The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St …


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The Parish Magazine for the parishes of

St Catherine and Holy Trinity Ventnor and St Boniface Bonchurch


Articles for the SEPTEMBER Magazine should be handed to the

Editorial team by AUGUST 15th please.

You can hand it in at the Hub or email it to Joan Garlick

or Chris Maguire at

Size format for Link pages A5 - GILL Sans MT - font size 11

Hand written reports/articles are accepted if you do not have access

to a computer.

The Julian Group Will meet at The Hub in St Catherine’s Church

on the 2nd Friday each Month - 2pm

10th JULY - 11th SEPTEMBER Encouraging people

to practise contemplative prayer in their daily lives. For further information contact:

Hilary Davis - 855797.

All welcome.

Editorial Team:-

Holy Trinity Church - Gill Chaloner …….... 854659 St Catherine's Church - Chris Maguire…...852121 St Boniface Church ...........................

The production cost of The LINK is subsidised by

The HUB. Please give it your support.


Dear friends.

I'm sure that you are all familiar with the words of

Fagan's song about being 70! " When you're old and

you're cold, no-one cares if you live or you die......The

one consolation, the money you may have put by!"

Well having now reached this august age, I feel able

to contradict his miserable and negative attitude.

Life is good and a gift from God. Living, sharing and working in Ventnor and

Bonchurch is both a privilege and a source of pleasure and joy to me and I

know that my two school friends feel the same way as I do. Jan as P.C.C

secretary in church, in Broadstairs and Audrey still working part time as an

officer in the Salvation Army in Maidstone. In 3 different places, with different family set ups, our 3 lives have been

woven in mixes of happy marriages, children and Christian witness and

worship. To celebrated 70 years of life we turned to Shakespeare for

inspiration: " when shall we 3 meet again' but not as witches!!

And so......

We agreed to hold special events, involving bowling, beetle drives, fish and

chips and family get together. Having a much smaller immediate family I

decided to have a special thanksgiving event (over 2 days) at home, I should

think that most of Ventnor knows that I've got a new kitchen, so I want to

show it off - as a fund raising event for the hospice to give thanks for the

very special help they provided for John and myself when he was so poorly.

It made all the difference, and enabled him to stay at home with the family

until he died peaceably.

And so..... I invite any and all to come and join the celebration (date still

dependent on builders/decorators).

May god bless you all,

With love. Hilary.

P.S. It will be called "Gawp, Guzzle and Give" for the Hospice..


Holy Trinity Times

“That Was the Week, That Was….”

Do you remember the satirical programme starring Lance Percival and Millicent

Martin? The opening lyrics went on, “It’s over, let it go….”

Well, that certainly WAS the week, that was, between May 31st and June 7th! In

competition, or maybe, contrast, with Hugh’s “Week in the life of a Vicar” in the

last Link, this is a “Week in the Life of Three Parishes.”

We “kicked off, as it were, with a Joint Service of Holy Communion at Holy

Trinity to celebrate Trinity Sunday. Lots of people from all three parishes plus

some visitors, TWO organists (Duncan and George), a full choir, an uplifting

sermon, an athletic thurifer…and a crowded hall for coffee and cake!

On the Tuesday, Bonchurch’s monthly Coffee Morning was well-attended, with a

lovely atmosphere and plenty of things to eat (great rock-buns!) Wednesday was

taken up with making and freezing lasagne for Messy Church, while at Bonchurch

the Flower Ladies (and gentlemen) of various places were busy setting up for the

Flower Festival(s)…one in each church…and the County Press took photos of Joan

Wolfenden’s tapestries for a different article entirely!

By Thursday, St Catherine’s was a hive of activity with a lot of strenuous chair and

table-moving by some very noble souls (you know who you are!) ready for the

Macnaughton-Howe Arts and Crafts Festival on the Friday and Saturday, while at

Bonchurch the Preview of the Flower Festival went very well on the Thursday night

with some distinguished visitors. Over at Holy Trinity, the combined choir

practised for the Evensong to be held on the Sunday night at St Boniface, when

Bishop Christopher would preach.

On Friday, the Hub was busy as the judges judged the entries and Steve Northern

nobly kept open in the afternoon for visitors to the Craft Festival. He was so

successful that another batch of cakes had to be made for the Saturday! Those at

St Boniface enjoyed a steady stream of visitors at both churches and an excellent

concert by QuintIsle in the evening.

Saturday saw the choice of seeing the Macnaughton-Howe displays in all their glory,

enjoying the Willow Pattern and Psalm 150 arrangements at Bonchurch or

participating in Messy Church at St Francis School. Here about 45 children and

adults joined in craft activities based on “The Good Shepherd”, had a time of

worship together and ate (nearly) all the lasagne, followed by ice cream, fruit salad

and meringues!

