The Online Health and Well-being ... - Health in Wales Mably... · February- October 2013 -...


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The Online Health and Well-being

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

The Online Health and Well-being

Assessment for the Over 50’s in Wales


• Programme for Government CommitmentCommitment

• Working with Welsh Government

• Minister’s announcement

4 February 2013

• A phased approach- learning as we • A phased approach- learning as we


May 2014 – Susan J Mably

February- October 2013

- development of the content, ICT platform and prototype -

collaborative approach


collaborative approach

- training of community-based workers and volunteers

- early focus group testing

October - December 2013

- roll out to 10 Communities First clusters

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

Timeline (cont)

• December 2013- March 2014 − opportunistic online access

• April 2014 onwards

– Launch

– targeted invitation to 43K people reaching 50 in 2014/15

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

Public Health Wales and a host of other local government and 3rd sector colleagues including for example:

Who is involved?

for example:

Action on Hearing Loss Diabetes UK

Bowel Screening Wales Macmillan

Stop Smoking Wales RNIB

Money Advice Service Mind CymruMoney Advice Service Mind Cymru

Communities First Age Cymru

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

What is the Health and Well-being Check?

– online personally tailored health advice/ feedback via a self-advice/ feedback via a self-assessment

– signposting and building on existing services

– directing to professional advice/ support when appropriate

– motivate/ reinforce as well as – motivate/ reinforce as well as highlight areas for change

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

What does the Check cover?

• About me

• My Lifestyle• My Lifestyle

• My Health

• My Well-being

• My Future

Colour coded for ease of reference

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

An online resource to help people pause and think about their health and wellbeing

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

What does the Check look like?

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

Personal tailored feedback and help to access information and services

Feedback on responses

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

• Launched April 2014

• Accessible now

Accessing the Check

• On your PC, tablet or phone

• With support from CF

• With support from volunteers

• In libraries

• With support from NHS Direct Wales• With support from NHS Direct Wales

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

10 clusters field tested and other test access took place e.g. some local libraries, some Age Cymru activities, some individuals

Communities First, Age Cymru etc

e.g. some local libraries, some Age Cymru activities, some individuals

The 10 Communities First Clusters where field testing has taken place are:

Blaenau Gwent – Tredegar Caerphilly – Mid Valleys EastRCT – Upper Rhondda Fawr Merthyr Tydfil Central Carmarthenshire Swansea – West NPT – Afan Valley Cardiff - BRG NPT – Afan Valley Cardiff - BRG Conwy Gwynedd

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

How is it going so far?

April 2014- 19th May 2014

Total New Registrants : 242Total New Registrants : 242

Completed registered : 181

Completed anon. : 1374

Completed total : 1555

New Registrations

Incomplete registered : 57

Incomplete anon : 1215

Incomplete total : 2827

New Registrations April - 14 : 129

May (to 19th) : 113

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

Evaluation and User Feedback

• Formative evaluation underway- quantitative and qualitative methodsand qualitative methods

• Proposal for an impact evaluation

• Continually capturing the user experience

• Responding to Feedback

• Updating content• Updating content

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

Next Steps- to April 2015

• Active invitations to people turning 50

• Service developments• Service developments

– connectivity with local services

– personalised follow up/ interaction

– refinement of content

• Additional areas

• Removal of material• Removal of material

• Enhancement of existing

May 2014 – Susan J Mably

Key Messages

• Collaborative effort to make evidence based information easily available information easily available

• Part of effort to support people to care for their own health and well-being

• Avoiding duplication- using what is already there

• Continuous learning – evaluation and user • Continuous learning – evaluation and user experience will shape the future development

May 2014 – Susan J Mably
