The Mind's Eye 2011-2012



Waldwick High School

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Board of EducationPatricia Levine, President

Dawn Monaco, Vice President

Daniel Marro, Sr.

Claire McLafferty

Dominic J. Novelli

Joseph Orlak

Martha Walsh

AdministrationDr. Patricia Raupers-Superintendent of Schools

John Griffin-Business Administrator/Bd.Secretary

Victoria Wilson-Director of Special Services

Kevin Carroll-Principal, High School

Michael Clancy-Assistant Principal/Athletic Director

Elizabeth Getlik-Supervisor of Language Arts, World Languages, and

Special Services

Janet Sobkowicz-Supervisor of Social Studies, Related Arts, and ESL

Mind’s Eye StaffAdvisor: Mrs. Danielle Kish

Staff: Natalia Basante, Sam Capener, Melissa, Davies, Molly

Lumino, Julia Montella, Franchesca Romero, and Nicole Stahl

Artwork provided by Ms. Ruch’s Art Students

Photography provided by Mr. Opderbeck’s Photography Club

Front Cover Designed by Nicole Stahl

Clipart provided by Microsoft Word

Conflicting Emotions

By Sam Capener

“Hate!” says the heart, fearful and loud.

“Help.” states the head, calm and proud

“Love!” forces the heart, open and new.

“Care.” goes the head. “Don’t hurt the few.”

Rough Reality

By Sean Hillringhouse

Hopes and dreams can become reality

Only to those who carry on with their goals

Going through Hell to achieve Heaven is the reality,

And everyone must pay a toll

Time is the toll

That can be siphoned

And effort plays a necessary role

To ensure time isn’t wasted in anyone’s life


By Paula Deren

Feel butterflies inside of me

Colors and smells are fine to see

People usually smile and stare

Just want to feel love everywhere

My dreams are really fantasy

Want to love someone endlessly

Happiness will be a glory

Feel like the world is so unfair

Family will help me in need

Best friends always give me a speed


By Joe Turner

Good friends are always there for you

They will want the same from you too

Parents always know what is best

Everyone should always be blessed

Don’t judge a book by its cover

You may not like what you discover

There will always be mean people

Ignoring them is not always simple

To get better you must practice

You do not want to be like a novice

Creed Poem

By Matt Palmieri

In basketball there are a lot of factors

The last shot is the only one that matters

Football is a contact sport, with different plays

But Tim Tebow is the only one that prays

Lacrosse is a sport with a mix of a lot

With many positions all can take a shot

School is a lot but you need it to get through

There’s a lot of homework I might throw a shoe

All my friends are always there to pick me up

And they know my answer will always be “Yup.”


By: Yi Li

Without friends I wouldn’t be here today

I get help from my friends

Friends are important to me

I need friends just like I need air to breathe

Friends are full of love and truth

Without friends I wouldn’t tell anyone my feelings

Friends are all around me and take care of me

Friendship is everything

Friends help me to fight over all the difficulties I


I can’t survive without my friends

Creed Poem

By Samantha Schatz

I believe that family always comes first,

I believe that lemonade quenches my thirst.

I believe miracles can happen if you believe,

I believe true best friends will never leave.

I believe food is always there when I’m bored,

I believe soccer was fun after I scored.

I believe that killing is the worst crime,

I believe that sisters help you through tough times.

I believe that karma will always get you,

I believe hugging is something nice to do.Creed Poem

By Jordan Tarabocchia

I believe an apple a day would keep the doctor away.

I believe that music can relax people in a good way.

I believe family is more important than money.

I believe that clowns are sometimes scary and funny.

I believe that yogurt is a good, healthy snack.

I believe that the most useful tool in school is a backpack.

I believe that the most watched sport in America is football.

I believe that the second most watched sport is baseball.

I believe that education can lead to success.

I believe that you should always try your best.

Blue Sky

By Sam Capener

Lost in a sky

Soar through an air

Fly in my eyes

Fear not what is there

Tremble at beauty

Dangerously loud

See us minutely

So so proud

strong and

My blue sky is freedom

My blue sky is home

Oh, blue sky you’re free from

Letting me roam.

