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Personal Data

Full Name : Diah Nur Pertiwi

Nick Name : Diah

Address : JL Sarbini 1 No 20 RT 008/ RW 06 Kec. Makasar, East


Mobile Phone : 081298862069

E-mail :

Place, Date of Birth : Jakarta, March 14th


Gender : Female

Religion : Islam

Nationality : Indonesia

Personality : Responsible, hard worker, good in individual and team work


Elementary School SDN 05 1997-2003

Junior High School SMP Islam PB Sudirman Jakarta 2003-2006

Senior High School SMAN 10 Jakarta 2006-2007

SMAN 67 Jakarta 2007-2009

University UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta 2009-now

Major: Accounting International Class Program

Informal Education

LBPP LIA, TOEFL and Conversation (2012/2013)


Work Experience

Internship at Koperasi Dinas Sosial Provinsi DKI Jakarta (2012)

Organization Experience

Member of BEMJ Akuntansi UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (2010)


Summer School “Renewable Energy-Leadership and Enterpreneurship” in

Weiden, Germany, sponsored by DAAD ( September 10-18, 2011)

Activity of Co-curricular

Company visit to Perum Peruri (2010)



The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of tax

consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanctions on individual taxpayer

compliance conducting business operations and professional services. The number of

taxpayers are increase every year. But, it is not balanced with the level of tax

compliance. The compliance problem becomes an obstacle in optimizing of tax

revenue. This research examines the level of compliance of individual taxpayers

conducting business operations and professional services in Jakarta by using several

independent variables such as tax consciousness, service tax authorities and tax


The data used in this research is primary data and selected by using

convenience sampling method. The samples consists of 57 respondents, that is an

individual taxpayers conducting business operation and professional service in

Jakarta. The data is tested by using multiple linier regression analysis. The data

tested using SPSS 20. Researcher also did validity and reliability test for the

questioners. Classical assumption test using multicollinearity test, normality test, and

heteroscedasticity test. For hypothesis testing, researcher using the coefficient of

determination (R2), simultaneous test (F-test), and partial test (T-test).

Based on the results of the analysis undertaken concluded that tax consciousness,

service tax authorities and tax sanctions have significant effect on tax compliance.

Keywords: Tax compliance, tax consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanctions.



Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh kesadaran pajak,

pelayanan fiskus, dan sanksi pajak terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak orang pribadi

yang melakukan kegiatan usaha dan pekerjaan bebas.Jumlah wajib pajak dari tahun

ke tahun semakin bertambah. Namun bertambahnya jumlah wajib pajak tersebut

tidak diimbangi dengan kepatuhan wajib pajak dalam membayar pajak. Masalah

kepatuhan tersebut menjadi kendala dalam pemaksimalan penerimaan pajak.

Penelitian ini mengkaji tingkat kepatuhan wajib pajak orang pribadi yang melakukan

kegiatan usaha dan pekerjaan bebas di Jakarta dengan menggunakan beberapa

variabel bebas seperti kesadaran pajak, pelayanan fiskus, dan sanksi pajak.

Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer yang dipilih

menggunakan metode convenience sampling. Sampel terdiri dari 57 responden yaitu

wajib pajak orang pribadi yang melakukan kegiatan usaha dan pekerjaan bebas di

Jakarta. Data diuji dengan menggunakan analisa regresi linier berganda. Pengujian

data menggunakan SPSS 20. Peneliti juga melakukan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas

untuk keusioner. Uji asumsi klasik yang digunakan adalah uji multikoliniaritas, uji

normalitas, dan uji heteroskedasitas. Untuk pengujian hipotesis peneliti

menggunakan koefisien determinasi(R2),Uji simultan (F-test),dan uji parsial (T-test).

Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan maka diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa

kesadaran pajak, pelayanan fiskus, dan sanksi pajak memiliki pengaruh yang

signifikan terhadap kepatuhan pajak.

Kata kunci : Kepatuhan pajak, kesadaran pajak, pelayanan fiskus, dan sanksi pajak




All Praise to Allah SWT as the Hearer, the Seer and above all an abundance

of grace, Taufiq, as well as his guidance. So, because Allah SWT I can finish this

research on time.

Shalawat always gives to the Prophet of Muhammad SAW and all his family

and friends who always helped him in establishing Dinullah in this earth.

With the strength, intelligence, patience, and strong desire from Allah SWT, I

am able to finish this mini thesis as graduation pre requirement for bachelor degree. I

believe there is an invisible hand which have helped me going through this process.

My special thank for my mother, Nuri Sawitri, and my father, Soewignjo, who

has been helping and support me to finish the thesis. I just can pray that Allah SWT

will give you back for everything that you have done. Thank you also, you always

pray for me in your sholah.

I believe I am nothing without each one of you who has helped me in

finishing this thesis. Thus, in this very special moment, let me say many thanks to all

of them have been helping me in the process of this thesis, including:

1. Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid, MS as Dean of Faculty of Economics and


2. M. Arief Mufraeni, Lc., Msi as Head of International Program.

3. Ahmad Dumyathi Bashori, MA as Secretary of International Program.

4. Dr. Amilin, SE., Ak., M.Si as thesis supervisor I, you are my mentor

who has provided direction and guided me, share your knowledge to

me, and thank you so much for your time and your help. So I can

finish this thesis.


5. Wilda Farah SE., M.Si,AK as thesis supervisor II. You are the best

mentor with your carefulness, specificity and punctuality. You have

given me direction and guided me. Thank you so much for your time

and your help. So, I can finish this thesis.

6. All lecturers who have taught me patiently, may they have given are

recorded in Allah SWT almighty and all staff UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta, special thank to Mr. Sugih Waluyo “thanks a lot you have

taught me and gave explainantion about thesis and also for provide

information and official stuffs that I needed in college”.

7. My sister, Niken and my brother, Royyan, who has always helped and

supported me for my best, whatever I do and whenever it is.

8. All my friends in accounting international 2009. Thanks for the

remarkable moments that we had been through together and special

thanks for some of you that already shared and taught me your

valuable experiences, especially in doing thesis. Thanks also for my

friends in management international 2009.

9. Thanks for all seniors and juniors that had helped me during my study,

comprehensive test and thesis.

I realize this minithesis is still far from perfection, thus suggestions and

constructive criticism from all parties are welcome, in order to improve my thesis.

Finally, only Allah SWT will return all and I hope this thesis will be useful to all

parties, especially for writers and readers in general, may Allah bless us and recorded

as the worship of Allah’s hand. Amin.

Wassalammualaikum Wr.Wb

Jakarta, May 2013

Diah Nur Pertiwi



Cover ………………………………………………………………………… i

Certification from Supervisor ……………………………………………….. ii

Certification of Comprehensive Exam Sheet ................................................... iii

Certification of Thesis Exam Sheet ................................................................... iv

Sheet Statement Authenticity Scientific Work ................................................. v

Curriculum Vitae .............................................................................................. vi

Abstract ............................................................................................................ viii

Abstrak ............................................................................................................. ix

Foreword .......................................................................................................... x

Table of Contents …………………………………………………………….. xii

List of Tables ………………………………………………………………… xvi

List of Figures …………………………………………………………............ xviii

List of Graph ………………………………………………………………….. xix

List of Appendix ………………………………………………………………. xx


A. Background Issues ……………………………………….... 1

B. Problem Formulation ……………………………………… 11

C. Objectives Research ………………………………………. 12

D. Benefits of Research ……………………………………… 12



A. Literature Review………………………………………… 14

1. Taxation…..…………………………………………... 14

2. Tax Consciousness…………..………………………. 20

3. Service Tax Authorities…….…………….………… 23

4. Tax Sanction……………………………………..…. 28

5. Tax Compliance…………………………..………… 32

6. Taxpayer Conducting Business Operations and

Professional Service………………………............... 35

B. Previous Research ………………………………………….. 38

C. Logical Framework ………………………………………… 41

D. Hypothesis ………………………………………………….. 43


A. Research Scope …………………………………………….. 46

B. Sampling Method …………………………………………... 46

C. Data Collection Method ……………………………………. 47

D. Analysis Method ……………………………………………. 48

1. Descriptive Statistics …………………………………….. 48

2. Data Quality Test ………………………………………. 48

3. Classical Assumptions Test …………………………… 49

a. Multicollinearity Test ……………………………… 50

b. Normality Test…..……………………………………. 50


c. Heteroscedasticity Test ……………………………. 50

4. Hypothesis Testing …………………………………….. 51

a. Coefficient of Determination ……………………… 52

b. Statistic F- Test…………………………………. 53

c. Statistic t-Test…………………….…………….. 53

E. Operational Research Variable ……………………………. 54


A. General Description of Research Object …………………... 57

1. Place and Time of Research…………………………… 57

2. Characteristics of Sample…………………………….. 58

3. Characteristics of Respondents……………………….. 59

B. Test Result of Analysis Methods……………………......... 64

1. Descriptive Statistics …………………………………… 64

2. Data Quality Test ………………………..…………… 66

a. Validity Test …………….……………………… 66

b. Reliability Test …………………………………. 69

3. Result of Classical Assumptions Test ……………….. 70

a. Result of Multicollinearity Test…………………… 70

b. Result of Heteroscedasticity Test …………………. 71

c. Result of Normality Test…………..……………… 72

4. Hypothesis Testing …………………………………… 73

a. Multiple Regression Testing………………………. 73


b. Result of Coefficient Determination ……………… 74

c. Result of F- Test (Simultaneous) …………………. 76

d. Result of t-Test (Partial)……………………………. 77

C. Analysis…………………………………………………….. 78


A. Conclusion …………………………………………………. 82

B. Implication………….……………………………………… 83

REFERENCE …………………………………………………………………. 86



No. Description

1.1 Domestic Revenues 2006-2011 ………………………………….…… 2

2.1 Previous Research …..…………………………………………… 38

3.1 Operational Research Variable ………………………….………..…. 56

4.1 Tax Revenue Target in Jakarta 2010-2012 ….………………………. 57

4.2 Questionnaires Distribution ……………………………………….… 58

4.3 Characteristic Respondents ………………………………………… 59

4.4 Characteristic Respondents Based on Gender …..………………….... 60

4.5 Characteristic Respondents Based on Ages…………………………… 61

4.6 Characteristic Respondents Based on Job …………………………….. 62

4.7 Characteristic Respondents Based on Education ……………………… 63

4.8 Characteristic Respondents Based on Time as Taxpayer ……………… 64

4.9 Descriptive Statistics ………………………………………………........ 65

4.10 Validation Test for Tax Consciousness ………………………………... 67

4.11 Validation Test for Service Tax Authorities ……………………………. 67

4.12 Validation Test for Tax Sanctions ……………………………………… 68

4.13 Validation Test for Tax Compliance ……………………………………. 68

4.14 Reliability Test ………………………………………………………….. 69

4.15 Multicollinearity Test …………………………………………………… 70

4.16 Multiple Regression Test ……………………………………………….. 73

4.17 Determination Coefficient Test …………………………………………. 74


4.18 Statistic F Test ………………………………………………………… 76

4.19 Statistic t Test …………………………………………………………. 77



No. Description

2.1 Logical Framework …………………………………………………..... 42

4.1 Characteristic Respondents Based on Gender …………………......... 60

4.2 Characteristic Respondents Based on Ages …………………….……. 61

4.3 Characteristic Respondents Based on Job ……..………………….. 62

4.4 Characteristic Respondents Based on Education …………………….. 63

4.5 Characteristic Respondents Based on Time as a Taxpayer …………….. 64



No. Description

1.1 Domestic Revenue 2006 -2011 ………………………………………… 3

4.1 Heteroscedasticity Test ( Scatterplot ) …………………………………… 71

4.2 Normality Test ( P- Plot) …………………………………………………. 72



No Description

Appendix 1 Research Letter …………………………………………. 90

Appendix 2 Research Questioner ………………………………….... 91

Appendix 3 Respondent Identity ……………………………………. 94

Appendix 4 List of Respondents …………………………………….. 95

Appendix 5 Result of SPSS ………………………………………….. 105




A. Background

Source of state revenue comes from a variety of sectors, both internal and

external sectors. One source of revenue from the internal sector is taxes, while

external revenue sources such as foreign loans. Source of state revenues are used

to finance government spending and national development, one of which is taxed

as internal sector. Tax revenues are not directly aimed at improving the welfare

and prosperity of the people.

According to Soemitro (Accounting Taxation, 2010:4), the tax is a

contribution to the treasury of the State under the law (which can be enforced) and

did not receive reciprocal services directly demonstrated, it is used to pay for

general expenses.

In an effort to reduce dependence on external sources of revenue, the

government try to maximize internal revenue. The role of tax revenues from year

to year has increased its overall revenue, it can be seen in Table 1.1 and describe

in graph 1.1. Tax revenues is very important for the state, therefore the Directorate

General of Tax which is a government agency under the Ministry of Finance

acting as manager of the tax system in Indonesia is trying to increase tax revenues

by reforming the tax aims to simplify the tax system can have a includes tax rates,

non taxable income, and the tax collection system. It is stated in Act No. 36 year


2008 which is the fourth amendment of the Act No. 7 year 1983 on Income Tax

Act No. 36 year 2008 was passed on 23 September 2008 and came into force on

January 1, 2009.

Act No. 28 year 2007 on "General Provisions and Tax Procedures", mentions

that the taxpayer is an individual or entity, including taxpayers, cutting taxes, and

the tax collectors who have rights and obligations in accordance with the

provisions of tax legislation taxation. One form of the reaction can be seen from

tax compliance to pay tax. It becomes important because it affects the amount of

state income taxes.

Table 1.1

Domestic Revenues 2006-2011

(trillion rupiah)

Year Tax



of Tax





of Non-Tax


Total Percentage

of Total

2006 409,2 64,3% 227 35,6% 636,2 100%

2007 491 69,5% 215,1 30,46% 706,1 100%

2008 658,7 67,2% 320,6 32,7% 979,3 100%

2009 619,9 73,17% 227,2 26,8% 847,1 100%

2010 723,3 72,8% 268,9 27,1% 992,2 100%

2011 878,7 75,4% 286,6 24,5% 1.165,3 100%

Source: 2011


Graph 1.1

Source: Data are processed

From the graph 1.1 by table 1.1 it can be seen that the development of

domestic revenue from the year 2006 to 2011 was increased, although each year

fluctuated on tax revenue that could be seen in the percentage from 2006 to 2011

but in the end of year 2011 increased on the tax revenue, and when seen in non-tax

revenue was decreased from 2006 to 2011 in the percentage amount, and if looked

the ratio of the percentage each year in tax revenue and non-tax revenue, the

amount of tax revenue is higher than non-tax revenue, as in 2006 the percentage of

tax revenue was 64.3%, and non-tax revenue was 35.6%, as well as in 2011 the

percentage of tax revenue was 75.4% and non-tax revenue was 24.5%, thus it can

be said that tax revenue as a main source of income for the State. The increase in

the tax sector as one of the sources is possible and open wide, based on the number

of taxpayers, both individual taxpayer or corporate taxpayer that increases each

year, with increasing population and prosperity. In addition, the tax is a sector that

plays a major role for government revenues. Therefore, the amount of tax revenue

that government use for national development of a country takes the role of the





2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Tax Revenue

Non-Tax Revenue



community, where a willingness of the whole both individual taxpayers and

entities to comply with the tax laws that hold in a country.

