The Roar | Volume 8 | Issue 3 | December 2012



The Roar is the student news magazine at Whitney High School in Rocklin, California. Read this issue for news, sports, entertainment and more.

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10 Students surpass graduation requirement, attempt to serve community

9 Early graduates leave high school to go to college, pursue other goals

14 Ski and snowboard enthusiasts express their anticipation for the winter sports season

12 Advanced ceramics students share perspectives about how the program affected them



ON THE COVER: Cover photo illustration by SHAI NIELSONPhotos provided by (left to right, top to bottom) Sacramento Food Bank, Caitlin Shantz, Sara Wharton, Caitlin Shantz, Caitlin Shantz, Sacramento Food Bank, and Sacramento Food Bank

THE ROAR | Whitney High School | 701 Wildcat Blvd. | Rocklin, Calif. 95765 | 916-632-6500

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OTHER STORIES4 Shopping at small businesses during the holiday season not only helps the community, but can also help you

18 Underage dance club opens up in Blue Oaks Town Center

20 The Mr. WHS competition returns with new rules but the same level of excitement



It’s a constant refrain on campus, from the morning announcements to emails sent home by the college and career center. “If you haven’t already completed

your 25 community service hours, come volunteer at this (fill in the name of any event or fundraiser).” Though the intentions behind these attempts to get the students body to volunteer are good, the idea that serving the community is contingent on a small number of required hours is one that strips community service of its entire purpose. Students start to think of community service as one more activity needed to earn a high school diploma or get accepted into a particular college. When thought of in this way, a selfless act becomes a selfish one, turning an activity meant to improve the community into one that fulfills a student’s own needs. This sadly widespread mentality completely defeats the purpose of volunteering, as it makes students forget that, to those who benefit from volunteer work, the time students spend helping means more than just a number of hours on a transcript. Though some students, whose stories are detailed on page 10, volunteer purely out of a desire to help those in need, they are in the minority, as most choose to volunteer just enough to meet the requirements needed to graduate. So how do we change students’ minds? How do we make them look past the numbers and see volunteering as a way to make a difference, not simply a means to an end? Part of the problem lies in the school’s community service hours requirement, set at an abysmally low 25 hours for four years. This works out to a little over six hours of volunteer work per year, not nearly enough time to work with a meaningful cause and actually give back to the community and help those in need. On top of being required to complete too few hours to really make a difference, students in this area, the

sixth richest county in California, are often not regularly confronted with hunger, poverty and other ills that make volunteer work such a necessity. This disconnect from the problems that make volunteer work so crucial leads students to see volunteer work merely as a way to add to a college application or to ensure receipt of a high school diploma. Increasing the number of hours of volunteer work needed will help both students and the community, as it will push students to commit to causes and do truly meaningful work in the community, instead of simply scraping together enough hours by volunteering at a few, unconnected causes. By needing to complete more hours, students will have to seek out important causes to donate their time to, like those described on page 11. This increase in hours will ensure that all students, not just those who go above and beyond required hours simply because of personal desires to help the community, will be able to make an impact. Another way to make students see volunteering as something more than simply a list of hours earned is to do away with the hours system entirely, and require students to complete a sustainable community service project, similar to an Eagle Scout or Gold Award project. By doing away with the listing of hours and replacing them with projects that would allow students to help the community in unique ways, students will be able to actively aid their communities without being focused on simply completing a required number of hours. Ultimately, it’s up to students to make a change in how they view community service and to decide to donate their time to causes that will really benefit others in the community. To start, turn to pages 10 and 11 to see how you can help those in need.


The Roar is a student publication planned and produced by the journalism class at Whitney High School. The news magazine is an open forum for student expression. Student editors make all content decisions. Columns represent the viewpoints of individual writers and are not representative of the opinions of the student body, faculty or administration of Whitney High School or Rocklin Unified School District. Staff members of The Roar practice ethical student journalism by providing fair and balanced coverage as determined by community standards. Students working to publish each issue strive to achieve accuracy by checking sources, spelling and quotes as well as obtaining a variety of credible sources. The staff regrets any errors or omissions. The Roar staff gladly accepts letters to the editor, either by email or delivered to Room C-2. All letters must be signed by the writer and may be edited for length or content. Libelous or potentially harmful material will not be printed. Multiple letters about the same topic may not be printed due to space limitations or may instead appear on For information about advertising, including rates, sizes and discounts, contact The Roar at






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In the rush and craziness associated with nearly every aspect of the holiday season, people in the USA from going out and

spending more than they do at any other point in the year. In 2012, sales on Black Friday reached a record number of $59.1 billion. The total number of people shopping also broke records, reaching a total of 247 million people going out to spend an average of $398. But, where the money went, and where it will be going as the season progresses is the important part. Because of past economic troubles, small businesses have been struggling to appeal to holiday shoppers. A large challenge, considering the fact that a vast majority of small businesses cannot compete with the significantly lower prices of giant retail stores like Walmart and Best Buy. But according to Bank of America’s Small Business Owner Report, 94 percent of small business owners say Black Friday has either a minor or no impact on their businesses’ bottom line. The report also says that 82 percent of small businesses believe Cyber Monday is over-hyped and has no significance to their bottom line. Of all the money being pumped into the economy during the holiday season, you would think that small businesses that work locally would be able to get in on some of this goldmine. But again reporting weak numbers like this, we know that this is sadly not the case. In 2010, a new movement around the country began known as Small Business Saturday. Trying to combat the incredibly huge Black Friday that is mostly dominated by large retailers and forgoes most small business, American Express OPEN (the company’s small business sector) decided now was the time to promote small business during the holiday season to help them take advantage of the large (and growing) market of shoppers this time of year. There are an

estimated 23,974,500 businesses in the U.S. Half of the private employees in the U.S. work in small business. Of the 5,683,700 firms with employees, 5,666,600 are small firms. This shows you just how much of an impact something so “small” has on the economy and on all of us. This is a tough situation. With so much potential for growth, but so much uncertainty for the future, small business is in a tight spot. They are superior in service by being more intimate with customers, and have a better ability to adapt to changing needs of those customers. They can be started relatively quickly and cheaply, and can serve specialized niches in a way that a big retail conglomerates simply cannot come close to. With this kind of local service that can contribute so much to a community, it’s no wonder why small businesses are actually the biggest job creators in the United States. Small firms accounted for 65 percent (or 9.8 million) of the 15 million net new jobs created between 1993 and 2009, and that doesn’t include the many more new jobs created in the recovery from the recession. And small businesses do more than drive the economy; they also are the best innovators the country has. By producing 13 times more patents per employee than large patenting firms, small businesses are able to quickly give ideas the resources they need to help themselves become successful. This not only helps them by creating ideas that will make them money, but helps the country as a whole economically. In the U.S., 69% of small businesses last at least 2 years. Seeing these poor numbers, people need to realize how important it is, especially during this time of year, to support their local small businesses in their efforts that help employ your friends, neighbors and families by buying their products and services this holiday season.