Artwork by Ariana Chousa

Artwork by Holly Corkill

LoveBy Nicole Estell

I believe that love is great

When two people meet at fate

They gracefully fall in love

With blessings from God above

I believe love is awesome

Like a flower that blossoms

Always smiles on their face,

Seeing them makes their heart race

Two lovers live together

They love their spouse forever

My Creed

By Andrew Fucarino

Whenever I can help someone I’ll go out of my way

In hope they pass it on and it brighten up someone’s day

I promise to be nice to my family all the time

Defend them from any harm, hurting them is like a crime

Even when it seems impossible, I will do my work

I won’t get distracted at all, and won’t act like a jerk

My friends are like my family, I have known them so long

I put their interests first, and keep our relationships strong

Rubik’s cubes are a pass time that keep my mind its best

I’ll teach anyone that asks, friends, family and the rest


By Fatima Orellana

Things are not what they appear.A smile is not always a sign of happiness or joy.Smiles can hide the emotion that is meant to be shared by hiding onpurpose.Things are not what they appearA picture can tell more than it shows.It’s not always how the person looksBut the secrets that the person hides behind

Things are not what they appear.Someone can admire a family for its unityBut behind closed doors the family is broken up into pieces

Things are not what they appear.People can collect emotions in their heartsThose emotions are kept away under lock and keyThings are not what they appear.

Life is an illusion that takes more than eyes to f igure it out.

Photo by Sophia Roldan

Wonderful to Just be Me – By Julia Montella

I was unsure

Felt so alone

Had no confidence

To call my own

Took me traveling this far

To realize I’m a shining star


Finally I understand

It’s okay to just be you

Don’t try to be someone else

Now I know this to be true

Doesn’t matter if you’re not

Just as good as him or her

If you’re good as you can be

That’s what people will prefer

You’ve just got to love yourself

Whatever yourself may be

Took so long, but now I’ve learned

It’s wonderful to just be me

Oh so shy

I’d just look down

Slowly growing up

In a small town

Never let my soul take flight

Suddenly I’ve seen the light


Don’t know why

It took this long

Now at last

I’ve found my song

Perfect isn’t what I am

So what? I don’t give a damn!


Just be who you are today

Be the best that you can be

Then hopefully like me you’ll say:

“It’s wonderful to just be me”


By Natalia Basante

Where doth the solemn willow growWhose sweet buds grace the earth,When spring spreads its seductive fingers?

Has thy limp branches caressed the golden plainsAnd allowed the doleful birds to feed off thy grain?

Or hast thou rooted thyself alongside the raging riverWhose white waters sustain thy twisted roots?

Where doth thy sorrowful leaves call their home?

I Am Death After All

By Melissa Depaola

You have probably never met me before.

You might not for awhile.

You might in three minutes

Who knows.

I do not.


I am Death after all.

In the End

Death. You probably frightened your tiny human brain with that word.


I am not as scary or evil as you think.

As a matter of fact,

I am quite likely to be your only friend.

In the End.

Are you Afraid

I do not quite understand how my misunderstood image came to be.

Most likely because I let my guard down.

And I let humans like yourself see me.

I never found my appearance scary.

Or threatening.

Apparently, that Is all I am.


I have a question, human.

Are you afraid?

I hope not.

I am not here to scare you away.

You can only run away for so long.

You cannot escape my inevitable grip.

Death will grip your tiny, insignificant,



My number one rule is: Disregard my threats.

I am not here to scare you.

This is my job.

I Cannot Save You

I have finished my babbling.

I will explain my purpose.

You are going to die soon.

Soon for me.

Even sooner for you.

As I stated previously, I am not sure on certain times or places.

I merely work on feelings,

What you humans would call, your “gut” feeling.

So therefore,

I have to prep you.

Ensure your soul is ready.


If not…

You will be taken by the void.

And become nothing.

At that point.

I cannot save you.

Only I

So be ready for my coming.

And please

Do not make that face.

The surprised face.

I hate that.

I have given you a fair warning.

No god

Or goddness

Is coming for you.

Only I.