On Sunday, we all had morning services in our own churches, though even this

involved a dash between churches by Hugh and George! Evening brought a time of

prayer at Bonchurch Old Church, a well-blessing at the attractively decorated


grotto, and Evensong at the Parish Church with some lovely music and a cheerful

sermon from Bishop Christopher. If you were short of something to do between

morning and evening services, there was a Scones and Scales Concert in the

afternoon at St Catherine’s with Michele Brock and her pupils, in aid of the Friends

of St Catherine’s, which was greatly enjoyed by those who went.

Looking back, it WAS a hectic week, certainly “The Week That Was!” But we

can’t say, “It’s Over, Let it Go” without reflecting on all those people who gave

their time, effort and expertise in so many ways. People from all three churches

(plus helpers from other churches at Messy Church), flower-clubs, organisations

providing displays at the Macnaughton, movers and shakers, long-term planners,

behind-the-scenes workers, musicians, bakers, Hugh trying to show his face at

every event……and of course, the number of people coming through the doors!

It’s a pity that we can’t add together everyone who came, starting with Trinity

Sunday and ending the Sunday after, to all FIVE Churches, (Holy Trinity,

St Catherine’s, St Boniface Old Church, St Boniface Parish Church and Messy


And just a postscript to the Forgotten Few……THANK YOU for clearing up



Since then, life has slowed to a (slightly) more normal pace, though, as in this next

poem, it’s easy to be lulled into a sense of false security. I wrote this a couple of

years ago, while contemplating what was supposed to have been….


I have a day of leisure

To use it as I will,

It will be quite a pleasure

To have some time to kill!

BUT I need to change the bedding,

To write to various friends,

(I know where this is heading,

A task that never ends!)

The silver should be polished,

A cake put in the oven,

The ironing pile demolished,

(I really am a sloven!)

The windows have got blearier


So summon up the strength,

Hoover the car interior

And shampoo it, full length.

I SHOULD clear out the garage

And organise each jar,

I’ll just ignore the barrage

Of advice from near and far!

The children may be thinking

Of coming for the day!

(Oh dear, my heart is sinking)

“Of course you must,” I say.

“Just take me as you find me!”

The chaos reigns supreme.

My leisure time’s behind me,

It passed……just like a dream!

GHANA NEWS I have no particular news from Ghana this month, but would like to point you

towards the Concert by the Undercliff Singers on Friday, July 10th, at 7

St Catherine’s, in aid of the Special School in Tamale There will be a retiring

collection……and if you would like to come in Ghanaian dress, please feel free!

AND (Fanfare of Trumpets!), our FINAL EPISODE in the


And so we meet….

ZADOK THE PRIEST (How many of us can see that without bursting into song?)

He was a priest at King David’s court, along with Abiathar, and had charge of the

Ark of the Covenant. He took part in the anointing of Solomon as David’s

successor (hence the anthem) while Abiathar supported Adonijah. Zadok and his

descendants discharged their chief-priestly duties in Solomon’s Temple until its

destruction in 587 B.C.

ZEBEDEE (No, not the Magic Roundabout one!), but the father of the Apostles

James and John and the husband of Salome. A Galilean fisherman, probably of

some means, he lived in or near Bethsaida.

And a lady close to my heart…SAINT ZITA (c 1215-1272), patron saint of

domestic servants. At the age of twelve, she entered service in Lucca in Tuscany.

Misunderstood and badly treated at first, she won over the Fatifelli family, her


Ventnor Townswomen's Guild

Next Meeting - “Holiday Hiccups” with - Val Walsh

Third Wednesday in the month at 2.15pm

in the Common Room at Knight's Court, Ventnor.

employers, by her patience and religious fervour and then influenced others in the

city and further afield. She is even mentioned in Dante’s “Inferno.”

A ZUCCHETTO is the small round skull-cap worn by Roman Catholic priests

during the Mass. The Pope wears a white one, cardinals a red one, bishops a

purple one and everyone else a black one.

And last of all….Ulrich ZWINGLI (1484-1531), leader of the Reformation in

Switzerland. Due to his stance on the Eucharist as a purely symbolic meal, he fell

into dispute with other Protestants of the Swiss Reformation and finally died in

battle leading four cantons of Switzerland against another five.


Ideas of what to do next on a postcard, please!

‘Woody Guthrie: Hard times and Hard Travelin’

Friday 17th July 7.30pm Holy Trinity Church

A live documentary that sets the songs of Woody Guthrie in the

context of the American 1930s - the Dust Bowl and Depression.

