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A BRIEF HISTORY OF ROME Rome, known as 'the eternal city„, is believed to be founded in the

year 625 BC.

Early Rome was governed by kings, but after only seven of them

had ruled, the Romans took power and ruled themselves.

They established a council known as the „Senate' which ruled over

the roman people who are as the 'Roman Republic'.

The Roman Republic was a very successful government. It lasted

from 510 BC until 23 BC - almost 5000 years. In comparison the

United States of America only exist since 1776 - less than 300


JULIUS CAESAR Rome's most famous citizen was no doubt Julius

Caesar. He was a Roman politician and general. In

the year 49 BC, Caesar conquered Rome and then

ruled as a dictator.

Julius Caesar, having claimed to be a direct

descendent of Aeneas, the son of Venus, was

among the first to deify himself in such a manner.

His life was ended as he was infamously murdered

in the senate in Rome and is the subject of a play by



Roman mythology is the

combination of the beliefs, the

rituals, and the observances of

supernatural occurrences by the

ancient Romans from early

periods until Christianity finally

completely replaced it.

ROMAN VS. GREEK MYTHOLOGYMost of the Roman gods and goddesses were a

blend of several religious influences.

Many of these were introduced via the Greek colonies

In some cases the Etruscan or Latin names survived throughout the cultural existence of Rome, but many were adopted so completely that they maintained their names from other cultures.

the Greek names remained the choice of the people and the major gods of the system therefore, were known by both.

URANUS & GAIA Uranus was God of the Sky

Gaia was Goddess of the Earth

They had many children together including giants.

They had a violent argument and split up. Ever since the earth and sky have been apart.

Uranus was a shadowy figure right at the start of time.

Uranus was not worshipped by the Romans, and as such

there are no pictures of him.


Saturn ruled the Gods before Jupiter. The Roman version of

Saturn‟s myth is similar to that of Cronus with his children.

Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto were his children. They

represent Air, Water and Death, the three things that

Time cannot kill.

Son of Gaia and Uranus

He is called Old Father Time.

Held a sickle or scythe in his left hand and a bundle of wheat in his right

The Roman version of Saturn‟s myth is similar to that of Cronuswith his children


Son of Saturn, Brother of Neptune & Pluto

Jupiter was King of the Gods

The eagle was his messenger

Jupiter means Father Jove

Thunderbolt, thunder & lightening

Other gods were terrified of him, although

he was a little scared of his wife Juno!

Patron God of Rome – his temple was the official

place of state business and sacrifices

There was a big temple on the Capitol in Rome dedicated to Jupiter

Optimus Maximus (which means Jupiter Best and Greatest).

NEPTUNE God of the Sea

God of Earthquakes

Son of Saturn

He rode a dolphin or a horse

Carried a trident, which had three prongs.

When the sea is rough enough to show white tops to the waves called sea horses. The back half of the seahorse is a fish. (see picture above)

He was also the God of Horses and horse-racing.

PLUTO Son of Saturn

Brother of Jupiter & Neptune

Husband of Proserpine

God of Death

Ruler of the Underworld

Romans were afraid to say Pluto's name

because they were afraid he might notice them

and they would die.

THE UNDERWORLD When someone died, they travelled

down to the Underworld.

First, they had to cross the River of

the Dead, called the Styx.

Everyone was buried with a coin, to

pay the ferryman,

Then they had to get past Cerberus,

a fierce dog with three heads, which

would only let the Dead through.

Finally they had to come before the

Judges of the Dead.

JUNOMother of Mars & Vulcan

Wife of Jupiter

Queen of the gods

English word “ Junoesque” means a large beautiful woman

Goddess of women and marriage.

Her bird was the peacock.

CERES Goddess of Earth & Corn Mother of Proserpine, Queen of the Underworld

Sister of Jupiter

She carried the cornucopia, a horn full of vegetables and fruit.

ROMAN MYTH: Pluto fell in love with Proserpine, and carried her off to the Underworld. Ceres searched everywhere, but couldn't find her. Eventually Ceres refused to let the plants grow any more, and everyone begun to die of hunger. Pluto then admitted he had Proserpine. Proserpine had eaten six seeds from a pomegranate. This means that she could go home, but had to return to her husband for six months every year. When this happens, Ceres stops everything growing, and winter comes.


Sister of Jupiter

Vesta was the center of the Roman home

In Roman homes, every day, during a meal, a small cake was thrown on the fire for Vesta. It was good luck if it burnt with a crackle.

She was a quiet well-behaved goddess, who didn't join in the arguments and fights of the other gods.

She was protector of the sacred flame. The flame was relit every March 1st and had to be kept alight all year. If this flame ever went out, disaster would fall on Rome. The flame was kept alive by the Vestal Virgins, priestesses were chosen to serve for thirty years, and were not allowed to marry.