BIGShopping at small businesses during the holiday season not only helps the community, but can also help you

Small Business centers in our area:


Rock Creek Plaza

Blue Oaks Town Center6600 Lonetree Boulevard Rocklin, CA 95765

Plaza at Stanford Ranch6040 Stanford Ranch Road, Rocklin, CA


Washington Square Shopping Center699 Washington Bou-levard, Roseville, CA 95678

The Roseville Galleria Mall1151 Galleria Bou-levard Roseville, CA 95678

Sunset Plaza5903 Pacific Street, Rocklin, CA 95677

2200 Sunset Boulevard Rocklin, CA 95765



In the midst of the holiday season, people are decorating their Christmas trees, hanging mistletoes, singing carols and, most

importantly, booting up their computers for a season of intense online shopping. Online shopping is revolutionizing the holiday market and quickly gaining dedicated fans among the masses of annual holiday shoppers. According to, online sales are expected to increase over 12 percent this holiday season. There was even a Cyber Monday on the Monday after Black Friday where the familiar massive sales were seen across online retailers, attracting thousands of users. Forty-one percent of consumers shopped online for this world wide sale, up 5 percent from 2011. Every year more and more shoppers are turning to retail websites to order their holiday gifts and presents rather than stepping into their favorite shopping malls. “I prefer shopping online on websites like Zara because it’s convenient and I can do it from my house” freshman Julia Bell said. “Also, their stock is better and more diverse than that of the store.” Senior Katelyn Piziali agrees, “You don’t have to take time out of the day to do your shopping. With the iPhone apps available now days, you can browse wares and order items on the go.” With this extra convenient process, online retailers are winning over many shoppers and keeping them due to their high customer satisfaction. “I’ve been pleased with my purchases 100 percent of the time. I’ve never had a terrible experience when buying my electronics and computer parts,” Antonio Diaz said. “Even if something doesn’t fit or didn’t turn out the way you wanted, you can just send it back and get a different size,” Bell said. Clothing is an especially popular retail category for online shopping because of the unique and varied styles and products that cannot be found anywhere else. “I can buy original graphic tees and specialty merchandise that isn’t available in any stores from the official websites of my favorite shows and entertainment” Diaz said. Many desire shirts sporting popular shows, webcomics, political figures, bands, Internet

memes, etc. This search has been made tremendously easier with the official websites from which anyone can order merchandise. But even retail stores such as Urban Outfitters and Nordstrom that are locally known and have shops in the mall are cashing into the emerging online craze. They provide incentives for shopping on their websites to try and compete in this new cyber market. “Sometimes stores will have deals that are only available online,” Piziali said. Although stores are offering Internet services to attract more customers, sites specially for online shopping still have the leg up in the competition this holiday season. “Clothes are a lot cheaper online. Plus, there are cases when you don’t always have to pay the sales tax,” sophomore Samantha Mowry said. Students do have their limits, however, when it comes to making purchases online. Paypal and other similar e-commerce sites enable the common Web user to make fast, secure and efficient payments or money transfers- a power too great, some parents feel, for the average teen. “My account is linked to my parents’ account so I have to get permission from them before I buy anything,” Bell said. In some cases, letting kids manage their own online activities works out fine as they are giving a chance to learn responsibility. Besides, with a new generation of adept internet users and tech savvy teens, the world can step back and watch as they take control in their increasingly electronic lives. “I have my own credit card and a personal account so I’m able to use my own money to make purchases whenever I need,” Diaz said. The growing popularity of sites like Amazon, Ebay, Craigslist, Newegg, Zappos, and numerous others are transforming the way people are shopping this holiday season. This trend is only expected to increase over the next few years as these websites and their services expand and become more widely used among the general population. Soon, the bustling crowds and long lines of Black Friday and the holiday season may be rendered obsolete as consumers will be able to fill their stockings without taking a step out of the comfort of their home.

by Aditya Nirgun, Kolette King, and Desiree Stone

Samantha Mowry surfs Amazon on her iPhone. Photo by Desiree Stone

‘Tis theseasonSHOPPING

to beOnline shopping is on the rise and it’s the hottest

trend among students this holiday season

POPULARshopping sites this

holiday season






TOPgiftsfor the Popular gifts on students’ wish lists this season




Soffe Shorts $5.98-19.99 Sports AuthorityBasketball shorts $14-45 Adidas $30-60 NikeNike shoes $41.97-310 Nike $30-100 JourneysReebok $50-150 Reebok

Knitted head bands $5.80 Forever21 $6.95 H&MScarves from Forever 21 $6.80-24.80Necklaces from Forever 21 $1.50-29.80Uggs $107-450 Nordstrom $135-300 Journerys



Hoodies $40 Hollister $25-$40 American Eagle $12-$30 Aero Starbucks Gift Cards $5-50 Forever 21 Gift Cards $15-50iTunes Gift Cards $15-500Krispy Kreme $25 $50Gift CardsAmerican Eagle Gift $25-500Cards

Skull candy hesh 2.0 headphones $59.99 TargetBlack electric guitar $87.99 TargetMaestro 6-string acoustic $69.99 Best BuyiPhone or iPod dock Insignia $39.99 Best Buy


Twilight series Blu Ray $71.99 Target Lord of the Rings series on Blu Ray $49.99 Best Buy Star Wars Blu Ray trilogies $44.99 Best Buy Prometheus Blu Ray $19.99 Best Buy Complete Indiana Jones Blu Ray $49.99 Best Buy

Movie Addicts

XBOX live gold membership card $25-60 Best Buy XBOX 360 Wireless controller $35 Best Buy Halo 3 XBOX 360 $20 Best Buy Black Ops 3 $60 Kmart


“I would give and want clothes.”

“I probably would get (my friends) sweatshirts.”

“I want Uggs and a knitted headband.”

