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ls-: OALLIK H. ( HITMAN, AN M.. A. »r-i'!ust,-,,( the KP htnond, InsH-

tnlfu, »l|ti Ixnn .niui.', i , «i: e., n , se.tills* limit. Mil luis - vmi on Hieinn OF SEPTEMBER ai Ko.Blt we* Urie*«,'..'. c mu nt M ir --. ac 14 "

MKS. HOSALIE MIN-KiN. ASSIST-ll)).. i..rti|..!-.V,« MoNCf'lE ii,U.>,x-n

s s*,;a, i ".ri.Ferry hool w of octoui rSI her retl.!, uer. norlli't-vl corner o' Ninth andFixiiklin -ire. r«. No. Kt,I. Terni, *:* per tu nilliii r .aili srholsr. Maali-. Paiatlaa*. Fruach. aad

M ¦.'.,. Air'Tf. r Um iins,-iu at Tit -¦.¦

Fr. I'll.n -hi, I I i.-inl, amt 1 rankllni.-. 1 I

MU*. * H sci.I - HOW \LT> Wl-lli:-lo rriare i few,toual paptts-elrt* aa.

.a r Minn. Kamber Itmltel, f.ittr a;.plica' ionI- t... r ice «lrt-ct.

.¦ IV .'icj_III". S.N1-OAH YALI.HY \ _I>1 IT,

SS IN* lit SI Kif. VA.,

Ravy. oe llu-il.... II. SllMiK, M. S.

(Culver nv of Vlrjrlnlsn r.Ti-»Tli"ni_Ll '.

A CAPI-MY Of TBE v I9ITA1 l,..N.Mont. M sm s.

I.cSLHIVi.- AM, USS -. HOOL Pul: I¦i'll -.

v- r. ra.I, .,y irlll ,.r re-,..

iFIR»l MONDAY IN m IM! BT-lwieoOita


MWt silt Al..

Iii-. J. B. WILLIAMSss ll I. lii-t'Vtr HER s;i -p- LESSON!*

-un uiiiii .. ,,c .f ti,. |t, nm, ¦_(- ,.»., fran,.Un ttlm. farly api l-l..

_BetaVTeOal !.' I )>1 if SS A ISON.Ill lt Ai III R OF Pl JV NO, OROAH, AMI

H SRMONY.'. inr-'. \--cr-! tue m teachln*' hlrtdy n-

I, ri nu lu,..: lt l'r.,1.-. r SV . -. li. X, n, ,.».. Sin-ell D''. i.i. ti ..ii ani-il-

t'l.Rtchmun I, SO-Sta*

M I M (' A I.

Mc E. I "i I* ihe wm return* bli elSi i »l lilli RE, Pl Mn- ani Hi:,. ,\.It vs l\,,. tad HARMONY, on si mi tu: ';1,".in. I ti it, thandaat te.llmnni its fr..t-i pal on.

-ur, lo ru .ra-,tee niv aucce .- In Im-aarttao lanra-Hoa. rtws, I wliltwrUd tosbowtoans tn- Ce-irli? ni. -,:.. I"sadr*** E. LOltS IDE,

, I .1 ? \n. 1" Wi -¦ ... -Uro. I.

\l I.-. \V SI I CU HAI'l'lMiN ll Vs l-l.-ill ll TN' i> FROM N' it YORK, adis re* INBTRl'MRN'l vi pi wixii -it for la* n 'ur ",i oiikk I,1--1. a !i,- i-

st . nv.-* t t.rtef , vtIBCI lix .¦ i

st. rii" awarded her4iy Kmeal Eber-

i' " r Ihe City Ol New york;. Irr to a'.I M. y Ute

:! .- i,.:..;¦¦ to Itali lealit-a .-

|. r larres, le.. annis ,...Ml.-. SS SI ll !: lt SIMM-..N.

lift I All S!:l i| slr. I.


HALM."NS. l\|t < HSII-.J-H PIN. llKfilV-M*..TORIa WI'KKLl Pl S\>' ( 1. S-- will ... tI. -ll l tu U !t, *M : i . rfuriti

rs. Cia - li. Harm.,av. Cuniv tl I rm, t... .ai- to*

Hie P

fl tin same lime,rall ..

Mr. iisiii:-11 xi -. K.-r termi ,

* ll AUK at Ni w.Rlver ss hue..Six.

aa ii.-Mi.Tns.

i*i:if*iON-ti,.R» Ya..-, lea IS. IBM.

v;ii\"s" AND Ul RI I KB -XT _NDLs all

IN ... ¦!-. lt..- nae.


.1. i il '". N .*.Pl**.

a 14 Bl_'rpiiE S >1 Bi' ni m. m:i.- ii \.\.1 \ SS -' I' S

ii, N - I' V N - r ", .'.I, K-MAI.INI. -I t' -- I Mat

\ -u nain"

i. til .1- l.rnaM ...ii tchinery.

rs m lin! it.Bpi i ¦¦

, ind tii-l ¦:¦'.

eui,, r !¦. f. r. ot i'- :.Ml-ll SN-I-K.SV. <

BZPTT*.B*B 1. 1- BO 131

1!.l i RN MY -IN* i Kl i -NKMi.. st *-.. john WYATT, WM CAMP. J.R.

,.i RlKiN, SUKI KELLY, "11V Kl LIA.THOM IS Ll si 'I,.-,' - VIM , lt.


-.14. , H. p-

W«MM) ANO * '»*!..

JL-KVATEIMtAlLROAll COAL M-I . "I mini - DAILY, wai 'in'il Un

I. MK -I I.l Ml' -li. MT, : i ¦: -nilIII -I

WOOD, t- \- r ill .-.'I: OAR WO*)D,w .-.:.-.'¦¦ s

Al'.-1 uSH S -I'l 1IV;_ ' IGI



CO.-li. et-rall_

c.«i syc i ii br io in s-> 7.?.). / ... HOPI lt . .). I . »

I'ANYl Cl Ll UK Sill,:¦ ii .. i. u


n. in sa'...!_

(. IX ll ( HAL..IOUGLt*

vt,-1 ULAND ' .'

-. i..\ 11;: y,

sll .. i SS I-T VII!. ni ind CLOI. Lt Mp ( DAL tomi ed tl lowest

SS ll: I ROIll ll Ute! t

>. ic," rv to

ONLY THE BEST FAMILY I OAl~t ¦. UH v( li E, In -sll tb

si I in i pnssN nil i. i:.HAM.FIRE* I: HU Rb sn >,

-. 1*1 **. l WO

LATHROP 8 ".,i'-d.-..

!. 4.


iii ri'Ai.o i. nu ia w aTEHAMII -i- THC

loKklAII", ui -H.NI. IN THI LL sui*:.IL

Casa oi I'I'.mlj. r.Lianiinor, ot li¬

va*'! I, Ai.*..

Kuti Ly Hr. I. lia OBS- and. UM Pl¦ ;!.e lii-n-t. BfBlJ "'-d)

m. mt-r . I tin SBBBl!lt* Mi il

A... Ac-i ..,. ml I. N L¦ntatffiiIII III I.jraula. Ali., Iud

.i i.iii.i t, , ! -. I KIN xltS DEPOMi MM era-ill "f a ..'1 I i IMA 'lill -i-. f|.-.ti

liri." M'-'.n," In * is e. i-

.¦ f ;. I. I. ,'

I |i,. vi in * vl.< I Item ... ti

Ml, H'M.' i" RED Ll Ml*. MIXED WITHV.lilil-H TUIPLK I'll ,-lil A l. nt AMSI.i-ttiAAMillAi.Shlt varlet*, the uaantlt) uv-

ernirli , ll 'inn l-l -I H. Imy. wael ..en ti- t. iiiii-, le. t


eater nt spring N .. _. fimn elehtli. cu tl's !.» inr dav for (IC) ten week, i

., ile .* K«M(--

U.l.tiMb. |*ai|en, i-.ltilnf '.iii"'!' lil- », Un

¦¦M.y fi R* .M I son * CO..An nt. f',r \'lr_anlaM.ii Spilii**' WsU-rs.

au SI-mjAIu-Iw

IrnianxwMkEHaBAnivtjt* rn-.

I'.l I. I MliltlT10* DA1LT

f. I.EairssHNL ARI (. M.LI It,,

DU Main slr set.

KIW I'AIMINO. I.SiillUiM.*. Kl' 11-IMOOs oLKM.ItAI'Hs. AND

WAIKR-COLORi*.lal! iiiiisirlall"ii. received and new o.

-irlvlns. ArllsU'priiil.orLATE AND VAL! ABLE PK TCItls

fuswlle. A Un.. tkkor.lneiil of MIBRoll- PH '-

'KHaRAPU ERAMKS. t SM Bi UBONZKs, sudBtR.Bom iiiiurrs uiihsBd.

PICURLs i lt A Ml I)

ia srUsUc style, it low prices.AMTims' bTPPLlics AND bl'L'DIK.4 of eli

si***! vs ___r) ni lowtst S(*u*es. ** IS

Tearhers:* ir*i.i.iui.


TI1K(«,MIN',|.K MONoPF.w.SVI-TKMRElt lr,TIIwtlh ibe r.U..wln,(,ffl,,..'.,"'.

M^s Milty B. HAMVFH iT*'"r nt ... V.,a| 11 li.i-o.iiiv,,. , k, .11I R!N< ,r*'

, >'"*". BOonaa liutmuPPCIIU-U, .iisury,,,

K»,U''*1-l'--«'''.M.lkemat,eL *.'

» S_L. Ta TIII-ictok'"'"¦""-'"t V" -ri'll,;,

,'t"""'M!".-"<¦*. atm tiuuiry.Mvntvr.c.cci, .tAJtsm

(lintlveM Irxnr,,,"

Ifcoaafc,Miss ADDIE V.Sfi,HAN

Ireparatniv Behool,B Ml.I.II l.l-Mt'VN

BS, -Il...i...ish BUBB, aud Hannon,.MM LHCKII I. Aftm ICKLE.

Y* ulll/.l.l. mm,| Hali,,,.'MM MkltS .,1-NTItV,


Maiami: (Af I.KIPI |)Harp.

Miss ALICIA IL LAIRD,Hra-unpiud I'.itntnuv.

MOB. ss. | Tiiostp-uv,Puru: i!ii-:'.;Iii!ii,; .xml Hie. mite Art.

Mt-s -. ii. HAMH1 i; im, Mite s. k. WALUR,It-'ii | ll(|-aiiii,ent.

PIM PARATORY SCHOOL.(.1,1* i'-.'lit saar-..,' ave ..i'l lie ne. Mel ia tl,!*

¦¦'.. miler that Ihey may Lc ...* I divlinn., ,1 Inr tl,.-c. Heelan -M.If. ''

.'ll'-IIAI, DEPARTMENT.At ibe close of Ute hui ireslon lhere in

¦ev ii,v nniil!- ni Du behool of Stu-,!-. The lr.,ri¬ll -nf U mints i-aprc-i ana nf I Pis dep-n uncut.

TM e wniiine to enle* pat-lla SHedd ipntj altl.. ntl Itau it- earl] ai pracUcab.t. Principal*,

.m.,- lr- ni "in 1 n A. V!.

_ie 0-d.wQl, ii

Bl. \< ll - BOARDING- AND Uss--( I,....!. FOR YOUN(i URN s\;> BOY.**,

.ukli: liriI- NntV upi .

r. r Hie tu talton ofApply kl lb*ali;!..l-inuir-.

ja 14-iurl -. i. BEACH, l',i.pal.I 'MN I L-l s SCHOOL,1. N. lld RUBI ll 1 IU ItTn -ILL! I.

