The Nature of Everything Theory ON GRAVITY


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N O E T H E O R Y & G R A V I T Y P a g e | 0



ABSTRACT To solve the riddle of gravity it is

important to understand quantised

fractal spacetime, quantum black holes,

fluctuational cosmology and p-adic

mathematics. The article builds on this

understanding, leading to the resolution

of Newton’s statement “Gravity must be

caused by an agent acting constantly

according to certain laws” and to the

statement – “What the physicist calls

gravity, the chemist calls a bond.”

Madonna-Megara Holloway, P. ENG.

March 12, 2018


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At the outset of his Principia, Sir Isaac Newton took the greatest care to impress upon his school that

he did not use the word "attraction," with regard to the mutual action of bodies in a physical sense.

To him it was, he said, a purely mathematical conception, involving no consideration of real and

primary physical causes. In a passage of his Principia, he tells us plainly that, physically considered,

attractions are rather impulses. In Section xi (Introduction), he expresses the opinion that "there is

some subtle spirit by the force and action of which all movements of matter are determined"; and in

his Third Letter to Bentley he (Newton) says:

“It is inconceivable that inanimate brute matter should, without the mediation of

something else which is not material, operate upon and affect other matter, without

mutual contact, as it must do if gravitation, in the sense of Epicurus, be essential and

inherent in it. . .. That gravity should be innate, inherent and essential to matter, so

that one body may act upon another at a distance, through a vacuum, without the

mediation of anything else by and through which their action may be conveyed from

one to another, is to me so great an absurdity that I believe no man, who has in

philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking, can ever fall into it. Gravity

must be caused by an agent acting constantly according to certain laws; but whether

this agent be material or immaterial I have left to the consideration of my readers.” ii

Quantised Black Holes and Fractional Spacetime

Why bother with Quantum Black Holes? Does the Universe have a Fractal structure? Where do the

dualities and linkages lie between the micro- and the macro- Universe? Two recent important

discoveries of physics -- the confirmation that neutrinos have non-zero mass, and the confirmation

that the universe is ever-expanding, perhaps at an accelerating pace -- create the need for new

physics models beyond the Big Bang iii and the standard model of particle physics.

The Holistic Quantum Relativity (HQR) Initiative has devoted much energy and effort to Quantum

Entanglement, Quantum Teleportation, Quantum Cognition, Quantum Mind as well as the Fractal

aspects of the Universe and Nature at the Macro-, Classical- and Quantum Micro- levels. Therefore,

could it follow that at an ultra-high resolution, the mini Quantum Black Hole geometry could also be

fractal? Quantum Black Holes are an essential concept to HQR deliberations, leading to new

frameworks for understanding particle physics and astrophysics, for unifying physics’ four forces,

and for reconciling Quantum Physics and General Relativity.

Quantised Fractal Spacetime

What are the implications of Quantised Spacetime -- space and time being granular, not continuous,

at their smallest scales? The quantisation of time -- the existence of the chronon as time’s smallest

quantum -- leads to an explanation of the arrow of time. Quantised Spacetime moves us towards

extended particles -- elementary particle building blocks that aren’t just dimensionless points, but

that have extended dimensions, as suggested by the original String Theory.

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Quantised Spacetime solves a problem that must be addressed in models that incorporate Black

Holes, preventing the model from reducing to the naked singularity that appears deep inside a black

hole. Quantised Spacetime is fuzzy spacetime, exhibiting the fractional dimensionality of complexity

theory’s fractal geometry. This leads to Quantised Fractal Spacetime , a framework in which a new

Quantum Superstring Theory can be placed. The Nature of Everything (NOE) calls this the Spirilla


Quantised Fractal Spacetime ’s geometry is not our familiar geometry , the geometry dating back to

Pythagoras and other Greek philosophers. Quantised Fractal Spacetime is non-Pythagorean, or

ultra-metric: lengths and distances cannot be measured as in our familiar Pythagorean geometry.

Quantised Fractal Spacetime is also non-commutative: its geometry, its spacetime, is not flat or

ordered according to our usual formulæ of geometry and algebra.

When one uses a different form of mathematics -- p-adic mathematics -- one can begin to describe

the physics of Quantised Fractal Spacetime, the fuzzy non-commutative spacetime. Physicists have

found useful applications of p-adic mathematics for their work and mathematicians have

demonstrated that p-adic numbers have a unique place alongside real numbers as the only two

complete mathematical systems. Quantised Fractal Spacetime is a fuzzy non-commutative

spacetime, which proposes a unification of electromagnetism with gravity , and in addition brings

physics’ strong (and weak) forces into this unification.