By Cristina Horuzy

I am a monster

Glass shatters when I talk

The very ground I walk on crumbles

Hearts I touch rip into pieces

I am a monster

A mere look will burn through you

Souls bow at my feet

With a blink of an eye you will be mine

I am a monster

Lonely and contemned

Save me from myself

This spiraling world will never end

Photo by Anna Puglise

Photo by Michele Figiliolo

Photo by Lauren Foner

Creed Poem

By Serena Grecco

Friendship can be a total mess.

You can get through it with the best.

Family is always there for you.

Through whatever you’re going through.

Love can sometimes be confusing.

It can be very hard choosing.

Volleyball is the best to me.

My team is like my family.

Softball is also a fun sport.

You play outside, not on a court.

Food I love the absolute most.

Especially my favorite, toast.

School takes up my entire day.

But it’s sometimes fun anyway.

Music can explain my whole life.

It plays throughout my day and night.

Writing helps me get my thoughts out.

Matters what we’re writing about.

Life can be sometimes hard facing.

But it is pretty amazing.


By Michelle Orsino

True friends will help you get through it all

Most importantly together you will have a ball

Love is beautiful, love can be sweet

Love can be tough and can have you beat

Family is there for you whatever you do

Whether it’s school or even some help too

Bad friends can come and they go in time

It’s upsetting and rude but not a crime

Loving pets can be an owners best friend

Always there to listen ‘til the end.

Photogrpah by Jessica Niblo

My Creed

By Jeremy Zaukas

I believe that sports are great to play.

I believe school helps us every day.

I believe sleep revives our bodies.

I believe it’s good to find hobbies,

I believe family’s key in life.

I believe relationships can cause fights.

I believe money causes madness.

I believe friendship makes happiness.

I believe dogs are a man’s best friend.

I believe that it’s fun to pretend.

Alvy’s Creed

By Michael Alvarez

Homework is a waste of time

I love to drink lemon lime

I believe in one true God

I love to sleep and play COD

I believe in discipline

I work hard and always grin

I believe in my friends

They will be there til the end.

Animal cruelty is wrong,

I want to go to Hong Kong.

Videogames are fun,

I like to play in the sun.

I Believe

By Connor Walsh

I believe everyone should go to school

Being smart and learning is very cool

I believe everyone should play a sport

Even all the children who need child support.

I believe everyone should have free speech

Free speech also includes the right to preach

I believe family should always come first

Even though sometimes family is dispersed.

I believe in pride and honor for all

That is what we stand for and that’s our call.To Me…

By Alex Sheriff

Your future is affected by your present

Your intelligence can lead to great success

Do what it takes to be happy and pleasant

Life is all about choices, strive for the best

It doesn’t matter when it’s done, just get it done

Hard work can be rewarded with laziness

10:30 is the latest you should rest from fun

Procrastination is fine like craziness

I believe that actions speak louder than words

Being reasonable and rational are important

Thanks, Swimmy.

By Julia Montella

I hurtled through the endless blue, with one single thought racing through my mind: “Got to get

away, got to get away,” over and over. I dared to look behind me. Darn it! They were keeping up

surprisingly well. I whipped my head back around and swam faster. If they catch me, it’s all over. Why am

I swimming for my life, and who is chasing me, you ask? A dolphin named Swimmy, that’s why. Oh, and

the FBI.

I was on vacation in the Bahamas. At the beach, it’s like paradise. The sand is soft and white. The

water is the perfect shade of blue, like turquoise with just the right amount of cerulean added to it.

Unlike on the Atlantic Coast, where the waves suck at your feet when they return to the sea, trying to

pull you down, the waves at the Bahamas gently lap at your feet; slowly going in and out with the soft,

soothing sound of moving water, and on the Atlantic Coast, the waves roar loudly. The cool shade of the

palm trees is never far from the water’s edge. The tall, green, leafy palm trees are forever swaying to

the cool breeze that plays with your hair, blowing just hard enough to keep you cool. I spent so much

time at this tropical Eden, that after a week I looked like one of those bronze-skinned models you see in

swimsuit ads. Yes, it was just like heaven. Then Swimmy, the dolphin, had to go and ruin it.

