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The Oxford Academy

Science Department

Year 9 Self-Assessment




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Unit 9A – Inheritance and selection

Unit 9B – Fit and healthy

Unit 9C – Plants and photosynthesis

Unit 9D – Plants for food

Unit 9E – Reactions of metals and metal compounds

Unit 9F – Patterns of reactivity

Unit 9G – Environmental chemistry

Unit 9H – Using chemistry

Unit 9I – Energy and electricity

Unit 9J – Gravity and space

Unit 9K – Speeding up

Unit 9L - Pressure and moments

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My Targets

End of KS3

My Achievements

Mock Assessment

Level Achieved

Three things I did well…

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Level Achieved

Three things I did well…

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Targets for KS4…

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Unit 9A – Inheritance and selection

Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

4 I can identify similarities and differences between organisms of

the same species and classify organisms into plants and animals

4 I can classify into main groups: green/non-green plants,


4 I understand that classification makes it easier to identify an

unknown specimen

4 I can recognise examples of the five vertebrate groups based on

their external features

5 I can identify some inherited characteristics and some

influenced by environmental conditions

5 I can describe sexual reproduction as the joining of two cells

5 I can identify some characteristics of an animal which make the

organism better suited to particular circumstances

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Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

6 I can identify some inherited characteristics and describe how

some characteristics are influenced by environmental


6 I can describe how sexual reproduction results in genetic

information being inherited from both parents and outline how

these characteristics might be passed on

6 I know some of the issues to be considered in relation to

selective breeding

7 I can explain how variation in organisms can be used to select

organisms for breeding better varieties

7 I can describe how selective breeding can result in offspring

with particular characteristics

Extension I can recognise that asexual reproduction produces clones in

plants (with agricultural + horticulture benefits) and animals

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My Targets

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Teacher Comments

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Unit 9B – Fit and healthy

Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

4 I can name and identify position of major parts of the skeleton e.g. skull, ribs,

pelvis, back bone

4 I know that muscles are attached to bones and that movement is brought

about by joints and muscles

4 I know the role of skeleton in protection of organs

4 I know that there are organs of the body concerned with basic life processes

their position and approximate size and shape

4 I know the names of the chambers of the heart

4 I know that the heart acts as a pump to circulate blood which circulates

through blood vessels called arteries and veins

4 I know that if you exercise/rest your pulse rate will go up/down

4 I know fitness training improves performance

5 I can link some effects of diet, smoking, alcohol and other drugs and of

exercise on the body and on a developing foetus

5 I can describe how cells in the respiratory system are adapted for their

purpose and how they may be damaged by smoking and other forms of air

pollution and represent respiration by a symbol equation

5 I know how the muscles and joints of the skeleton work to enable movement

to go on

5 I know stunted growth/disability/heart disease may be a consequence of poor


5 I can link the basic structure of heart structure to its function

5 I understand how the organ system works to enable the life process to go on

5 I know arteries carry blood away from the heart, veins carry blood to the

heart, capillaries enable exchange at cells

5 I know blood enables transport and defence

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Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

6 I can describe how the body uses the energy in food, representing

respiration by a word equation

6 I can describe some effects of diet, smoking, alcohol and other drugs and of

exercise on some organ systems and on developing foetus

6 I can explain how different body systems work together in a healthy


6 I can explain movement in terms of muscular contraction and relaxation

6 I know muscles can only contract and how antagonistic pairs of muscles work

6 I know different types of joints and how they can be damaged by


7 I can represent as a symbol equation

7 I know energy transfer heart/breathing rate increase because of an

increased demand for energy

7 I know muscles are powered by energy

Extension I know muscles are bundles of fibres that can shorten

Extension I know muscle contraction is ‘powered’ by energy produced by respiration

and can link this respiration/pulse rate/ fitness

Extension I know the other functions of the skeleton

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My Targets

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Teacher Comments

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Unit 9C – Plants and photosynthesis

Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

4 I know that green plants need sunlight to grow and make food

4 I know that the green parts of a plant are responsible for making food for the


4 I know that air goes in and out of plants through pores (holes) in the leaf and

water foes in through roots

5 I can identify carbon dioxide (from the air) and water as the raw materials

for photosynthesis

5 I can explain that plants take in water through their roots and that

photosynthesis takes place in leaves

5 I can describe how cells in the leaf are adapted for photosynthesis and cells

in the root are adapted for taking in water

5 I can represent photosynthesis as a symbol equation and describe the

relationship between photosynthesis and respiration in plants

5 I can explain how the leaf is involved in gaseous exchange

5 I know that oxygen is used from the air (as in animals) and carbon dioxide is


5 I realise that respiration occurs all the time in plants and photosynthesis only

in the light

5 I know that plants need carbon dioxide, water and sunlight for photosynthesis

– the process by which green plants make food to be used for energy

5 I can explain that plants respire as well as photosynthesise

5 I can relate parts of plant to functions e.g. roots (anchorage/water

absorption), leaves (making food), stem (support & transport), flower


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During this unit I enjoyed...

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Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

6 I can identify the raw materials for photosynthesis and explain that light is

the energy source for photosynthesis

6 I can describe how photosynthesis is the source of biomass and represent

photosynthesis by a word equation

6 I can describe how leaves are adapted for photosynthesis and how roots are

adapted to take in water

6 I can distinguish between photosynthesis and respiration in plants and can

explain them

6 I can explain the difference between simple diffusion (external respiration)

and internal respiration cells

6 I know that human and green plant respiration is aerobic (involves oxygen)

6 I can describe the function of chloroplasts/ vacuole/cell wall

6 I can explain why plants have transport vessels to transport water and

nutrients from the roots upwards, and products of photosynthesis from the

leaves downwards and describe why materials are constantly moving up and

down the stem inside these vessels

6 I know that photosynthesis provides carbohydrates (stored in seeds, leaves &

tubers as starch) which are used as a chemical energy source for respiration

7 I know the plant cell structure and structure of leaf, including stomata and

can label them on diagrams

7 I can explain the function of palisade, mesophyll and guard cells

7 I can explain the chemical changes involved in respiration and photosynthesis

My Targets

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Teacher Comments

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Unit 9D – Plants for food

Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

4 I am able to identify differences between different habitats e.g.

light/dark, dry/damp and describe how familiar organisms e.g.

woodlice, cactus are suited to the habitat in which they are found

4 I can describe some simple food chains and know that green plants

need sunlight and other things to grow. I can write simple food chains

e.g. corn - chicken - fox

4 I can identify predators and prey and know if predators increase prey

will decrease and vice-versa

4 I know animals have food preferences but can sometimes eat


4 I know microbes are important to get rid of dead organisms

4 I know an animal lives in an environment because it is suited to those

conditions e.g. seagull by cliff to feed on fish

4 I can list differences between organisms of the same species can

classify organisms into plants and animals and identify a few major

groups of animals

4 I understand that classification makes it easier to identify an unknown

specimen. I know the five vertebrate groups

4 I know that an animal lives in an environment because it is suited to

those conditions

4 I know the idea of competition for food/shelter so if an organism is

unsuccessful it must find alternative or die

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Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

5 I can name products of photosynthesis

5 I can identify factors which effect the growth of crops and identify some

organisms which compete for resources where crops are grown – hedgerows,

rabbits, field mice

5 I can explain the parts of leaf involved in gaseous exchange and I know that

oxygen is used from the air (as in animals) and carbon dioxide is released

during respiration happening all the time in plants

5 I can describe differences between photosynthesis and respiration not just

as chemical equations but also function of these processes (e.g.

photosynthesis makes food for plant using sunlight energy)

5 I can use respiration to explain farming practices including reducing on

animals movements

6 I can name the products of photosynthesis and some of the nutrients supplied

by fertilisers

6 I can identify conditions in which crops will grow well

6 I can write food chains and pyramids of numbers

6 I can describe how organisms may be affected by pesticides or weed killers,

relating this to knowledge of food webs

6 I can describe how other plants compete with food crops, and other animals

compete with humans for the food crops, and that there are ways of achieving

a balance between communities

7 I can relate crop production to pyramids of numbers and explain some ways of

achieving a balance between the demands of different communities within an


7 I can explain how toxic materials can accumulate in a food chain

My Targets

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Teacher Comments

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Unit 9E – Reactions of metals and metal compounds

Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

4 I know that hydrogen gas is made when a metal reacts with an


4 I can describe how to do a test for hydrogen

4 I know that carbon dioxide gas is made when a carbonate reacts

with an acid

4 I can describe how to do 2 tests for carbon dioxide (lime water

and splint)

