The New Jim Crow 2013


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Chapters 1-2 Adam Haizlip

  Mass incarceration   Rules of the game   Just Say No   Operation Pipeline   Stigma of a felon

  Video clips   Music   Media’s contribution to sensationalizing   What are the real issues?

  Sensationalizing Jail and crime   Dual accountability

  Do you know your rights?   4th Amendment- The right of the people to be secure in their

persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

  Terry v. Ohio- 1968 p.63   Stop and Frisk Rule- reasonable suspicion

  Florida v. Bostick p.64   Francys Johnson- Jeopardy Song   Voluntary Cooperation   What does all this mean?????

  1984- War on Drugs   Drug Enforcement Agency- DEA p.70   Kissing Frogs   Minor Traffic Violations   Drug Sweeps   Unlawful search seizures

If you:   Travel with or with or with out luggage   Drive an expensive car   Act nervous   Get off plane too fast/slow   Wear Blinged out jewelry   Obey the law too well Then you might be subject to criminal probing

  Huge Federal Grants   Military equipment   Cash   Pseudo Drug War   Lengthy Sentencing   3 Strikes Laws

  Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act 1970

  President Reagan- granted authority for local law enforcement to keep spoils of war. P.78

  1992 Dept. of Justice reported 1 billion was seized in assets- “War on Drugs”

  Denial of significant representation   Coerced into plea bargaining   Placed under formal control 3 P’s   Ohio- 90% of children are charged w/out

Lawyer   Gideon v. Wainwright- legal rep for the poor

  Urban Dictionary- When you’re about to get screwed!

  1986- Anti Drug Abuse Act 5-10 yrs mandatory p.87

  2 to 5 percent of of inmates are actually innocent

  Potentially Up to 500,000 innocent persons in prison.

  1982- 40 yrs imprisonment for 9 oz’s of weed   Harmelin v. Michigan “Life” 23 oz’s of Crack   Lockyer v. Andrade- 3 golf clubs/ 3 video

tapes= Life in prison   50 yrs w/out parole for stolen video tapes   Personal Testimony

Maintenance of the under-caste

  2.3 million people behind bars

  5.1 million people under correctional supervision

  Discrimination   Exclusion by way of

Stigma   Voting   Jury Duty   Citizenship Rights

  Group Process
