The Rock 130307


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  • 8/9/2019 The Rock 130307


    7 MARCH 2013

    Friday, 8 March

    Career Assessment Interviews Year 10 Careers Room

    United Naons Internaonal Womens’ Day Brisbane

    Breakfast 2013 Years 10 – 12, Brisbane Convenon &

    Exhibion Centre, Southbank

    3:30pm - 5:00pm Band Instrument Maintenance

    Workshop, P&F Band Room

    4:00pm - 8:00pm QGSSSA Basketball, Football &

    Touch Yrs 8-12

    Saturday, 9 March

    AIC Cricket

    AIC Volleyball

    Life Camp Yrs 9-12 Hosanna Farmstay Retreat,

    Stokers Siding NSW

    BWPI Waterpolo

    Sunday, 10 March

    8:00am - 12:00pm Chorale, St Andrew’s Lutheran

    Church, Brisbane

    Life Camp Yrs 9-12 Hosanna Farmstay Retreat,

    Stokers Siding NSW

    Monday, 11 March

    Career Assessment Interviews Year 10, Careers


    Inter-Lutheran Schools Swimming, Morayeld

    Aquac Centre

    QSA Restricted Assessment Period Yr 11 & 12

    11:00am - 12:30pm Zen Zen Zo Workshop

    ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream”Year 9, DO 9 & 10

    Drama Room

    6:00pm SPOSA Commiee Meeng, Ross Roy

    Boarding Room

    7:00pm - 8:00pm P&F General Meeng, P&F Centre

    Tuesday, 12 March

    Career Assessment Interviews Yr 10, Careers Room

    QSA Restricted Assessment Period Yr 11 & 12

    Wednesday, 13 March

    Career Assessment Interviews Yr 10, Careers Room

    Community Focus Day Yrs 8-12

    QSA Restricted Assessment Period Yrs 11 & 12

    Year 6 Camp, Mapleton

    8:30am - 9:00am Easter Service Yrs 3-4 Music


    All Saints Swimming Championships Years 5 - 7 Girls

    Thursday, 14 March

    Career Assessment Interviews Yr 10, Careers Room

    QSA Restricted Assessment Period Yrs 11 & 12

    Year 12 Marine Studies Snorkelling Excursion,

    Sleeman Sports Complex, Cleveland Rd, Chandler

    Year 6 Camp, Mapleton

    7:00pm - 8:00pm Year 12 Music Extension Recital


    what’s on...Please check the online calendar for the

    most up-to-date details

    YEAR 12s VISIT THE JUNIOR SCHOOLSee stories in the Junior School and Senior School secons.. .

    // THE ROCKSt Peters Lutheran College Indooroopilly School Newsleer

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    In this issue...

    // Head Of College .................................. 2

    // Ministry ..............................................2

    // Curriculum ....................................... ...3// Around the School .............................. 3

    // Junior School ......................................5

    // Middle School ..................................... 6

    // Junior High .......................................... 8

    // Senior School ..................................... .8

    // Cocurricular ........................................9// Boys Sport (Years 8-12) .....................10

    // Girls Sport (Years 8-12) .....................11

    // Primary Sport ...................................12


    Funding for schools

    As we head towards

    the Federal elecon

    scheduled for later this

    year, the debate on

    funding for all schools

    rages in the media and

    at Parliamentary level.

    The Commonwealth


    commissioned a review

    of funding for schools and

    appointed Mr David Gonski to chair the Review.

    The ndings were handed down in 2012 and the

    Government responded later in that year.

    The issues for parents to consider are clear:

    The quadrennium arrangements to fund schools

    nished at the end of 2012. The Government

    extended this arrangement for one more year;

    however, there is now no certainty about what

    this signicant funding for St Peters will look like

    beyond the end of 2013. Any new arrangement

    requires a bill to pass through the Parliament

    and we are all acutely aware that in this elecon

    year, there are very few parliamentary sings

    days le.

    The Commonwealth Government has stated that

    ‘no school will lose a dollar ’; however, there is no

    undertaking that funds will be indexed to keep

    up with inaon in the years ahead.

    The ‘Gonski Review’ determined that an

    addional $6bn would be required to introduce

    a more equitable funding arrangement for all

    schools – it remains unclear as to how and when

    this total sum will be apporoned to schools and

    students through future funding arrangements.

    It is important that parents monitor this debate,as any outcome will have a direct impact on fee

    levels going forward.

    Parent support groups

    During the course of last week, I had the

    privilege of joining the Music Parent Support

    Group for their rst social funcon of 2013.

    I encourage parents to be involved with the

    various groups across the College. They not only

    provide some funding support for a variety of

    acvies, but more importantly, the ‘group’ is

    both a friendraising and an informaon sharing

    opportunity that is highly eecve for parents

    whose children have an interest in a specic

    acvity. Thank you to those parents who take on

    leadership roles and give their energy to these

    very worthwhile support bodies.

    Kind regards

    Mr A. Wiles

    Head of College

    What am I worth?In our culture there seems to be a grading system

    of worth. If you do a Google search you will nd

    a dollar value next to people’s names. Forbes

    Magazine (2012) tells us that Mark Zuckerberg,

    mastermind behind the Facebook iniave isworth $17.5 billion US dollars, Bill Gates ranks

    number 1 at $66 billion dollars while the likes

    of Oprah Winfrey only ranks number 151 witha worth of $2.7 billion US dollars. In a world

    where we have children living on less than $1a day (while Kim Kardashian hold a wedding

    cosng $10 million dollars in a marriage thatonly lasts 72 days) we can’t help but queson,“What are we really worth?”

    During the recent holidays I spent Christmas and

    New Year’s Eve volunteering in an orphanage

    in Uganda. I learned many valuable lessons and

    have countless stories that sll challenge and

    encourage me. While in Africa I was speaking

    to a woman name Judith, and throughout our

    conversaon we stumbled upon the topic of

    worth. Judith was abducted as part of Kony’sarmy, the LRA, and was forced to sell herself to

    men in order to keep her life. While in a place of

    heartbreak and desperaon she felt worthless.