STUDENTS’wish listsStudents share the gifts they would want to give and receive

Kristin Ladas (Senior)

Angelina Bozhko (Sophmore)

Nickolas Martinez (Junior)



Slowly but surely people are drifting away from Facebook and moving on to other

social networking sites. It also seems the ol’ FB is getting on the nerves of some of its users. “Facebook is getting old. It makes too many changes so people stop using it. I hate the things that say ‘Share if you love cookies. Ignore if you love the devil.’ There’s a lot of spam too,” freshman Megyn Hallman said. Some features seem to affect the students’ view of Facebook. “I use Facebook, but the constant game notifications that my friends don’t even send, annoy me a lot,” freshman Ethan Nelson said. Many others are occupying their time with other social networks or looking to newer things, leaving Facebook in the dust. In three months, Instagram has grown from 50 million users to 80 million users while 34 percent of people called Facebook boring and pointless according to a national online survey. However, Facebook is still in the lead, but some sites, like Twitter, are quickly gaining. Facebook has 700 status updates per second where Twitter has 600 tweets per second. “Facebook is just about people and their problems, and sometimes I could care less. Other sites like Reddit have funny pictures that make me happy. In a couple years, Facebook will crash and burn and the lower websites will rise to fame,” Hallman said. Looking back at top social networks, students see a pattern occur. “Myspace was popular and then look at it now, no one goes on it. Other social networking sites are becoming more popular like

Instagram and Twitter,” senior Lorenzo Rodriguez said. Over the course of two years, statistics have proved that the amount of activity on Facebook has dropped significantly. Between mid-2009 and late 2011, there was a 12 percent decline in messaging friends, a 17 percent fall in searching for new contacts, and a 19 percent decline in joining a group in the U.S. 8.7 percent of Facebook accounts are fake. Cartoon characters and fan pages take up a large amount of the Facebook statistics. Also, Facebook once had a 178 percent monthly growth rate, but in the years following, the hype has died, and the growth rate has reduced to a mere 2 percent. Due to this drop, students have predicted the downfall of other social networks, including the more recent ones, such as Instagram and Twitter. “I think in a couple of years Twitter will be left behind because it’s kind of like Facebook,” Nelson said. Still, students continue to constantly refer to their social networks, as they have become a part of the ave rage user’s daily schedule. However, 24.3 percent of Facebook users are between the ages of 25 and 34 years old, taking first place while 7.7% of users are between the ages of 13 and 17, taking last place. “Honestly, social networking is just a waste of my time and it sucks up my life, but I still go on them every five minutes on my phone. They’re addicting,” Hallman said. No one knows what will become of social media in the future, but for now, it can be seen that Facebook is going into a decline from its previous fame.


downfall of

Students begin to drift away from Facebook, choosing other social media sites like Twitter and Instagram


photos uploaded per second on Facebook in 2010


57%users on Facebook are women

Each icon represents approximately 13 friends

130friends per average user

2.7 BILLIONlikes per day on Facebook

19%of Facebook users joined in 2012

58photos uploaded per second on average

4.9 MILLIONlikes per day

81commentsmade persecond

30 to 80 MILLIONusers in 3 months

Went from

53%of users joined this year

180active users this year


27users on average




750tweets per second

60%increase in Twitter’s visitor growth this year

Each icon represents approximately 18 people






If you mess with nature there’s a side effect somewhere,” said George Siemon, Organic Valley CEO, the nation’s largest organic farming cooperative.

GMOs are organisms with genetic material that has been altered using genetic engineering. Scientist insert foreign genes into the DNA, to prompt the cells to perform new functions. With something like this being relatively new to the scientific field, there is possibility for errors; however they are uncommon. Biotech crops were first introduced in 1996 and they are a common practice in the United States. According to the Center for Food Safety, today up to 85 percent of corn, 91 percent of soybeans, and 88 percent of cotton has been genetically engineered. Also, around 70 percent of processed foods, like soda and canned soup, contain genetically modified ingredients. Monsanto is the major company involved in producing most of America’s GMO foods. On average, Monsanto controls about 90% of crops in United States. Monsanto’s goal is to increase food production. They attempt to do this by selling bioengineering seeds with selected traits through biotechnology- using crop protection chemicals like Roundup, and advancing plant breeding by infiltrating certain traits into the DNA of plants. According to the Monsanto website, it is not necessary to test the safety of DNA instilled into GM crops. Furthermore, Monsanto claims,“There is no need for, or value in testing the safety of GM foods in humans.” Monsanto believes that GMO foods are not harmful to the human body. Even though rare effects come about, usually GMOs are safe. Some believe that eliminating GMOs completely from their diet is one of the ways to ensure their safety. To raise public awareness and to keep GMO companies in check, Proposition 37 was proposed. Prop 37, the mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods, was on the ballot Nov. 6 and failed. According to Ballot Pedia, Prop 37 suggested the “prohibit(ion of) marketing such food, or other processed food, as ‘natural.’” Some people believe this proposition would be a successful step towards public awareness and knowledge about the

effects of GMOs. However, others feel this is a step that is unnecessary and costly. This would give people the right to know what is in the food they eat and what is being fed to their families at home. According to California General Voter Guide, passing the bill would have meant consumers would have the information they need about foods that some physicians and scientists say are linked to allergies and other significant health risks. Margaret Lordge has a major in nutrition and dietetics from San Jose University. Lordge works with people who have been affected by GMO foods and feels the impact at home. She works in a dialysis clinic- guiding patients to make right food choices- and participates in IBD support groups. Lordge, as well as renowned research sites, agree that certain DNA modification, lead to certain IBD’s, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis- both diseases of the gastrointestinal tract caused by intrusions of foreign substances. “As a mom, it affects me because my son had IBD. As a dietitian, it affects me because many patients and people otherwise, complain about GI(gastrointestinal) problems,” Lordge said. GMO foods can lead to variety of diseases that may impact a persons life in many different ways. Some believe that it is important to eliminate GMO foods completely from one’s diet. Lordge personally feels that eliminating the effect of GMOs on one’s diet is simple yet powerful. “They can try to eliminate GMO foods from their diets. They can try to remove groups of foods, such as foods containing gluten or corn or soy. That’s (what I call) the food elimination process,” Lordge said. Others believe that this drastic step is not necessary because GMO foods are very common and the chance of being effect is slim. GMO foods are prevalent in today’s society, even though they can possibly bring about harmful effects. Ultimately, the decision is up to the consumers on whether to consume GMO foods knowingly or take notice of them. Simeon said, “There is a growing awareness that our system makes us all guinea pigs of sorts.”


Aidell’s all natural meat with no antibiotics or preservatives on Nov.

13. Photo by ARIANA LORDGE


it’s what’s for dinner

Genetically engineered material is more prevalent in food today and may have side effects



