The Necklace. Characterization Process or technique by which an author develops characters


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The Necklace

CharacterizationProcess or technique by which an author develops characters

Direct Characterization

Author or narrator tells readers what characters are like in the story

Indirect Characterization

Author allows readers to draw their own conclusions about characters

Character Motivation The reason behind a character’s


The Necklace by Guy Maupassant

Setting –

Paris, France

Second half of the 19th century

At a time when birth determined a person’s class in society

L’arc au soir—a Paris landmark (important place)

The Necklace by Guy Maupassant

A view of Paris

The Necklace by Guy Maupassant

Dresses women wore during the Victoria Era in France

Guy De Maupassant

Published 1884

Maupassant was extremely successful during his lifetime and “The Necklace” was an instant success