MARS ~ GOD OF WAR Son of Jupiter and Juno

English word: Martial means warlike.

Father of Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome. Because of this mythological lineage, the Roman people felt as though they were also the children of Mars and he was regarded as their protector.

The month March (Martius) is named after him. March was called after Mars because that was when the soldiers started fighting again after winter.

He was a god of spring, growth in nature, and fertility, and the protector of cattle.


Mars held a special place in Roman life because

of the importance of military achievement in the

Roman Empire who conquered Northern Africa

and much of Europe and the Middle East.

Mars is portrayed as a warrior in full battle armor, wearing a crested helmet and bearing a shield.

His sacred animals are the wolf and the woodpecker, and he is accompanied by Fuga and Timor, the personifications of flight and fear



Daughter of Jupiter

Her symbol was the owl.

The Roman goddess of wisdom, medicine, the arts,

dyeing, science, trade, and war.

As Minerva or “Medica” she is the patroness of


Minerva is believed to be the inventor of numbers and

musical instruments.


GODDESS OF WISDOM ROMAN MYTH: She had a strange birth. One day, Jupiter had a bad

headache. Nothing would cure it. Eventually Vulcan split open Jupiter's

head. Out jumped Minerva in amour with shield and spear!

ROMAN MYTH: Minerva was the goddess of arts and crafts. She was

particularly good at weaving. Once a woman called Arachne wove a

beautiful picture. Minerva tried to find something wrong with it. When she

couldn't, she tore it up and turned Arachne into a spider. The spider still

weaves beautiful webs.

ROMAN MYTH: Minerva helped the hero Perseus to kill the gorgon Medusa.

Minerva told Perseus to look at Medusa's reflection in a polished shield.

That way he could cut the head off without looking directly at the gorgon.

He gave the head to Minerva, who put it on her shield, so it would turn her

enemies to stone.

VENUS ~ GODDESS OF LOVE Daughter of Jupiter

Mother of Cupid

Venus was born in the sea and first came to shore at Cyprus, floating on a scallop shell with “For the Fairest" written on a Golden Apple.

ROMAN MYTH: Venus, Juno & Minerva all wanted to be named the most beautiful. They decided to let a mortal man, Paris, judge. They were all so beautiful that he couldn't make his mind up. The Goddess tried to bribe him: Juno said she would make him powerful, Minerva said she would make him wise and Venus offered him Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world. He chose Venus and her gift. Unfortunately, Helen was married to someone else, and when Paris carried her off to his home at Troy, her husband came with his allies to get her back. Paris and all his family were killed and Troy was destroyed. Many famous stories were written about Helen of Troy.


English word: “Cupidity” means greediness.


His weapon was a bow, and anyone hit by

one of his arrows fell madly in love.

ROMAN MYTH: Cupid once scratched himself with one of his own arrows by mistake. He was looking at a woman called Psyche, and fell in love with her. He knew that his mother Venus would be angry, so he hid Psyche away and told her that she must never try to look at him. Psyche thought that she had been captured by a hideous monster, and, of course, couldn't resist taking a peep. She was enchanted by the first sight of her handsome husband, and while playing with his arrows, scratched herself as well. So now they were both desperately in love with each other. Venus drove Psyche away, and she had many adventures before she was allowed to stay with Cupid, and Venus became reconciled to being a mother-in-law!

APOLLO ~ GOD OF THE SUN Son of Jupiter, Twin Brother of Diana

Each day he drove his chariot of fiery

horses across the sky to give light to

the world.

God of music and played the lyre

His most famous temple was at Delphi

in Greece. Know as God of Prophesy,

his priestess would prophesize the


APOLLO ~ GOD OF THE SUNApollo had a son called Phaethon, who was human.

Phaethon nagged at Apollo to let him

borrow the sun chariot and fly

across the sky. Finally, Apollo


Phaethon proudly drove the sun chariot up

into the sky, but then he lost control of the

horses. The sun chariot dived towards the

earth, burning everything. Finally, Jupiter

had to stop him with a thunder bolt.

DIANA Daughter of Jupiter

Twin Sister of Apollo

Carried a bow and arrows

Goddess of the Moon & Hunting

Helped women in child-birth, because her mother, Leto, gave birth to her and her twin brother so easily.

Roman Myth: Once she was bathing in a forest pool and a hunter, Actaeon, spied on her. As punishment, Diana turned him into a stag and he was chased by his own hunting dogs.

MERCURY ~ MESSENGE OF THE GODS Son of Jupiter and Goddess Maia

God of thieves and travelers.

God of science and business

Wore a winged hat and sandals so he could fly.

He carried a staff which also has wings and

two snakes winding round it.

