The Six Areas of Language Arts by: Kristy Farnsworth


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The Six Areas of Language Arts

by: Kristy Farnsworth

I chose this item because I love reading books by

Nicholas Sparks. This was an important picture

because it had most of my favorite books by Sparks. This relates to me because

I do not often read, but when I do, it is usually Nicholas Sparks or a

children's book.

Parents and teachers were people that I was always

expected to listen to. It was always important for me to

listen to these authority figures because then I would

not be disobeying, which always ended in a reward, intrinsic or extrinsic. I feel

like you need good listening skills in everyday life to be

able to be respectful towards others.

Most people view everything, which is why I

chose my favorite thing that I view, the stars. Stars are important to me because they are so beautiful and fascinating. It is great to see all of the marvelous

things God has created. It relates to everyday life because we learn from

everything that we see.

I would be no where without my agenda.

Keeping an agenda is very important to me because it

lets me see the tasks I have, and it shows me my accomplishments by what I

have crossed off. I also make lists for everything

that I have to get done in a day that would not go in

my agenda.

This picture is a replica of me. I am always

terrified of speaking in front of people besides children. However, it is a very important skill to have. I absolutely love talking to my friends and family everyday.

Sources for Extra Pictures