The twentieth si-.I,,-, f tl.)- Mboel still Is/InHil Its, AS. -; litni.r SSH).

< ll ARC. I. - FOR TH) -1 .piNi .a ne marr Kn-di-h and Msthemtiln.*t;.iII Ihl-rl I, i'll -li Mini Math, tuan.-. 74s LsUn,Greek, I nu. h.German, eaeb. 14Crer**ymeu*s son . ,*, i

' Hu tl 111 ut ot llul, c., ti,,- c. | md

Fir (wo or a , imily, a-ii ol kio ai!' I.e iiia-Ie from i n-h I.ill over

too.Payment! ti follows: Ten dollars lh« day of

entrance; ila balami In inn -in. and nine.' it nf September, is-i

thom.-,- ii. M d:v\'null, Principal,¦i I'-'-lin_N,.. 114 in i.i. i.'iili if.. :.


(.mi-. 7- r i.t Krui.,-,', -tu.-, morinish In-»irucll< In ne ta:i-.u department!

this -el .1 fi Rs. next a -s. iild.i, n il la¬pin MONDAY.&] Iii SHU K ii tbi I. En n li

tl S--KI.I KK.Kiri licul u .nu's tu

Ml .-'I -D' .¦¦ ni,1.1-11,-. 2-1*1 . milln.

1 NI, ERSITY SCHOOl I'L ITT--t i'd BU. VA .The twentieth snuual leaMon

II ! li:-! MONDAY in ,' .'"!'¦! ':.Il ol VI i' nil

M n n il AcademicIliphli ru in .Li ..Miie I. ¦.

tructors. Pupil- na;-u -ii

n llcalton r.|.-r- littrll 111 i'iii.i- i

\V.GORDON M, ARE.|y 16-?m


Head Mailer.

Will* I SCHOOL FOR YulN'. I. s-O lill - ANO MI--I -.ll 7 IS-I SUS si I'* ll, RU ItsiiiM), SA.

i L'Tf S!i:i:i: is. 1884,,l. I. MERRILL.

.-.u v't-l ii, Prim i iu. 1.



I-** -I -AN E. Wl\ J.lAMsre. p. n ber


MONDAY, .-'.ci i -ii-cn ¦ Ih, r. Pl. ..¦ ol !.¦ il"

Ll) DOMINION : 1 51NESS * 0L-i.i i.l


i 111 befin Ol TO0EI1 1ST.Fe* purlieu! r- tddri M

lui_ .-I OBOE st np¦¦**..

1 -.,: ,.;. , :. ', -- I'S!. I Mi


FrankU* ti


Ipa), lld -i by prof<and Uermtn. t oi tern .s--.. nd for

BU M-l


fi. '. ..-.ic ¦ rs of the Ilii-oa*)-*tr et

. El.E COI*R**F.jt.(Sell IIB, .and Literary. Also. I PREPARA .ORV-. HI.' ,1 Local! -. m. a ci ¦"- i fur bi althfn,-». i -.;, n, sronndii

iratu*. Academic year n

i ll SKPTEMIIER P. 1884. sp,,lsForest il .pi.

tartlculai 'IrI HSS AIM. II. Si Siitl.l . S. Sf. p

li 17-'i.-: - «arthi mre. Dela* Pl

I* ).\N lui'- A* ADEMY, n rChail'|. S "I Ni, T N

...mi", iii MRI i: ". n.t EDGAR WOOD-*. PH., H.,

JOHN P. - ssip-nN. .s. stly 17-.

1/1 N^ i --. I vis l.l'.-UY II I (i II


uni MILE ) lysi AMI1RR I. ss.

H. s. hi RODE, |Math. M, ilallst, t \....

¦al, ind Inin i: ii. a.. Ph. l. .i Sa...tu

ii. ii) ni: trw nu ie I. u

ilililii'i NIH SESSION '.'.ILL BEGIN -I I" 4, 1881._


FOR YOUNO L sin. -.

sn v Hill lt SI.'.-liineipuLii as;, -

MS. lttllK.t iruii.-i: on sppllesU. and at the qttec of

(| |s pa| er._


PT1 Min ll 1-. 1884.ul tieiiic laiipl.t s Ml--, il NMI

li ni SFoRD. , ii-cularta.ofcuorrs. Ipplj st... T >..*-< I li*


ll, ne-' .n ol tn -. H >"i- YOUNISS|. \ AMI I'.iM - "pen- -IPI! MH1 I! 18,18 1

r..i ch '".I..I1N ( Pl TTI -- M. S.,

I aim Prj .mai


ns- mil s;i--t> inn mi -,

Nu. 109 > ssl PBAKKU* ll I . ¦'.

.I Will, H. Sin. 1 III R-OAS - pl. Bl u 1st-,.

. i sii-i- MuMi I" i.uni. .'ntIn.tru -' i " ii.t-Sii rn*



.I..I1N H I'ns il.I.-Priri !nal.. ami Mr.. J. R. <;aiu*ktt,

'vi'.','!d'-':'.'"i'thI. BOARDIR«-and HIT--i HOOL lt SOI N«, I. HUES tl I Ll TI LLi.llil.s viii beelu -I Pi I ..-. ISM.'Un ls.lie-' M-attun a,* and Ute -Mo'I-

fl rx* Ill's rc Hied.Apply furi-aiati-pi.. " .¦' ;,'.''' '

Iv ft-tii.16 ri.lNi I PAL.

H1.K4 AMII.i: AGKNt Y.

CK.*! vi Ba f I f< Rani.,I.lil, ir. ...



Till Pi; vl'sTTl ll COMPANY, I'lini-itiBTUiili.

EXL, LI IVE (-KKK Ks, 27B, 281, AND 293

UROAUWAY. NLSV YORK.(ifflcesln al! Un- ortnrlfral etti*) nf ibo f'nlte'l

stall, ami Cai; In lcm.lull. I upland; alva a

Cniilliiiiital aud A-tsUsllau (UllflflU****! MW.

SOI.CMKS I--.I Kl. « baiip.s aeiui-wi-cklv. Cun.lant reil-

.loin mid Prompt l,ul,fl,-a,Inn In suhNani' "f lailahlfl Btwy*n who make colic. Hun* a

»|-U.. II.IU in,nirt. si...n. are stealer and Hs ballas**

l*r|.-r . I. ra ii any sHullai orsauiarall'ii, In thc wurlaroiiducted ,n "nc lalerest and under out- inana/i-

ViM*rC re-pcelfully IovIIinIU) liivestlsalcateltr lu u< eal ofuuy a«w»cy U> lui Us auHtly I , BMTI)OII.


J.H. WHIT rs,tB 7 sup, rta ten 1. u'.

t ASMTEnn itHr.o.

ipWBKTI KM.HT ,1 .Alt¬


BUrit i-n i. practice.

Da. A. O. WrilLLABD,who bsa ir.rllf.-l -. ... rr-fulty in Ibe rile ofBMha safl, Va for .he r>i*l SniSB year*. Inf lt-*

Ita- B-BtlSd lo eal! »n pallen ls livlnr MN wo fl

bate Inn .err.) .nd _ee !< r tl.enw!ve». a,, I Uirt.-IHnoiit of Ih,- wonderful rure« ll* ha* ni ad*.

(Dru r,7(>fi r*ST Lana stbb*-, nuts bk ur

I nairn STiir.-i.Ri' nu -m.. Wt,oFEK E ROORB: I a. li. to | p. M.

Th, li. dor mn lu-asm-t my time. ». h* .,*-.-..laat hi* r- HA '¦''


the Barra is rot used in-ant oatttV, Ht I EY PK.

wt rriiBSTts-I r. llrsvrTT. Prt-lilinl lUiuI'dpli-Mi-on CR

Rye. A'h tad. \ ».

p, i. Ai I X' . HKit Ithovv n. pia. r.l H., niel,. Danville, Va.

Rev. P. A. I'M i BSOV. rn-tor Cenieii.ry tl, Ul -

ill-t .nine .Richmond, Va.Bey.d. IL AvuiiiM'V, norfolk,Va.Riv. VV.. «. Ht in tit, natta* Hr>l Entllyb-

Lcilursn eb,ind,. RRhmouiR Va.C. p. Momob, m. Bv. rina Ii>Mn>,Va.!

May,ni's orrie*.)RB iimom'. Vs.. Fi hi-tisrv 4, l.M. ,

Ul ir. A. WollanP* .drrrll-eiiie ul*'*,,lecllona of Um eotmirj trbers br ,« a .trainer, IUki pt. a-ine In i- rlormlnf the duty to o. * r r

lulen* tn a jim- hs ts a Beni smaa of bhrb sa oralrhararler. He lin* lived tar many uar*, m. hi,I.... i,.. .1. e. ll in en I ba* tu rn undi ta loWa th*I'.iil'.'i nr, .1 tiiuii witii wliuiii be Lai bud lutcr-

. BIMHU 1 rlvate .-nu! Bf "ns! r_BM_l*U«*a i« wl'hot'.

rei roach. Hi* mcesn in imetier win bs hi*v, limier lu his 1 r d,.ional ll,,,

W.( < ARiii.Ni.ToK. Hayer.Hosea aw rbi'bksevtativb.*.)

wamiini.ii.n, ie I ,Jase 7,1880. sl have known Ir. A. (,. W"i!sr.| tot MVarBl

year*, sad toke pleaiar* in taytaf ibu be i*tm Wu In Rlrliin. lld. Where b* llSI ISri* dill au!pracUced lu- profeaaton R.r many year . a* * jen-

un.pie«tloned character and aaa worthyand -f;.i-l I, cittr.en.

l.t nlllii: Il VVIsK. M. <'..Third IH-iiiU ,.f Vlrran.i.

Bm anana, ya..June e, is-".Pr. A. ... WT Hard ls a men,brr of mv pu-hr 1 thlicttv. H.- is i ( hrisiia* aeat'emanot tim mi. at iii rbaraeier. .vie! eonmaud* tbe rinecl ninl confideme of our people. In earlnf.a,nc r. tillich ba-fiake* bli specially. Dr. vv il ,iha* met with rtroarkabla turee**, . ai I n.av.- bodoubt that in every ease preeealed r. r bt- treal-m. nt I. ll five a candid and Iraatworthv opin¬ion Di. Vt,.Hurd bs- tel llb't'c- *-tntR inri,,f lld* eitv and f other place* t the very nihil¬ist, ,I, .'v ii.n to bil >

fl. * LvMtlKTILnstorCIajr-ftreel H. >-horeb, Booth,

< tainui ai f -.

