the School is ‘buzzing’ with - · Inventori Minat Kerjaya(IMK) SPM for Form 5 3rd...


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Dear Parents, It has been a pleasure to welcome pupils back to Tenby SEP after the Half Term break; the School is ‘buzzing’ with so many activities and events in addition to the academic rigour that permeates throughout the School. Scholarships for entry to SST Form 4 January 2015 and TIS Year 12 September 2015 Details of Scholarship Examinations and Interviews will shortly be available. SST Examinations Good luck to many pupils who are sitting important exit examinations at this time. TIS Sixth Form More details about the Sixth Form options and Fees will be sent to Year 11 parents shortly. Art Trip to Paris & Sporting fixtures over the Half Term break Thank you to the Staff who arranged these activities, who report that the pupils were magnificent ambassadors for Tenby SEP. Eco Initiative: Tenby SEP first solar powered School in Malaysia………….? The School has initiated research into the use of solar panels to lessen electricity costs, and the findings will be discussed at the forthcoming Board of Governors’ Meeting. Nigel Redman: England Rugby International and British Lions Nigel Redman is now an accredited UK Sport Coach and Mentor working with Team GB, Premier League Football, The Lawn Tennis Association and British Swimming. On Monday 27th October Nigel will be working with some Tenby pupils and Sports Staff in some specially arranged coaching sessions. Parent Forums There have been Primary Parent Forums this week. Important issues have been raised, and will be addressed. The’ tone’ of all these meetings has been so positive and supportive of the School; thank you indeed to those parents who have been able to attend. Staff vs. Parents Football: Friday 31st October @ 16:00hrs Those parents who would like to play please contact Tom Robinson, email:

Music opportunities: Rock, Percussion, Saujana Coffee Concert, Instrumental Tuition, Community Choir

There has been a successful Kings of Rock evening {Secondary} earlier this week.

There will be an end of week Concert for Primary by a well-renowned Percussion Ensemble.

On Sunday 19th October Tenby pupils will perform at The Saujana Hotel, Subang at 11:00hrs; all are welcome

Instrumental lessons begin on Monday 27th October

On Friday 7th November from 19:00hrs to 20:30hrs, in the Auditorium the School invites parents, staff, and friends of the School to sing ‘strictly……… for fun’. Charity Ball Dinner & Dance Saturday 28th March 2015 for parents, staff, friends of the School Please see a letter in this Newsletter from Tom Robinson with more details about this proposed event (last page of this newsletter). Please do support and let the School community in the words of The Beatles………………. ‘come together’. The School Calendar: Deepavali holiday In harmony with the 4 other Tenby Schools in Malaysia, there will be a revision of School holiday dates for the next academic year 2015 and 2016 for both TIS and SST. However, for this 2014 October, may the School take this opportunity of wishing all families an extended Deepavali holiday period from the end of School on Tuesday 21st October, until Monday morning 27th October. Kind regards, Andrew Auster Note: The next newsletter will be published on Friday 31st October.

CCA Enquiries *** Parents’ Bulletin *** Parents’ Newsletter *** PA Blog *** Follow us on Twitter SST - @TenbySEP_SST TIS Secondary School - @TenbySEPTISsec TIS Primary School - @TenbySEP_TISpri Tenby CCA & Tenby Eagles: @TenbyCCAEAGLES

Upcoming Events/Reminders 10.10.14 – 28.11.14 – IGCSE & AS/A Level November 2014 Exams 19.10.14 – Tenby Coffee Concert at 11:00hrs, the Saujana Hotel Subang 22.10.14 – 24.10.14 – School Holiday, Deepavali 27.10.14 – Music Instrumental Programme commences for TIS & SST 07.11.14 – Adult Community Choir Rehearsal @ 19:00hrs - 20:30hrs for Parents, Teachers & Friends of the School. There will be 4 rehearsals this Term on Fridays, 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th November. For those interested, please come along, and sing for fun. Fixtures

Wednesday 29th October ISAC U18 Boys and Girls Volleyball @ ISKL

Thursday 30th October KLISS U15 Boys Football @ TIS

Thursday 30th October KLISS U15 Girls Football @ELC Reminder: Checkpoint The Cambridge Primary & Secondary Checkpoint exams are scheduled for 27th – 29th April 2015. Details to follow nearer the date.