The role of the tax as a source of revenue for the State, efforts to increase tax

revenues continue to be made by the government in this case is the task of the

Directorate General of Tax in Minister of Finance. Various attempts were made in

order that the Directorate General of Tax maximum tax revenues, among others, is

to extensification and intensification taxes. This is done by way of extension of tax

subject and object, to capture new taxpayers.

Effort to maximize tax revenue cannot rely solely on the role of the

Directorate General of Taxation and the tax officer, but also takes an active role

from the taxpayers themselves. The role of community in tax revenue is on

whether or not people are willing to either agency or individual who signed up to

have a NPWP and implement tax obligations. Role of the taxpayer has always

been considered the greatest contribution in the world of taxes and the taxpayer

has low contribution of tax. Actually, the role of individual taxpayer also has a

high contribution in tax revenue. It can be seen from the Population Census

conducted by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2010 showed that the

population of the entire Indonesian population of 237,641,326 people and

9,607,787 people of DKI Jakarta ( Central Statistics Agency

(BPS) also explains that in Indonesia taxpayer who reports SPT only 8.5 million

people, equivalent with 7.73% of the 110 million people who work actively, while


corporate taxpayer reported SPT only 466 thousand people equivalent with 3,6%

of 12.9 million existing macro corporate taxpayer (Kompas, October 2011).

Several phenomena of cases occurring in the world of taxation Indonesia

recently made public and concerned taxpayers to pay taxes. Of the cases that

convolute the country, tax case in the second rank after case of corruption is

endemic in all walks of life today. In the past, this department is known loaded

with games between the employees associated with the taxpayers. One of the cases

was phenomenal from the Gayus Tambunan case. Gayus arguably iconic

Indonesian tax case. Former tax official IIIA group was suspected of accepting

bribes and gratuities, and stored in a safe deposit box owned by him Rp 74 billion.

Gayus assets totaled reached 659.8 thousand U.S. dollars and 9.68 Singapore

dollars. Gayus was also involved in cases of alleged bribery prison chief Mako

Brimob (Vivanews, Juny 2010). The condition can affect tax compliance and

reduced public trust of taxation, because the taxpayers do not want any tax already

paid by the tax authorities abused themselves. Therefore, some of the public and

the taxpayer sought to avoid taxes, even though it is the duty of a good citizen.

According to John Hutagaol et al (2007) concerning the conclusion of

research conducted by previous researchers Andreoni et al (1998) several aspects

that affect taxpayer compliance in terms of the public finances, in terms of law

enforcement, organizational structure, labor and ethics.

Financial terms of the realization of the public views the government's tax

revenue earned. For the law enforcement side views of how fair government


sanctions against those who not doing tax obligations including the government's

own family or friends. When viewed in terms of organizational structure,

manpower and ethics is a form of internal problems derived from the tax office.

Those issues concerning professionalism in the service of an employee tax to

taxpayers (Hutagaol et al: 2007).

Good service tax authorities are expected to increase taxpayer compliance. In

research Supadmi (2010) mentioned that to improve tax compliance in meeting tax

obligations, quality of service tax should be increased by the tax authorities. Good

service tax authorities will provide comfort to taxpayers. Hospitality workers and

ease the tax information system of taxation, including the taxation services.

Jatmiko research (2006) found that the service tax authorities have a significant

positive effect on tax compliance.

Various ways have been done by the government to increase tax compliance

which is still low. One way is to improve the quality of service tax authorities or

tax officials. Service tax authorities is also important to explore the state income,

tax authorities which should serve the taxpayers with an honest, professional and

responsible, but in a fact that the tax authorities are not all clean and some are

naughty in the sense often abuse their authority to manipulate the data associated

with the SPT mandatory tax as an example the case of Gayus Tambunan in 2011.

With this case the taxpayers feel that the money from the taxes that they pay are

not managed properly and honestly. Therefore, the quality of service tax


authorities can greatly affect tax compliance. If the quality of service tax

authorities is very good, then taxpayer perceptions of the service will increase.

Good service tax authorities which is gives service tax authorities (serve) for

the person or people who have an interest in the organization in accordance with

the basic rules and procedures that have been established. Services tax authorities

include the ability competencies that are have skills, knowledge, and experience in

terms of tax policy, administration and taxation laws and motivation as a public

servant. The tax authorities work in a transparent, voluntary helped difficulty of

taxpayer (willing to provide counseling), tax authorities always maintain neatness

in appearance, said keeping well and be polite, provide the tax authorities with

quick and agile to help taxpayers difficulties.

Meanwhile, another phenomenon is for taxpayers raised the question as to

how much tax will be calculated and how much tax will be paid by the taxpayer,

until giving rise to the violation, because there is less of taxpayer consciousness of

tax obligation in performing tax payments to the State, by not submit SPT in

specified period, with stalling to make payment or deliver SPT incorrectly, such as

by deliberately manipulating the total personal income tax. If the number of

income tax payers are small, then the amount of tax to be paid to the state for the

payment of any tax as small as possible, and deliberately did not meet tax

obligations that cause loss for the State of the obligation to pay a tax specified in

the provisions of general law of taxation.


If there deliberately manipulate data with the aim to make tax payments to be

as efficient as possible, or not submit a SPT within a certain time, it will be subject

to administrative sanctions that may be tax penalties, interest, and gains.

General provisions and procedures of tax laws has been stipulated in the Act,

and the tax sanctions. Sanctions need to provide lessons for tax offenders. For

example, in Article 7 of Art No. 28 Year 2007 on General Provisions and Tax

Procedures when the SPT was not delivered within the period referred to in Article

3 paragraph (3) or an extension of the deadline submission of the SPT as referred

to in Article 3 paragraph (4), subject to administrative sanctions in the form of a

fine of Rp 500.000,00 (five hundred thousand rupiah) to the Value Added Tax

SPT Period, Rp 100,000,00 (one hundred thousand rupiah) to another SPT Period,

and Rp 1,000,000,00 (one million rupiah) for the Annual Income Tax of Corporate

Taxpayer and Rp100.000,00 (one hundred thousand rupiah) to the Annual Income

Tax of individual Taxpayer. Thus, it is expected that tax laws obeyed by the

taxpayer. The taxpayer will meet the tax obligation when taxation view that

sanctions would be more detrimental (Jatmiko, 2006). Research conducted by

Purnomo (in Supadmi, 2010) found that perceptions of sanctions taxation taxpayer

has a positive influence on tax compliance. The results Yadnyana (2009) in

Muliari and Setiawan (2010) found that sanctions have a positive effect on tax

compliance of taxpayers.

Taxpayer consciousness of the functions of taxation as state funding is needed

to improve tax compliance (Jatmiko, 2006). According Suardika (quoted from


Muliari and Setiawan, 2010), the public must be aware of its existence as a citizen

and must always uphold the Constitution of 1945 as the legal basis for organizing

the state. Research conducted by Jatmiko (2006) found that consciousness of

taxation has a significant positive effect on tax compliance. Research conducted

by Muliari and Setiawan (2010) also found that consciousness of the taxpayer and

a significant positive effect on compliance reporting individual taxpayers.

Individual taxpayers conducting business or professional services must fill out

SPT yearly Form 1770. Individual taxpayers conducting business or professional

service is an individual who organizes activities and is not bound by a bond with

the employer. Individual taxpayers conducting business enterprise carries on

business as trade, services, industry, and others. While the definition of

professional service is work performed by an individual who has special expertise

in an effort to generate income and is not bound by a bond with the employer.

Examples of professional service is in private practice as a physician, consultants,

lawyers, and others. Individual taxpayers in the country with respect to

employment or occupation, services, and activities of related work in the form of

salaries, wages, honoraria, allowances and other payments. In this case, the tax

calculation will be based on the provisions of the Income Tax Law Article 21.

Income received in connection with the work of the tax will be deducted by the

employer, government treasury, or event organizers.

Based on the statement above, the researchers motivated to do this research

about tax consciousness, service tax authorities, and tax sanctions towards tax


compliance on individual taxpayers conducting business activitity and professional

services, because tax compliance for individual taxpayers is still considered low to

implement tax liability because most taxpayers are concerned to pay tax liability

that could be misused for vested interests. Thus researchers motivated to examine

the consciousness for individual taxpayers, especially taxpayers conducting

business activity and professional service in Jakarta, and motivated to examine the

taxpayer's perception of the service tax authorities whether it is helps, administer,

and prepare all the needs of taxpayers well, and perceptions about tax sanction

whether it is followed, obeyed, and complied by the taxpayer in accordance with

the tax laws, by complied tax sanction given the taxpayer would not violate norms

of taxation. Based on that statement, the factors to be tested in this research is the

tax consciousness, service tax authorities, tax sanction and tax compliance on

individual taxpayers. Based on the description above, the authors are interested in

preparing thesis entitled "The Influence of Tax Consciousness, Service Tax

Authorities, and Tax Sanctions on Tax Compliance" (Survey on the

Individual Taxpayer Conducting Business Operations and Proffesional

Service in Jakarta).

This research is a development from previous research, the research

conducted by Muliari and Setiawan (2010). The difference of this research with

previous research is as follows:

1. Variables that used in previous researchers are tax sanction, tax

consciousness, and compliance reporting on individual taxpayers. Meanwhile,


in this research, the researchers added a variable that is the service tax

authorities, which suggested in previous research to examine other factors that

may affect tax compliance reporting.

2. The object of this research is the individual taxpayer conducting business

activity and professional services, such as doctors, teachers, lawyers in

Jakarta. Meanwhile, the object of previous research are all taxpayers in the

Tax Office Primary East Denpasar.

3. Previous research is conducted in 2010, whereas this research conducted in


B. Problem Formulation

Based on the description contained in the above background, the problem to

be formulated as:

1. Is tax consciousness has significant influence with tax compliance?

2. Is service tax authorities has significant influence with tax compliance?

3. Is tax sanctions has significant influence with tax compliance?


C. Research Objective and Benefit

1. Research Objectives

The purpose of this research is as follows:

a. Analyzing the influence of tax consciousness on tax compliance.

b. Analyzing the influence of service tax authorities on tax compliance.

c. Analyzing the influence of tax sanctions on tax compliance.

2. Research Benefit

The benefits of this research are as follows:

a. For General Directorate of Tax in Minister of Finance

To provide information and reference in formulating tax policy extension

appropriate to improve tax compliance in relation to consciousness of taxation,

service tax authorities and tax sanction primarily on individual taxpayers

conducting business and professional services. To provide input to the General

Directorate of Tax to determine strategies to improve adherence to pay taxes

and hoped that this research can provide feedback on actions that can be taken

by tax authorities in order to improve compliance of individual taxpayer that


b. For Academics

For further reference material in matters relating to tax compliance. It also adds

insight and knowledge about them, as well as obtaining the benefits of the

research experience.


c. For authors

The research is expected to provide better theoretical understanding

profound the principles of tax consciousness, service tax authorities and tax

sanction, and to know how application in real life so it can be an additional

useful knowledge, and provide greater insight in understanding and analyzing

the factors that influence compliance to pay tax.




A. Literature Review

1. Taxation

Tax issue is a problem of society and the State, and any person who lives

in a State have to deal with taxes, so the tax issue is also a problem of all the

people in the state, thereby differing people as members of the public should

be aware of all the problems associated with taxes.

Many experts in the field of taxation that describes the meaning or

definition of tax on diverse taxes, but from different understanding or

definition, it has a core or common purpose. Understanding or definition of

taxes, according to some experts, among others:

a. According Rochmat Soemitro, on a book entitled Taxation Theory and

Case by Siti Resmi (2009:1):

"Taxes are the dues of the people to the state treasury under the law

(which can be enforced) and did not receive reciprocal services that goes

to show, and are used to pay for general expenses".

b. According Smeets on a book written by Sukrisno Agoes, Accounting

Taxation (2010:4):

"Tax is payable to the government performance through general norms,

can be enforced, without any reciprocity can be demonstrated

individually; intention is to finance government spending."


c. Tax according to Article 1 No 28 year 2007 on General Provisions and

Tax Procedures are:

"The contribution shall be payable to the state by the individual or entity

that is enforceable under the Act, without get feedback directly and used

for the purposes of the state for the maximum prosperity of the people".

After learning the definitions of tax above, it is made a conclusion of the

definition of tax that the tax has some basic aspects:

1. Payment of taxes should be based on the law;

2. Characteristics can be imposed;

3. There is no immediate contra can be felt by taxpayers;

4. State tax collections by both the central and regional levels;

5. Taxes used to finance government expenditures (routine and

development) for the benefit of the general public.

Based on the above definitions of tax, there are some responses from

experts and tax practitioners. Rochmat Soemitro quoted by Setiyaji (2005)

stated that the actual tax owed, for example, members of the public debt to

society. This debt according to the law is engagement. Though, the tax is

located in the field of public law, but it is very close relationship with the civil

law and customary law. On the other hand, the fulfillment of tax obligations

will have an impact on the economic aspects, from microeconomics to

macroeconomics. Therefore, when the members of the community meet their

tax obligations properly, the economic mechanisms of society will go well.


Meanwhile, Abdul Asri Harahap (2004) quoted by Setiyaji (2005)

criticized a basic understanding of tax by revealing that the definition of tax

and its implementation needs be addressed by efforts to moral consciousness

and aspects of divinity in paying taxes is injected in consciousness "secular"

taxation which tends to emphasize the contractual relationship between

government and society.

From the several definition of tax, raised by the experts it can be conclude

the definition of tax are :

a. Can be collected based on the tax law and an implementing regulation can

be imposed.

Accordance with the third amendment of the 1945 Constitution article 23A

which states "taxes and other levies for the purposes of the state regulated

by law." So ensure legal certainty for both the tax authorities as a tax

collector and the taxpayer. Tax can be imposed if the taxpayer does not

meet the tax obligations and may get the sanctions in accordance with


b. Taxes levied by the central and local government.

Tax is one of the sources of state revenue, so if the tax levy is allocated

between the central government and local government, then the

government will have the same opportunity to advance and develop the



c. In the payment of tax cannot be contra indicated the individual by the


For example, people who obey paying vehicle taxes are going through the

same quality with those who do not pay taxes on vehicles.

Taxes have a very important role in the life of the state, particularly in the

implementation of development as a source of state income, to fund all

expenses including development expenditure.

According to Resmi (2009:3) in book Taxation: Theory and Cases, taxes

have several functions:

1. Budgetair Function

Tax is one of the sources of government revenue to finance both routine

and development expenditures. As a source of state finance, the

government attempted to include as much money for the state treasury.

2. Regularend Function

Taxes as a means to organize or carry out government policy in the field

of social and economic, as well as achieving certain goals beyond finance.

From some of the tax functions mentioned above it can be concluded that

the definition of the tax function is:

a. As a source of state revenue, taxes serve to finance the expenses of the

State. Taxes are used to finance routine as personnel expenditures,

spending on goods, and maintenance.


b. As a regularend function, tax can be used to achieve the goal. For example

in order the capital investment, both domestic and abroad are given a

variety of tax relief. In order to protect domestic production, the

government set a high import duties on foreign products.

