THE ST. PAUL jtTONDAY, FABSand JolS OCTOBER -I · 817 Bruno Beaupre...l7 3 17.18 818 James I....


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OCTOBER 7,1904.

St. Paul, Minn., May 23. 1904.Notice is hereby given that the time

within which to redeem the real estatehereinafter described will expire on the7th day of October, 1904. and that if saidreal estate is not redeemed on or beforesaid date, the same will thereafter beconveyed to the purchaser, at the. salehereinafter described, by a deed, in themanner required by law. Said real estatewas sold on the 26th day of March, 1894,by the City Treasurer of St. Paul, to sat-isfy a judgment rendered in the DistrictCourt of Ramsey County. Minnesota,against such real estate for assessmentsduly levied against the same, for the im-provements hereinafter named.

The following is a statement of thedescription of said real estate, of the im-provements for which the assessmentswere made, of the name of the personto whom said real estate was assessed,and of the suras which will be requiredto redeem such real estate from said sale.calculated to the day when the time forredemption expires, as aforesaid:

Assessment for Condemning Lots Num-"_ bered Thirty-one (31) to Forty (40) In-

clusive, in Block Seventeen (17), Subur-ban Hills, and Lots Numbered One (1)to Thirty-two (32) Inclusive, of CliftonPark, According to the Recorded PlatThereof, All Being in the City of St.Paul, Minnesota, for a Public ParkKnown as "Indian Mound PaTk."

DESCRIPTION.Suburban Hills Addition.

No. of Am't Re-Certiri- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.

273 Est of Pat GHbory 8 28 $722.38275 Ellen McDonough. 5 28 483.00285 Sophia Miller (ex.

ne 100 ft) 26 17 47.33256 same (ex. sly 50 . . .

ft of ne 100" ft). 25 17 107.64293 same 14 17 47.33296 John Drinane (ex. -RR) 10 17 . 47.33301 B. F. Hoyt ' "A" 6.6230S Samuel D. Lord... "C" 21.54

DESCRIPTION.Mound Park Addition.

No. of :,i^- Am'tCertifi- In Whose Name quired to ,cate. Assessed. \u25a0 Lot. Blk. Redeem.311 F. B. Clark and

A. Pugh .......9*3 $21.54312 same and same..lo 3 21.54

DESCRIPTION.Suburban Hills Addition. -

No. of Am'tße-Certifi- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.313 Geo. W. Hitch-

cock 1 28 $176.60339 Mary F. Smith(w 45 ft of n183 ft) 26 30 25.77

DESCRIPTION.McGuire and Hoyt's Rearrangement of

Lots 14 and 15, Block 30, Suburban HillsAddition.

No. of \u25a0 : \u25a0 Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name quired toCo,te'™. Assessed. Lot. Redeem.

347 Thos. McGuire 7 $25 77351 same 6 'I 25.77352 same 5 25.77

DESCRIPTION.Drakes Rearrangement of Blocks 2 S, 910 and 1 to 11 Inclusive, Block 11, Mc-Lean's Reservation.No. of Am't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name quired toCsoq"t v, A,R,? essed- Lot. Blk. Redeem.

399 John Allison 18 9 $91 54407 John P. Hoffman.l2 9 21*54409 John F. Broderick 6 9 21 '.54411 Thos. Farming.... 4 9 21.54

DESCRIPTION.Hirsch's Subdivision of Lots 2, 3, 4 5 and6, Block 5, and Lots 12, 13, 14 and 15.

Block 11, McLean's Reservation.No. of Am't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name quired to"?£?\u25a0 a Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.422 Anna L. Sullivan. 1 1 $21.54

DESCRIPTION.Drake's Rearrangement of Blocks 2, 8 910. and Lots 1 to 11, Block 11, McLean's

Reservation.No. cf Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name . quired toC?wt^ As^? ssl -, .Lot Blk- Redeem.433 John. F. Broderickl7 8 $21 54434 same 18 8 21.644*° same 19 8 , 21.54436 same 21 8 . 21.54*2i same 22 8 21 54438 same 23 8 \u25a0 21.54439 same

A 24 8 21 %l442 Geo. Grose 8 8 21 54443 Robt. Stewart ... 4 8 2154444 same 3 8 21.54

DESCRIPTION.N~O. or Ain't T?oCertin- In Whose Name >• quired tocate. Assessed. Redeem

453 Estate of J. T. McLean- Kedeem 'That triangular piece ofland bounded iby southline of Hastings aye-

T.. nue. west line of For-} eat street and east line1,. of Susan W. Smith's

land, being in St. Paul,Minnesota $11.14DESCRIPTION.

Lloyd's Subdivision of Block 3, McLean'sXT , Reservation.No. of ;


Certin- in Whose Name wired to

HASGnSS? d:..^ B 3k- R^tl45S Bruno Beaupre....2l 3 *IHJ.DESCRIPTION.

Suburban Hills Addition.No. of -V.v A^>*„Certin- In Whose Name qulre?to

Annie W. Clarkf Bf «|

4Si Annie W. Clark .504.05

488 E^o^Vo^: 2 « .133.414S S E^r^Me-s y-ndi: s -8 3«"'2

4? osa^ e..v:;.v::--f 8 05 774PO same 7 Z %2'i*491 same ! 8 8 9k"??492 same ......... 5 = £'ll«.at of J. W.

8 -•5 -77Yandes ... 1 o r.c —494 same ..... I 2 *•"495 same 3 q S'U4l*bsame_ ..::;; o 20.77

497 same 5 Z ;§-i^498 some "" 6 I h'll50u same • « i~'ll601 same ' 9 I 20.77502 same ....:. 10 *

25.77;EOS East Side Syndi- 25.7

cate ........ 11 in n* •»» '«^.::::::':::::!S \l \%-\l631 same c t, i-'il531! same .... I* 6 A %%-il634 same C 11 ir'U639 A. Pupl, (except J 25.*7- so 100 ft).... 1&3 12 - 25 „


Thompson's Subdivision of Block El Tv- 'No of

m:m \u25a0 Dayton's Addition: 'y"

CertlH- In Whose Name • qSlre?taS?A««£r BS&rt!-t Klk-

raan« ••••• 19 .58 $21.54DESCRIPTION. >"r '

W!!I!u* Subdivision of Block 57 -LvmanDayton's Additionyman


CerMli- In Wn,oao Nam. 'SKriJfoDESCRIPTION. *

Boardman's Subdivision of Block 68 Tv- \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 man Dayton's Addition ' ' y"

No. Ot : : ,> ; Am'tTlaCertlS- In Wljose Name l:. \u25a0 quired toicate. AKsessnd. Lot. Blk. Redeem )fOS Frederick Blase.. 18 : 68 $17 7«60- ' SOniS :...'. ........19 "'-'"*68 \u25a0 ' 17 is

DESCRIPTION.Wilder and Dodge's Subdivision of Block

48, Lyman Dayton's Addition.No. of Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.6\'j Bates Aye. M. E.