Pf 11: -..ta:.:. Va.,)LiTTi.r.-t in a. ii Ia n a kt, ll 7.'ii, iv 1. 1* -i

Tin* I* to eenify that I itit>re,| arally fmmcane, r < f Hie rta.t of lw,lve month*' -Li. nf,ll ravi ne atti min amt nar__dn__*. li aa*nb.,ut the -Ix* of . silver do!!*) wbe | applied IO

VI oilatd. Ile incl) rio.,t m, rata.ind afi.-r.I., in pi r inonbt-- iieaiiuriii I waientirely rared.

vv rr, no timptonsof tb* dttetac. and ranrecommend tl* n ncr lo an wi,,, may beraffir-mi rr, iu lash dillans

Un*, sarah TAYLOR.l'IT_n*..r c... Vt..*

CfIT BVBKI 'thiii. .luina:. 1884.TBii li io nat Uni l w i« i rreai ,,,(_,.,. -

ran cr cn tnt lower Up, which ,,v.i, i iwo third*of tb-Pp. ll Srtt nade ll* ipi ¦rtnre I'svut flv,

,. I hld nine very eminent phi .lelma bi« ii IL lu in no avail. Tin t pronounced

il cati, er. I Ital n ii,bli, ,1 ly, Hr. A.,,'. w.||Rici ui< tu). Yd. ll* undertook my caa*, bi¦bum tia-e month*' li anneal inc cancer cam.

abd il - pi*' keele, up. I »,,, moat cheer¬ful 1 rtCOll ll,'.I ll e IS rt_i ul luff rr-.

lour* r*tp_t muiy. 1:. Bl ria .:

M am iir«Tli:, V_..,f Bflry 80,ll riDr. .*. '.. u ¦.

Dsai -ii -ii, iv. - me pf bi piesson tovon iii:,* th* cancerous lumor Hutt I hadI rout l« enllrelt well. 1 b- . r

i nani i nih*, I ( ,

:. lum. Nov.. I, ny lo tbilb, iq, rn k-te a, un arat re k me il,,er ,., _. .- v. _,. :,.a, stlil ., nth a utitu nf al.ei _. lt wu localed mi rtaat,-..cart!:, ren I rr. 1 had ll b. -1 rn* Iii .: itali, aidrmi. bbl f, ri,,! no ultu un,il I *p| I to Dr. A,.. v. ollard. nf i: chi sd, ra.,, ,,,,.., ,ni-. di-11a'; Uv i»cMm, Dr. Wollard to *llwho ie ij In a ilmtlat war. I can eK. a al ,.' ii, r .r spn- ai.d Bl

Va, «a ,,i r tn .. ,.

Pb UBOBO, lt. I_7_.

D-: r sn.-lt im bren my nlsfortan* loheaf-fi t. ¦¦ ,' .. a Ran wllb a ta . ft,.,a ii v fi re and no** ll beran on mi

,,,,,iiH ..I-a entered one aid* of m) n, « waavrn | uti fn!. and I a ide r,i' .'-",u..:. !."« ii Umeof tl "r \ ¦¦.

np to the Pm' tbsi t u look it lu hind,tried various reinedlea. and iwo nf our moatemllu nt |.R--i, Ians nracth ;t | u(.a, u for ILti-ye.r,.but availed nolbiDf: still l!.ii*'i..»r. iiran to lithe let! dav of A; r!l na.;i id in iiir,-- '.; four week! rrom thai dat* ilctr wa* , .¦ .; aaa i OUT. and 'ii tbaflBtbof HayII was all bsaled: and -fur l*_tj year* of aur-lari

Hh,l was aa B ere nappy and w»'bvv,i,i rup a,,, beter ran I exprVa* lb* ooa-thou andtl, Bart cf lb, cinteotmei _,btnnln_**,aud

yrailtnd* 1 f*e4; but tb*l (lo_ may rrattretain all voor *_rortt in rellevla* iiiiT, riot I.I. -. i-ie' btppin,.. ¦ .

ev (r . n t !',.¦,! m. ,.e-t ,te lr, Jin11, tri. elli;,.-i"tf> ny, john win ivor rn.

ll-., '..'.hr Filth stiewi. ..r Eicvcui:, and Byrd. ir.''-.P. s.-i .ball ever he mist hsr-pyu i».n'n

bal esp. -!*!tv i" ilu- ifflie ,¦¦!. af i), rrratin.I i, ii', tare t',u Rive eBMtsd fame. J. VI.

BosTOJf, Va., tprll 5,18.4.Dr. A. <:. Wollard:p. -a -! ban w .pe. Tat Hires

t,, t.i tte permanency of Uif rnre y >ai..ade il;- ¦¦ mser -. u rtahl

',.. .-n d e. w volar. *iilv lesltfythe fart and pcrmaney of tb* care, ii .:

tialltude.ind t oucippreclill ., .' v mi s.- sad aila

ait:,. :¦ .1, ,»:,,,!- aud tumor* io avail ihem-at lvr* nfvi ur treatment Any one d, Inm par*t.,ai!:,r- may obtain il,ci." bj ¦ Iret*

RSV..I. R. WA....) NI-, Poi'.i,. Italirax i cv, Va.

fi r ibe hevtefli of Ibeafflieied I wiih to (tate 1 iiii v iv.--,_ her ii"-'- vt!,,. I, ,

iiiia-b lr- obie ..*. Dr. Wotli,- I,.,!,-., ii ben f r >tv ri. *,"t>. sppti 1

i, ., i, ii ,,¦ .',.. i. wuk* MO, aad now theearn !- -"t ind il e !se* *

md I ain wei! svui-Q.-l wit!, Ihe car*.p...,,, Hui's ci,;.win.

:,, N. < .. Marc,, *;,, 1--.'.

. Flirt 111, -.-lt BO, -dfOTSTI '. ISHAfl Viam. .. 1877. I

1 h, r. by et run ll nt 1 I, ivii,., bi enc,, I", m< »r less lr ible r a

.. im ihe .-! twor i| idlv.eaini. '.vrav nsar,-

the.¦. li i"H'i.i u.e skill., proud ii-it-a..i * .- bv !,, iu pi

lin* tbal my llfi vt

faelf nader ih*malu cul if It. A.... Wollard, ¦., !.:. :.u,. d.V o. Il, .

t ra* fl... luillv -_I"L li la lew, l

i, in ti. uni, ly », il..JANE R. DH KINION.

ph hm, . ". v v ..>.i.I; i-' -i wa iffli, ,i wt

ter. v.,.., a e. v. ir ,.

lillie ...i-lii.' mi v. ic |.»;>i aud di"" i a

Iheb. Ipbri ii- a, I .Ifht. ul Hillpla,, luina me Hu

ie un, ,i 11 was idt- ni. r-i_"!> bul In my Ti*-

ii,-- heard of I r. A. ... Wollard, sad bord lurure «, h.. ut ihe ute of tia knife, sm! 1 -b-

I ,:. a i, bli ¦. n .1 a.., flad I lld. ¦.¦

I* rfu leutel .,>¦..; and In *i. il* we nalter t: r merildin ra t] piled wa, wi ,' * .!

ber I a ai t ad.: Hun Ihe Uealmeul rawed reryIlilli pain. 'Ili.iaire wm linnie tome inoinlsball* Sfn, and now lh« pinela suednetful did liol know of lt w.,ul-I .

li Ihe ibtt: i,n« li* '¦¦..*¦In ,.¦ rn I, .lou, I " ni, il hesrHlj

ra I-., ni who wllh mnllw dlaewei.ola,.,, tom. .,.,.", «;/'1v;;;AV,a:N^:;-

RR!.ii,oa,'- Va.., Blt i-peet-cr BtsMe.

DEI awahb, sm aiivtii- ¦. *alum I. Bea. t

I anti thi-h--i in- Rv i 'R ni- n an]-ul, i- .t»l" I""l JJ*

¦all * tay bad cancer n thi rifhtltd,ol ii v ra, ai "".' Un USC "f . silv.-r dolla.t,.. dtarves-,! rumedle*,and mme ol.!, lab- had practl ed on ll hut Itttlllerewlarfer.

.t,a. while Di vt Hard w.. In HN.e. l wi nt louse lum. rainalnln'h,y.. whl.e b, |,|!n thc r.iedlea.e. a

« -uk. tlc cancer came >ui. Tlibm I,,ain to heal, sad sfle* wn_e twotbe place si u"''".".'. i.i ri,et om. li si urdi n,,-_c-.t pleature to addmy u sin,,,.nial lo the hundred* "i olhcr* "t ut'-

cl,.,,:,,,,,.^'^;l^^'1I)W,Rnt.I'K.iKl' VKV IS, 1876.

'tl: ,-t,,e,r::it Ibal I I'd I t«B*_T Mlbesldcof mt tte.' targerUiaBi uiver dollar, ol ,. . »-«rs

.landlnr.aad tree* <1 bv four or Hie .*».timi in Ibcc unlit, a.eelted BO I- I",, Um contrary continue rr. w v» r

rued nu,a. e|*.ln with li nih! rn .rh na ..

ii ind. I .paned R, Dr A. '.. Vlf, l»id.,u "h.'. and hs ini'!"it""K m* -',.-.'.,. *nrr1"»mono.** by bim |wai**Urely wall.-..n-l'i. n ., i..,Ret. Itavliit no Incdita*** v.! ni. vi r. trveral uioutlw liaviui-ii;,-, ti,,. ,-.,,. w,.s effected. I do no. tbi'-rfaliyia ", in in end all _, fun, .ii'., ¦:¦ '¦ t:i ic rtii-'ertoa,,-i.-v io In. a ollard. ,


Mt a.].:,,-si wi!.'. Lsiidliur Char!,uiii'v. \ a. H. BARRO ..

Rii ilvinvi.. V t. »

1 derm lt Sue l>r. A. t,. Wollard, and Hit preneral. to bear teatlmony lu tbr riir.'of *;which wa. localed on ibe si..i mt .¦. or - ,m

lime years ilandli!*, and w. irfttel Ry l*'iI tl e be-! doctor! of 11.1* -ll*! ¦""' '''.'"',. ,|,.l BM BB food. The |d*ts* *rri)Wl.l«d. bled to tty |)r. A.... WolUrd'l ISSSt- sud I am flad t«.__y after ib.u.1 wo ininti.'the pince ni! In.ilol up. ard now lb "- ll -. ''«''iimor si!!,' lU'lit.cii or twenty in.itli*. ind I <Kiud rivi His a.Ifblest -. aisullon »r tmwhat-'icr. md before 1 went lo Dr, VA'. Hard'* Ut*|l.,,e w»s bad, and irtte me, trunbk ta*mich dl.lnia. I v,a» eur)*', bstvluv .lill.' "'

.ear. The treaunent waa mill; »., inn.n BlBOBld te my dall. u-int¦.«*. 1 cm furtlicnc lunnaid ill imti-.ii* 'in Dr. A. O. Wolkara i

liilltiirui for cam. r, ->r anv alinlln dlteasi'.UoitrRT li. BRooKI*.

loft weat Mtr-bail -tic, 1.

ga UHfiSI., Va.. SepUmber, _n, lr>7.'».Thia la b. eerllly I bad a tumor I. *'¦ I t1

tbe iliiirr rt.mer of nty eyebrow, limul IbeilieolB m*rble.i vt.¦n'tli.c dow,il,, iheroraer-.f WVeV*lt bsd lilli BSnlBfl fur -iou- el/hl », BIS, iud folthe lt.! .hr., ni lum ,. untra U-.<l»lin**, i.i liiy e/e i»»n inu'Ti ttTectarl tty ll; but kit wees* of Dr. Wulla, d'* liealuienl UStu.uni came out, aud wy eye wai well, and >< .'*'now bt eu -ell *>.uie tarns n four mo,ubi _* weia* it wuk not lillimur u.y »1 -I,t lu the b***.. H"ewn tctrtll)- -ercuiniend il,,' ls.cUr toall win. moa Ilf-irl. d « Itt, aliullar dla. a-e-.

_. _,__U.A.JOSKPIL

No. 2120, corner Short amt tricoil .uren.Ilium Hill, Kicbiuou-1, Yt.

