The Nerve Impulse. The nerve impulse This is the electrical signal which is transmitted by the...


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The Nerve Impulse

The nerve impulse

This is the electrical signal which is transmitted by the neurones around

the nervous system.

See Interactive Tutorial for Activity 8.2

Tissue fluid outside neurone [Na+] high [K+] low

Neurone cell membrane ______________________________

Cytoplasm inside neurone [Na+] low[K+] high + proteins-

+ ve

- ve

Distribution of ions and charge across the surface of a neurone.

The difference in charge results in a resting potential of –70 mV across the membrane.

The resting potential is the result of:

•the action of an active transport system called the ‘sodium pump’: •i.e. involves a transporter protein + the use of energy from respirationthis ‘pumps 3 Na+ ions out and 2 K+ ions in

•Also the differential permeability of the neurone membrane to Na+ and K+ ions these ions can only cross the membrane via specific ion channel proteins that allow facilitated diffusion: (there are also so special ‘gated ions channels which only allow ions to diffuse through them when they are ‘opened’ but they are not relevant here.)

ion channel proteinsodium pump

• The membrane is very impermeable to Na+ ions so these cannot diffuse back in.

• The membrane is slightly more permeable to K+ ions so these diffuse out slowly (down their concentration gradient).

• This establishes electrochemical diffusion gradients for the ions across the membrane.

• The net result is that relatively more +ve ions end up outside the neurone than remain inside to balance the – ve charged proteins

• so the outside is more positive with respect to the inside;

• this charge difference is responsible for the resting potential.

• At this point the neurone is said to be polarised.

When a nerve impulse is transmitted along a neurone a wave of electrical activity passes along it (NB: it is NOT a flow of electrons so it is not an electrical current)

This can be detected (e.g. by using a cathode ray oscilloscope with electrodes placed inside and outside the neurone) as a transient change in electrical charge on the membrane surface – this is called an ACTION POTENTIAL and is the basis of the nerve impulse.

The nerve impulse.

An action potential

Events during an action potential

Action potential/ion channels

The action potential

[1] Resting potential: Na+ and K+ special ‘voltage gated’ ion channels closed: neurone is polarised.

[2] Na+ gated channel proteins open (due to a change in shape of the protein itself: makes the membrane more permeable to Na+ ions now) which allows Na+ ions to diffuse into the neurone down the electrochemical diffusion gradient.

[3] This causes the inside of the neurone to become increasingly more + ve: this is depolarisation and neurone has become depolarised

[4] Na+ channels close and K+ gated channels now open

[5] K+ ions diffuse out of the neurone down the electrochemical diffusion gradient, so making the inside of the neurone less positive (= more negative) again: this is repolarisation and the neurone has become repolarised

[6] The neurone has its resting potential restored. During this time the Na+ and K+ ions which have diffused in/out of the cell are redistributed by active transport (sodium pump)

[NB: the ion movements during the action potential occur by facilitated diffusion; active transport is not involved]

Action potential/ion channels

Events during an action potential


Properties of the action potential.

Action potentials

• have a threshold: • this is the minimum level of stimulus necessary to

cause depolarisation (i.e. open the ion channels)• are all or nothing: • all action potentials are the same size,

irrespective of the intensity of the stimulus • consequently information about the intensity of a

stimulus is coded in the number of impulses - strong stimulus many action potentials etc

• have a refractory period (about 1 ms); • the ion channels remain closed and cannot be

made to reopen so no further depolarisation is possible; the consequences are

• it separates impulses from one another by a fraction of a msec, and so imposes a maximum on the number of impulses which can be transmitted along a neurone in a given time

• it ensures impulses can only pass in one direction along an axon, i.e. forward into the next resting region but not back into a region still in its refractory period.

Role of action potentials in the transmission of a nerve impulse.

• A STMULUS causes the Na+ gated channel proteins to open (effectively causes a change in shape of the protein itself)

• which allows Na+ ions to diffuse down the concentration gradient across the membrane into the cell and so set off an action potential.

• [see handout]



Sodium gates open

Sodium ions flow into neurone

How action potentials are transmitted along a neurone




Sodium gates close

Potassium gates open

Potassium ions flow

out of neurone

Sodium gates in next bit of membrane open and sodium ions flow in

Sodium pump redistributes

sodium and potassium ions

after impulse has passed

Speed of conduction of nerve impulses.