It is given by Professor Will Kaufman,

leading expert on Guthrie and author of

‘Woody Guthrie: American radical’, who also sings the songs.

Tickets: £5 on door. Info: 853729.

If you can't sleep, don't count sheep. Talk to the Shepherd.



July and August

As this means planning well ahead, please keep your eye on the Pew Leaflet for

any events which may be added after the publication of the Link.

Sunday July 5th Picnic and Putting in the Park

after the 10.45 service at St Catherine’s Church. All welcome.

Wednesday. July 8th Holy Trinity PCC, 7.00p.m. Choir Vestry

Friday, July 10th Undercliff Singers, St Catherine’s,7.00p.m.

Sunday July 12th SEA SUNDAY At Holy Trinity’s 6.30 Service,

the speaker will be Andrew Asher on behalf of Missions to Seafarers.

Friday, July 17th Woody Guthrie Concert, Holy Trinity 7.30p.m.

Street Pastors out in Ventnor.

Monday, July 10th Bereavement Group, the Hub 2 p.m.

Saturday, July 18th Messy Church at St Francis School, 3-5p.m.

Sunday, August 9th Carnival Service , St Catherine’s 10.45a.m.

Wednesday, August 12th Carnival, Street Pastors out in Ventnor.

Saturday, August 15th Carnival, Street Pastors out in Ventnor.

Thursday, August 20th Ministry Team Meeting, Hub, 7.30p.m.


September 5th - Horticultural Show - 2pm

September 12th Fred Hohman / Edwin LeMare Talk and Concert, Holy Trinity.

Details in the September Link.

Sea Sunday, 12th

JULY is when the Church

prays for all those who live and work at sea.

Without them we would not have most of the

items we buy in the shops.


Last months photo

Write down your Caption suggestion for this photo and drop it off at the

Hub. The best will be published in the next Link

The Citizens Advice Bureau Money Advice Unit

Every alternate Friday from 12.00 noon

in the Green Room, Salisbury Gardens, Dudley Road, Ventnor,

For an appointment please call – 01983 823898 Ext 2825


Do I have to pose like this?


On reflection, Hilary regretted the idea

of acting out Noah's Ark. Some of the

children monkeyed around enough

already without the adults joining in!



St Boniface and Bonchurch

Bonchurch Flower Festival

Our recent Flower Festival was, I think, a great success in all sorts of ways. The

standard of flower arranging was outstanding. I know a great many people thought

I had really gone too far choosing such an ambitious theme for the Parish Church

but it really worked so well. Once everyone had got their head round it and had

chosen/been allocated a part of the story to interpret, they all picked up the theme

and ran with it. The result was stunning. In addition we were able to show off the

re-ordering of the church to its best advantage. The fine weather highlighted what

a charming tea garden our pretty and peaceful churchyard makes.

In the Old Church the theme of Psalm 150 was interpreted with great sensitivity.

We were fortunate to have been loaned so many props, namely, Sarah Wright’s

harp, a trumpet, a miniature set of drums, large trumpets and a mandolin. These

were all very bold arrangements with a modern twist to the one accompanying the

drums. Yet the piece that stole the show for many people was the woodland

arrangement with its attention to minute detail.

The congregation and in particular the members of the social and fund raising

committee worked hard to make sure that participants and guests alike felt well

looked after. All the ladies on the working day were so appreciative of the

refreshments that were prepared for them. A wonderfully happy and industrious

atmosphere prevailed. Sandra Gonzalez and her band of volunteer helpers from

the village, who gave so freely of their time, provided the most delicious food both

for the preview reception and for the duration of the festival.

Quintisle gave a delightful concert on St Boniface Day which was enjoyed by a

good sized audience. Drinks in the interval demonstrated how versatile the new

Chapter House can be as we put away the tables and converted it into a reception


We were delighted to welcome Nigel Hartley, the new CEO of the Earl

Mountbatten Hospice, with whom we are sharing the proceeds, to the preview

reception. The festival closed with a visit from the Bishop Christopher. He just

had time to inhale a cream tea before hurrying down to the Old Church for a

short service of prayer, then sprinting up the hill to the grotto for the (belated)

St Boniface Day Blessing and from thence to the Parish Church for traditional

evensong accompanied by a joint choir.