Upcoming Events

Date School Activity/Event


Thursday 30th October 14:40hrs-16:40hrs (Auditorium)

PSEC Ceremony Std 6 & Form 5 Awards Day. Parents of these classes’ students are invited to attend

Monday 3rd November 08:30hrs

Primary Multi-Talent Day

Showcase of talents Parents are invited to attend

Thursday 6th November 13:30hrs

Secondary Multi-Talent Day

Showcase of talents Parents are invited to attend

Tuesday 11th November (whole day)

Primary SST Great Challenges Day

Primary children involved in a series of activities for 3 parts of the day according to physical, verbal and nonverbal

Thursday 13th November (whole day)

Secondary SST Great Challenges Day

Secondary children involved in a series of activities for 3 parts of the day according to physical, verbal and non-verbal

Friday 28th November 09:00hrs -12:00hrs (MPH)

Superstar Awards Ceremony

Awards presentation for Std 1-5, F1-4 students. Musical drama “Frost Zone” will be staged after awards presentation

Useful Links storycode=340908 A nice article about education being a family affair - that students should be involved in conversations about their learning *** storycode =2651278 BLP & getting students to challenge things more *** storycode=6167534 Flexing your learning muscles *** impact/2012/01/are-you-down-with-or-done-with-homework/ Homework & the Cold War *** http://www.buildinglearningpower. Building Learning Power *** Downloads TIS Parents’ Handbook *** TIS Curriculum Handbooks

Examination Dates Examination Date Remark

School’s Term 3 Exams Form 1,2 & 4

Form1-2: Monday 13th-17th October Form 4 : 2nd-3rd October, 13th-17th October,20th-21st & 27th October

Other times without examination will be attended to by the usual subject teachers

PT3 for Form 3 Psychometric Tests : Thursday 25th September Written Tests for 6 or 7 subjects : Monday 13th-16th October

This test has two components ie a)Innate ability & b)acquired ability of students The instruments are called Instrumen Kecerdasan Pelbagai(IPK) and Inventori Minat Kerjaya(IMK)

SPM for Form 5

3rd November – 2nd December 2014

Students are advised to stay in school after the morning paper when there is an afternoon paper

Invitation to attend Multi Talent Days Every year, Academic Weeks winners will showcase their talents and skills to their parents on these Multi Talent Days. Details about these days is given below:-

Multi Talent Day Date/Time Venue

Primary Monday 3rd November 08:30 – 09:30hrs


Secondary Thursday 6th November 13:30 – 14:30hrs


Parents are invited to attend these school events to give your moral support to your children. Psychometric Assessments for Std 3 & 4 All Std 3 & 4 students will be doing an Aptitude Test for the above on Monday 20th October from 12:20hrs – 13:20hrs in the respective homerooms. Formal Ceremonies: PSEC Ceremony 2014 & Superstar Awards Ceremony Certificates & awards will be presented to students for completion of primary & secondary education. This ceremony is will take place on Thursday 30th October between 14:40hrs and 16:40hrs, in the Auditorium. Dress code: complete school uniform & school blazer. Invitations for parents of Std. 6 and Form 5 students were sent home via the children and replies must be returned to by Monday 20th October. The Superstar Awards Ceremony Day for the other classes is scheduled for Friday 28th November at the MPH at 09:00hrs - 12:00hrs. There will be award presentations, performances and a stage musical ‘Froze Zone’ by students.