For the typical student, high school consists of four years of school, followed by graduation. However,

some students on this campus will have a vastly different experience. These juniors and seniors will be graduating either a semester or an entire year ahead of their peers, a path that few students choose each year. Starting the process of graduating early involves students meeting with their counselor to ensure that they can meet graduation requirements in less than three years. “I had to meet with Mrs. (Roisin) Leroy during the first semester of my junior year to see if I could graduate early. Mrs. Leroy put me in a semester of senior English last year and the right classes this year so I would have the credits that I needed,” Michelle Sterri, who will be graduating at the end of first semester, said. Those who make the decision to shorten their time in high school must change their schedules in order to ensure that they have enough credits to graduate.Subject areas like social science and language arts, which require 35 and 40 credits respectively, ensure students wanting to graduate early must take two history or English classes in one year. “The hardest part about graduating early was taking a semester of senior English as a junior. I had to jump into the curriculum with seniors, but Mrs. (Jennifer) Davis really helped me and I was able to do well,” Sterri said. Changing schedules to fit four years of graduation requirements into a shorter time period can create difficulties. “I had to drop all my electives, like

photojournalism, and double up on history and English classes. It’s been difficult to graduate early, since I have had to double my workload with two history and English classes,” Kendall McNair, who will graduate in December, said. Graduating early also limits the kind of classes students can take, particularly AP classes. “The worst part about my schedule is that I can’t take AP classes during my senior year. I really wish I was in AP Literature,” Justin Gamboa, who will graduate at the end of first semester, said. Students choose to graduate early for different reasons, some simply because they feel capable of doing so. “I’ve always wanted to graduate early. Many people have tried to talk me out of it, but I soon realized that I can accomplish just the same if not more in three years. After high school I want to go to college and double major in dance and business, with the goal of becoming a professional dancer,” Caitlyn Parker, who will graduate at the end of this year, said. Some students choose to graduate early to pursue goals before going to college. “I am going to study social justice in San Francisco for three months, backpack through Europe for another three months, and then go to Costa Rica. I leave for San Francisco on Jan. 3, and I’m pretty pumped to see what my life has in store,” Gamboa said. Students who plan to graduate early often must pass certain classes the first time they take them, a task that can prove challenging. “I came pretty close to not graduating early because of my grade in pre-cal

last year. I barely passed, but the entire experience was definitely very stressful,” Gamboa said. The increased workload that comes with graduating early can also be difficult for students to balance with life outside of school. “The most difficult part about graduating early has been managing all of my classes on top of my dance schedule. But this has taught me to accomplish the important things while still having a life with my friends and family,” Parker said. Even students who do not attend daily classes here, like Tessa Cinnamon, who is on independent study and plans on graduating in December, must work to make time for schoolwork and other activities. “I spend most of my time working on homework, and when I’m not doing that I’m working at my job at Kmart. I have to put in a lot of work to graduate early, and I can’t put things off to go hang out with friends,” Cinnamon said. However, the schedule changes that come with graduating early can also benefit students, as they get to gain different experiences from those of a typical student. “Taking senior classes as a junior has allowed me to meet an abundance of people that I would not have met without being in a mix of classes,” Parker said. Though students graduating early must leave their friends, they do not have to miss out on experiences like walking at graduation. Michelle Sterri said, “I can’t wait to be with my friends during one of our most memorable times in our lives.”


11students graduated early last year

Michelle STERRIplans after GRADUATION:Majoring in communications at BYU Idaho

Justin GAMBOAplans after GRADUATION:Studying social justice in San Francisco, then backpacking through Europe and traveling to Costa Rica

Caitlyn PARKERplans after

GRADUATION:Double majoring

in dance and business







s 5 students will graduate early this year

1student graduated early the year before w


’s N



Early graduates leave high school to go to college and pursue other goals

of theCLASS

Early graduate Caitlyn Parker does math homework at intervention. Photo Illustration by KAVYA PATHAK


She doesn’t do it for the graduation requirement; she doesn’t do it for the distinguished scholar cords; she does it for the satisfaction of knowing she made a

difference. And senior Sarah Wharton has been trying to make that difference for as long as she can remember. “I may not have been recording (my community service hours) since I was five, but I’ve been somehow helping the community because that’s what my family does,” Wharton said. Wharton is a frequent volunteer at her church, St. Peters and Paul, and also takes advantage of any other opportunities she can. “I volunteer regularly about three or four hours a week. I usually do smaller community service opportunities throughout the year and then I do really big ones over the summer,” Wharton said. Although she does agree that volunteering takes time, she believes “it’s worth it.” And she’s not alone. As a freshman, Harlene Shergill already has surpassed the 25 community service hours required for graduation. “I have more than 80 hours, but I want at least 300. I mostly volunteer during the summer because I have more time then,” Shergill said. “I volunteered at this summer school at Twin Oaks (Elementary School this past summer). It was fun volunteering with little kids and taking care of them. They were autistic so you get to really see how they are. They were really cute.” Shergill believes the key is to volunteer at a place of interest to avoid being bored. Picking a perfect place to volunteer isn’t too difficult. With school events, church opportunities and even non-profit businesses, students can find many ways to give back to

the community. Places like Origin Coffee and Tea not only provides community service hours, but work experience and a friendly environment to meet new people. “I started volunteering (at Origin) right before school started,” junior Emma Towslee said. “It’s a really great opportunity because you just get a lot done and you help people, which is awesome and you have a lot of fun doing it. You become friends with the people you work with and it’s really great work experience. I would say those are the best parts of volunteering.” Senior Daniel Cho agrees that the experience is a huge part of why he volunteers. “Keep volunteering because it’s a good thing to do. Volunteering isn’t just good for school, but you get this feeling that you’re doing something for others, so it’s like self sacrifice. The best part of volunteering is the praise and applause,” Cho said. Finding ways to do that self sacrifice may not be as hard as some would think. “There’s a lot of opportunities out there. If you just Google service opportunities or abroad opportunities I’m sure you could find a lot of things,” Caitlin Shantz said. “Even if it seems expensive or difficult, if you have the initiative, you can succeed and get there. I guess a lot of people don’t consider Rocklin and the Sacramento area to be a very poor area because of the nice schools we have and because of the way people act or dress, but I’m sure there’s a lot of opportunities. I’ve actually heard of around 10 people who go to Whitney who are homeless and there are lot of soup kitchens in the Sacramento area. Thirty minutes may seem like a long drive but it’s not, especially if you want to help people.”





“I volunteer through an organization called Global Expeditions which is based in Texas. Ever since I was young we always did volunteer stuff in the community. The trips can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $4,500. Usually

my parents will help out because it’s a non profit organization and they get the tax cuts but you have to be creative with fundraising. I just really enjoy helping other people and doing something that was bigger than myself,

I think a lot of times we get caught up in our own problems and it was really awesome to put that aside to help people who have bigger problems than ones that we face daily,” –Caitlin Shantz.

Volunteers surpass the graduation requirement to serve the community





SACRAMENTO STEPS FORWARDThis website ( offers multiple community service opportunities such as Cycles 4 Hope, Homeless Connect, Family Promise etc. It helps students connect to other organizations in Sacramento that offer one-day and long term volunteer opportunities.

LOAVES AND FISHESHelp feed the hungry and shelter the homeless by volunteering with Loaves and Fishes. Volunteers can learn more about the cause by attending the appointment-only orientation on Thursdays at 10 a.m. Prospective volunteers can always contact Cyndy, the volunteer coordinator, by calling 916-637-2444 or emailing Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to noon.

SACRAMENTO FOOD BANK AND SERVICESThis is a local, non-profit agency committed to serving people in the area in need. It provides free emergency goods and services to 15,000 men, women and children each month. The program “is dedicated to assisting those in need by alleviating their immediate pain and problems and moving them toward self sufficiency and financial independence.”