Monthly Coffee mornings

St Boniface Church. First Tuesday each month

10 -12pm

All welcome

I have to say, that successful as it was, there were several “you could not make it

up” moments. The first was when on the Monday of the festival week the round

window up above the altar looked like a washing machine with a swarm of bees

whirling round and round them. Much scratching of heads ensued to try and find a

solution amid mutterings of our old friend health and safety. Suffice to say we

were able to proceed with preparations. On the morning of the main working day

when it was going to be absolute mayhem my husband received a call from the

county press to say they wanted to come and take photos! I had my first loss of

sense of humour of the day. “Don’t worry” she said on arrival, “I’ve been asked to

take close ups of the tapestries for an article appearing in this week’s edition”. I

dare say Jo public found the inclusion of an undressed dummy and a pagoda in the

pulpit somewhat confusing in the subsequent article! Later on in the morning a

couple arrived to say that the church warden AKA my husband had said they

could took take some publicity photos by the grand piano, (2nd sense of humour

failure!) They then proceeded to change into full period Scottish Costume and do

a mock rehearsal in full voice, dodging the flower arrangers running in and out of

the kitchen with oasis and the catering crew with teapots etc trying to serve

refreshments! On the first morning of the festival I was tidying up and watering

the arrangements prior to opening when I noticed at the foot of the St Catherine’s

charming fruit and vegetable pedestal that there was some earth on the floor.

Closer inspection revealed two mice size holes where they had obviously gone in

to make a nest. Those pesky church mice! Still I’m glad they enjoyed the festival


150 years ago: on 5th July 1865 the Salvation Army was founded

in London by William and Catherine Booth.


School Pastor Prayer

Father of strength and mercy, Son of love and healing, Spirit of wisdom and truth,

Send your light into any areas which are in the dark.

Help us to see with your eyes those who feel unnoticed,

Those who feel uncared for and those who feel they are alone.

Show us your children in the way you see them.

Open our mouths with your voice, to be aware of those who need a kind word.

Help us to give a voice to those who fear they will not be heard,

A gentle voice to those who speak in anger.

Open our ears to listen with your insight to what is said

And to hear with your wisdom what is not said.

Help us to teach those we meet to listen to those around them.

Fill us with your patience to help those who challenge us and others,

With your acceptance so that we do not judge those whose actions

Frighten us or others.

Fill us with your peace and joy

Fill us with your delight in life so we can share laughter with those we meet.

Let us be your hands, reaching out in friendship to the lonely,

With care to those who are in need.

Let us be your feet to walk alongside those who you put before us on their journey.

Burghfield and Area School Pastors


Evening Services at Bonchurch

The very popular 8 p.m. Sunday Candle-lit Evening Services have begun again in Bonchurch Old

Church and will continue until the last Sunday in August. These are

short services, with music and are led by different people each week.

They are usually well-attended by both holiday-makers and local people, and give a chance to worship in an ancient and beautiful

church in lovely surroundings. All are welcome.


Saturday 18th JULY

3pm - 5pm

St Francis School Upper Ventnor

Theme: Living Waters Children must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or carer.

Do please tell any families you know about this event.

“Come and share a meal with us”

Bishop Christopher’s visit to St Boniface Church, Bonchurch on 7th June

(Patronal), from the perspective of two members of St Catherine's choir:

As we arrived, we both commented on how lovely the church looked with

the new spruced up areas and the beautiful flower arrangements. We

enjoyed being part of a bigger choir and especially singing the anthem ‘O

Taste and See’ which we had both sung in previous choirs. Not having

been to an evensong service for many years, we wondered how easy it

would be to remember the ‘plainsong’ techniques required to take us

through the Magnificat, Nunc Dimitus and Psalm 150, but we needn’t have

worried, and singing these wonderful pieces again reminded us of our

time at Romsey Abbey in our previous home town.

In his sermon, Bishop Christopher paid tribute to flowers – he praised the

beautiful flower festival and said that he loves to be surrounded by fresh

flowers at home and in his office. Thank you to St Boniface choir for making us so welcome!

Chris and Sue Watts

I’m supposed to respect my elders, but it’s getter

harder and harder for me to find one now.


2nd JULY 7.30pm Christ The King School’s

Baroque Orchestra.

At Catherine’s Church

In aid of Church funds

Picnic and Putting in Ventnor Park Sunday 5th July ~ 1pm onwards

Come and picnic and putt, or join in as you wish Cost to putt: 14years - 60 £3.00 60+ £2.50 - Children £2.00 -

Family 2 + 2 £8.00

Date for your diary - Thursday 1st October

Skittles Evening at Shanklin Conservative Club

£9.50 for skittles and a meal.

CONCERT AND LECTURE AT HOLY TRINITY Keep your diaries free on the afternoon and evening of Saturday 12 September 2015

for a fascinating visit by Mr Frederick Hohman from America. He is a specialist on

Edwin H Lemare and will be giving a lecture, followed by a concert, on that day.

Both events will be free and you can come to one or both, which ever you like.