Church 18 1 $17.18DESCRIPTION.

Greenleaf Clarke's Subdivision of Block69, Lyman Dayton's Addition.

No. of Am't Re-CertlH- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed Lot. Blk. Redeem.634 Ida Grain 11 69 $17.18

DESCRIPTION.A. Gotzian's Subdivison of Block 74.

Lyman Dayton's Addition.No. of Am't Re-Certlfl- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed Lot. Blk. Redeem.

650 Chas. Jagger 27 74 $17.18651 same 26 74 17.18652 John A. Fylpa ..24 74 17.18653 same 23 74 17.18

DESCRIPTION.Kennedy's Subdivision of Block 82, Ly-

man Dayton's Addition.No. of Am't Re-Certifl- In"Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.

70S Drewery Brewingand Bottling Co. 9 82 $19.80

DESCRIPTION.J. E. Ransom's Subdivision of Block 81,

Lyman Dayton's Addition.No. of Am't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name auired tocate. Assessed Lot. Blk. Redeem.723 Dennis J. Har-

rington 14 81 $17.18727 John H. Koch.... 3 81 17.18

DESCRIPTION.Stinson's Subdivision of Block 80, Lyman

Dayton's Addition.No. of Am't Re-Cert ifi- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.738 John Flaherty, c

% .....7 80 $10.68DESCRIPTION.

Stinson's Subdivision of Block 79, LymanDayton's Addition.

No. of Am't Re-Cert ifi- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.741 R. J. Sloan 19 79 $17.18744 Franklin C. Ford.22 79 17.18745 same 23 79 17.18

DESCRIPTION.Stinson's Subdivision of Block 83, Lyman

Dayton's Addition.No. of Am't Re-Certirl- In Whose Name ourred tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.

761 John F. Brod-erick 27 83 $17.18

7G2 same 28 83 17.18DESCRIPTION.

Leffman's Subdivision of Blocks 86 and87. Lyman Dayton's Addition.

No. of Am't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed Lot. Blk. Redeem.

788 F. W Anderson .17 86 $17.18789 same 18 86 17.18790 Henry F. Schwabe3o 86 17.18791 same 31 86 17.18792 same 32 86 17.18793 Adolph Heiden-

richt 16 86 12.83794 W. Moore 8 86 12.83

DESCRIPTION.H. F. Schwabe's Addition.

No. of Am't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.

801 H. F. Schwabe.. 26 4 $21.54SO2 John F. Broderick27 4 21.54803 H. F. Schwabe..2B 4 21.54806 same 31 4 21.54810 Christ Nelson 10 4 17.18811 same 9 4 17.18813 H. F. Schwabe

et al 7 5 21.54814 same et al 6 5 17.18815 same et al 5 5 17.18816 same et al 1 5 12.83817 Bruno Beaupre...l7 3 17.18818 James I. Jellette.lß 3 17.18820 H. F. Schwabe

et al 20 3 17.18823 John F. Brod-

erick 24 3 17.18824 H. F. Schwabe

et al 27 3 17.18825 same et al 28 3 17.18826 same et al 31 3 17.18827-same et al. 32- 3 17.18829 Clara L. Schatrerls 3 17.18830 Henry F. Schwabe

et al 13 3 17.18831 same et al 12 3 17.18834 John F. Brod-

erick 4 3 17.18835 same 2 3 17.18836 same 1 3 17.18837 Christ Nelson ...12 6 17.18S3B same 13 6 17.18839 same 14 6 17.18840 Christina Hilder-

brand 17 6 17.18841 John F. Brod-

erick IS 6 17.18842 Peter Schmieja .19 6 17.18843..J0hn Carlson 1 6 17.18844 H. P. Schwabe

et al 18 2 17.18845 same et al 19 2 17.18847 John F. Brod-

crick ... 25 2 17 18849 Swan Thurnquist.2B 2 17! 18852 John F. Brod-

erick 12 2 17.18856 H. F. Schwabe

et al 5 2 17.18857 Bridget O'Maley.l9 7 17.18858 same 20 7 17 18859 H. f: Schwabe

et al 25 7 17.18860 same et al 26 7 17.18862 same et al 14 7 17 18863 same et al 13 7 17.18864 same et al 12 7 17.18565 same et al 11 7 17 18866 same et al 10 ' 7 17.18BC7 same et al 9 7 17 18868 Albert L. Burk .. S 7 17 18869 H. F. Schwabe

et al 3 7 17.18B<o same et al 2 7 17 18873 John F. Brod-

erick 23 1 17 18875 H. F. Schwabe...27 1 17 is880 Thos. H. 1vey....16 1 1718881 same 15 1 17 18885 Jakob Pogeba ... 3 1 17 18886 same 2 1 17.18887 same 1 1 17.18888 H. F. Schwabe et

al 24 8 17.18890 same et al 29 8 17.1889.1 same et al 30 8 17.18892 same et al 33 8 17 18893 same et al 34 8 17.18894 same et al 35 8 17.18895 same et al 36 8 17 18896 same eta 1... 39 8 17.18897 same et al 40 S 17 18898 same et al 21 8 17.18905 same et al 4 8 17.18906 same et al 3 8 17.18907 same et al 2 8 17 18908 same" et al 1 8 17.18909 Bruno Beaupre... 9 6.62

DESCRIPTION.A. Gotzian's Rearrangement of Sigel's

Addition.No. of Am't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name quired toc&?- t Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.M\2. Jos. Eshelman. c