    As a result of what she had been through she

    felt as though she was less than dispensable. The

    way she was treated was inhumane and she was

    told she was nothing. Despite all this she held

    onto her belief that her worth was the same as

    every other person on this planet. I asked her

    to explain: She told me a parable. If she were to

    take a 20 000 Ugandan Shilling note, scrunch it

    up, wet it, drop it in the mud, what would it be

    worth? I proceeded to answer, ’20 000 Ugandan

    Shillings.’ Then, if she were to go to the bank,

    get a brand new 20 000 Ush note, what would

    it be worth? Once again, the answer was 20 000

    Ugandan Shillings. Judith then went on to explain

    that, no maer what we have gone through, the

    troubles we face, the horric things that may

    occur in this life, to God we are all worth the


    This noon seems incomprehensible in today’s

    day and age. We have distorted the way in

    which we treat not only others but ourselves. If

    someone was to abduct Prince William or Harry,

    what would the ransom be? In the millions I

    suspect, if not more. However, every 26 seconds

    a child is abducted sent into a life of slavery.

    What ransom is being paid for them? I feel as

    though the government would do everything

    within its power to rescue a ‘Prince’. But what

    about the children? 

    1st Timothy 2:5-6 says, “For there is one God and

    one mediator between God and mankind, the

    man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransomfor all people.” Christ has paid the ransom for all

    people. We are all children of God worth equal

    in His eyes. Just like the 20 000 Shillings, every

    single person is worth the same. Imagine a world

    where this was believed and lived out. We can

    be the world. Believe in your own worth. And

    help others to see that they are worth the world

    to God.

    Sam Dachs

    Chaplain Intern

    Hope Vale-Bana Yarralji-Thiithaarr Tour 15-23 June 2013We are delighted to invitestudents in Years 10-12 to an

    indigenous communies tour in

    far north Queensland organised

    by Red Earth Connecons (www. in

    conjuncon with St Peters. We will visit

    the people of Hope Vale, Bana Yarralji and Thiithaarr. Many of these places are not accessible to the

    general public and we are in the very fortunate posion to oer this rare opportunity to meet these

    friendly people in their own place. The aim of this tour is to build relaonships and to engage in

    praccal service learning. All students are welcomed to parcipate in this tour, no maer background

    or religious views.

    This tour is ideal for those interested in issues of social jusce, reconciliaon and the environment,

    those doing IB CAS, Duke of Edinburgh, Vetamorphous, or whose faith calls them to live a life ofcompassion and generosity.

    The tour departs on Saturday, 15 June then returns Sunday, 23 June. This is a spectacular opportunity

    to make a real dierence in the world in a posive and fun way and presents an opportunity to

    transform ourselves and those around us through this joy of relaonship and the opportunity to give

    to others.

    Please email to register your interest.

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    Tutoring is available for all Years 8-12 subjects, on Monday, Wednesday

    and Friday lunchmes, in DO1. It is run by Mr Phan and Year 12 Academic

    Prefects. Students, if you need some help on homework, an assignment or

    are just looking for somewhere quiet and air condioned to do their work,

    feel free to come along! Tutoring is available for Years 8-10 Maths and 

    Years 11-12 Maths A on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, in DO1.

    This is run by Mr Jamieson at 7.00-8.00am.

    Middle School Tuckshop and Café 45

    Volunteers Needed

    If you are interested in giving four hours of your day, one day a month to

    help out: we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Peter Ensley, Food

    Services Manager, on or 3377 6521 for a

    copy of the roster or more info.

    St Peters of

    a uniquely st peters event



    22 MARCHAt Cafe456.30Pm to LateFRIDAY

    On Sale

    tickets $45 per person • $400 per table of ten Limited Seating 


    Featuring the hugely popular

    dinner $15 per person

    ‘Friday NightIndian Curry Nite!’

     Beverages for saleon the night 


    ‘Best Joke Comp’


    Changing your enrolment?

    If you wish to make changes to your enrolment status, such aswithdrawing your enrolment or requesng a leave of absence,

    please nofy the Enrolment Oce as soon as possible. It isvery important for many departments within the College thatthis informaon is kept up-to-date with Enrolments. Please

    phone 3377 6236 or email



    This year all Prep to Year 10 English, Mathemacs, Science and History will

    be assessed and reported against the Australian Curriculum Standards.

    Years 8-10

    As the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporng Authority

    (ACARA) standards are based on an enre folio of student work collectedthroughout the whole year, the mid-semester reports (end of Term 1

    and Term 3) will provide an indicaon of student progress at that me

    in relaon to the standard on a ve point scale A-E, not an achievement

    standard as provided for other subjects. Detailed comments will be

    provided at mid and end of year only.

    Middle School Mathemacs Assessment (Deb Batchelor – Acng P-7Curriculum Coordinator)

    In line with the requirements of the Australian Curriculum, in the Middle

    School there has been a signicant change in the way that the children’s

    Mathemacal understanding is being assessed. In the past, the children’s

    knowledge of a Mathemacal concept has been assessed within familiar

    situaons and their nal percentage equated to a grade. The children

    oen performed well in these tests and received A’s and B’s. However,the Australian Curriculum achievement standards state that a child who

    can apply the taught Mathemacal concepts within familiar situaons is

    working at the expected level, which equates to a C.

    In order to enable those students who are working above the expected

    year level standard to demonstrate their ability, the Mathemacs tests

    will include tasks which assess their ability to apply their knowledge and

    understanding of a parcular concept in unfamiliar situaons. The students

    will no longer receive a percentage, but will be given a grade.

    The process is on-going, so if your child does not perform to year level

    expectaons in one task, there is further opportunity in subsequent tasks

    for the student to improve their grade for that concept. Throughout the

    year the teachers will monitor your child’s progress in the classroom as well

    as through formal tesng in order to give a nal achievement grade at the

    end of the year. They will also communicate with you regarding your child’sprogress should the need arise.

    Jennifer Winn

    Director of Teaching and Learning


    • Thursday 21 March • 9.30am - 11.30am

    St Mahew’s Church Hall - cnr. Oxley & Sherwood Rds. Sherwood

    Speaker: Sally Bellingham, Program Coordinator Uning Care

    Community  Topic - “Flexible Respite

    Support for Children aged 0 - 12 years.”

    Speaker: Gam Sefe, Speech Language Pathology

    Topic- “A family-focused program for your child with communicaon


    Takes Two to Talk is based on years of research that shows the

    need for early language intervenon and the importance of your

    involvement in the intervenon process.

    Cost: Gold coin donaon appreciated.

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    St Peters Cricket Support Groupproudly presents the annual

    Sunday 24 March • 5.00pmat Hillstone, St Lucia

    $75 per person • Banquet Dinner

    Numbers must be finalised by 8 March– so get in quick!