There will be a retiring collection in aid of the repair of the organ at Holy Trinity,

which is of interest in itself. During the interval between the two events there will

be a buffet which will by TICKET ONLY and will give you the opportunity to meet

Mr Hohman. The tickets will be about £3 a head (details to be confirmed later) and

if you want to book a place, contact Helen Slade on 01983 853504. Leave a message

if there is no reply. Posters and flyers for the event will be going up in the next few

weeks so if you can display one for us, let Helen know. We want a good audience

to thank Mr Hohman for his generosity in giving his time so willingly. You can find

out more about Frederick Hohman by visiting his website where you will see we get

a mention!!


St Albans the Martyr Church

Upper Ventnor SATURDAY 4th JULY 7.15pm Concert of " Light Music Miscellany"

By the "Troy Players" Consort. Admission FREE. Refreshment available.

Retiring Collection for Church Funds.

SUNDAY 5th JULY 7.15pm The Guest Preacher at the 9.30am Solum Sung

Mass is the Bishop Ordinary of the Traditional Anglican Church in Britain, the

Right Reverend IAN GRAY of Lincoln.

SATURDAY 18th JULY 7.15pm The celebrated young Counter-Tenor

"extraordinaire" -ALEX MALTBY- returns to St Albans. Admission FREE.

Interval refreshments available. Retiring donations for St Alban's Church


SUNDAY 23rd August 3.30pm Betjeman’s Birthday Party.

Andrew Pellow -

What is prayer and how do we do it?

Saturday 4th July 10.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.

A Spirituality Day at Newport Minster

led by Tim Slade

One of a series of Spirituality Days organised by the

Diocese of Portsmouth

Don’t forget to pick up your free copy

of The Pompey Chimes


Glimpses of Ghana

Rev Thomas Adjei from Wenchi reports that preparations are in hand for an

outreach initiative in the surrounding villages. The young people at St Pauls are

heavily involved in the venture. - Please pray for this initiative.

Edward Tontoh has for many years been a churchwarden at St Pauls Wenchi,

and is now heading up the work with a new congregation at one of the outstations.

Pray for him, with his additional responsibilities, and for his wife Gloria and son

Gideon, as they worship and work in both congregations.

The work to complete the library/ workshop at the school continues slowly; as yet

no new pictures are available.

Our friend Moses in Wa continues to celebrate 2015 as “a blessed year”. The

folk at All Saints are aiming to fund a single room extension to his mission house.

(much needed with the family of 9 sharing two bedrooms!)

The vehicle is still in full use; Moses can now visit his four outstations and the

district schools regularly.

St Catherine's School, Tamale, for children with special educational needs,

continues to grow, at least in building terms. The first block is being roofed, and

may just be in use by the end of the year.

St Catherine's School, Ventnor held a sponsored walk event on Friday 5th June, and

funds from this, along with those raised at other events during the year, will boost

the building funds at Tamale.

Ryde School will be taking 11 students to Ghana in October, to visit and work at

their link school, Nako School near Wa (one of Moses' schools). Travelling with

them will give me another opportunity to visit Ghana, and I look forward hugely to

seeing our friends in Wenchi, Tamale and Wa again.

Our neighbouring parish of St John's Wroxall are in the very early stages of forging

a link with St Stephen's in Zebilla. Zebilla is a small town in the extreme north east

of Ghana, and neither parish has previously been involved in a link.

There is much to be encouraged by, and much to pray for.

If you would like further information on any of our Ghana interests, please talk to

me. Any time is Ghana time!

David Tamcken


RIDE and STRIDE 2015 This year's sponsored Ride and Stride in aid Hampshire & Isle of Wight

historic churches is on Saturday 12th September, 10am to 6pm. Please

take part weather on foot, by bike, bus, horseback or even car and help

raise funds towards the upkeep of the region's 900 historic and beautiful

church buildings. Half the money you raise goes to the church of your

choice. The other 50%, plus Gift Aid, will enable Hampshire & the Island

Historic Trust (HIHCT) to allocate much-need grants and loans to

churches of all denominations.

On Ride and Stride day itself there are various ways you can help and join

in: Cycle, walk, run, drive - or even use your bus pass - to visit a many

churches as you can: invite family, friends, and colleagues to sponsor you

(or your dog). Be a "meter and greeter" in your church for part of the

day or provide cakes and refreshments for the Riders and Striders Sponsor

friends or family taking part.

HIHCT is run entirely by volunteers.


