The Preservation of Life: Letter to Pope Francis



The struggle of this generation is the preservation of life in all its forms and of the planet’s life support systems for future generations, not the conservation of culture, ethnicity, religion, nationhood and economic self-interest. We must abandon the banal and the inconsequential for the elemental and the existential if we are to survive into the future.

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8 September 2015

His Holiness, Pope Francis

Apostolic Palace

00120 Vatican City

Your Holiness,

Re: the preservation of life and the integrity of the planet’s life support systems

The struggle of this generation is the preservation of life in all its forms and of the planet’s life

support systems for future generations, not the conservation of culture, ethnicity, religion,

nationhood and economic self-interest. We must abandon the banal and the inconsequential for

the elemental and the existential if we are to survive into the future.

If we are to survive into the future we need a global governing structure that reflects our new-

found maturity and helps us put away childish things; a structure that indulges neither the greed

of the markets nor the obstinacy of religions; that places neither culture nor tribe above humanity

and life; and that gives preeminence to what it means to be human and of this earth and not to

what it takes to be separate and in disdain of this earth.

We need a governing structure that gives equal weight to faith and reason so it can coordinate the

efforts of 7.2 billion people humanely and intelligently if we are to stabilize the global

population and gradually reduce it to a sustainable level (depopulation), ensure the equitable

sharing of natural resources despite their uneven distribution across the planet and the artificial

obstacles of national frontiers (globalization), and replace polluting fossil fuels with clean and

renewable energy sources (decarbonization).

Without these three pillars of sustainability we cannot have peace among men, harmony between

man and nature, and continuity between this and future generations, which are the three

principles of a principled and advanced civilization, the trinity of our common faith; a faith of

this earth, by this earth and for this earth.

In this brave new world those who refuse to abandon economic self-interest are as dangerous as

those who continue to uphold divisive religious views because extreme poverty can only be

eradicated along with obscene wealth just as extreme ignorance can only be eradicated along

with obsolete views.

In this brave new world those leaders who refuse to abdicate power from the national to the

global level are as dangerous as those patriots who refuse to share their natural resources with the

rest of the world because enduring peace can only be accomplished along with political unity

held by a global government just as universal prosperity can only be accomplished within a

single economy driven by a common currency.

The Church cannot ask the rich to give up control of the means of production and share their

wealth with the poor, as they must, without itself giving up control over the spiritual domain and

sharing its cultural space with people of other faiths, as it must, if we are to replace the pursuit of

individual wealth with universal wellbeing, and the pursuit of exclusive religion with inclusive

faith; faith in man’s ability to live in the image of God not in man’s willingness to submit to any

religious tradition.

We cannot afford human indulgences anymore if we are to outgrow narrow national interests and

attain true peace, peace without poison, and true prosperity, prosperity without exploitation, and

if we are to replace the harmful delusions of racial superiority and cultural purity within the

confines of nation states with the beneficial reality of universal tolerance and fruitful coexistence

in a borderless world.

We have only one planet and to be its stewards we need a Planetary Wellbeing Authority so that

all of us can know and fulfill our responsibilities as human beings and as earthlings without

being impeded by dated loyalties to nation, race and class. There is only one God and the time

has come to recognize that we pray to one and the same God even though we call him by

different names in different languages and explain and honor him through different traditions and

different prophets. If we are to live in the image of God we must stop monopolizing God and

instead limit human life on earth by balancing births and deaths in society so that our civilization

can reach a state of harmony with Nature, where God balances births and deaths within the

seamless order of his creation. One World, One Government, One Faith. That is the true

perspective of our emerging global civilization.

I hope you have the courage and wisdom to announce this September from the highest forum at

the UN the formation of a new and global governing structure that makes the preservation of life

and the integrity of the planet’s life support systems its reason for being and gives all men a

common purpose, all mankind a future, and all life dignity.

With deepest respect,

Kevin Galalae

Center of Global Consciousness and a Son of Man