The Sturt's Desert Rose and Spotted Quoll




Poster on Australian Flora and Fauna

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The Sturt's Desert Rose has a deep root system enabling it to gather water from deep within the ground.

It defends itself with a certain chemical called Gossypol that is toxic to many animals and is found in other

Gossypium plants. They prefer living in hot, dry climates but can also survive in more humid areas and

some varieties can even withstand light frost.

Spotted Quoll's are generally found in trees and therefore they have foot pads that help them grip tree

branches on their wrist and heel joints.They have vibrissae, which are small sensitive hairs, to help sense

the movement of prey. They recieve water from their food and therefore require very little water which aids

them in times of drought or climate change. They can be found many environments such as in forests,

woodlands and coastal regions as long as there is adequate food and shelter.