According to Resmi (2009:7), In Indonesia, for instance, the tax is

classified into several categories, tax as faction, nature, and the institution of


1. Tax as Faction

a) Direct tax is a tax which is borne by the taxpayer and not transferred or

charged to another person or another party.

For example: Income Tax

b) Indirect tax is a tax that could ultimately be charged or delegated to

other persons or third parties.

For example: Value Added Tax

2. Tax as Nature

a) Tax Subjective, is the imposition of tax at attention on personal

circumstances or the taxation of taxpayers who pay attention to a state


For example: Income Tax

b) Tax Objective, is a tax at the time of loading attention on the object

either in the form of objects, circumstances, actions, or events that


result in the obligation to pay taxes, regardless of the subject of taxes

and shelter.

For example: Value Added Tax and Sales of Luxury Goods

3. Tax as Institution

a) State Tax (Tax Center), is a tax levied by the central government and

used to finance the state in general households.

For example: Income Tax, Value Added Tax and Sales Tax on Luxury

Goods, Land and Building Tax, and Stamp Duty.

b) Local Tax, is a tax levied by local governments both Local and

Regional Level I and Level II are used to finance the household each


a) Provincial tax, for example: Motor Vehicle Tax and Motor Vehicle

Fuel Tax.

b) Taxation regency/city, for example: Hotel Tax, Restaurant Tax and

Entertainment Tax.

According to Resmi (2009:11-12), the system of tax collection can be

divided into:

a. Official Assessment System

It is a tax collection system that gives authority to the government

(fiscus) to determine the amount of tax payable.


b. Self Assessment System

It is a tax collection system that gives authority, trust, and

responsibility for taxpayers to calculate, estimate, pay, and report their

own amount of tax to be paid.

c. With Holding System

Tax collection system that gives authority to a third party who

appointed to determine the amount of tax payable by the taxpayer in

accordance with the tax laws and regulations. The appoinment of third

party is done according to the tax laws, presidential decrees and other

regulations to cut and collect taxes, deposit, and account for through

taxation means available.

2. Tax Consciousness

Consciousness is an element in human beings to understand reality and

how they act or behave towards reality. Jatmiko (2006) explains that

consciousness is a state of knowing or understanding. Irianto (2005) in

Widayati and Nurlis (2010) outlines some form of consciousness pay taxes

that encourage taxpayers to pay their taxes. The realization that taxes are a

form of participation in supporting the country's development. Knowing this,

the taxpayer would pay taxes because they are not be aggrieved from the

collection of tax.

Consciousness is the behavior or attitude of an object which involve

assumptions and feelings as well as the tendency to act in accordance the


object. Thus it can be said that the tax consciousness in paying taxes is a form

of taxpayer behavior or outlook feelings involving knowledge, belief and

reasoning with tendency to act on the stimulus provided by the system and the

tax provisions.

In Jatmiko (2006), Sumarso (1998) stated that low public consciousness of

taxation often be one of the reasons many potential taxes that could not be

captured. Still in Jatmiko (2006), Larche (1980) also suggests that

consciousness of taxation is often a constraint in the public issue of tax

collection. Empirically also been demonstrated that higher of tax

consciousness it will be the higher level of tax compliance (Suyatmin, 2004 in

Jatmiko, 2006).

As one important part to rotate state economy, taxes are points that must

be recognized and doing by society whose are taxpayers. Taxpayers

consciousness to fulfill their tax obligations needed to realize that taxes have

an important contribution in the State as a means of development progress,

economic evenly and prosperity for the country.

From the literature and research above, it can be obtain several dominant

internal factors that make a taxpayer consciousness to comply, which are :

a. Taxpayer Perception

Taxpayer consciousness to fulfill their tax obligations will be increased if

the public perception appears positive of taxes. Torgler (2008) states that

the taxpayer consciousness to dutifully pay taxes associated with the


perception that include paradigm will be the tax function for financing

development, usability taxes in the provision of public goods, as well as

justice (fairness) and legal certainty in the fulfillment of tax obligations.

Availability public goods is a matter of taxpayer trust in the use of taxes

paid. If taxpayers feel that the taxes paid cannot be properly managed by

the government, so the taxpayers feel do not get benefit of tax paid, then

taxpayers would not be obey to pay tax.

2. The level knowledge on the provisions of the applicable tax.

The level knowledge and understanding of taxpayer on the provisions of

tax that existing, effect on behavior of tax consciousness. Taxpayers

whose do not understand the tax laws are clearly likely to be a taxpayer

whose do not obey, and conversely the taxpayers whose understand the

tax laws, more conscious of the sanction that will accepted if shirking

their tax obligation. Research conducted by Fikriningrum (2012) gives the

result that the taxpayer understanding of the tax rule has a positive and

significant influence on taxpayer consciousness in its tax reporting.

3. Taxpayer financial condition.

Financial condition is an economy factor that affects tax compliance. The

financial condition is the company financial ability that reflected on the

level of profitability and cash flow. Company profitability is one of the

factors that influence the consciousness to comply with tax regulations.

Companies which have high profitability tend to report honestly on the tax


than companies with low profitability. Companies with low profitability in

generally are experiencing financial difficulty and tend to tax non-

compliance. Similarly, the cash flow with liquidity conditions.

Taxpayer that have consciousness (Manik Asri, 2009) in accordance with

the following:

1. Know the laws and tax regulations.

2. Determine the function of taxes for state financing.

3. Understand that the tax liability must be carried out in accordance with the

applicable regulations.

4. Understand the function of taxes for state financing.

5. Calculate, pay, tax reporting voluntarily.

6. Calculate, pay, tax reporting correctly.

3. Service Tax Authorities

Service is a way to serve (help administer or prepare all the necessary

requirements a person). Meanwhile, the tax authorities is a tax officer. Thus,

service tax authorities can be interpreted as a way of tax officer to help, to

administer, or to prepare all the necessary needs someone who in this case is

the taxpayer (Jatmiko, 2006).

Ilyas and Burton (2010) explains that although taxation and education

campaigns have been implemented by Directorate General of Taxation, which

is considered the best way to be able to change the attitude of people who still

do not understand the importance of pay taxes, and eventually want to


register to obtain a NPWP is through by service . Still in the Ilyas and Burton

(2010), explained that the good attitude of the tax authorities or the ministry

was to be given to all taxpayers, because to pay tax the person does not have

reciprocity directly. If there is a saying in the world of commerce "Buyer is

King", the phrase "Taxpayer is King" also needs to be promoted, so that

taxpayers eager to pay taxes.

Provisions that control a duty and authorities of the tax authorities, Art No

28 year 2007 on General Provisions and Tax Procedures (KUP). Article 35

Paragraph (1) that said, if in carrying out inspection tasks, billing, tax or

criminal investigations required information or evidence from banks, public

accountants, notaries, tax consultants, administrative agency, or other third

parties who have a relationship with a taxpayer, the Directorate General of

Taxation written request the parties shall provide the requested information or

evidence. Paragraph (2), in which case the parties are duty bound to keep,

then for the purpose of examination, billing, tax or criminal investigations,

secrecy obligation was abolished. Especially for bank secrecy obligation was

abolished upon written request the minister.

In the case to determine how best services that should be done by the tax

authorities to taxpayers, also required an understanding of the rights and

obligations of the tax authorities. Obligations of tax authorities set out in the

tax act are:


a. The obligation to foster taxpayer.

In order to carry out the functions of development, the Directorate General

of Taxation shall give guidance to taxpayers as in the implementation of

accounting/record keeping, calculation of tax liability tax reporting,

invoicing tax and tax administration.

b. The obligations issued a tax overpayment.

If in a given tax period, or the taxable year by a taxpayer calculating the

overpayment occurred, the taxpayer may apply for its return (restitution).

After a thorough investigation/examination by the tax authorities, if it is in

accordance with the provisions of overpaid tax bill, the tax authorities will

issue refund overpayment for tax overpayments.

c. Obligations to keep taxpayer data.

Confidentiality of taxpayer data on existing taxpayer data and submitted to

the tax authorities, kept secret for interests outside the Directorate General

of Taxation.

Meanwhile, there are also the rights of tax authorities set in Tax Law,

among others:

a. Rights issued a NPWP or NPPKP office. Taxpayers/employers should

voluntarily taxable/consciousness itself registered as a taxpayer/report as

taxable entrepreneur. Otherwise, based on the data and information or

extension, carried its adoption in office. KPP will provide a NPWP and



b. Right to issue tax assessments. Upon inspection done, KPP will issue tax

provisions (such as SKP, STP, SPPT), as the basis for determining the

amount of legal tax due by the taxpayer.

c. Rights issue Forced Letter and Warrant Implement Foreclosure. When to

maturity payment has passed and been reprimanded, then the tax debt,

KPP (through a bailiff) issuing and executing Forced Mail (SP), and

seizure (SPMP).

d. Rights of inspection and sealing. In carrying out the functions of

guidance, the Directorate General of Taxation conduct tax audits of

taxpayers to determine the level of compliance of the implementation of

tax obligations or other purposes. In the case of an uncooperative

taxpayer, did not provide the document/file requested by examiner, then

conducted over the sealing of the document/file.

e. Right to conduct an investigation. When taxpayer allegedly committing a

crime of taxation, there will be an investigation into the taxpayer.

Investigations carried out by civil investigators. If convicted of a crime of

taxation, will be submitted to the Court for a sequel.

Several previous studies have also described the importance of the service

tax authorities. Karanta et al, 2000 (in Suryadi, 2006) emphasizes the

importance of the quality of personnel (HR) taxation in providing services to

the taxpayer. Forest and Sheffrin (2002), quoted by Suryadi (2006) examined

the importance of simplifying the tax system. This is due to the complexity of


the tax system will affect the taxpayer's noncompliance, although a simple tax

system does not guarantee taxpayers will obey (Suryadi, 2006).

Taxpayers and tax authorities can work together to achieve their

respective goals. This condition will be achieved if in every activity of life in

carrying out the rights and obligations of each party consciously rely on the

values of a good relationship. Transparency, accountability and responsibility

are some of the many values of life in the world of tax that should be the ideal

value carried in the interest-based model of bilateral relations between the

taxpayer and the tax authorities.

From the explanation above it can be concluded that the success rate of tax

revenue is influenced by the tax payer is also influenced by tax policy, tax

administration and tax law. The latter three factors attached and controlled by

the tax authorities themselves, while the tax payer-dominated factor of the

taxpayer's own self. Tax authorities in carrying out their duties to serve the

public or taxpayers greatly influenced by the existence of tax policy, tax

administration and tax law.

The tax authorities are expected to have competence in the form of

expertise (skills), knowledge, and experience in terms of tax policy, tax

administration and tax legislation. In addition to the tax authorities should

have high motivation as a public servant.


4. Tax Sanctions

Sanctions are an act of punishment given to those who break the rules.

Regulations or laws are signposts for someone to do something about what to

do and what should not be done. Sanctions need to be rules or laws are not

violated. Sanctions taxes is an assurance that the provisions of tax laws

(taxation norms) will be followed, observed, complied, in other words, the tax

penalty is a deterrent so that taxpayers do not violate norms of taxation

(Mardiasmo, 2006 in Muliari and Setiawan, 2010).

The view of these tax sanctions is measured by indicators (Yadyana, 2009

in Muliari and Setiawan, 2010) as follows:

a. Criminal sanctions for violators of the rules imposed heavy taxes.

b. Administrative sanctions imposed for violators of tax laws is ethereal.

c. The imposition of heavy sanctions is one means of educating taxpayer.

d. Sanctions should be imposed on violators tax without tolerance.

e. Imposition of sanctions for violations of the tax can be negotiated.

As long as there is a general perception in the community that will be

subject to taxation only if the sanctions do not pay taxes. In fact,many things

that make the community or taxpayers sanctioned taxation, whether it be

administrative sanctions (interest, penalties, and rising) and criminal penalties.

Conventionally, there are two kinds of sanctions are positive sanctions and

negative sanctions. Positive sanction a reward, while negative sanction is a

punishment (Soekanto, 1988 in Ilyas and Burton, 2010). However, if the


taxpayer reward obedient and has included the Notice has not been pay on

time. Currently, the Directorate General of Taxation is still focusing on the

negative sanctions demanding that taxpayers complied with the tax laws.

When associated with the applicable tax bill, according to Ilyas and Burton

(2010), there are four things that are expected or required of taxpayers,


a. Demanded adherence (compliance) in taxpayers paying tax implemented

with full awareness.

b. Demanded responsibility taxpayers in submitting or entering the Notice on

time according to Art No. 28 year 2007.

c. Demanded honesty taxpayers in filling out the Notice in accordance with

the actual situation.

d. Impose sanctions (law enforcement) are more heavily to taxpayers who do

not obey the regulations.

From the fourth above, the most effective according to Ilyas and Burton

(2010) is to impose sanctions (law enforcement) indiscriminately and carried

out consistently. From the juridical point of view, taxes do contain an element

of coercion. That is, if the tax liability is not implemented, then there are legal

consequences that can occur. The legal consequence is the imposition of

sanctions taxation.


Here are the tax sanction stipulated in Art No 28 year 2007:

a. Article 7 (1): administrative sanction in the form of fines of Rp

500,000.00 (five hundred thousand rupiah) for Value Added Tax SPT

Period, if SPT not delivered within a maximum period of 20 (twenty) days

after the end of the tax period.

b. Article 7 (1): sanction administrative fine amounting to Rp 100,000, 00

(one hundred thousand rupiah) for SPT another period when the SPT is

not delivered within a maximum period of 20 (twenty) days after the end

of the tax period.

c. Article 7 (1): sanction administrative fine amounting to Rp 1,000,000 00

(one million rupiah) for SPT Income Tax Taxpayer when SPT is not

delivered within a maximum period of 4 (four) months after the end of the

tax year.

d. Article 7 (1): sanction administrative fine amounting to Rp 100,000, 00

(one hundred thousand rupiah) Annual Income Tax for individual

taxpayers later than 3 (three) months after the end of the tax year.

The purpose of the imposition of administrative sanctions such as fines as

provided in this paragraph is for the interest of the orderly administration of

taxes and increase taxpayer compliance in fulfilling the obligation to submit

the SPT.

From the explanation above it can be conclude that tax sanction is an

assurance that the provisions of the tax legislation (tax norm) will be


followed/observed/complied, in the other words tax sanction is a deterrent in

order to the taxpayer does not violate the norms of taxation (Mardiasmo,

2006:39). Taxpayers will meet tax payments when looking at the tax penalty

would be more detrimental (Jatmiko, 2006). The higher or severity of

sanctions, it will be more detrimental to the taxpayer. Therefore, the tax

penalties are expected to affect the level of tax compliance in paying taxes.

In essence, the imposition of sanctions imposed taxation to create

taxpayer compliance in implementing tax obligations. It is important for

taxpayers to understand tax penalties thus knowing the legal consequences of

what was done or not done.

Knowledge of sanctions in taxation is important because the Indonesia’s

government choose to implement self-assessment system for the

implementation of tax collection. Under this system, taxpayers are given the

confidence to calculate the deposit and report their own tax returns. To be able

to run it well, then any taxpayer requires knowledge of taxation, both in terms

of technical and administrative regulations. So that implementation can be

orderly and in accordance with their intended target, the government has

prepared the guidelines set forth in the applicable tax bill.