Application to enter Std1 2015 for students below the cohort age The following is an announcement from Private Education Division, Malaysian Ministry of Education regarding the above:- A test session is carried out for children born between 2nd - 15th January 2009 to be considered for admission into Malaysian private school following the national curriculum in 2015. Details for this test is as follows:- Date : Tuesday 11th November 2014 Time : 10:00hrs Venue : Bilik Hidayah, Private Education Division Ministry of Education Malaysia, Aras 3, Blok E2, Kompleks Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62604 WP Putrajaya All below aged children who are interested to be admitted to study Std 1 2015 in Sekolah Sri Tenby(SST) are to apply to our Admission Office by Wednesday 22nd October for the following documents to be submitted for the above test :-

Photocopy of deposit paid for Std 1 registration at SST

Photocopy of child’s birth certificate

Photocopy of child’s father’s or mother’s Identity Card

Letter of confirmation of early year schooling and certified copy of child’s progress report

Upcoming Events – Students 17.10.14 - Y1 Entry Point ‘You Are What You Eat’ 20.10.14 - Nursery Entry Point 'Animals'

Upcoming Events – Parents Y5 Parent Forum – Monday 20th October @ 08:00-09:00 EPC Y6 Parent Forum – Tuesday 21st October @ 08:00-09:00 EPC Y7 Parent Forum – Monday 27th October @ 08:00-09:00 EPC Y8 Parent Forum – Tuesday 28th October @ 08:00-09:00 EPC Y9 Parent Forum – Wednesday 29th October @ 08:00-09:00 EPC Y10 Parent Forum – Thursday 30th October @ 08:00-09:00 EPC Y11 Parent Forum – Friday 31st October @ 08:00-09:00 EPC

School Production Dates: “The Wiz That Never Was”

Evening Performances: 03.12.14. & 04.12.14. @ 19:00hrs Rehearsal Sleepover : 14.11.14. – 15.11.14. @ 16:00hrs Weekend Rehearsals : 22.11.14. @ 09:00hrs – 16:00hrs & 30.11.14. @

09:00hrs – 16:00hrs

Latecomers – Secondary School Students who arrive late (after registration period, 07:40hrs) should report to the Secondary School Office before going to their class.

TIS Parent Forums This week saw the start of this cycle of Parent Forums. It was delightful to see so many of you attend these forums throughout the week and we hope those of you that could not attend enjoyed reading the minutes sent to you. Some great ideas and initiatives are being hatched from these forums thanks to the suggestions and ideas of some of our parents. Your continued support is greatly appreciated. Toilet Manners We are currently doing a push with the children on respectfully using the children’s toilets. Our maintenance team recently found some very unusual things which had been flushed down the boys’ toilets including an apple, money and of course, lots of tissue. We would like to ask for your help by reminding children how to use the toilet responsibly and hygienically. Also, if your maid/nanny assists your child with going to the toilet, please stop them. The children need to be able to do this independently. Year 5 – Entry Point: Fit for Life Year 5 have just started a new topic ‘Fit for Life’. They started this topic with by putting pupils to the test by holding a fitness hour. The PE department planned and delivered a special circuit course designed for Year 5 that developed agility, balance and speed. Year 5 pupils will now continue to learn about the importance of keeping their bodies healthy through exercise and healthy eating. Homework Days Several parents have approached us recently saying that for those parents with more than 1 child, having homework deadlines on different days throughout the week was confusing. Therefore, our Primary Year Leaders have all agreed to change the homework day to Friday. The next homework for all year groups will be given out on Friday 31st October and should be returned on Friday 7th November. Please remember, the homework is for your child, not you! Below are a few recommendations regarding homework: Ensure your child has time set aside each day for homework Ensure your child has time set aside each day for playing

If the homework is too difficult, please do not help your child answer questions. Instead, write a note in the planner saying the work was too hard If your child refuses to complete their homework, write in the planner and the teacher will deal with it in school Read daily. Some days read to your child, other days read with, other days allow your child to read to you Create times for yourself to enjoy reading. You are your child’s super hero. If they see you loving to read and enjoying a good book, they will copy you! Do not answer the questions! We hope this helps to eliminate homework stress from you, our parents.

Year 2 Water World Exit Point What a fun morning it was…. The Year 2 children had a fabulous time participating in a variety of water based activities prepared by their teachers and the Year 2 parent helpers. The children were enthusiastic and showed great teamwork and collaboration. We were very pleased to see parents getting involved and even taking part in one of the events. The Year 2 Team would like to say a very big thank you to all mums and dads who turned up to support the children. Well done!