SACRAMENTO AREA EMERGENCY HOUSING CENTERThis center provides numerous donation and volunteer opportunities for students as young as 13 years old. Programs include family shelters, refugee housing and children’s services where you can donate money, food goods or time to each one. The programs are throughout the Sacramento area and the main purpose of the organization is “to be a profound force in moving homeless families and individuals to higher levels of self-sufficiency and self-reliance.”

SALVATION ARMY CHRISTMAS DISTRIBUTIONThe Salvation Army is need of volunteers to organize food and toys for clients of its annual Christmas Distribution at Cal Expo on Dec. 21. Volunteers must at least be in high school and can sign up on their website ( Russian, Hmong, Spanish and Laotian translators are needed.

On left: A volunteer bags tomatoes in the Food program. Photo provided by Sacramento Food Bank. Top right: A volunteer assists in the Adult Education program. Photo provided by Sacramento Food Bank. Bottom left: Sarah Wharton preparing cranberry sauce for the Senior Thanksgiving Dinner on Nov. 18. Photo provided by Saints Peter and Paul Parish

FIND A PLACE TO VOLUNTEERA few organizations provide multiple programs for high school students to volunteer




Katie Gruessing feels the familiar comfort of soft clay between her fingers as she morphs an anchor

and a whale tail. Being a senior, this is her fourth year in ceramics. “Freshman year I remember it being pretty easy because you just follow directions and do what she says and you’re fine. In Ceramics II you start art history and I remember that being a major struggle because you have to memorize a lot of art. It’s the same with Ceramics III because you have art history again. It wasn’t that bad though because I had the hang of it by then. It was kind of an easy class. This year is a lot different because in (Ceramics) IV you don’t take art history, you’re kind of just a mentor for the Ceramics III class because it’s a combo class. It’s kind of up and down throughout the years,” Gruessing said. Ceramics IV students have some independent projects but work a lot with the Ceramics III class. The curriculum changes each year so that students will not do the same projects twice. Their projects are graded on a rubric as well as peer critique. Ceramics teacher Ms. Lindsay Atlas expects a lot out of her advanced students. “I expect my students to be committed to pushing the boundaries of content and form. If you’re not uncomfortable then you’re not learning. They’ve mastered the skills so I push them,” Atlas said. The Ceramics III and IV students are currently working on a morphing project. They have to take an organic and an inorganic object and morph them together smoothly so it will be one piece. Along with Gruessing, senior Taylor Aidnik currently works on her

morphing project: a combination of an atomic heart and a lock with a key. “Ceramics is just a way to get away from my academic classes. I just enjoy being like a little kid. It’s like playing with play dough,” Aidnik said. Nick Schneider said his favorite project was the 2D to 3D project. “We had to find a painting and one of the 100 artists we were given and then translate it into 3D form. I used the painting “Untitled” by Takashi Murakami,” Schneider said. Although both Gruessing and Aidnik do not want to pursue careers or majors in ceramics, they still love the class as a hobby. Gruessing takes the class as a fun elective. “(I don’t) necessarily (want to do ceramics) as a career. It’s just a class I like going to every other day. It was just an outlet for me because I had great friends and a great teacher,” Gruessing said. Schneider, however, does want to follow through with the skills he has learned in ceramics. “Well I plan to first get a CPA, certified public accountant degree, and then get an accounting job, save up money so I can attend the Academy of Arts in San Francisco. And then major in sculpture,” Schneider said. Atlas wants for her students to enjoy the class. She also wants to spark curiosity and creativity in her students. “My goal is to get my students to see the world a little differently. I want for them to be a little curious about their world, so that they want to learn more about it,” Atlas said. She likes to put herself in her students place. Atlas tries to help her students learn and understand

the techniques rather than her just teaching them to her students. Atlas said, “Students inspire me everyday. I feel like I put myself in my students’ places so that I can help them work through their problem, like it becomes my problem. I have to do that in order to be successful. I have 216 students, so that’s like 216 sets of problems.”


Advanced ceramics students share perspectives about how the program affected them

Blake Butts carves his New-York Yankee inspired semester project. (Ceramics I)Photo by SELENA CERVANTES.

Taylor Aidnik’s inorganic to organic morphing project. It is a atomic heart with a lock and key. (Ceramics IV)Photo by OLIVIA GRAHL

Kaitlyn Townsley works on her pattern box. Her design is inspired by different bands. (Ceramics I)Photo by SELENA CERVANTES

Mackenzie Pierce works on her Ceramics I project. Photo by OLIVIA GRAHL

From pattern boxes to morphing projects, ceramics involves multiple techniques

at high school

carving away



Most children look forward to the holidays all year, awaiting the turkey dinner, presents,

time off school and quality time spent with the ones they love. Unfortunately, children with divorced parents have a harder time through these moments that should be full of joy. About half of America’s children witness the separation of their parents, bringing about complications throughout the holiday season. There’s always the decision of which parent to spend each holiday with, which can get complicated, emotional and very personal. Some children with divorced parents have the desire to be with both parents over the holidays and experience what society views as the “normal” family gathering, but every family is in a different situation and has different views on what is “normal” for their family. As all kids of divorced families know, the “normal“ one mom, one dad, 2.5 kids, and a dog thing just isn’t reality. Everone in the situation has to adjust to make a new “normal.” Ashlynn Pesicka, a freshman, has had to deal with the separation of her parents her whole life and will never experience the holidays with her whole family. She must switch off each year between houses so that both parents will get an equal amount of time with their daughter. She doesn’t always get along with her dad, who lives in Carmichael, and the time they spend together is filled with arguing. “I don’t get along with my dad that well, so I prefer to be at my mom’s house. But I don’t want to tell my dad

that.We fight a lot and we argue about everything. Whenever we do spend time together, we are both always arguing and mad at each other, so it’s never fun,” Pesicka said. Not only does this relationship with her dad make her want to steer clear of his house, but she also dreads the time she spends there. “It sucks going to my dad’s house because I have to go all the way away from my friends and I can’t hang out with anyone. I’m just stuck at the house like all the time all alone. I hate not having my stuff at my dad’s because I live with my mom. I don’t always have all of my stuff and when I forget things, I’m screwed,” Pesicka said. Although she said that constantly switching houses can be a drag, she sees the positive side of her situation. “[My favorite part is] the amount of presents. You get like so many presents,” Pesicka said. Casey Borghesi also has had divorced parents for as long as she can remember. She sometimes feels guilty that she spends too much time with her mom. “Sometimes I feel guilty because I know my dad is going through stuff so I feel bad because I know that he doesn’t get to see me as often as he’d want to,” Borghesi said. Borghesi also dislikes having to decide which parent to spend the holidays with; she said it’s an awkward and difficult decision. Zach and Alex Mostad don’t have to make the tough decision because their father doesn’t celebrate the holidays for religious purposes. “My parents have been divorced