Quantum Black Holes

Figure 1 Artist Rendition of a Subquark

A shown in Figure 3 Quantum Black Hole and Figure 4

The Charm Quark showing the 3 Subquarks with Devon

particles, the Quantum Black Hole of a subquark is a

central mechanism for the unification of physics’ forces,

and ultimately for a unification of Quantum Physics and

General Relativity. The Quantum Black Hole of the

Nature of Everything (NOE) is based on the work of

Annie Besant in Occult Chemistryv and elaborated by

Bailey in A Treatise on Cosmic

The key lies in identifying matter particles -- Fermions

-- with Quantum Black Holes. The horizon of the Black

Hole -- the event horizon or dividing surface from inside

of which nothing, not even light, will ever overcome the Black Hole’s gravitational force --

corresponds to a critical quantum wavelength, called the Compton wavelength, based on the Physics

Nobel prize (1927) winning work of Arthur Compton. He demonstrated X-rays’ dual wave/particle

nature. In the context of the fractal universe, the Compton wavelength is comparable to the thickness

of the "brushstrokes" with which all of Nature is painted.

Quantised Fractal Spacetime, fuzzy spacetime, ultrametric and non-commutative mathematics are

essential as we move away from conventional spacetime, generalise the Heisenberg Uncertainty

Principle and challenge conventional notions of scale. Looking at recent experimental suggestions

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of variation in the fine structure constant, which determines the smallest relevant Quanta of space

and time, we can conclude that dimensionality is not absolute! It depends critically on the scale of

resolution, from the Planck scale to cosmological distances. And then this leads us to the next leap:

to quantum effects at multiple macro scales, universally!

Fluctuational Cosmology

The logical result is a framework of fluctuational cosmology. In this framework, the universe was

created as a phase transition, a fluctuation in the background zero-point field. Dark energy -- the

mysterious force fighting gravity, pulling the universe outward -- is one consequence. And more

generally, fluctuational cosmology describes the emergence -- from a chaotic universe at the Planck

scale -- of quantised Spacetime, the cosmology we inhabit, and all of the laws of physics.

Is Space/Time Fractal and Supersymmetric?

What if there is just one "law" that defines reality absolutely, i.e., all

additional theories are only its fractal or iterative projections? This

"law" may be the energy conservation or equivalence principle: the

law that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. There

is no effect without equal and opposite cause and vice versa! Hence,

is Space the fractal reaction of Time, just as Time is the fractal

reaction of Space? NOE postulates that Space and Time are inverse

fractal projections of an inertial reality, in between, which is neither

Space nor Time, but both as depicted by Figure 2 Metatron's Cube

which shows an inverse fractal.

Figure 2 Metatron's Cube

Is Duality a Fractal Space/Time Reality?

Duality is a reality of two equal opposites, where one

negates another. Above is real only in perspective from

below; left is real only from right, black is real only in white

contrast and right is real only in comparison with wrong.

One equal opposite needs to stand in repetitive or fractal

negation of another in Space/Time to give the illusion of

Duality. Space and Time are positive/negative results of

self-comparison, because only self-interference is real!

Space negates passage of Time and passage of Time

negates Space.

Space/Time is double negation that creates singular affirmation, which is perceived as Inertia or

Gravity. Double negation is affirmation...!

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Fractal Universe

The universe consists of a series of spiral bodies of diminishing size, each made in turn by plasma

ejection and moulded by a spatial Coriolis effect: a rotating fractal universe.

In physical cosmology, Fractal Cosmology is a set of minority cosmological theories which states

that the distribution of matter in the Universe, or the structure of universe itself, is fractal.1

More generally, Fractal Universe relates to the usage or appearance of fractals in the study of the

universe and matter. A central issue in this field is the fractal dimension of the Universe or of matter

distribution within it, when measured at very large or very small scales.

1 Physics and Metaphysics

"It should be remembered that the mere scale does not matter, for greatness and smallness are essentially relative. The destiny of each atom is to create a brahmanda. Brahmandas like or smaller or larger than ours, held together by a sun, are present in every atom. Vishvas, great world-systems, exist in an atom, and atoms again exist in these vishvas. This is the significance of 'many from one'; wherever we see the one we should recognise the many also, and conversely. After securing the ability of, and then actually, creating a brahmanda, the next step is the creation of a jagat, then a vishva, then a maha-vishva and so on, till the status of maha-

vishnu is reached."—Bhagavan Das in the Pranava Vada, p. 94. See Vol. 1, Sec: Ch 3, Components of the


From a science perspective, this paragraph is describing fractals.

Note: "held together by a sun, are present in every atom. Vishvas, great world-systems, exist in an atom, and atoms again exist in these vishvas." This is particle physics.

