The Role of the Safety Professional During Plant Turnarounds


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The Role of the Safety ProfessionalDuring Plant Turnarounds

Copyright TM Rogers 2011


All process operations whether continuous or batch must be routinely shutdown for maintenance

These activities represent the most hazardous exposures for a workforce


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Copyright TM Rogers 2011


In order to successfully carry out a turnaround the operation is taken from a high energy predicable state to a zero energy state

A number of changes are made – all simultaneous completions in a short time frame

The operation is then taken back to a high energy but unpredictable state

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30/01/05 Reformer Furnace Mechanical Explosion Fort McMurray, AB

A rapid sudden high energy pressure impulse occurred within several radiant tubes in steam/ methane reformer furnace

The furnace was in a startup mode on steam without hydrocarbon feed

This impulse caused extensive damage One Operator sustained serious

injuries when he was hit by one of the ejected tube assemblies

The entire radiant section was condemned and required replacement - $70 M loss

Copyright TM Rogers 2011

23/03/05 BP Refinery Explosion Texas City, TX

Explosion and fire in Isomerization Unit

Unit was starting up 15 fatalities 170 injuries Widespread destruction Several maintenance

trailers destroyed Over $ 1billion loss

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Mechanical work near reactor

Nitrogen purged from 24” top manway

Worker entered reactor to retrieve debris and collapsed

2 fatalities

05/11/05 Valero Refinery Asphyxiation, Delaware City, DE

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Tank explosion during welding operation on nearby vessel.

3 fatalities, 1 injuryUnsafe work practicesImproper purging,

venting and testing

05/06/06 Partridge-Raleigh Oilfield Explosion, Raleigh, Mississippi

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011


As a safety professional when do you believe you should become involved in a turnaround

There are 3 distinct phases of a turnaroundYou need to be directly involved in all

three !

You have both Statutory and Company Responsibilities

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Phase 1 Pre turnaround

A turnaround begins many months ahead of the actual eventSCOPE

A complete plant outage or partial outage add different levels and types of hazards with a partial outage being more dangerousThe scope impacts all of the activities associated with the turnaround

HS Turnaround Management SystemKey activities

1. Engineering package review 2. Contractor selection3. Designing safe work practices4. Logistics5. Start-up

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

HS Turnaround Management System

A safe turnaround begins with a comprehensive management system that:

1. Details the roles and responsibilities of all the key personnel not just the HS processionals

2. Contractor management and expectations3. Contractor personnel training4. Communications5. Planned inspections6. Investigations7. Hazard control

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Key Roles

Line Managers, Supervisors, Foremen are expected to:

Communicate HS responsibilities to their direct reports as personnel are assigned

Turnaround/Outage personnel will be held accountable for fulfilling their specific responsibilities

Ensure that every reasonable precaution is taken to eliminate hazards and prevent incidents including use of communication, training, motivation and evaluation techniques

Conduct incident investigations Serve as role models for safe work practices

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Key Roles

HS personnel responsibility for: Program administration Act as a resource to all personnel on issues

related to Health and Safety Provide advice to ensure compliance with

company and legislative requirements

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Engineering Package & Planning Review

Turnaround must be carefully planned- requiring detailed work scopes

Each package needs to be reviewed and a safe work plan developed not only for the direct hazards of the specific work but for the proximity hazards as well

In many instances shutdown pre work (scaffolding , material caching) is initiated while the plant is operating

This is when the proximity hazards are prevalent and often the contactor work force is unaware of these- do not just focus on the occupational type hazards

Special attention to training needs will mitigate incidents

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Contractor Selection

Pre selectionOwner Role

Thorough review of each contractors HS program , track record and key personnel

Interviews with key personnel Work force issues – foreign workers

Contractor Role Provide the details requested , but provide the

extra effort – ensure that company HS experts , local personnel especially need to be involved

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Contractor Selection

Post selectionOwner Role

Meet with your counter part and ensure HS program , track record and key personnel is well understood – theirs and yours

Interviews with key personnel - develop a working relationship

Contractor Role Provide the details requested , but provide the extra effort –

ensure that company HS experts , local HS personnel especially need to be involved - you often bring KSAs from a variety of work sites – use and share this knowledge

Jointly agree to the roles and responsibilities and a communication plan – write it down!

