The Last Word: Assignment 6 due Wednesday Consider: Negative ads work. Why?


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The Last Word: Assignment 6 due Wednesday

Consider: Negative ads work. Why?

Reaching Voters: Campaign Ads

Traditional Media Often decide what is newsworthy

Obsession with the “horse race” aspect of campaigns

Campaign strategies to control media coverage Isolate candidate from press Stage media events; “sound bites” Spin Appear on talk and comedy shows

Candidate debates Directions to agencies that have the force of law

The Commission on Presidential Debates


New Media

Faster dissemination of information

Faster data collection

Faster response time

Internet Social media:

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube



Campaign Advertisements

Positive ads Stress qualifications

Negative ads Attack opponents

Contrast ads Compare candidates

Inoculation ads Anticipate attacks


Tone – positive or negative Images

◦ Transfer, both positive and negative Buzz words (glittering generalities) Name-calling (negative ads) Music

What to look for:

Eisenhower ad - 1952

LBJ – Daisy (1964)

The Bear – Reagan, 1980

“Morning Again” – Reagan, 1984

“Willie Horton” - H.W. Bush - 1988

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth - 2004

Dale Peterson

Dale Peterson

Carly Fiorina’s Demon Sheep ad