    Payment for dinner and raffle dueto Sports House by 10 March

    Awards •  Games • Silent AuctionRaffle Prize Draw • Spot Prizes

    Proudly sponsored by


    Capture 2013Capture is an established program that is held twice a year. All students

    Prep–Year 12 may enter up to three photographic images (any theme).

    How to enter

    Submit printed photographs to sta in

    the Chandler Visual Arts Centre. Minimum

    size 5x7cm. Please note that prints will be

    mounted on foam core board for display

    (framing is not required). Ensure all prints are

    clearly labelled with student name and form

    class. OR...

    Email a le to will enable your photographs to be

    circulated more extensively across a number

    of venues and programs.

    The photographic exhibion will be held

    in Café 45 in Term 2 and later in the new

    Performing Arts centre later in the year.

    Encouragement Awards and People’s choice

    vong will take place at these exhibions.

    All Students are encouraged to enter.

    Closing date Monday, 18 March.

    It’s not what you look atthat maers,

    it’s what you see.

    – Henry David Thoreau

    Le: Artwork by Regan O’Connell Year 12 IB Art

    This Easter, buy your hot cross buns from the St Peters Drop-In Group

    Easter Bun Drive to support the good work the group does in theBrisbane community in St Peters name.

    Funds raised from the St Peters Hot Cross Bun drive will be used to purchase the yarn,

    fabric and other materials needed to make donaons to ‘Kning for Brisbane’s Needy’ and

    ‘Pillowcases for Oncology Kids’.

    So ‘hop’ on board and support

    St Peters Drop-In this Easter.

    The Hot Cross Bun Order Form will be sent home

    with students in Junior School and Middle

    School. Junior High and Senior School parents

    are invited to download a copy of the order

    form from myStPeters home page.

    Orders close Monday, 18 March.

    Last Friday of every month 6-8pm │ Chapel Forecourt

    Youth Acvies BBQ Dinner

    Informal Chrisan Worship BYO Drinks

    Come along for fun and acvies

    for the whole family!

    St Peters at Six is a Community

    Celebraon for the whole

    St Peters community on the

    last Friday of each month.

    Youth acvies, parents drinks (BYO)

    and nibbles, BBQ dinner provided

    and informal Chrisan worship.

    Everyone is welcome.

    For more informaon

    contact Pastor Pete:

    SP@6a community celebraon

    Students of GermanThe not-for-prot Brisbane German

    Language School oers fun and engaging

    classes at various levels that provide an

    opportunity to pracce and extend your


    Classes are held at St Peters (B-Block) on

    Saturday mornings during school terms.

    More info at or email

    Like us

    To keep everyone in our communitysafe, we welcome your feedbackon any safety / trac concerns inor around the College by emailing

    THANK YOUWe thank the St Peters community for

    their parcipaon in the ‘Woolworth’s Earn

    and Learn’ promoon. Many areas of the

    College will benet from the equipmentordered.

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    Reading Informaon SessionThere was a great turn out for the reading

    informaon session for parents on Monday

    morning in Beleld Hall. We went through the

    developmental phases of reading and how these

    are supported in the classrooms with the work

    done by teachers. There were ps for supporng

    your child with their reading at home as well

    as strategies and protocols when working in

    a classroom seng. Thanks to all those who

    came to today’s session and we look forward

    to beginning our literacy groups and reading

    sessions in the near future. If you would like

    further informaon, the PowerPoint presentaon

    and the booklet are available on the portal.

    Junior School Parent SupportGroup Social Evening

    The Junior School

    Parent support

    Group Social

    evening held last

    Thursday was a

    relaxed, informal

    me where parents

    could enjoy each

    other’s company

    without the rigours

    of drop o or pickup. Many thanks

    go to the parents

    who organised the

    food, music and

    welcome glass

    of champagne.

    Each was greatly



    Solo Performance Concert

    Congratulaons to the group of young

    musicians who performed for the Junior School

    students, sta and parents last Friday morning.

    For many of these children it was their rst

    performance in front of their peers. Theaccompanying photos show two of last week’s

    performers: Year 4 pianist George Thomas and

    Year 3 violinist Milly Gardener.

    Liz Garre Junior School Music Co-ordinator

    BuddiesAn opportunity arose for non-prefect Year

    12 students to show that seniors without an

    ocial leadership role can sll be leaders of our

    College. This happened for a number of our Year

    12’s when they chose to visit the Junior School

    to meet with a year level for a short me and

    support the work of the classroom teachers.

    Even with the inclement weather, they were

    able to entertain the younger students through

    reading with them or guiding them through

    some work the teachers had prepared.

    Both sets of students gave posive feedback

    about their experiences and are keen to develop

    this project further in the coming months.

    Anna Brouwers and Anna-Chrisna Davila (Year

    12) summed up the experience

    “On Tuesday morning, 5 March, a selecon

    of Year 12’s made the journey down the hill to

    visit the Junior School. We found them grouped

    around books, eagerly awaing our arrival. They

    greeted us excitedly and were very cute. We read

    with kids from the Junior School and then played

    games with the year 4’s. I always remember

    thinking I was much bigger when I was in year

    4! The fracon work actually tested me. Now we

    have actually met with the Year 4’s and other

    students from the Junior School, we truly realise

    that we are the leaders of the school and relish in

    the opportunity to be role models and mentors.” 

    Uniform ReminderPrep students Sports uniform (5 days)

    Years 1—4 students

    Sports uniform (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

    and Friday)

    Chapel /Formal uniform (Wednesdays,

    excursions and formal occasions)

    *Remember St Peters is a SunSmart Precinct

    so the “No Hat, No Play” policy applies.

    Students are required to wear predominantly

    white runners with their sports uniform. They

    are also permied to wear brown closed in

    toe sandals in the Summer terms (Term 1

    and 4) with their sports uniform only. Any

    uniform enquiries please contact Shop 45

    directly on 3377 6209.

    Please ensure that each and EVERY item

    belonging to your child/children is labelled

    clearly with their name and class. This

    allows students to learn to idenfy theirown misplaced belongings. A lost property

    basket is located outside of the Junior School


    Perrin, Taraneh and Emma invite all St Peters Junior School parents to aend an exclusive St

    Peters community morning tea to celebrate

    their rst public exhibion and thank the

    community for their support. Morning tea for

    St Peters parents will be held during the Soen

    the Edges exhibion at the Percolator Gallery

    on both Wednesday, 13 March and Thursday, 14

    March from 10am-12pm. All welcome. No RSVP


    During the exhibion guests will have the

    opportunity to support the McIntyre Centre by

    purchasing a cket to win an original artwork. All

    funds raised from the rae will be donated to

    the McIntyre Centre (located on Moggill Road,

    Pinjarra Hills) to assist them in providing quality

    riding programs for people with a disability for the purpose of enjoyment, sport and therapy.

