The March 2013 Shiloh · Event changes (update plans on the spot!) Birthday wishes Contests,...


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Glorifying God by … Reaching, Building, Serving


Shiloh March 2013


For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace

and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14: 16-18 NLT)

Easter will be here very soon – so what does it mean to you? For many it’s about a long holiday weekend.

For others it’s about chocolate Easter eggs! And then for Christians it’s about celebrating the death and resurrec-

tion of Jesus Christ. Easter is about letting the old life die and celebrating the joy of new life!

Old Life to New Life

Easter is a time of great sorrow and great joy. Sorrow at the death of Jesus and then joy as he rose from the

dead to eternal life. We can use the Easter message to bring more joy into our own lives. You may be asking

how? I believe it’s by letting all the negative things within us die and then tapping into the spirit of God to create

a new and better life. All the things that are holding us back, making us unhappy and draining us of joy we can

choose to let die. We can evict and exile them from our lives. We can rid ourselves of old, limiting and crippling

beliefs and habits. We can disassociate ourselves from negative people who keep us from living a joyful life. We

can choose to rid ourselves of our negative emotions – anger, hate, blame, jealousy and envy. We can stop mak-

ing excuses. We can let all those parts of ourselves that hold us back die.

New Life and New Possibilities

The risen Lord is calling us to be the best we can be. When we discard the old we make way for the new.

With old habits and belief systems gone we have the time to focus on what Christ wants for our lives. When we

surround ourselves with new and positive people we allow new possibilities to come into our world. Through

this new commitment we attract like-minded people who can bring about a new life to us. Living with positivity

our emotions change – there is room for love, gratitude, joy, peace and harmony. Our new selves take responsi-

bility for our lives and dare to dream big dreams and take action towards their fulfillment.

Like a flower bud opening to new life – we too can feel the sun on our face and the warmth in our heart and

blossom into new life.

This Easter, make a decision to shed your sorrow – let all that is unworthy of Christ in you die and rejoice in

the new you and your new life – a life of light and joy and love.

Jesus said, “…I came that they may have life, and might have it abundantly.” (John 10:10 NAS)

Faithfully, Pastor Mike

Easter Sunday, March 31

6:30 am

Followed by a

fellowship breakfast

Easter Sunday, March 31

11:00 am

Easter Cantata


A picture is worth a thou-sand words when it

comes to our children. Their sweet smiles and their eagerness to learn bring joy to a teacher’s heart.

Our Pre-K and Kindergarten class is headed up by the hus-band and wife team of Don and Kerry Childers. They’ve been working with Shiloh children ever since about 1998. “The children like lessons that have hands on and have movement .” Kerry explains.

The class, consisting mostly of boys, is using Group Publish-ing’s Hands-On Bible Curricu-lum. Kerry further states:

“The idea behind this curricu-lum is to teach as Jesus taught by using everyday objects such as coins, fish, and plants to help people remember God’s truth. These everyday items help kids learn the Bible. As children ex-perience what they’re learning, our hope is that it will stick with them for a lifetime.”

The Youth Girls Sunday School class is for 7th through 12th graders, taught by Cindy Chalkley with assistants Amy Parker and Brenda Hastings. Cindy tells us: “We recently fin-ished an exciting year-long study of the book of Revelation, with materials by John MacAr-thur. Our current Bible study is called ‘Sharing Your Faith and Serving Others,’ chosen to en-courage and assist our youth to have conversations with their peers who may not know Christ. We also want to develop a serv-ant’s heart in these students and show that even at their young age, God can utilize their talents.

Don and Kerry Childers shown with some of their pre-K and Kindergarten


Cindy Chalkley shown with the Youth Girls Sunday School class.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is

old he will not depart from it.—Proverbs 22:6

Pre-K and Kindergarten and Youth Girls Sunday School classes

This is a continuing series of articles, spotlighting our Sunday School classes. In January, we highlighted the Betty

Parker Senior Ladies and Senior Men Sunday School classes. In February, we featured the Joyful Sisters and the

Coed II adult classes. This month we are highlighting one children’s class and one youth class.

On Saturday, March 23, from 10 am – 12 noon

we will be having our Easter Eggstravaganza. There

will be crafts, lunch, and an egg hunt. We will be also

going on a small adventure where we will meet a few

people from the Bible who have decided to come and

tell us a great story. This is for children from birth to

6th grade and is open to everybody so please invite

you friends, neighbors, and family to this wonderful

time. If you can donate candy (that fits into Easter

eggs and individually wrapped) please drop them in

the box by the office. If you would like to help with

this event please contact me.

We are starting another New Believers class in

March. It is held during Sunday School and will start

up on March 10, and run every other week. The class

is a 4 week class and should end on April 21st. Please

contact Ray Tubbs or call Sherri in the office to add

your child.