4 I know that a chemical reaction produces new substances

5 I can describe how acids react with metal carbonates, metal

oxides and alkalis

5 I know how to name the salts that are formed

5 I would recognise that a chemical reaction had taken place from

practical evidence

5 I know that some metals react more than others with water, acid

or oxygen

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Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

6 I can represent chemical reactions using word equations

6 I can use this to explain how salts are made

7 I can represent chemical reactions using symbols

7 I can make predictions about chemical reactions based on my

knowledge of how chemicals behave

Extension I can represent chemical reactions using balanced symbol


Extension I can explain how metals react by talking about the behaviour

of electrons

My Targets

Teacher Comments

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Unit 9F – Patterns of reactivity

Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

4 I can describe what happens when you react some metals with

water, acids and oxygen

4 I can give some uses of metals

4 I can relate how machine metals are with their uses and give


4 I can use the reactivity series and periodic tables to help[ make

predictions about the reactions of metals

4 I can relate the reactivity of a metal to its use, how it occurs

and when it was first extracted and used

4 I can write symbol equations for some reactions

4 I know that rusting of iron is an example of the reaction of a

metal with oxygen

5 I can identify when and describe how some chemical reactions

are similar

5 I can recognise differences in the reactivity of different metals

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Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

6 I can use my knowledge of reactivity to explain some everyday

uses and occurrence of metals

6 I can write word equations

7 I can explain how galvanising and electroplating are useful

applications reactions

7 I can make predictions about simple displacement reactions

7 I can write simple symbol equations

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My Targets

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Teacher Comments

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Unit 9G – Environmental chemistry

Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

4 I can describe what happens because of acid rain / global

warming and of other types of pollution

4 I know it is important to monitor and control pollution

4 I know that rocks are weathered and can describe the effect of

acid rain on rocks

5 I understand the importance of monitoring and controlling the

effects of pollution e.g. measuring conc. Of CO2 in atmosphere

as part of study of climate charge

6 I can describe how acid rain is produced in terms of a chemical

reaction between oxides and water

6 I can write word equations to show how acid rain is produced

6 I can describe how acid rain affects rocks, building materials and

living things

6 I can describe how air and water pollution are monitored and how

they might be controlled

6 I can distinguish between different environmental problems

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Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

7 I can describe a variety of environmental issues and explain the

implications of these

7 I understand that acid in the atmosphere causes weathering

and corrosion in building materials and rocks

7 I can explain the effects of acid rain using chemical symbols

and equations

7 I can describe the steps taken locally/nationally/globally to

control pollution

Extension I can describe a variety of environmental problems and discuss

what is being done to reduce them

Extension I can evaluate the effectiveness and implications of these

control measures scientifically and socio economically

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My Targets

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Teacher Comments

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Unit 9H – Using chemistry

Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

4 I can name some substances made by chemical reactions

4 I know that burning a fuel makes a change that cannot be

changed back

4 I can predict whether other changes are reversible

4 Given the starting materials I can list the substances made by


5 I can recognise when a chemical change occurs and know what to

look for e.g. bubbles, heat, colour change

5 I know that new substances are made in chemical reactions

5 I can explain that burning as a reaction with oxygen which

produces oxides and releases energy

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Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

6 I can describe how chemical reactions are used to make new

substances and as a source of energy; use the particle model to

explain how mass is conserved during chemical reactions and other


6 I can represent chemical reactions by word equations and describe


6 I know that some things react in similar ways e.g. metals heated in

oxygen become metal oxides

6 I know that all fuels are substances that release energy on burning

6 I can compare the energy released when different fuels burn

6 I can relate chemical changes of state using the particle model

7 I can explain observations in which mass appears to be lost using the

principle of conservation of mass, and represent some reactions by

symbol equations e.g. burning carbon to give CO2

7 I can represent change using chemical symbols and equations and

represent the particle model of chemical reactions using equations

Extension I can write balanced symbol equations and can name reactants,

products and describe their states

My Targets

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Teacher Comments

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Unit 9I – Energy and electricity

Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

4 I can describe an electrical circuit by drawing symbols for the


4 I can identify the two ways of connecting circuits

4 I can describe how bulbs behave in the two types of circuit

4 I know that energy in circuits can be ‘wasted’

5 I know the correct name for the two types of circuit (series and


5 I know how to measure the current in a circuit

5 I can explain current as a flow of charge

5 I know that voltage provides the potential for electricity to flow

5 I know that the current in a circuit can be changed using a

variable resistor

5 I can explain how electricity is generated using different energy

sources (e.g. coal, oil, gas, wind, sun)

5 I know that generating electricity can cause pollution

5 I can give examples of ‘waste’ energy transfer

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Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

6 I know that in a series circuit the current is the same everywhere

6 I know that in a parallel circuit the current is not the same everywhere

6 I can describe how a cell produces voltage

6 I can relate the fact that voltage ‘drops’ across a component to the idea

that energy is being transferred to that component

6 I can give examples of the dangers of high voltage circuits

6 I can compare the amount of energy transferred in different electrical

devices by talking about ‘power’

6 I can describe other examples of energy transfer

6 I understand the link between heat energy and temperature

7 I can explain why the current is different in different places in parallel


7 I know that current is conserved

7 I can explain voltage

7 I can use my understanding of power to work out the cost of using electrical


Extension I can explain parallel circuits by talking about flow of charge, and the model

of ‘current splitting’

Extension I can predict how the current will split by looking at the resistance in each

part of the parallel circuit

Extension I can relate the way a generator works to my knowledge of magnetism

My Targets

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Teacher Comments

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Unit 9J – Gravity and space

Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

4 I know that the earth is spinning and that this makes the sun look as

though it changes position

4 I know that the moon takes approximately 28 days to orbit the earth

4 I know that the moon looks different shapes because of how we see

the reflection of the sun (on the moon) from earth

4 I know that the earth’s axis is tilted

4 I can list some of the uses of artificial satellites

4 I know that the force of gravity depends on the mass of something

4 I know that force is measured in Newtons

4 I know that weight is less on the moon because it has a smaller mass

5 I can explain what a ‘day’ and a ‘year’ are in terms of the earth’s spin

and orbit

5 I know that earth is one of 9 planets orbiting the sun

5 I know that gravity holds the planets and moon in their orbit

5 I can explain why weight would be different on different planets by

talking about gravity

5 I can explain what effect distance has on gravity

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During this unit I enjoyed...

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Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

6 I can relate the position of a planet in the solar system to the

conditions on the planet and the length of time it takes to orbit

the sun

7 I can explain how gravity helps to keep artificial satellites in


7 I can calculate ‘weight’ from information about the

gravitational force

Extension I can explain what is meant by a geostationary orbit

Extension I can relate the distance of an artificial satellite from the

surface of a planet to its speed

Extension I can describe how gravity acts on a rocket as it travels from


My Targets

Teacher Comments

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Unit 9K – Speeding up

Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

4 I can describe what friction is and does

4 I know how friction makes things harder to move

4 I know that air resistance causes friction

4 I know that force is measured in Newtons

5 I can describe the forces on a stationary object

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Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

6 I can measure and calculate speed

6 I can describe the forces on an object travelling at a constant


6 I can explain streamlining in terms of resistance

6 I can relate air resistance to speed

6 I can explain air resistance using particles

7 I can relate the direction and size of forces to acceleration

7 I can apply the speed formula to new situations and use

different units

My Targets

Teacher Comments

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Unit 9L – Pressure and moments

Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

4 I know that skis. Snow shoes and wide tyres ‘spread the load’

4 I know that points and edges concentrate the force

4 I know that arms and legs work like levers

4 I can describe how to balance a see-saw using equal weights

5 I can describe pressure in terms of how a force is spread over an


5 I can explain how making the lever arm longer makes a spanner

easier to turn

5 I can make a see-saw balance using unequal weights

5 I can predict where to put the weights on a see-saw

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Level Level Descriptor Student Teacher

6 I can use the equation pressure = force/area

6 I can explain how pressure is caused in fluids and gases in terms

of particles

6 I can explain how the pressure in a tyre can be increased by

putting in more molecules

6 I can calculate turning moments

6 I can explain real examples of the use of levers

7 I can explain why fluid pressure increased with depth

7 I can explain the difference between force and pressure

7 I can carry out more complex calculations of pressure

7 I can use my knowledge of moments to explain complex uses of


My Targets

Teacher Comments