    Soen The Edges • Exhibion 12 March to 18 March • Viewing Times Daily 10am – 5pm •

    Percolator Gallery – 134 Latrobe Tce, Paddington Qld 4064


    KEEP OURCHILDRENSAFE.Don’t encourage children to

    run across the road.

    myStPeters portal: hps://

    mystpeters.comPlease email the IT Help Desk at portals@ 

    PHOTOS: George Thomas and Milly Gardener 

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    Like us at:


    Year 6 NewsWith less than a week before we leave for camp, the Year 6 students’

    excitement levels are geng high. With the current wet weather we’re

    having, please ensure students have a raincoat or poncho included in their

    bags, as well as a few garbage/plasc bags to put potenally wet clothes

    in. Please remember that students must also have a spare pair of shoes

    that will get wet while they are worn during kayaking. The campsite has

    informed us that shoes such as Crocs are not suitable for this as they are

    not totally enclosed. An old pair of sneakers is perfect or a cheap pair ofshoes from somewhere such as K-Mart will do just ne.

    We are also geng to the me in the term where assessment items are

    becoming more frequent. Next week we will have a History test on our

    unit about Federaon. This is an open book test and will involve students

    applying their knowledge of topics covered in class in various ways. One

    example of this is the interpretaon of polical cartoons and posters from

    that era. We have been working on these in class and students have been

    emailed sample cartoons which may be used to help them pracce these

    skills. If your child is confused about this or other assessment items, we

    encourage them to approach their relevant teacher early in the assessment

    process to minimise any stress that may arise.

    Year 6 Teachers

    Year 7 News

    On Thursday, 28th of February

    2013, the Middle School

    Leadership Team was driven

    to South Bank for the GRIP

    Leadership Conference at the

    Brisbane Convenon Centre. We

    felt so important and grown up!

    We were introduced to the presenters, Andy and Mason. They explained

    that there would be a series of challenges and games in order to mingle

    with the other leaders and to learn about how we could enhance our

    leadership qualies and skills and determine what sort of leader we are.

    We were also shown a dierent interpretaon of ‘Heads, Shoulders, Kneesand Toes.’ The day was a total success and we very much appreciated

    the company of Mrs Curn and Miss Casey who took care of us at the

    conference; and of course we thank Mr Bygraves who drove us to the

    conference and back. The Leadership team is ready for 2013. Bring it on!

    Josh Gilligan and Jess Korganow

    Middle School Captains

    Year 5 News

    Students who aend Lego club on Monday lunch mes have been very

    industriously building many and varied Lego projects. At the compleon of

    a project, we will take a photo of your child with the nished product and

    email them a copy so as their construcon can be dismantled and passed

    on to another Lego enthusiast. The good news is that the Parent run Lego

    club will meet for the rst me next Monday in MSW 12, aer school. (Mrs

    O’Kane’s classroom). Please see the yer below for details.

    On Thursday 21st March,

    Susan Seng from Australian

    Lutheran World Service

    will visit the College during

    Year Level Assembly. Susan

    will speak to the Year 5

    students about the work of

    ALWS in the countries they

    are currently studying as

    part of their unit on how

    Chrisans serve others.

    A note explaining the

    assessment process for

    Mathemacs can be found

    on the Year 5 Class Pages

    in the Notes and Leers

    accordion. Students are

    reminded to check lost

    property if they are missing

    personal property.

    Year 5 students proudly displaying their Lego construcons


     Year 5 Lego Club is back

    When – Monday 11 March (Week 7)

    3.30pm – 4.30-pm

    Where – Mrs O’Kane’s classroom 5A

    The Year 5 parent run Lego club is back for


    All Lego is supplied and the club is open to

    all Year 5 boys and girls to come along, build

    Lego and build friendships.

    Throughout the year the club will meet on

    the first Monday of the month. We look

    forward to seeing you there. If you have any

    questions, please email Ray at

    Happy creating!

    Jan-Willem Jannink, Angela Marks & Ray Young







    cr te   e a

    Free treatment for children (aged 8 to 12 years) who WORRY a lot


    Parents, is your child a worrier or a “worry wart”? Does your child worry

    a lot about everything like school, family, friends, their health and saying

    the wrong thing? At Grith University were are oering a free treatment

    program for children aged 8 to 12 years who worry a lot. Interested?Contact Monique Holmes on (07) 3735 3305 or email noworriesprogram@

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    CYBERSAFETY NEWSRecently, a speaker from the Australian Media

    and Communicaons Authority (ACMA) came to

    the College to give a number of presentaons,

    for students, sta and parents. These enhanced

    the Cyber Safety lessons that are taught at the

    beginning of the year in each class from Prep to

    Year 7.

    Summaries from the student and parent sessionswere recorded and are available for viewing on

    the Junior and Middle School’s portals.

    For further informaon, please explore the

    resources listed below:

    Cybersmart hp://  

    Cybersmart provides acvies; resources

    and praccal advice to help young kids,

    kids, teens and parents safely enjoy the

    online world. Cybersmart is part of the Australian

    Government’s cybersafety program and

    developed by ACMA (Australian Communicaons

    and Media Authority).

    I Cyber Safe hp://

    MATHEMATICSIn line with the requirements of the Australian

    Curriculum, in the Middle School there has

    been a signicant change in the way that the

    children’s Mathemacal understanding is being

    assessed. In the past, the children’s knowledge

    of a Mathemacal concept has been assessed

    within familiar situaons and their nal

    percentage equated to a grade. The childrenoen performed well in these test and received

    A’s and B’s. However, the Australian Curriculum

    achievement standards state that a child who can

    apply the taught Mathemacal concepts within

    familiar situaons is working at the expected

    level, which equates to a C.

    In order to enable those students who are

    working above the expected year level standard

    to demonstrate their ability, the Mathemacal

    undertakings will include tasks which test

    their ability to apply their knowledge and

    understanding of a parcular concept to

    unfamiliar situaons. The students will no longer

    receive a percentage, but will be given a grade.