5. Tax Compliance

a. Definition of Tax Compliance

In General Indonesia Dictionary, compliance means submission or

obedience to the teachings or rules. Meanwhile, according to Gibson

(1991) in Agus Budiatmanto (1999) as quoted by Jatmiko (2006),

compliance is the motivation of a person, group or organization to act or

not act in accordance with the rules set. In the tax rules that apply are Tax

Law. Thus, tax compliance is a compliance of person, in this case is the

taxpayers, towards regulation or taxation laws.

According to Simon James et al, quoted by Gunadi (2005), the notion

of tax compliance is having the willingness of taxpayers to meet their tax

obligations in accordance with applicable rules without need for the

holding of the examination, thorough investigation, a warning or a threat,

the application of law and administrative sanctions. Santoso (2008)

defines tax compliance as a situation where the taxpayer meets all tax

obligations and enforce rights of taxation.

According Nurmanto in Rahayu (2010:138) says that tax compliance

can be defined as a state where the taxpayer meets all tax obligations and

enforce rights of taxation.

Compliance was said by Norma D. Novak was "a climate" awareness

and compliance of tax obligations that are reflected in the situation

taxpayers understand or try to understand all of the provisions of the tax


legislation, filling out tax forms with complete and clear, calculate the

amount of tax payable correctly, pay the tax due on time (Devano, 2006 in

Supadmi, 2010).

Muliari and Setiawan (2010) explains that the criteria taxpayer abiding

by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number abiding

taxpayers 192/PMK.03/2007 as follows:

a. Timely in submitting the Notice;

b. Has no tax arrears for all types of taxes, unless the delinquent taxes

that have been licensed in installments or defer payment of taxes;

c. Financial Statements audited by a public accountant or a public

financial supervisory agency with unqualified opinion for 3 (three)

years in a row;

d. Never convicted of a crime in the field of taxation based on court

decisions that have been legally binding for a period of 5 (five) years.

b. Types of Tax Compliance

Tax compliance divided into two kinds, namely formal compliance

and material compliance. Formal compliance is a situation where the

taxpayer has formal obligations in accordance with the provisions of the

tax laws. Material compliance is a condition in which the taxpayer meets

all of the material terms of taxation, which is in accordance with the letter

and spirit of tax laws.


Formal compliance, which can be measured by assessing adherence to

enroll, the deposit compliance, and compliance reporting. Material

compliance is more important, because it may be formally demonstrated

taxpayer compliance, but what was deposited and reported by the taxpayer

is not necessarily in line with what it should be. Indicators that can be

used to measure compliance is the result of the examination material.

In an effort to improve taxpayer compliance, administrative corrective

measures are expected to encourage taxpayer compliance through:

a. Taxpayers comply because getting good service, fast, and pleasure, and

the taxes that they pay will useful to the development of the nation.

b. Taxpayers will comply because they think they will get severe

sanctions due to taxes that they are not report detected by information

system and tax administration.

Tax compliance is the fulfillment of tax obligations by taxpayers in

order to contribute the development expected in the fulfillment given

freely. Hopefully with the fulfillment of voluntary compliance, the tax

revenue target will be met.

From some explanation above it can be concluded, understanding tax

compliance is an abiding taxpayers and to implement and fulfill tax

obligations in accordance with the provisions of tax laws and also taxpayer

who fulfill compliance is a taxpayer who fill SPT with honest, good and


correct that SPT accordance with the provisions of the tax laws and submit

to the tax office before the deadline.

With the compliance, then it implies that tax revenues will go fluently,

because tax compliance has been shown that the taxpayer has properly

implement tax obligations. Tax compliance defined as a situation where the

taxpayer meets all tax obligations and implement rights of taxation in

accordance with the provisions of applicable legislation. In order for tax

target achieved, need to be grown continuously for public’s consciousness

and compliance to fulfill tax obligations. Consciousness of taxation arising

from within its own taxpayers without regard to any tax sanction. While tax

compliance arising due to aware of any tax sanction.

6. Taxpayer Conducting Business Operations and Professional Service

Tax revenues are derived from individual and corporate tax object. Tax

revenues from the acquired entity from the company, while tax receipts from

individuals obtained from employees and non-employees or independent.

Professional service is work done by individuals who have special expertise in

an effort to earn revenue that is not bound by an employment relationship,

such as lawyers, accountants, architects, notaries, consultants, actries, and

appraisers. Professionals with particular expertise in the work criteria for free

because it has characteristics corresponding to Art No 28 year 2007, which

features the work of free taxpayer is the taxpayer's particular expertise

achieved through formal education and earn an income that is not tied to


employment. The willingness of the taxpayer of professional service in paying

taxes is important for the state as a source of revenue from individual income


Individual taxpayers conducting business or professional services are

those that organize business activities and is not bound by a bond with the

employer. The definition of running the business activity in question is any

effort in many areas, agriculture, industry, trade, or otherwise. While

commonly associated with professional services expertise or profession

carried on by the relevant experts such as lawyers, accountants, consultants,

notaries, or doctor. That is, the independent actor opened his own practice

with his own name. If the work is concerned only or employee status, such as

an accountant working in the Office of Public Accountants, so it does not

include professional individual taxpayer.

Individual taxpayers to conduct business and professional services in

Indonesia should be held to present the accounting particulars sufficient to

calculate the taxable income or cost or delivery of goods or services, in order

to count the amount of tax under the provisions of tax laws and regulations.

For taxpayers who due to inadequate capacity, it is possible to be freed from

the obligation to hold the books, in the sense that as long as the ability to hold

the books not owned, taxpayer justified to just make records that are simple

bookkeeping that contains the baseline data that can be used for calculating

the tax payable by a taxpayer in question.


Referring to Article 28 paragraph (1) and (2) of Art No 28 year 2007

which is the bookkeeping required to hold an individual taxpayer conducting

business or professional services and agencies in Indonesia taxpayer.

Exempted from the obligation to keep books but must keep records, an

individual taxpayer is conducting a business or professional services in

accordance with the provisions of tax laws allowed calculating net income

using the norm calculation of net income (the gross income in a year is less

than Rp 4.800.000.000) and individual taxpayers who do not do business or


Bookkeeping is the recording process is done on a regular basis to collect

data and financial information including assets, liabilities, capital, income and

expenses, and the total acquisition price and the delivery of goods or services,

which closed with the preparation of financial statements in the form of

balance sheet and income statement for the period of the tax year.

Recording is the collection of data collected on a regular basis about the

turnover or gross receipts and/or gross income as the basis for calculating the

amount of tax payable, including income tax is not an object and / or subject

to final tax.

According to data from the Directorate General of Taxation, taxpayers

generally do not make a personal accounting for its assets. Personal taxpayers

also often do not keep records of its receipts and expenditure on the asset.

Based on the record of the tax authorities, the private taxpayers generally also


do cash transactions. Therefore, a lot of transactions and investments actually

happens but not recorded. Based on this, a study of individual taxpayers

conducting business and professional services is deemed interesting to do.

B. Previous Research

This research on the effect of tax consciousness, service tax authorities, and

tax sanctions towards tax compliance has been done by previous research with

variable and different analysis methods. The previous results from previous

studies on topics related to this study can be seen in Table 2.1

Table 2.1

Previous Research

No Researcher


Title Research Method Result

Similarities Differences

1 Muliari and




Perceptions of

Tax Penalties



in Taxpayer



Taxpayer in

Tax Office

Primary East








and tax




variable used












studies: KPP

East Denpasar.

The sample of

this study:



whose doing


activities and


service in


No variable

service tax



perceptions about

the tax penalty

partially positive

and significant

effect on


reporting individual

taxpayers. Likewise

with taxpayer

awareness partially

positive and

significant at the


reporting individual



No Researcher


Title Research Method Result

Similarities Differences

2 Fikriningrum


Analysis of the




Taxpayers in

Meeting Their

Tax Obligation



variable used

are tax


, and service

tax authorities

No tax

sanctions as


variable, but

there is




of tax



research on

KPP Pratama



1. Tax

consciousness has

positive and

significant effect on

willingness to pay


2. Knowledge and

understanding of

tax regulations has

positive and

significant effect on

willingness to pay


3. Good perception

of the effectiveness

of the tax system

has positive and

significant effect on

willingness to pay


4. Service tax

authorities has

positive and

significant effect on

willingness to pay




No Researcher


Title Research Method Result

Similarities Differences

3 Agus




The Effect of


Attitude on



Service Tax


and Tax


on Tax




variable used

are tax


service tax


and tax




variable is tax


Research with





Survey on


Taxpayer in


1.Taxpayer attitude

on financial

sanctions has

positive and

significant effect on

tax compliance.

2.Taxpayer attitude

on service tax

authorities has

positive and

significant effect on

tax compliance.

3.Taxpayer attitude

on tax

consciousness has

positive and

significant effect on

tax compliance.


No Researcher


Title Research Method Result

Similarities Differences

4 Pancawati



Factors that

Influence the

Willingness of

Paying Taxes




used were

the taxpayer


quality of

service tax


There is no tax


variables and




Awareness of

paying taxes affect

positive impact on

the willingness to

pay taxes.

Knowledge of tax

regulations do not

effect on

willingness to pay


Understanding tax

regulations do not

effect on

willingness to pay

taxes. Perceptions

of the effectiveness

of the tax system

does not

effect on

willingness to pay

taxes. Significant

service quality has


the willingness to

pay taxes.

Source: Adapted from various references

C. Logical Framework

In this study will be explained on the effect of tax consciousness, service tax

authorities and tax sanctions on personal tax compliance conducting business and

professional services. Tax consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanctions

suggested influencing on tax compliance. Logical framework of this research are

presented in Figure 2.1.


Figure 2.1

Logical Framework

Tax as a significant source of state revenue, so that tax compliance is

essential for national development, and there are some factors which can

effect of tax compliance

Theory Basis : The theory of tax consciousness, theory of service tax

authorities, and theory of tax sanctions

Independence Variable Dependence Variable

Tax Consciousness (X1)

Tax Compliance (Y) Service Tax Authorities (X2)

Tax Sanctions (X3)

Analysis Method

Quality Data Test (Validity Test, Reliability Test)

Classical Assumption Test

Multiple Regression Test (R2

Test, F Test, t Test)

Result and Analysis

Conclusion and Implication


D. Hypothesis

1. Tax Consciousness on Tax Compliance.

Tax consciousness is a condition in which the taxpayer know, understand

and correctly implement tax provisions and voluntary. The higher level of

awareness of the taxpayer's tax liability, the better implementation so as to

enhance compliance (Muliari and Setiawan, 2010). Taxpayer consciousness of

the functions of taxation as state funding is needed to improve tax compliance

(Jatmiko, 2006).

Pancawati Hadriningsih (2011) states that the taxpayer consciousness

affect tax compliance. Soemarso (1998) in Jatmiko (2006) suggested that low

public awareness of taxation often be one of the reasons many potential taxes

that could not be captured. Taxpayer consciousness is needed in improving

tax compliance (Jatmiko, 2006). Tax consciousness on taxation is required in

order to increase the willingness of the taxpayer to pay the tax. The higher

consciousness of taxpayers in paying taxes the higher willingness of taxpayers

to pay taxes. Based on that, the hypothesis is formulated as follows:

H1: Tax consciousness has significant influence on tax compliance

2. Service Tax Authorities on Tax Compliance

Compliance of taxpayers in meeting their tax obligation depends on how

tax officers provide the best quality service to taxpayers (Jatmiko, 2006).

Karanta et al, 2000 (in Suryadi, 2006) emphasizes the importance of the

quality of personnel (HR) taxation in providing services to the taxpayer.


The tax authorities have competence in the sense of having the expertise,

knowledge and experience in terms of tax policy, tax administration and tax

laws. Besides the tax authorities should also be highly motivated as a public

servant (Ilyas and Burton, 2010).

The tax authorities are expected to provide a good service to the taxpayer,

that taxpayer would pay taxes payable. The better the services provided to the

taxpayer's tax authorities, greater willingness of taxpayers to pay taxes. Based

on the description it can be said that the service tax authorities are expected to

influence the tax compliance in paying taxes. Therefore, the hypothesis is

formulated as follows:

H2: Service tax authorities has significant influence on tax compliance.

3. Tax Sanctions on Tax Compliance

Tax sanctions created with the aim that taxpayers are afraid to violate the

Law on taxation. Taxpayers will comply with tax payments when it considers

that the sanctions would be more detrimental (Jatmiko, 2006).Tax sanctions is

an assurance that the provisions of tax laws (taxation norms) will be

followed/observed/complied, in other words, the tax sanctions is a deterrent so

that taxpayers do not violate norms of taxation (Mardiasmo, 2006 in Muliari

and Setiawan, 2010).

Taxpayers will comply with the payment of a tax sanction if view would

be more adverse. The more rest of arrears of tax due the taxpayers, it will be

increasingly difficult for the taxpayer to pay it off. Therefore, the attitude or


outlook on sanctions taxpayers are expected to affect the level of tax

compliance in paying taxes.

Therefore, the view of taxpayers suspected of tax sanctions will affect the

tax compliance in paying taxes. Under these conditions, the hypothesis is

formulated as follows:

H3: Tax sanctions has significant influence on tax compliance




A. The Scope of Research

The study was conducted to analyze the effect of tax consciousness, service

tax authorities and tax sanctions towards tax compliance on personal taxpayer

conducting business activity and professional services. This study is a survey, in

which researchers directly involved in the research. The population in this study

is the individual taxpayer either live or work in Jakarta area.

B. Determining Sample Method

The sampling technique is done by convenience sampling method, which is a

general term that includes variations in the level of respondent selection

procedures the member population sampling technique is based on convenience

alone. Someone sampled by chance people had been there or investigators know

the person. This type of sampling is very good if used for research assessment,

which is then followed by advanced research sample taken at random (Sugiyono,


Convenience sampling means that the sampling units drawn easily accessible,

it is not difficult, it is easy to measure, and cooperative. (Hamid, 2007:30).

Convenience sampling method was used because researchers have freedom to

choose a quick sample of the elements of the population, which is easy to be

obtained by the researcher. Respondents in this research were individual


taxpayers conducting business operation and professional service who living or

working in Jakarta area.

C. Data Collection Methods

Data collection methods refers to the way which is needed in this research it

can be obtained. In this regard, the data collection techniques can be used directly

through the combination.

The data obtained in this study, researchers used two ways, namely library

research and field research.

1. Library Research

Researchers obtained data related to the problem being researched through

books, journals, theses, internet, and other devices related to their topic.

2. Field Research

Main data of this study obtained through field research, researchers obtained

the data directly from the first (primary data). In this study, the study subjects

were individual taxpayers conducting business operations and professional

service in Jakarta. Researchers obtained data by sending questionnaires to

individual taxpayers either directly or through intermediaries. Primary data

were obtained using a questionnaire that has been structured with a view to

collecting information from individual taxpayers as respondents in the study

(Indriantoro and Supomo, 2002:154). Primary data were collected by survey

method using questionnaires media. A number of statements presented to


respondents and later respondents were asked to answer according of their

opinion. To measure the opinion of respondents used a Likert scale of five

numbers starting from number 5 to the opinion strongly agree and 1 for

strongly disagree. The breakdown is as follows:

Figures 1 = Strongly Disagree

Figures 2 = Disagree

Figures 3 = Less Agree

Figures 4 = Agree

Figures 5 = Strongly Agree

D. Analysis Methods

The data analysis method using descriptive statistics, test data quality, classic

assumption test and hypotheses test.