The Botanic Garden, Ventnor. 17th - 27th July - 10am - 5pm daily

(During open studios)


Susana Watts, Daphne Ellman,

Margaret Plant and Caroline Viney




























St Catherine’s Church Clock

Beware, the Church strikes again! No, Hugh hasn’t introduced the Inquisition, we

are just talking about the clock on St Catherine’s. The necessary repairs to enable

the clock to be heard once more required three visits over the past six months by

the clock expert from the mainland. The problem to be solved was getting the

correct tension of the cable which controls the hammer which strikes the bell on

the hour. The tension is critical as it interacts with the digital box controlling the

times at which the strike is active or dormant. At the moment the first strike of

the day is timed at 8am with the last strike at 9pm. This leaves nearby residents in

peace overnight - we hope!

The clock is wound up every Wednesday morning by either myself or Steve

Northern. The weight governing the time is fairly light, and needs about 30

rotations of the mechanism to lift it into position. However the weight governing

the strike is much heavier, and requires about 80 turns. So there is a lot of

repetition but I try to do it without hesitation, but it takes much more than a

minute! It’s my exercise for the day, as good as doing 80 press-ups without


Chris Watts



Our Billy was a tiny boy, a cherub as you know.

His mum and dad were Angels and hoped that he would grow.

Sure enough, though slowly, he began to put on weight,

He also grew up inch by inch with everything he ate.

A cherub is an Angel, learning all the time.

A highly complex life he'd lead, many heights he'll climb.

Yes Billy, the apprentice will have a lot to learn,

He must stay very close to God and know how to discern.

One day on his return from school, upset and close to tears.

His mum said "Billy, come to me, I'll keep you from your fears".

Some older boys had bullied him and said some nasty things.

They had jostled him and punched him and even pulled his wings.

His dad then tried to comfort him: "Now where's that great big smile?

All bullies are all cowards, son, be happy all the while.

They'll soon get tired of teasing you, soon they will forget,

Cheer up my little Billy Boy, and what is more, don't fret".

Next day at school he met the bullies, and much to his surprised, They even laughed and joked with him, no hate was in their eyes.

One offered Billy friendship which meant so much to him,

"Forgive me Billy," then he said "You can call me Jim".

"Of course I will forgive you all," said Billy straight away.

The others had heard all of of this and shouted out "Hooray"!

And so our cherub realised his dad was right and clever.

Big smiles and great forgiveness, these gifts will reign forever.





Age UK Isle of Wight has recently established a network of Good Neighbour

Schemes across the Island to assist older people over 50 years of age when they

have no one to turn to in times of need. Age UK Isle of Wight is currently recruiting

more volunteers in all areas of the Island to help older people who are experiencing

a variety of difficult situations where they may need help.

Currently 26 schemes across the Island provide support for older neighbours

through the use of 550 volunteers. The scheme has made a real and measurable

difference in these areas and has improved the quality of life for clients significantly.

Building on the success of the existing schemes Age UK IW would now like to

recruit enough volunteers to give every area on the Isle of Wight its own Good

Neighbour Scheme. To this end we are now looking for volunteers in your area.

So how does the scheme actually work? Volunteers are interviewed and undergo a

DBS check. This is done as volunteers will be attending to vulnerable clients in their

own homes. Two character references are then taken up for each volunteer. During

the interview volunteers are asked what tasks they feel happy and confident to carry

out, when during the week they are free and how much spare time they have for

volunteering. There is absolutely no pressure for any volunteer to do anything they

don’t want to do. And volunteers always have the right to say ‘no’ if they are busy

doing other things. Volunteers are then invited to carry out a half day induction

course which is good fun. During the course we cover topics such as health and

safety, personal boundaries, confidentiality and safeguarding. At the conclusion of the

course volunteers are given an ID badge and they’re ready to go!

So what do volunteers actually do? Well they can be asked to carry out a wide range

of tasks. For instance they might help with transport, some light shopping, small tasks

around the home, prescription collection, dog-walking, letter-writing or just paying a

social visit. Others volunteers may offer specific skills such as haircutting or sewing

and we already have volunteers in other areas on the Island offering their IT skills.

Requests for help also include a one-off service such as changing a light bulb.

You can also be both a client and a volunteer for the scheme at the same time. Tasks

for the Good Neighbour Scheme are allocated in rotation to spread the workload


and volunteers can always say no – this is never a problem.

We support our volunteers by holding monthly coffee mornings and bi-monthly

lunches around the island. In addition to these events we recognise the need for

individual clusters of Good Neighbours to meet every other month to discuss

their own scheme, invite other local interested people or maybe to organise

fundraising activities social events etc. So there is quite a big social element to the

scheme which volunteers and clients really enjoy.