It was supposed to be the best part of the trip, swimming with dolphins. The ad described it as,

“A fun, unique experience you will never forget!” Oh, yes. I will remember it for the rest of my life. I

jumped in the pool with the dolphins, half listened to the stupid instructions no one cares about, and

was introduced to my dark gray dolphin Swimmy. He swam up to me, and gently bumped me in the way

he was trained to greet tourists. Then, suddenly, he leaped backward into an upright position, and

whacked my hand with his flipper. The instructor was surprised. “Wow, he gave you a high five already!

I’ve never seen him do that before. He must like you.” Swimmy, in the water again, bobbed his head up

and down and made that noise dolphins make. A squeak, a whistle, whatever it is. I laughed, and

climbed onto his back like they showed me. Then he took off.

At first, it was fun. Swimmy zoomed through the water, leaping up, and diving under every now

and then; it was very exhilarating. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Swimmy dove underwater and sped

away from the crowd. He found a hole in the side of the lagoon’s stone wall, and shot through, taking

me with him. We sped through the darkness, the sound of rushing water loud in my ears. Thankfully, he

surfaced again before I ran out of air, in some tiny little cave. The walls were made of some strange,

shimmery blue stone that seemed to glow in the little amount of light available in the cave. Swimmy

swam to this little opening in the side of the cave, and emitted a combination of clicks and whistles that

seemed to be a phrase in dolphin language. Still clinging to him, I stared at the opening, wondering why

the heck a trained dolphin had brought me here, when an unearthly blue light shone through, hitting

me like a spotlight. It bathed me in a soft, otherworldly glow, and made my skin feel tingly. I didn’t like

it, and wanted to go back. Swimmy must have read my mind, because he turned around and plunged

Artwork by Natalia Basante

underwater, and swam back the way we came. We resurfaced in the lagoon with all the other dolphins. I

was relieved; I thought it was over. How wrong I was.

Naturally, when a dolphin and the person riding it suddenly disappeared, people noticed. My

parents were worried sick. The whole area was searched, but we had disappeared without a trace. When

we reappeared, I was rushed out of the water and attacked by my mom. Her brown eyes huge with

concern and fear, she flung a towel around me, and launched into a stream of questions: the usual are-

you all-right and where-have-you-been junk. I responded with the usual relax-I’m-fine and it-wasn’t-

my-fault junk. Once she was convinced that I wasn’t hurt, she walked me along the dock back to our car

while my tall, dark-eyed, seriously irritated dad had a “talk” with the manager. That’s when it happened.

One second I was shivering on the dock, the next I was flat on my face. I sat up, glanced down at my legs,

and froze in shock, because they were gone. My long, bronze legs had turned into a shiny, three-foot,

aquamarine, scale-covered fish tail. Thanks, Swimmy. Thanks a lot.

Different people react differently to a mermaid appearing. Middle-aged Catholic women

frantically crossed themselves and prayed. Other women, who weren’t very emotionally strong, (like

my mom) fainted. Teachers started babbling like idiots at the impossibility of mermaids. All other adults

called 911. Last but not least, the kids (God bless them) immediately started trying to get me into the

water. When it comes to the impossible, kids are the only ones who have any sense. Thank God they did,

or I would have died flapping like a fish on the dock; but they finally succeeded in rolling me off the

dock and into the ocean. When the paramedics arrived a minute later, some joined a few of the groups

mentioned earlier, while the rest tried to examine me. When they tried to haul me out of the water,

they were stopped by a little red-haired girl with freckles who pushed them away, yelling, “Don’t! She

can’t breathe on land! Don’t you know anything?” Having their medical knowledge questioned threw

them long enough for me to swim away and escape into the sea, where I now belonged.

When I fell into the water, the first thing I felt was relief, since I could finally breathe again.

After I swam around a bit, though, just to get used to being what I was, I felt….happiness. Or was it joy,

or ecstasy? Whatever it was, it felt wonderful. I had always loved to swim, to feel the cool water flowing

across my skin. Now, I could go underwater and stay under without needing to go up for air, or even hold

my breath. I could swim underwater for as long as I wanted, and much faster now. I moved my tail up

and down rapidly, zooming through the water like I’d been doing it my whole life. I thought it would

take some getting used to, but it was like I was meant to be a mermaid. I laughed, hearing the

lighthearted sound and seeing bubbles stream from my mouth. I was so happy, happier than I’d ever

been in my life, until I saw a black helicopter.