1. Descriptive Statistic

Descriptive statistics provide a picture or description of the data as seen

from the average (mean), standard deviation, maximum, and minimum

(Ghozali, 2009:19).

2. Data Quality Test

a. Reliability Test

Reliability is a tool to measure a questionnaire which is an indicator of

the variables or constructs. A questionnaire said reliable if someone

answers the statements are consistent or stable over time (Ghozali,


2009:45). Ghozali (2009:46) states that the reliability of the measurement

can be done in two ways, namely:

1. Repeated Measure, here someone will present with the same questions at

different times, and then see if he remains consistent with his answers.

2. One Shot or measurement once, here measurement only once and then

the results were compared with another question or measure the

correlation between the answers to the questions.

Criteria testing conducted using test Cronbach Alpha (α). A variable is

said to be reliable if it delivers value Cronbach Alpha > 0.60 (Priyatno,


b. Validity Test

Validity test is used to measure whether a legal or valid questionnaires.

A questionnaire as valid if the questions in the questionnaire were able to

reveal something that will be measured by questionnaire (Ghozali,

2009:49). Testing the validity of the study using Pearson Correlation is by

calculating the correlation between the values obtained from the questions.

If Pearson Correlation earned value below 0.05 means that the data

obtained are valid (Priyatno, 2012:101).

3. Classical Assumptions Test

To test the classical assumption data on these primary data, the researcher

used mulitcollinearity test, normality test, and heteroscedasticity test.


a. Mulitcollinearity Test

Mulitcollinearity test aims to test whether the regression model found

a correlation between the independent variables. A good regression model

should not happen correlation between the independent variables

(Priyatno, 2012:61).

Detect the presence or absence mulitcollinearity in the regression

model can be seen from the amount VIF (Variance Inflation Factor) and

tolerance. Free mulitcollinearity regression if the value of VIF < 10 and

tolerance values > 0.10 (Priyatno, 2012:61).

b. Normality Test

Normality test aims to measure whether the regression model the

independent variables and the dependent variable both have normal or

near-normal distribution. A good regression model is to have a normal or

near-normal distribution. In this study, test for normality using the Normal

Probability Plot (PP Plot). A variable is said to be normal if the distribution

of the image data points are spread around the diagonal line, and the spread

of data points in the same direction following the diagonal line (Priyatno,


c. Heteroscedasticity Test

Heteroscedasticity test aimed at testing whether the regression model

variance of the residual inequality occurs one observation to another

observation. If the residual variance from one observation to another


observation permanent it is called homoskedasticity and if it is different

called heteroscedasticity. Good regression model that is homoskedasticity

(Ghozali, 2009:125).

Detect the presence or absence heterocedastisity presence or absence

can be seen with a certain pattern on the charts scaterplot. If there is a

pattern that has occurred indicating heteroscedasticity. But if there is no

clear pattern and the points spread above and below 0 on the Y axis, then it

does not happen heteroscedasticity (Ghozali, 2009:125-126).

4. Hypothesis Testing

The hypothesis testing in this study using multiple regression analysis.

This analysis is used to measure the strength of two or more variables, and

also shows the direction the relationship between the dependent variable with

the independent variable. This model is used to test the effects of two or more

independent variables on the dependent variable with interval or ratio scale of

measurement in the linear equation (Indriantoro and Supomo, 2002: 211). The

independent variables consist of the taxpayer consciousness, service tax

authorities and tax sanctions, while the dependent variable is tax compliance.


Hypotheses testing using a multiple regression analysis. Regression

equation as follows:

Y= a + β 1

X1 + β

2 X

2 + β 3 X3 +e

Y = Tax Compliance

X1 = Tax Consciousness

X2 = Service Tax Authorities

X3 = Tax Sanctions

a = Constanta

β 1, β2, β 3 = Regression coefficients

e = Error Factor

Hypothesis testing is done in the following ways:

a. Coefficient of Determination

The Coefficient of determination (R2) was essentially measures how

much capacity model in the variation explanations in the dependent

variable. The magnitude of the coefficient of determination is 0 up to a

small value of R2 which means the ability of the independent variables in

explaining the variation in the dependent variable is very limited. Value

near one means that the independent variables provide virtually all the

information is needed to predict the variation in the dependent variable

(Ghozali 2006:169).


b. Statistic F Test

F Test performed is to determine the effect of joint independent

variables on the dependent variable. The significance level used was 5%,

with degrees of freedom df = (nk-1), where (n) is the number of

observations and (k) is the number of variables. This test is done by

comparing the calculated F with F tables with the following conditions:

H0 is accepted if f count < f table for α = 5%

H1 accepted if f count > f the table for α = 5%

According to Santoso (2004:120) basis on decision making as follows:

1. If the probability is greater than 0.05, H0 is accepted or rejected Ha,

this means that all independent variables have no influence or free

together or bonded to the dependent variable.

2. If the probability value of less than 0.05, then H0 rejected and Ha

accepted, this means that all free variables have an independent or

jointly influence on the dependent variable or bound.

c. Statistic t Test

t Test was conducted to examine the partial regression coefficients of

the independent variable and shows how far the influence of the

explanatory or independent variable in explaining individual variation in

the dependent variable and used to determine the presence or absence of

influence of each independent variable individually against the dependent

variable is tested at significance level of 0.05 (Ghozali, 2006: 84).


Significance level used is 5%, with degrees of freedom DF = (nk-1),

where (n) is the number of observations and (k) is the number of variables.

This test is done by comparing the calculated t with t table with the

following conditions:

H0 is accepted if t count < t table for α = 5%

H1 accepted if the t count > t table for α = 5%

E. Operational Research Variable

Variables Operational Definition is the definition given to a variable or

construct a way to give meaning or specifying activities. Operational variables

used are:

1. Tax Consciousness (X1)

Irianto (2005) in Widayati and Nurlis (2010) outlines some form of

consciousness pay taxes that encourage taxpayers to pay their taxes. First, the

realization that taxes are a form of participation in supporting the country's

development. Second, the realization that delays payment of taxes and a

reduction in the tax burden is very detrimental to the country. Third, the

realization that taxes are set by law and can be enforced. Jatmiko (2006) the

situation that know or understand about the taxes, consciousness regarding

with pay the tax obligations. All item questionnaire measured using interval

scales (Likert), 1 to 5. The answers will be made scores are: the value of (1)

strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) less agree, (4) agree, and (5) strongly agree.


2. Service Tax Authorities (X2)

Service tax authorities can be interpreted as a way to help tax officers,

administer, or prepare all the necessities needed someone who in this case is

the taxpayer (Jatmiko, 2006). All item questionnaire measured using interval

scales (Likert), 1 to 5. The answers will be made scores are: the value of (1)

strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) less agree, (4) agree, and (5) strongly agree.

3. Tax Sanctions (X3)

Tax sanctions is an assurance that the provisions of tax laws (taxation

norms) will be followed/observed/complied with, in other words, the tax

penalty is a deterrent so that taxpayers do not violate norms of taxation

(Mardiasmo, 2006 in Muliari and Setiawan, 2010). All item questionnaire

measured using interval scales (Likert), 1 to 5. The answers will be made

scores are: the value of (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) less agree, (4)

agree, and (5) strongly agree.

4. Tax Compliance (Y)

According Safri Nurmanto in Kurnia Siti Rahayu (2010:138) says that tax

compliance can be defined as a state where the taxpayer meets all tax

obligations and enforce rights of taxation. All item questionnaire measured

using interval scales (Likert), 1 to 5. The answers will be made scores are: the

value of (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) less agree, (4) agree, and (5)

strongly agree.


Table 3.1

Operational Research Variables

Variable Indicator No of



Tax Consciousness


Widayati and

Nurlis(2010), and

Jatmiko (2006)

1. Doing taxes on time 1 Interval

2. Paying taxes is necessary 2

3. Tax obligations without the

influence of others


4. Conducting compliance is



5. Taxes to finance public spending 5

Service Tax

Authorities (X2)

Jatmiko (2006)

1.Concern 1 Interval

2. Responsive 2

3. Ability to explain 3

4. Total tax authorities sufficient 4

5. Earnestness 5

6. The use of technology 6

7. Value of the tax paid is match with

the quality of service


Tax Sanctions (X3)

Mulari dan

Setiawan (2010)

1.Delays in reporting 1 Interval

2. Reduced tax smuggling 2

3. Tax penalties under the Act 3

4. Underpayment 4

5. Delay in payment 5


Compliance (Y)

Nurmantu (2003),

Rahayu (2010)

1. Registering as a taxpayer 1 Interval

2. SPT report on time 2

3. Calculating tax payable 3

4. Paying tax arrears 4

5. Pay an administrative fine 5

6. Getting a good service 6

7. Development tax benefit 7

8. Accuracy of information 8

Source: Data are processed




A. Research Object

1. Place and Time of Research

This research was done on individual taxpayers conducting business

operations and professional service who living and working in Jakarta.

Researchers try to measure the effect of tax consciousness, service tax

authorities and tax sanctions towards tax compliance, where objects in this

study were individual taxpayers conducting business operations, and

professional services in Jakarta area.

Tax revenues in Jakarta is the country's primary source of funding and

revenue sources that are important in development that aims to improve State

prosperity and welfare. Tax revenue target in DKI Jakarta in 2010-2012

contained in Table 4.1 are as follows:

Table 4.1

Tax Revenue Target in Jakarta 2010-2012

The collection of data on the research methods is done through the

questionnaires is given directly to individual taxpayers conducting business

Year Tax Revenue

2010 12,819 trillion

2011 14,821 trilllion

2012 15,625 trillion


operations and professional services in the region of Jakarta. The

dissemination of the questionnaire was conducted on November 18, 2012

until January 10, 2013.

2. Characteristics of Sample

Researchers took a sample of 57 respondents where the determination of

the number of samples taken from individual taxpayers conducting business

operations and professional services in Jakarta. Questionnaires were

distributed 100 questioners were given to individual taxpayers conducting

business operation and professional service in Jakarta. The questionnaire did

not return are 35 questioners or 35%, this may be due to conditions that are

less precise distribution of questionnaires. Questionnaires which can be

processed totaling 57 questioners or 57%, while the questionnaire can not be

processed because it did not meet the criteria as a sample and are not filled

completely by the respondents are 8 questioners or 8%. A description of the

sample data are presented in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2

Questionnaires Distribution

Questionnaires Total Percentage

Questionnaire Distributed 100 100%

Questionnaire are not Returned 35 35%

Questionnaire cannot be Processed 8 8%

Questionnaire can be Processed 57 57%

Source: Data are processed


3. Characteristic of Respondents

General description of respondents can be seen through the characteristics

of respondents. Description of the respondents in this research including job,

gender, age, education and how long as a taxpayer. In Table 4.3 can be seen a

summary of the characteristics of the respondents.

Table 4.3

Characteristic Respondents

Data Descriptive Data


Total Percentage

Gender Male 31 54.4%

Female 26 45.6%

Total 57 100%

Age 20-25 9 15.7%

26-30 9 15.7%

31-35 7 12.2%

36-40 12 21%

>40 20 35%

Total 57 100%

Job Entrepreneur 39 68.4%

Doctor 1 1.8%

Lecture/Teacher 8 14%

Lawyer/Notary 4 7%

Consultant 2 3.5%

Nurse 2 3.5%

Apothecary 1 1.8%

Total 57 100%

Education SHS 10 17.5%

D3 6 10.5%

S1 24 42.1%

S2 12 21%

S3 0 0

Others 5 8.77%

Total 57 100%


Data Descriptive Data


Total Percentage

As a Taxpayer 1-5 year 23 40.3%

6-10 year 18 31.5%

11-15 year 8 14.03%

>15 year 8 14.03%

Total 57 100%

Source: Data are processed

Figure 4.1

Characteristic of Respondents based on the Gender

Based on gender, the majority of respondents in this study were male,

which is 31 people or 54.3% and female respondents are 26 people or 45.3%.

Table 4.4


Frequency Percent Valid





Male 31 54,4 54,4 54,4

Female 26 45,6 45,6 100,0

Total 57 100,0 100,0

Source: Data are processed


54,4 %





Figure 4.2

Characteristic of Respondents based on the Ages

Based on age, the average age of the respondents was 20-25 years of age,

there are 9 people or 15.7%, for the category 26-30 years, there are 9 people

or 15.7%, for the 31-35 years there are 7 people or 12, 2%, for the category

36-40 years there are 12 people or 21%, and for the age category > 40 years

there are 20 people or 35%.

Table 4.5


Frequency Percent Valid





20-25 9 15,8 15,8 15,8

26-30 9 15,8 15,8 31,6

31-35 7 12,3 12,3 43,9

36-40 12 21,1 21,1 64,9

> 40 20 35,1 35,1 100,0

Total 57 100,0 100,0

Source: Data are processed






12,3% 36-40


> 40




Figure 4.3

Characteristic of Respondents based on the Job

Based on the job, the respondents in this research most of the job as

entrepreneurs are 39 people or 68.4%, as a doctor 1 person or 1.8 %, as a

lecturer or teacher are 8 people or 14%, as a lawyer or a notary are 4 people or

7%, as a consultant are 2 people or 3.5%, as a nurse 2 people or 3.5%, and as

an apothecary is 1 person or 1.8%.

Table 4.6


Frequency Percent Valid





ENTERPRENEUR 39 68,4 68,4 68,4

DOCTOR 1 1,8 1,8 70,2

LECTURE/TEACHER 8 14,0 14,0 84,2

LAWYER/NOTARY 4 7,0 7,0 91,2

CONSULTANT 2 3,5 3,5 94,7

NURSE 2 3,5 3,5 98,2

APOTHECARY 1 1,8 1,8 100,0

Total 57 100,0 100,0

Source: Data are processed












3,5% Apothecary




Figure 4.4

Characteristic of Respondents based on the Education

Based on the level of education, respondents in this research at the

senior high school level there are 10 people or 17.5%, at D3 levels are 6

people or 10.5%, at S1 level there are 24 people or 42.1%, at the level of S2

are 12 people or 21%, at the level of S3 0 or 0%, and the other educational

level have 5 people or 8.77%.

Table 4.7


Frequency Percent Valid





SHS 10 17,5 17,5 17,5

D3 6 10,5 10,5 28,1

S1 24 42,1 42,1 70,2

S2 12 21,1 21,1 91,2

OTHERS 5 8,8 8,8 100,0

Total 57 100,0 100,0

Source: Data are processed












8,8% Education


Figure 4.5

Characteristic of Respondents based on time as a taxpayer

Based on the time as a taxpayer respondents in this research within 1-5

years there are 23 people or 40.3%, within 6-10 years there are 18 people or

31.5%, within 11-15 years there are 8 people or 14, 03%, and > 15 years there

are 8 people or 14.03%.

