ex- -cite apprehension in every quarter. No actionwas taken by Congresa, because It was deemedproper lo allow the de fact,, President looxplainin his annual meaaage the extraordinary con-duct oi ins Administration toward a weakneighboring republic, Hut no explanation wagoffered In Ihe message or the contrary, the iangoage empbyed by Rsysa tn bis treauneut ofIhe Meiieau question waa absolutely throateding. .all

To ibdny nn expression of tb sense or thsHouse wns rightly deemed dangeroua, If a cotslision should r betWeeothc miding troop.ere, recklessly sent across the Rio Grande byOen. Ord, and the Mexican might beimpoaelbla to prevent a causeless andlenaiblewar. The unscrupulous men engagedin fomenting it could loalat that the Proaldealbad plaint) told Congress that the relationstween th,- two Qovernmenta were m t favnnibWto complete amity. Ii was therefore incumls.nlupon thn majority In thn House of Repreeentm I

lives to take Hi.- llrst lining opportunity to ex-press its sense in regard totbeiinmlnen f tindanger threat' ning ihe - ltlr. The chairmagor tlio n ays nnd Neana Committee, for rcnaonaof Ins own. did not see proper lo muko th" usunjreeolutlnn reported from that pommltteo, makIng api i; pi at- - referen eaof the lopli--of iii th" Preaidents message ss cmphatMas lb" Speaker "f th House and th" greedlaajonty of the Democratic Repisssentatlveathought it .ought t he It w; s determinedt lerefore.that the Hon, Abrum s. ll, win shoulddraw up the proper resolution nud move it as inn smcndmonl to those r, portiaj from ihe Wanand HesnaCnmmltti To this Mr. w i readllfa r d.nnd Mr Hewitt, In offering his resolution

pr- fa I it w th n few aid nnd admirableremarks, iu which he unllod nttentlnn to theequivocal language of liny s's message midsome of the featun s of the oorrespondenoo il

to t'ongreaa in the s." lai mesaage nj

" ''. '" '.'i1' '.',trn s "si ,u. Th" r"s ilittioniHumd by Mr. was -- 'ipp ii. l iy HiimCos in n neat and forcible ap hotJive min-utes' duration, nnd even Itengan of Texas telleonatral I to admit Hint it w ,s the right thingb. d... ll.,!,. of Main" ami Hard Id ol Untoshowed oil some neat gyninnatlca laauppofIng the resolution and lamely delendlntHayes s Mexican policy, whlti of Pennaylva.nla thought that. iiin"nni"h as Ho- MilitaryCommitteo was Inquiring Into the subject,it was not wise to s- -t the Couirnitteao'l F. reign to IhVCSttg&tlbg SHSJ,Mills ..f Tl mis was Hie only man who raised hisvoice ngnnist the peneeful methods which theal st unanimous so tlnu-n- t of the House fa- -Vnred, He declared in . fie t that war alreadyex. sled on the RloOrnnde and Iho-- ,. uhis list, n, rs who were familiar with ..ur Mexi-can diplomacy could ii"t but recall, while , waaspeaking, iho fn t that oncwar with Men. s, wnsiustiOmlhy out Oovcromenl muiiitaiuiiigthnlit had not Inaugurated war. but utter InvadingMexican terrlturi bad mepiv reaiatad tuelorcea hrotlght again it army. 1 P

Hut iho ignlflcnni thing about Iho short dasbat. ihat wna had on uowllt'1 rcaolullon, wasthe frnnk nianner io whi n Itupublican m.Ur- - Bdlllitb I that th. v had heard on everyaid", and from every quarter oftl ountry them prehensions v.'hich were felt In ri gar. I to Ihuthis iieniii" attitude ,,f OilfKloVcrnmi lit toward.M".i o 1 ley one and all declared n, th- - moalemphatic manner Hint the i.e. pi-- were opsposed to war Will) Mi x und' r any olio r thanthe most provoking elreumsinnces ; thai wiihth" hi a i load "f debt under which our countrywas ateggorlng. war would be a dreadful oaalamlty.