• Transmission speeds can range from 0.5 m per sec to over 100 m per sec.

• Impulse transmission can be speeded up by:

•increasing the diameter of the axon

Myelin sheath

Bundle of nerve fibres

Connective tissue coat of nerve

TS Nerve

but this imposes constraints on packing a large number of large axons into a nerve

•having a myelin sheath;

the myelin sheath is composed of tightly packed layers of the cell membrane of the Schwann cells which are wrapped around the axon

this is rich in lipid (called myelin) which makes the axon impermeable to ions so they are unable to diffuse between the tissue fluid and the neurone

so action potentials cannot be generated by the myelinated regions (it acts as an insulator);

action potentials can only be generated at the nodes of Ranvier

so the local currents involved in nerve impulse transmission flow over longer distances:

thus action potential seem to ‘jump’ from node to node (this is called salutatory conduction):

Saltatory conduction

• since the intervening parts of the axon membrane do not have to be successively depolarised it takes

• less time for the action potentials to pass from node to node

• this results in nerve impulse transmission that is much faster,

• the consequence of which is that smaller myelinated nerves can transmit impulses much faster than larger non-myelinated ones

• which alleviates the ‘packing problem’.

temperature which affects the rate of diffusion

and the rate of energy release by respiration for active transport (since it is controlled by enzymes)

the consequence is that nerve impulse transmission is faster in endothermic animals which maintain a high body temperature.


Nerve endings

synaptic knobs (neurone endings)

Motor end plate

Synapses between motor nerve and muscle

Neurones are connected together (normally via axons and dendrites) at synapses

N.B. this is not a physical junction, there is actually a small gap of approx 20 nm between the cells so there is no membrane continuity so nerve impulses cannot cross directly.

synaptic vesicles

synaptic bulb

pre-synaptic membrane

post-synaptic membrane

• Instead transmission is by chemicals called neurotransmitters

• These made in the Golgi body (synthesis requires energy from respiration)

• stored in vesicles in the synaptic bulb

• There are several different types of neurotransmitters, of which two are

• Acetyl choline • (used in the voluntary [motor neurones

muscles] and parasympathetic nervous systems)

• Noradrenaline • (used in the sympathetic nervous system)

How nerve impulses are transmitted across a synapse by neurotransmitters

Interactive tutorial: Activity 8.4Crossing a synapse

neurotransmitter molecules diffuse across the synaptic

cleft neurotransmitter receptors are membrane protein with binding sites with a shape complementary to the


neurotransmitters broken down by enzymes so the ion channels to close and the receptors are available again and so the resting potential can be re-established

this sequence takes 0.5 msec which results in a synaptic delay in the

transmission of impulses.

Types of synapse.

Excitory synapses• Binding of neurotransmitter to

postsynaptic neurone • opens Na+ gated channels Na+ diffuses IN depolarisation action potentials • so nerve impulses can continue around

the nerve circuit.

Inhibitory synapses• Binding of neurotransmitter to postsynaptic

neurone opens K+ gated channels• K+ diffuses OUT inside of neurone becomes even more –

ve and so impossible to depolarise no action potentials • so nerve impulses cannot continue around

the nerve circuit.

Functions of synapses.

Enables impulses to be transmitted from one neurone to another, so enables nerve circuits to function.

• Neurotransmitter only released from the• presynaptic neurone, • so nerve impulses can only be transmitted• IN ONE DIRECTION around a nerve


• Sometimes neurotransmitter released by a single neurone is insufficient to depolarise the postsynaptic neurone;

• however simultaneous release of neurotransmitter from the synapses several neurones

• (sometimes from other nerve circuits – known as integration)

• will be sufficient to cause sufficient depolarisation to generate nerve impulses

• this is called SUMMATION.

impulses arrive at the same time

impulses very close together

Summative effect of excitory and inhibitory synapses also determines whether nerve impulses will be generated in the postsynaptic neurone.

• Nerve impulses are only transmitted if threshold of postsynaptic neurone is exceeded,

• so ensures only significant information is passed around the circuit

• (so insignificant, low level stimuli get “filtered out”).

animations of how drugs work



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