    The process is on-going, so if your child does

    not perform to year level expectaons in one

    test it does not mean that that is the only

    mark that they will receive for that concept.

    Throughout the year the teachers will monitor

    your child’s progress in the classroom as well as

    through formal tesng in order to give a nal

    achievement grade at the end of the year. They

    will also communicate with you regarding your

    child’s progress should the need arise.


    Year 5 Reading Challenge

    We are so impressed with the way in which

    Year 5 students have taken to our First Fleet

    Reading Challenge. Already, several students

    have completed this challenge, many earning

    a free book as a prize for reading longer texts.

    Students – don’t stop reading now, you’ve

    only just begun! We have the very popular

    ‘Bookopoly’ challenge for you to now try.

    Come and see us at lunch me for more


    Term 1 Book Club Order

    Brochures for Term 1’s Book Club have been

    distributed to all Middle School students. The

    details for ordering are as follows:

    Orders due by Friday 8 March

    Completed order forms and payment to be returned in an envelope (labelled “Book Club” with your

    name and form class) to the Middle School Library (posted into Book Club Box)

    Cheques to be made out to Scholasc Australia OR

    Credit card payments can be made online\payment or on freecall 1800 557

    908 (Receipt # to be recorded on order form) OR

    Cash – correct money (no change given)

    Please print clearly and neatly

    The Books Rock Cafe

    This week’s guests at The Books Rock Cafe are Mathias Moslund (7E) and Edan Zaupa (7E).Congratulaons. We’ll see you at Morning Tea on Wednesday for a ‘Hot Chocolate and Hot Books’

    Morning Tea!

    Happy reading!

    Chrisna WheelerMiddle School Teacher-Librarian



    Date commenced:

    BookopolyReading Challenge

    •Start at ‘Go’. Roll the dice. Read

    a novel of the genre and

    minimum page length that you

    land on. When finished reading

    the book, place a sticker in the

    space. Roll again and see where

    you land!

    •If you land on a Railway Station

    or Utility, you may choose your

    own book. This may be fiction or


    •If you get sent to the ‘Book

    Shop’, MrsWheeler will select a

    book for you to read!

    •Collect a sticker as you pass ‘Go’

    •Collect a Chance or Community

    Chest Card from MrsWheeler if

    you land there and follow its

    instructions. Place a sticker on

    the space once you have landed


    •Don’t count any spaces that

    already have stickers on them

    •List the books and authors you

    have read on the back of this


    •Have fun!ChristinaWheeler 


    Middle School Library 

    St Peters LutheranCollege



      J   u  s  t   B  r   o    w  s i   n  g



     O w n

     c  h  o i   c  e

       O   w   n

       c    h   o   i   c   e

       O    w   n

      c   h   o i  c  e

       O   w   n

       c    h   o   i   c   e

     S  c  i   e n c  e

     F  i   c  t   i   o n

    1  0  0 +  p





     F  a n t   a s  y 

    2  0  0 +  p

     F  a n t   a s  y 

    1  5  0 +  p

     F  a n t   a s  y 

    2  5  0 +  p

       H i  s  t   o  r i  c  a l

      F i  c  t i   o   n

       2   0   0   +   p

       H i  s  t   o  r i  c  a l

      F i  c  t i   o   n

       1  5   0   +   p

       H i  s  t   o  r i  c  a l

      F i  c  t i   o   n

       2  5   0   +   p

        M  y  s  t  e  r  y

       2   0   0   +   p    M  y  s  t  e  r  y

       2  5   0   +   p

        M  y  s  t  e  r  y

       1  5   0   +   p

       H   u   m   o   u   r

       1   5   0   +   p

       H   u   m   o   u   r

       2   0   0   +   p

       H   u   m   o   u   r

       2   5   0   +   p







     S  c  i   e n c  e

     F  i   c  t   i   o n

    1  5  0 +  p









       A    d   v   e   n   t   u   r   e

       1   5   0   +   p

       A    d   v   e   n   t   u   r   e

       2   0   0   +   p

       A    d   v   e   n   t   u   r   e

       2   5   0   +   p

       A    d   v   e   n   t   u   r   e

       1   5   0   +   p

       O    w   n

       C   h   o i  c  e

    Does your child suer asthma oreczema?

    Every day thousands of Australian children

    suer the eects of asthma and eczema, and

    families struggle with illness management

    and children’s behavioural and emoonal

    adjustment.Posive Parenng for Healthy Living is

    an adaptaon of the successful Triple P -

    Posive Parenng Program, oering praccal

    ideas and support for parents of children

    suering asthma or eczema. This innovave

    group program is designed to help parents

    manage their child’s illness, assist children

    in coping with their illness and emoons,

    and prevent and manage dicult child


    Over the next few months and for a limited

    me only, parents of 3-10 year old children

    suering asthma or eczema are able to

    access Posive Parenng for Healthy LivingTriple P free of charge as part of a University

    of Queensland research project. Contact

    Amy Mitchell on (07) 3365 7305 or email, or visit www. for more


    I Cyber Safe is an excellent online resource from

    Ivanhoe Grammar. You can subscribe to their

    website to receive updates. The informaon

    includes topics such as cybersafety and managing

    online behaviour.

    Bullying No Way  

    Bullying. No way! is developed and managedby all Australian educaon authories.

    This is a comprehensive resource whichcontains a variety of resources to assistwith the management of bullying, including



    The Digizen website provides informaon for

    educators, parents, carers, and young people.

    It is used to strengthen their awareness and

    understanding of what digital cizenship is

    and encourages users of technology to be and

    become responsible digital cizens.

    Rachael Yates

    ICT Facilitator

    Have your contact or medical details changed?

    To keep your contact and medical details up to date with St Peters, please phone3377 6236 or email

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    Tips for parents of Year 8 studentsIs your child overwhelmed and feeling stressed? Is organisaon a problem? Do they have trouble

    starng their work? Are they able to priorise? Are they red and lacking sleep? (9.25 hours per

    night is recommended for this age group) Do they have diculty geng their thoughts on paper

    even though you know they know the content? Are they doing too much? (They simply can’t t it in!)

    Students at this age sll need signicant structure to manage their workloads. Most are unable to

    organise themselves. Telling them what to do will not x the problem. They will require someone to

    sit with them, help them get organised and will oen need someone to assist them to get startedwith their work.