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Figure 3 Quantum Black Hole

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Figure 4 The Charm Quark showing the 3 Subquarks with Devon particles2

2 The quark is showing a configuration of 3 subquarks; each subquark has a quantum blackhole. A new classification of fermions is noted. The quark structure and the union of the subquarks, represented by Penrose tilings, was developed with p-adic with Pontryagin dual group and circle group mathematics.

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The Quark (Object) and Its Image (Hologram)

Figure 5 - Magnetic Dipole Interaction between the object and image (hologram) of the Charm II

quarks in the hydrogen atom. The magnetic field is more complicated than what is shown. The

Distributing Centre in the case of hydrogen is the bond with another atom. The standard equations

for determining forces between two magnetic dipoles and torque apply.

Solar Fire – the 2nd Ray – AKA Gravity

The 2nd Ray is referred to as Solar Fire and is neutral electricity (magnetism) pulsating through the

subquarks. The solar fire continues past the boundary of the quark. It is the root of the hydrogen

bond and sets the quarks of the image (hologram) and object (see Figure 4) as an analogous

magnetic dipole-dipole that is dipolar coupling as shown in Figure 5 which is the basis of J-coupling

and the Nuclear Overhauser Effect in the DNA strand. It is the basis of the Nuclear Magnetic Moment.

It is magnetism (U1). It is the basis of the Law of Attraction and is the root cause of; red and blue

shifting in the hydrogen bond and the universe; General Relativity; and gravity. Its colour is blue,

blue-white. Its note is B.

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p-Adic and Adelic Einstein Gravity

Figure 6 2-Adic Tree - p-adic numbers cannot be completely visualized in real Euclidean space: there

is partial visualization by trees and fractalsvii

In Einstein’s ‘Theory of Gravity’ gravity is presented in terms of the pseudo-Riemannian geometry

where distance is defined by 𝑑𝑠2 = 𝑔𝜇𝜈𝑑𝑥𝜇𝑑𝑥𝜈 with respect to some system of coordinates. From

metric tensor (𝑔𝜇𝜈) one can obtain any information about Riemannian space.

𝑔𝜇𝜈 → Γ𝜇𝜈𝛼 → 𝑅𝛽𝜇𝜈

𝛼 → 𝑅𝜇𝜈 → 𝑅

1. Christoffel symbol

Γ𝜇𝜈𝛼 =


2𝑔𝛼𝛽(𝜕𝜇𝑔𝛽𝜈 + 𝜕𝜈𝑔𝜇𝛽 − 𝜕𝛽𝑔𝜇𝜈)

2. Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor

𝑅𝛽𝜇𝜈𝛼 = 𝜕𝜇Γ𝛽𝜈

𝛼 − 𝜕𝜈Γ𝜇𝛽𝛼 + Γ𝜇𝛾

𝛼 Γ𝛽𝜈𝛾

− Γ𝜈𝛾𝛼 Γ𝜇𝛽


3. Ricci tensor and Ricci scalar

𝑅𝜇𝜈 = 𝑅𝜇𝜈𝛼 𝛼 , 𝑅 = 𝑔𝜇𝜈𝑅𝜇𝜈

4. Einstein equations for gravity field (metric tensor)

𝑅𝜇𝜈 −1

2𝑅𝑔𝜇𝜈 =


𝑐4𝑇𝜇𝜈 −∧ 𝑔𝜇𝜈

5. Einstein-Hilbert action (g is determinant of 𝑔𝜇𝜈)

S =1

16𝜋𝐺∫ √−𝑔 (𝑅 − 2 ∧)𝑑4𝑥, (𝑐 = 1)

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Scientists can now formally consider main ingredients of (pseudo) Riemannian geometry and

Einstein theory of gravity as p-adic valued.

We now consider Quantum Cosmology (QC). In QC scientists are interested in the wave function of

the Universe, which contains quantum information about the Universe at its very early stage of


Branko Dragovichviii used adelic quantum mechanics to obtain the adelic wave function of the

Universe. As a simple example, he considered the de Sitter model of the Universe.

6. Adelic space-time and adelic (pseudo) Riemannian geometry

𝛼 = (𝛼∞, 𝛼2, 𝛼3, ⋯ , 𝛼𝑝, ⋯ ), 𝛼∞ ∈ ℝ, 𝛼𝑝 ∈ ℚ𝑝

where for all but a finite set 𝒫 of primes p one has that 𝛼𝑝 ∈ ℤ𝑝 = {𝑋 ∈ ℚ𝑝: |𝑥|𝑝 ≤ 1} i.e. p-adic integers.

Adele 𝛼 can be space-time point or any ingredient of (pseudo) Riemannian geometry, including

gravity action.