THIS CITY'S NEWS.TWO MEN DROWSED ON SUNDAY.I ii!.-.,on rrih. Roller or thr ri**BkS*_*¦***.

ind Ibe ll. ar s,,, k.

J-undiy inrrnlni* nt 6:(Vi o'clock Hie tug-iioiit flunk BtMOOn cx-plodcrt her 1-oilrron.lames river, mu! the optnin. Edward <'i-

roBnsnrn, and .. rento, Jtswiph Dansey, losttin ir Hst*.

Tin- Frank Somer* wa* r.t one time the1 r< pi rty nf tl,,. jp, f Uiclunoiul. but wa*

SOM into prtvnU hood*, am! at Hip Hin" Blthe BBeMoflrl belonged to (".ipt'ln Otvo*natigh and (Imp ,,r fmir BlbttB, D hadbeen ottos** Breethaoled md h.,- honoTto.built, nml Monday, Tib. f was Inspected Sfii Gannm.eui Inspector and oennooaeedail itrt.t.

slie was making brr fall business trip,inn! was towing up tbe ruppnosi looses,li mle*! v ill, plotter, sod bound fruin WIB¬BOO to Hiclinoml. Whetl oeor Hcriniidi11nn.1 nit ber boilerexplo-de*. boo,tba beetcommenced -inWinir. inn! nil hinds J,impelos. rloai ,1. Cantala Cnsraosagb« who badleen nt tim Waeel, BOd vt ho could swisssijy' little, jf any. Bod Joseph DOBBOrV,svtre drowned bator :,ssi-iiner> eonUicniitiiMii ft(iii thesenaoner. _Bt_-B*erPowelL Hear* .lui.* m. the coil.-, andTimnm* .Hm unley. Un tin-mui, tko otheruk ml, ra of ibo crew, ssa ra ssved,The senortner. In pulling In tho hoRont

svLi'ii si.ebcrl ber te tbe toe, ratsod HieIndy nf Captain (asaiiaiigh; Iiaii-vy'-.e.. - iud ia revered.Aboul noni, Sundi} tbe schooner reached

Blcbmond bj tbe aaatataaeo of another tag,aad broughtup thc body n*j<'aptain (ara-li; !;. It.lie deensBodaraa ¦ Botlveof Piiii.uici-

pi i... where a largo number of his relative*reside. He ss iii ala,ul forty-five, and hadi (in nfling .mr river, most of the tLno onn Bebooner, for :.'.t Ben ateen rears, sodWfli bild iii bigh regard by tiu.s,. erbol li. sv Lilli. Il is uiiy st a.. ! iken lo St iu,le'«.un lower Min strut, where be boardedss lu n in port-and, nuder tba dlreetloaofMrssrs. Curtis e. Parker, r*btp.hro_ero, nos1 ii pan (1 fer thc ri dil .. and vest* nhs a n-

1 rt st nts! it, ..( tbefaiiiut un is cd In'ii' fi, i:nPbiladl Ipi i i Mid (null it'assay |0 fiat citv.Young l»iii-(S ssas tba son of :i widow

vc idin" in i;,,( I,, im. Mea ania seal doa atbe river yesterday t-i look for bb) body,and it sv iii d, tub tic-- be recoverediH i* thought thu tbe tug eaa be ralaed

SS it!:.Ut ant (tT*a1 11 "tllilt*.Tbe (\pl"»inn of tbe boiler i* isM to

ilise n md, a nolae ;ts load as tba frlog "f a

'"tin.n. and tLc oool inimedintelv gars Ilaren and eonuneneed Making on Ike star*bf ard fright] side, Bbs wool down inaboul fit. mi fu t nf water: Ibe roof of berpilot-li..,!-,. Manda above toe Btrearo. TberoB.eer reports thal ho bad on sixty-twopi .nml* ol steen, which beconslderetl -af..The boll* r bsd been BoUeed leaking a littlearound tonie of the rivi ts. bul thal excitedtn, spprebi n»ion of danger,

TUE FIRE YESTERDA Y,a Tstaeee F*ct*n FerttaUy iinrned-(iiln r l'rup. ri» Hi'inn. .1 I In Iii,tiraiu c.

\i -P ul rj n.m nh u just In lore in o'clocktire wu- discovi red In tbe third storr ol tbetobacco factory ol Lamkin, Whitlock .V« "., fronting on Eeixbteentb -'ne, w ir it a

wing on un alley rum log from Eighteenth!.. Nineteenth >!rni- between Alain aod( a ry slru'l*.Then wai considerable delay In turning

rm, lng to the feel that iliOiI ta-! i-us pate ll i'l'i nil! k.S-. bu, lin.livIii x "-. obi of tbe new ones, registered

m. An , ti".. rt in the men,, timeii. d u n mad, lo the abuTB turned inIn in Box '.'. nt the Flrsl police itatiou.Steamers Ko*. 1 end 2 caine oul to tbe

fire promptly, as did tbe book aad ladderfi. in the T* n'lestreet ragine-bouse. A

great* ron d b* tan to assemble, sod i' b lngsnI, nt lind there wea danger ol aseri-iui

(-onCagratlon, tbe second slarm ssas tura din. aud tbe entire Fire !>' partmenl re«.1 niiiii il. No. 1 -I-ntiii-i Bras placed at tbe

-I ibe corner cl Nineteenth and Cory.No. 2 L-l. a p(.si!i"i, nt tba conni'ofEighteenth and Cary, and tbe other threetliamen wi ra Mall, oed on tbe dock ut tbefoot (f Eighteenth strut. From tfleacMinnel-, sfter n while, weMireetedil resms were soon playing »n Ihefacturjif Lamkin, Whitlock * Co. and Met.._-er'- uni factory, a great .1. al ofvaluable j roi. My adjoin* Ut**.-* buildings,and the Bremen gave ipeciil attenlion toi:.- preaervation. A numlxr "f bosetnen

mI Ute roof ol Whitlock's burgeol Iflctory. i:i svhicli i- stored a (pun-

tit) ol valuable lumb* r, and while sending. ramset wsteron tbe burning buildingk* s nn eve on Ibe box factory.Mr. Mrtiger wa* burned oul M another

stand -i.i.ii.;> mic wuk ago,and had ju-t.. iniiii ia ed to gel ssi il underway in I*i-new quarter! when tbi* Br** broke ouLI!' sTi- nol damaged much, thc Ure doingbin ul little harm, li waa -., close thal itwt* necessary to throw a deal ol ranter onbis factoi j to pnvenf ii from igniting.This damaged iligbtli some ,,f hit tte k.Thc, ngin ol the Bre lu- not been ex.

idly determined. Mr. Laasklo, of thetm of Lamkla, Whitlock ,v Co., declares

Uirrc wai ii" ii i'i* in his factory, jet thc liressa* Bril »ccn In tbe third story of hi*hou .. He tl.ini - the Are originated froma defective flue in th* building oeeup.Mr. Mi lager, Lnt tin- batt* r gi ntleman il" -

nol tubs, i:' e lo tlii- bell f al nil. Tbe ro Imd ti;,- fourth Boor ol I. imkln, VThltl k \A < I..'- tr., :..rv vt. r.' Lunu d, Bnd tbe thirdin. a.ii, illili:!., .1. On tin- fourth tl »rol tbe f n tory tin re sm. i r-uanHt* ot I* al,. -.. I be iiiin! ssa- stock, d sst;!, lealLol Bccol elna i ri i ar* .1 for working.

'I pe t.iiii is Insured i'i tb* followlngc mt-

psnict: British America Assurance Com¬pany, ol Toronto, Canada, [Julius Strum,

*!,' ni on engine Bnd boll, r,on tools, Bxtuns, indmachtncrv* vTcttirru.»..*: rance ' om] sny, '1 Bronto, < anad..(Julius t-lraus, i'-> ii'.' 81.750 on t -oli, Bx-

i-iii ma, liinery, fi'HJ ob offlee lurnl-v. Ihian -mn .- < itv Fire, (D. N.

\, -1 ,s » e.. a n,-.' j i.o"¦. on .000, which win no do,i'd corer the

lo**..Mr. Mit/.-, i's .--¦ I* trifling, fortunately,

bo! Insured at all.Tit.-I,nil.!,in: occupied by Mr. Metzger

ind itu' oo* Bitjoinln i- owned br W'. v.Kerwood. He Lt - (bern insured in theMutual Ajaursnce Bocielj "( Virginia (ILI .il,..ll.e. pl'c-idei)I.;f..ri-T..'IH'. s'.-tlil-

.i \.. ] hod lin tbafl i.: "ken dos,- P, UmJournal. _

A R*w Precinct.The lieeks fur lbont ss (fifth)pre. loci in

Munroe Ward have Leen mal. mil ail«.' ntain oi er BOO nomi i, while .uer 8lift on the bock* of the Kirs! precinct,since the original registrations many of thes,.p i* luse moved treat ooo hon*,- to ia>otber ni Ibo old preeioet boonda, ood itwill follow thal lie names of linn whoreally lise in the Fifth precinct trill nowLe found mi the I ir-t-pru-inT Look*, .mdestoreo. Allot tbeae paitlea svtii have

to ge, traaafera. There wu ooautboriiyof lie for the r.i;i»tr;ii' to pin i bud'sBOOM anywhere Lui in Hie locality tb* re-cord-1 nc old books xbosv.-.l that be lived.'I lie, itv COaomlttee will have lo give '"*

n.iijtrr lin-ir aluntioii. aba some,if the menBtoyl i- eballeoged wben they soot* to vote.

'1 bc trouble growing out ol the fact ibaiparrie* do not bow lise where they livedwhen they reentered, and the bo >k* st. re

divided upofl tin' iiiiuriiMtiuti they con-'¦tim d: thoa oom* rotor*1 bobs** were putupon thc Fifth-picciiic*. 1.k,although ltis known tbal tin v nott' live in the boll li¬ef the !'h-t.

tin- lUvatrt- Leal MslH-Mitt Bertha sVelby aod ber ,mi

,. sn ,1 :,i tba 'ih* .*trr b-t evening i>* a pluentitled ..Lady tiaro sod The Iron Mas¬ter." Tho boons wis not well Ulled, bultin- tiar, witii t number *>f act in* and *<**¦ i nde.-ivored to entertain tbe au*,lh iu e throngl, live long act*.

To-iiior<iw night tho ooatpani will ap¬peal hi "The Tirrilllc Tempt iti"H."

I'.ii.lic Keltools.The pnlilii* ichool* of Hi*' eily opened

yesterday willi a larger lint day'*ance thoo ever before. To-dsiy the newapplicanu for adinisslon will I"'ru'"IN"'"of which there will be a great mini"''ti ore probably than thc school- eta a"'.'"."-¦

Iii.dimond < valar-Works.The new liiilldingt of the < -dir-sS "i1*-

( oiupai.r inf wbicb Mr. YV. li. Psrrl*h ltsuperintendent) being SIBClStl oil t!"' ">,rI auk, in the lot weat of the Brewery, srenoss- ripidiT BMrooehhtg completloiii intisslllLeatiedittn theeitv. I* '' '''

!' 11 d, a lolita of groat proflJ lo tl"" cBtrT*prlilng own.r*. The workt were formerlyin M-nclieiter. tnd were destroyed bs »r

on rebriiiirv ML 18*,4. and Un- ."!,'!"">ttl ti irsolvrd to build iii Richmond. I ¦'>leight a Urgt lot fronting thc riser "n tut*

s.-tith em! the tnesapcskc arni Ohio rail-trsy on thc north, and have secured mi-fhincry of the vciv ls?st pa'terns, midput np houses exactly suited 11 the Im-i-111 ss.Mr. Currish hs* riven the Improvement

Ins close*! nfirntlon. and his pushed itiiiitvanl mtii ^reat s|*ced. considering lu*-niaei)iii;,i,, nf t|:(. imtlrrPikinir.

