The real conspiracy theory is the government’s official story. AMERICANS WANT THE TRUTH ON 9/11...


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The real conspiracy theory is the government’s official story.



This is just a glimpse of the mountain of evidence proving that elements at the highest levels of U.S. government and military orchestrated the attacks for imperial expansion.

Do the research. Learn the hidden agenda. Understand the implications. Only an informed public can preserve Democracy.

Understanding 9/11 is required!

The real conspiracy theory is the government’s official story.


• The U.S. military was conducting multiple war games, including a simulated hijacking, on 9/11 which effectively rendered our air defenses inoperable

• From September 2000 to June 2001 fighter jets intercepted planes 67 times when they went off course yet our air defense protocol suddenly failed 4 times on 9/11

• Skyscrapers have never fallen due to fire, yet 3 towers inexplicably fell nearly the speed of gravity

• Anti-aircraft missile batteries located at the Pentagon were not utilized to stop the attack on our military nerve center.

• Attorney General John Ashcroft was warned in July 2001 not to fly commercial airlines, and Pentagon officials were warned not to fly on 9/11 and canceled their flights

• Our President, Vice President, National Security Advisor, Secretaries of State and Defense, and head of Joint Chiefs of Staff were all missing in action for hours that day

• There was a pattern of obstruction of FBI field investigations into suspicious behavior at flight schools

• It took 14 months and persistent efforts from victim’s families before the Bush administration launched an investigation which they then tried to obstruct.

• The CIA met with Osama Bin Ladin in a hospital in Dubai in July 2001 while he was on “the most “wanted list

• The debris at Ground Zero was removed without forensic examination, shipped to China and melted down

• There were suspicious put options (betting the stock of United & American Airlines would fall resulting in huge profits) indicating foreknowledge of the attacks

• The PATRIOT Act was written before 9/11, passed in less than 6 weeks without being read by Congress and has serious violations of our Constitution

• There are 115 omissions and distortions in the 9/11 Commission Report (listed by David Ray Griffin)

• The CIA surveillance program “Able Danger” tracked 4 alleged hijackers since 1999.

• After 4 years no one has been held accountable


This is just a glimpse of the mountain of evidence proving that elements at the highest levels of U.S. government and military orchestrated the attacks for imperial expansion.

Do the research. Learn the hidden agenda. Understand the implications. Only an informed public can preserve Democracy.

Understanding 9/11 is required!

The real conspiracy theory is the government’s official story.



This is just a glimpse of the mountain of evidence proving that elements at the highest levels of U.S. government and military orchestrated the attacks for imperial expansion.

Do the research. Learn the hidden agenda. Understand the implications. Only an informed public can preserve Democracy.

Understanding 9/11 is required!

• The U.S. military was conducting multiple war games, including a simulated hijacking, on 9/11 which effectively rendered our air defenses inoperable

• From September 2000 to June 2001 fighter jets intercepted planes 67 times when they went off course yet our air defense protocol suddenly failed 4 times on 9/11

• Skyscrapers have never fallen due to fire, yet 3 towers inexplicably fell nearly the speed of gravity

• Anti-aircraft missile batteries located at the Pentagon were not utilized to stop the attack on our military nerve center.

• Attorney General John Ashcroft was warned in July 2001 not to fly commercial airlines, and Pentagon officials were warned not to fly on 9/11 and canceled their flights

• Our President, Vice President, National Security Advisor, Secretaries of State and Defense, and head of Joint Chiefs of Staff were all missing in action for hours that day

• There was a pattern of obstruction of FBI field investigations into suspicious behavior at flight schools

• It took 14 months and persistent efforts from victim’s families before the Bush administration launched an investigation which they then tried to obstruct.

• The CIA met with Osama Bin Ladin in a hospital in Dubai in July 2001 while he was on “the most “wanted list

• The debris at Ground Zero was removed without forensic examination, shipped to China and melted down

• There were suspicious put options (betting the stock of United & American Airlines would fall resulting in huge profits) indicating foreknowledge of the attacks

• The PATRIOT Act was written before 9/11, passed in less than 6 weeks without being read by Congress and has serious violations of our Constitution

• There are 115 omissions and distortions in the 9/11 Commission Report (listed by David Ray Griffin)

• The CIA surveillance program “Able Danger” tracked 4 alleged hijackers since 1999.