7. Space of adeles

𝔸 = ⋃ 𝐴(𝒫), 𝐴(𝒫) = ℝ × ∏ ℚ𝑝


× ∏ ℤ𝑝



Gravity Effects Relative to Earth

Science assumes that space is nothing since they observe the vacuum although as Aristotle

proclaimed there is no void. The vacuum has been unsatisfactorily explained as the near absence

of matter due to the gravitational pull of the various large bodies occupying the space. NOE

stipulates that the vacuum is an effect of sonoluminescence at the cosmic level, which also explains

the expansion of the universe.

a. b. c. d.

Figure 7 The phenomenon of sonoluminescence from left to right: a. appearance of a bubble, b. slow

expansion, c. quick and sudden contraction, d. emission of light .

The theory asserts that the observed gravity is a result of the attraction and repulsion of the nucleus

and electrons of an atom/planet created by the rotary action and as mollified by a synthesizing

electrical force maintaining equilibrium working through akasha; that is the second aspect of

electricity (neutral) exerts forces on cosmic differentiated material both within the ovoid and

externally. Therefore, what the physicist calls gravity the chemist calls a bond ix. To understand the

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hydrogen bond is to understand how our universe is held together through neutral electricity. The red

and blue shifting in the hydrogen bond is referred to as quantum gravity.x

To demonstrate, Figure 8 gives some of the gravity and bonding structures relative to the planet

Earth.xi The Sun is analogous to a subquark (Figure 1) with the inner core composed of 4 th

dimensional substance/fluid (akasha - there is no name in science for this substance however the

closest hypothesized is strange matter) animated by latent heat which is channeled through the

sutratma, surrounded by positive electrical fluid and coronal plasma. Figure 3 and Figure 4 above

apply to the sun. In Figure 4 note ‘Figure B – Union of the Subquarks.’

As shown below The Pleiades is the source for the neutral bonding energy which is found on the 4 th

plane of the cosmic physical plane and in the 4th dimension for visible globes. As a general rule;

blue/blue-white planets coalesce from the root from the note of B and the energy of the second ray

and typically carry the neutral form of electricity (magnetism) which binds. This is Newton’s agent!

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Figure 8 Simplified Polarities and Bonds Relative to the Planet Earth

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i Extracted from Holloway, MM., The Secret Doctrine, Volume IV, The Nature of Everything, (2017), Quantum

Innovation Labs, Chairman's Office, 29th floor, One Canada Square, London E14 5DY, United Kingdom, See

and ii Blavatsky, H., The Secret Doctrine, The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy, Volume I,

Cosmogenesis, Third and Revised Edition. (A. Besant, Editor, & Princeton Theological Seminary Library,

Producer) Retrieved January 2, 2013, from Internet Archive, (1893), page 532. iii The ‘Big Bang’ of NOE does not have a singularity; rather cosmic sonoluminescence is the mechanism

for the origin of the universe iv See Holloway, MM., The Secret Doctrine, Volume IV, The Nature of Everything, (May 10, 2017), The Atom

and Spirillae, pages 100-146 v Besant, A., & Leadbeater, W. (n.d.). Occult Chemistry. Revised Edition, 1919; Retrieved 07 02, 2012, from

Project Gutenberg: or; vi Bailey, A. A., A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. New York, Lucis Publishing Company (1973), vii See also, slide 7, of Dragovich, B., p-adic and Adelic Gravity and Cosmology, ISAAC2013: 9th International

Congress. Session 22: Analytic Methods in Complex Geometry (2013) viii Dragovich, B., and Nešić, Lj., p-adic and Adelic Generalization of Quantum Cosmology (2000), ix Blavatsky, H., The Secret Doctrine, The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy, Volume I,

Cosmogenesis, Third and Revised Edition. (A. Besant, Editor, & Princeton Theological Seminary Library,

Producer) Retrieved January 2, 2013, from Internet Archive, (1893), page 559.

“How can Science presume to know anything certain of it (gravity)? How can it maintain

its position and its hypotheses against those of the Occultists, who see in gravity only

sympathy and antipathy, or attraction and repulsion, caused by physical polarity on our

terrestrial plane, and by spiritual causes outside its influence?”

x See Arunan, E., Desiraju, G., Klein, R., Sadlei, J., Scheiner, S., Alkorta, I., . . . and Nesbitt, D., Defining the

hydrogen bond: An account (IUPAC Technical Report), Pure Applied Chemistry, 83(8), 1619-1636.

doi:10.1351/PAC-REP-10-01-01 (2011, July 8) xi The main source for the polarities and bonds comes from Bailey, A. A., Esoteric Astrology, New York,

Lucis Publishing Company (1962), Appendix Suggestions for Students, Astrology in The Secret Doctrine

(3rd Edition), starting on 635.