Great, now the FBI was involved. I heard someone with a bullhorn say, “Attention Maria

Anderson. Do not try escaping, you are surrounded. You need medical attention. Return to the dock

immediately.” And be poked and prodded, experimented with, and eventually dissected? I thought. No

way. I decided to risk it. I dove as deep as I could go without being plunged into darkness and started

swimming away from the dock. After a few minutes, I was sure I’d lost them, so I stopped and looked

around. Biggest mistake of my life, but how was I to know they had a team of elite underwater trackers?

Armed with underwater jet packs, tanks of oxygen, and (gulp) stun guns, they rocketed toward me,

intent on bringing me back dead or alive.

Now we’re back to where we started: I’m swimming for my life from the FBI. What do I do? No

doubt that when these swimmers tire, or if I lose them, they’ll find me with a helicopter and send out

another team. I thought about going deeper, but what if they had lights? I tried zigzagging, going around

bends, swimming through tunnels and caves, but nothing worked. I turned a corner, and knew all hope

was lost. At least two dozen more of them were there, pointing their stun guns at me. They all fired and

36 darts of tranquilizer pierced my skin at once. Before I sank into unconsciousness, I thought one final

thought: Someday, Swimmy the dolphin, I am going to get you for this.

I regained consciousness when I heard something bumping against a wall; or side of a fiberglass

tank, as I soon found out. I looked around; I was floating in a huge, rectangular tank filled with water; in

an area that looked like an outdoor aquarium. More tanks were on my left, and the ocean was on my

right. What was making the noise? I turned around and saw a dolphin bumping the side of the tank with

its snout; a dolphin I recognized at once. “You!” I screamed. “This is your fault! You brought me to that

stupid cave! You knew that weird light would turn me into a mermaid! Why you wanted me, I will never

know, but how could you do this to me?!” I glared at him.

“I’m sorry.” Swimmy whispered.

I looked away, and then did a double take. “Whoa, did you just…talk?” I asked, dumbfounded.

Swimmy sighed. “Yes, I can talk to you, now that you’re a mermaid. I really am sorry I put you

through all this. I had to. When the right one comes along, I am obligated to take them to the cave so the

transformation can take place, and they can assume their true form. It’s been this way for centuries. I

only did my duty.” “Huh? Right one? What are you talking about?”

“When magical creatures nearly became extinct because humans overhunted them, they all left

the Earth and fled to some other dimension, but their spirits stayed behind, and each one landed in a

human. A little piece of it is carried on in every other generation of the family of the humans they

landed in. There are many places like the cave all over the world that contain the power needed to

transform these people into what they truly are: the creature whose soul now resides in them. We

animals can sense them, so it’s our duty to bring those people, people like you, to those places.”

My head reeled. A tiny piece of a mermaid’s soul (that must have landed in my great-great-

great-grandmother when magical creatures left the earth) was inside me? Wow, you don’t hear that

every day. I felt bad; it wasn’t fair to be mad at him, it wasn’t his idea. “I’m sorry I yelled at you, but now

what? I believe you, but no one else will.”

“I’ve been working on that.” Swimmy nodded toward a large crack in the tank. “ I was bumping

my snout on the tank wall to make that. One smack with your tail and the whole tank will collapse. The

water will rush outside to the ocean, taking you with it, and then you’ll be free.”

I looked at it doubtfully. “Are you sure? I don’t think that one smack-” I whacked the crack with

my tail—”Will—” I didn’t finish my sentence, because the tank suddenly collapsed, and I was carried in a

rush of water out into the Atlantic Ocean. I gasped and spluttered, staring at the mess of fiberglass

floating in the water around me. I heard a far-off, high-pitched whistle, and I could just barely make out

the form of a dolphin swimming away. I smiled, and whispered, “Thanks, Swimmy”.