% 12 25 $10.68913 same (except c 35

ft of) 13 25 6.62916 Louisa W. Brace. 4 25 12 83923 Robt. H. Dougan.lß 29 17.18924 James Middleton.2o 29 17 18925 same 21 29 17.18926 Robt. H. Dougan.22 \u25a0 29 17 18927 James Middleton.24 29 17.18928 same 25 29 17 18929 same 11 29 12.83S3«> Robt. H. Dougan.lo 29 12.83931 James Middletoi:. 8 29 12 83i>3'> same 7 29 12 83934 same 4 29 12.83935 same 3 29 12.83936 Robt. H. Dougan. 2 29 12 83937 James Mlddlcton.l3 28 17.18938 same 14 28 17.18939 Robt. H. Dougan.lG 28 17.18940 James Mlddleton.l7 28 17 18041 same 18 28 17 18942 Rolbt. H. Dougan.2o 2S 11.1%943 James Mlddleton.l'l 2S. 17.18944 same 10 23 12.83945 same v» 28 12.83947 same C 28 12.83948 same 5 28 12.881)49 Robt. H. Dougan. 4 28 12.83950 James Middleton. 2 28 12.83951 same 1 28 12.83

DESCRIPTION.No. of Am'tRe-Certifi- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Redeem952 Pascal F. Pratt—Com-

mencing at the centerof section 33. town 29,range 22; thence east94 2-3 rods to begin-ning; thence east64 1-3 rods to Yt sec-tion post; thence south80 rods to % sectionpost; thence west. 113%rods; thence north-easterly to beginning,being in St. Paul,Minnesota (except Hes-

» ter, Griffith, Conway,Euclid and Birchstreets and Hastingsavenue $3,688.18

, DESCRIPTION.Brougher's Subdivision "B."

No. of \u25a0 ,- Am't Re-Certlfl- In Whose Name •\u25a0'. :, quired torate. 'Assessed. Lot. .Redeem

955 Brougher Estate 1 $25.77956 same"*•..;. ...... .'.. 2 26.77957 same .. ............ 3 25.77958 same T.."...". .....4 - 25.77959 same \u0084..v .............. 5\ 25.77

DESCRIPTION.No. of . ,- . . Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name . quired tocate. Assessed. *:„,»>' Redeem.

960 Daniel Egan—Commenc-ing at the southwest

corner of . lot 6. block .30. Suburban Hills Ad-dition to St. : Paul;

£ thence north along ithewest line of said block. 550 \u25a0 feet; thence west- 60 feet; thence south .along east line of KingAddition 550 feet;thence .east 60 feet to .beginning (except Mc- .Lean avenue), being inin St. Paul. Minnesota.. $107.66

DESCRIPTION.Larkin's Subdivision of Lots l and 2.

Block 30. Suburban Hills Addition.No. of Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name , quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.962 Edward Larkin.. 1 1 • $21.54963 same 2 "1 21.54

964 same .....3 1 25.779C5 same .. 4 l 25.77966 Mary O'Connor... 6 1 21.54969 E. A. Whitacre. 3 2 21.54

DESCRIPTION. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.." ._.„ - M

, Suburban Hills. . :-No. of v Am't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name • quired toc£te- Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.978 Geo. W. Hitchcock 1 31 - $90.42081 Ernst L. Welsh ~-- .• -

001(so 30 ft) 5 32 29.98982 Christ Hermeyer .^.»»

(ex so 30 ft)."... 5 32 64.55987 C. W. Jaggar 2 35 . 21.54988 same (ex Hast- -ings ay) .. l 35 55.92989 same (w 100 ft •'• ,... _ of) 3&6 34 47.33990 John B. St. Au-

bin (c 50 ft of..,.„"* 160 ft 0f).3&6 34 21.54991 C. W. Jaggar (c\n>

100 ft 0f)....3&6 34 47.33992 same (ex Hast-

ings ay) .... 2 34 • 90.42DESCRIPTION. .

E. R. Bryant's Subdivision of Blocks 15and 16. Stinson's.Francis Street Addi-tion.

No. of . . Am't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. * Blk. Redeem.999 E. R.Bryant et al. 13 16 $17.181000 same et a.l .14 16 17.181001 same et al.. 15 16 17.181002 same et a1.......16 16 . 17.181003 same et al.. 17 16 17.181004 same et a1....... 18 16 17.181005 same et al 19 16 17.181006 same et al 20 16 17.181007 same et al. 21 16 17.181008 same et al. 22 16 17 181009 same et al ...... 23 16 17.181010 same et al. 24 16 17.181011 same et al 10 16 12 831012 same et al 9 16 12.831013 same et al.. 8 16 12.831014 same et a1.....-- 7 16 12.831015 same eta 1........ 6 16 12.83 :1016 same eta 1........ 5 16 12.831017 same et al .4 16 12.831018 same et al ...... 3 .16 12.831019 same eta 1....... 2 16 12.831020 same et a1........ 1 16 12.83

- DESCRIPTION.Lyman Dayton's Addition.

No. of ' \u25a0" • . Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name quired toin*?" tt ~ Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1026 H. Greeve (ne 7

ft 0f)...........24 18 $6.62DESCRIPTION.'

Munch's Subdivision of Block 15, Lyman„ _ Dayton's Addition.No. of • Am't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name - quired to?no7i/ tt Ass£ssed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1027% Henry Connor 3 15 $12.83.1028 same .......... 2 15 12.831029 same 1 15 '"12. 83

DESCRIPTION.W*'ithfr ™ndr Schnittger's Subdivision ofBlock 90, Lyman Dayton's Addition.No. of . Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name quired to™~t-a> ..Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.10*5 E. Halloway .... 7 90 $12.8310*6 same .8 90 - \u25a0-.; 12.83 =


No. of '. Am't Re- ICertifl- In Whose Name quired to jcate.

