The Most Challenging Globally Recognized Translator Certification Program 1


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The Most Challenging Globally Recognized Translator

Certification Program


What is the CTP Designation?The CTP Designation Program is a designation program for translation professionals, corporate or

Freelance Translators, and those looking for continuing education within the industry.

The CTP Designation Program is modeled after many online courses offered at Ivy League institutions. The CTP Designation is a self-study program and the exam is administered 100% online. The online exam must be completed in 3 hours; more than sufficient for those who have read the materials. We offer a challenging program while providing the necessary learning tools to help ensure participants are successful.

The CTP Designation is sponsored by the Global Translation Institute (GTI) which is fast growing global member professional networking association. It was founded to create an international forum of translation professionals who can openly help each other and offer resources for others to advance their careers and business interests. This translation certification program is not only designed for translation professionals but also designed by translation professionals.


CTP Designation Benefits1. Gain the ability to apply for more positions which are highly competitive and require specific designations or set levels of

experience in the translation industry.2. Improve your resume while also upgrading your existing language skills.3. Gain free exclusive access to our database of over 500 global translation agencies and their full contact details in Excel ($300

Value). 4. Become more knowledgeable in the Translation industry saving you time in making decisions which shape how you grow your

translation career or business. 5. Commitment- Completing our Translation certificate is a great way to let employers know that you have made a serious

devotion to becoming an expert in the translation field.6. Become more confident about your ability to perform translation services and manage your career or translation business.7. Become capable of working as a translator in the languages of accreditation shown on your certificate.8. Improve your credibility when growing your career as a freelance translator. 9. Advance your business or career by raising your level of translation knowledge and increasing your ability to work quickly and

effectively. Specialized knowledge is valuable and mastering the basics allows you to work more efficiently than your competitors.

10. Gain author status on our industry leading. Alumni may post original industry articles on after completing our program.

11. Speak the language- Earning the CTP Designation assures that you can attend conferences, do well at future interviews, and other networking events while being able to contribute to conversations and understand discussions about current events or trends within the industry.

12. Gain valuable insight into your own career and business plans. The broad and in-depth reading and studying needed to earn the CTP Designation will help you decide what you should be working towards.


Additional Advantages

All participants gain access to our Library of the Audio Interviews which we have conducted with experienced translators from all over the world. By listening to these interviews you can receive valuable translation career advice directly from trusted experts in the industry.

Those who join the CTP also gain access to our Translator Training Video Platform, which provides over 50 concise educational videos as well as a audio study tips and a resume template.

After joining you also get free access to our $300 database of over 500 global translation agencies and their full contact details in Excel (Sold for $300 at

CTP Alumni also get "author status" on our leading websites, where they can grow their industry profile and contribute original articles to the website.


Translator Certification Program The Certified Translation Professional (CTP) together with the Global Translation

Institute (GTI) have established an online certification program to enable professional translators to demonstrate that they meet highly professional standards. Translators who pass a written examination are certified by the CTP in a specific language pair and direction (from or into English). For further information, please register to receive our email alerts which educate you on how the program works and provide you with program updates.

The CTP Designation Program is currently available for 22 different language pairs. Our exam evaluates participant's abilities to translate in both directions. For example if you choose the English-Spanish language pair you will be tested on translating from English into Spanish as well as Spanish into English. The language options are: English, French, Chinese (Mandarin), German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Japanese, Greek, Korean, Polish, Dutch, Irish, Romanian, Hindi, Thai, Indonesian, Punjabi, and Danish.


Translator Certification Program (continued)The CTP Program provides participants a broad foundation of knowledge that allows

them to gain specialized training within the translation industry. While nothing can replace years of industry experience, the program aims to increase the breadth of knowledge that current industry professionals hold and in addition, assist those individuals transitioning into the translation industry. Towards this end, we have constructed the CTP certification program to provide a strong base of industry knowledge. The exam will certify you as a professional translator and it will assure that you possess professional competence in translating.

The exam tests individuals on their abilities and knowledge within a specific language pair that they are specialized in. For example, a participant may specialize in English to Portuguese translation or the other way around. The CTP specialized training can be applied to many types of translation jobs and career paths.


Examination Procedures The certification examination is a 3 hour, online, open-book exam in a specific

language pair (i.e., English as the source language and one specific target language). The exam presents 80 multiple choice questions in English, two essay questions in English and two passages of approximately 150-175 words each. One of the passages is to be translated into the target language of your choice and the other one from the target language into English.

The two passages are mandatory for everyone to successfully pass the exam. All of the passage translations must meet the CTP certification standards for a passing grade of 80%.

The CTP Designation program is the most challenging globally recognized translator certification program in the industry.