Artwork by Sofie LaRosa

Photo by Ryan Angele

You’re Still My Grandma

By Angela Boddy

Ragged trees swaying, clouds forming

Raindrops hit the ground, flowers deceased

I still hear your gentle voice when I’m alone

I look outside to see life passing by

To notice you’re still here with me

All those secrets, all those wise words

These teachings or lessons are yet to stick

All night and day I breathe you,

As the sun comes out, the smile comes in

Your ancient hand covers my hand

Trees turning green, flowers blooming

Smells of cooked foods fill the air

Your hugs so warm, so tender

Many teachings are still left untaught and learned

You’re still my grandma

Photo by Kim Marsden


By Olivia KowalI believe that no one should make you feel down

Because feeling like this would cause you to frown

Treat others the same and life will be just great

Act like a bully and the world you will hate

Stay focused in school always strive for the best

Your future career will take care of the rest

Play sports you enjoy and be a good teammate

When it’s time for your practice don’t show up late

Your parents will offer you guidance and praise

You’ll have such good friends forever and always

Be honest and brave, remain caring and kind

The person you’ve become makes you a good find

Don’t change who you are or the values you’ve shown

Your family will frown when you’re left aloneArtwork by Nicole Stahl

Photo by Allison Cowie

The Rescuer

By Miranda Fergenson

Love is in the air but I’m not struck

Feeling depressed I sit and ponder.

Just thinking of who will sweep me off my feet

Who on earth will come and take me away.

To a magical white castle where we will be

Together till the end of time.

That will never happen not in the slightest

For you see my heart is locked in a dungeon

Protected by grimmest goblins

My prince will have to fight these devilish goblins

With all his might to rescue a fair maid’s

Heart from a horrid dungeon

Love is in the air I have felt

My dear prince has finally come for me at last

He has fought off the goblins that

Guard my heart and now he is here.

With metal silver and clear coating

My dear prince has rescued me from heartbreak and despair

I have finally found the one I want the most.























Spinning, flipping


Daylight streams

Through sunken dreams

Flashing, burning

Never stopping

Smoke curling

World still whirling

Screaming, shouting


The world is smashed

A car is crashed

By Natalia Bastante

9/119/119/119/119/11By Nicole PiazzaBy Nicole PiazzaBy Nicole PiazzaBy Nicole PiazzaBy Nicole Piazza


One tragic day, the eleventh of SeptemberOne tragic day, the eleventh of SeptemberOne tragic day, the eleventh of SeptemberOne tragic day, the eleventh of SeptemberOne tragic day, the eleventh of SeptemberTwo noisy planes crashed into the World Trade CenterTwo noisy planes crashed into the World Trade CenterTwo noisy planes crashed into the World Trade CenterTwo noisy planes crashed into the World Trade CenterTwo noisy planes crashed into the World Trade Center

It was not an accident, which we thought at firstIt was not an accident, which we thought at firstIt was not an accident, which we thought at firstIt was not an accident, which we thought at firstIt was not an accident, which we thought at firstThis terrorist attack is by far the worstThis terrorist attack is by far the worstThis terrorist attack is by far the worstThis terrorist attack is by far the worstThis terrorist attack is by far the worst

Millions of people were shocked and were in fearMillions of people were shocked and were in fearMillions of people were shocked and were in fearMillions of people were shocked and were in fearMillions of people were shocked and were in fearAnd millions of people were shedding a tearAnd millions of people were shedding a tearAnd millions of people were shedding a tearAnd millions of people were shedding a tearAnd millions of people were shedding a tear

Everyone is aware of this sad, hateful dayEveryone is aware of this sad, hateful dayEveryone is aware of this sad, hateful dayEveryone is aware of this sad, hateful dayEveryone is aware of this sad, hateful dayWe will remember it until our hair is greyWe will remember it until our hair is greyWe will remember it until our hair is greyWe will remember it until our hair is greyWe will remember it until our hair is grey

After this tragic day we will pray for othersAfter this tragic day we will pray for othersAfter this tragic day we will pray for othersAfter this tragic day we will pray for othersAfter this tragic day we will pray for othersOur friends, cousins, neighbors, fathers and mothers.Our friends, cousins, neighbors, fathers and mothers.Our friends, cousins, neighbors, fathers and mothers.Our friends, cousins, neighbors, fathers and mothers.Our friends, cousins, neighbors, fathers and mothers.