1Assessed. \u25a0- Redeem1099 Carl Asch—Commencing - ,v

at southeasterly corner ... •'•> 1

of lot. 1. Nell's sub- - ; .. Idivision of block •21Lyman Dayton's Addi-tion to St. Paul, thence .-..\u25a0northwesterly 52.18 "

feet, thence northerlyalong the southeaster- . \u25a0 '

-;. -. ly line of Nell's sub-division 75 feet, thencesoutheasterly *to north-erly line- of Fifth street, :thence southwesterly to *place of beginning, be- 1 iing in St. Paul, Minn.. $12.83

DESCRIPTION.No. of Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name quired tocate. 'Assessed. - Redeem1102 Whitaker and Cremer—

"eaeem- ,Commencing at the inorthwesterly line of !

Fifth , street, 121 feet-southwesterly - fromHope street, thence •

northwesterly 118 8-10feet. thence south-westerly 40 feet, thencesoutheasterly 118 8-10feet to northwesterly -line of Fifth street,thence northeasterly 40feet to beginning, beingin St. Paul, Minn....... $12.83

DESCRIPTION.No. of . Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name quired to??no*« : Assessed. \u25a0-. \u25a0 ..•\u25a0 Redeem.1103 Carl —Commencing- at the northeasterly

corner of lot 18. block1, Highland Addition toSt. Paul, thence north-easterly along southerlyline of Fifth street 75feet, thence southeast-erly 46 7-10 feet, thencesouthwesterly 75 feet,thence northwesterly • * !46 7-10 feet to begin-- ning, being in St. Paul,Minn .. $12.83

DESCRIPTION.No. of Am't Re- iCertifl- In Whose Name . quired to !


Assessed. . Redeem.1104 Pat D. Brennan—Com-


mencing at the souther- .ly line of Fifth street, .106 6-10 feet southwest-erly from the westerlyline of Hope street,thence southwesterlyalong southerly line ofFifth street 100 feet,. thence southeasterly46 7-10 feet, thencenortheasterly 100 feet,thence ~ northwesterly48 66-100 feet to begin-

\u25a0- f\u25a0"-;- ning, being in St. Paul,Minn. .................. . $21.54

DESCRIPTION. ,No. of, , Am't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name quired tocate. . Assessed. Redeem1105 Carl Asch—Commencing

/ at " the southwesterly'corner .of'.r Fifth and "Hope streets, thencesouthwesterly along thesoutherly line of Fifth

' street 106 6-10 - feet, "thence southeasterly48 65-100 feet, thencenortheasterly 106 feet

, to Hope street,' thencenorthwesterly to be- ' ; --;:ginning, being in St. '^v;Paul, Minn ........... $21.54

* DESCRIPTION.No. of Am't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name . : quired tocate. Assessed. Redeem1106— -.„..-. O'Brien—That • \u25a0<\u25a0

• piece of land boundedon ; the ' southwest' by\u25a0\u25a0' "\u25a0

Hope-.-street, northerly.• . by southerly line of

block 22.' - B. Sinnen's.subdivision of blocks 10 • :

': and 22, Lyman Dayton's r>,addition, produced east- •

;:^v ••; erly on the \u25a0\u0084 east bywesterly line •of Stin-

..;.-- son's , subdivision ; of -block ;96, Lyman Day-- - .ton's addition, r on the • ... -south by north line of '\u25a0 \ > -. block 4, Highland addi- "" 4-, tion, being in St. Paul, ' •Minn- ...,,...........-.., ; - $29.98


A. Gotzian's Subdivision of Block 89. Ly-man Dayton's Addition.

No. of ;»oai \u25a0

Am'tCertlfl- In Whos<* Name quired to',cate. ;. Assessed Lot. Blk. Redeem.1179 Anne Peterson 7 ... 2 89 $12.83

DESCRIPTION. ••R. McCarrick's I

'Subdivision of Block -88.Lyman Dayton's Addition. .

No. of ...\u25a0\u25a0•-\u25a0 .'^f!- . Am't Re-Certifi- In Whpse Name . .. > quired tocate-^, \u25a0 Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1193 Richard ; MGCar- :unr flclt ••'•T-:'-tlB 88 $12.831195 same ...*;'.;-.; 19 88 i 12.8.11196 sam -S ••••"••'• v...26 88 12.1197 same V.W....27 88 12.831198 same. T0 ,,.28-.JB . 12.831^5ame...,,_..12 88- 12.83J204 mo: T. L,'yon*. ...11 88 12.831208 Richard McCar-,.M rick,, \u0084"..;,...... 3 88 12.831209 same ............. 2 88 ' 12.831210 same .^l r - 88 - 12.83


Leffman's Subdivision of Blocks 86 andt 87. Lyman Dayton's Addition. -.

No. of , Am't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name ' : ' quired tocate. \u25a0 Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1215 L. Do W. Wash- 'burne ./:....:'.-.14 ~ 87 \ $12.83

DESCRIPTION.'Asch's ' Subdivision of Block 92, Lyman

Dayton's Addition.No. of \u25a0• - - .- 't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name •:-: -. quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1225 J. E. Edgerton. ;22 92 $12.831229 A. Jacobson. . 2 92 12.83

' DESCRIPTION. • -Skidmore and Cassidy's Addition.

No. of ; I . . Am'tße-Certifl- In Whose Name . quired tocate. Assessed- Lot. Blk. Redeem.1236 John B. Arend... 3 4 $12.831237 Edward Johnson. 19 5- ~ 12.831238 Oscar \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 M. Torri- •

son \u25a0. 21 V 5 12.831241 Herman Drews...l 3 5 12.831242 Otto K. Sauer....l2 5 12.83


W. A. Dana's Rearrangement: of Lots 1to 12 and Lot 17. Block 2, Skidmore andCassidy's Addition. *'

No. of t* . Am'tRe-Certifl- In Whose Name • • quired tocate. " Assesssed. • Lot. Redeem.1293 Alexander Koris ...... .15 $12 .-831295 A. M. Peabody 13 " 12.831298 Geo. W. 80ha:......... 8 - 12.831299 same .\u25a0•..\u25a0.» .v.,j.-.;....... 7 12.831300 same .'~:J. ..;.....'. 6 -12.831301 Florence H. Carman... 4 .12.83

DESCRIPTION. \u25a0 . .Dana and Hume's Subdivision of West

% of Block 98, Lyman Dayton's Addi-tion.