since I was 2... I have been switching off because it is something my parents have agreed to. Sometimes I feel guilty if I spend a little more time with one parent then the other, and I end up feeling bad,” Zach Mostad said. The Mostads’ holiday includes only one Thanksgiving or Christmas because their dad doesn’t celebrate. This situation may sound more like a “normal” family holiday since they only have one Christmas, but they only spend it with one side of their family. Another “normal” situation for divorced families is when the children spend Christmas Eve with one parent and Christmas day with the other. Josh, Jesse and Rachel Meskimen spend Christmas Eve with their mother and Christmas with their father. For all the other holidays, they switch off each year. “You get kind of used to having multiple holidays, balancing time and the emotional side of it... A pro of being in a divorced family situation is having more leverage, you can go to one parent for something, and then the other parent may be more lenient on other things,” Jesse Meskimen said. The holidays truly have their pros and cons for those teens with divorced parents.Those with divorced parents have a different experience during the holidays and have to deal with the complications brought about by their split family. “It’s hard. Really really hard. Not just for the kids, but everyone involved. The sense of feeling helpless and sometimes abandoned is always in the back of your mind. It puts a damper on the holidays, but everyone makes the best of it...”


Shelby Zacharias gets pulled between her parents. Photo Illustration by SYDNEY ZACHARIAS

Teens of divorced families have a different holiday experience than most

‘Tis the season to be torn...




Dreary-eyed and still groggy, Brittney Neumann is up before the sun is, slipping into water-proof pants and collecting her gloves and goggles. This may not

happen regularly, but as the weather gets colder and the rain falls in Rocklin, Neumann knows the snow is building in the mountains and she, along with many other students, anticipates the first trip to the snow. “A normal day consists of waking up around 6:30 a.m., leaving around 7 a.m., then heading up to the mountains until around 4-5 p.m. depending on when the snow starts to get too icy,” Neumann said. Living in Northern California, just an hour and a half away from over 20 ski and snowboard resorts in Lake Tahoe, the season begins as soon as the first snow falls. “I go depending on the weather conditions. There have been seasons I’ve gone four times and there’s been seasons I’ve gone 20 times. If the snow is powdery enough and the weather conditions permit, I’ll be up there,” avid snowboarder Maddie Dart said. Ski and snowboard resorts are spread out throughout Lake Tahoe with a variety of terrains and mountain types. “I usually go to Diamond Peak. It’s a smaller resort but usually it’s less crowded than some of the larger resorts like Northstar,” snowboarder Michael Ewing said. The resorts may seem fairly accessible geographically, yet their prices may not be. For one day passes for kids, prices range from $40 at the start of the season to around $60 during mid-season. For adults’ one day passes, prices range from $60 up to $100. However, using deals or renting equipment rather than buying equipment could cut down on the winter expenses. “I have my own boots and other gear but I rent my board from a snowboard shop. It’s cheaper than buying one,” Ewing said. However, people seem to look past lift ticket prices and crowded parking lots for deeper reasons for their passion of winter sports. “Snowboarding is just a way to relax. It replaces surfing for me during the winter: the way the board glides when you hit the surface just right, the speed and adrenaline that comes from trying a new trick. It relaxes me and switches up my activities,” Neumann said. Stepping away from the competitive winter sports world, some winter athletes simply aim to better themselves in their runs and technique.

“I’m no Shaun White but I do like to venture into the wooded areas, go over naturally made jumps and ride easy rails, but nothing too dangerous,” Dart said. Even without Olympic dreams, winter sports can made accessible to all types of people. “It’s something fun and active to do. A lot of people might perceive boarding as something only athletic kids can do, but really, anyone can,” Neumann said. Sometimes, the mountains can be made out to be towering obstacles that some never want to face because of the ticket prices, the drive, or the skill-level needed to participate. Yet the snow itself can be a rewarding experience if done correctly. “I think most people think skiing or snowboarding is too expensive or too difficult. While it may be too difficult for some, if you rent equipment and go to a smaller resort, you can save a lot of money,” Ewing said. “If you ever get a chance to try a snow sport, definitely do it. It’s an experience unlike any other.”


Living close to Lake Tahoe, ski and snowboard enthusiasts express their anticipation for the winter sports season

taking Tahoe by


Maddie Dart stares over the peak at Heavenly Resort in Lake Tahoe. Photo provided by MADDIE DART

Information provided by as of 12/12/12


PRICES – Child: $46, Junior: $69, Adult: $84SNOW LEVEL – 4”

20% 10%25% 45%

Squaw Valley USA

Alpine Meadows


PRICES – Child: $15, Adult: $52SNOW LEVEL – 7”

25% 40% 35%

Northstar CaliforniaPRICES – Child: $53, Junior: $82, Adult: $91SNOW LEVEL – 11”

13% 60% 27% 0%

KirkwoodPRICES – Child: $35, Junior: $50, Adult: $60SNOW LEVEL – 10”

15% 50% 20% 15%

20% 45%

Heavenly MountainWEEKDAY/WEEKEND PRICES – Child: $44/$52 , Junior: $69/$82, Adult: $85/$90 SNOW LEVEL – 8”

30% 5%



S tudent athletes usually struggle to keep up with the taxing demands of both playing and maintaining their grades.

But what most students are unaware of, is the conflict and struggle for the teachers that also coach these sports. For Mrs. Kari Ustaszewski, Mr. Robert Dorchak, and Mr. Daniel Parker, teaching and coaching is both a joy and a challenge. Ustaszewski, who teaches world history and geography, first started coaching because there was an opening and she had experience playing water polo and swimming competitively. “Obviously having to miss class due to games is a disadvantage because a substitute cannot fully go over the teaching material that I could, so I lose that teaching time with my students,” Ustaszewski said.

Dorchak also enjoys both coaching and teaching. He teaches biology and geology while also coaching baseball. Dorchak began coaching simply because he enjoyed the game. “I loved playing baseball and now I am happy to pass on my knowledge of the game and help younger athletes,” he said. According to Dorchak, coaching and teaching is a workload. He says he dedicates up to 30 hours per week to help better the team. “It takes a lot, you teach a full day then you (go to) practice. Finally you get home pretty late, around 7 or 8,” Dorchak said. There are many noticeable differences between a coach and a teacher. When Dorchak teaches, he is more relaxed with kids and what they do. “When I coach, I am much more disciplined because what one single player does can affect the whole team,” he said. For Dorchak, teaching is his job so it always takes

precedence and coaching is basically just a hobby, so that comes second. Parker teaches in the history department and coaches wrestling. “It’s a big challenge, but it’s fun to teach

someone a technique that they’ll use in a match. It’s very rewarding,” Parker said. Student athlete Greg Wright enjoys having Dorchak as both a coach and a teacher, and he notices coaches are much more disciplined than teachers. “Coaches are a lot harder when they coach than when they teach. When they coach they push you towards your goal and help you become much better,” Wright said. Teachers dedicate their time outside of school to make sure both their students and players are well prepared for what’s ahead. They work hard to push students and athletes to their limit and help them to be as successful as possible.