By Ryan Sweeney

Love is a funny thing

It can be found almost anywhere

With humans, animals, or even insects

With a glance of your eyes you can fall in love

Connecting in a staring contest bounded by feelings and interest

Love is a funny thing

Everyone in their life will fall in love

Even if your 78 years old

You can still fall in love

There are no boundaries with love

Love can be random and crazy

Love is a funny thing

Love is not just represented in a bond with people

It could be a bond over a special item

Like a car

Love is a funny thing.

Dissension By Sam Capener

I wrapped my arms around my body,

closing myself with my blanket tightly against the

frigid city air. My parka added little comfort to the

concrete I sat upon. The only sign that I was alive

was my shivering and my bright green eyes

peering out at passing strangers. No one looked at

me when they walked by, but stared ahead,

trained not to make eye contact with me. As the

clock tower a few blocks down rang out eleven

o’clock, I pulled my blanket over my head in an

attempt to create a space of warmth. It didn’t


My hair is a hazelnut-brown, in a haircut

that is too short for the weather. I was seventeen

at the time, and had a thin, tall build. For a

month I had been wandering the streets and

sleeping next to buildings or park benches. I had

nowhere to go, and I bought cheap food from

venders with change I begged from people. I was

starving and desperately needed food. My

stomach growled and I gasped softly from the

pain. A few feet away I heard the sound of

someone in hurry; they ran carelessly, probably to

catch a subway. I poked out my head and saw the

man run by, followed by his wallet falling onto

the walk. Nobody else saw it but me. I could have

yelled out to him. Instead I groped for it, quickly

tucking it away. There was only twenty dollars


It lasted me about a week.

As I threw the napkin from my last meal

away, the last three dollars felt heavy in my

pocket. Cheap hotdogs wouldn’t be available for

much longer, and I needed a new way of getting

food. Begging didn’t really seem to work, and

what little money I did make was soon stolen

when I looked away. I needed a new way of

getting food, and there was nothing that could be

done legally.

I thought of an old antique store nearby; I

had once looked around out of boredom and an

empty stomach. I recalled a shelf of cheap knives

of adequate size. I took the three dollars out of

my pocket and looked at them carefully. My hand

clenched, shuddering at the thought.

No one would be hurt.

For three dollars, the quality of the knife

was impressive. The handle was a perfect fit for

my palm, and made of smooth leather; easy to

hold. Its dark color contrasted nicely with the

shiny blade. The blade was not thick, and

practically glistened. I could see that it was

remarkably sharp. I sat on the park bench

admiring it. It was late and I was alone. The sun

was low in the sky, giving a dark orange glow to

the buildings around me. It was quite beautiful,

but I had something else at hand. I had to test it.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw

movement. Hurriedly, I tucked the knife out of

site under my jacket, but saw that my only

company was a squirrel. It was fixed on a chunk

of bread under the bench. It must have been very

hungry for it was only two yards away. It peered

up at me and then down at the bread. It inched

closer, watching for signs of hostility. I didn’t

move at first, but when it was convinced I would

not harm it, I slowly pulled the knife back into

vision. It didn’t notice; its attention was

undivided from its meal, and it nibbled in a

rushed manner.

I leaned forward carefully, doing my best

to not move my legs. The wooden bench did not

creak, yet when my arm was almost ready, the

squirrel froze. Immediately I lunged, aiming for its

small head. The head snapped upwards just

before the knife made contact, just missing its

ears and burying itself into the creature’s back.

The squirrel seemed to make a futile attempt at a

squeal, but it never reached audibility.

It’s amazing how desperate situations can

drive animals to do dangerous things.

My stomach tormented me, sending

waves of shock and pain through my body. I had

put this off for too long. I had had multiple

The Drive Home

By Anna Puglise

A Sudden halt of my car, screeching

brakes, red headlights, and screaming

people; just another day in rush hour.