No. of: "; >f;f , Am'tße-Certifl- In Whose Name . . ' quired tocate. Assesssed. ". Lot. Redeem.1302 Chas. .W. Hubbard .... 2 . $12.83


A. Gotzian's Subdivision of Block 100, Ly-man , D*y4;on's .Addition. % -No.of . ... .rv >\,v» i - . Am't Re-

I Certifl- In Whose Name : quired to

' cate. T . Assesssed. Lot, . Redeem.1323 Edward P. Twohy 2.. $12.831324 same .....j..:,.. 1 , 12.83


H. M. Ranney's Subdivision of Blocks 101and 102, Lyman Dayton's Addition. :

No. of \u25a0 r - Am'tße-Certifi- In Whose Name ~~~ quired tocate. Assessed.* Lot. Blk. Redeem.1356 Jane E. i: Heffer- ..„ „

man u .'.7.^..:. 28 101 - $12.831357 same '....-...;,.27 101 12.831367 Ella L. Patterson. 9 - 101 12.831368 Susan Patterson.. 10 101 . 12.83


A. Gotzian's Subdivision of Block 107. Ly-man Dayton's Addition. < \u25a0-'?

No. of Am't Re-Certiri- In Whose Name <K\ '- quired torate. <>Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1396 B. D. Chase et a1.17 107 $12.831397 same et a1.....'.M6.V".107 ' 12,83

DESCRIPTION. P. VSchiffman's Subdivision of Blocks 109 and

• 110. Lyman Dayton's Addition.No. of . * Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name, quired tocate. GWrtw Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1429 Jennie Mottslan- -:-'\u25a0. \u25a0 : . ;„. der ...19 109 $12.831430 same 20,-109 • 12.831434 Chas. C. Roth. \u0084.14 109 .. 12.83

Description! ! j ;•.'.\u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0" '!\u25a0; ' < s;;r^ \u25a0 - • . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0••-.

: Skidmore and .Cassidy's Addition. --No. of .- \u25a0 "....,;,Am't.Re-Certifi-InWhose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1443 James H. David- »_ . ..,_•.

son 16 6 $12.831444 same .....: ..17; 6 12.831445 same .....18 6 12.831448 Sarah Benedict... 2 1 12.831449 same ....,..,. ...1 1 " 12.83


Gotzian's Rearrangement of Sigel's Addi-'. \u25a0' tion. • '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'"\u25a0'

No. of ' "•"\u25a0\u25a0 Am'tße-Certifl- In Whose Name quired to(Ate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1450 Max , Firerabend «

and John Twohy ..„.,Jr ::•\u25a0;.. 8 22 $12.83

1455 same and same... 2 22 ; 12.831456 same and 'same:..'l'- 22 12.831457 Robt. H. Dougan. 3 21 12.831458 James Mi£dleton. 5 21 12.831459 same ... .T..;.... 6 21 12.831460 Robt. H. Dougan. 8 21 .': 12.831461 James Middleton. 9 21 12.831462 same .'..'.;;:;..... 10 21 $12.831463 same •..:;'.'.......13 21 . 12.831464 same ..,-.'.^....'.14 21 12.831466 same ..'?..; 1i..v.18 21 12.831467 same ...^:. 1.....19 21 - 12.831470 Jas. Albertsheim- .

er (ex. sw'ly 200 •- -ft of) ..j;'.......33- 21 12.831475 Chas. ana Henry -,

F. Gutsqhe ....42 21 - 12.831476 same and same ..43 21 12.831477 Chas. F. ' Gutsche.44 21 p 12.831478 same .......T. .45 21 12.831479 same ............46 21 \u25a0 12.831481 Herman S'chulz ..49 21 12.831483 Robt. H/l>ougan.l6 27 12.831484 James Mifldleton.lß 27 , 12.831485 same ..:.;.,.i '.....19 27 12.831487 same ..:..;";:.... 22 27 12.831488 same :......23 27 12.831489 Robt. H. Dougan.24 . 27 12.831491 James Middleton.27 27 : 12.831492 same ...........;28 27 12.831493 same ..........V:3O- 27 12.831494 same ........... .15 27 " 12.831495 same :....:. 1* 27 12.831496 Robt. H. Dougan.l2 : .27 - - 12.831497 James 27 12.831498 same ....'..;.... 10 27 " 12.831499 Robt. H. Dougan. 8 27 12.831500 James Middleton. 7 27 12.831501 same 6 27 - 12.831502 Robt. H. Dougan. 4 27 12.831503 James Middjeton. 3 ;27 ' 12.831504 same ............ 2" 27 -.\u25a0 12.831505 Rt)bt. H. Dougan. 1 .27


. DESCRIPTION. JMurphy's Rearrangement of Block. 20, A.

Gotzian's Rearrangement of Sigel's Ad-, dition. .: " : . " ~ -,No. of "" . ''11l I Am'tße-Certifl- In Whose Name quired tocate. -.Assessed Lot. Blk. ' Redeem.1514 R. Leffmann 9 20 . $12.831515 same .t, .......... 10 20 12.83

: . . DESCRIPTION. ; .A. Gotzian's Rearrangement of Sigel's

.. .; Addition. --,;_\u25a0 _;. \u25a0*-

No. of i • Am't.Re-Certift- In Whose Name - quired tocate. Assessed. Lot.' Blk. Redeem.1520 Georgiella n Mid- ' - - • ..

dleton ....' 18 19 $12.831522 R. H. Dougrin...;.2l :'< 19 r 12.831523 James Mifldleton.22 •:- 19 -. 12.831524 same .. /. 1r..'.... 23 19 :.; - 12.831525 Robt. H. Dougan.2s. 19 - 12.831526 James Middleton.26 19 12.831527 same .;.;;.".'.::.. 27 19 12.831528 same ............29 19 " 12.831529r same .i..!:;'.r...30 - 19 12.831530 same .\u25a0;'.v.^r,-^'/:15 \u25a0: -< 19 - 12.831531 Robt: H. Dougan.l4: 19 12.831532 James Middleton.l2 19 12.831633 same .... ;V:".-... .11 ' 19 \u25a0\u25a0 12.83

;1535 same .. ,r...-. 8 19 12.831536 same .-..:....,,,, 7 '19 ,-- 12.831537 Robt. H. Ddugan/ 6 19 12.831538 James Mfddleton. 4 19-" 12:831539 same .....C 1;.::. 3 19 12.831560 same ..". ;T. L.::. 3 15 v 12.83