Study Materials Required readings for the CTP Program may be found at

In addition to these readings our firm provides a PDF-based study guide through our website: Our study guide provides a list of required readings, examples of questions and exercises that will be presented in the final exam, book summaries, sample questions, grading criteria and more.

Our team is made up of translation professionals and we are here as a resource to you. We can help answer reading-related questions, career related questions, resume related questions, or general translation questions.

For additional Translation Videos and Audio resources please visit:


QuotesBelow are a number of testimonials direct from current and past participants within the CTP Designation Program. These

quotes were not paid for, they offer insight into why others in similar situations are registering for this program.

Testimonial #1: Pilar Gracia (Professional Translator from Bolivia)“The reason I am enrolling in the Global Translation Institute Program is because I have looked for a Certified Translation

Professional Certification for many years, but was unable to acquire it, until I randomly caught the advertisement on the Christianwalk site.

I rejoiced at the opportunity of fulfilling my dream to become a Certified Translator. I believe that Global Translation Institute is filling up a much needed service in providing for Certifications worldwide to make many free lance Language writers and translators such as myself, in professionals that can provide in turn services that many people can benefit from.

Thank you for helping me in so many ways to accomplish my long-awaited dream. I am thrilled to continue the journey of studying and learning much more about the wonderful world of communicating and translating English to Spanish or Spanish to English.”

Testimonial #2: Elizabeth Reed "The CTP certification program with the Global Translation Institute has been an excellent experience for me. I learned a great deal

about what it means to be a translator and about how to run a translating business. I would recommend this program to anyone who is considering improving their knowledge within translating field, since it teaches one how to operate more effectively as a translator and as a businessperson. Additionally, the support offered by the staff is excellent, and all members have been very welcoming. In my opinion, this is the best value in training for running a translation business available in the USA"

Testimonial #3: Ella V Lord "This is a great way to obtain certification. Your communication is timely and very well organized, the textbook is easy to read and

have lots of useful information, and the instructions for the test are very clear. Even though I have experience in working as a translator/interpreter, I am happy that I made a decision to sign up for the test. The learning experience was awesome and I feel that I am more professionally prepared to face any difficulties that I may encounter as a freelance translator/interpreter."


Quotes ContinuedTestimonial #4: Elena Lomeli "The exam was thorough and intelligent. The amount of time allocated was perfect. Plus, you are better than ATA 100%,

since ATA doesn't prepare you for the exam, doesn't recommend books, just charges you $300 and gives you absolutely no opportunity to appeal. Thank you for the challenge and the chance."

Testimonial #5: Lissette Frederick "I think the program is very thorough. All the suggested reading was a great compilation of important information. In

this program, you can learn a lot of great essential information in a short period of time. This is the right program for someone who is looking to improve their career of translation."

Testimonial #6: Jason Higgins (Professional Translator from Canada)"The CTP Program is just what I was looking for. I have struggled to gain my first 5 years of initial experience within the

industry and I see this as a good first step towards speeding up my career in this industry."

Testimonial #7: Elsa Snevely (Professional translator from Mexico) "The overall program is very good. I think that the books that you assigned have a good balance between the practical

and the theoretical aspects of the translation world. My favorite was Sofer's book. It was very specific, easy to read, well structured and it had concepts that were easy to apply in the real world. The exam was also very good in terms of the content. I think it covered the most important aspects of the books and it was challenging even for someone like me who already attended 3 years of translation and interpretation school back in Mexico."


Quotes ContinuedTestimonial #8: Gemma Ng "I have enjoyed this process. Sure it was lots of readings, but it was worth it." Testimonial #9: Nora Kenney "The processes before and during the test ran really smooth. The help and guidance from Adriana was awesome and

left nothing to doubt. The time to work on the test was very well calculated. I feel really satisfied with all the process."

Testimonial #10: Elaini Bressani (Professional Translator from Brazil)"I would like to complete the CTP Program once I have completed my current projects, I will keep in touch through your

CTP email alerts. Thank you for the information" Testimonial #11: Lenoardo Lamarche "I am quite happy to have had the opportunity to present this test and be a Certified Translator. I do hope that this

certification will improve the number of contract jobs for me in the future. I am also very grateful for all the assistance and enthusiasm provided by the team running this program."

Testimonial #12: Marietta Rodriquez "Perfect to have a better understanding of what translation is all about. Reading the books was an eye opening

experience to what a professional translator really is and it gave me so many tools to become a more successful translator. It was very convenient to be able to take the test when I was ready. I am now more motivated to take the next steps."