Table 4.8


Frequency Percent Valid





1-5 YEAR 23 40,4 40,4 40,4

6-10 YEAR 18 31,6 31,6 71,9

11-15 YEAR 8 14,0 14,0 86,0

> 15 YEAR 8 14,0 14,0 100,0

Total 57 100,0 100,0

Source: Data are processed

B. Test Result of Analysis Method

1. Descriptive Statistic

Descriptive statistics were used to provide information about the research

variables and demographic characteristics of respondents. Descriptive

1-5 year


6-10 year


11-15 year


> 15



Time as a taxpayer


statistics to describe the scale of the respondents answered to any of the

variables measured minimum, maximum, average, and standard deviation.

The variables used in this research include tax consciousness, service tax

authorities, tax sanction and tax compliance will be examined using

descriptive statistics as shown in table 4.9.

Table 4.9

Source: Data are processed

Table 4.4 explains that the number of respondents (N) from 57

respondents which valid. The minimum value indicates the lowest

accumulated value of each respondent's answers to each variable, while the

maximum value indicates the highest accumulated value of each respondent

answered to each variable. Mean indicates the average value of each element

in the overall response variables, and the standard deviation in this research

used to assess the degree of dispersion or spread of response average of all


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation


CONSCIOUSNESS 57 17 25 20,96 2,053


AUTHORITIES 57 7 35 26,26 5,576

TAX SANCTION 57 9 25 18,74 2,900

TAX COMPLIANCE 57 26 40 32,60 2,846

Valid N (listwise) 57


Based on the processing of SPSS 20 descriptive statistics in the table

above shows that the application of tax consciousness (X1) of the respondents

has a minimum value 17 and a maximum value 25, with an average 20.96 and

a total answer of the standard deviation 2.053. Variable service tax authorities

(X2) respondent has a minimum value 7 and a maximum value 35, with an

average 26.26 and a total answer of the standard deviation 5.576. Variable tax

sanction (X3) respondent has a minimum value 9 and a maximum value 25,

with an average 18.74 and a total answer of standard deviation 2.900.

Meanwhile, variable tax compliance (Y) respondent has minimum value 26

and a maximum value 40, with an average 32.60 and a total answer of

standard deviation 2.846.

2. Data Quality Test

a. Validity Test

Validity test is a test used to measure valid or not valid statements in the

questionnaires. A statement is considered valid if the statement is able to

demonstrate the extent to which the gauges can be measured.

Testing the validity used the Pearson Correlation by calculating the

correlation between the score of each question and a total score. Criteria

used to see data is valid or invalid as follows:

1. The item stated to be valid, if the probability value of (Sig) < 0.05.

2. The item stated to be invalid, if the probability value of (Sig) > 0.05.


The following table shows the results of testing the validity of the four

variables used in this research, tax consciousness, service tax authorities, tax

sanctions and tax compliance.

From the testing that has been done, the results will be presented in detail

in the table below for each of the variables in this study.

Table 4.10

Tax Consciousness



Pearson Correlation Sig(2-Tailed) Remark

1(X1.1) 0,748

** 0,001 Valid

2(X1.2) 0,677** 0,006 Valid

3(X1.3) 0,820** 0,000 Valid

4(X1.4) 0,615** 0,015 Valid

5(X1.5) 0,677** 0,006 Valid

Source: Data are processed

Table 4.10 shows the variable tax consciousness have valid criteria for all

items of question with a significance value less than 0.05.

Table 4.11

Services Tax Authorities



Pearson Correlation Sig(2-Tailed) Remark

1(X1.1) 0,772** 0,001 Valid

2(X1.2) 0,864** 0.000 Valid

3(X1.3) 0,852

** 0.000 Valid

4(X1.4) 0,528

** 0,043 Valid

5(X1.5) 0,941

** 0.000 Valid

6(X1.6) 0,887

** 0.000 Valid

7(X1.7) 0,916

** 0.000 Valid

Source: Data are processed


Table 4.11 shows the variables of service tax authorities have a valid

criteria for all items of question with a significance value less than 0.05.

Table 4.12

Tax Sanctions



Pearson Correlation Sig(2-Tailed) Remark

1(X1.1) 0,524** 0,045 Valid

2(X1.2) 0,740** 0,002 Valid

3(X1.3) 0,716** 0,003 Valid

4(X1.4) 0,674** 0,006 Valid

5(X1.5) 0,653** 0,008 Valid

Source: Data are processed

Table 4.12 shows the variable tax sanctions have valid criteria for all items

of question with a significance value less than 0.05.

Table 4.13

Tax Compliance



Pearson Correlation Sig(2-Tailed) Remark

1(X1.1) 0,826

** 0,000 Valid

2(X1.2) 0,685

** 0,005 Valid

3(X1.3) 0,792

** 0,000 Valid

4(X1.4) 0,889

** 0,000 Valid

5(X1.5) 0,827

** 0,000 Valid

6(X1.6) 0,529

** 0,043 Valid

7(X1.7) 0,654

** 0,008 Valid

8(X1.8) 0,548

** 0,034 Valid

Source: Data are processed


Table 4.13 shows the variable tax compliance has a valid criteria for all

items of question with a significance value less than 0.05.

b. Reliability Test

Reliability test was conducted to assess the consistency of the research

instrument. A research instrument can be stated to be reliable if the

Cronbach Alpha value > 0.60. Table 4.14 shows the reliability test results

for the four research variables used in this research.

Table 4.14

Reliability Test

Variable Cronbach’s Alpha Remark

Tax Consciousness (X1) 0.730 Reliabel

Service Tax Authorities (X2)

0,921 Reliabel

Tax Sanction (X3) 0.674 Reliabel

Tax Compliance (Y) 0,851 Reliabel

Source: Data are processed

Table 4.14 shows the value of Cronbach's alpha on the variable tax

consciousness 0.730, variable service tax authorities 0,921, variable tax

sanction 0.674, and variable tax compliance 0.851. Thus, we can conclude

that the statement in the questionnaire is reliable because it has a Cronbach

alpha values greater than 0.6. This indicates that each item statement will be

able to obtain consistent data, which means when the statement is return; it

will get the same answer relative to the previous answer.


3. Result of Classical Assumptions Test

a. Result of Multicollinearity Test

Multicollinearity test aims to determine whether the inter-variable

symptom-free has a multicollinearity problem or not. To detect the presence

of multico problem, it can be done by looking at the Tolerance and Variance

Factor (VIF) and the magnitude of correlation among the independent


Based on the table 4.15 above shows that the tolerance value close to 1

and the value of the variance inflation factor (VIF) around the number 1 for

each variable, as indicated by the value of tolerance consciousness tax

0,965, service tax authorities 0.956, and tax sanction 0,962, and VIF for tax

consciousness 1.037, service tax authorities 1.046, and tax sanction 1.040.

Thus, it can be concluded that the regression equation model there is no

multicollinearity problem and can be used in this research.

Table 4.15

Multicollinearity Test


Model Unstandardized




t Sig. Collinearity Statistics

B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF


(Constant) 5,523 3,062 1,804 ,077

TAX CONSCIOUSNESS ,820 ,123 ,591 6,669 ,000 ,965 1,037


AUTHORITIES ,128 ,045 ,251 2,818 ,007 ,956 1,046

TAX SANCTION ,348 ,087 ,355 3,995 ,000 ,962 1,040

a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE


b. Result of Heteroscedasticity Test

Heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether the regression model of the

residual variance inequality occurred one observation to another

observation. If the residual variance of an observation to other observations

is fixed, so it is called homoskedastisitas. And if the variance is different it

is called heteroscedasticity. A good regression model is occurred

homokedatisitas in the model, or in other words do not occur


Graph 4.1

Scatterplot Graph

Source: Data are processed

Based on Graph 4.1, scatterplot graph indicates that the data are spread

top and bottom the number 0 (zero) on the Y axis and there is a regular

pattern to the spread of the data. This means that not occur

heteroscedasticity in the regression equation model, so that the regression

model can be used to predict tax compliance based on variables that


influence it, namely tax consciousness, service tax authorities and tax


c. Results of Normality Test

Normality test aims to test whether a regression model, the dependent

variable and independent variable or both have a normal distribution or not.

A good regression model is the distribution of normal or near-normal data.

Normality test is to be important because one of the conditions testing


Graph 4.2

Normality Test with P-Plot Graph

Source: Data are processed

Graph 4.2 show that the spread of data which is around the diagonal line

and follow the direction of the diagonal line indicates that the regression

model meets the assumption of normality.


4. Hypothesis Testing

a. Multiple Regression Testing

Regression analysis is the analysis used to measure the effect of the

independent variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y). This method can

also be used as an estimate, so it can be expected between good or bad of a

variable (X) to reduce the level of variable (Y), and vice versa. Below is a

table 4.16 of the results of multiple regression test :

Table 4.16

Multiple Regression Test

Source: Data are processed

Based on the results obtained from Table 4.11 above, it can be made a

regression equation as follows:

From regression equation and table 4.11 above shows a constant value

5.523, t-count is 1.804 and significance value of 0.077. It states that if the


Model Unstandardized




t Sig. Collinearity


B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF


(Constant) 5,523 3,062 1,804 ,077

TAX CONSCIOUSNESS ,820 ,123 ,591 6,669 ,000 ,965 1,037


AUTHORITIES ,128 ,045 ,251 2,818 ,007 ,956 1,046

TAX SANCTION ,348 ,087 ,355 3,995 ,000 ,962 1,040

a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE

Y=5,523 + 0,820 X1 + 0,128 X2 + 0,348 X3 + e


application of tax consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanction

are considered constant, then the tax compliance will be constant at 5.523.

Regression coefficient in tax consciousness is 0.820 with significance

level of 0.000, which means that if the variable raise the value-added, it

will increase the application of tax consciousness to 0.820.

Regression coefficient in service tax authorities is 0.128 with

significance level of 0.007, which means that if the variable raise the value-

added, it will increase the application of service tax authorities to 0.128.

Regression coefficient in tax sanction is 0.348 with significance level of

0.000, which means that if the variable raise the value added, it will

increase the application of tax sanction to 0.348.

From the three independent variables included in the regression, H1

accepted, H2 accepted, H3 accepted, then the three variables had a

significant effect on the variable tax compliance.

b. The Result of Coefficient Determination (R²)

Table 4.17

Determination Coefficient Test (R²)

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R


Std. Error of the


1 ,773a ,598 ,575 1,855

a. Predictors: (Constant), TAX SANCTION, TAX CONSCIOUSNESS,


b. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE

Source: Data are processed


Based on the table 4.17 above obtained a number R2 (Adjusted R

Square) is 0,575 or (57,5%). This shows that the percentage contribution of

the effect on independent variables (tax consciousness, service tax

authorities and tax sanction) on the dependent variable (tax compliance) is

57.5%. Or variations of the independent variables used in the model (tax

consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanction) could explain

57.5% of variation in the dependent variable (tax compliance). While the

remaining 42.5% (100% - 57.5%) influenced or explained by other

variables which not included in this research model. Other variables that

affect tax compliance such as knowledge and understanding of the tax

regulations (Fikriningrum,2012) explains that the knowledge and

understanding of tax regulations have a significant effect on tax

compliance, the other variable is tax administration system (Anggraini,

2012) explains that tax administration system have positive effect on tax

compliance, and the other variable is an understanding of self-assessment

system (Rustiyaningsih,2011) explains that the self-assessment system

affect on tax compliance.


c. The Result of Statistic Fisher Test (Simultaneous Test)

Table 4.18

Statistic F Test


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Regression 271,427 3 90,476 26,305 ,000b

Residual 182,292 53 3,439

Total 453,719 56

a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE



Source: Data are processed

Basis for decision making for simultaneous testing between variables X

and Y as follows:

1. If the probability value of sig is less than or equal to the probability

value of 0.05 or (sig ≤ 0.05), so Ha is accepted, that is significant

(there is a real effect).

2. If the probability of sig greater than the probability value of 0.05 or

(sig > 0.05), so Ha is rejected, that is not significant (no significant


Based on the analysis of SPSS 20 from the table 4.13 F value obtained

26.305 with a probability value (sig) 0,000. This means that the value

significantly less than alpha 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). The conclusion that can

be derived from the above results is variable tax consciousness, service tax

authorities and tax sanction has simultaneous effect on tax compliance.


d. The Result of Statistic t Test (Partial Test)

T test was done to see whether the independent variables individually

have a significant effect on the dependent variable, and to ascertain which

variables are the most dominant.

Table 4.19

Statistic t Test

Source: Data are processed

Decision making to accept or reject the hypothesis of each

independent variable as follows:

1. Ho accepted if –t table < t count < t table

2. Ho rejected if –t count < - t table or t count > t table

With the results (df) n-k-1, the t table is 2.005 (= tinv (0.05, 53))

Based on the results of t-test statistics in the table 4.19 above ,

statistical tests of variable tax consciousness have t count 6.669, t count >

t table then Ho is rejected, which mean that there is a significant effect

partially between tax consciousness with tax compliance. Statistical test

variable service tax authorities have t count 2.818, then t count > t table


Model Unstandardized




t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta


(Constant) 5,523 3,062

1,804 ,077

TAX CONSCIOUSNESS ,820 ,123 ,591 6,669 ,000

SERVICE TAX AUTHORITIES ,128 ,045 ,251 2,818 ,007

TAX SANCTION ,348 ,087 ,355 3,995 ,000

a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE


then Ho is rejected, which mean that there is a significant influence

partially between the service tax authorities with tax compliance.

Statistical test variable tax sanctions have t count 3.995, then t count > t

table then Ho is rejected, which mean that there is a significant influence

partially between the tax sanction with tax compliance. It is means tax

consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanction had a significant

influence partially on tax compliance.

C. Analysis

1. Influence of Tax Consciousness on Tax Compliance

Hypothesis test results showed that the significance level of the variable

tax consciousness has 0.000 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that tax

consciousness significantly influence on tax compliance. It is proved that with

a consciousness of the taxpayer to pay the tax, then the taxpayer has complied

with the taxation. Irianto (2005) in Widayati and Nurlis (2010) outlines some

form of consciousness pay taxes that encourage taxpayers to pay their taxes.

The realization that taxes are a form of participation in supporting the

development of the State, and as a source of state revenue. Research by

Suyatmin (2004) showed that the attitude of taxpayers on tax consciousness

affect on tax compliance. Soemarso (2007) stated that low public

consciousness of taxation often be one of the reasons many potential taxes

that cannot be captured. Lerche (1980) also suggests that consciousness of


taxation is often a constraint in the public issue of tax collection. Taxpayer

consciousness on taxation is needed to improve tax compliance.

In other research has been presented by Agus Nugroho Jatmiko (2006)

had similar results with a significance level of variables, namely tax

consciousness is 0000 < 0.05, so that it can be concluded that the tax

consciousness significantly influence on tax compliance. Under these

conditions, H1 which states that tax consciousness has significant influence on

tax compliance, acceptable.