    If you are interested in nding out ways to support your child further you may like to check out our

    new Year 8 Pastoral Care page on the College’s Learning Management System. This page is designed

    specically for Year 8 students and includes important informaon discussed in form class me with

    form class teachers. I recommend the ‘Wall Planner’ and ‘Organisaon’ pages for further ps and

    suggesons. There is also a ‘Parent Informaon’ page with great suggesons and ideas for use at


    Over the next couple of weeks many assessment items will be due. To encourage your child’s learning

    please monitor them during homework and study mes and contact their form teacher, or myself, if

    you require some extra assistance.

    Natalie BeneldYear 8 Coodinator

    Year 9 NewsAer much ancipaon, Year 9 2013 Ironbark

    briengs began. In a urry of nerves and

    excitement, students in AB form classes had

    their brieng this week. These briengs are

    an invaluable part of the Ironbark experience.

    Ironbark Director Mr Mahew Sullivan spoke

    with the students about what to expect on

    their upcoming Ironbark Journey. The 9ABCD

    Parent Evening was also held on Tuesday Night.

    Parents of ABCD Ironbark group who missed

    the Informaon Evening will have their booklets

    posted to them. Your booklets contain packing

    lists and medical forms – an electronic copy will

    also be placed on the Year 9 page of the portal.

    Assessment for Year 9 students is building and

    students are reminded to ensure that they are

    keeping on top of their workloads. If your child is

    struggling to meet the demands of the courses,

    we have a number of support systems in place

    here at St Peters and I encourage you and your

    child to approach me to assist with this. The

    assessment calendar is looking full from next

    week unl the end of term. Please keep checking

    your child’s diary and wall planner usage to assist

    them in managing their me at home.

    Rachael Turnbull

    Year 9 Coordinator


    As part of being a senior leader it is important to

    have opportunies that allow students to engage

    in experiences that will make a dierence to

    someone else in a posive way. Although theopportunies are limited for our busy

    Year 12 students to interact with younger

    students, it was not that surprising that the

    30 seniors, who visited the Junior School

    today during form me have come away with

    overwhelming feelings of excitement. This week

    is the start of our Year 12 Buddy Program where

    senior volunteers will spend the rst 30 minutes

    of their day interacng with students from years

    1 to 4. This will be followed up by a third of the

    senior cohort meeng the year 8 students on the

    18 March also during form me. It is hoped that

    this program will connue to strengthen these

    connecons throughout the year so that the

    senior students’ nal farewell will be even morespecial for those who have taken the me to be

    part of something special.

    Mrs Gagen

    Year 12 Coordinator

    Senior Resource CentreDuring the week we brought

    to the aenon of students

    World Read Aloud Day which

    will be celebrated on 6 March.

    World Read Aloud Day is a

    day to connect with another

    person through the joy of

    reading together. 793 million adults – two thirds

    of them women – lack basic reading and wring

    skills. Included in this stasc are 127 million

    youth aged 15-24 (UNESCO, 2009). In Booksurf

    lessons the Year 8 and 9 students were given

    me to read to each other and to realise the

    importance of global literacy, marking this week

    as a special week of reading. Imagine a world

    where everyone can read...




    The school day begins at 8.05am for Junior High.

    A warning bell sounds at 8.00am and students

    are expected to be at class by 8.05am.If students arrive aer this me they are

    late and must sign in at recepon.

    If parents have not contacted Junior

    High aendance about the late arrival

    a text message will be sent.

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    DRAMA WEEK 201325 February -1 MarchUnfortunately, some of the acvies for Drama week were limited due to the

    rain this year. However students enjoyed being involved in a range of events.

    Tuesday – students came down to D9/10 to make a carnival mask.

    Wednesday – Shakespeare Day involved some talented students showing o

    their performance skills in their presentaon of ‘Love and Death Scenes’ byWilliam Shakespeare.

    Friday 1st March – Finally for Drama Week the Year 12 drama students strolled

    around in role as restoraon characters in costume giving out compliments.

    The Theatre Sports team led by Lexie Ashby and Georgia Gates entertained

    students from all years giving them a taste of some of the Theatre Sports

    games. We were extremely impressed by the condence and skill of some

    of the younger performers in Year 8. Students can sll come along and

    parcipate in some Theatre Sports games on Friday lunchmes in D9/10.

    There are two teams this year that will be compeng in the Youth Theatre

    Sports compeon in Term 2.

    Thank you to Hannah Sherlock and Kate Middleton for their assistance.

    Angela Raynor

    at our new locaon in Health City...


    book a tour on

    Wednesday 13 March 9am – 12noon• Explore the new St Peters Springeld • Meet St Peters leaders and students • Kindergarten to Year 12

    St Peters Lutheran College Springeld, Cnr Wellness Way and Parklands Drive, Springeld Central

    myStPeters portal: hps://mystpeters.comEmail for help.

    To keep everyone in our community safe, we welcome your feedback on any safety

    or trac concerns in or around the Collegeby emailing

     T e l l  y our friends

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    Head of Boys Sport, Shaun Nodwell phone: 3377 6217 mobile: 0434 072 059 email:


    AIC Round 5 xtures will take place against St

    Laurence’s College this weekend. All Volleyball

    xtures and Under 13, under 14 and 1 st XI cricket

    will be played at SPLC. All other open cricket

    will be played at St Laurence’s venues (check

    draw for further details). It is important that all

    cricket players check the wet weather line and

    Sports House for training/game informaon this

    week. It was unfortunate that all cricket games

    were washed out against St Edmund’s last week,

    however volleyball xtures went ahead. The 1 st 

    VI volleyball team remain undefeated and this

    week will play in the top of the table clash with

    SLC. I strongly encourage all SPLC community

    members to support this team on Saturday at

    2pm in the gymnasium.

    The AIC Swimming Championships occur this

    Thursday the 7th of March. Aer winning the AIC

    Championship in 2012, SPLC will have to produce

    outstanding results to again defeat our rivals

    Marist College Ashgrove, who are again looking

    strong this year. I wish all the AIC team the best

    of luck for Thursday. Come on boys, you can doit!!

    Rugby and Football pre-season training for

    students in years 8-12 connues and occurs on

    Wednesday, from 3:30 unl 5:00pm. This will

    connue for the remainder of the term. Football

    will be on Stolz Oval and the Indooroopilly State

    High School Ovals and Rugby will be on Mayer

    Oval. Rugby also have another session on Friday

    morning on Mayer oval from 6:30-7:30am. It is

    important the players communicate with their

    coordinator during wet weather sessions. SPLC

    will always try and do something with players if

    wet weather is occurring.