•1561, Robt. H. Dougan.24 16 ' 12.831565 F. E. Hanson 30 16 '12.831567 W. Gladen ''*.';... .32 16 12 831576 Carrie E.^Sfterin.l2 17 v

12.83! 1582 same ..-.. .".c:t t.'.". 7 ;17 - 12.83 I1684 same ... .^V?r.;:.. 5 —17 ,-\u25a0l2 831656 Stephen B. Hunt.l 7 "•.v-18\u25a0-!.-:r'- 12.831587 same -...-.'.';Vlr:v.lß: -18^ 12 831697 F. E. Hanson....lß ':', -12.: ;c;k 12*831600 same-r..::T.^.-. >.-.'.2lvv 12 12831611 R. H. Dougan:...l4 12 12.83

DESCRIPTION.A. Gotzian's Rearrangement of Sigel's

Addition.No. of Am't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1612 F. E. Hanson 13 12 $12.Sri1616 same 10 12 12.831619 same 6 12 12.831623 same 2 12 12.831625 Mrs. A. M. Gran-

ger 16 11 12.831626 L. D. W. Wash-

burn 17 11 12.831627 same 18 11 12.831628 C. D. Robson 19 11 12.831629 same 20 11 12.831630 L. D. W. Wash-

burne 27 11 12.831631 same 28 11 12.831632 same 29 11 12.831633 same t ...30 11 12.831635 Fannie B. Out-

calt 14 11 12.831637 C. D. R0fc50n....12 11 12.831649 Robt. H. Dougan. 17 7 12.831664 same 11 7 12.831672 J. C. Caldwell ..20 9 12.831674 same 22 9 12.83167<5 same 24 9 12.831678 same 26 9 12.831679 same, w% of 27 9 12.831682 same 29 9 12.831683 same 11 9 12.831685 same 9 9 12 831691 same 3 9 12.831708 Geo. H. Brown.. 7 3 12.831709 Mary A. McAssey 6 3 12.831710 same 5 3 12.83.1711 Robt. H. Dougan.23 31 12.831729 Harry J. Cooper

et al 27 30 12.831738 Robt. H. Dougan. 6 1 12.831765 Fred Cady 1 32 12.831758 Robt. H. Do-ugan.lß 33 12.831760 W. J. Lewis 21 33 12.83

DESCRIPTION.E. R. Bryant's Subdivision of Blocks 15

and 16, Stinson's Francis Street Addi-tion.

No. of . Am't Re-Certifl- In WTiose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1767 E. R. Bryant

et al 13 15 $12.831769 Carrie Johnson...2o 15 12.831770 Edwin X. Amoss.2l 15 12.831771 same 22 15 12.831772 E. R. Bryant et

al 23 15 12.831775 Jos. Gabel 9 15 12.831778 E. R. Meyer et al 3 15 12.83

DESCRIPTION.Smith's Subdivision of Block 14, Stinson

Francis Street Addition.No. of Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name quired to

: cate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1780 Arthur H. Rog-

ers 13 14 $12.831781 same 14 14 12.831782 same 16 14 12.831783 same 19 14 12.831784 same> 20 14 12.831785 same 21 14 12.831786 same 22 14 12.831787 W. E. Howard..23 14 12.831788 Benjamin John-

son 24 14 12.831791 W. E. Howard ..8 14 . 12.831792 same 7 14 12.831793 same 6 14 12.831794 same 5 14 12.831795 same 4 14 12.831796 same 3 14 12.831797 same 2 14 12.83

DESCRIPTION.Stinson's Francis Street Addition.

No. of Am't Re-Certiri- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Blk. Redeem.1799 ChristinaM.Hildebrand 13 $117.801800 Chriit C. Berg (und %)12 107.66

DESCRIPTION.Charles A. B. Weide's Subdivision No. 5,

St. Paul.No. of Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1801 Chas. Class 13 6 $12.831803 C. A. B. 6 12.831804 same 16 6 12.831806 same :...18 6 12.831807 same 19 6 12.831808 same 20 6 12 831809 same 21 6 12.,831811 same 23 6 12.831812 same 24 6 12.831813 same 12 6 12.83

DESCRIPTION. \Charles A. B. -Wilde's Subdivision No. 5•= i r St. Paul.No. of . Am'tße-

, Certifl- In Whose Name . quired tocate. Assessed. ~ Lot. ' Blk. Redeem.1819 C. A. B. Welde.. 6 6 $12.831821 same .....,.,3 ,(6 \u25a0 12.831822 same 2 6 12.831823 same 1 J *6 : 12.831834 same :........... 9 6 12.831841 M. Simpson^

Welde ... .\... .1 5 12.83: v; DESCRIPTION.

C. A. B. Weide's Subdivision No. 2. St.Paul. -No. of , Am't Re-

Cert ifi- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed.- Lot. Blk. Redeem.1842 Anton Steftenson.l3 2 $10.211843 C. A. B. Weide...l4 2 10.211844 same ..;... ....15 2 10.211845 same ............16 ~ t 2 10.21

,1846 same ..'......\u25a0...^ 17 2 " 10 211847 same 18 -.2 10.211848 same ....*.. ..... 19 2 '' 10.211849 same ............20 2 10 211850 Ernst Hegenold...2l 2' ". 10.211851 Louis Krohn .... 22 . 2 10.211852 C. A. B. Weide...23 2 10.211853 same'-...."..,. 24 2 10 211854 same ............12 * 2 10.211855 same .............II •; .2 10.211856 same ........... 10 2 10.211857 same ............ 9' ' 2 10 211858 same ............ 8' 2 10.211859 Henry ' Jacobson.. 7 : 2 10 211860 same 6 '."', 2 "10 211861 C. A. B. Weide.... 5 ;: 2 10.211862 Bertha Oerthel... 4 . 2 10.211863 C. A. B. Weide. .3 - 2 10.211864 same ............ 2 2 . 10.211865 same t . 1 2 . 10 211866 same .....'.,.....13 1 10.211874 Jos. Albrecthamer22 1 10 211877 C. A. B. Weide.... 4 1 10.21

DESCRIPTION.C. A. B. Weide's Subdivision No. 1, St.