Quotes ContinuedTestimonial #13: Nicholas Scramuzza"This program is great because it allows you to study and take the test from anywhere. It is very flexible and

one can fit this in a busy schedule.“

Testimonial #14: Elsa C. Valentini "The CTP program is great for people, like me, that have a full time job, plus a second job as a translator, and

do not have the time to go to classes, do homework, etc. I had been looking for a way to get certified and I was very excited when I found the CTP program that was offered on line. Thanks for that wonderful idea! And thank you, Adriana for your support. You can rest assured that I will recommend this program to other future translators."

Testimonial #15: Gabriela Toussaint"The CTP Program has been one of the best educational experience of my life. I didn't know how to start with

my translation career and this program gave me no just the opportunity to star with it but also a good insight of what to expect from this field... and even a certificate. I'd recommend the CTP Program for anyone interested in translation who is looking for an affordable and professional course that can be taken anytime, anywhere.“

For additional testimonials, please visit our website here:


Tuition The price for the certification including one language pair is $297. If you would like to add an additional language pair to the exam, the price is $347. Past CTP participants may upgrade their certification to a language-specific pair for just


The fees include all organizational, examination, and grading expenses.

The only additional cost which you should plan for is the purchase of required reading materials, which includes 1 textbook. This required textbook may be viewed and purchased at

3 Easy Steps to Register for the CTP Program: Complete the registration form found here. Wait for email confirmation regarding your eligibility Purchase required readings which are listed here


CTP Designation Certificate


Sample Certificate

FAQSee below for our FAQ and please send in any additional questions you may have to us directly at

Below are some of the frequently asked questions regarding the Certified Translation Professional (CTP) Program and Examination. If you are interested in the CTP, you may consider learning more about why others have enrolled by clicking here.

1) Question: What makes this different from other professional translation designations. Answer: It is 100% online so you can take the exam from anywhere in the world, it is the fastest growing certification program for freelance translators and translation career professionals, and it is the only certification program recommended by the Global Translation Institute (GTI).

2) Question: What are the advantages of becoming CTP Certified? Answer: All participants gain access to our Library of the Audio Interviews which we have conducted with experienced translators from all

over the world. By listening to these interviews you can receive valuable translation career advice directly from trusted experts in the industry.

Those who join the CTP also gain access to our Translator Training Video Platform which provides short concise educational translation best practices and tips.

After joining you also get free access to our $300 database of over 500 global translation agencies and their full contact details in Excel (Sold for $300 at

CTP Alumni also get "author status" on our leading websites, and where they can grow their industry profile and contribute original articles to the website.


FAQ Continued3) Question: What are the prerequisites for the program?

Answer: All candidates looking to complete the CTP Program must meet these prerequisites prior to registering for the exam.

Education or Work ExperienceIn order to be accepted into the program all candidates must hold at least 1 year of part-time or full time translation experience.

4) Question: What are the language combinations available? Answer: The CTP Designation Program is currently available for 22 different language pairs. Our exam evaluates

participant's abilities to translate in both directions. For example if you choose the English-Spanish language pair you will be tested on translating from English into Spanish as well as Spanish into English. The language options are: English, French, Chinese (Mandarin), German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Japanese, Greek, Korean, Polish, Dutch, Irish, Romanian, Hindi, Thai, Indonesian, Punjabi, and Danish.

5) Question: Who has completed the CTP Designation Program? Answer: Participants in the CTP Program may include: Corporate or Freelance Translators Professionals specializing in both interpretation and translation Teams of professional translators who work together Students who are already working as professional translators within the field Professors and teachers



FAQ Continued6) Question: Do I need to provide proof of my experience and education before I can take the exam?Answer: Yes, you need to provide this additional documentation and the verification by filling out the registration form.

7) Question: If have taken ESL for over 1 year; does it count as proof of experience?Answer: No, you must have 1 year of part-time or full-time work experience as a translator to complete our program.

8) Question: I have worked as a freelancer translator for over 1 year in the past; does it count as proof of experience?Answer: Yes, if you have worked as a freelance translator for more than 1 year as the program requires, you are eligible to take the exam.

9) Question: Is there another fee besides the $297 that I am paying to take the exam?Answer: There are no additional expenses (besides the textbook) in order for you to complete the program.

10) Question: Can I pay the fee now and take the exam at a later date?Answer: Yes, you have 8 months to take the exam once you pay the $297 processing fee. After 8 months, you are no longer eligible to take the exam and you will have to pay the processing fee again.


FAQ Continued11) Question: I failed the exam; do I have to resubmit the documentation before taking the examination again?Answer: No, once you registered, we will keep your information in our records.

12) Question: If I fail the exam, how much do I have to pay to retake the exam?Answer: If you fail the exam you will have to pay a total of $99.