    All players wishing to play rugby or footballshould complete pre-season training. This

    pre-season training will assist SPLC Term 2 sport.

    Rugby players are reminded of the Rugby Camp

    on Wednesday the 27th to Friday the 29th of

    March at the conclusion of Term 1. This will be

    the rst rugby camp for SPLC and all players are

    required to aend. The rugby coordinator is Mr

    Lath Stewart (

    and the football coordinator is Mr Fady Ibrahim


    Any student who has missed the sign-ons

    for rugby, football and chess can sll sign on

    at Sports House in the coming weeks. It is

    important to note that students who cannot

    take part in pre-season training due to another

    commitment (e.g. term 1 sport, music etc) must

    sll sign on if they would like to play a term 2


    St Peters, Volleyball. Under 14yrs, div. “B”

    The game on Saturday was an intense game. The

    rst set was to St Edwards (our opponents) and

    the second set was to us. So it was a nal rally to

    see who would claim victory. St Peters won in the

    end. The team won because our training really

    showed in the game. The communicaon was

    up and Toms voice you could hear from outside,

    clearly. Thanks to the moral support of the “A”

    team we felt stronger. Another thanks to Dougie

    and Luke for helping us in the game.

    Angus Clark

    St Peters Football Support GroupInvites all interested parents and friends to the

    Opening 2013

    FSG Meeting

    Tuesday March 12 2013

    7 pm to 8:00 pm

    Thiele House, Room TH8 

    Light refreshments will be provided.

    Please RSVP by Monday 11 March to

    Fady Ibrahim at

    For details of mes and venues for this week’s matches against St Laurence’s College, please check the

    portals under the ‘Boys Sport 8-12’ link.

    AIC Cricket - Round 5St Peters Lutheran College v St Laurence’s College

    9 March 2013


    1st’s 9:00 - 5:15pm Mayer Oval (Turf)

    2nd’s 1:00 – 5:30pm Field 1, St Laurence’s Playing Fields

    3rd’s 1:00 – 5:30pm Field 2 (Turf), St Laurence’s Playing Fields

    4th’s 1:00 – 5:30pm Field 1- Leopardwood St Park (Synthec)

    15A 8:15am – 12:45pm Field 1, St Laurence’s Playing Fields

    15B 8:15am – 12:45pm Field 2 (Turf), St Laurence’s Playing Fields

    14A 8:15am – 12:45pm Stolz Oval (Turf)

    14B 8:15am – 12:45pm Indooroopilly SHS (Synthec)

    13A 1:00 – 5:30pm Stolz Oval (Turf)

    13B 1:00 – 5:30pm Indooroopilly SHS (Synthec)

    St Peter’s Venues: Mayer Oval - Harts Road, Indooroopilly

    Stolz & Indooroopilly SHS Ovals - Lambert Road, Indooroopilly

    St Laurence’s College Venues: St Laurence’s Playing Fields - Nathan Road, Runcorn

    AIC VolleyballSt Peter’s Lutheran College Gymnasium


    8.00am 14C 8.00am 13C

    9.00am 14B 9.00am 13B

    10.00am 14A 10.00am 13A

    11.00am 3rd VI 11.00am 15C

    12.00pm 16A 12.00pm 15B

    1.00pm 2nd VI 1.00pm 15A

    2.00pm 1st VI

    St Peter’s Gym: Enter o Lambert Road,


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    Head of Girls Sport, Kelli Rodman phone: 3377 6218 mobile: 0410 412 403 email:


    QGSSSA Interstate Compeon for Netball and HockeyFor the rst me, a QGSSSA Netball and Hockey team will be travelling down to Pymble Ladies College in NSW to play against other states in September.

    The team will be selected from all 10 QGSSSA schools and girls must nominate to be selected. As there is only one team going for each sport, only the

    Open players from St Peters will be eligible to nominate. If you are interested in nominang and trialling, please come to Sports House and seeMrs Rodman.

    TOUCHCoordinator: Mark Manson (P: 3377 6568


    Venue: IGGS Sports Fields - Cnr Jacaranda St &

    Chermside Rd, East Ipswich.

    Game mes:


    Open 5.00pm 2

    Snr A 4.15pm 2

    Snr B 5.00pm 3

    10A 4.15pm 4

    10B BYE

    9A 4.15pm 3

    9B 5.00pm 4

    8A 4.15pm 1

    8B 5.00pm 1

    SOFTBALL Saturday 9 MarchCoordinator: Kelli Rodman & Linda Berry

    Open & Senior Soball Match Times


    Open 1 8.15-9.30am Clayeld College 15

    Downey Park SoballAssociaon, Green Tce,


    2 9.50-11.05am Somerville House 11

    Snr A 1 8.15-9.30am St Hilda’s 17

    2 9.50-11.05am Somerville House 16

    Snr B 1 8.15-9.30am Somerville House 18

    2 9.50-11.05am BYE

    WATERPOLO Saturday 9 MarchCoordinator:  Nicky Hughes (E:

    Game mes:


    U13A BGGS 9.20am Valley PoolU14A Mt St Michaels 12.40pm Valley Pool

    U14C All Hallows 1.20pm Somerville House

    U15A All Hallows develop 3.20pm Valley Pool

    U16C St Margaret’s 3.20pm Somerville House

    Opens Somerville House 4.00pm St Rita’s

    AUTUMN FIXTURES Round 1 (Friday 8th March) – SPLC v IGGS (AWAY)

    BASKETBALLCoordinator:  David Rushmore (P: 3377 6256


    Venue: IGGS Marian Walker Sports Complex -

    Cnr Queen Victoria Pde & Chermside Rd, EastIpswich; Bremer SHS - 133-153 Warwick Rd,

    Churchill; St Margaret’s Philip Harris Sports

    Centre - Lapraik Street, Ascot.

    Game mes:


    Open IGGS 5.15pm 1

    Snr A IGGS 5.15pm 2

    Snr B (v StMargaret’s) St Margaret’s 5.00pm 1

    10A Bremer SHS 5.15pm 1

    10B Bremer SHS 5.15pm 2

    9A Bremer SHS 4.00pm 19B Bremer SHS 4.00pm 2

    8A IGGS 4.00pm 1

    8B IGGS 4.00pm 2

    FOOTBALLCoordinator:  Damien Hanley (P: 3377 6531 E:

    Venue: Knights Soccer Club - Brisbane Rd,


    Game mes:


    Open 4.00pm 1

    Snr 5.05pm 2

    Jnr A 4.00pm 2

    QG CROSS COUNTRY MEET –Monday 11 MARCHThis coming Monday is the rst Cross Country

    meet which is being hosted by Brisbane State

    High School. The meet is taking place at the

    Yeronga Memorial Park; with the rst race

    starng at 4pm. Girls are asked to sign on at

    Sports House if they are aending. There is also a

    bus leaving the College at 3.10pm and will return

    as soon as the last race is complete.