2. Influence of Service Tax Authorities on Tax Compliance

Hypothesis test results showed that the significance level of the variables

service tax authorities has 0.007 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that the service

tax authorities significantly influence on tax compliance. It is proved that with

a good service and a good quality on tax authorities, it will affect compliance

with the taxation. Service tax authorities can be interpreted as a way of tax

officers to help, to administer, or to prepare all the necessities needed

someone who in this case is the taxpayer (Jatmiko, 2006). In other research

have been presented by Jatmiko (2006) had similar results with a significance

level of variables, namely the service tax authorities is 0000 < 0.05, so that it

can be concluded that the service tax authorities significantly influence tax

compliance. Therefore, to increase tax compliance, tax authorities expected

have competence in the sense of expertise (skills), knowledge, and experience

in terms of tax policy, tax administration and tax legislation. In addition tax


authorities should have high motivated as a public servant. Thus, tax

compliance in meeting their tax obligations depend on how the tax authorities

gives the best quality of service to taxpayers. Research Hardiningsih (2011)

has the same significance results, the service tax authorities is 0.003 < 0.05 so

that it can be concluded that the service tax authorities significantly influence

tax compliance. Under these conditions, H2 which states that the service tax

authorities significant influence on tax compliance, acceptable.

3. Influence of Tax Sanction on Tax Compliance

Hypothesis test results showed that the significance level of the variable

tax sanction is 0.000 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that the tax sanction

significantly influence on tax compliance. It is proved that the presence of tax

sanctions given, the taxpayers become adherent to taxation. Tax sanctions is

an assurance that the provisions of tax laws (taxation norms) will be

followed/observed/complied, in other words, the tax sanction is a deterrent so

that taxpayers do not violate norms of taxation (Mardiasmo, 2006 in Muliari

and Setiawan, 2010). In other research have been presented by Jatmiko (2006)

had similar results with a significance level of variables, namely tax sanction

is 0000 < 0.05, so it can be concluded that the tax sanction has significant

influence on tax compliance. Fraternesi (2001) states that taxpayers will

comply with the payment when looking at tax sanction will be more adverse.

Growing number of delinquent tax due the taxpayer, it is increasingly difficult

for taxpayers to pay it off. Although taxpayers do not get awards for


compliance with the tax obligations, taxpayers will be subject to a lot of

punishment if not intentionally carry out their tax obligations. Therefore, in

this research the influence of the tax sanction will affect on tax compliance.

Research by Muliari and Setiawan (2010) had the same significance results,

the tax sanctions 0.000 < 0.05 so that it can be concluded that the tax

sanctions has significant influence on tax compliance. Under these conditions,

the H3 which states that tax sanction has significant influence on tax

compliance, acceptable.

4. Influence of Tax Consciousness, Service Tax Authorities, and Tax Sanctions

on Tax Compliance

The results showed that the effect of tax consciousness, service tax

authorities and tax sanctions on tax compliance, accordance with the results of

the hypothesis. With the consciousness for the taxpayer to pay the tax, it can

be said that a society participate in supporting the development of the State.

And in good quality and professional of the service tax authorities, so

taxpayers will be affected to adhere of taxation. Same as the tax sanctions that

given by the government will influence tax compliance of taxpayer. This is

consistent with results of previous research by Jatmiko (2006), has a

significant influence on the results of tax consciousness, service tax

authorities and tax sanction.




A. Conclusion :

The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of tax

consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanction toward tax compliance on

individual taxpayers conducting business operation and professional services

(Survey on individual taxpayers in Jakarta), as well as to learn about the influence

of these variables by analyzing questionnaires from individual taxpayer

conducting business operation and professional services.

Based on the data collected and the results of testing that has been done on the

problem by using multiple regression test, it can be concluded as follows:

1. Taxpayer attitudes on tax consciousness partially has a significant influence

on taxpayer compliance. This can be explained by the significance level of tax

consciousness is 0.000. So, it can indicate higher level of tax consciousness

influence higher level tax compliance. Effort to maximize tax revenue cannot

rely solely on the role of the Directorate General of Taxation and the tax

officer, but also takes an active role from the taxpayers themselves. The role

of community in tax revenue is the awareness of whether or not people are

willing to either agency or a private person want signed up to have a NPWP

and implement tax obligations, with a tax consciousness, so a society have

participate in the development of the State. The results of this research support

the researches that have been done by Jatmiko (2006).


2. Taxpayer attitudes on service tax authorities partially has a significant

influence on taxpayer compliance. This can be explained by the significance

level of service tax authorities is 0.007. So, it can indicate higher level of

service tax authorities influence higher level tax compliance. Good service tax

authorities are expected to increase taxpayer compliance. To improve tax

compliance in meeting tax obligations, quality of service tax should be

increased by the tax officer. Good service tax authorities will provide comfort

to taxpayers. Hospitality officer and ease of the tax information system,

including the service tax authorities. The results of this research support the

researches that have been done by Jatmiko (2006) and Hardiningsih (2011)

3. Taxpayer attitudes on tax sanction partially has a significant influence on

taxpayer compliance. This can be explained by the significance level of tax

sanction is 0.000. So, it can indicate higher level of tax sanction influence

higher level tax compliance. Taxpayers will meet tax payments when looking

at the tax sanction will be more adverse. The higher or severity of sanctions, it

will be more detrimental to the taxpayer. Therefore, sanctions will influence

the tax rate of tax compliance in paying taxes. The results of this research

support the researches that have been done by Jatmiko (2006) and Muliari


B. Implication :

Based on the conclusions above, indicates that the variable of tax

consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanction simultaneously influential


and significant influence on tax compliance primarily on individual taxpayers

who conducting business operation and professional services. The implications of

this research can be displayed in the aftermath of tax consciousness, service tax

authorities and tax sanction on tax compliance. This research shows that people

have to understand about the willingness to pay taxes as adherence to join and

participate in supporting the development and funding of the State, a society must

be aware of its existence as citizens and must always uphold the Constitution as

the basic law of the State administration. This is supported from research Muliari

and Setiawan (2010) who showed tax consciousness have simultaneous and

significant influence on tax compliance.

The implications of this research also has influence for the service tax

authorities to provide the tax authorities in the tax administration system is good

and qualified and can make taxpayers complied with the taxation. That way the

tax officer is expected to help, maintain, and prepare all the necessary needs

someone who in this case is the taxpayer. And can provide continuous education

to the society to know, recognize, respect, and obey tax provisions, expected tax

revenue can be succeed. Good service tax authorities are expected to increase

taxpayer compliance. To improve tax compliance in meeting tax obligations,

quality of service tax should be increased by the tax authorities. Good service tax

authorities will provide comfort to taxpayers. Hospitality officer and ease the tax

information system, including the services tax authorities. Research by Jatmiko


(2006) found that the service tax authorities have a significant influence on tax


This research also has implications on tax sanction that given by government

to taxpayer to raise their tax compliance. Sanctions need to provide lessons for tax

offenders. For example, in Article 7 of Law No. 28 Year 2007 on General

Provisions and Tax Procedures when the SPT was not delivered within the period

referred to in Article 3 paragraph (3) or an extension of the deadline submission

of the SPT as referred to in Article 3 paragraph (4), subject to administrative

sanctions in the form of a fine of Rp 500.000,00 (five hundred thousand rupiah) to

the Value Added Tax SPT Period, Rp 100,000,00 (one hundred thousand rupiah)

to another SPT Period, and Rp 1,000,000,00 (one million rupiah) for the Annual

Income Tax of Corporate Taxpayer and Rp100.000,00 (one hundred thousand

rupiah) to the Annual Income Tax of individual Taxpayer. Thus, it is expected

that tax laws obeyed by the taxpayer. The taxpayer will meet the tax obligation

when taxation considers that sanctions will be more adverse. This is supported

from research by Muliari and Setaiawan (2010) found that the tax sanction have a

significant influence on tax compliance.

So, tax consciousness, service tax authorities and tax sanction are the driving

factor in favor of the fulfillment of tax compliance for taxpayers, especially

individual taxpayers conducting business operation and professional services to

fulfill their tax obligations to support economic development and financing of the




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Appendix 1:

Research Letter


Appendix II

Research Questionnaire



1. Read carefully each question with the answer that has been provided which is


2. You simply giving a cross (X) on the answer you think is most appropriate.

3. If you have the wrong answer, please circle (O) is one of the crosses.

4. Please check all of your answers and make sure that there is no question missed. Information :

Figures 1 = Strongly Disagree (SD)

Figures 2 = Disagree (D)

Figures 3 = Less Agree ( LA)

Figures 4 = Agree (A)

Figures 5 = Strongly Agree (SA)

Data Research

Variable X1 : Tax Consciousness

Widayati dan Nurlis (2010) outlines some form of consciousness pay taxes that

encourage taxpayers to pay their taxes. First, the realization that taxes are a form of

participation in supporting the country's development. Second, the realization that

delays payment of taxes and a reduction in the tax burden is very detrimental to the

country. Third, the realization that taxes are set by law and can be enforced. Jatmiko

(2006) the situation that know or understand about the taxes.

No Questions Options











1 Taxpayers consciousness doing the tax

compliance due on time.

2 Conscious that paying tax is needed

3 Consciousness of the taxpayer to meet the tax

obligations on time without influence of


4 Taxpayer consciousness that conduct

compliance is an obligation.

5 Consciousness taxpayers to finance public



Variable X2 : Service Tax Authorities

Jatmiko( 2006) Service tax authorities can be interpreted as a way to help tax officers,

administer, or prepare all the necessities needed someone who in this case is the


No Questions Options











1 Tax authorities showed concern in meeting all the

needs of the taxpayer.

2 Tax authorities respond to any problems faced by the


3 Tax authorities have the ability to explain in providing

services to taxpayers.

4 Sufficient number of employees in the discharge of

taxation services.

5 Tax authorities show seriousness in providing services

to taxpayers.

6 Tax authorities have an ability to use the technology

applied in the service.

7 Value of taxes paid according to the quality of services


Variable X3 : Tax Sanctions

Mardiasmo (2006), in Muliari and Setiawan (2010) tax sanctions is an assurance that

the provisions of tax laws (taxation norms) will be followed/observed/complied with,

in other words, the tax penalty is a deterrent so that taxpayers do not violate norms of


No Questions Options












Any delay in reporting tax payable will get an applicable


2 The existence of criminal sanctions will not increase the

percentage of the taxpayer acts of smuggling taxes

3 Tax sanctions collection not deviate from the regulations

4 Taxpayers get the sanctions if underpayment

5 Taxpayer get sanctions if doing late payment


Variabel Y: Tax Compliance

Nurmantu (2003) in Rahayu (2010:138) tax compliance can be defined as a state

where the taxpayer meets all tax obligations and enforce rights of taxation.

No Questions Options











1 Register as a taxpayer to fulfill its obligations as

a good citizen.

2 SPT will report on time.

3 Correctly calculate taxes owed.

4 Comply pay taxes owed.

5 Comply pay administrative fines

6 Comply because obtaining good and fast service

by tax authorities

7 Comply because the tax paid benefit to national


8 Obtain information accuracy in calculating tax



Appendix III

Respondent Identity

Respondent Identity

Name : ……………………………..

Job :

1.Enterpreneur 3.Lecture/Teacher 5.Consultant 7.Apothecary

2.Doctor 4.Lawyer/Notary 6.Nurse

Gender :

1. Man 2. Female

Age :

1. 20 - 25 3. 31 – 35 5. > 40

2. 26 – 30 4. 36 – 40

Education :

1. SHS 3. S1 5.S3

2. DIII 4. S2 6. Others……………..

Time as a Taxpayers :

1. 1 – 5 years 3. 11 – 15 years

2. 6 – 10 years 4. > 15 years


Appendix IV

List of Respondents

Respondent Identity



1 6 2 1 2 1

2 6 2 1 2 1

3 1 2 4 2 2

4 1 1 4 3 3

5 3 2 5 3 3

6 2 2 5 4 4

7 4 1 4 4 3

8 1 2 4 4 3

9 1 1 2 3 1

10 5 1 4 4 2

11 1 1 5 6 2

12 1 2 4 3 2

13 6 1 5 4 2

14 3 2 5 3 2

15 1 1 5 2 1

16 1 1 4 3 2

17 5 2 3 3 2

18 3 1 3 3 1

19 1 1 3 3 1

20 3 1 5 3 3

21 1 1 3 2 2

22 1 1 2 3 1

23 1 2 1 2 1

24 6 2 4 3 2

25 1 1 2 3 1

26 1 2 2 3 1

27 1 1 2 1 1

28 1 2 2 1 1

29 3 2 5 4 3

30 1 1 1 3 1

31 3 2 3 4 2

32 1 2 1 1 1

33 6 2 1 3 1


34 4 1 2 4 1

35 1 1 1 3 1

36 1 1 2 3 1

37 1 1 5 1 2

38 1 2 4 3 2

39 1 1 4 3 3

40 1 1 5 1 4

41 7 2 1 6 1

42 1 1 3 6 1

43 1 2 5 1 4

44 1 2 5 1 2

45 1 2 5 1 1

46 1 1 5 6 2

47 1 1 5 1 4

48 1 2 5 6 4

49 3 1 4 3 2

50 1 2 5 1 4

51 1 1 5 4 4

52 1 1 4 3 2

53 1 1 2 3 1

54 4 1 5 4 4

55 3 2 1 3 1

56 4 2 3 4 2

57 1 1 5 4 3


Respondents Answer Variable Tax Consciousness (X1)


1 4 5 4 4 3 20

2 4 5 4 4 4 21

3 4 5 4 5 5 23

4 5 5 5 5 4 24

5 5 5 4 5 4 23

6 5 4 5 4 4 22

7 4 4 4 5 2 19

8 5 5 5 5 5 25

9 4 4 4 4 4 20

10 4 4 4 5 4 21

11 4 4 4 4 3 19

12 4 4 4 4 2 18

13 4 4 4 4 3 19

14 4 4 4 4 3 19

15 5 5 4 4 5 23

16 4 4 4 4 5 21

17 4 4 4 4 5 21

18 4 5 4 4 5 22

19 4 4 5 5 5 23

20 4 4 5 5 5 23

21 5 5 5 4 4 23

22 4 4 3 3 3 17

23 4 4 5 5 4 22

24 5 4 5 4 3 21

25 4 4 4 4 3 19

26 4 4 5 4 4 21

27 5 5 5 5 4 24

28 4 4 4 4 5 21

29 5 5 4 4 5 23

30 4 4 4 4 4 20

31 5 4 5 5 4 23

32 4 5 4 4 2 19

33 4 4 4 4 3 19

34 4 4 4 4 4 20

35 4 3 4 3 3 17


36 4 4 4 4 3 19

37 4 4 5 5 4 22

38 4 4 4 4 4 20

39 4 4 4 4 4 20

40 5 5 5 5 5 25

41 5 5 5 4 4 23

42 4 4 4 4 3 19

43 4 4 4 4 3 19

44 4 4 4 4 3 19

45 4 4 4 4 2 18

46 5 5 5 5 5 25

47 4 4 4 4 3 19

48 5 4 4 4 4 21

49 4 4 4 5 4 21

50 4 4 4 4 3 19

51 4 4 5 5 4 22

52 4 4 4 4 4 20

53 4 4 5 5 4 22

54 4 5 4 4 3 20

55 5 5 4 4 4 22

56 4 5 4 4 3 20

57 5 5 5 5 5 25


Respondents Answer Variable Service Tax Authorities (X2)

SUBJEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



1 4 3 4 3 2 4 3 23

2 3 3 4 4 2 3 3 22

3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 26

4 3 4 5 5 1 3 2 23

5 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 25

6 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 27

7 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 32

8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 35

9 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 26

10 5 4 4 4 5 5 4 31

11 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28

12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28

13 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 23

14 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 23

15 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 30

16 4 4 5 5 5 5 3 31

17 4 4 5 4 4 4 3 28

18 4 5 5 4 4 4 2 28

19 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 30

20 4 4 5 5 4 5 3 30

21 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 30

22 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 27

23 3 2 4 1 1 3 1 15

24 2 3 2 3 3 3 1 17

25 4 4 5 5 5 5 3 31

26 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 10

27 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28

28 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 29

29 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 33

30 3 2 3 4 2 4 1 19

31 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 11

32 5 5 5 4 4 4 2 29

33 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 22

34 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7


35 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 27

36 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 27

37 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 29

38 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28

39 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28

40 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28

41 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 25

42 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28

43 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28

44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28

45 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28

46 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 35

47 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28

48 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28

49 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 29

50 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 28

51 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 26

52 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 27

53 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 27

54 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 29

55 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 26

56 3 3 3 2 3 4 2 20

57 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 33


Respondents Answer Variable Tax Sanction (X3)

SUBJEK 1 2 3 4 5



1 3 4 4 3 3 17

2 4 4 4 4 4 20

3 4 4 4 4 3 19

4 4 1 1 5 5 16

5 4 3 4 4 4 19

6 4 4 4 4 4 20

7 4 5 1 4 4 18

8 4 5 5 5 5 24

9 4 3 3 3 3 16

10 4 5 5 4 4 22

11 4 4 4 2 4 18

12 4 4 4 2 4 18

13 4 4 4 4 4 20

14 4 4 4 4 4 20

15 4 5 4 3 4 20

16 1 3 4 2 2 12

17 3 5 4 1 1 14

18 1 1 5 1 2 10

19 1 2 4 1 1 9

20 2 4 5 1 1 13

21 4 4 4 4 4 20

22 3 3 4 4 3 17

23 4 2 4 4 4 18

24 5 5 4 4 5 23

25 4 3 5 4 4 20

26 4 2 5 4 5 20

27 4 4 3 3 4 18

28 5 4 4 3 4 20

29 4 4 4 3 5 20

30 4 4 4 4 4 20

31 5 2 5 5 5 22

32 4 2 5 4 4 19

33 4 4 4 4 4 20

34 4 2 4 5 5 20

35 3 3 4 3 3 16

36 3 4 4 4 3 18

37 4 4 4 4 4 20

38 4 4 4 4 4 20

39 4 4 4 4 4 20

40 5 5 5 5 5 25

41 4 3 3 3 4 17


42 4 4 4 2 4 18

43 4 4 4 2 4 18

44 4 4 4 2 4 18

45 4 4 4 2 4 18

46 5 1 5 5 5 21

47 4 4 4 4 4 20

48 4 4 4 4 4 20

49 3 5 4 3 4 19

50 4 4 4 2 4 18

51 4 4 4 4 4 20

52 4 4 4 4 4 20

53 5 4 4 4 5 22

54 5 3 4 5 4 21

55 5 3 4 4 4 20

56 4 3 4 4 4 19

57 4 3 4 4 3 18


Respondents Answer Variable Tax Compliance (Y)

SUBJEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



1 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 30

2 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 29

3 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 4 37

4 5 5 5 4 4 1 5 3 32

5 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 35

6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32

7 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32

8 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 39

9 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 30

10 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 5 37

11 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32

12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32

13 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 28

14 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 28

15 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 34

16 4 4 4 4 4 3 5 5 33

17 4 4 4 3 3 3 4 5 30

18 4 4 4 4 3 3 5 5 32

19 4 3 4 4 4 3 5 4 31

20 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 5 31

21 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 33

22 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 29

23 5 4 5 5 4 3 5 4 35

24 4 4 4 4 4 1 3 5 29

25 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 5 33

26 5 4 4 4 4 2 2 5 30

27 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32

28 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 5 32

29 5 5 5 4 3 4 4 4 34

30 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 30

31 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 4 36

32 5 4 4 4 2 2 5 4 30

33 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 29


34 4 5 5 4 4 1 4 5 32

35 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 26

36 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 31

37 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 33

38 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32

39 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32

40 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 40

41 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 35

42 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32

43 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32

44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32

45 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32

46 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 40

47 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32

48 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 34

49 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 36

50 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32

51 5 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 33

52 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 33

53 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 36

54 5 4 5 5 4 3 4 4 34

55 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 35

56 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 4 33

57 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 35


Appendix V

Result Of SPSS

Validity Test

Tax Consciousness (X1)


item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 total


Pearson Correlation 1 ,559* ,475 ,452 ,371 ,748**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,030 ,073 ,091 ,173 ,001

N 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,559* 1 ,483 ,421 ,052 ,677**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,030 ,068 ,118 ,854 ,006

N 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,475 ,483 1 ,247 ,497 ,820**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,073 ,068 ,374 ,059 ,000

N 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,452 ,421 ,247 1 ,308 ,615*

Sig. (2-tailed) ,091 ,118 ,374 ,264 ,015

N 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,371 ,052 ,497 ,308 1 ,677**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,173 ,854 ,059 ,264 ,006

N 15 15 15 15 15 15

Pearson Correlation ,748** ,677** ,820** ,615* ,677** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) ,001 ,006 ,000 ,015 ,006

N 15 15 15 15 15 15

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


Service Tax Authorities (X2)


item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 item6 item7 total


Pearson Correlation 1 ,826** ,635* ,000 ,738** ,773** ,513 ,772**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,011 1,000 ,002 ,001 ,051 ,001

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,826** 1 ,682** ,227 ,787** ,727** ,776** ,864**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,005 ,415 ,001 ,002 ,001 ,000

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,635* ,682** 1 ,300 ,703** ,822** ,765** ,852**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,011 ,005 ,277 ,003 ,000 ,001 ,000

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,000 ,227 ,300 1 ,528* ,274 ,669** ,528*

Sig. (2-tailed) 1,000 ,415 ,277 ,043 ,323 ,006 ,043

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,738** ,787** ,703** ,528* 1 ,803** ,847** ,941**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,002 ,001 ,003 ,043 ,000 ,000 ,000

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,773** ,727** ,822** ,274 ,803** 1 ,698** ,887**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,001 ,002 ,000 ,323 ,000 ,004 ,000

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,513 ,776** ,765** ,669** ,847** ,698** 1 ,916**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,051 ,001 ,001 ,006 ,000 ,004 ,000

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,772** ,864** ,852** ,528* ,941** ,887** ,916** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) ,001 ,000 ,000 ,043 ,000 ,000 ,000

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


Tax Sanction (X3)


item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 total


Pearson Correlation 1 ,397 -,026 ,160 ,230 ,524*

Sig. (2-tailed) ,142 ,927 ,570 ,410 ,045

N 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,397 1 ,465 ,194 ,197 ,740**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,142 ,081 ,489 ,482 ,002

N 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation -,026 ,465 1 ,490 ,352 ,716**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,927 ,081 ,064 ,198 ,003

N 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,160 ,194 ,490 1 ,571* ,674**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,570 ,489 ,064 ,026 ,006

N 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,230 ,197 ,352 ,571* 1 ,653**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,410 ,482 ,198 ,026 ,008

N 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,524* ,740** ,716** ,674** ,653** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) ,045 ,002 ,003 ,006 ,008

N 15 15 15 15 15 15

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


Tax Compliance (Y)


item1 item2 item3 item4 item5 item6 item7 item8 total


Pearson Correlation 1 ,829** ,601* ,779** ,715** ,113 ,452 ,319 ,826**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,018 ,001 ,003 ,688 ,091 ,247 ,000

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,829** 1 ,320 ,646** ,791** ,250 ,219 -,066 ,685**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,244 ,009 ,000 ,369 ,433 ,815 ,005

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,601* ,320 1 ,771** ,675** ,214 ,498 ,539* ,792**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,018 ,244 ,001 ,006 ,445 ,059 ,038 ,000

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,779** ,646** ,771** 1 ,876** ,277 ,415 ,455 ,889**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,001 ,009 ,001 ,000 ,318 ,124 ,088 ,000

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,715** ,791** ,675** ,876** 1 ,395 ,198 ,209 ,827**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,003 ,000 ,006 ,000 ,145 ,480 ,455 ,000

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,113 ,250 ,214 ,277 ,395 1 ,406 ,231 ,529*

Sig. (2-tailed) ,688 ,369 ,445 ,318 ,145 ,133 ,407 ,043

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,452 ,219 ,498 ,415 ,198 ,406 1 ,429 ,654**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,091 ,433 ,059 ,124 ,480 ,133 ,110 ,008

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,319 -,066 ,539* ,455 ,209 ,231 ,429 1 ,548*

Sig. (2-tailed) ,247 ,815 ,038 ,088 ,455 ,407 ,110 ,034

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15


Pearson Correlation ,826** ,685** ,792** ,889** ,827** ,529* ,654** ,548* 1

Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,005 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,043 ,008 ,034

N 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


Reliability Test

Tax Consciousness (X1)

Case Processing Summary

N %


Valid 15 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 15 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,730 5

Service Tax Authorities (X2)

Case Processing Summary

N %


Valid 15 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 15 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

item1 4,20 ,414 15

item2 4,33 ,617 15

item3 3,93 ,799 15

item4 4,27 ,458 15

Item5 4,13 ,743 15


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,921 7

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

Item1 4,07 ,799 15

Item2 4,13 ,743 15

Item3 4,00 ,845 15

Item4 4,00 ,845 15

Item5 4,07 ,961 15

Item6 4,00 ,926 15

Item7 3,93 ,884 15

Tax Sanction (X3)

Case Processing Summary

N %


Valid 15 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 15 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,674 5

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N


item1 3,73 ,884 15

Item2 3,13 1,125 15

Item3 3,67 1,047 15

Item4 3,87 ,743 15

Item5 3,80 ,775 15

Tax Compliance (Y)

Case Processing Summary

N %


Valid 15 100,0

Excludeda 0 ,0

Total 15 100,0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the procedure.

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

,851 8

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

item1 4,20 ,561 15

item2 4,20 ,676 15

item3 4,07 ,594 15

item4 4,07 ,458 15

item5 4,00 ,535 15

item6 3,80 ,676 15

item7 4,20 ,676 15

item8 4,13 ,640 15


Variables Entered/Removeda

Model Variables Entered Variables








. Enter

a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE

b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R


Std. Error of the


1 ,773a ,598 ,575 1,855

a. Predictors: (Constant), TAX SANCTION, TAX CONSCIOUSNESS,


b. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Regression 271,427 3 90,476 26,305 ,000b

Residual 182,292 53 3,439

Total 453,719 56

a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE




Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized


t Sig. Collinearity Statistics

B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF


(Constant) 5,523 3,062 1,804 ,077


CONSCIOUSNESS ,820 ,123 ,591 6,669 ,000 ,965 1,037


AUTHORITIES ,128 ,045 ,251 2,818 ,007 ,956 1,046

TAX SANCTION ,348 ,087 ,355 3,995 ,000 ,962 1,040

a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE

Collinearity Diagnosticsa

Model Dimension Eigenvalue Condition Index Variance Proportions

(Constant) TAX







1 3,944 1,000 ,00 ,00 ,00 ,00

2 ,039 10,051 ,00 ,00 ,69 ,17

3 ,013 17,382 ,05 ,27 ,27 ,72

4 ,004 30,371 ,95 ,73 ,04 ,11

a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE

Residuals Statisticsa

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value 28,49 38,86 32,60 2,202 57

Std. Predicted Value -1,866 2,843 ,000 1,000 57

Standard Error of Predicted

Value ,278 ,931 ,462 ,168 57

Adjusted Predicted Value 28,75 38,82 32,57 2,205 57

Residual -3,922 3,255 ,000 1,804 57

Std. Residual -2,115 1,755 ,000 ,973 57

Stud. Residual -2,222 1,859 ,006 1,012 57

Deleted Residual -4,331 3,654 ,023 1,958 57

Stud. Deleted Residual -2,312 1,905 ,004 1,024 57

Mahal. Distance ,273 13,140 2,947 3,106 57


Cook's Distance ,000 ,140 ,022 ,033 57

Centered Leverage Value ,005 ,235 ,053 ,055 57

a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE


Residuals Statisticsa

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation N

Predicted Value 28,49 38,86 32,60 2,202 57

Residual -3,922 3,255 ,000 1,804 57

Std. Predicted Value -1,866 2,843 ,000 1,000 57

Std. Residual -2,115 1,755 ,000 ,973 57

a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Regression 271,427 3 90,476 26,305 ,000b

Residual 182,292 53 3,439

Total 453,719 56

a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE



Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized


t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta


(Constant) 5,523 3,062 1,804 ,077

TAX CONSCIOUSNESS ,820 ,123 ,591 6,669 ,000


AUTHORITIES ,128 ,045 ,251 2,818 ,007

TAX SANCTION ,348 ,087 ,355 3,995 ,000

a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE


Casewise Diagnosticsa

Case Number Std. Residual TAX COMPLIANCE Predicted Value Residual

1 -,422 30 30,78 -,783

2 -1,897 29 32,52 -3,519

3 1,444 37 34,32 2,677

4 -,924 32 33,71 -1,714

5 ,434 35 34,19 ,805

6 -1,067 32 33,98 -1,979

7 ,289 32 31,46 ,536

8 ,078 39 38,86 ,144

9 -,442 30 30,82 -,819

10 1,419 37 34,37 2,632

11 ,565 32 30,95 1,048

12 1,007 32 30,13 1,868

13 -1,622 28 31,01 -3,007

14 -1,622 28 31,01 -3,007

15 -,638 34 35,18 -1,183

16 1,139 33 30,89 2,113

17 -,646 30 31,20 -1,199

18 ,741 32 30,63 1,374

19 -,191 31 31,35 -,354

20 -,942 31 32,75 -1,747

21 -1,177 33 35,18 -2,183

22 ,088 29 28,84 ,164

23 1,755 35 31,75 3,255

24 -2,115 29 32,92 -3,922

25 ,522 33 32,03 ,968

26 -,529 30 30,98 -,981

27 -1,645 32 35,05 -3,051

28 -,763 32 33,42 -1,416

29 -,845 34 35,57 -1,568

30 -,709 30 31,31 -1,315

31 1,378 36 33,44 2,555

32 -,770 30 31,43 -1,428

33 -1,013 29 30,88 -1,879


34 1,199 32 29,78 2,223

35 -1,341 26 28,49 -2,488

36 ,095 31 30,82 ,176

37 -,666 33 34,24 -1,235

38 -,252 32 32,47 -,468

39 -,252 32 32,47 -,468

40 ,913 40 38,31 1,693

41 ,810 35 33,50 1,502

42 ,565 32 30,95 1,048

43 ,565 32 30,95 1,048

44 ,565 32 30,95 1,048

45 1,007 32 30,13 1,868

46 1,180 40 37,81 2,188

47 ,190 32 31,65 ,352

48 ,384 34 33,29 ,713

49 1,581 36 33,07 2,932

50 ,565 32 30,95 1,048

51 -,459 33 33,85 -,851

52 ,356 33 32,34 ,660

53 ,714 36 34,68 1,325

54 ,569 34 32,94 1,056

55 ,620 35 33,85 1,149

56 1,027 33 31,09 1,905

57 -,815 35 36,51 -1,511

a. Dependent Variable: TAX COMPLIANCE