Vacation Bible School is approaching (it’s closer

than you think). The dates are June 23– 27, from

5:45 pm to 8:30 pm. If you are interested in helping

out with this year’s VBS, the sign up sheet with avail-

able position is hanging up by the office. If you have

any questions about what each position entails then

please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Jim Reger, Youth Minister


Children’s Ministry News Rev. Ray Tubbs, Jr. Children’s Minister

Music News Barbara Perry

Music Minister


FOR NORTH AMERICAN MISSION: The first week of March is a time set

aside by Southern Baptists to focus on

North American Missions, or “home”

missionaries. Please use the Prayer

guides and offering envelopes found in

the sanctuary.

Thanks to everyone who supported the Hymn-sing

at Heritage Hall on Sunday, March 10. Our next

planned trip to the nursing home will be in May.

As always, we are looking for people to prepare

special music, participate in choirs and help out with

music. If you want to get involved just let me know.

There is always a place for you!!

The Youth Ministry is starting group texting.

Texts are a great way to stay in touch and know what is

going on in the ministry. Anyone can be part of the

texts when they sign up – this includes students, par-

ents, leaders, and supporters of the ministry. We are

looking at group texts for:

Announcements and last-minute reminders

Send Bible verses and short devotionals

Event changes (update plans on the spot!)

Birthday wishes

Contests, quizzes, and polls

Prayer chain and praise reports

Introduce upcoming lessons

Get quick feedback about an idea or question

Based on mobile carrier plan, standard text rates

and/or data usage may apply. Please see me if you

want to sign up.

In the near future the Youth Ministry is planning to

adopt several families/homes in King George Coun-

ty to offer our students real world opportunities to

serve our community. This includes relationship build-

ing, practical service projects, and occasional assis-

tance based on family needs, youth and parent availa-

bility, and ministry resources. Please let me know if

you have any ideas!!

Please continue to pray for this ministry and en-

courage our students to bring their Bibles to church.

Let’s help our students to live for Christ and share His

peace, hope, and love to those around them!

The winter is just flying by and we are gearing up

for our Easter Cantata. The Sounds of Praise will

present “Upon the Rock,” The Passion, the Question,

and the Call on Sunday, March 31, during the

church service. It is a truly beautiful musical

arrangement and message for Easter. We hope to see

you there.

The Children’s Choirs have been working on their

new Orff instruments and preparing their songs for

the end of March and Palm Sunday. Jennifer

Hagewood, Angela Clatterbuck and Meredith Busic

are so wonderful with these kids! Be sure to put the

summer Music Camp on your schedule as well. We

will practice each day, July 15-19 from 9:00 a.m.-

12:00 p.m. and we will “Put on the Show” on

Sunday, July 21. Save the Date!!

Forwarding Order Requested

Rev. Michael Jessee, Pastor

Barbara Perry, Music Minister

Rev. Ray Tubbs, Jr., Children’s Minister

James Reger, Youth Minister

(540) 469-4646

The Shiloh Visitor is published monthly as an official communications

medium for Shiloh Baptist Church. The deadline for submission is the 15


of each month. Address all comments and submissions to: Sherri Hall, Editor, The Shiloh Visitor

Shiloh Baptist Church 13457 Kings Highway

King George, VA 22485-3015 telephone (540) 469-4646

fax (540) 469-4500 or email

Shiloh Baptist Church 13457 Kings Hwy King George, VA 22485

Mar. 9 10:00 am Women’s Session II “Praying for your Family” Mar. 10 1:45 pm Hymn Sing @ Heritage Hall Mar. 23 1:00 pm Easter Eggstravaganza Mar. 31 6:30 am Sunrise Service Mar. 31 11:00 am Easter Cantata “Upon This Rock” April 9,16,23,30 Women’s Bible Study: Revelation (Choice of am or pm sessions) May 18 Annual Women’s Tea Theme: “A Mother’s Pearls”

Upcoming Events

By: Angela Clatterbuck

Do you have a heart for children? A desire to

help them memorize God’s word? AWANA is look-

ing for a few good men and women to come Sunday

evenings and listen to children say the verses they

have been memorizing. It is a rewarding way to

spend 25 minutes. See Jim Jensen, Ray Tubbs,

Cathy Lyon or Angela Clatterbuck for details.