• After 4 years no one has been held accountable

• The U.S. military was conducting multiple war games, including a simulated hijacking, on 9/11 which effectively rendered our air defenses inoperable

• From September 2000 to June 2001 fighter jets intercepted planes 67 times when they went off course yet our air defense protocol suddenly failed 4 times on 9/11

• Skyscrapers have never fallen due to fire, yet 3 towers inexplicably fell nearly the speed of gravity

• Anti-aircraft missile batteries located at the Pentagon were not utilized to stop the attack on our military nerve center.

• Attorney General John Ashcroft was warned in July 2001 not to fly commercial airlines, and Pentagon officials were warned not to fly on 9/11 and canceled their flights

• Our President, Vice President, National Security Advisor, Secretaries of State and Defense, and head of Joint Chiefs of Staff were all missing in action for hours that day

• There was a pattern of obstruction of FBI field investigations into suspicious behavior at flight schools

• It took 14 months and persistent efforts from victim’s families before the Bush administration launched an investigation which they then tried to obstruct.

• The CIA met with Osama Bin Ladin in a hospital in Dubai in July 2001 while he was on “the most “wanted list

• The debris at Ground Zero was removed without forensic examination, shipped to China and melted down

• There were suspicious put options (betting the stock of United & American Airlines would fall resulting in huge profits) indicating foreknowledge of the attacks

• The PATRIOT Act was written before 9/11, passed in less than 6 weeks without being read by Congress and has serious violations of our Constitution

• There are 115 omissions and distortions in the 9/11 Commission Report (listed by David Ray Griffin)

• The CIA surveillance program “Able Danger” tracked 4 alleged hijackers since 1999.

• After 4 years no one has been held accountable


Let’s face it, 9/11 has been used as a pretext for war, to undermine our civil liberties, to crush dissent, create Homeland Security, siphon billions of tax dollars, and establish “full spectrum dominance”, as outlined by the think tank, Project for a New American Century. This neocon think tank stated “the process of [military] transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a New Pearl Harbor.”

We must see the pattern of national emergencies such as the ’93 trade center bombing, Oklahoma City, and 9/11 being used to create an Orwellian police state at home and launch wars lasting generations abroad.


If you’re ready to get to the root causes of war and injustice rather than forever dealing with the symptoms, understanding the reality of 9/11 will expose the forces that have hijacked our country and our lives. In unity, we can prevail.

WHAT MUST BE DONEIf we want to stop future wars, and reverse the police state, we must get informed, get active, and get organized. Be part of the action. Contact us right away.



Let’s face it, 9/11 has been used as a pretext for war, to undermine our civil liberties, to crush dissent, create Homeland Security, siphon billions of tax dollars, and establish “full spectrum dominance”, as outlined by the think tank, Project for a New American Century. This neocon think tank stated “the process of [military] transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a New Pearl Harbor.”

We must see the pattern of national emergencies such as the ’93 trade center bombing, Oklahoma City, and 9/11 being used to create an Orwellian police state at home and launch wars lasting generations abroad.


If you’re ready to get to the root causes of war and injustice rather than forever dealing with the symptoms, understanding the reality of 9/11 will expose the forces that have hijacked our country and our lives. In unity, we can prevail.

WHAT MUST BE DONEIf we want to stop future wars, and reverse the police state, we must get informed, get active, and get organized. Be part of the action. Contact us right away.



Let’s face it, 9/11 has been used as a pretext for war, to undermine our civil liberties, to crush dissent, create Homeland Security, siphon billions of tax dollars, and establish “full spectrum dominance”, as outlined by the think tank, Project for a New American Century. This neocon think tank stated “the process of [military] transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a New Pearl Harbor.”

We must see the pattern of national emergencies such as the ’93 trade center bombing, Oklahoma City, and 9/11 being used to create an Orwellian police state at home and launch wars lasting generations abroad.


If you’re ready to get to the root causes of war and injustice rather than forever dealing with the symptoms, understanding the reality of 9/11 will expose the forces that have hijacked our country and our lives. In unity, we can prevail.

WHAT MUST BE DONEIf we want to stop future wars, and reverse the police state, we must get informed, get active, and get organized. Be part of the action. Contact us right away.


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