13) Question: How many times can I take the exam? Answer: You can take the exam as many times as you want.

14) Question: Am I going to receive a certificate upon passing the exam? Answer: Yes, once you successfully pass the test, we will send you a certificate to the address you have requested. To view a sample of the certificate, please visit:

15) Question: When can I take the exam?Answer: The exam is offered four times a year: In February, May, August, and November of each year. After you register, you will receive instructions on choosing an appropriate examination date that fits your schedule.

16) Question: Can I take the exam online?Answer: Yes, the exam is only available online and you can earn the certification from anywhere in the world. Our examination system uses a dual layered, IP Tracking and password protection system so that you do not have to attend a testing center to completing your testing requirements.


FAQ Continued17) Question: Can I take the exam from London or Brazil?

Answer: Yes, you can take the exam from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a good Internet connection. 18) Question: I know that I want to earn the Translation Certification; how do I register for the exam?

Answer: Please use the registration page. 19) Question: How much do I have to study for this exam?

Answer: Preparation time required for this exam depends on each candidate's current knowledge, experience, reading speed, and comprehension. It is impossible to calculate how much time a specific individual would need to prepare, but we suggest 75-100 hours of reading and study time. There is 1 required textbook to take the exam and some people may need extra time to have a better understanding of the contents.

20) Question: Where can I buy the required textbook for this program?

Answer: To purchase the textbook please see our Required Reading List. 21) Question: When will I get my test results back?

Answer: After completing the exam, you will receive your results in approximately 30 days. 22) Question: What score do I need to pass the exam?

Answer: You need to have a total of 80% in order to pass the exam. 23) Question: What methods of payment are accepted for the program?

Answer: Any major credit card, checks, and Western Union payment.

24) Question: As an employer why should I hire someone who has earned this translation certification?Answer: The CTP certification ensures that if you hire someone who has completed this program, they have mastered a certain base level of knowledge about conducting professional translation projects. Our program tests participants within four distinct areas including; language ethics, translation best practices, client management, and grammar and style.

25) Question: When can I register for the program?

Answer: You can register for the program at any time by clicking here.

26) Question: Is the exam fee refundable? Answer: Refunds will be made if written notification is received 4 weeks after exam registration. After four weeks, refunds will not be made. The CTP Program includes a 4 week no questions asked money back guarantee. That means if you register today for this program, try it out and decide it is not for you we can refund all of your money back to you immediately.


FAQ Continued

Our TeamAdriana Tassini, Managing Director Adriana Tassini founded the Certified Translation Professional (CTP) Program and now helps manage the program structure, examination, and overall

program resources. Adriana is a Harvard University Alumni Member, and her background is in international relations and translation work in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Boston, Massachusetts (USA).

Vanessa Greenway, Associate Vanessa Greenway has worked for different global companies as a bilingual Executive Secretary with experience in HR Secretarial and Social Services

and Training and Development. Vanessa Greenway helps to review and improve the CTP Program as well as keeping our Blog up-dated with information and sources that will help our new students through the process of becoming a certified translator.

Richard Wilson, Program Delivery Advisor Richard Wilson has experience in online learning and program development. His background includes developing the basic systems and online learning

environment for a 600 participant a year training program that went live in 2007. He now assists the CTP Designation in delivering translation training to its members.

Charlie Barr, Technical Specialist Charlie Barr is our technical specialist and webmaster. Charlie helps create video resources and study guides for our members and he will continue to

assist in the development of additional resources for CTP Designation members.

Theo O'Brien, Market Research Theo O'Brien is in charge of completing market research on the translation and online learning industries. He helps make sure that our CTP Program is

current and innovative in how the learning process is delivered.

Rafael Albuquerque, Program Assistant Rafael Albuquerque was added to our team to help us consistently produce new resources, alumni benefits, and downloadable multimedia from our

website. Rafael is an expert in resource research and construction and many of the tools you use within our programs were built with his help. Rafael has been especially helpful in creating the Translation Directory which is provided for free to all CTP alumni.


About Us and Contact The Certified Translation Professional (CTP) is an online training and designation program for professionals who

work or would like to work within the translation industry.

The CTP is sponsored by the Global Translation Institute (GTI), which is fast growing professional networking association for translators around the world. The Global Translation Institute (GTI) was founded to create an international forum of translation professionals who openly help and offer resources for others to advance their careers and business interests.

Global Translation Institute (GTI)

Attention: CTP Designation program

GTI Managing DirectorAdriana Tassini

Address: 3300 NW 185th Avenue Suite #108Portland, Oregon 97229



More Qualifications, More Translation Projects. That is The Power of the CTP