The Reformation …was a sixteenth century movement that aimed at reforming the Catholic Church....


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The Reformation

…was a sixteenth century movement

that aimed at reforming the Catholic Church.

…was an attempt to improve the Catholic Church from within.

The practice of using bribery to attain high

positions in the Church was known as


Nepotism means appointing your own relations to important church jobs regardless of whether or not the person was suitable.

Pope Alexander VI was made a cardinal by his uncle Pope Callixtus

Pluralism meant holding more than

one church position at the

same time.

Absenteeism is the failure to live in

the parish where they were supposed

to minister.

John Tetzel and


Causes of

The Reformation

1. Ignorant Priests

2. Wealthy Bishops

3. Unworthy Popes

Guilty of

4. Simony

5. Nepotism

6. Pluralism

7. Absenteeism

Other factors

8. Indulgences9. The Renaissance

10. The Printing Press

The Renaissance

The Printing Press