ROMAN MYTH: When he was only a few days old, he stole the cows of Apollo. Mercury made special shoes for the cows and made them walk backwards, so no one could follow their tracks. Apollo noticed Mercury was playing a musical instrument, a lyre, strung with cow-gut. He realized Mercury had stolen his cows. Apollo was furious with Mercury, but agreed that Mercury could keep the cows if Apollo kept the the lyre.

“Mercurial” means light-hearted and active.


Vulcan was the smith of the gods

He made Jupiter‟s thunderbolts.

God of the Volcano, his smithy was

in the volcano Etna, in Sicily,

where you can see fire from his forge.

ROMAN MYTH: Once, he made Jupiter angry, and Jupiter threw him out of Heaven. Vulcan fell to Earth and broke both legs, which made him lame.

He made women of gold to help him in his smithy - possibly the first robots!

BACCHUS ~ GOD OF WINE Son of Jupiter

God of the Theatre

He was accompanied by

Maenads, or wild dancing

women. They carried the thyrsus,

a staff of giant fennel, covered

with ivy leaves, with a pine cone

on top.

JANUS ~ GOD OF DOORS Janus kept the gate of Heaven,

so he became the god of doors and gates.

He was very important, because a house is only as strong as its doors.

His temple in Rome had its doors thrown open in times of War, and closed in times of Peace. They were usually open! The Emperor Augustus closed the doors of the temple, since he brought peace to the Roman Empire.

Janus had two faces, one looking forwards and one looking back, since a door can let you in, or let you out.

The first month of the year is named after him. In January, we look back at the last year, and forward to the next.

MAIA Relations: Maia is Mother of Mercury

English word: May is the hawthorn in flower.

Goddess of Growth

Goddess for which the month of May is named.

In the Middle Ages, people went out Maying on the first of May. They would go to the fields and woods, collecting flowers and enjoying the sunshine.


Goddess of flowers

Origin of words related to flowers



Hera Juno

Apollo Apollo

Demeter Ceres

Artemis Diana

Ares Mars

Hermes Mercury



Hades Pluto

Eros Cupid

Athena Minerva

Poseidon Neptune

Aphrodite Venus

Hestia Vesta

Hephaestus Vulcan

How can you still see the influence of

Roman Mythology today?

HISTORY OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE The Roman Empire was one of the largest and most enduring in world


The saying "All Roads Lead to Rome" alludes to this central hub of technology, literature, culture and architecture in the ancient world. The engineers of the Roman age created an unparalleled network of roads in ancient history.

They built strong arched bridges, and mastered the concept of "running water" using aqueducts that, among other things, supplied public baths rivaling today's modern water facilities.

At the height of its power in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD, the Roman Empire consisted of some 2.2 million square miles (5.7 million sq. km). 60 million people (or as much as 1/5 of the world's population) claimed citizenship of Rome


SunThe Sun is the

brightest object in the


Apollo - God of


MoonThe Moon is the next

brightest object.

Diana - Goddess

of Hunting, sister

of Apollo

Mercury Fastest planet

Mercury -

Messenger of the



Venus brightest planetVenus - Goddess

of Love

Marsthe red (blood)

planetMars - God of War

Jupiter largest planetJupiter - King of

the Gods

Saturn slowest planetSaturn - God of


NAMES OF THE DAYS OF THE WEEK The days of the week are Saxon. They are

named after the Sun, Moon and planets.

Lundi – Monday (Moon-day)

Mardi – Tuesday

Mercredi – Wednesday

Jeudi - Thursday

Vendredi - Friday



MONTHS OF THE YEAR When you look at September, October, November

and December, it seems as if the Romans couldn't count! But their year used to start in March. When Julius Caesar, ruler of Rome reorganized the calendar and made it start in January, he kept the old names, apart from one month, which he called after himself.

The next ruler of Rome, Augustus that came after Julius Caesar and changed the name of another month. Of course, he named a month after himself. Can you guess?



God of War

Start of year for soldiers

(no fighting during winter



meaning open

This is the month when

trees & flowers “open”

their leaves

May Maia,

Goddess of Growth

The month when trees

and flowers start to grow


Queen of the Gods


JulyJulius Caesar,

Ruler of Rome

He reorganized

the calendar.


Ruler of Rome

after Caesar

He thought he was

at least as

important as

Julius Caesar!


September Septem = 7

October Octo = 8

November Novem = 9

December Decem = 10



God of Doors

This month opens

the year.


meaning purify

This was a Roman

month of sacrifices

and purification.


Planet Saturn Jupiter Mars Moon Venus Mercury Sun


Lead Tin Iron Silver Copper Cinnabar Gold


Turquoise Cornelian Emerald


crystal Amethyst Lodestone Diamond