Paul. \u25a0,\u25a0: : *No. of .i ." ' ": Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name . ."•..-. ... quired toif-S"r. ..Assessed. Lot. Blk'." Redeem.1879 C. A. B. , Weide..l4 2 $10 211880 Martha J. Beards-


ICOI'--ley • ......17... 2 10.211881 same .... 18 2 10.211882 same ............19 2 10.211883 same 20 2 10 211884 same . ...........21 , 2 10 *21

1885 same .*..\...... 22 2 10 211886 same ............23. .2 lO^l1887 same 24 2 - 10 211888 C. A. B. Weide.. 12 ..,'\u25a0 2 ' ilia1859 same 7...11 2 10 211890 Herman Hess ...10 . 2 10 211891 C. A. B. Weide... 9 2 ion1892 Nellie A. Wind- *10ph.........r... 8

W - 2 10.21DESCRIPTION;-

Bergman's Division. .No. of .' " • Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name ->.- J quired to?Qin"T> 1 Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem."JO Bessie A. H0ag...14 1 $12.831911 same 15 l i 2 .831912 same ....16-1 12831913 same ........... 17 1 I831914 same ...:........18 1 12!831915 same .- ....19 ' 1 12 831922 Jas. &J. Malloy... 2 -\u25a0-- 1 12 . 83

",* DESCRIPTION.; Pease Bros.' Addition. ".

No. of • --'•'-'_ ••\u25a0-'.\u25a0'• -<• -.i-- »'i , Am't Re-Certifi- In Whose Name ' ' quired to?aon*T> *.

Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1930 Barbara Harris '.. 6 2 \u25a0-- $I*> 831931 same .5 2 12.831932 same ;.;..;-:..'4-^2 - 12.831933 same -...;.. .i.:.;; 3 .'2 " - 12 831934 Barbara ' Harris " *\u0084.„

and E. R. Potter 2- 2 12.831940 Barbara Harris... 2 ,1 12.83

, l ' DESCRIPTION.Sargent's Third Addition.

**o-of ~ ' Am't Re-Certifi-.lnWhose Name -y - quired to

te-^x Assessed. Lot. B*k. Redeem.

1945 St. Paul r Young v.:.\u25a0 - ..-Men's C. A..... 10 ? - -1 $12.83

DESCRIPTION.Birmingham's Addition.

No. of r •„. '.;\u25a0\u25a0 i;,.-.,., Am'tße-Certifl- In Whose Name ' i - quired tocate % - Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1947 F. F. and W. .•;;..

Birmingham : ..AS ;., 3 $12.

DESCRIPTION. *-• Birmingham's Addition.No. of \u25a0'\u25a0".,• ,*•\u25a0 \u25a0:: * \u25a0''•\u25a0\u25a0". Am't ReCertifl- In Whose Name ifH '\u25a0 quired to19«e>. FABSandedWLOt **• Redeem«--„,.. Birmingham ...16 . 3 $12.831949 same and same...l 7 -3. 12 831950 Emil Malmquist..lß 3 12 83ISS vd«7ln

xTWes^-24 :3 12.831954 Fritz Newmann.. 4 3 12.83?9?8 SS?* J$ Dliley

'* 3 3 12-«1958 Irank Lee ....... 7 4 10 2188-2k* Corkey....;B- 4'f V JolSijoif same .- .:;. 9 ' 4 • in 911961 same ..... 10 4 in"2l1963 same ...... i? 4 - 10211974 Edwin C. Weber. 23 2 128319<5 August Prohof- r - .

sky i..' 10 '•\u25a0'\u25a0'»I •\u25a0'""\u25a0' 19 o»1976 Mary E. Finger -I 2 - . 12131979 W. A. Davern 6 2 -12 §1980 same 5 2 \i\i1951 same ... ... .... 4 { '\u25a01i" II1982 same . 3 2 i? A1983 same 2 . 2 12'«1984 Gustave P. Sand- I

berg ........... I_^ 2 .. 12.DESCRIPTION. :

„ Simpson's Division.No. of Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1989 Jessie S. -Horton. 4. 2 $10.21

DESCRIPTION.G. V. Bacon's Addition.No. of Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name ) quired toc*te~ Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.1990 David A. Hinds.. ls 12 $10.21. DESCRIPTION.

Knauft's Addition. . . ; .No; of • .\u25a0 Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem1993 James A. McDon-

ald ............ 2 2 $12.83

DESCRIPTIONSchoch and Althen's Subdivision of Lot 5,

Homes for the Homeless.No. of , ' Am'tße-Certin- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.2010 August Stetter... 8 1 $12.832015 A. Schoch and F. . \u25a0

Aithen ..... 5 1 12.832016 A. M. Peabody... 4 1 12.83

I DESCRIPTION .Brougher's Subdivision "A." -No. of ... .-- \u25a0-...\u25a0. Am't Re-

Certifi- In Whose Name ~ quired tocase. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.2019 Estate of- • D.Brougher ......12 2 $10.21

2020 same .". 20 2 10.212021 same ............ 4 2 10.212022 same ;.... 3 2 10.212024 same 20 1 10.212026 same 4 l 10.21

DESCRIPTIONWeed and Hall's Addition. . ',

No. of Am'tRe-Certifl- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.2<J»« James H. David-

son ......15 2- $10.21/ DESCRIPTIONIrvine's Second' Addition.

No. of Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name ' quired tocate. " Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.2042 C. A. Gorman 13 11 $12.83- DESCRIPTION.

Schurmeier and Evans' Addition.No. of \u25a0 Am't Re-Certifl- In Whose Name quired tocate. Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.2054 Louisa Weide ...20 1 $12.832055 same '; 21 -. 1_ 12.83

DESCRIPTION. .Schurmeier's Seventh Street Addition. -

No. of Am'tRe-Certifl- In Whose Name . quired tocate. -v Assessed. Lot. Blk. Redeem.2066 Daniel Murphy ..18 1 $12.832067 same 19 1 12.83

All of the above described real estate iffsituated in the. City of St. Paul, County 05Ramsey and State of Minnesota. ..

OTTO BREMER. .City Treasurer.

