The Last Frontier? Westward Expansion. Natural Setting A. Terrain B. Climate C. Vegetation First...


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The Last Frontier?The Last Frontier?Westward ExpansionWestward Expansion

Natural SettingNatural Setting

A. TerrainB. ClimateC. Vegetation

First Successive FrontiersA. Fur traders’ FrontierB. Army FollowsC. Role of Native Americans (“Indians”)

Mining FrontierA. LocationsB. Early ConditionsC. Importance

The End of Indian Dominance in the WestThe End of Indian Dominance in the West

A. Campaigns after 1860

B. Elimination of Buffalo

C. Reservation Policy

• Boarding house for "assimilating" young Native American girls

Cattlemen’s FrontierCattlemen’s Frontier

A. Origins

B. Role of the Rail Road

C. Development of Ranching

D. Political Manipulation

E. Development of Cattlemen’s Association

F. Boom and Bust

G. Factors for more settling

Farmer’s FrontierFarmer’s FrontierA. Problems

B. Result

C. New States Law

Significance of the Last Frontier

Goddess of ProgressGoddess of Progress