Teachers doubling as coaches point out the differences between their sport and students’ education

Coach Dan Parker demonstrates wrestling techniques at practice. Photo by CHRIS HERMANSKY


Mrs. Ustaszwski teaches world history. Photo by CHRIS HERMANSKY

Making their


“When I coach, I am much more disciplined because what one single player does can affect the whole team.” — Coach Robert Dorchak





Trying to balance family, friends, school and sports is

one of the many challenges of being an athlete. But when training year round becomes a factor, everything becomes much more difficult. Cheerleading and dance are two teams that train year around .Practices take place every day all year for the ladies participating. Abby Bull-Windham is a junior on the dance team. She has been dancing since she was 4 and has stuck with it ever since. “I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t dance because it takes up so much time,” Bull-Windham said. Between the dance team and her studio, Dance Elite Allstars, she hardly has time for anything other than dance. The most time she spends a day practicing is six hours, and her minimum is two hours. “(Balancing my schedule) is really hard, but it’s getting easier now since it’s been two years (I’ve been on dance team.) Before I used to stay up until 1 or 2 doing homework every night,” she said. Though she may not have time to see her other friends as much as she’d like, she still gets to spend time with those she loves every day at practice. “Our team’s really unusual; we’re more like a family. We are basically all we have. If someone’s having a bad time, everyone knows,” Bull-Windham said. Shelby Treseder is a sophomore on the varsity cheer team. She played softball until she was 10, but after getting a flyer on her door advertising cheer tryouts, she decided to try something new. She has been cheering since then. After reaching high school, she wanted to join the squad here. “When I tried out, I thought I would make JV, but I made varsity. I fell in love with the sport,” Treseder said. She has trouble balancing her schedule as well. Not only does she train with the team, but she also coaches and tumbles.

“My friends are on cheer, so that’s how I hang out with my

friends. We sometimes get snappy with each other, but in the end we all love each

other,” Treseder said. Other teams, such as cross country and track, train year round as well. Though they do not compete in the winter, they keep training to stay fit and maintain their abilities. Jacob Zufelt is a senior who runs both cross country and track. He’s been running since middle school, and just because he doesn’t compete in the winter doesn’t mean he slows down. “I train year round because I’ve seen my times and other people’s times, and there’s a huge gap between the people who train year round. There’s a significant difference with the times they put out, so I train during the off-season to be successful,” Zufelt said. Zufelt trains 12-13 hours a week, even during his off-season. On top of training, Zufelt needs to make time for school work, family, friends and church. It may be difficult, but he doesn’t tackle his schedule alone. “I feel like I’m able to (balance my schedule)really well. I have my friends and family helping me balance and manage it all. People are pretty understanding and they don’t add onto the pile,” Zufelt said. Zufelt wants to run at BYU, and the times he has to reach are mid-to-low 15 minutes in the 5k, and for the mile in track a 4:10. His current best time in the 5k is 16:00 and his mile time is a 4:28. He plans to train hard to reach those times and earn a scholarship. Just like the dancers and the cheerleaders, Zufelt loves spending time with his cross country and track teams. “I don’t know where we’d be without our team. It’s a total team effort. We all work off each other. With Nathan (Wellington) and Ryan (Hodgens) in the front is the bomb! It’s really great to have teammates where they push you and you push them,” Zufelt said.




Year Round Athletes




Shelby Treseder

Jacob Zufelt

Abby Bull-Windham

Dance: 14-42Cheer: 14

For more information about the trip, come talk to Mrs. Alstot in D10 or Mrs. Cavolt in D7!



Dancing is music made visible.” This is the mindset behind the new breakdancing club. For the

founders, dancing is a hobby they want to share with others. “It’s a great way to show about one’s character, because no matter if you’re good at it or not, dancing to music helps you express and shows a whole lot about you. It’s also a great method to relieve stresses, especially since we have finals coming up!” member Daniel Cho said. Chris Lam agrees that dancing helps him stay active. “Dancing is an important hobby because it gets you into shape,” he said. At first Dustin Le thought dancing was just another stereotype for people who want to be “cool,” but after learning the moves, he now considers dancing one of his favorite hobbies. “It helps you get away from everyday events,” Le said. Not only it is entertaining for others to watch, but it creates a new world for those dancing. “I began dancing when I was in seventh grade. The flashy power moves that other boys do is what motivates me to continue dancing. I wanted to do them so bad,” Lam said. Power moves are moves loosely defined as relying on speed, momentum and acrobatic elements for performance. Many power moves involve spinning of some sort, whether it’s a “headspin” or a “windmill” or a “flare.” The dancer puts his or her upper-body strength on display while torquing with the lower body. This all narrows down to body conditioning and the will to do them. “Lam showed me a few of his breakdancing moves and got me into dancing hip hop. I got more motivated to learn the moves myself, they are just plain awesome,” Cho said.


buildingtheir own EMPIRE


“Breakdancing helps me in everyday challenges that I come across. It’s something fun and enjoyable to watch and places me in my own reality.” — Chris Lam

Members of new breakdancing club Empire see dancing as creative, healthy outlet

story continued on WHITNEY UPDATE

Nestled between Woody’s Grille and Bar and Lucille’s Smokehouse sits Gruv Lounge, a “16 and up” non-alcoholic

club catered specifically for the young adults in the community. “Gruv lounge is basically a facility that allows 16 and over teens a place to go that’s safe, fun, and lets them kind of do their own thing,” club owner James Mondragon said. Mondragon felt there was not much around recreationally for teens and wanted to provide for them a unique place to socialize. “I’ve lived out here my whole life and no one could create something that younger people can go to and actually feel like they’re a part of something fun,” Mondragon said. “Most kids are going bowling or to the movies, but that only lasts so long and only so many people from different areas go. When you go to the movies you don’t really meet new people, you go with a friend. And the bowling alley, you can hang out there a little bit, but bowling alleys don’t draw people from other areas as to where we plan on drawing from, obviously our local Rocklin, Granite Bay, Roseville, Folsom. We’re really drawing people from other areas where people get to meet new people to create new memories with.” All of the security guards employed for the club are licensed by the State of California and have also worked directly with the police department. “We’re pretty secure. There’s not much more security you can get,” Mondragon said. The club features a light snacking menu consisting of finger foods. A mini bistro steak, pepperoni pizza, and meatball sliders are a few of the items they offer. Though they are non-alcoholic, they do have a full bar with a real bartender mixing actual drinks.