MANCHESTER AND VICINITY.I rn..,,,, t , ,n ,,,. faattt Drnmrr,itie ClabOrfani/e,i-.f>relrarted tl ce I t na -Per-..itali.In thc Hu. tinp* Court of Manchester

T< Hi n: l . .judi,,, s. g. Preach pnaMtag--0" .as, f i i i,.,,,. ,.. (i| | Dna_-kHi1" o- 'iinl Nail-Work* WM eontlBHSd untilti-iiiiy. After raiertag a r. .v rnn'tn.ortlir* tie ri i.t.i t dj,-niue! until to-tlav ntHi.-'lnek.Th. ie it ni Jk. a rs-.inilav-M-hn >| picnic at

Skin.,nat'r church <>n Thursday, IStholt!,i- in-'tith.The Mi.nciievter DflBBoerats will foraatlly

"Tien tin- eaavaM In thi* city .,n ThursdayBight at the headquarters, Xunniillv'*ll; il. ll, n. u. D. Wis.- ta expects.) ta i-epr--, flt,

.India- .Tatiies M. t.rcgory wai in thc cityest, ulai.A protracted ni»etinij i« In prt-flTSMS ll

Braneb'* church, on the Bnadnek mad,Iboat feat miles the city. K-v.Hr. I'.arnes, of IflflBM citv enanty,ls ailing Mr. J. T. Tucker, tMpaatoro-tlc iiiui.h, and is expected to remaintinilntr this tte, k.

< IntleilaM County Court a<lioiirnedWednesday of last week. T. Bl. Jliller.1>|R. ri post nt. d thc Cnuinintiiveaiili ittthe abflflflaa Of I!. A. Hancock, ivhn wa*

presented from attending court uv Hek-net-*.

I " y Jane Howlett wis indicted forfelony, snd rourother partin tren indictedfur misdemeanor*.

niinor.vvealth M. TlgBOf was con¬tinued until Beat court.

B. A. Hancock, Eta . ha* t,een eotiflnednt Roine Ry ill .saith for thc hui ten tl IVS.Ha ibis had an attack ot malarial fever, amiii non Bradnatlr Inpntlaf.At n Meeting of the Detnoeratie roten of

Conpny's-Ston precinct, i Inver Hill dis¬trict, on the 1Mb, a i leretaad, Hendrick*.ami (;.,,ure D. Wbe slab wa. orgaaUed.QnRe a B-fgenumber Jeined. ai tbe nextmeeting of tbe dab there will bs a targaaddition of m. n.l.ers. Mr. George Conradwai elected -Jntnasn, T. i'. Cksatbamtiuisiirer, and II. C. lox secretary of tbsrinb.


tl. iliiitliai _HHBS_Bg«S*eassnj| s." an.

The regular monthlv meeting of tbeMethodist Sunday-School Society of BBond ami MaacnHter was held at Cen-t. i_a v church on luana] __tetaoofl al 4o'clOrik. A. I.. Weet, pr. rideqf; Charl.«P, I'adv, -.ciataiv. The meeting tra*p. in .1 with slaging by Centenary Behool,

iiiui pray, r bf Rev. Paul Whitehead.Mi. .1.nins ii. Pny, Jr., superintendent ol

Centenary sebool, aiade a very gratifyingreport of tbe lehool. Though the attend-ann bsn ben mnchsanller during tbs sn li¬

nn r HioiitR-.itie intere-t hs* been unabated.Tin- ii n h. i- bare been faithful mid carn, -ilu the work, and lae Mbolan Hudlous indprompt. The infant elass atm th.- Bibleclasstsbave been well attended, and tit*outlook i« rery encouraging.

'I io I'ri sklent ann. un. ed, in ;i very sp*nropitate and feeling manner, the deaith olMt. Am siiviier. win. was ir,' founder ,-fthe Methodist Sutt_tay-_*_boo1 Podetyandit* lir.l president, seri in- fr,un April. I*-, April, IPC0. He Hated that iii- Hoard olDirectors bad appointed Captain Riobardi.i-v to pul ruc a reries >,r memorial reso¬lutions.Captain Irby reed :i earefully-prepared nt the life ind death of Mr. Boy-di r. it: which be r. feired lo hi* enrnntandinfluential Christin life and character and(O hi* Hork, c-pcclallv in tlie Sabbathlebool.

Mr. John B. i in, nf tbs ChristianChurch, mads ;i di eply touching allusion toRi- w qualntanee vviiii (lr. Snyder, rad - ddtbat there wen nany who fell the Influ¬ence ol Iii- ii" I iy pious character whileliving, and though he in* gone to iii- re¬nard, timi influence -nil lina to bini theChurch, Ibe Sabbath school, ami the world.He paid an ekstraenl snd fwllng tribute tolu* memory, exhorting lu* brethren sadrriends t>. totten bbl example, aud endeavorlo tiiii-h the work so im'-lv Inaugurated byIiiin.

Mr. .1. I>. K. Sleight, Her. J. William¦R-n,-. IRV. Paul Winfell,-:,,!, and Ber. P.A. Petereon aln _r_de Interesting ind.--!'. ding remarks expressive ,,f their highat pr. elation t,f tbe ebsrecter -,f Hr. sny¬

der, rad ail comm. nding lu* life ;i* ¦ m i.inorths ol imitation boto ;t« i Bira and aChristian,Tbe large eoBgngatlon wm rrrj atten¬

tive and in deep tympathy with tbe nr<

vie.-. Mi*, Bagfatad, "f Augusts. Ga.,sail!: a beautlfal mho, whlcb added machlo Ihe iropretslveness of th- ocenlon.Tbs following i* s lummary of tbi tu-

perlntendentV reports lor Ibe month olAugust; On a vi raze Per

Roll, Ail n linco. Cent,nsry. 881 ifl1 81

P.. a!---'," i. 160 H (73Tim,iv. 876 n-i 7"i int-s'ri*'.SS8 1 18 Bfl

e i. -talion. .'UK _:-l.1-1Part I'lii". 4 140 -, .

Bo rep,,it from Itel'I in- in \t me, iin_; will In held st City.

stn, t churchill second Sunda] io < ktl -r.

. nilli*. «*iin<lnt.?.eli,, il Aaaaalall-Ha,TR, Baptisl Bund iy-Sebool A.

ol Bichmond rad Manchester bsd i:lu- H-.iHiliiv meeting Sund iy aftcrno, n iv i'llIR, iloiv:iiiP-iiiu'. Mi*-i,-!i school. Pre.-i,|, nt William Ellynn resided, RobariA. t. -. eretary. After singing i.v trieichool and prater by Mr. T. ll. Ell Vt, tbi1*:. -: lent thanked tin Hun lay-school wauk.,i- lln'.iard'-.i.iove chap. I for the -. »r<dial reception given lo the Association oeits first vi-it among them. The supertn.tendents' rep..rt* -how- an avenge attend.

tbe EOOUtb ll* inllolVs-Av,

Mind Bebo- < "i:¦'..-, it, oi -. Teach, iain. Hom

burch.. ,, .',7 4n.; |-._ 1lin -Stn*, chinch 4" 164 Tl 4!I'll -street eliunl. M7 Vtsii B9 0I

rhiir-li. -7 l'..l ll BlKU ,d, undi.. !' lui 18 '"

ilaireh. 84 189 '- »tv Maln-Hlreel charcb. 19 168 18 8.

nd*,-sin.-! burch. -_#i lin I ',:i i.. street charcb. 80 188 16 14. I, .. a.-s;r,el, burch. ll 111 ll ":

\. -h.. 11 uren.. 17 lol IO ii, lels-bu... ...Ill I" ii SI

H rd ...roieiiu-sioii.. lu :iu tlBetcbenbrook Matta 10 16 :i 81

T.i.,1.Ml 2.403 |1s, v, i, iv -ii las mw ., BoBu-, oas cobvsrslau, oat

deal!, npOftM f"r the inont'i.

Dr, -I. c. Iliileu Addressed tbe \-*.iitit,lt, eft* r ttl,jell il ipeclsl c.Ile,.linn WBItuts. i. for tl.-- Rem in ,,f Hoflrard's-Orovichap. I, amounting to I58.1S.rte AMoelation adjourned to anet win

l.,-i:.'li-sti, ct-, liunl thc -.',>ud Sun,liv itOctober.


Vai 4 lirlst 4 tiureli.Thc coriici--toiie ol 4 liri st 1',

I plscopal) church, corner ,-f Venable sm*,,,ii "ire. t-. win Relaid ai I o'clock P. Mto-motTon trade t the susplees ol illehnc ml Rflndolph Ledge, No. 10, A. I', u.\. m , aaststed by Uenrtco l nlon LodgeXn. Ill, A. K. ami A. M.. nuder thc escorol Bichmond ( ommandery, So. 11 Wot. I!c. Fletcher, norshipful master; vTor

;,ar:. - p. Kail., pnaldlng master; < barill. West, senior warden; .lune- ll. AlienJunior d.-.n in: W.<r. B. P. Howsrd, marsba!; W. M. P dndi aler, arebiteeL Tl,addieM alli be by Rev. Preston <.. Sa ii

pray.-r Rv Mr. Joan Cannon Hobson, la]reader af the ehuteb.Jlritiiriir Order of liiiti'd tfeclianlesTin* '.riler ceieiiraiiai i:- ttfth ranlrsnar;

.t Monticello Hail last evening nitb .1 proL-rauauc coHHHlsIag music, addresses, rsfreshmen!-, a:ul I dance. The organlsalion flflflflBctSM fifty aasnbers, nearlr all0vilit-in weie preseat with their lady Iriendla-t IV, Ililli', lt was a BOtl cnjnyalile nt

tsi-iti, and thc daine wa* kepi up till I lathour.

IhTimrtiill,' SC .a ll > Tn-M«bt.Thc Cnion Dcmocriilic (lui,, rccutlv 01

-Tilllnd. Will he ili:lllirlllati".l tn...ii,'llt 1thc corner of Tvvcntv-tliird and X street!Inion lilli, with laMfllstng, IreworkiAc. Hon. Grflorga i>. w.-e sad s aumbeof others aro axpeeted 11 eddwai lat ssssilng._

Bpeaklas at Hanover 4'onrl.To-morrow being Hanover our'-dat

Hon. (leorge I). Win, Msjor H. II. RflBland other speakers will Lc present t-> rn

dress the Democrat le .OtflMO- the e-.iuiiy

Tbe (Itv I'riiuiralttee.There will baansetlBI ol tl,oi'ity Detr

ncitllc Committee tO-UiBbt, Bl tv Idell UH'.'

