The Motivation to Love Overcoming Spiritual Violence and Sacramental Shame in Christian Churches...



Spiritual abuses of LGBT people by Christian churches.

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The Motivation to LoveDawne Moon, PhD, Sociology
Theresa Tobin, PhD, Philosophy
The Motivation to Love
1. What motivates non-LGBT church members to end these practices?
The Motivation to Love
1. What motivates non-LGBT church members to end these practices?
2. How do LGBT Christians overcome spiritual violence to experience a loving God, serve others, and flourish?
Spiritual Violence
Spiritual Violence
Using religious means to violate a person in her or his relationship to God
Spiritual Violence
Using religious means to violate a person in her or his relationship to God
Using scripture to demean
Spiritual Violence
Using religious means to violate a person in her or his relationship to God
Using scripture to demean
Spiritual Violence
Using religious means to violate a person in her or his relationship to God
Using scripture to demean
Religious teachings/traditions spiritual inferiority
Spiritual Violence
Spiritual Violence
Erects barriers to Christian virtue
Sacramental Shame
Sacramental Shame
A form of spiritual violence in which a church uses shaming practices to try to bring a person closer to God
Sacramental Shame
A form of spiritual violence in which a church uses shaming practices to try to bring a person closer to God
Paradoxically separates person from God
Sacramental Shame
A form of spiritual violence in which a church uses shaming practices to try to bring a person closer to God
Paradoxically separates person from God
Focus inward on fixing self
Sacramental Shame
A form of spiritual violence in which a church uses shaming practices to try to bring a person closer to God
Paradoxically separates person from God
Focus inward on fixing self
God’s love is conditional
Sacramental Shame
A form of spiritual violence in which a church uses shaming practices to try to bring a person closer to God
Paradoxically separates person from God
Focus inward on fixing self
God’s love is conditional
Can’t serve others until self repaired
Two Groups: LGBT Christians Non-LGBT Participants
We will investigate this using participant-observation and qualitative interviews with two groups
LGBT Christians
LGBT Christians
Allows to serve others
Allows to serve others
Non-LGBT Participants
Non-LGBT Participants
Non-LGBT Participants
HYPOTHESIS: Four processes
HYPOTHESIS: Four processes
Non-LGBT Participants
HYPOTHESIS: Four processes
Media representations
Non-LGBT Participants
HYPOTHESIS: Four processes
Media representations
HYPOTHESIS: Four processes
Media representations
Global information flowImplausibililty of single truthlisten, learn, love
Non-LGBT Participants
HYPOTHESIS: Four processes
Media representations
Global information flowImplausibililty of single truthlisten, learn, love
Conventional approach feels unchristian
Methodology and Deep Integration
Methods and Deep Integration
Methods and Deep Integration
Methods and Deep Integration
Able to distinguish true from pseudo-virtue
Methods and Deep Integration
Methods and Deep Integration
Deep, rich narratives of experience from multiple perspectives
Dynamic process where analysis informs later data gathering, and reveals changes over time
Methods and Deep Integration
Deep, rich narratives of experience from multiple perspectives
Dynamic process where analysis informs later data gathering, and reveals changes over time
Deep, rich narratives of experience from multiple perspectives
Dynamic process where analysis informs later data gathering, and reveals changes over time
Methods and Deep Integration
Participant-observation, interviews,
Participant-observation, interviews, documents
Participant-observation, interviews, documents
Participant-observation, interviews, documents
Participant-observation, interviews, documents
Participant-observation, interviews, documents
Participant-observation, interviews, documents
Participant-observation, interviews, documents
Methodological Innovation
Methodological Innovation
Examining situated accounts and personal narratives of people’s motivation to virtue
Methodological Innovation
Examining situated accounts and personal narratives of people’s motivation to virtue
Framing sociological data in terms of virtue
Methodological Innovation
Examining situated accounts and personal narratives of people’s motivation to virtue
Framing sociological data in terms of virtue
Bringing sociological data to the discussion of virtue
Why This Matters
Why This Matters
Academic significance
How people develop the motivation to end practices of spiritual violence
Why This Matters
Academic significance
How people develop the motivation to end practices of spiritual violence
The end of the “Culture Wars”
Why This Matters
Academic significance
How people develop the motivation to end practices of spiritual violence
The end of the “Culture Wars”
Character development in unhealthy spiritual environment
Why This Matters
Academic significance
How people develop the motivation to end practices of spiritual violence
The end of the “Culture Wars”
Character development in unhealthy spiritual environment
Spiritual Healing
Methodological significance
Empirical grounding and/or challenge to moral claims (claims about motivation to virtue)
Why This Matters
Methodological significance
Empirical grounding and/or challenge to moral claims (claims about motivation to virtue)
Moral framework to guide analysis
Why This Matters
Why This Matters
Help movements to foster growth
Why This Matters
Help movements to foster growth
Facilitate public understanding
Sociology has unspoken normative assumptions
Sociology has unspoken normative assumptions
Methodological barrier
Sociology has unspoken normative assumptions
Methodological barrier
Sociology has unspoken normative assumptions
Methodological barrier
Philosophical project invites interviews on its own
The Motivation to Love
Dawne Moon, PhD, Sociology
Theresa Tobin, PhD, Philosophy