If you have read this article and would like to become a volunteer or

client, or just find out more information about the scheme

phone 01983 525282 and ask for the Good Neighbour Scheme

or email us on


Beautiful Cambridge A city of universities, spires, the River Cam and above all the truly inspiring Chapel

of Kings College.

Kings College Chapel was my main objective. The overwhelming beauty of it from

the outside and within was outstanding. The atmosphere and magnificence of the

the place had to be experienced to be truly understood. The Chapel stands nobly in

the centre of the city surrounded by lots of other buildings of note, including many

other colleges and other great places of learning. A true university city in every

sense. Motorised vehicles, including cars are in the minority, bicycles are the main

form of transport. The city is usually alive with students and a large selection from

far and wide who come to see the wonderful sights.

I would like to add at this point that this visit to fulfil a dream of a lifetime would

not have been possible for me without the aid of one of my grandchildren, her

husband and five of my great grandchildren who gave a lot of their love, support,

time and transport.

In and around the Chapel of Kings we were given absolute freedom to wander and

photograph anything we wished. We returned three days later, the final day of my

holiday, to attended a service of sung Evensong at Kings with the full choir in the

breathtaking magnificence of that wonderful place. We were also fortunate that we

were given seats for the service in the Chancel close to the choir, the Chapel was

quite full with an estimate of about six hundred or more in the congregation.

On leaving after the service, I shook hands with all of the clergy involved and

thanked them. They all thanked me for coming. I would have liked to met the boys

of the choir to thank them for their wonderful singing. Unfortunately it was not to


The history of Kings College Chapel is extremely interesting dating back to pre

Tudor times. It took almost one hundred years to build involving five Kings and

numerous stone masons, artistic people of all types, with many labourers, surveyors

etc. No machinery in those days. All the artistic stone carvings, wood carvings etc

were created by hand, including the great windows of stained glass. Amongst the

beautiful architecture of the city there is the outstanding work of Mother Nature:

The River Cam, with its stack of wildlife, beautiful parkland enhanced with trees and

shrubs of all descriptions. All this is very well cared for by the most expert

gardeners, grounds men and many other work people who make the great city

even more acceptable for tourists, students or anyone to enjoy.

Cambridge is not lacking in wit and humour, as we were walking along a busy Main

Street we saw a pair of well worn, open toed sandals arranged on the outer edge of

the pavement, these were accompanied by a collection bowl and two small notices

proclaiming: Invisible Man and Thank You! The collection pot was almost half full. I


The HUB Coffee Shop

10.30 - 12.30 Tuesday - Saturday

For Cards - Gifts - Books - Fairtrade goods.

called out "Good afternoon" but received no answer from the sandals, obviously

the poor chap had lost his voice as well as his body.

To sum up the general atmosphere it is a city of charm, enthusiasm and great

friendliness as well as its outstanding beauty. However, I did miss my beloved



Bonchurch Open Gardens 11th - 12h July - 1pm to 5pm

Spectacular gardens - old and new - to visit and try the

famous strawberry cream teas at the pond. Admission

brochure £4.50 to visit all the gardens over both days available from the

Old Pond Stores or at each of the gardens

The Ventnor Horticultural Show

5th SEPTEMBER - 2pm St Catherine’s Church

This year there is a prize of £5 for the Largest Pumpkin

Pick up a schedule from

St Catherine’s Church Contact Joan Garlick for further details.

65 years ago on 11th July 1950 the BBC children’s TV show

Andy Pandy was first broadcast in the UK.



Thanks to Mike Wood for our weather information.

May Weather Rainfall of 48.2mm (1.9ins) was 105%, just above the the average of 45.87

(1.8ins). The wettest day was the 14th with 16.0mm (0.63ins) And rain fell

on 11 days. The mean temperature of 11.9C (53F) was the 7th coldest in

the last 30 years, well below the average of 12.5C (55F). The hottest day

was the 23rd with 19.2C (67F). The average maximum was 14.9C (59F).

The coldest night was the 20th with 5.2C (41F). The average minimum

was 9.0C (48F).

June at Carisbrooke Priory. Open Door Speakers for JULY

Open Door Service every Thursday at 12 noon

2nd July Canon Alan Brown (Communion)

9th July James Hair

16th July Brian Harley

23rd July Bob White

30th July Peter Vessey



St Swithun is apparently the saint you can blame for

rainy summers. It is said that if it rains on his special

day, 15 July, it will then rain for forty days after that.

Church Prayer Meeting Prayer is so important to all aspects of life and

even more so for our church.

Please do come and join us for prayers on

Friday 31st JULY at 2pm

in the Hub.




All requests for the Prayer Chain

should be first directed to Kizzie Baker on 853779

BEREAVEMENT GROUP….Can we help you?