“We do actually have mixed drinks. A lot of people do not understand that there are mixed drinks that are non-alcoholic. It’s a regular bartender who actually pours out of bottles and it looks like you’re getting a drink. It’s like a cocktail, just non-alcoholic,” Mondragon said. Since the club requires all of its guests to be at least 16, they must show identification to be admitted. School ID’s won’t be accepted because of the fact that ages vary within grade levels, but driver’s licenses, DMV issued ID cards and passports work for entry. Bradly Valenzuela, a senior, feels that this place has potential. “I think that it could be a fun place,” Valenzuela said. “It has DJ’s that know good dance music. It sounds like a professionally done thing.” Michael Grewohl, a junior, agrees with that sentiment. “I think it’s pretty cool. It’s somewhere to hang out,” Grewohl said. Senior Maddy Fitzgerald might consider attending the club, but has a hesitation. “(I won’t go) if it’s like Klub Kaoss. I like places that are social, places where you can talk,” Fitzgerald said. Currently they are open Fridays and Saturdays from 9 p.m to 2 a.m., and have a few job openings available. Fridays are themed as the “Bass Academy”, where DJ’s play club hits, dubstep, and electro. Saturdays are called “Glam” and play top 40 dance music with remixed house styles. There’s many special events speckled throughout the year, with the Jingle Jam on Dec. 25 and NYE Bash on Dec. 31 being the most recent to come up. Opening night was on Dec. 14.

rocklin gets grüvy

Dance club for teens opens in Blue Oaks Town Center for guests 16 and older

Left side window of the club with their logo. Photo by KAVLEEN SINGH


the down



10 people currently employed





$250 invested in the clubthousand

6504 Lonetree Blvd. in Rocklin




18 WhITNEy hIgh SchoolThE RoAR

on GrÜv Lounge



Bullets flying everywhere, blood splattering and the constant screaming at teammates is the best

way a gamer can enjoy the night. “Halo 4” makes this possible. Released on Nov. 6, Gamers scramble for their wallets and credit cards to purchase the game in stores while others wait anxiously for their ordered copy to arrive in mail. “Halo 4” costs $60, which isn’t surprising for being a Halo game or being an Xbox 360 only game. But let’s talk about big money; “Halo 4” grossed $220 million on release day while it has estimated grossed out $300 million by the end of that week according to Microsoft corp. That week alone broke its franchise record. But in that week, friendships, many Xbox 360 consoles, controllers, possible TV Screens were broken due to Nerd rage. Oh yes, despite the fact that the $60 could have been used to buy a happy, nice game such as Hello Kitty Adventure, it was totally worth the money. Players get too into the game, sometimes resulting in rage as mentioned before. A series of furious button mashing can be heard as people try to start the game but can’t handle the loading process. It feels like it takes forever between starting games. But I think that’s the downfall of the Xbox console itself, for it is known to take up so much time. Taking place four years after “Halo 3”, “Halo 4” marks a new trilogy called the Reclaimer Trilogy. The players assume the role of the Master Chief, an enhanced super soldier, and find that they’re on a bizarre planet where the character encounters an alien race that is called The Covenant and later meets ancient warriors of an empire known as The Prometheans. Cool name for an enemy class, however Prometheans are one of the most annoying things in the game. You literally shoot at them and they’ll play a game of hide and seek with you instead of a head on fight. The only reason you should ever fight a Promethean is to pick up their weapon, because their firepower is absolutely sick. I shouldn’t have to state this, but the graphics and details are amazing. Sometimes you feel like the TV is just a window looking out into a real battle. It’s hard to look away from the screen, you might need a yelling mother to divert your

attention. Now the campaign was enjoyable and had emotion, but let’s talk multi-player. I’m happy to say that multi-player is unique and diverse with many opportunities to have fun with friends. War Games are a blast to play. There is still a wide variety of weapons to choose from but there are also fantastic little gimmicks added for armor such as Jet Packs or an item that allows you to scope through walls and barriers. Though there are some “Call of Duty” integration in the game such as the idea of receiving aid after getting kill streaks. Call of Duty players would call these rewards Care Packages. Even with the recognizable integrations, the game feels fresh will Maps made from scrap and the time taken to finalize everything. Any gamer who loves first-person shooter games, and especially Halo players, will love “Halo 4”. “Halo 4” has the same roots of all the other games, but not to a point where someone could say it feels exactly like another Halo game.“Halo 4” is explicitly improved and was an enjoyable experience.


‘Halo 4’ brings perfect aspects of first person shooter game

Photo from, used with permission.

reasons togives

upCall of Duty

‘HALO 4’give

$220 million grossed on opening day

4 million people played the game in the first five days

31.4 million hours of game time in the first five days

46 million online views for ‘Halo 4’: Forward Unto Dawn

Coming out strong






Pairs of clapping hands from every corner of the theater join hundreds of others in thundering applause as each boy shows off his stunts and skills in the annual Mr. WHS

competition. This event is a competition open to boys of all four grade levels. It supports the journalism program, allowing students to print The Roar and pay for other expenses. This year the competition will be on Jan. 25, 2013. Any guys wanting to compete should sign up by Jan. 9, 2013. “(Last year’s show) was so entertaining. I love Mr. WHS be-cause it’s cool to see all these guys I know showing off aspects of their personality and talents that others aren’t aware of,” junior Brita Romans said. Part of the competition is showing off the competitors and their individual attributes that make competitors unique. “It was really fun! All the guys were pretty cool and funny. For the most part we became friends. My favorite part was doing the performance,” junior Alex Sabu said. Sabu won the competition and Mr. WHS title last year as a sophomore. He did a Bollywood Break Dance for his talent. “I wasn’t nervous when I performed, but I was nervous about

what the audience response was going to be,” Sabu said. Each year, contestants compete in four rounds. They begin with a group dance choreographed by Whitney dance students like Hayley Silva and Anika Terpstra, who did it last year. They then have an introduction round where they walk across the stage, then the talent act, the style act and lastly they are interviewed by the host. “My favorite part was when they all did a dance together. It was funny to see all those boys parading around making fools of themselves,” Alex Sotelo said. Sophomore Elle Hsu helped backstage last year with the con-testants and the competition. “Mr. WHS was super exciting because everyone was nervous but energetic at the same time,” Hsu said. This year the competition will be run a little differently than the previous years. Instead of one winner there will be two. One win-ner will win by judge choice and another will win by the amount of coins in the contestants’ jars. “People should do it! It’s fun and you get to make new friends,” Sabu said.


work it,dude

Zach Wynne preforms on stage.Photo by ALYSSA ABACO

Michael Binford preforms on stage. Photo by NATASHA SHTEVINA

Justin Rialon preforms on stage. Photo by NATASHA SHTEVINA

contestants line up on stage. Photo by AMANDA BRAY

Austin Bamsey preforms on stage. Photo by AMANDA BRAY




Applications are available in C-2



The Mr. WHS competition returns with new rules but the same level of excitement

Jan. 25, 2013

WHS theater
