The Nativity story By Grace Maher Long ago in a town called Nazareth an angel called Gabriel came to...


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  • The Nativity story By Grace Maher
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  • Long ago in a town called Nazareth an angel called Gabriel came to a girl called Mary And told her she would have the son of god, he said that the dad will be Joseph And that she will name him Jesus. Caesar Augustus said everyone had to go back to There home town.
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  • Mary and Joseph did get married, the trip to Bethlehem was long and rough Mary went on a donkey and Joseph pulled it. On there way they met an innkeeper and he said there was no room but they could stay in the stable.
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  • In the hills the shepherds wore watching their sheep when the same angel appeared it said follow the star it will led you to the son of God. The shepherds did what the angle said they followed the star to the stable.
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  • The three wise men spotted the star in the sky and followed it to the stable where the son of god was lying. The kings wore talking about the baby on the way there
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  • Once the three kings came they gave gifts to the baby Jesus, everyone loved him. The son of God. The three wise men gave Jesus Gold Frankincense and myrrh. Mary And Joseph wore delighted to see all the people that came to see there baby.