    QGSSSA SWIMMING…stay tuned to the next edion for a full wrap up

    from the Swimming Championships.

    INTER LUTHERAN SWIMMINGThe Inter Lutheran Swimming Championships is

    this Monday 11th March. A team will be selected

    and students will be noed. Unfortunately we

    are restricted on the numbers that we can take

    to this event, so a team will be selected based on

    results and performances. On average, we take 6

    girls per age group.

  • 8/9/2019 The Rock 130307


    Important Contacts

    Recepon 3377 6222 •

    Enrolments 3377 6236 •

    Finance Oce 3377 6277

    Shop45 3377 6209

    Boys’ Boarding 3377 6100 • Girls’ Boarding 3377 6900

    Sport Wet Weather Informaon 3377 6211

    Aendance Contacts

    Years 10-12 3377 6562 •

    Years 8-9 3377 6503 •

    Years 5-7 3377 6123 • 1-4 3377 6250 •

    Prep 3377 6226 •

    Leave Approval •

    View the complete contact list at hps://

    Head of Primary Sport, Peter Dawson phone: 3377 6584 email:

    // PRIMARY SPORT“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it

    happen.” Michael Jordan

    CIC CRICKET & ALL SAINTSTOUCHA draw for Cricket will be sent home with

    students and will appear on the St Peters portals.

    All Saints Touch players will be advised of game

    mes for Friday during training this week.

    Please note: All Saints Touch games will now beplayed at St Peters on either Middle School Oval

    or Mayer Oval throughout the season. Games

    mes will be 4pm or 5pm.

    CIC CRICKET ROUND 5SPLC Grade 5 (AWAY) vs St Laurence’ College.

    Gair Field, 82 Stephen’s Road, South Brisbane @


    SPLC Grade 6 NO GAME. Training Session at SPLC

    Nets @ 8:00am – 9:30am

    SPLC Grade 7 NO GAME. Training Session at SPLC

    Nets @ 8:00am – 9:30am

    **Please note – all CIC Cricket games will be a20/20 format and are played on a strict me

    schedule. It is extremely important that players

    are at the venue 20 minutes before the start of


    It is also important that all players review the

    bylaws for CIC Cricket. These can be found on the


    ALL SAINTS GIRLS TOUCHAt the me of print, game mes for Round 4 of

    All Saints Girls Touch were not available. Game

    mes will always be either 4:00pm or 5:00pm

    and will be conrmed at All Saints Training. Theweather will play a major factor in the games

    played this week.

    MET WEST SWIMMINGTRIALSCongratulaons to the following students who

    made it into the Met West Swimming Team last

    week at the Met West Swimming Trials. St Peters

    swimmers featured in many races throughout

    the day. All swimmers should be very proud of

    their eorts at the compeon.

    These students will represent Met West at the

    State Swimming Championships.Sophie Terry

    Kerrith du Preez

    Ruby Cristol

    Holly Slaery

    Petro Heese

    Ebony Tkatchenko

    SWIMMING12 March – Primary Inter-Lutheran Swimming

    Carnival (SPLC 50m)

    20 March - ALL SAINTS SWIM MEET (SPLC 50m)

    Training TimesTraining begins on Wednesday 6th February.


    Wednesday aernoons 3:30pm – 5:00pm at

    Mayer Oval Nets

    Friday mornings 6:45am – 7:45am at Mayer Oval



    Wednesday aernoons 3:30pm – 5:00pm at MS


    Friday mornings 6:45am – 7:45am at MS Oval

    This will be the last week of training for All Saints

    touch. Training concludes on Friday 8 March.

    Swimming: Primary Swimming Training

    will commence following the Primary Age

    Championships. A squad will be chosen based

    on the results from the Championships. Only

    students selected in the squad will be able to

    aend training. Training will begin on Tuesday 12

    February at the 25m pool.

    There will be one more All Saints Swimming

    Carnival this term. This carnival is compulsary

     for the SPLC Primary Swim Team (boys and

    girls). It will be held on Wednesday 20 March

    (4:00pm-6:30pm) and will feature individualraces and relays.



    St Peters Western Squad - Monday – Friday

    3:30pm – 4:30pm à 25m pool (SPW squad, all

    students welcome) Please contact Russell Haug

    (3377 6252) for details.

    RUN CLUBRun Club is back! Starng on Monday 25

    February (Week 5) Run Club will kick o for 2013.

    Run Club will serve as a way for Middle School

    students to increase their cardiovascular tness

    while running in a safe, enjoyable environment.

    Mrs Kerry Schreiber will coordinate the training.

    Mrs Schreiber has been the mastermind behindthe fantasc success that the Primary Cross

    Country Team has experienced in the last three

    years. Parents are welcome, come ready to run!

    Monday/Friday Aernoon


    Meet at the top of the Middle School Oval stairs

    opposite the Bus Stop

    SPORT FOR LIFE!Sports Development has begun for Term 1 and

    will connue each Wednesday aernoon unl

    the end of term.

    Middle School HPEAll students will be involved in swimming during

    Term 1. Students are required to wear the St

    Peters swimmers, the St Peters rash shirt, St

    Peters cap (if required) and goggles. Students

    have also been asked to bring along ns

    (ippers). These are required to assist with drill

    work in developing the stroke of the students.

    A towel is also required. Any student, for any

    reason unable to parcipate in swimming will

    be required to bring a note. If they are unable

    to parcipate for mulple HPE lessons they will

    require a doctor’s cercate. Students have also

    been reminded that they are to bring a waterbole and are required to wear their hat to and

    from lessons.

    Following the Swimming Unit students will begin

    a Cross Country Unit for the remainder of the



    Swimming: Friday 1 February – Friday 15 March

    Swimming has been extended for one week.

    Cross Country:

    Monday 11 March – Monday 25 March

    Theresa Norton

    Charloe Terry

    Erin Brookes

    Cole Connelly

    Samuel Rutley