Mires will he taken to establish DsbmsirMIkauijuarters hen. mid pnbabiy lu cor

ut lion willi the county .mil district enamitttTi,

Virginia ead tn* Jl*w Orlisn* txhlM-lien. night the Plate Botrd of foitrol lathe World's todustrlil tnd Cotton Rxblbt-lion at N( w (irlcrw* me* at thc Kx li Bigsll. tel lo discus* Hie interests of th'! Statein Hie nppronebing atT*ir.(inventor Wllln.m E. Cameron, er-oflcio

pe* sloent of thc Hoard, and the followingmesaber*noopseoaat i l'nite.1 8tsSe*O*0B>nI**loner .). M. Hlanton, State Co-mini*-urp, ref A.rienlHire Handolph HairUon,Major A, II. Prcwry. General V. I>. (iro-inr, IL C. Parsons, C. lt- Itovd, -uniMi R. E. Hhnkcnship, Norman l.'an-doJpb, and-Hotcbkls*. assistant com-ini«-inners.Tho Boord dtaronRRj ai length many

.|.;« .':on* eonoected with thfl repn-senM-t'on of Virginia nt the Exhibition, and vi-

rious BOgg* BtToOS Wera made in titi* beholt,but thtaa were most ly of routine* dur-

Beter.(ieneml V. H. (ironer, Hom Hie r.unuiit-

tee Bptnteted t*. ooofer with Utr Bartonslines of mir ads In Ibo Stale, reported thatnunly all the lines nt road* hid agreed tocontill,ute semenlng which would annlo rcpr. sent tbs re-oiirces. mineral andotherwise, of Virginia, nt th-- BShtMttoB,and that ba hod m. deni t bal thal ths die*pu;, would be creditable. The Booral ie*main, d in BSSttOfl until nearly midnight.

I'i-- ,1111111* nnd lli-lei'-.Mr. H. II. C:,rdtse!l. OMSBhor of th"

IL nos from llanoser, who Iris Iteen Stohsuth mahn ia! i.s. r, wei in Hie city yester-day, He had a hard f/pt ll. but I* now fullyri "Sered.Hon. John S. Wise has returned from In¬

duna. Where bo mime three speeches forIh* I'i pul.Iii ¦ms. He enjoyed his tripss i st mtv mm h.

Ur. Frank 1>. Cunningham B*Wreenteredflem lils recent illness, and ssiil return toIhe etty in » few days.

Dr. j. s. D. cullin returned to the cityyt -i. rday.Rlebmond College open* on Thursday

next. Randolpb-Maeon also iM.gin* it- nazi.i BStofl lb* -inn*' ('nv.The J. W. PbllHps before the Police

Ct mt Psturdsy ssas not .!. W. Phillips, tooof H.T. Plumps.The New York Boper* announce Hie

Dsrrisge thereof MuoJulb) Ahrahami,olHint city, to Mr. Henry E. Blrshberg, ofRichmond, Vu.Professor ,Limes a. Harrison, of Waeb-

lOgfon Mid Lee I'nivi i-i't. WSS in tin cityyesterday ra ronh from Mi Etoo, whore helins been *| i nding hi- tuealjon.The southern train over thfl Hi.-hmoed

mid Petersburg railroad waa one hoar enda half late in reaching hera yesterday eve-tiing. The delay wasoccaalooed by bas in¬to wait for a connection at Weldon".

Piano Kect tal.f. -t eveningeknger Hall was well Riled,

it being the occasion ol Professor AdolphMain I*- compliment iry piano recli il. Theaudience comprised tnsoy odour beal ama.tenn sad musical tJonaansa-Rtr*. Tbe lot-lowing wa- the pro-rraanoe:

I. Sonata, op, .vi. (Beethoven). Firs!lllnSlillcnt.

.j. a,Nocturne, op. 89, No. I; b, Mazur¬ka, |. :i_. Nu. ..*; c. Mazurka, op. 7. No.

,' Lupin).8. :>. Paraphrase, Schubert's Trout, St,

lltll.i'; b, Value.(Schubert); c, I'tuki-hMaren, Irom thi "Ruins of Athena,*'(flthovi n-Rublntteln).

4. PoIoboIso Charaeteri**tique, op. 8, (J.:- '..

.*.. ¦>. Gavotte (.!. 8. Bach): i-ranaoribe Ifnr ibo tefl band (R. Joscfly); b, Hunga¬rian Mardi (H. Kowalsky).

ii. Tanabnuser March (Wagner*Llast).A innic complete representation ->f the

advanced ichool of phtno-playlng woulddifll*ult ind. ul to prodoee in s tlogle pro-

i -uiii.if. Tbe audience waa pleased with¬out becoming tind or wearied, for eachDumbel evinced unlooked.for capacity OBthe part ol tbe talented perfotmer, Tbeplaying of Mr. Bauer la ehaiacterlstlc of

ri il warmth and entbushum a- well a- ti¬

ti ntion to tii" prop, r rendering ,,f th..n-potcr. The heavier numbers of tbe pru.gramme were rendered svith all the dashmd finish thal ssa- requisite to Interprettbe ('"inp..-. I- and properly entertain tin-gem ral li* tret.

'I be ( liopin Dumber* foi- flnlsb, delic icy,and Lciiits if conception were worthy ofnote Thc playing Ly left lund aloin vs u

e-pu'aliy praiseworthy. The Beeb Ga¬votte ss ta made attractive by '.!u* is it matter of congratulation that Rich¬mond poa.I a tine number ol pianist-.and that Professor Bauer lia* determinedto make bl* borne here, thus riding incaand welcome Impetus to the musleal pro¬gress of Blchmoad.

i'd .1 (oort.Thc following eases were dlsrposed ol

yest* rday morning:James Reynolds, draak. Continued till

;. -.I"ililis Cardin r. drunk and Interfering

with persons on the strut. Fined f_.50.Sallie Goode (colored. charged srith

being disorderly on tbe itreeL Fined12.00.Rebecca Johnson alias Balley (colored), ami disorderly oo thcstrecL Fined

John E. Heath, charged with fighting inthettreet. Fined*83.

Bi u'luniii Joni - ol id l. drunk. Fined12.William <T. Gentry, drunk on the Sab¬

bath day. Fined ft.Miry' Eliza Taylor irg I

With fighting in the -tn ci. K,i.Alic Marshall and Id i .les '. dh ">i-

lung. .1 wit li Liing disord* rh in thetlrrct. -inartful their g.I behavior re-

iu the sum ui | in for si. months.Washington im I (colored), drunk.

Fin,Zacl i li <i.:| i. n. drunk on Sunday.

cl-Mum .!. strange il, r d) ch urged svi:',

being druck and disordcrl) on tlie street.lill!Peter I wrenee (colored), diunk o-.i

-Lillias. In(.'manuel c.rt r(colored),drunk on Sun*

day. Fined -i.John Clements (colored), drunk on sun.

i! iv. I nu il 84.i:. trie Groh i, drunk. Flfli I --'..l.iini > * lil itham, Richard Johnson.

ul El ni-. Thomas B. Mriilin, sadAi timi- Book* were Bo* d ci each f ir keen¬ing unlicensed dogs on Men' pr: mite*.John Fultz, disorderly on tbe stn rt.

Fined 15.JobB Broun (colored*, charged wi,:,

being a raspicious character, Continuedto to-tlsv.

.liiiiiis B, White (* .lored), charged svi'i,ami batten aod Boed 15. Surety

fur hi* gund behavior rmolred.Hage NelaOB 'Colored), charged with

petit larceny. Continued to to-day.Randall Mann (colored), charged with

assault and battery. Continued to to-day.Air!.ur Shelton (colored), charged svitli

.a us. Discharged..iiiin - Fanner (colored), charged with

Mealing one bag ol flour ol the value ol fiftycen!-, the pn.pilis nf Peter M Ut ill. Sen'

j fur Hine ninidli-. ts iib I'lL.u-iii eli ii:i-... il. :.

Piter Robinson (colored), charged withStealing one piece of of the sahl" ol84.j,', ibe pr, pertj of Willi un Seers. Gull¬ly, -int ii pill for three mooth*, ss nhlam,!-. Ai peal Liken io the Hustlogs Court.

* i: ... i soul, ot m i nil!'".' I t'hur rh.lin- il Mason*, tbe Knights n!

Damon, and the Order of ¦.*'. Luke turned.ii, yesterdayeveonagI Mteodthehtriogof the i-orin r-stoiicof Ihe nev col ired Bap-,!-' CbUrcfa to !n- erected ll' the COT.HT olTtiuiiv-eighth and P fltreeta. Address*.tu n h livered by Dr, Corey sad Ber. Hr.Troy.


The Ariel.The Ariel will make tbe laat of those de

I(ghifol inooniighi nip- to Dutch Gap toright. Fare cheap, eoosponj plca*BOl,oo( Bhundoo!.

A «.rnuu.

lb tts Editor *>/ the Dmjpatt*Wo hope ,, wiii tun. ii the heart of mi

c, n«en pt Psthers winn they hear that tb:tax-piser grOOOfl flt evers sttleiuciit ol hiwaterHox.There ss::* lou,' tinic ago a dread o

scarcity of water. Hots money woiil,quiet thst fear. Sn tens of Hi minds veer,

appropriated. And Hun a wstfr-famlnwa, tim outouie. .Next ii clamor waraised beoooaa Bat water wa* dirty. Mormulley would clean lt. So the water liabrm tillered through aejORSO yard* of nev

eily bonds; and yet th** hydrant* afterrain girglc slush. Hut hush! it was healthslime. Alis! tho Hoard of Health just n.,vtell* ti* that two tadpolcereeks are feederto our triers oil"*, while the refuse of 3.)quarrymen lt Lorne along thc currentour gnat million-dollar I mk fur inc in on

tes-urn* and goblet*. A deadly fever |_v.idul the city during thc summer, killinour oelfrfabora and children. We mighcndiuc Ihe grinding tax for pur* watctbut we pay for a dirty solution. PaUaflMLae l-x-co.e B_UtRiBHtJ. . A Ci rut*.

Tbe Very Hlaaeat mt aili me Ula Onea.

Thc larvesi and Lest known ls thc .JohnHohinion Blion, which rxhlhtr* in Hrh-mr nd Thurs«!*y. ."> pfemht r _.Vh. it wmfirst started tn Hie year of om LorJ one

thousand eight, hundred lad twenty four,fifty-nine j ens ago. Tue f!r*t combinedcircus and iiicnTj.eri> tb. world iver knewor heaulot. And lt has always ben un¬

di r the < onfroi ol John KoR1n*o:i r.-.i.nHutt rm-flistiibt day until thc present tim \and to-day if rcprescnta Blore teressa¦..I It.l. (mploys more arti*.*, :i.:cnt*. and'alterers mid performers, his mme willliessts. largt r teufs, more scalinx I ipiclty,sad _i :iltagethttr nnd in tren ithru lime a* IsraS a- ant- other coia'.iue.lnhtbtttea un eaith. Don't forget the day.

Apple uni tt lille ' plrll*for bnadytag psnabn. Canst Vinegar fouri, als old, anti tat-h BpMM at

<Ti.asTitN & Wmtt'ii.

a not in c * iMuni.i or rail i.oimi*.

Plaid*. Check*, Cheviot*. M-Itm*. Pl-.pi.s.Ae. John I.tT'ireiir.

