The Hungry Frog


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Word Bank

InstructionsDescribe and model each target word on the device.

Read the story with the student.

Ask them to find the target word on their device when you come to it in the story.

If they can’t find a word, model the word for them and ask them to try again.

Fay the frog was very hungry.

She wanted something good to eat.

Fay remembered her favorite food. Flies!

She looked around but there were none.

Some flies would make a nice snack.

But, there were none in sight.

Fay saw the fisherman. AHA! He was making noise and scaring away all the flies.

Fay hopped over to a quiet spot in the pond and waited. She was very quiet.

Soon, some flies showed up.

Fay ate them ALL!

There were none left.

The End

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