May 23-30. June 6-13-20-27-1904

(Sixteen I r"TT7—1ivi»«»vvii i Contest Open I

I Fl*££ I to Everyone!1 /&& \u2666 I The Winners to Be De- II i.f*|ft^L I cided by p°Pular Ballot IWL ™ ™ MPy You need not stay out of the contest for fear of IIpL _̂ __ _ _ _ "' ' Jig having to go alons. You choose your company \u25a0

•\u25a0' and they enjoy the same privileges as you. ||

Complimentary Tours Offered by 1

The St Paul Globe j|| Now Just What Does Each Prize Include ? msi The first six prizes are Identically the same The Seventh Prize will Include one round trip E§t|| and Include the following for two people—the prize ticket to New York City. . §B\

winners having the privilege of taking one person The Eighth Prize will Include one round trip Wffl with them. ticket to NTagara Falls. Mf|| First— trip passage to St. Lpuls and The Ninth and Tenth Prizes will each Include §31111? return, Including meals and berth both ways— . one round trip ticket to Chicago. WkU eVerl2ind-Hslo",!2 B£ \u2666„ «^ \u2666 .. * . The Ordinarily adopted in contests of this kind - _\u25a0'B Dens« «Lo iff rfvt H=tO CoVer< °tel ex"

hi T will govern. The votes will be counted __.H P

Third Piv/i" nilc^°ra^?e d, ayS'»*- *» ... RuleS every day and the standing of the vari- ___

H Fair *n?T£L y admission to the World's ous contestants published daily until the WkjSgf rair Tor eacn. - : close of the con st. V

i |X

||| Something About the Greatest World's Fair credit for votes; otherwise, none will be giver.. Mim The Lousiana Purchase Exposition covers two \u25a0 \u25a0««wSLiS' WiIL b* ,gi\l *for co,llectlon made from fi|j

--\u0084»- square miles, or 1.240 acres, a larger territory than newsdealers, but in that event no returns will be m'-V» was covered by the last Chicago. Omaha, Buffalo . allowed. ' . . _ „ 3egg and Paris expositions combined. . . mmS Fifty foreign.countries and colonies and all of ———————— i fxjla the states and territories will exhibit. • \u25a0 1

The Globe's twelve will return to their homes _\u25a0 «. ««^ - \u25a0I

jH ' with the idea that they have been around the &STL* - A** ¥ ' /^k W% _TJ^ • C^ f&&\m world, and, like the favored guest in the "Arabian \7# /f |« I _ I «W% fif\u25a0 lift\u25a0W. Nights" tales., they will, indeed, have adventures -* \u25a0' V V&^VPIW W^ |S,.«\u25a0- to tell of "The Sleeper Awakened."-\u25a0 , v \u0084: ;,-/•.• . \u25a0 11g. - The trip to New York needs no mention. It is '*>

fWS • f% • A BHI \u25a0

the metropolis of the United States and is a veri- Bifpp I fiflCiOIITP^t wm\M table world's fair In Itself. . 1 ICC 1 lip VvlllCSl MThe trip to Niagara Falls will be one of splen- \u25a0"»*-™». inm-uum <uniiiiiiL».u lj.i.—\u25a0 9.' H dor. Certainly no place is so beautiful and awe- am

•\u25a0:. . inspiring as Niagara—the falls, the rapids, the: «*\u25a0-•-\u25a0*% a«\u25a0 **.^...m+**.m,

; Mltower, the bridges, the islands, the roar of rush- OFFICIAL COUPON «fIM Ing water, all tend to make one forget the trials . - ' »

)m of earth and hclds them in a sort of chaos during \u25a0 - ' <&their stay. . : 6 ....-'..• Hb?\u25a0 A Unique Plan Good for one vote for «

. H The Globe has decided to send twelve people .-,,..' 8S9 on a delightful outing to the World's Fair one ,•; MJ^ to New York City, one to Niagara Falls and two » h|

IWmto Chicago, making In all sixteen grand prizes, the 62$WL "readers of the paper to decide who are to go. The '"' * . . Pt

BS - winners are to be decided by ballot. Street HI-K|' In every issue of the paper will appear an * ~* * * **** * fmHi official coupon which, • when filled out and voted " ' fHas designated and deposited In the ballot box in T«wn hjsa the business office of The Globe, will be counted town...- ... Mm89 ' for the person voted for. . . *\u0084 \u25a0 " * • ' :V". •." . . • 05fa Votes will be given for every cash payment _. . \u25a0B-iJjf" made on one subscription to either old or new State HCfi pubscribers for either the daily only, dally and " _Bta Sunday or Sunday only Globe, as follows: — \u25a0 \u25a0 J9&I assssasss'ssssSo-vSs'\u25a0. A»k•»• «*•«rt"f«"l"n*°""n<lto- f.B «.00 5D Subscription Secures $00 Votes i >; your remittance. \u0084 mJg& $4.00" on Subscript oh Secures 400 Votes - - — . . fiK'

\u25a0\u25a0' $5.00 on Subscription Secures 1000 Votes ' ; - • \u2666 £&;..V M Ho votes will be given for a cash payment un- .. CUT OUT Thls Coupon and Vote M

_\u25a0 less the amount exceeds (1.00, but it may be for Your Choice. Iff". H.;back subscriptions as well as in advance. • „\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0 .' . \u25a0 '-'^J- .•-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0' \u25a0•\u25a0 ~ \u25a0

\u25a0' \ ••\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0fif Thle Is on the basis of one vote for every cent '\u0084..,\u25a0. . _»\u25a0 paid; except where $5.00 Is paid at one time on \u25a0 i * </Vaj f&tm one subscription, when a certificate for 1,000 votes Contest CIOSeS JUIV ID, 1904, \u25a0J_f will be giv^ii.. . \u25a0' - • . \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0:-\u25a0'\u25a0>\u25a0'"\u25a0:'\u25a0•<>:\u25a0\u25a0:.,: . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.- \u25a0.. \u25a0 \u25a0•.. \u25a0

r* *- mHa . Where, remittance is sent by mail it must be ' •;••" af 7PM _\u25a0Sm stated positively that the same is to be. entered as. : -*

. qi ' ''-\u25a0 ,* . .-69-'