4 Tenth street.

t ...nil ul. Iv I'ttre Npiee*.whole and gnuiud, for pi klintrnnd pre-renrlng, at Bobtas's dLnigstore, Ml BarthIscana Hreat, Wtsnn <!>y and Leish,amt nu 1,tither in BTMS tim ii mu.'ii of theInisli told iu tinily places under tic BJB0Mof spi,, I. Wc als,, pike i>R"i-urc in s ij m ;

you can :. ,-t thc t.-t medicines, in lsrge or-111,11 qnantlHri *. put up in lae best saanaeraat vert m. ,1, rale |.ri,-e*, Try him. liven.ty-eigiit )< ar-' sspasnaaa,

ri., mi.l I aeiirwlon.The la*t SRaanSBB hy the steamer Ariel

vu --o-th ndifllv piitroni/'d snd salendly the (ive hundred vt hi went on it thst itRi* t.en decided to repeat it to-niirht,luesdsy, _*s*ptember i.ith. The fare bmlen phMrd flt tba extremely Imv i-f'.'.I cent-, willi un charge for childrennader ten* ,,r aaa. Masts, daaeHar,hof-tlsl, supp, r. .afr. *!niicn'. . Ac , Ac, an-

::ni.'ti_r the inaiiv BttnettOM ..(T, red on tillsdellgfatfel «rul lo Dutch (Jap and return.

Thc it... IU.rl.l_, vim,, Sining*have now, tte understaiul, a good eoinptnynitban increased mini tin nag r, a ,i ,v-.

'I tn ¦.Grand lintel " win lemaH nasa aa*till the i*t .,f uctober.

TO MAKi: a salad tba. is cen.,,:. I" pbs-. .11

n*aa rea asaiaaly _»«. Di at kb k's sal tn ina --.

ts,.. Bl tl Ills' .s(lll,l t. lt WI- .ter olTe!-l, Hldii. ii, -,, [m pillar, lt toa -iib. rb table aurc.

.ti isofl HanBTBBsrr..Afl tnt let, ir ».-¦.1 I, I . Hell-. Pell!!-. Hld .,,|V-|l,',,l,.!/ll..ami Bool snap*. Lum li BoiMMdRnlriIB.OflMpDrawiafl Beti risHn. Cialeas. Bates, Sp stn*,P. ne,'-. IT ii-,ne I IR hlei-, ,,'d i.kl nk"ii liiey-

ch-l'lfc ... VV . II VM-e ll V I si.LI-ll.

Tiuw.VV nar n If

ll il,i I'.-t r,-i inti v, r BC -i ¦! "ii '!,..

mark. oi iBBllaHeas. Ran IttxTSBrar i-.- s

bead an .mi t with the laHttl I", tv.

Tm- l.i-i'tn H .lo,i.|'i'f,at:i; Hoi*,: |a tlur-uirli'v ,'ii'MT"! I" .!" all kinds nf BOOK- ash

I- 'I.-I'll! TIN', lt Ul' hertel notlee.

t DOWN-TOWN MERC'IIANT Hiving-*'»- pi,--id -i ter il -h. |. -- n i.V ..: ld 1,,.. bi

th* Ifonlri amt erl' « of .i taft rb.i' child, in,! h,-lulu c. nt Bal MP-. IV lN-Ri >VV-

-..i I MIN,, s- |;| p *». p.., ,n,. ar'u-le a I :oi,, i.,di u| ply I'er the eli,I,I. iiunebi

sadacayaalatlaa hi- atnj altt what M -Md a.-.

in ii ni edlebavi ltadaatalienad tottnahUd, .-

:-. noni.,..p'.iiivBlfM theeblldi Mil . Iwitboni deep. Benaalafl bens tl* daj Mtoelaitl, rn! ei foaad Bm baby *un aw

oBtemplaUafl sn .ti,, r -bept. -- sight, ir, ttotott, |,.,d Iron, the room lu al!, od lu -.iii. ,1

d-tie*and left tb.- IMber with '.'.. ebil i.ii. r .vi-eli.-.' ii. -,.inii,.pt, n ., Bastin "f lb.

¦_¦ svrup tn un baby sad In itblnf.That Blflhl nil hind- riflflg aga I Ha lit lt i. I-

IB i-i. ki 111 Hie ne rnlu.' bil.-lit ind htpp;. Tbem. ir. r b .- a llfll t, J with the s-i'i b ii nu I aroa-I. rlul lum... nnd dib. .i_h At fir-' Wt i! IMIdata pt!' li r o peel upon lier, bu- e ,i.IU,h, 1 t u

Hu - imp. mel -ulTt rln_, ervin* b.ild, una re a: ¦.-

iiid.i-h.v dlupjiafBd V -li,_b tri d ,.f th.- sj.rup in vcr vi t tAll'-d to ItBeVS tl I bab) an I ot. r-

e. m. ibe 1 r> Jii'IRa - Bf lb, inutlier.sob! Lyall Url. lg. !',..

n I'.-eodlw

Al ri liol SHIS 1 III*. I) lt.

P. IL ( ,,..K. ld A. M..,I,-) _,,., p. -hoes. 4e.e of ,t ol,

CIR PAGE.6:30 P. H-daut-grd

ararth.TtTANTED.- *. LADY OF -t Cl l>*- ITl l-l l. \i r ¦>. in i-i la- wi-he* to I

niakean I v,, \ im- uk I N-i !ns. -splN. s|.,. ,,.,.¦ tilth, Kr- n< Music, and Millie on Plat.-ur.-,;, a !-dr, .. -'nil! fl term-. .. I.B.C.," in nf Loller-,-, ru S". !. i...-w.H»

WWI Ir TO SELL TUu yt,r\,.lt -"it- One bat ttvea pla* three wed,

ti,,- iii, . . two wen* old.luck. Call st 181.1 west Clay *lr**>-c n;-!.-

T\ AN ll 0, .V BITI \T l"N IN MIMETv 11.-h..--. by a voanjr maa trbo I* m

vv. r!. ind .' .11 .: ei" l'"lli III":¦ ¦' V' p|j to Pod-,lill -,-

.. Pl., s--.c.!-it i.i Bt«

lCAM I I'. SOO « OLOH I ll COAL-lt vn ni-1:- IND I.AM IP FUt*. with or wiih-

lu,', If f lllio Tu I nu v, ,. p .ii -rp*.

v.-. at)B 16-11 Sn. B iturtli

"f_I7 ANTED.A ook, WA8HEBlt and li:.,NI B. V, n 1 I


\\'A s'T I !'. \ -a i i n i|y. U ASHLI!ty vni. ln.iNKit.v-iiii'iiii iin-iii,,'

p. A. ii vi- ii B,714 eitt I

4 DBI GOIS1 OF MM'. YEAB-' KX-V\ pi Bil ¦¦: vni. v ,,P vd; vrr: inlll.VR'Vl V V D| IR'i s\ si K vi PiN luwho!, "-di r retail l,.s,-.. Addn IL X.


.t i.plv ll ll:' ,,l i.i.i -tr el ttl " t

14-81 .'. fri. IHHtSi V I I.I.I- N.

\r.\Mi:i', A FIBST-CLAS. i OOKlt ¦¦; I i-i "ll, .. Hie Whoind well recommended will receive Stud wanAp, Iv ,' .." 'j 1 1 i -a Hi -ir.. >. -. 14:lt

"WAN II'IR \ i;|>... TABLE iill!ltl .-:: -j ii n v.uvi vn IWHITRI lo dna, i ,: .-..¦"ti, ia i itnatl family. Brina re-

"linn, ;,. anon. Applv si 1*1", elli .'rni'lu,-il

WANTED, ui i i i' a \ ri Kui:UBI r 1, ROOHM. ail uv

without BOARD, tl Blfl a, ., t UT, -i,,ii.

_ac lt- ¦'

TfTANTED. ONA GOOD UANDIIl M v Iv. IL io *,rk un Hick candle-"

Al-.,, lvv,, li H.I'M.'-, witta *oine exjmti,-¦,.* . «-oil-tluuotisi'i || ,'tiueet warriiiireil.

... 14 -a <-. /.. dViMt. ITI- "Vf .in I'l .

,\rANTED. A GOOD llul'-K -K.t-VAN! vndi.imvur Apply at No. J4S0

¦ 1-ril

WANTED, Pl I'll.- IN VOCAL ANDINSTR! Min I IL vu si, \\,.,id t, a,

a United aninber In txebsnci furhoai iiun,inI. II.-.1 referri.rt /Iven. Addri-s- tlt'si,'.ear*Carrie* ceitv. nl8-4 *




TIIKKK 1 IH-1 s \\n Vii *J 1KB WAN TKIIli Vt i.R'K ON PIUa.-!s!T,NK IN S'RU TOBB

ri UV. <.I pay. I-la'hl hour*. Work -ur.tomcat once. Apnlv at any y«_r>l la thecity. Uvurdtr of H.. tl v-i 1; STUNI -. I ll Ri:*' \-s. . i vi n in._n 10-61

rANTED,TOLENDAT0PBB! KM.f *3.tji!tl oil 44.,»,,,). Beeorsd hy BBlBtian

beredcity real ettate. Ko rommiialon*. Ad irv-ini-N .-. ,, : i-iw*

WANTED, A VulMi LADY DC*sn:!s |,, i.m, na. wu ii r .v.

s. Html. itv ok COUN RV. Vs ;i v, a i:ol PPtNo Keferenre*riven, lu, n,. m..1. cite.Ad. Ml *n . ;>|ai,..W. ..Cl-.. si IU-J.


HlsTi.-t prifSM it,! Bl de|Mil, in Kl bin u, I ,.,

M ll 1. A. idle-.v.D. -llnrwi.LI. A CO..

v _l-,s..llui_Mimd ei" Va.

WAST ED, A B1TUA.TI09 TOTBAi lltu a r.viiUly or .<-1m--I hy a lad) of many

lear..' experience, well .|.i_ll t. .1 i u-»-li all IM_r*-'Ml blsinTim. tr. neb. Baale m, i'l,,,.. :uiia -in. Bsst refereaete alvea aad -e.iuir.-.i. aa-__en Mis. M., ere l'ustiinisie,. Haunter ri ourt'

V^_ac __-Tut I


PO. llloN IB !!!, atp,NI. uli >, ll I s 1 , i-t.nVKUNKss. Teaches Kiijtllsh. Ineliidiua h._B;-r Matheiiiatlc*. I'reuch. Vocal ind Instruui.aei,MiLstr. iud rudiment* of Latin. Would not ubs-cilo actina a* NIK.KUI (iOVRKNltSa. Best rf.rence«flven.* TKACIIKR. eire Cirrlei

H. city._St I*.,*, iritt*

1 f)irml\ TORS SUMAi- WASTED,1,1 ll Af for w),..l, I wilt icuuranlec the btgBMmaiketiirlre In CASH.H.i.ifrii. Vt uti for au .titiui..

I.KOItl.K T. KISti8400 to _300 VV ilium tei.-_ av.,:

in 19 niels Hicbiu nd. Vi.

TOWT. SITBtVl ll riystll KM Ml

IusT. LAST EVENING, A BUNCHJ OK KTYS. lsdween TweRth aol I'si v st-vsa

and sei-ond and (Tay. K'n-let *lil U- rvmrdedIbe key* ire tel. al OCfl B. o- I. vKl f *,

lelft-.t*_nett to _)i-7,.|4>-i ¦>lB.-e.