Occasionally we do theme nights and this past

month we celebrated crazy hair. Great job to all who


AWANA Nightly Schedule

4-4:05 Opening Ceremonies (AWANA Circle)

4:10-4:35 Book Time

4:35-5 Sparks – Council Time; T&T- Game Time

5-5:25 Sparks – Game Time; T&T –Council Time

5:25-5:30 Closing (AWANA Circle)




Money Found on Shiloh Property in

October 1905

The dispute over the money found on the old

Johnson property, which now belonged to Shiloh

Baptist Church, continued:

The finding of several hundred dollars in the old

stable of the late Oscar D. Johnson at Shiloh, this

county, some months ago, is beginning to give

trouble never anticipated or even dreamed of by

the wisest folks. Shiloh Baptist Church bought the

Johnson estate for a parsonage site; and when

Carpenter Thomas L. White found the long-

hidden treasure (gold, silver, and paper currency),

he forthwith handed it to the treasurer of Shiloh

Church. The first thought was the money found

on the church’s property belonged to the church

and could be rightfully applied to the expenses of

the parsonage...However, [there was] some doubt

as to the legal right to the money. In order to be

on the “safe side” and right, the church officials

deposited the money in a Fredericksburg bank

[Shiloh minutes say Bank of Westmoreland] to

“await development.” Soon, various opinions of

lawyers and payment were plentiful and cheap.

Some contended that the money belonged to the

heirs of Oscar Johnson...others declared that it

belonged to the church—that the church bought

the farm and everything on it. Meanwhile, the

church officials made no contention but quietly

awaited developments.*

*“Buried Gold Gives Trouble: Church Board De-

posits It,” The Times-Dispatch, Richmond, Va.,

January 14, 1906

(from The First 150 Years: History of Shiloh Bap-

tist Church (draft)

Stay tuned: Find out in April what happened to

the money.


1 Basil Huffman

Matthew Rose

2 Stephen Busic

4 Randall Bosworth

5 Hannah Schaidt

7 Missy Manning Lee

8 Teresa Tubbs

9 Charlotte Sullivan

12 Thelma Gibson

13 Pat McGinniss

14 Bob Band

15 Butch Maples

Venida Rice

16 Sheila Madison

Gloria Smith

21 Cindy Meade

22 Frank Moore

23 Andrew Brown

Melissa Burge

24 Rob Dean

Matt Mitchell

25 Melissa Zaragoza

27 Mary Lee Arcand

Katie Lee

28 Eric Rose

29 David Mitchell

30 Carolyn Sealand

31 Jessica Taft


20 Wesley & Pam


As March blows in, we have an-

other opportunity to show God’s

love to others! This month’s

Mission Focus is the collegiate.

We have many in our congrega-

tion who are attending college

this semester, both away from

home as well as attending while

at home.

We will collect items for a “thinking of you” bag

to distribute to the college students at the University

of Mary Washington Dahlgren Campus. We plan to

set up a table at the campus for students to come by

& pick up a bag of goodies. Items needed for the

bags are: small water bottles, individually wrapped

candy bars, crackers, popcorn, pop tarts, hot choco-

late mix . . . anything that will fit inside a lunch-

sized bag. We will also take bags to the Fredericks-

burg Baptist Campus Ministry (BCM) for those stu-


If you would like to help with assembling the

bags or sitting at the distribution table, please contact

Brenda Hastings. A firm date has not yet been set, so

watch the bulletin for the date and time.

We will also send bags to those college students

in our congregation. If you have a college student in

your family, please send their name and address to

the church office no later than March 25.

by Brenda Hastings



Money Found on Shiloh Property in

October 1905

The dispute over the money found on the old

Johnson property, which now belonged to Shiloh

Baptist Church, continued:

The finding of several hundred dollars in the old

stable of the late Oscar D. Johnson at Shiloh, this

county, some months ago, is beginning to give

trouble never anticipated or even dreamed of by

the wisest folks. Shiloh Baptist Church bought the

Johnson estate for a parsonage site; and when

Carpenter Thomas L. White found the long-

hidden treasure (gold, silver, and paper currency),

he forthwith handed it to the treasurer of Shiloh

Church. The first thought was the money found

on the church’s property belonged to the church

and could be rightfully applied to the expenses of

the parsonage...However, [there was] some doubt

as to the legal right to the money. In order to be

on the “safe side” and right, the church officials

deposited the money in a Fredericksburg bank

[Shiloh minutes say Bank of Westmoreland] to

“await development.” Soon, various opinions of

lawyers and payment were plentiful and cheap.

Some contended that the money belonged to the

heirs of Oscar Johnson...others declared that it

belonged to the church—that the church bought

the farm and everything on it. Meanwhile, the

church officials made no contention but quietly

awaited developments.*

*“Buried Gold Gives Trouble: Church Board De-

posits It,” The Times-Dispatch, Richmond, Va.,

January 14, 1906

[from The First 150 Years: History of Shiloh Bap-

tist Church (draft)]

Stay tuned: Find out in April what happened to

the money.

Many Thanks to Sally

Vaughn for more than 10

years serving as the Sunday

School Secretary. What a

faithful (and wonderful)

servant she has been to

Shiloh and the Lord.