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Designing Safe Work Procedures

This is a team sport with the relevant disciplines involved in the turnaround to:1. Jointly review of all work packages and schedules

i. Hazards direct and proximityii. Work force trainingiii. PPE requirementsiv. Rigging and hoistingv. Work site monitoringvi.Training requirements

2. Develop further controls3. Conduct risk assessments

i. Determination of residual risk

No work packages released until safe work procedures are in place

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

LogisticsThe movement of people, equipment and

material Indentify

Safe walk ways Safe smoking and break locations Safe locations for material lay down, permits

and tool cribs Evacuation routes and marshalling areas Turnaround signage RT windows and flagging Parking

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When a turnaround involves only some of the process units – which leaves others operational logistics are critical

WHY?Locating resources and people occupied structures too close places them all at risk should an incident in the operation

API 752 and 753 need to be followed

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Safety Signage

Its like graffiti

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Workforce Training

A typical turnaround workforce is comprised of?

Local trades people Non local trades people Foreign workers

Issues Language barriers Spectrum of safety knowledge Attitudes Customs

They also arrive on mass Every one wants them to begin work now!!

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Workforce Training

You need to design a training program that provides key information

Have it in place with the ability to deliver multiple sessions 24/7

Able to track it and issue some sort of personal record

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Phase 2 the TurnaroundMechanical Window

The higher hazard work now begins As an HS professional you have some

critical tools for ensuring a safe turnaround

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Your knowledge

Your experience

Your communication skills

Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Phase 2 the TurnaroundMechanical Window

This phase begins with the shutdown of the operation – generally identified with feed out Initial Mechanical activities Safe Isolation and first breaks Gas testing and monitoringEarly vessel entry Jointly pull some permits and perform some job observations – gas testing compliance Interview the foreman & workers to assess competencyThis early field presence establishes: Your own assessment of level of safety awareness Your roles are taken seriouslyDevelops positive relationships

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Phase 2 the Turnaround Mechanical Window

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Communication - awareness and promotion Daily pre job meetings Supervisors HS daily meeting One on one personal contacts Incident information sharing Communications with regulators Peer Observation HS recognition program

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Evacuation/ Marshalling

Less of an issue with a full plant outage

But with a partial outage - are you prepared for a large toxic release from an operational unit?

You cannot train the entire workforceBUT

Ensure plans are in place Ensure that the turnaround leaders,

foreman and supervisor know how to react2011-03-30 25

Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Phase 2 the Turnaround Mechanical Window

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Daily pre job meetings Conducted by foreman/supervisor Monitored by HS professional

Supervisors HS daily meeting Meeting to review the daily work plans Chaired by HS professional to ensure controls in place and

residual are known Share lessons learned from incident investigations

One on one personal contacts/ observationsMBWABA

Communications with regulatorsCritical interface

HS recognition programA necessary evilGenerally seen as an HS role – be creative

Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Phase 2 the Turnaround Mechanical Window

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Work Execution Housekeeping Found work

Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Phase 2 the Turnaround Mechanical Window

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Work Execution Review the next days work plan Look for the hazards – but ask questions Serious injury occurred to a trained worker performing specialty refractory workRequired the guard to be removed from a large grinder – no extra PPE specified. Kevlar chaps would have prevented the deep cut to his upper leg when the grinder slippedHazard was missed by all – Contractor did not view it a hazard & Company missed in risk assessment

Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Phase 2 the Turnaround Mechanical Window

Confined Spaces Perhaps the greatest risk Besides the potential exposure of toxic materials,

ingress and egress and work environment Many vessels contain equipment Often this equipment has deteriorated Hazards are not obvious

So how to mitigate the risk? Review the internal drawings Review history Asses risk with relevant disciplines Ensure this is part of the SWP

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Phase 2 the Turnaround

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House Keeping Questions Who is a responsible for housekeeping? Who is accountable?

Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Found Work

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Found Work

There is always conditions uncovered during the turnaround that were not anticipated and therefore not planned Urgency often trumps safety Often results in incidents

Slow it down - a quick analysis of risk & remind management a serious incident stops the work

A safe work plan is still required Risk assessment

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Copyright TM Rogers 2011

Phase 3 Startup

Ask your self these questions Is it safe to start up?

How do I know?

Your best tool for ensuring that it is truly safe

The Pre Start-up Safety Review

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Phase 3 Start-up

A PPSR is conducted by a team covering a range of disciplines looking for abnormal conditions using a check list to guide their observations

Conditions that would prevent a safe start-up

Conditions that can be corrected post start-up The PSSR checklist is a comprehensive checklist that includes:

Walking through the modified process Updating manuals Ensuring Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Inspection

requirements are met Training affected personnel in the new equipment or procedures

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Phase 3 Start-up

The HS Professionals' role is often minimized or even overlooked

You need to be checking for: General personnel safety

Guardrails reinstalled Thermal protection reinstalled Unit safety equipment in place and functional

Basic Mechanical integrity Complete installations Lock outs removed

Ergonomics Impacts of new equipment

Heath and hygiene Impacts of new or modified processes or additives

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