Having a job 30 minutes away, and a

commute plastered with bumper to

bumper traffic gives a man a lot of time

to think. As I saw in my small BMW,

hesitantly tapping the gas pedal every

minute or so, I thought about my day.

Walking into work, receiving glares,

sneers, and harsh comments all day long,

hoping just one person would actually

try to talk to me instead of spitting in

my coffee or throwing my papers all

over my cubicle. I look up from my

gray cloud of self-pity to see that the

traffic was picking up.

I hit the gas and the car flies. The

rev of the engine echoed deep within

my chest, the radio melodically

drowning out the sounds of the

opportunities, but I never took advantage of

them. I needed to get money now.

I waited in an alleyway. It led, after a few

turns, into another street and was a convenient

route for many people. It was past one in the

morning, so there was a great lack of people

around. I could barely see the opposite wall from

behind the box I hid next to, even though my eyes

were well adjusted. My knife was gripped tightly

in my hand, slick with sweat in defiance of the

twenty degree weather.

I don’t know precisely how long I waited;

my closest guess would be only fifteen minutes,

yet my heart pounded in anticipation and

impatience the whole time. When someone did

finally appear, it was all I could do to not yelp in


It was a short man, not particularly strong

looking. He seemed agitated; possibly annoyed

that he was late and had to deviate from his

normal route. He didn’t carry anything, but his

suit suggested moderate wealth. His face was

shaven and round, boasting small, scowling eyes. I

waited until he had passed me before springing

out, my excitement almost knocking him over. I

placed my left hand on his shoulder, while my

right poised the knife to his neck. He froze

instantly, and started to breathe quickly.

It took some effort to coerce my voice out

from my dry throat, but I managed to rasp, “Where

is your wallet?” There was no answer, so I asked

again with more conviction. “Where is your


The man paused for a second before

managing in a shaking voice, “Take it easy kid…”

I tightened my grip on his shoulder and

spoke more aggressively. “Tell me where your

wallet is!”

Trembling, the man cried out, “I don’t

have it on me!”

My anger was beginning to build. I

rammed him against the wall and looked him in

the face while the knife remained at his neck. I

could only manage to gasp heavily as I smelled his

sweat mixed in with the scent of his suit.

His eyes bugged out of his head as he

panicked. He screamed, grabbing at my arm.

With a cry of fury, I lashed out.

His arms relaxed, and he raised his hand

to a bleeding throat, uttering a soft gurgle. He


He had lied of course. His wallet

contained seventy eight dollars.

A small time passed before I walked out

into the street. I looked in the reflection of a

store window. Back stared the dull expression of

muddy brown eyes.

I tucked the knife in my jacket and

walked away.

highway, and the windshield wipers

rhythmically sweeping across the glass

panel protecting me from anything

beyond it. I pick up speed as the cars

dispersed along the highway, faster,

faster, vibrations of my wheels dancing

with the asphalt beneath them.

Suddenly, the vibrations cease, I

am gliding fast along a film of water

stuck to the pavement like glue. Brake!

My foot no longer caressing the pedal

but instead commanding it to slow the

car. The car in front of me halts. I am

out of control, hitting the car at 85 mph

my body moving just as fast. Silence, I

hear no music, no vibrations, no angry

car horns, nothing but the sound of my

corpse clashing, shattering the

windshield. The world has stopped

spinning for the moment that I am in

the air. A hot sensation of pain

embraces my body as scarlet streams of

blood form on my face and hands. The

twinkle of shards of glass in the

moonlight as they hit the pavement.

The moment ends, I meet the

stone ground, hard, fast. Tossing,

turning, scraping flesh on the wet, cold,

pavement. My eyes open only for a

minute and I can see my car tucked

under the rear bumper of an SUV. The

driver helplessly drenched over the

steering wheel like a wet cloth. A red

bead of blood trickes down his cheek

and reflects the many cuts on my body.

The pain I felt before, like needles

in the flesh, slowly fades along with the

angry stench of smoke and gasoline.

My eyes flutter shut, the needles are

removed and the last image my eyes will

hold is the blinding headlights of the

oncoming traffic, unable to stop.

Artwork by Nicole Stahl