We are aware that there are a number of people who

have been bereaved and might like someone to talk to.

If this is YOU or someone you know, please contact any of the

Bereavement Group from St Catherine’s, Holy Trinity and

St Boniface, by telephoning 857795 (outside Hub hours you can

leave a message) or visit the Hub at St Catherine’s any morning

between 10.30 and 12.30. If you’d rather leave a note, there’s a box

in the Coffee Shop. Anything you wish to discuss will be treated

with absolute confidentiality.

Prayer to God, our Foodbank Father, People are hungry. Some are hungry for food, and we ask that you

will help us to help them by our compassion and generosity. Thank you

for Foodbanks - forgive us that they are necessary. But even well-fed

people are hungry; hungry for meaning in life. Thank you that you have

given us the ultimate Foodbank in the gift of Jesus, who is the Way, the

Truth and the Life. Help us to walk His way, to know Him as Truth and to

receive His Life and to be truly fed and satisfied.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

By Daphne Kitching


We remember with love and affection those

who have died recently, especially we pray

for their families.

We pray for those

recently married.

We pray for those Christians who are

being persecuted for their faith in many

countries around the world.


Worship for JULY

July 5th The Fifth Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Morning Worship, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

8.00p.m. Evening Service, Bonchurch Old Church

July 12th The Sixth Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Morning Worship, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

6.30p.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church,

Sea Sunday: speaker Andrew Asher.

8.00p.m. Evening Service, Bonchurch Old Church

July 19th The Seventh Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Family/All-age Worship, St Catherine’s Church.

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

8.00p.m. Evening Service, Bonchurch Old Church

July 26th The Eighth Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion and Baptism, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Morning Worship, St Boniface Church

8.00p.m. Evening Service, Bonchurch Old Church


Bible Readings for JULY

July 5th The Fifth Sunday after Trinity

Ezekiel 2:1-5

2 Corinthians12:2-10

St Mark 6:1-13

July 12th The Sixth Sunday after Trinity

Amos 7:7-15

Ephesians 1:3-14

St Mark 6:14-29

There may be special readings for the Sea Sunday service.

July 19th The Seventh Sunday after Trinity.

Jeremiah 23:1-6

Ephesians 2:11-end

St Mark 6:30-34,53-end

July 26th The Eighth Sunday after Trinity

2 Kings 4:42-end

Ephesians 3:14-end

St John 6:1-21


Worship for AUGUST

August 2nd The Ninth Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Morning Worship, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion and Baptism, St Boniface Church

8.00p.m. Evening Service, Bonchurch Old Church

August 9th The Tenth Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Morning Worship, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Family and all-age Worship, Carnival Service,

St Catherine’s Church (Please note change of service)

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

6.30p.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

8.00p.m. Evening Service, Bonchurch Old Church

August 16th The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church

(please note change of service.)

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

8.00p.m. Evening Service, Bonchurch Old Church

August 23rd The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Morning Worship, St Boniface Church

8.00p.m. Evening Service, Bonchurch Old Church

August 30th The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity


8.00p.m. Last Evening Service, Bonchurch Old Church.


Bible Readings for AUGUST

August 2nd The Ninth Sunday after Trinity

Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15

Ephesians 4:1-16

St John 6:24-35

August 9th The Tenth Sunday after Trinity

1 Kings 19:4-8

Ephesians 4:25 to 5:2

St John 6:35, 41-51

August 16th The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

Proverbs 9:1-6

Ephesians 5:15-20

St John 6:51-58

August 23rd the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18

Ephesians 6:10-20

St John 6:56-69

August 30th The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity

Deuteronomy4:1-2, 6-9

James 1:17-end

St Mark 7:1-8,14,15,21-23


Sunday Services Please see inside Link for details of Sunday Services

Midweek Services St Catherine’s - Wednesday - 10.30am Holy Communion

Holy Trinity - Thursday - 10.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

The Ministry Team:-

Revd Hugh Wright 853729


David Tamcken Reader 506693

Hilary Davis Reader 855797

Jenny Hopkins Holder Reader 852575

Gill Chaloner Reader 854659

Gill Smith Reader 856134

Morning Prayer Tuesday - Bonchurch Old Church - 8am

Wednesday - St Catherine's Church and Thursday Holy Trinity Church - 9am

Friday - Bonchurch Parish Church - 8.30am

All Welcome

Ventnor & Bonchurch Parish website address Email:


St Catherine’s John Holder 852575852575

Steve Northern 856953

Holy Trinity Jo Nicholson

Tony Morrish 840570

St Boniface Jonny Fitzgerald Bond 854824

Lyn Ridler-Lee 404508