I OST, MONDAY, -iEPTKMBEB BruJ 1 Vi oi.old ll v Nt.I.V*. Tbe "li dir Will h

r.-war.'.i*.; Ry letllna Iheui al Bill e.l-.' IT tel. 16-ll*

tues* WOaSBwar faBPBBBhISpre'il trls»rsai*»lbe DSsestrB.I

WisBiKnToy. seT*tA-mber 18.1:88 A.M.->r the Mi-hi I' Allantle St_te», lair w«*v

er, southerly wind*, MitlOaary teiaper-ire. ,

For t!,» South AtlinHe *Anlo*. frenertl v

lr wrath rr, north to eist winda, slightii'Ugck tn temiieratnrr.Tub wenana vksisboat wa* elear aad"I.Tiikbmoustl'r Yr*TB*DiT : 8 A. M, 88;A. M.. 87* noon. 77; 3 P. M., 78; 8 P...71; midnight, ti inp. rs!i:re. TO'- fl.

A iiim»i.'I'>" qmetlv I.vnebed.-*I'v nillir,id. lutlK IM.y_.fB,J

VS i n iv,tux. Kan., Scptc-aber IV.rank Jone*, thc despertdo, wbo shat Wll-am (Sallie*, and fired into several hotlSMnc list t*sturday, wis iratettr lytielird be¬llen 1 and 8 o'clock Hil, morr.lnr hy(Hen or twenty armed men, tv bo took the Jail nnd banged him from a gang-lank used Ls workmen at the new r-ourt-BBRO building.







H. or* orusr..TiiTsTwii.t. nekdtoai»-




EADY TO A.-t-isT I'Altl NTs ARI* H ARD-


Ll. TIIK LS Tis r .IS Pis AT K*MIv-U>T-

Mt nut t:r.-.

SSE ari: SIIOSVIM. Hoi lit.i: THC STD. lt

N ul I* HOS -. AND Mlll.liH.S'i HHWRT-



HHS-- -t M-.

i _n_DR.!._ sriT*!,

lt NI I. I".SvTaI..>I'N-.I.. 'Vi. PINT SLOiiN*.

KILT sd ll* ANU vp-.

inntT-e. vi-i-:am* nov*-hat*.

vt .st:r. RI shy .sm. ssh lim. BO M Bi I


A. SAK* * < O.,

Ll snit:- in i i.oihin.,,

lui 1 Main staler.

i *. tai

\?t>u hint, a i'i.i:\-\M st ir#*jJ? op roi b !.¦. "S, witaBi

I boUW-ka* lin.- I ,. !.

ri lit teated ... I.a':- ... .S'MtJ.I loS n

.,t._se lilt

TV AN il.. \ (I EtKISIIED ll*'ll for the winter mull M»v next, on lr i.kiln Inst, x .1.1. ... 111... ii ai in I lerni-,.- .

i;u>; BEST. \ I IM. -I ll cl' *.*¦r L'l.oS!-. v.~.t druci itnet. n. a .tndlK-lMiiilli. A. H. ..


1,'ul: HEN l\ !'! SIB M.'! HIM' KernV IMS I ll INi, N ll rt!, I ,,.h -ir.-,,6i_i

si un sud P: tullin -tni'ii.

\iss nci ti uss n.i.iNi. v.. j-f. w.

? lltel -I X lu. ins 'lilli l.t. i.e.- I I J; r annum,UKI* Iv DSVH I IM. i

. mpmvi ¦... ni- N, 11 - - nilliipi r. liambli '. lim - *«ii nen n ira,

sp,.i s-.H i \ i:: sii s ..< s i uliSS H LIM Nu. -, ttAKW a

uni Mntb .'¦- .-ii ibis > r . i.'.r-l-ii,.-iM ss ANTI si if " fis i BRU K nu l.t..

IN... with im derri lin| I'ut., ii ui-iii-itili un, I k.-iry uraadloil-: -gi" ,-¦¦ .nc

ti..' ii I"':-, -sn I, tls-»r.M**VTlil-1* li H'S 1 I INO, WU* uri lam *.

il imt In ll. n-

dei «,.'. i-i a un IV. ll I.YNi * ..

,eI4-.II I 1 1 * SM-1, -..-!._

1', R LIN I. I Wt>STORY BBK K-f*.liSV Si LIN.. (rf Ml n- tn-. N fl 7 fe-.

i;, ree, il SIS*, ari saaasi.t i in -ii: sill .. vi ul) :. * BOtr I

DW ELLI Ml \ *-'. 'v..-.ilv fuiirti. a,.

itu, ii Broad .md Sl.xr-1. ill -'ii t.. Bl I i. <M« r . i-

SI-'.. LS H'M ll'llt h list i.l.l IV s .. illMtv., stn 11. in vu.,,, ri pal -t *.',i pei ia "i'ii.

.SI... BRU k |,S\ M.I IM. ,-r ix r,-. N ..

li"," in r'li I w- nd '!, .i .,,. I' 4P' ."." |k> ra

tl BRM K nil,, ot -Ix r , s

I|.i».-i ..ii -I' el. it tl - prk.'I,.SI ...Ul- -ll* MUM. EB tSH IIWELI INO N

t',1.', tt..i erna -tn,', .-..hut dur -Ix¦*:.!" per aiuism. SV H. I.VSK .t , ...en |. ,¦ I

. 14 H MI'S',

j \\s KI.I.IN*.- I..;: BEIT.r*gi -ll«..| i, ru.-, -ti-vi: lu r

N.. il HWlai -. nd «'r ft: .! r mu..i-t ..) -t..i:: ii meets.

N ;..-, e.eni 'r ,e tiree': 7 lM,.41_ north t IMitn -'tu*: lt". -¦

ll. L. -i s; i s .- c ,... lt--!

_110.1 Main sti****t.

I.V.It BENT, THAT LAH'.I". ANH-noUtrMlLMll SI... SI li -1DLM *;¦__

Nu. ...on ,.,.| S| . , ,,|.-, rt.iit!-'ri.iitis. Ai ui

-. Lau. sat i a, -, !.. .snilly laJohn r. (.tAiott,

Real Lsisn- Are it,-. 1 l-*..d lt Kl* ... I' .. .',- .-.

L.ult KIA I. THAT DESIKABLEMi. ItKulHi \* LSOit. it li rac - a-all!k Mi . -INI Lt-A ROOMs. xwilli '.in. r.

in I. lilsun r. ami »«»i ru .[ .1iltli *tue l.i keep nut ill vcn-iln. ...iui.vti.ui ti rr iu..Ha pip.', wu. Bli I .¦ IImlile lr* i.-. R. nt iiiniers-- t i". **.*-tessioa O* n isr ll. EDWIN B.-NKVO.

«¦ 10-IOel Ul ', ( .ri .11.'

Folt BBXT, THAT ll\NT)S()Mt:**sillli:t L-tul.S Ki:PK IH tl.DIN,. ush-l

i au corner Slain iiulTweiuy-tlurdali,I ¦! ir...;' Mrs. t .--n St. ,

ll ,!.!. ,i I, infill .- rd a I .-ru* lad \- i r.-'r.xi it mi -..I ail iroui.d by a lair.ill i.i fi tn .. ti .

tu,..!. Mn..-41 si'Jn L.t. »i-x, sud eater ia Uwbouse. IV -M-sai'iii elven or*it)>.r 1st. Artuly ni

J. h. M 'I LOT,t t-lb.siiATu St MM i-i Mi. a


Iitits'iNs trloo ino board in anilvire faintly can etrtareORI si l'VR\Tt_

.it TWO ( ilSSfciiiM! ( I* Wi Ur: Ks. i,.n.l__BWor uufutii sin;il. By ..cnlM I

Mst, RO ll'.SS ARD.117 iie-t ... ter -trw .

l'rlr_l« ts-rlK ir deslmil. s 7--.. rslTi**

nt 11>ot Bart ntiiiMihiB*. I Ol I'l IV SV.AT*H-SVi)HS»,»Kn nuiisii, S i , -a-uu uioer le. Imm,. v


TO-DAY,BOiSOSS urwiies fi-em auuoyau c by -ai lux


w.\rn: Tt KNKH Oif'r TO-MORROW.

'«10-lt_i. L. 11AVU, Beprtia'i-oilcnU

1 ILEAsK BEMKBEH TH IT THs.MA-A l.M lil Ntl*AW VV Cl SI ts. HS. '( V,..I ;III.ll M V lT|-..-iil> ,,, il,,. ..a,-l sud M>,UerAile h. Will STEAM Vol M V-:\-MllKSai luskr ai.yili.i.e -VireS tu i-« ll I)WRU LINE. Pl Kt HAIR. EXATH-RIi»lll l Ks. .ti.-., alua,, un It.iuJ. khi « bo tiu1"1""1..-»".' r ''*¦»' uni. ra wilh M| .JilliR A"

»sir bi:ii.

.L>olt KIN I. si;, I,nh Fi.Mtiu.g***t,l, ill .a liSi ni. ld i-Hiv ti a ml. I.uciu,,,,

icty d. sliai:. I'm. t'JO. Ru. HOS I'raaltlia

.i'ii-' Betwere I IrlitiaiiT N nu',, mir itu- * apl-il.-, |.l >..

I'ull BEST, BBK K DW KLLIXO,. I if*ii iirret, betwe* 11 Ly tad_.t lulns i-nt r omi i.-.i.i... iiu-'msi

..i.l it .ut,' i..i.-. ..ul iii iiiu.l.-ru inn rose¬lin Its.

tllrp K HSl I-Ll.IM. N... r-igtl UetOSs,n* I. betwe. n l.tur-l "l-l. ifrr. ... i,isl.t milli.- kr,late, sltchtfl l l*M*_MS

ll I I' ,||.,*l'lll lill]..-! t, HUHU.-., .. uitl< K Hiv I i.l.lm. ResBIBOsrvitlBBl.

between Lanni and lu rry.lUlalBg Mg*lI- ,! || ll. " i. ", p| .\. ¦(

BRI* K USS I Ll.IN., N .. -,'t( .rt «tny|,i. in.. n r. lsd Mri .: ilaltrooms anal tn. di rn ¦'

SI-,.. I RAME DWI..ANO Ko.BM I arynrswt,.tarrara I -"tn-1 -u-.l .,., ir-, ,- nialiilu/ tist:.. . Ida lu. lu li¬

ll.-H DOS TSVI.OR.Baal L-' kt* Wuit.

1 ri r I I. vi-nlli md ll.nt ¦"- ^'s.

i;ui: ltEMT, REAB "iii' i. "N#aI 1 lt. SND rSS.t I .ii!i.,IM,._tl

BOOMb "N illlltl. Loop.Bael net Eli t.>

I*. *-.- sv vNiin. an tieort-B* il ot* livs'H.i..INO- ,'¦ -i.| ;it .iri " Bil .-. Ins. r .ai

,.Itt LU- .v. \i-l RtsON.ReBl Bl*. tic at ..-I t i-'u...ivr-.

.c Ifl-emllil_

IjiOR BENT, SUITE *>K Kui it tfOjI IKIMB. kltll .f li-llei -'lil. m. --tatl

ti ti. r. V-. -. i « -. '.r,raul* itlo. |,ie. Mr -nial! Uillly.RVw limi-e,with

all ne deni ci,. . . r tn uit_A| |..t Ul .luilN T. UODIUM.

Rid Katti* Sai til... Ul--. Ul U-ii.k ind ii sili-lr.r,.

I.H.It KEN I. A -ll I' UP 1¦'¦'I'itfOOjinwHiiM, Booms n\ -i iNtiSLA

STORY. '. '. 1)5 efl

INRI-. Ns V07 es.l Bnod airewl:«..-! I « i

MAS K.CMKM' ui li EtfcbtU ,1 .,.

i«.| t ivW|illy. UK'MAS K. C«K**l"*ll SW