The One Reflecting on the singularity of action. Qur’anic Answer to Our Existential Questions Who...


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The OneReflecting on the singularity of action

Qur’anic Answer to Our Existential Questions

Who am I?Where did I come from?

Where am I going?

�ق� ل خ� �ذ�ي ال �ك� ب ر� � م �اس� ب� أ اق�ر�

Read in the name of your Sustainer, who has created

Inner Dimensions of Belief (Iman)

Spiritual Ecstasy

Love of God – Inner Peace

Knowledge of God

Belief in God

Knowledge and Love of God

Endless blessing and inner joy

Endless misery, pain, and fear


Superficial Belief vs. Confirmed Belief(Taqlidi Iman vs. Tahqiqi/Shuhudi Iman )

Sayin “Almighty God is One, He has no partner or like. This universe is His.”VS.

True affirmation of Divine unity through seeing on everything the stamp of His power,

the inscriptions of His pen, and to open a window directly onto His light from everything

and to confirm and believe with almost the certainty of seeing it that everything emerges from the hand of His power.

The stronger this affirmation is , the stronger will be one’s lasting awareness of the Divine presence.


Nurture Awareness of the Divine

�ل� �ي الل ف� �ال� ت و�اخ� ر�ض�� و�األ� م�او�ات� الس� ل�ق� خ� ف�ي �ن� إ

�اب� �ب ل� األ� 'ول�ي أل� �ات) ي آل� �ه�ار� و�الن

Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth,

and in the succession of night and day, there are indeed messages

for all who are endowed with insight


Reflecting on the Divine Attributes

د� أ�ح� الل�ه� و� ه� ق�ل�Say: “He is God, the One”

How can I internalize this Quranic sign (ayah)?

1 + 2 = 3How can I internalize this equation?

By using my intellect, senses, and emotions (my humanity) and applying it to my reality… through reflection

Result:The Quranic sign will become a confirmed equation of my reality.

My view of reality will be transformed by it.It is no longer an external knowledge; it becomes my personal view

The universe as a whole is a Seal of His UnityEach individual being is a Seal of His Unity

The universe is an indivisible whole

CooperationSolidarityAssistanceMutual ResponseSynergy

Seal of Unity

• Reflect on the spring where everything helps each other

All faces resemble each otherAll faces are different

The creation of the smallest thing is as easy as the creation of the largest thing



The One


ه� ل� ه� ه�و ل� لا �� ل إ ا ل� ر�ا م� ل�ا ى� ل� ل� ل�ا إ ا ل� � �إ م� ل� م! ل�ا إ" ل�ا لا ل�# ا� ه$ إ%� ل&ي�ك�ون� ف� ك�ن

The Originator is He of the heavens and the earth: and when He wills a thing to be,

He but says unto it, “Be” -and it is.



The One


ل�ا ل' إ) م� ل( م� ا ب* ل� إ� ,� ل ا� ل- ل.ا م/ ه# ل� � ل1ا ل% ل# ل2 ل� ه� ,� ل ا� !� ل إ ا ة3 ل5 إ� آا لا إ5 إ�ي ل- ل8ا مو ل�ل- ه2و إ9 ل�

Had there been in heaven or on earth any deities other than God,

both those realms would surely have fallen into ruin!

The tiniest creature is a miniature, an index of the whole universe

No Separation


Divine acts are interwoven

Giving life




Giving form


The One

Subhanallah – Glory be on to you!Alhamdulillah – Praise be to you!

Allahu Akbar – God is Great!Hallelujah!