The Secretary of War was the House'" Hi''" "il Mil,tm Allans andfurnished Hie various is which had I ngiv-- p, (;... (ir, t,, govern hla violation olMexican soli, Along wiih the-- " Mr. M (Varysubmitted a loi "f precedents which be claimedtho de facto Administration had for orileringour troops to Insult the sovereignty nf a sistejr.puj'lic. In th ns- of hisMi. Mir in ndmllted thai in Ins judgmentrreslll"Iil line wna exerting I" Hi" i.thio.l lhapower oi iiis t.. yurnmcut lo pyev, ni irrosponshjilo panics from inaklng f intra aclasis iha

I exus liordnr. ll" also iHlmiited thai nm waaanx ous t,m;st prcs'-rv- c (rlcudli relationswuh ih s Uovci-unieut-, nnd wns ready lo makaanv reasonable ssh.pi io secure a favorai

bl- - eomnier. nil irenl ( with Ibe t'lilbal States.After ll iinmlttiHi hud n lu I. ::s hear-ing tins morning, iten. M k referred ta aaInfiiriunl i ropi lion wliieh had b n mn Ie lealI ridny to Invite s. n ., ainacoim to en,,, is foriHe in an irive anv Information hu might poa. 'ts m regard lo the ntutmleol hi- - Oovcrn.nicntti ward the hot r troiibloa, and ulao suihe hl' l III I I the pal llll" p ir- -

tics who are alleged to bnl protection ni iliab in is ol the Mi x, can autltoritica. Alter somaillscusslon Oen, WeC k move I iho Choir,man "f tho committee h' Iii" i", p, invitos, n.,r rVtmacnnaloaeleriniiini when h would

unvenlent for him to ninke nuy ststcmenlhe might t.. lay before the coiumittuo,1 h s in. Hon was nd 'pi", i.

Shi rtlj nfter tic - ii n. Harry White "f Penn.ayivnnla, a menils'r of the coniiniUce, autntin. ai.. hearing Wlml hid done, reqii sblthat Iho Invlinllon to Keflor iiimicona should laI lis, lercd, lb- alh s., I a.- - Iiii. reason forequest thai in iiii Interview Ic had fold ihiamorning with Secretnri Kvurto, ihnl dignlianhil l S'rollglV represent, ,,, WUl'd llOt Mproper to cull Keflor Zaniaeoim b fore the Mill,fiirv ( ouimllbs., II Would. Ic lh"in:hi. be a re.II 10 ll upon the Administration. It was how,ever, di terminod hi ih immlttec to adhere tcit- - origituil puris etc, und iiii Invitation imil.e 'ti extend, d lo the i lliiirmsn ' Seflor Zamn-coil'-

t mc before the comiuitluu at imUttrllCSl oUVcllicll.e.

Ynrkvllls'a HraBsa Buvlaga it. ma,Rocolvor Van Dyck lui" .1 upon tin

c.indiuuli ol ibe v ik i Ilia Havinua Hsnk, in n.tiis'lha dir.. tr- - deiktrad a dlvhln every i ar. altlioiiftthere - annualb a deib ll, and tli it en n,. i ..i jsnaaryhtatuie dellcli no in,iisa In iKveiulsir, ISTSalirn Preddeiii Ib iir) '.v Heeel dlasi i nsllt illprrdll i 1 ..''. Ihi re nn . an ,c ,i ,, ,, c' he ila Im k, ta, di "ii i ah, min i ll .. - ial SO I I.

ll l..vl ..I, hi"lllll-- , a , ., , n ,.. .,, I. seWere res riiten in , dinersni hands ntui nether luissaWilli evidem p. - falsifjcan a- - u tfelli i all die I,'. lua m ii. I iligUHlaadalt i laspla-arai- Whaii vei apiaaud e liurrvdtt waa uunh d siiiaitit Hie a

Hrava lleaiitllna In llenlB.An unknown wninnii, nliout "" years of age

alleinpb d P. cinaa the I olid I. I.m Ralirend nt ijraal" ,M oi i. ui from ..I ii,, p. . a

'..ii I oi N i. Vrll li n . a. oi tbnuti ,1 I,, her.and her ml niieu wiia let Mis erst Uiui no, in, tin'i " ll; l .. pa 17, ni s . ti in a t, ., ,s

Vt Slllkvi' "Hu e I'r. dl. Ilea.B'Ulhcflvi w i.,,', wli - warmw, oiareyor pn i .. iti itii, r so pi'id diii'

."i I1 1 tUM i iiu' r on.r.1'. I'l ,1 1. nl Cos l,s. a - r ' s ,i f


iTiM sir.trir5.MVr.v ;i; ixw,tfmm,m.l;..,!.;-:;- J;;k-.;:1'::',;- :'''-- .mTwo ii indn I rUarniskeritirssawork in lha Pealaal' " .

' " union lai t i on , .....

'Vv'i'orVV'1'"'';' (? wVriCiBfra